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Crowne: But even you can't deny that I am who I say I am; I am the Highlight of the Night. At the end of the day you pay to see me, you throw your hard earned dollars and loose change you got at the recycling center for your liquor bottles just to buy a ticket. It doesn't matter if you pay because you want to see me lose or because deep down you know that I'm right and you lack the courage to go against the grain in public but you still show up here, final Friday of each month just to see ME.<br>
Crowne: But even you can't deny that I am who I say I am; I am the Highlight of the Night. At the end of the day you pay to see me, you throw your hard earned dollars and loose change you got at the recycling center for your liquor bottles just to buy a ticket. It doesn't matter if you pay because you want to see me lose or because deep down you know that I'm right and you lack the courage to go against the grain in public but you still show up here, final Friday of each month just to see ME.<br>
But where's Terri? Oh Terri, oh Terri, oh Terri... where's the LONE Champion? Where's Fallcoast's Golden Daughter? Where is she? Where's this 'fighting champion' that I keep hearing about? Why isn't she fulfilling her obligations as a champion and giving me my contractually owed championship opportunity? Why?<br>
But where's Terri? Oh Terri, oh Terri, oh Terri... where's the LONE Champion? Where's Portland's Golden Daughter? Where is she? Where's this 'fighting champion' that I keep hearing about? Why isn't she fulfilling her obligations as a champion and giving me my contractually owed championship opportunity? Why?<br>
Alison Crowne shook her head as she couldn't help but let a very snide chuckle escape.<br>
Alison Crowne shook her head as she couldn't help but let a very snide chuckle escape.<br>
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“I Can't Decide” by Scissor Sisters hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid round of boos.<br>
“I Can't Decide” by Scissor Sisters hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid round of boos.<br>
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, hailing from Hanging Hills, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!<br>
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, hailing from Higgins Beach, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!<br>
Vixen nonchalantly walks to the ring trying to ignore the fans as she rolls in and leans back into the corner, kind of half slumping into it as she waits for her opponent.<br>
Vixen nonchalantly walks to the ring trying to ignore the fans as she rolls in and leans back into the corner, kind of half slumping into it as she waits for her opponent.<br>
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== Backstage Segment ==
== Backstage Segment ==
Coming Soon!<br>
The arena darkens as the titantron lights up. On the iPPV live feed, the cameras cut back towards the parking lot as Linda Edwards is hot en route trying to catch up to Terri Thompson who appears to be set on leaving the arena.<br>
Linda Edwards: Terri, Terri? Can I please have a moment of your time?<br>
Terri keeps walking and brushes past her.<br>
Edwards: Terri? Can I get your thoughts on Alison Crowne? Are you going to give into her demands?<br>
Terri keeps her eyes forward.<br>
Edwards: What about her threat on Wendy, your girlfriend? Do you think she's bluffing or...<br>
Terri stopped and stared at Linda, glaring daggers straight into her soul. After an uncomfortable moment of silence between the two Terri exits the building as the door slams behind her leaving Linda Edwards without a scoop or a single insight.<br>
== "Pretty" Fay Qent in Action ==
== "Pretty" Fay Qent in Action ==
Coming Soon!<br>
“Pretty Vacant” by The Sex Pistols hit the arena as the crowd cheers.<br>
North: Well, Fay Qent is set to compete here shortly. One can imagine that she's trying to get back to some sort of normalcy. Between having her past made more public and dealing with Olga and Debauchee you can tell that she just wants to get back to business and hopefully find her way back into championship contention.<br>
DIC: You know what, serves her right. She's lost her edge. The problem with her is that she's taking a page out of Smelly Terri's book trying to make these flock of sheep accept her instead of stepping on necks and using what kept her alive on the inside. She's a disposable hero. Yeah, these people will cheer you as long as you capture their short attention spans and adhere to their changing moral standards that seem to swing as wildly as a political campaign rally. One day they love you and the next they hate you for the same reason they loved you the day before. You ever notice how the ones who look out for themselves always end up the most successful? Because the victors write the rules and shape history. At one point I thought Qent was going to be the pillar that kept LONE thriving but she's no longer the chosen one; she's gone soft and when you go soft people are going to take your place without a fight.<br>
North: I'd hardly say she's gone down without swinging or putting up a fight. In fact I disagree with the very notion that she's down to begin with. At the end of the day Fay Qent knows what kind of person she is and what rests inside her heart. One mistake doesn't have to define you and I see someone who's doing her best to make sure it doesn't. I believe in Fay Qent, I believe people can change, I believe in second chances.<br>
DIC: Once a felon, always a felon. Enjoy your alternative facts in Imagination Land; I'd rather live in reality.<br>
Baxter: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, she is from Portland, Maine.. she is “Pretty” Fay Qent!<br>
The music keeps playing but nobody comes out.<br>
North: Where's Fay Qent?<br>
DIC: Probably in the back of a police cruiser.<br>
North: Enough already, can you be serious for a single minute?<br>
DIC: Hey, I am serious! She probably skipped a meeting with her parole officer and the judge put out a warrant for her arrest! That's common with felons you know.<br>
North: Why couldn't Bux have kept Frank at the table and fired you for holding out?<br>
DIC: Because I have a really good attorney who helped make my contract about as legally binding and iron clad as you can get.<br>
North: Gee, I would've never known. Should start putting up a little ticker at the bottom of the screen that goes off whenever you mention your attorney.<br>
DIC: Maybe you should. I'm sure he'd enjoy the free advertisement and publicity. That's Mr. Eugene Varano, can we get a ticker on the screen for him?<br>
The music stops playing before starting over again.<br>
Baxter: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, she is from Portland, Maine.. she is “Pretty” Fay Qent!<br>
The music keeps playing but still nobody comes out.<br>
North: Something's not right, can we have the cameras cut to the backstage area real quick?<br>
As the cameras catch the backstage area Fay Qent finds her path to the curtain cut off as Frank Debauchee himself is there gyrating and swiveling his hips with a grin on his face as Fay Qent looks absolutely disgusted and like she's about to do something about it. Before she can get within arm's reach however Olga cracks a champagne bottle over the back of her head! Qent quickly crumbles to the ground amongst broken glass and a small sea of now spoiled and spilled bubbly stuff.<br>
DIC: Man, I never get tired of this! Debauchee is a genius, he always has another way to catch you off guard and make you run willingly into a pit trap. Nobody ever realizes it until it's too late.<br>
North: Yeah, what a 'man' he is, huh? He's got the physique of a Greek God and still has to stoop to such low tactics. He shouldn't even be here!<br>
DIC: Not only is he Olga's husband but he is licensed to manage in the state of Maine and the surrounding New England area. Those are the rules, boy scout. You don't get to cry about the rules and then decide which ones don't apply.<br>
Olga places her foot on Qent's back as Debauchee reaches into his coat pocket and produces 2 champagne glasses, handing one to Olga before pulling out what also appeared to be another bottle of the bubbly. With this thumb he pops the cork off to the ground as he pours a glass for himself and his Russian bride as they have a toast and tip their glasses back. Then in the ultimate act of disrespect with the bottle he begins pouring the champagne over Qent while she's on the ground.<br>
DIC: Olga and Debauchee appear to be celebrating on an extended honeymoon. I like it when good things happen to good people. You guys deserve it!<br>
North: They better enjoy it while it lasts. Do you know what happens when you push someone and push them and push them for so long? Sooner or later they snap and there's going to be hell to pay. Qent isn't going to forget this and I'm not sure she's the kind of person I want to invoke all out war with; we've already seen a taste of it with her series of matches against Alison Crowne. I have a feeling that pendulum is going to swing back and swing back very very soon. Debauchee and Olga are going to be in for a rude awakening.<br>
DIC: I think the circumstances clearly disagree with you right now, Kev-O. Look at who's standing and who's not! Keep dreaming!<br>
Debauchee hooks his arm in with Olga's as the two begin to walk off as EMTs and security rush the scene.<br>
== Contract Signing ==
== Contract Signing ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Fame by David Bowie hits the arena as the crowd cheers.<br>
North: That song can only mean one person, The Boss himself is here! Earlier tonight we got news that Jack E. Bux would be here in the flesh to address the tag team championship situation but in true Bux style we're going to do it in the ring!<br>
DIC: You should be lucky he still signs your checks. I've been telling him for months that I've got the chops to call this show solo.<br>
North: Me? You're a walking sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.<br>
DIC: One more word and I'll contact my attorney Mr. Varano to sue for defamation of character.<br>
Sure enough a black carpet covering had be rolled out in the ring with a table set up in the middle of the ring with several chairs. Security also happens to be surrounding the ring in larger than usual numbers Jack E. Bux steps out in a slick and stylish Armani suit as he spreads his arms out wide to the standing ovation he's receiving, it was as if he was receiving a homecoming after the dark days that preceded. Jack E. Bux slaps fans hands as he walked down the ramp and even stopped to take a selfie with a family in the front row before walking up the steps and stepping through the ropes into the ring.<br>
Bux: How is everyone tonight? Are you enjoying the show?<br>
The crowd cheers as Bux moves his arm up and down to encourage them to make some noise.<br>
Bux: But first I need to take care of some additional business. Originally I had only come out here to settle one championship situation but when you're the Boss you're always making deals and steering the ship into stable waters. While it is true Terri Thompson has not been able to defend the LONE Championship over the last several shows part of that is in part to the actions of Alison Crowne immediately after she beat Glorious One in the post match celebration. Now normally Glorious One would have the right to the first championship opportunity as the former champion but she hasn't returned my calls and as far as I know she's out of action indefinitely. I can only act on the information I know and if you don't show up to work I can't really reward that in good faith. That said she has earned the right to determine the next move of her career after gracing the ring over the past several decades and I will give her all the time she needs there. At the same time the show must go on; I need to do what's best for LONE.<br>
Bux paces around the ring as he holds the microphone in his hand.<br>
Bux: Alison Crowne on the other hand claims that she deserves the first title opportunity and that Terri Thompson promised her the first shot at the belt. This is true, but Terri Thompson made a deal she did not have the authority to make. Furthermore I am hesitant to reward Alison Crowne's recent bad behavior. However...<br>
Bux holds up his index finger on his free hand.<br>
Bux: Earlier tonight she insisted that she wanted Alison Crowne and she wanted her in a match next month no matter what it cost. Alison Crowne wants a championship match. So let me ask everyone here tonight, do you want to see Terri Thompson vs Alison Crowne for the LONE Championship on the next show?<br>
The crowd cheers very loudly causing Bux to smile.<br>
Bux: Well then you guys are making my job easy for me. In the interest of giving the fans what they want and keeping the lawyers out of my office making demands and legal threats I'm going to give them both what they want. At Lone Supremacy 17 Terri Thompson will make her first defense of her second reign against Alison Crowne!<br>
DIC: Good thing too, I was going to refer her to my attorney if he didn't.<br>
North: Varano isn't cheap.<br>
DIC: I'd pay for it.<br>
North: Not even.<br>
DIC: Queen Alison is doing the community a service, it's the least I can do.<br>
North: Oh brother...<br>
Bux: But that's not the only championship situation that needs to be decided. Last show Spice and Ice and the Gucci Gals faced off in what many would call an instant classic. You had two teams that not only wanted to prove that they were the best in the world but also how much they hated one another. It was good for business, I'm not going to lie. I'd rather they do that in my ring than backstage or while people are busy trying to buy popcorn, pizza, or the many wonderful drinks we have at our concession stands. But when I made the match I expected it to take place in this very ring and not spill into the stands and I expected some kind of conclusion. When you got two very deserving teams, teams you believe are the top of the class outside the champs themselves you need to give them both an opportunity, both teams made very convincing arguments before and after on why they should be the next to challenge No Fly Zone. So it's without further ado that...<br>
“Gucci Gang” by Lil' Pump suddenly blasts over the public address sound system as the fans immediately start to boo as Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula come walking out with arrogant smirks expressed on their faces.<br>
DIC: There they are, the number one contenders!<br>
North: Somehow I don't think Jack E. Bux was ready to announce his choice yet; he was getting to that point. I don't think this is very wise, you don't interrupt the boss, especially when he has yet to reach a verdict.<br>
DIC: Come on... COME ON! They left no doubt in my mind that they are the ones that deserve the shot.<br>
Walking down the aisle while blatantly snubbing the fans, they get down to the ring and enter as the crowd begins to boo even louder. Gucci waves her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI before talking smack to the fans while Prada puts a hand out as if she's pie facing fans who oogle/berate her. Bux looks less than impressed as the Gucci Gals enter the ring with smiles on their faces as Miss Gucci straightens Bux's blazer with a smile while Prada Paula shamelessly panders to Bux pointing to him saying 'That's our boss!'. Bux however appeared stonefaced to this shameless attempt to butter him up but before he could speak...<br>
Ms. Gucci: You know, some people think that Terri made a mistake when she sent Drew packing, and you know I'm not one to agree with her like... at all... but I'm going to ensure the buck stops here by clarifying on the record that The Gucci Gals were always team Jack E.<br>
Paula: I mean just look at you, stylin' and enterprisin' bringing a slice of the Drama City and breathing life into an otherwise dull state like Maine.<br>
Paula: I know, there's nothing to do here! But The Gucci Gals, we're frontrunners, we're dynasty gals. You are our Bill Bellichi... you're our Tom Brady! Our young and handsome stud of a captain!<br>
Miss Gucci gives Paula a kinda look when she began to compare the boss to someone commonly known as Darth Hoodie in some parts of the internet and sports culture but gives a nod of approval when she compared him to the photogenic franchise quarterback instead.<br>
Paula: We run with the franchise; you all think you want the new kid on the block but why abandon a champion brand? And Jack E., we appreciate all the love coming from you as well.<br>
Ms. Gucci: Loyalty and loyalty in kind. We love you, boss!<br>
Bux: Listen; I appreciate the... attempts to butter me up. I do. But I never announced my decision.<br>
Ms. Gucci: So you haven't decided?<br>
Bux: I never said that. I've had my decision made for several weeks now. Don't give me a reason to change my mind.<br>
DIC: I knew it!<br>
Gucci and Paula exchange nervous glances and zip their lips figuratively speaking with a silent motion in stereo. Bux hold up a clipboard with the LONE logo featured prominently on the back.<br>
Bux: You both showed a lot of passion and determination. I saw no quit from either one of you and it's that kind of attitude that I want front and center as my pillars of the tag team division. On the other hand...<br>
Paula: What do you mean? Usually that's what you say before you yank the carpet right out from someone.<br>
Bux shot her a death glare, quickly putting an end to that monologue before it could begin.<br>
Bux: So did your opponents. Spice and Ice; Cinnamon and Violent Violet brought unparalleled violence and rage to the table on the last Supremacy. I saw two women who entered with a chip on their shoulders, who felt they weren't getting their dues and were going unnoticed. I saw initiative and fortitude and a risk to put their bodies on the line to reach for that brass ring.<br>
The Gucci Gals seemed beside themselves and insulted as their jaws hung slack and slightly open.<br>
Bux: Which is what made this such a hard decision, making sure everything was taken into account based on what each team brought to the table. So it is at this time that I'd like to...<br>
Suddenly “Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young plays over the public address sound system as both Cinnamon and Violent Violet step out onto the stage to a large chorus of boos. They decided to be festive this evening, with Cinnamon wearing a Poison Ivy costume and Violent Violet wearing a fedora, vest over a dress shirt, slacks and loafers as if she's some kind of 1930s mobster.<br>
North: Oh boy...<br>
DIC: There they are, the number one contenders!<br>
North: Didn't you just say that a few minutes ago?<br>
DIC: You know what, I've always said from the beginning that Spice and Ice were the ones that deserved the shot. I mean come on, are you going to tell them no after what they put themselves through last show?<br>
North: That's not the point, DIC. The point is you just flip flopped trying to pick what you think is the winning side.<br>
DIC: I know you want in on the bandwagon before it leaves town but we're fresh out of seats. Sucks to suck!<br>
Walking down the aisle and to the ring, they walk up the steel steps and step into the ring. They smirk and stand in their respective corner as Cinnamon extends a leg forward and does a split. She starts to lean backwards and sways her arms as if she's slowly swimming backwards, before Violet takes her hand and helps her up. Bux looks incredibly irritated while the Gucci Gals are chomping at the bit to tackle their rivals to the ground and start another battle in what is quickly becoming an all out war but seeing security lining the outside with a few taking a step forward decide to momentarily bite their tongues.<br>
Cinnamon: Wise move, Jackie Boy! A true man of class like you certainly doesn't accept any cheap imitations when you got the genuine article at your fingertips. I mean come on, 'Prada' Paula, Miss 'Gucci, you don't even wear the brands you claim to rep digging in lice infested flea market bins sifting through counterfeit fashion; come on! Violet and I, we're the spice you all need in your lives and in your tag team division and we ice the competition... every single time.<br>
Violet stands there with a sadistic grin as she rubbed her hands together methodically as her partner spoke, almost as if she were daring the Gucci Gals to make a move.<br>
Cinnamon: So Jackie Boy, you can stop being nice. We both know this was a decision that was easy to make as apple pie. There's no point in sparing their feelings...<br>
Cinnamon waved dismissively at Paula and Gucci.<br>
Cinnamon: We're here to compete, we're here to compete every single night! We'll take on No Fly Zone right now if we have to and send the horse-faced duo back to the glue factory. Every show that passes without the belts around our deserving waists is another missed opportunity so allow us to do you a favor Jackie Boy so you can put some Spice and Ice on your posters and start raking in the real money!<br>
Bux: Are you done yet? You are? Good. Now last I checked this wasn't open mic night where anyone could just step on up and sing their greatest hits. I don't carry a keg of alcohol on my back and I don't have a butler who just serves drinks on demand... that's probably a good thing. There's a time for pleasure and there's a time for business and you better believe right now I'm all about business! Now if you'll just give me three minutes of your time I can finally...<br>
"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as the LONE Tag Team Champions makes their way from behind the curtain.<br>
At this point Bux just tosses his microphone in the air as it thuds on the ground, throwing his hands up as he was just giving up.<br>
In confidence they stand, making their way down to the ring and giving high fives to all of their fans along the way. Felicia is in a Suicide Squad Harley Quinn costume. Kayoko is looking like the evil spirit girl from The Ring. They look ready for action, sliding into the ring and jumping into different corners with their arms up and getting the love from the crowd. By this time Bux finally picked up the microphone as Felicia grabbed one from the nearby table.<br>
Felicia: Listen, I know time is money. I get it, we're on the clock. Fact of the matter is Kayoko and I don't care, we don't care who we have to face. But we're ready, we're back from tour and we're here to keep leading the charge into the future. We want to take tag team wrestling back to the lofty heights in which they used to soar, we want to be the wind beneath the wings in which we all soar!<br>
Bux: Well, I'm very glad to hear that. Because the announcement I was planning to make; that I would've made ten minutes ago if I didn't keep on getting interrupted, concerns all six of you. The simple fact of the matter is that last show we did not have a winner, in fact we didn't even have a legal finish! The second official made a judgment call based on what he saw at the time and he counted what he believed to be a legal pin. Now even if we were to let that judgment call stand the fact of the matter is that Miss Gucci AND Violent Violet's shoulders were both pinned to the mat for a three count. That means we were left with no decisive winner. Now as I watched the match probably three or four times hoping I didn't get a call from my attorney telling me that I was getting sued from Violet's little stunt in the crowd I knew I had several options to choose from. I could just book the match again and have a high likelihood of history repeating itself, I could try to book a special stipulation that would discourage another draw or no contest and risk having my number one contenders being in no shape to actually challenge for the LONE Tag Team Championship, or I could've just suspended all four of you while trying to decide the NEXT two teams up to face No Fly Zone several months later. Now none of those options really appealed to me because let's be honest, the four of you would've ignored my mandate and tried to kill each other anyway.<br>
Bux says this as he turns his attention to Spice and Ice and the Gucci Gals who didn't really try to hide it with their body language.<br>
Bux: None of that is ultimately good for my bottom line and these great people came here to see a show. So I came up with another solution, Option D if you will. There were no winners right? There were no losers either. I need a championship match and I need one with a decisive outcome so let me tell ya what's going to happen. At LONE 17 we will be having a Double Main Event, in addition to the LONE Championship match for the first time ever we will have a Triple Threat Tag Team match for the LONE Tag Team Championship as No Fly Zone defends against both Spice and Ice and The Gucci Gals.<br>
The crowd cheers loudly as both sets of challengers seem irritated and restless both at the fact that they want to get their hands on one another and that their chances of winning the title were nearly were dramatically slashed. No Fly Zone on the other hand appear ready for the challenge as Felicia Hawkins quickly steps forward as Kayoko turns around to let her sign on her back before passing it off and returning the favor before placing the pen and contract on the table. Prada Paula and Miss Gucci are up next and sign on the dotted lines.<br>
Miss Gucci: Be careful what you ask for. We could've done this clean and Gucci, now we're going to have cancel these side acts like Homer and Poochie.<br>
Cinnamon raises her eyebrows, halfway taken aback and amused at the same time as she stepped up and signed her name next.<br>
Cinnamon: You know what, look at you with your little Simpsons remark. Someone's been binge watching their twenty-seven season box set. But just like Homer and his family you've overstayed your welcome and well past your expiration date. And you two, the champs? You're the spin-off nobody asked for. But don't let the sign and poster guy fool you, next month isn't going to be a show for all ages because when the Cinnamon and Violet show rolls back into town you're going to be looking at the pilot of the great tag team revival and it won't be for the faint of heart.<br>
Violet signed the contract as Cinnamon spoke and as if on cue walked over and headbutted Prada Paula. Kayoko and Felicia Hawkins are quick to join the fray as Miss Gucci steps up to defend her partner. All six women begin exchanging fists with one another as Jack E. Bux quickly made his exit to the outside. The security team stood at attention waiting for orders as Bux just stood on the outside and watched them fight each other for a full minute before finally motioning with both arms to get in and separate them,<br>
North: Bux has reached his limit! But next month we'll be be back as we... we're all out of time! Drive home safe and we'll see you next month. Holy shit..<br>
Cinnamon, Violet, Paula, and Gucci all start to attack the guards forming what appears to be a temporary truce as they showed a united front. Felicia and Kayoko quickly take advantage of the situation and ascend opposing turnbuckles before both flying through the air with a pair of crossbodies that takes the other four women and several security guards out with them as they begin brawling on the floor. More security piles out from the back as they're quick to storm the ring but it quickly spills outside as Felicia and Gucci struggle with one another by the barricade, Violent Violet and Kayoko fight in a corner in the ring as Prada Paula jump on her back and clings to her, her legs flailing as Violet spins around hitting security and Kayoko alike. Cinnamon then hits Felicia into Gucci from behind with a baseball slide to the outside before piling on Gucci herself. Bux is furiously waiving for more help as backstage agents begin piling out, Frank Washington and even the head of Talent Relations himself, Steven O'Reilly making rare appearances in an attempt to restore order as the feed is abruptly cut.<br>

Latest revision as of 16:56, 28 November 2020



The stage where the wrestlers come through, with the titantron above it, starts to shoot off pyro in the colors of LONE. *Boom boom boom booom! Baraaarraarrraarraaa BANG!

The live feed on the iPPV cuts in now on our Play by Play man Kevin North, and his Color Commentary partner Dexter Irving Cornelius aka DIC. You always need more DIC. Everyone loves DIC. DIC himself would tell you even lesbians love DIC.

North: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for once again welcoming us into your homes. I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner DIC and this is LONE Supremacy! After last month's chaotic end we will hear from Jack E. Bux later tonight in regards to the LONE Tag Team Championship situation. Tonight we'll also be seeing Qent in action after another vicious attack from Olga left her sidelined.

DIC: Speaking of Olga, I'd like to wish her and Frank Debauchee a happy honeymoon in Moscow. Last month they renewed their vows and you know me, I like it when good things happen to good people. Hope you two enjoyed a well-deserved vacation!

North: Good people, I don't think that phrase means what you think it does.

DIC: It's subjective, sure. They take out the trash and make LONE a more enjoyable product and Debauchee is a great wingman to boot. Good people in my book!

North: Good grief. Also expected tonight we have Vixen and The Perfect Shot Penelope Silven coming to blows after Vixen's sudden betrayal several months ago and more but first...

As I Am by Dream Theater hits the arena as the lights dim save for one spotlight shining at the backstage curtain.

DIC: First we're being graced by The Highlight of the Night herself, Alison Crowne! Did I tell you that she's my favorite in all of LONE?

North: I don't think you did...

DIC: All it took was her embracing the darkness and opening her eyes. I tell you what Kev-O, I think she's the one!

North: You know she'd break you in half without breaking a sweat right?

Alison Crowne emerges from the back in a what appears to be a red/black two tone version of her ring gear adapted for the Halloween season. With two vertical white stripes running down her trunks with red hearts with two rows of horizontal stripes of the same on a black sleeveless ring jacket and a crown on her head she stood on the stage oozing of confidence taking in the hostile reaction with her arms spread wide.

DIC: WOW! How can you say that isn't worth it? She's definitely the Queen of my heart!

North: It appears tonight Alison Crowne has adapted the Queen of Hearts into her ring attire but we're definitely not in Wonderland anymore.

DIC: Maybe not but LONE is her kingdom and soon, very soon she'll be the rightful LONE Champion; don't forget that she's the number one contender!

North: Might as well had been through emotional blackmail though.

DIC: Emotional blackmail? For all the torment Terri had put her through it's the very least she could've done. She was an awful friend to her and never once watched her back when she needed it. Alison Crowne possesses a righteous fury that will cleanse LONE of trash like Terri Thompson, mark my words!

Alison Crowne revels in all the jeers and boos thrown her way as she takes her time walking down the ramp with an appetite for malice glistening in her eyes with a mischievous grin to match, a stark contrast to her past demeanor only several months ago.

Baxter: Please welcome at this time, the Number One Contender to the LONE Championship, she insists she be announced from now on as the 'Highlight of the Night'... Alison Crowne!

Alison Crowne slowly makes her way up the steps as she motions Baxter over, ordering him to sit on the middle rope to let her inside, something he appears to do with a bit of reluctance as she steps between the ropes, holding her crown on top of her head with her hand as she does.

DIC: All hail the Queen!

Alison Crowne spins around slowly in the center of the ring with her arms stretched out wide as the hostile crowd boos her even louder than before. Finally she reaches over the ropes to grab a microphone from the timekeeper as the lights returned to normal.

Crowne: Seventeen and a half seconds. Seventeen and a half seconds; that's all it took to put the big ole Hipp O. down. I didn't even need the full twenty to make her tap out. One month later and people are still talking about it; talking about ME.

She says that as she motions her thumb sharply to herself.

Crowne: I'll give the Gucci Gals and Spice and Ice some credit, they generated some buzz too; good for them. It was pure anarchy, it might as well had been a street war but you look at the four of them and you look at me there's no doubt in anyone's mind that nobody finishes quite like me. Nobody has the ruthless efficiency that I operate and carry myself with. While others like to make a mess inside and out of the ring I move with a sniper's precision; I know what I want, I know how to get it, and I know where all the vitals are to strike as clean as a whistle while inflicting maximum pain and suffering. Don't let some people fool you, everyone likes to say how they're the perfect this, the perfect that, how they can hit a target fifty yards out dead center in a video package yet can't even grasp the basics in front of a live audience. I don't need a thousand takes out in a field in the middle of nowhere for fifteen seconds of film to highlight one good shot out of nine hundred and ninety-nine duds that were no where close to hitting. I don't need to be manufactured by a couple of monkeys or hyenas in a media trailer in the parking lot, what you see with me is what you get. I get it right the first time, I do everything live and I leave you with a result that speaks for itself. If I have something I need to say, I say it. And hate me all you want for the things I've done to your little 'Chosen One' but I have no problems coming out here and speaking my mind about it after the fact.

The crowd knows exactly who she was talking about when she uttered the words 'Chosen One' as they take this as an invitation to start chanting for Terri.


Crowne: Oh TRUST me, I'll definitely be getting to that one shortly. What separates me from most of the girls in the back is that I'm authentic; I'm the real deal. Three and Oh in Mixed Martial Arts, former Florida State Martial Arts Champion, life time practitioner of Muay Thai, kick boxing, judo, I've trained in krav maga to expand my repertoire. I've built my own name, on my own sweat and tears starting at the very bottom when I could've used my family's name and started at the very top if not close to it. Hate me, I hope every single one of you here do. Go ahead, boo, shout names at me. Come on, give me your worst.


Crowne: Really? That's it?


Crowne: Come on. Are you all that low on originality? What am I saying, this state was part of the colony that burned women alive for 'witchcraft' just because they could read and write or swim. You're used to doing things the wrong way.


Crowne: But even you can't deny that I am who I say I am; I am the Highlight of the Night. At the end of the day you pay to see me, you throw your hard earned dollars and loose change you got at the recycling center for your liquor bottles just to buy a ticket. It doesn't matter if you pay because you want to see me lose or because deep down you know that I'm right and you lack the courage to go against the grain in public but you still show up here, final Friday of each month just to see ME.

But where's Terri? Oh Terri, oh Terri, oh Terri... where's the LONE Champion? Where's Portland's Golden Daughter? Where is she? Where's this 'fighting champion' that I keep hearing about? Why isn't she fulfilling her obligations as a champion and giving me my contractually owed championship opportunity? Why?

Alison Crowne shook her head as she couldn't help but let a very snide chuckle escape.

Crowne: It's because she's scared. She saw what I was doing to Grandma Glorious when I had my one and only opportunity to date at the LONE Championship and she saw that I was on the cusp of creating history and toppling the house and their stacked deck against me. She saw that with my face drenched in my own sweat and blood I was still coming at Glorious One like a hound out of hell... do you really... do any of you REALLY think Terri Thompson wants any piece of me in a straight up and fair fight? She knows she can't beat me one on one with all things being equal and the fact that I'm living rent free in her head; she can't handle it. Nobody deserves an opportunity but Terri Thompson. That's the definition of Gutter Trash if you ask me; selfish and scared. So since she's not here to give me what I've earned for yet another month I'm going to give somebody in the back an opportunity, just like I gave Hipp O. Potamus last month. I'm going to give one lucky person the chance to Chase the Crowne.

"The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne vs. Madison Anderson

Poker Face by Lady Gaga hits the arena as a young blonde woman walks out from the back to a decent ovation from the crowd, the fact that she wasn't Alison Crowne helped her a bit here despite being an unknown. She tries to keep a poker face as the song suggests but looking closely a trained observer could see the fear in her eyes as she made her way to the ring as she slapped fans hands before slide into the ring. The music dies down as she stands in the ring, Alison Crowne removing the crown on her head and her ring jacket during the entrance, revealing a very noticeable black heart on the left side of her red top.

Crowne: Everyone give her a round of applause!

The crowd, very cautiously does so as nobody is quite sure what to expect.

Crowne: Now, what's your name.

? ? ?: Madison, Madison Anderson and I'm a student at 4WA!

This gets a decent reaction out of the crowd knowing that this young lady trains locally. Alison Crowne seems less than impressed as she puts her arm around Madison, the young lady trying very hard to not wince.

Crowne: Wow, so you're actually trying to take this seriously. More than I can say about some in the back.

Alison Crowne rolled her eyes.

Crowne: Madison, how long have you been training, a few years? You start pursuing this right after high school? You look like you got a decent head on your shoulders.

Madison: About eight months actually.

Crowne: Eight months? Hey, look at you go! That's a long time for someone to stick to something. What did you do before you decided to pursue this sport?

Madison: Well, I was the captain of the cheerleading squad at my university.

Alison Crowne gave a very prolonged and exaggerated eye roll at this.

Crowne: Hmmm.... okay, okay. Well, Madison; it's not all smiles, rainbows, lollipops and jocks around here. There's no star quarterback to protect you... actually there's nobody here that can protect you...

Crowne flashed a menacing smirk at the green rookie, Madison was darting her eyes around in a nervous wreck looking for a way out. Meanwhile a ringside official has entered the ring from the timekeeper's area

Crowne: See, I went too easy on Hipp O. She's been here a while and she should know what to expect and how the pecking order works around here. But to make sure that you don't fall into the same bad... habits some of the bimbos around here have I'll need to give you a crash course in Wrestling 101. I'm going to make a highlight out of you Madison and I promise; it's going to hurt. And Terri, wherever you are I hope you watch this because tonight I'm going to treat little miss Madison here like I'm going to treat you; like a sick animal that needs to be put down. Ring the bell.


North: What a way to debut, makes me wonder if she had any idea what she was getting into tonight before hand.

DIC: Probably pulled a bunch of straws in the back and she pulled the short one. Talk about a heavy underdog. Queen Alison is going to reduce her from a solid 7 to a 3 by the time she's through with her.

North: I admit the odds don't appear to be in her favor. Upsets do happen though and she'd easily be catapulted to the top of the class if she could somehow manage to shock the world.

DIC: Yeah, but not when the future champ already has you literally in her grasp before the opening bell. You're starting with two feet in the grave already.

North: Unfortunately... you may be right.

DIC: You know I'm right. Get used to it.

With Alison Crowne still having her arm around Madison Anderson as the bell rings she quickly throws her down on the ground and begins a furious and relentless ground and pound as she hammers viciously at her foe's face with repeated punches. Madison Anderson does her best to cover up and defend herself but Crowne's punches appear to be too quick and too heavy to effectively defend as she is quick to find holes in her sloppy defense technique.

North: End the match, call it off. Madison can't defend herself for very long against that. She's trying her damnedest but if there was any time for a TKO this would be it.

DIC: She can always verbally submit but her head's probably so scrambled up I doubt she could form a coherent sentence!

North: Even more reason to throw this match out now.

The referee watches Madison Anderson very closely and is close to signaling for a medical stoppage already as it's clear that she's very close to being unable to defend herself but right before he can Alison Crowne grabs her by the arm, prying it away from her face and flipping her over for a seated fujiwara armbar. Madison Anderson immediately taps out as she unleashes a blood curdling scream.

Baxter: Here is your winner by submission the 'Highlight of the Night'... Alison Crowne!

North: What has gotten into Alison Crowne? I... I don't understand this change in attitude. She was always talented and she always did everything the right way. She had sportsmanship and at the end of the day never wanted to see someone's career damaged or ended over a match no matter how heated things got between the bells. Yet here she is approaching matches with such viciousness and aggression I've rarely seen.

DIC: Come on, clear the wax out of your ears; she told everyone why! I love it, Kevin, I love it! Call it aggressive and vicious, because it was. But at no point did she get reckless and stray away from her game plan, she remained disciplined and was in complete control from start to finish. We saw an assassin's killer instinct, a deadly form of discipline that knows exactly when and where to go for the kill-shot. And she did it all with the unofficial time of... 14.17 seconds and she looked hot while doing it!

The referee yells for the hold to be broken but Alison Crowne refuses, if anything she cranks up the pressure and torque. The look in her eyes was ice cold; without a shred of sympathy or remorse and a sadistic grin slowly crept across her face as Madison Anderson screamed even louder as her free arm was tapping furiously and yelling for her to let go.

North: Enough is enough, you made your point! She's not going to be satisfied until she breaks her arm and rips it out of her socket! She's going to cause permanent and long lasting damage, why snuff out a career before it starts, why?

DIC: Because only the strong survive! She tried Chasing the Crowne and got left in dust. She couldn't seize the opportunity; she couldn't answer the call. Some of the most important lessons in life are earned the hard way and if she can somehow survive this she'll be stronger because of it. She's doing her a favor!

North: You're sick!

DIC: Adapt or perish, baybay.

Post match Segment

Alison Crowne bends her foes arm at an angle that appears the human body was never meant to bend at, Madison Anderson's eyes were full of fear at what was going to happen next. The official stood there helpless knowing that any sudden move would just cause her to snap it anyway as he tried to reason with her in vain to not do this. Finally the crowd erupted in cheers as Terri Thompson came bolting out from the back, championship in hand as she made a furious bee line for the ring. Alison Crowne kept the hold locked in as she stared at her former best friend, only releasing the hold at the very last possible second before quickly rolling to the outside as Terri rushed in, wearing her usual ring gear and her leather vest adorned with various patches.

North: Finally! Terri Thompson has had enough and she's come out to put an end to this!

DIC: I thought I smelled something rotten, I should've known!

Alison Crowne tapped the side of her head as Terri Thompson glared daggers at her before checking on the unfortunate rookie who was cradling her arm on the mat. Crowne pointed at the championship as she spoke loud enough for the cameras to pick up.

Crowne: You know what I want. You know exactly what I want. This is going to keep happening until you give me the match I was promised.

She held up three fingers as she wasn't done jawing off.

Crowne: Three months, three months since you've won the title without a single defense. What's your excuse this time? Maybe I should go after Wendy next? I know where to find her. Would that get your attention?

Terri's eyes light up as she lunges at her through the middle rope as several referees rush down to try to restrain her while checking on Madison Anderson. Alison Crowne just slowly and arrogantly motions around her waist for the belt as she makes her way towards the back corner of the barricade.

Crowne: Don't make me take her from you first; before you lose your belt. Make the match happen.

With that she hops over the barricade and exits through the crowd as security clears a path for her exit.

Vixen vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven

“I Can't Decide” by Scissor Sisters hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid round of boos.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, hailing from Higgins Beach, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!

Vixen nonchalantly walks to the ring trying to ignore the fans as she rolls in and leans back into the corner, kind of half slumping into it as she waits for her opponent.

Sabaton's "White Death" soon starts and out from the curtain emerges "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven. She makes gun motions with both hands and points them towards the ring. Bang bang!

Baxter: And her opponent... 'The Perfect Shot' Penelope Silven!

Penelope Silven walks down the aisle, slapping hands with a few fans before climbing the stairs and stepping through the ropes. She climbs onto the middle ropes of the nearest turnbuckle and throws her hands up into the air, then makes the gun motion again towards the fans. She jumps down and then hops in place, waiting for the match to start.


North: Two former friends finally facing off. Vixen still hasn't really given a satisfactory explanation for turning her back on her friend but The Perfect Shot has a chance right now to make things right; or as right as they can be.

DIC: I mean you got a girl scout versus a thief, and the girl scout has no cookies. Hard pass. Wouldn't be surprised if Vixen stole that too.

North: I'm a little surprised, normally you have a thing for girls gone bad. I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much with you being... slightly more professional.

DIC: It's personal. I said from the beginnng that she was a no good thief and people thought it was funny but when she proves what a degenerate she really is NOW people want to get on the DIC bandwagon?

North: I don't think anyone is trying to start a bandwagon for you.

DIC: They wouldn't be invited anyway so instead I'll just say this, I told you so. I told you so. I told all of you and I was right. Silven is still kinda hot, I mean look at her. But an attitude change would make her closer to a perfect 10 in my book.

Vixen lazily pulls herself upright after leaning nonchalantly against the turnbuckle as she stares down her former friend. Silven slowly walks to her asking her 'what's wrong with her' only to get pie-faced from Vixen who's eyes suddenly light up as she kicks her right in the face. Silven crashes to the mat a Vixen is quick to pounce her on the ground throwing sloppy but effective lefts and rights as Silven struggles to defend herself as she tries to cover up her face. Vixen takes advantage of this and sucker punches her in the gut before finally getting up.

DIC: What did I tell you, Kev-O, I was right about her all along!

North: Not exactly in the spirit of clean competition but technically not illegal by Vixen.

DIC: Probably looking for her wallet.

"Shit. I wonder if they have tapes? They must have tapes. No idea what's going on here narrative wise, but..." Evelynn apparently has a tendency to talk to herself in these situations. Thankfully, surrounded by fans, most more raucous than herself, no one's calling her crazy yet. She's well in to beer 2 at this point, relaxing visibly in her seat.

Vixen crouches low like she's stalking Silven waiting for her to get up and swiftly goes for the Foxtrot Feint (Tiger Feint Kick) as she connects dead on. Vixen hooks the leg for the cover as the referee drops down to count. 1.......2......KICKOUT! Silven just barely managed to shoot her shoulder up but appears to be disoriented and confused as she does so. Vixen just nonchalantly shrugs as she sits up with her new devil may care attitude and grabs Silven by the hair which earns her a stern rebuke from the official. Vixen turns her head and stares right at the ref as she begins grating Silven's face repeatedly against the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break which of course is promptly ignored forcing him to begin the standard 5 count.






Right before the count of 5 Vixen just lets go causing Silven to nearly fall but she manages to cling onto the rope to maintain her shaky balance. Vixen kicks Silven in the back of the knee causing Silven to grab on harder to the top rope before Vixen slaps her in the face. The crowd boos Vixen who briefly appears taken back by the reaction before she throws her body weight on Silven trying to press herself against the rope to choke her! The referee begins to count but Vixen grabs onto the top rope to keep herself positioned there, hammering with her free hand at her face.





Finally Vixen lets go as Silven gasps for air as Vixen shot off a sneer. Silven gasps for air leaning against the top rope as Vixen runs off the opposite end of the ring and appears to leapfrog over the top rope, onto the apron and grabbing Silven's head comes crashing down onto the apron, the force and rebound effectively throws Silven onto the mat clutching her neck in agony.

North: Not quite the rebound I'd be looking for... Vixen seems to have got all of that square on the target.

DIC: I think the Perfect Shot is about to become the Perfect Victim at this rate. That's what happens when you trust a rat and let her get close to you!

North: Speaking from experience, eh?

DIC: She stole my wallet and I didn't even trust her to begin with! I'm lucky she didn't steal my credit card and my social security number. I bet you a box of donuts that over the last few months Vixen's already committed welfare fraud with her information!

Vixen shrugs off the boos as she stares off into the crowd as boredom and apathy gradually found their way through the cracks of her blank expression. She then looked back into the ring and grabbed hold of the top rope tightly, springboarding herself in for an elbow drop but Silven throws her knees up and catches her in the ribs! Vixen clutches her sides as Silven pops up and delivers an elbow drop of her own to her ribs. Silven drops the elbow repeatedly causing Vixen to roll towards the ropes. Silven connects with a low hanging dropkick to drop her foe out of the ring and onto the outside as the crowd cheers her on.

North: That dropkick was picture perfect! Just the right height at the perfect angle.

DIC: She needs a mean streak of her own, it's a good start but she better smell that blood in the water and stay on the attack!

Silven is quick to follow her out to the outside as the official motions for both of them to get back inside. Silven picks Vixen up and slams her head into the apron several times before tossing her back into the ring. Silven scales the turnbuckle and ascends to the top rope with a crisp looking frogsplash that connects right on target, the move however hurting her as well as she clutched her midsection after the impact.

North: Five Star Frog Splash! That seems to have taken almost as much out of Silven as it did Vixen, but you got to imagine Vixen is feeling a little worse for wear taking that weight to her ribs at such a velocity.

DIC: No pain, no gain Kev-O-Rino! Put that little street rat away!

North: You really don't like Vixen, do you?

DIC: Nope.

Silven is quick to go for a pinfall but only gets a 2 count. The Perfect Shot tries to stay on the offensive as she scoops Vixen up, looking to hit Target Acquired (STO) but Silven ends up falling on her back as Vixen hooked her arm on the rope to remain upright as she momentarily shook her head trying to regain her composure before quickly ascending to the to rope. Silven gets up...

...Foxfire (Dragonrana)!

Vixen hooks both legs as she remains on top... 1......2......3!

Baxter: Here is your winner.... Vixen!

North: Vixen's new attitude leads to a new streak, 1 and 0!

DIC: This is a travesty I tell you, a travesty!

Backstage Segment

The arena darkens as the titantron lights up. On the iPPV live feed, the cameras cut back towards the parking lot as Linda Edwards is hot en route trying to catch up to Terri Thompson who appears to be set on leaving the arena.

Linda Edwards: Terri, Terri? Can I please have a moment of your time?

Terri keeps walking and brushes past her.

Edwards: Terri? Can I get your thoughts on Alison Crowne? Are you going to give into her demands?

Terri keeps her eyes forward.

Edwards: What about her threat on Wendy, your girlfriend? Do you think she's bluffing or...

Terri stopped and stared at Linda, glaring daggers straight into her soul. After an uncomfortable moment of silence between the two Terri exits the building as the door slams behind her leaving Linda Edwards without a scoop or a single insight.

"Pretty" Fay Qent in Action

“Pretty Vacant” by The Sex Pistols hit the arena as the crowd cheers.

North: Well, Fay Qent is set to compete here shortly. One can imagine that she's trying to get back to some sort of normalcy. Between having her past made more public and dealing with Olga and Debauchee you can tell that she just wants to get back to business and hopefully find her way back into championship contention.

DIC: You know what, serves her right. She's lost her edge. The problem with her is that she's taking a page out of Smelly Terri's book trying to make these flock of sheep accept her instead of stepping on necks and using what kept her alive on the inside. She's a disposable hero. Yeah, these people will cheer you as long as you capture their short attention spans and adhere to their changing moral standards that seem to swing as wildly as a political campaign rally. One day they love you and the next they hate you for the same reason they loved you the day before. You ever notice how the ones who look out for themselves always end up the most successful? Because the victors write the rules and shape history. At one point I thought Qent was going to be the pillar that kept LONE thriving but she's no longer the chosen one; she's gone soft and when you go soft people are going to take your place without a fight.

North: I'd hardly say she's gone down without swinging or putting up a fight. In fact I disagree with the very notion that she's down to begin with. At the end of the day Fay Qent knows what kind of person she is and what rests inside her heart. One mistake doesn't have to define you and I see someone who's doing her best to make sure it doesn't. I believe in Fay Qent, I believe people can change, I believe in second chances.

DIC: Once a felon, always a felon. Enjoy your alternative facts in Imagination Land; I'd rather live in reality.

Baxter: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, she is from Portland, Maine.. she is “Pretty” Fay Qent!

The music keeps playing but nobody comes out.

North: Where's Fay Qent?

DIC: Probably in the back of a police cruiser.

North: Enough already, can you be serious for a single minute?

DIC: Hey, I am serious! She probably skipped a meeting with her parole officer and the judge put out a warrant for her arrest! That's common with felons you know.

North: Why couldn't Bux have kept Frank at the table and fired you for holding out?

DIC: Because I have a really good attorney who helped make my contract about as legally binding and iron clad as you can get.

North: Gee, I would've never known. Should start putting up a little ticker at the bottom of the screen that goes off whenever you mention your attorney.

DIC: Maybe you should. I'm sure he'd enjoy the free advertisement and publicity. That's Mr. Eugene Varano, can we get a ticker on the screen for him?

The music stops playing before starting over again.

Baxter: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, she is from Portland, Maine.. she is “Pretty” Fay Qent!

The music keeps playing but still nobody comes out.

North: Something's not right, can we have the cameras cut to the backstage area real quick?

As the cameras catch the backstage area Fay Qent finds her path to the curtain cut off as Frank Debauchee himself is there gyrating and swiveling his hips with a grin on his face as Fay Qent looks absolutely disgusted and like she's about to do something about it. Before she can get within arm's reach however Olga cracks a champagne bottle over the back of her head! Qent quickly crumbles to the ground amongst broken glass and a small sea of now spoiled and spilled bubbly stuff.

DIC: Man, I never get tired of this! Debauchee is a genius, he always has another way to catch you off guard and make you run willingly into a pit trap. Nobody ever realizes it until it's too late.

North: Yeah, what a 'man' he is, huh? He's got the physique of a Greek God and still has to stoop to such low tactics. He shouldn't even be here!

DIC: Not only is he Olga's husband but he is licensed to manage in the state of Maine and the surrounding New England area. Those are the rules, boy scout. You don't get to cry about the rules and then decide which ones don't apply.

Olga places her foot on Qent's back as Debauchee reaches into his coat pocket and produces 2 champagne glasses, handing one to Olga before pulling out what also appeared to be another bottle of the bubbly. With this thumb he pops the cork off to the ground as he pours a glass for himself and his Russian bride as they have a toast and tip their glasses back. Then in the ultimate act of disrespect with the bottle he begins pouring the champagne over Qent while she's on the ground.

DIC: Olga and Debauchee appear to be celebrating on an extended honeymoon. I like it when good things happen to good people. You guys deserve it!

North: They better enjoy it while it lasts. Do you know what happens when you push someone and push them and push them for so long? Sooner or later they snap and there's going to be hell to pay. Qent isn't going to forget this and I'm not sure she's the kind of person I want to invoke all out war with; we've already seen a taste of it with her series of matches against Alison Crowne. I have a feeling that pendulum is going to swing back and swing back very very soon. Debauchee and Olga are going to be in for a rude awakening.

DIC: I think the circumstances clearly disagree with you right now, Kev-O. Look at who's standing and who's not! Keep dreaming!

Debauchee hooks his arm in with Olga's as the two begin to walk off as EMTs and security rush the scene.

Contract Signing

Fame by David Bowie hits the arena as the crowd cheers.

North: That song can only mean one person, The Boss himself is here! Earlier tonight we got news that Jack E. Bux would be here in the flesh to address the tag team championship situation but in true Bux style we're going to do it in the ring!

DIC: You should be lucky he still signs your checks. I've been telling him for months that I've got the chops to call this show solo.

North: Me? You're a walking sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.

DIC: One more word and I'll contact my attorney Mr. Varano to sue for defamation of character.

Sure enough a black carpet covering had be rolled out in the ring with a table set up in the middle of the ring with several chairs. Security also happens to be surrounding the ring in larger than usual numbers Jack E. Bux steps out in a slick and stylish Armani suit as he spreads his arms out wide to the standing ovation he's receiving, it was as if he was receiving a homecoming after the dark days that preceded. Jack E. Bux slaps fans hands as he walked down the ramp and even stopped to take a selfie with a family in the front row before walking up the steps and stepping through the ropes into the ring.

Bux: How is everyone tonight? Are you enjoying the show?

The crowd cheers as Bux moves his arm up and down to encourage them to make some noise.

Bux: But first I need to take care of some additional business. Originally I had only come out here to settle one championship situation but when you're the Boss you're always making deals and steering the ship into stable waters. While it is true Terri Thompson has not been able to defend the LONE Championship over the last several shows part of that is in part to the actions of Alison Crowne immediately after she beat Glorious One in the post match celebration. Now normally Glorious One would have the right to the first championship opportunity as the former champion but she hasn't returned my calls and as far as I know she's out of action indefinitely. I can only act on the information I know and if you don't show up to work I can't really reward that in good faith. That said she has earned the right to determine the next move of her career after gracing the ring over the past several decades and I will give her all the time she needs there. At the same time the show must go on; I need to do what's best for LONE.

Bux paces around the ring as he holds the microphone in his hand.

Bux: Alison Crowne on the other hand claims that she deserves the first title opportunity and that Terri Thompson promised her the first shot at the belt. This is true, but Terri Thompson made a deal she did not have the authority to make. Furthermore I am hesitant to reward Alison Crowne's recent bad behavior. However...

Bux holds up his index finger on his free hand.

Bux: Earlier tonight she insisted that she wanted Alison Crowne and she wanted her in a match next month no matter what it cost. Alison Crowne wants a championship match. So let me ask everyone here tonight, do you want to see Terri Thompson vs Alison Crowne for the LONE Championship on the next show?

The crowd cheers very loudly causing Bux to smile.

Bux: Well then you guys are making my job easy for me. In the interest of giving the fans what they want and keeping the lawyers out of my office making demands and legal threats I'm going to give them both what they want. At Lone Supremacy 17 Terri Thompson will make her first defense of her second reign against Alison Crowne!

DIC: Good thing too, I was going to refer her to my attorney if he didn't.

North: Varano isn't cheap.

DIC: I'd pay for it.

North: Not even.

DIC: Queen Alison is doing the community a service, it's the least I can do.

North: Oh brother...

Bux: But that's not the only championship situation that needs to be decided. Last show Spice and Ice and the Gucci Gals faced off in what many would call an instant classic. You had two teams that not only wanted to prove that they were the best in the world but also how much they hated one another. It was good for business, I'm not going to lie. I'd rather they do that in my ring than backstage or while people are busy trying to buy popcorn, pizza, or the many wonderful drinks we have at our concession stands. But when I made the match I expected it to take place in this very ring and not spill into the stands and I expected some kind of conclusion. When you got two very deserving teams, teams you believe are the top of the class outside the champs themselves you need to give them both an opportunity, both teams made very convincing arguments before and after on why they should be the next to challenge No Fly Zone. So it's without further ado that...

“Gucci Gang” by Lil' Pump suddenly blasts over the public address sound system as the fans immediately start to boo as Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula come walking out with arrogant smirks expressed on their faces.

DIC: There they are, the number one contenders!

North: Somehow I don't think Jack E. Bux was ready to announce his choice yet; he was getting to that point. I don't think this is very wise, you don't interrupt the boss, especially when he has yet to reach a verdict.

DIC: Come on... COME ON! They left no doubt in my mind that they are the ones that deserve the shot.

Walking down the aisle while blatantly snubbing the fans, they get down to the ring and enter as the crowd begins to boo even louder. Gucci waves her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI before talking smack to the fans while Prada puts a hand out as if she's pie facing fans who oogle/berate her. Bux looks less than impressed as the Gucci Gals enter the ring with smiles on their faces as Miss Gucci straightens Bux's blazer with a smile while Prada Paula shamelessly panders to Bux pointing to him saying 'That's our boss!'. Bux however appeared stonefaced to this shameless attempt to butter him up but before he could speak...

Ms. Gucci: You know, some people think that Terri made a mistake when she sent Drew packing, and you know I'm not one to agree with her like... at all... but I'm going to ensure the buck stops here by clarifying on the record that The Gucci Gals were always team Jack E.

Paula: I mean just look at you, stylin' and enterprisin' bringing a slice of the Drama City and breathing life into an otherwise dull state like Maine.


Paula: I know, there's nothing to do here! But The Gucci Gals, we're frontrunners, we're dynasty gals. You are our Bill Bellichi... you're our Tom Brady! Our young and handsome stud of a captain!

Miss Gucci gives Paula a kinda look when she began to compare the boss to someone commonly known as Darth Hoodie in some parts of the internet and sports culture but gives a nod of approval when she compared him to the photogenic franchise quarterback instead.

Paula: We run with the franchise; you all think you want the new kid on the block but why abandon a champion brand? And Jack E., we appreciate all the love coming from you as well.

Ms. Gucci: Loyalty and loyalty in kind. We love you, boss!

Bux: Listen; I appreciate the... attempts to butter me up. I do. But I never announced my decision.

Ms. Gucci: So you haven't decided?

Bux: I never said that. I've had my decision made for several weeks now. Don't give me a reason to change my mind.

DIC: I knew it!

Gucci and Paula exchange nervous glances and zip their lips figuratively speaking with a silent motion in stereo. Bux hold up a clipboard with the LONE logo featured prominently on the back.

Bux: You both showed a lot of passion and determination. I saw no quit from either one of you and it's that kind of attitude that I want front and center as my pillars of the tag team division. On the other hand...

Paula: What do you mean? Usually that's what you say before you yank the carpet right out from someone.

Bux shot her a death glare, quickly putting an end to that monologue before it could begin.

Bux: So did your opponents. Spice and Ice; Cinnamon and Violent Violet brought unparalleled violence and rage to the table on the last Supremacy. I saw two women who entered with a chip on their shoulders, who felt they weren't getting their dues and were going unnoticed. I saw initiative and fortitude and a risk to put their bodies on the line to reach for that brass ring.

The Gucci Gals seemed beside themselves and insulted as their jaws hung slack and slightly open.

Bux: Which is what made this such a hard decision, making sure everything was taken into account based on what each team brought to the table. So it is at this time that I'd like to...

Suddenly “Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young plays over the public address sound system as both Cinnamon and Violent Violet step out onto the stage to a large chorus of boos. They decided to be festive this evening, with Cinnamon wearing a Poison Ivy costume and Violent Violet wearing a fedora, vest over a dress shirt, slacks and loafers as if she's some kind of 1930s mobster.

North: Oh boy...

DIC: There they are, the number one contenders!

North: Didn't you just say that a few minutes ago?

DIC: You know what, I've always said from the beginning that Spice and Ice were the ones that deserved the shot. I mean come on, are you going to tell them no after what they put themselves through last show?

North: That's not the point, DIC. The point is you just flip flopped trying to pick what you think is the winning side.

DIC: I know you want in on the bandwagon before it leaves town but we're fresh out of seats. Sucks to suck!

Walking down the aisle and to the ring, they walk up the steel steps and step into the ring. They smirk and stand in their respective corner as Cinnamon extends a leg forward and does a split. She starts to lean backwards and sways her arms as if she's slowly swimming backwards, before Violet takes her hand and helps her up. Bux looks incredibly irritated while the Gucci Gals are chomping at the bit to tackle their rivals to the ground and start another battle in what is quickly becoming an all out war but seeing security lining the outside with a few taking a step forward decide to momentarily bite their tongues.

Cinnamon: Wise move, Jackie Boy! A true man of class like you certainly doesn't accept any cheap imitations when you got the genuine article at your fingertips. I mean come on, 'Prada' Paula, Miss 'Gucci, you don't even wear the brands you claim to rep digging in lice infested flea market bins sifting through counterfeit fashion; come on! Violet and I, we're the spice you all need in your lives and in your tag team division and we ice the competition... every single time.

Violet stands there with a sadistic grin as she rubbed her hands together methodically as her partner spoke, almost as if she were daring the Gucci Gals to make a move.

Cinnamon: So Jackie Boy, you can stop being nice. We both know this was a decision that was easy to make as apple pie. There's no point in sparing their feelings...

Cinnamon waved dismissively at Paula and Gucci.

Cinnamon: We're here to compete, we're here to compete every single night! We'll take on No Fly Zone right now if we have to and send the horse-faced duo back to the glue factory. Every show that passes without the belts around our deserving waists is another missed opportunity so allow us to do you a favor Jackie Boy so you can put some Spice and Ice on your posters and start raking in the real money!

Bux: Are you done yet? You are? Good. Now last I checked this wasn't open mic night where anyone could just step on up and sing their greatest hits. I don't carry a keg of alcohol on my back and I don't have a butler who just serves drinks on demand... that's probably a good thing. There's a time for pleasure and there's a time for business and you better believe right now I'm all about business! Now if you'll just give me three minutes of your time I can finally...

"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as the LONE Tag Team Champions makes their way from behind the curtain.

At this point Bux just tosses his microphone in the air as it thuds on the ground, throwing his hands up as he was just giving up.

In confidence they stand, making their way down to the ring and giving high fives to all of their fans along the way. Felicia is in a Suicide Squad Harley Quinn costume. Kayoko is looking like the evil spirit girl from The Ring. They look ready for action, sliding into the ring and jumping into different corners with their arms up and getting the love from the crowd. By this time Bux finally picked up the microphone as Felicia grabbed one from the nearby table.

Felicia: Listen, I know time is money. I get it, we're on the clock. Fact of the matter is Kayoko and I don't care, we don't care who we have to face. But we're ready, we're back from tour and we're here to keep leading the charge into the future. We want to take tag team wrestling back to the lofty heights in which they used to soar, we want to be the wind beneath the wings in which we all soar!

Bux: Well, I'm very glad to hear that. Because the announcement I was planning to make; that I would've made ten minutes ago if I didn't keep on getting interrupted, concerns all six of you. The simple fact of the matter is that last show we did not have a winner, in fact we didn't even have a legal finish! The second official made a judgment call based on what he saw at the time and he counted what he believed to be a legal pin. Now even if we were to let that judgment call stand the fact of the matter is that Miss Gucci AND Violent Violet's shoulders were both pinned to the mat for a three count. That means we were left with no decisive winner. Now as I watched the match probably three or four times hoping I didn't get a call from my attorney telling me that I was getting sued from Violet's little stunt in the crowd I knew I had several options to choose from. I could just book the match again and have a high likelihood of history repeating itself, I could try to book a special stipulation that would discourage another draw or no contest and risk having my number one contenders being in no shape to actually challenge for the LONE Tag Team Championship, or I could've just suspended all four of you while trying to decide the NEXT two teams up to face No Fly Zone several months later. Now none of those options really appealed to me because let's be honest, the four of you would've ignored my mandate and tried to kill each other anyway.

Bux says this as he turns his attention to Spice and Ice and the Gucci Gals who didn't really try to hide it with their body language.

Bux: None of that is ultimately good for my bottom line and these great people came here to see a show. So I came up with another solution, Option D if you will. There were no winners right? There were no losers either. I need a championship match and I need one with a decisive outcome so let me tell ya what's going to happen. At LONE 17 we will be having a Double Main Event, in addition to the LONE Championship match for the first time ever we will have a Triple Threat Tag Team match for the LONE Tag Team Championship as No Fly Zone defends against both Spice and Ice and The Gucci Gals.

The crowd cheers loudly as both sets of challengers seem irritated and restless both at the fact that they want to get their hands on one another and that their chances of winning the title were nearly were dramatically slashed. No Fly Zone on the other hand appear ready for the challenge as Felicia Hawkins quickly steps forward as Kayoko turns around to let her sign on her back before passing it off and returning the favor before placing the pen and contract on the table. Prada Paula and Miss Gucci are up next and sign on the dotted lines.

Miss Gucci: Be careful what you ask for. We could've done this clean and Gucci, now we're going to have cancel these side acts like Homer and Poochie.

Cinnamon raises her eyebrows, halfway taken aback and amused at the same time as she stepped up and signed her name next.

Cinnamon: You know what, look at you with your little Simpsons remark. Someone's been binge watching their twenty-seven season box set. But just like Homer and his family you've overstayed your welcome and well past your expiration date. And you two, the champs? You're the spin-off nobody asked for. But don't let the sign and poster guy fool you, next month isn't going to be a show for all ages because when the Cinnamon and Violet show rolls back into town you're going to be looking at the pilot of the great tag team revival and it won't be for the faint of heart.

Violet signed the contract as Cinnamon spoke and as if on cue walked over and headbutted Prada Paula. Kayoko and Felicia Hawkins are quick to join the fray as Miss Gucci steps up to defend her partner. All six women begin exchanging fists with one another as Jack E. Bux quickly made his exit to the outside. The security team stood at attention waiting for orders as Bux just stood on the outside and watched them fight each other for a full minute before finally motioning with both arms to get in and separate them,

North: Bux has reached his limit! But next month we'll be be back as we... we're all out of time! Drive home safe and we'll see you next month. Holy shit..

Cinnamon, Violet, Paula, and Gucci all start to attack the guards forming what appears to be a temporary truce as they showed a united front. Felicia and Kayoko quickly take advantage of the situation and ascend opposing turnbuckles before both flying through the air with a pair of crossbodies that takes the other four women and several security guards out with them as they begin brawling on the floor. More security piles out from the back as they're quick to storm the ring but it quickly spills outside as Felicia and Gucci struggle with one another by the barricade, Violent Violet and Kayoko fight in a corner in the ring as Prada Paula jump on her back and clings to her, her legs flailing as Violet spins around hitting security and Kayoko alike. Cinnamon then hits Felicia into Gucci from behind with a baseball slide to the outside before piling on Gucci herself. Bux is furiously waiving for more help as backstage agents begin piling out, Frank Washington and even the head of Talent Relations himself, Steven O'Reilly making rare appearances in an attempt to restore order as the feed is abruptly cut.