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Changeling: the Dreaming
This Primer has been out of date since we converted to 20th Anniversary.  It is in the process of being rewritten and has been blanked out so as not to cause more confusion.
Introductory Primer
'''''This is a player-written addition to our game wiki for the benefit of new players, and players new to the Changeling sphere on City of Hope.'''''
=RTFM, Read the Faerie Manual!=
At the very least, it is expected that you've read and have a good grasp of the rules, history and cosmology of: Changeling the Dreaming, 2nd Ed, available for purchase at"
In addition, this site from Project Fiction regarding Changeling the Dreaming is very useful:
While not written expressly for the game City of Hope, it can also provide some great reference information. (Even if you want your PC to come in knowing nothing or being an amnesiac, an OOC familiarity with the sphere can be of tremendous help.)
Feel free to page active players or ask on the ''HelpMe'' channel if you have questions. Better to ask now than show up on the grid only to get caught with your pantaloons down. For those looking for a refresher or quick reference:
can offer that. It's originally for another game, and incomplete, so it is no replacement for having an understanding of the book, but it's handy in a pinch.
=Seelie VS Unseelie - How do They Work?=
'''Unlike''' hard divisions like the Camarilla and Sabbat, or Gaians and Wyrm, or Traditions and the Technocracy, '''no''' '''Seelie''' is entirely 'good' and '''no''' '''Unseelie''' is entirely 'evil'. Every Changeling is both of their '''Legacies''', just one more so than the other at a given time. It is very common for Kithain of both Courts to be living and working together and maintaining Freeholds and Mews.
'''Court''' affiliation is largely due to philosophical leanings of a given Kithain, and while there are Seelie and Unseelie '''Noble Houses''', with very few exceptions (Ailil and Balor as Unseelie, Beaumayn and Liam as Seelie are notable ones), you will find Kithain and Kinain of '''both''' Courts Oathing to and involved with them.
The '''true''' enemies of the Kithain within the game, as discussed, beyond the forces of '''Banality''', are the '''Shadow Court''' and the '''Dauntain'''; the historically rigid divisions between Courts became more of a conceit once the '''Sundering''' occurred and most of the Sidhe fled Earth for '''Arcadia'''. Both Courts have a '''Code''' with which they adhere to, aside from the Escheat, which both also uphold the tenets of; the difference is in how each interprets said tenets. No Kithain or Kinain is necessarily bound to the Court that they Chrysalize into; great joys can cause an Unseelie to flip to Seelie as much as great sorrows can cause a Seelie to flip to Unseelie.
A fantastic essay on the various Courtly differences and interpretations of the Codes is here: 
=The Seelie Code=
*'''Death Before Dishonor:''' honor is the most important virtue, the source of all glory.
*'''Love Conquers All:''' love lies at the heart of the dreaming. True love transcends all and epitomizes what it means to be Seelie.
*'''Beauty Is Life:''' beauty is a timeless, objective quality that, while it cannot be defined, is always recognized for itself.
*'''Never Forget A Debt:''' one gift deserves another. The recipient of a gift is obliged to return the favor.
=The Unseelie Code=
*'''Change Is Good:''' security does not exist. The slightest of circumstances can transform a king into a peasant. Chaos and discord rule the universe. Adapt or die.
*'''Glamour Is Free:''' glamour is worthless unless used. Acquire it by any means possible, and you will never be without a constant supply.
*'''Honor Is A Lie:''' honor has no place in the modern world. It is a fairy tale constructed to cover the essential emptiness behind most traditions.
*'''Passion Before Duty:''' passion is the truest state of the fae spirit. Follow your instincts and act on your impulses. Live life to the fullest without regard to the consequences, they will come about regardless of what you do. Youth passes quickly, so have fun while you can. Death can come at any time, so live without regret.
'''''Does one of these resonate with your character more so than the other? This is your Court!
=Kith Creation Suggestions=
For information on who is who in the Changeling sphere, as well as rough numbers of the various kithain, please consult the following wiki page:
'''''Currently, neither Arcadian NOR Autumn Sidhe kithain nor kinain are allowed as new PCs on City Of Hope.''''' Please try another kith and character concept. Most established players will be glad to assist you in the process!
=Beyond the Trod=
*Changeling: The Dreaming assumes you're playing one of the kithain or kinain detailed in the core book. Later in the line, other types of changelings were added that have special (and often troubled) relationships with their European cousins.
*'''NUNNEHI:''' Changelings born from the dreams of mortals native to North America. While they use Glamour and Banality like kithain there are a number of important cultural and mechanical differences that should be paid attention to during character creation.  Whether they're kithain or kinain, they have a history of marginalization and genocide that has resulted in a tense and often hostile relationship to European changelings. European changelings on the other hand either consider them a myth, an annoyance, or too rarely found to be considered.  Nunnehi '''ar'''e a playable PC on City of Hope, as are nunnehi kinain. However, there are very few active nunnehi, given the focus of the sphere on its European and African kithain. Seeking an IC mentorship in the ways of the nunnehi is recommended for new players, though it may difficult to come by given most players seem to focus on the European and African kiths. A group app might be a good idea; the more the merrier!
*'''HSIEN:''' The hsien are changelings in a sense but they aren't born of mortal dreams. Their inclusion in the fae sphere is a minor conceit, mostly for simplicity. They are really something entirely different, and '''don't''' use Glamour or interact with the Dreaming as changelings do. They are playable PCs on City of Hope, but may find a better venue in the 'Eastern' portion of the game. There are '''no''' hsien kinain.
*'''INANIMAE:''' The Inanimae are cousins to the True Fae. While they are not true elemental spirits, they have a close kinship to them. Each Inanimae fashions itself after a specific element. Inanimae are playable PCs on City of Hope. Due to their nature, inanimae have '''no kinain'''.
*'''DAUNTAIN:''' Twisted changelings who, unable to cope with fae reality, fled to the safety of Banality. From there they often seek to "save" other kithain from their "terrible" fates; this almost always results in tragedy. Sometimes kinain become Dauntain as well; '''all varieties are NPC-only on City of Hope'''.
*'''THALLAIN:'''  Twisted, unseelie kithain who serve the '''Fomorians''' ('''not''' the Shifter Fomor). Certain kiths, like River Hags, have been playable PCs on City of Hope, but only with staff approval. Such characters may have difficulty finding RP in the predominantly-kithain City of Hope. Thallain, by their nature, have ''no kinain''.
*'''SHADOW COURT''': A secretive court of Unseelie Changelings opposed to the 600-year rule of the Seelie monarchs. Many members of '''Houses Balor''' and '''Ailil''' as well as '''all Thallain''' are members. Shadow Court membership '''is allowed''' on City of Hope, but can have consequences both positive (Unseelie might like you) and negative (Seelie might really distrust you, to the point of '''Risk Escalation'''), especially if your membership status is made public. Kinain can also be recruited to the Shadow Court. Again, such characters may have difficulty finding RP in the predominantly-Seelie populated City of Hope, and are only recommended if you can play a strong political game, one that includes a deft hand at maintaining secrecy and subtlety. Baron Snidely Whiplash ap Balor is likely to be found out and dealt with quickly.
=During CharGen=
Trick question, as every fae has one. The actual question is, are you coming into the game knowing all about your fae nature, or maybe not as much? Some players have found it entertaining, whether they know the game information or not, to come in-play as a '''Chrysalid'''; for all intents and purposes, a "human" that is about to discover their fae heritage. Most PCs on the game will seek to help and protect someone as they go through "the Chrysalis", explained in CtD 2nd Ed, on pages 61-63, and also here:
If you would like to learn the system as you play, this can be a great option. You may also come into play having just experienced your Chrysalis, been given some information and instruction, and still be making your way in faerie society. Given the Age Requirement for City of Hope, fully-grown adults may discover their fae nature very late in life, at least according to human lifespans!
City of Hope has an IC College for new players to join and learn the game as they go, too, from experienced players within a venue designed for low level/starting stats PCs to get their footing and take center stage:
Attending the College does '''not''' preclude you from playing with the rest of the Changeling Sphere, though it does require taking an '''Oath''' to it in order to guarantee your status and safety, as well as enforce your adherence to its interpretation of the '''Escheat''', with IC consequences for breaking your Oath.
=Saining/Finding Your True Name=
Although fae souls reincarnate into new human bodies and can have potentially existed for centuries if not millennia, most newly chrysalized kithain have no memory of those past lives or any other insight into their new state of existence. Those new changelings fortunate enough to have mentors are referred to as '''Fostering''' for their first year of being fae. Fostering fae are generally sheltered and protected as they learn what they need to both survive and grow. This could take the form of a noble Household taking a new sidhe under their wing by removing them from their mortal family entirely, or a street gang shows a homeless new eshu the politics of sleeping in cars and running from the mundane law. In short, the experience can very wildly, apprenticeship and tutelage or outright adoption, sometimes as a latchkey kid.
In addition to having potential past lives, fae also have a '''True Name''' for their faerie soul. Like most concepts of a True Name, the name has much power for and over a person; many fae are extremely secretive about their True Names and do not disclose them to most people. A fae can find out their True Name through the use of the '''Naming''' Art, level Four: Saining. ('''''Naming''' is a '''banned''' art for PCs on City of Hope, although it is possessed by NPCs that can use it if required.'') This is not to be confused with the practice of the same name, predominantly done among sidhe, of noble apprenticeship that includes the Naming Art to discern the new changeling's full identity.
Fae are usually known by their mortal names, unless they decide to be known as something else among the kithain. Often their 'fae names' are related to their True Names, although this is by no means required. Most commoner names are simple and basic, occasionally containing mention of past feats and recognition of local status and peculiarities within but not always. Some pooka enjoy having mock titles and extended comedic puns in their names, too. The full fae names of the sidhe generally include their House (determined by Saining, if they are born to one), signified by 'ni' or 'ap' if adhering to a binary gender distinction; High King David Ardry ap Gwydion, for example.
Kithain with the background '''Remembrance''' are more likely to discern the commonalities of fae existence on a day to day basis, and the background/Merit '''Past Lives''' will literally remember whom they used to be in previous incarnations. It is common for a fae to reinvent their kith, gender, and entire personality upon reincarnating.
=Hooks for Roleplay=
Speak to active players about how to link your character into the existing changeling society or player character backgrounds. This will not only allow for a seamless entry into the sphere it will also help you find RP once you are approved. You can even talk to them about joining a motley or household.
Non-Kithain PCs of other races (primarily Sorcerer/Psychics, Shifters, Mages, and Hunters; '''please consult +rules multiclass''') may take the '''Kinain''' Merit (4 points). This means that your character most likely had a parent or ancestor that was kithain. You possess faerie blood to the point of seeing and interacting with the fae world, maybe even '''Fae Gifts''' (with more Merits), but you '''aren't''' a full changeling. On the upside, you can join in the sphere! On the downside, the sphere can come and find you, when you may not want to be found. Another bonus: kinain can touch Cold Iron and interact with high-Banality PCs without harm (unless one takes the '''Iron Allergy''' Flaw) and can make potent Dreamers. That said: Changeling: The Dreaming is about kithain, '''not''' fairy-touched mages or pure-breed shifters who ''happen to be'' kinain.
Canonically, many lands and courts compare kinain to 'second class citizens', something generally not done on City of Hope, though that mileage may vary; there ARE PC kithain who staunchly believe that kinain are only there to suit their purposes, and this is perfectly in canon.
Crossover PCs can and do certainly play an important role in the sphere, but are encouraged to do so in a manner that doesn't distract or take away from the enjoyment of PCs whom the sphere is primarily for. Crossing-over a current PC JUST for the sake of potential RP (and without a good story to bring to the table for everyone to enjoy and hopefully be able to participate in) is discouraged as there are numerous pathways of entrance into the sphere. If you are planning on coming over to the Dreaming, have a good reason to do so.
'''A NOTE:'''
Mortal and Mortal+ characters can take the '''Kinain''' Merit post-chargen with XP, and experience a mini-Chrysalis as faerie sight opens their eyes. They may even decide to change entirely into a Changeling kithain PC; however, this option (fully Chrysalizing) '''''costs them any and all M+ powers''''' (which may be swapped for appropriate Changeling Arts, with express staff approval) and these may '''never''' be repurchased. If your now-fae is ever Undone, you don't regain all of your old powers.
Certain '''Kith-specific Merits''' ('''Prehensile Tongue''', '''Fly Fingers''', for example) '''''cannot''''' be purchased by kinain, as it is '''requisite''' that the PC having them have a '''full''' fae mien (soul and appearance/'seeming'), not just the hints of Kith lineage in a faedesc that City of Hope currently allows. '''Nor''' will these kinds of Merits '''ever''' affect a kinain's mortal appearance '''without''' the Flaw '''Mark of the Blood'''.
Buying the Merit '''Honored Birthright''' (5 pt) allows a kinain access to the boons a particular Kith has, but the kinain is also '''limited''' to using those birthrights '''''under the same circumstances and limitations as the full kithain is'''''. A Sluagh kinain '''cannot''' use '''Squirm''' to escape from bonds when observed, or when there's significant Banality present, same as Sluagh themselves cannot; just because the Banality doesn't directly harm the kinain is not reason enough for the magic of the birthright to work better than it would for a kithain. Sidhe kinain '''do not''' automatically get the +2 to Appearance that kithain do, without buying '''Honored Birthright'''. What we're saying is: Honored Birthright is pretty vital for a great many kinain concepts.
'''Title''' is a buyable Background (+rules Title, +rules minimum time) for both kinain and kithain, but with limitations. Kinain can '''only''' advance as far as '''Knight''' (Title 2). This is best accomplished by IC means, with having a PC liege of at least Title 3 (Baron/ess) granting it to you. However, it can also be purchased in CharGen, so we request that you make a note of which '''currently active Player Character''' granted it to you when you create your sphere introduction bbpost on +bboard 32 so as to avoid confusion. Title 5 will '''never''' be available to PCs on City of Hope, and Title 4 is limited and conditional, subject to player activity and whether they actually bring something to the sphere by running PRPs and fomenting roleplay for a wide variety of people via +events and being available on-grid. You '''do not''' gain Title by marrying a PC with said level of Title; you need to purchase it with XP after earning it through RP. 'Lady Wife' is merely a nickname, not a true mark of status and Title.
=Honored Guests=
Some spheres of the World of Darkness get along swell with the Changelings. Others, not so muchThose PCs with the Merit: '''Spirit Sight''' (+rules Spirit Sight) are able to see fae miens and chimerical beings, but '''cannot''' interact with them unless Enchanted (temporarily imbued with Glamour). The Merit: ''Faerie Affinity'' can grant a PC a lower Banality cost, but does '''NOT''' provide any Sight (nor does it necessarily mean that fae will automatically be enthralled by and interact positively with you; they may actually be suspicious if there is nothing Chimerically notable about you). Spirit Sight emphatically '''does not''' exempt those possessing it from having their memories wiped of any experiences with fae within the Dreaming by the '''Mists''' (+rules the mists, +rules spirit sight); they '''only''' recall those interactions happening in the Autumn World. '''Nor''' can the '''Dual Perceptions''' Merit  '''turn off''' those Fae Gifts that the Kinain Merit grants - the ability to see and interact with Chimera/Chimerical Seemings, and enter the Dreaming as if Enchanted, and remember your time spent there. As with the Kithain, those are abilities ''inherent to you'' and a function of your birthrights.
Some friendly factions of those beings, known as '''"prodigals"''' to Changelings, include the following:
The traditions of the magic-users have the widest range of reactions to fae. Some are friendly and even revere them as fellow Awakened beings, others believe that they could not exist and therefore seek to eradicate them from said existence. Thwarting many magi from better Changeling relations is the fact that very few of their given paradigms interact with The Dreaming in the way It wants. (TLDR: Mage Spheres DO NOT work within The Dreaming!) A scant few manage to overcome this hurdle by adapting, but the vast majority just stop trying. Some have, terrifyingly enough, found that faerie Glamour can almost approximate Quintessence under the right circumstances. This does not make them beloved to the fae, as it poses a threat to their Balefires and is a potential violation of the Right of Safe Haven from the Escheat.
*The '''HERMETIC HOUSE MERINITA''': is a small, fairly rare Hermetic House with strong ties to the Kithain and Dreaming and probably the only one whose Paradigm is truly compatible with how magic(k) in the Dreaming actually works; though not always.
*'''VERBENA''' and '''DREAMSPEAKERS'''  have unspecified but canonical ties to the fae. However, the Maya that the Dreamspeakers interact with and the Dreaming are not the same realm, and Dreamspeakers will still require being Enchanted to enter the Dreaming even if they can access the Maya via Body of Light into a Demesne.
Changing Breeds of all kinds will have some small exposure to the fae, thanks to their tribal nature. Shared stories and exchanged lore make for everything from "you cannot trust them" to "such wonderful allies" and "are you freaking kidding me?" in the way of opinions. They have their Umbral Realms as their own counterpart to The Dreaming of the fae (although most are cut off from their spiritual Gifts while in the Dreaming), and are used to the concept of having other forms and living dual lives. The shifters are also used to keeping their existence a secret, often on pain of death, so tread carefully. '''House Gwydion''' Sidhe have access to a 4pt Merit called '''Blood of the Wolf''' that mechanically works the same as the '''Kinfolk''' Merit, but is tailored specifically for that House:
'''Blood of the Wolf''': It is said that House Gwydion's ties to the wolf-changer Prodigals are stronger than shared purpose. Some such fae are living proof of that connection. Though still full-blooded changeling, they also have the blood of the werewolves in their veins, and the Garou call them kin. Although they may not think of these fae in glowing terms, the werewolf tribe whose blood they share may call on them to perform certain tasks for their Changing relatives. What's more, they may expect them to take a Garou spouse, the better to strengthen the bloodline.
Given that it works exactly the same as '''Kinfolk''', for the same cost, it's probably not necessary to use the House Merit when the generic one applies.
*'''FIANNA''': have the most direct canonical ties to the fae, via pacts between the Tribe and House Fiona (it is notable to remember, however, that according to legend it was Lady Fiona with the assistance of Lord Dougal who created the fatal bane to the Garou's existence: silver).
*'''GET OF FENRIS''': have canonically vague ties to the fae that are decidedly mixed from edition to  edition. For example, the Storyteller's Handbook lists them as loathing the Sidhe due to the fact that some lore has the kith using Gaesa on the breed to serve as docile mounts and beasts of burden. Get may look favorably upon Trolls, though, and vice-versa, though not necessarily.
*'''CELICAN''': possess a strong but canonically vague connection to the fae, similar to the vampiric Kiaysd. Most believe this Bastet tribe to have died out, a secret that the breed encourages. They are unlikely to advertise their true natures, even to the fae, when recognized.
*'''BLACK SPIRAL DANCERS''': might be connected to the Thallain via the Fomorian Dream, but have no ties to the Kithain save as where they might be useful for the Shadow Court. The connection is tenuous at best, though, and requires specific stats be purchased.
Canonically,  for most vampires, the rules concede that their Banality is high and to them, fae blood tastes delicious (possibly even an addictive high). Given this and what happened  to SOME fae when vampires encountered them (the '''Kiasyd''' bloodline), the general advice is '''"avoid as much as possible"'''. Same often holds true for their '''Ghoul''' servitors; usually their Banalities are fairly high (at least 7, but often higher), and being bonded in servitude to an animated corpse is distressing to imagine for most fae. '''Right of Rescue''' is a legitimate IC reason to compel fae to help kinain Ghouls escape bondage (the '''Kenning''' Talent can discern occluded fae-ness with enough successes, but as with +rules Sniping there needs to be good IC reason for doing this), but there are currently '''no''' PC-approved fae Arts on the game which can remove the blood bond. Vampires are creatures of stasis, forever unchanging, and this stasis is '''anathema''' to fae, even if they ''somehow'' have a low Banality via the '''Faerie Affinity''' Merit. Most fae will see a non-Banal, non-fae, non-kinain, non-Chimera as ''highly suspicious and suspect'' (the same holds true for encountering Shifter sphere Kamis and other creatures).
*'''KIASYD''' have a vague but canonical connection to the fae. Given their particular origins (fae were killed in the Vampiric experiments that created the bloodline), they should not necessarily expect a warm welcome. Nor should they really be looking to be included, given their solitary nature versus the decidedly more social structures of the fae (yes, even the Sluagh are too chummy for the Kiasyd).
*'''MALKAVIANS''' were alluded to have some innate ties to the fae, due to their madness, in some editions.  Their insanity often brings a lower Banality, which makes interacting with them easier for changelings (thus far they are the only Clan that has even a remote chance of entering The Dreaming, with one canonical example in Freeholds and Hidden Glens), but it is still risky, given that fae blood is especially delighted in by this Clan.
*'''RAVNOS''',  given their Chimerstry discipline can affect fae, have a tenuous connection to Changelings. Ravnos still need to be Enchanted to actually see chimera and fae miens, however, and most fae will avoid them based on the fact that Chimerstry affects them.
*'''SABBAT''' have no connection to the Dreaming, and their general raison d'etre tends to make Kithain, in their conceit,  look upon these Vampires as former Redcaps, totally lost to their hunger and irredeemable.
'''''VAMPIRIC FAE DO NOT EXIST'''.'' ''If'' a Kithain is Embraced, and does not immediately die, their fae soul goes dormant until the Final Death of the now-vampire. At which point, it is released to reincarnate once more, though most commonly  the fae soul meets its True Death upon Embrace (likely due to the infusion of Banality directly into their bloodstream). The few that manage to do so lose '''ALL''' of their fae-based abilities/powers permanently as well as any memory of ever having had them. They also lose all ability to see and interact with the Dreaming, unless Enchanted. They can only remember their past connection to the Dreaming  if and when they are Enchanted, and only for the duration of the Enchantment itself. '''Ghouled''' fae/kinain similarly lose '''ALL''' of their fae-based abilities/powers while Ghouled, but ''retain their memories'', which might be even sadder still.
Of all the game lines, these are probably the most connected of all to fae and the Dreaming, given their mythic status. Merfolk, Centaurs, Pegasi, and Dragons would all have found succor within the Dreaming itself. Many know of Changelings and their lore. They are by no means required to be personally friendly to the fae, however, nor are the fae required to be friendly towards them. They generally coexist well, though. '''However''', to not be mistaken for mere Chimera, or risk being hunted and turned into nifty armor, '''Bygones should also make sure to introduce themselves to the local fae, ''especially'' if they wish to take up residence in a particular County locale and get involved in the local faerie society.
These creatures have connections to the fae through the Sluagh kith's inherent ability to perceive them. (They also make for good listeners.) Changelings may also encounter them through the use of the Phantasm Arcanos. Wraiths are not able to enter the Dreaming.
=Generally Not Compatible=
Generally speaking, the following entities have very little canonical ties to the changeling sphere, or are directly opposed to the fae in some way. Reasons for them participating in the Changeling sphere would have to be quite exceptional; they may not be accepted ICly without a strong supporting argument and background:
*'''TECHNOCRACY:''' Banality averages 8-10, and they are either unlikely to believe in the existence of fae at all, or snuff them out with their logic and reasoning.
*'''MARAUDERS:''' Not currently a PC faction on City of Hope.
*'''MUMMIES:''' No canonical connection exists. While certain Mummies on City of Hope have been houseruled to have lower Banality than in canon, they are generally unconcerned with the Dreaming and have enough on their plates as it is to get involved with its politicking.
*'''DEMONS:''' No canonical connection (disparate publishing times), although some Changelings are finding parallels between a demon's taking over a human form and the sidhe's adopting of a human host. This is all speculative, naturally.
=Character Generated, Now What?=
'''FAE DESC:'''
If you're kithain, you'll need to set your fae desc. A fae desc is your fae mein, your true self, or how you appear to other changelings or those who can see the Dreaming.  To set your fae desc type: &FAEDESC me=My fae desc! This will be appended to your basic @desc, and visible only to PCs that can see chimera: changelings, kinain and those possessing the Spirit Sight merit. Kinain '''do not''' get the '''full''' mien that kithain do, but '''do''' usually set a faedesc hinting at their kith heritage (faint cheek swirls for a Nocker, chimerical ears and tail for a Pooka, bluish tint to the skin for a Troll) so that they aren't looked at askance as to why they're traipsing around in the Dreaming. This is one of the areas where City of Hope diverges from canon with its House Rules.
You'll need to set yourself able to see the Dreaming. You do that by typing: '''+rsee FAE'''. You also need to set yourself '''+rexist/on FAE''' in order for other players to be able to see your faedesc. +help +rexist for more information.
Once you are approved, it is customary and vital  to introduce yourself to the sphere, same as is expected in the Shifter and Vampire spheres.  In IC terms, kithain and kinain can post to the '''+bboard 32 (Changeling General)''' to let people know who they are. Include why your character is notable or any RP hooks that players may use to involve you in the sphere. OOC requests to be introduced to the county by one of the local nobles or setting up a scene with the NPC Countess  can also be accomplished via '''+bboard 32'''.
Making OOC introductions on the sphere channel is also useful and helpful in making yourself known to the rest of the players in the sphere and setting up hooks and connections (type ''''addcom cha=Changeling'''' to add the Changeling channel). There are also channels specific to the Unseelie and Seelie, and you can join the pertinent Court one using the same syntax as Changeling.
For information on who is who in the Changeling sphere, consult the following '''wiki page''':
https://www.cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Changeling, particularly section: https://www.cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Changeling#Escheat_and_Introductions
Keep in mind the entrances into the Dreaming are either private or at least guarded ('''trods''' and '''raths''' are precious resources, paid for with XP by their IC owners). Popping into someone's Freehold without at least an introduction (or a pre-arranged meeting/scene with established PCs) may be viewed as a '''violation''' of the '''Escheat''' (the set of doctrines and rules that kithain society follows, like the Litany for the Garou or the Traditions for the Kindred).
Random unknown/unrecognized changelings or kinain wandering around peoples' Freeholds/Baronies/Mews without permission or explanation (or an established kithain or kinain guide along with them, IC) will cause a lot of questions (kinain even more so than kithain, generally, especially if it's a post-chargen stat buy and nobody is aware that circumstances have changed for the particular PC, as formerly vanilla Dreamspeaker Debbie showing up in the local Faerie Market, alone, without recognized kithain or kinain escort is highly suspect - did someone Enchant her on a lark  and leave her there to fend for herself, for example?). It can also be ICly '''very dangerous''' for the PC, as certain Freeholds have aggressive Chimerical guardians, always on the lookout for interlopers, or the area itself could be very unfriendly should said PC wander off of the '''Silver Path'''. The Far and Deep Dreamings are especially dangerous, and best not traversed alone and unprepared.
Good news, though! This can be easily resolved with an introduction (see above). This is a good way to get some roleplay and meet the local fae who can explain the rules of travel/conduct for the Dreaming in Prospect, especially if you arrange to meet up with a Rath owner or another established PC at their (or any)  Autumn World (mundane/mortal) +hangout. It cannot be stressed enough how very important it is that you properly introduce your character to the sphere; it doesn't need to be a grand party (though that could be fun!), but it is for your own IC safety and ease of assimilation into the sphere that this happen.
IC '''+hangouts''' and the PCs behind them can also be found on the wiki page. If there is ''ever'' any question of where you can go and find RP, or leave IC messages,  and nobody is responding on channel, look here:
Anyone listed there can be reached by in-game @mail (help @mail), paged OOC, or approached on-channel about RP or other questions. Yes, to a large degree we rely on players to be proactive about their involvement and take initiative finding RP; if you don't communicate your existence and willingness to roleplay with others, they are under no obligation to seek you out. That said, they should also be willing to RP with you when asked, provided there are no extenuating circumstances (+policy avoidance having been invoked, for example) that would legitimately prevent it.
Merely 'peering' and/or 'lurking' does little to indicate that you actually wish to RP with people; be forthright and ASK so that people aren't left to guess what it is you actually want. Direct communication is essential for collaborative efforts like MUSHes; don't force people to cater to you - meet them halfway.
Sign up and pay attention to the +event dates and reminder @mails so that you don't miss out (it is not the plot runner's responsibility to personally seek out every single  person signing on for an +event and remind them that things are happening; hence the automated +event reminders that are @mailed out the day of an +event).
=Freehold Etiquette - Why is This so Important?=
*'''Visiting a freehold''':
'''Freeholds''' are sacred places to changelings and most are controlled by an individual. In order to not be accused of violating the ''Right of Demesne'', individuals should introduce themselves to the holder, ask their leave to enter or make use of the hold, familiarize themselves with the freehold's laws (its particular interpretation of the Escheat, amongst others), and most importantly, abide by them. Given the nature of '''Raths''' and '''Trods''', many leading from Autumn World +hangouts exit directly into a Freehold or Mew, and so it's fairly likely that you will be landing in someone's house, IC, when you access one. Better to be already known by its Holder than considered a trespassing stranger.
*'''Freehold Customs of Hospitality:'''
On the other hand the '''Right of Safe Haven''' demands that those in true need of sanctuary be granted it. This does not mean that one can simply come and go as they please in a Freehold. To exercise their right of Safe Haven one must ask and have it be granted by the holder.  Denying those of the Dreaming sanctuary when truly needed could be a violation of the Escheat but lying or abusing the Right may also be.
*'''Holding A Freehold:'''
(+rules Holdings, +rules Title, +rules Trod) Freeholds are precious to the fae, given they are sources of Glamour via the balefires each contains. While a holder's word may be law in their territory, those who neglect or abuse their freeholds may be subject to local inquiry into a potential violation of the Escheat, or of being forsworn of their Oaths of Guardianship. Should a freehold change hands, IC and OOC, it is incumbent upon the player obtaining the hold to update the wiki and inform the rest of the sphere that it has changed hands, or has been resurrected. Likewise, it is then incumbent on the new holder to ensure that the freehold is safe from the forces of banality, IC.
It is also recommended to rehabilitate and reclaim a pre-existing Hold if its Holder has idled out or quit the game, rather than build one from scratch (when in doubt, make a +request with staff). There is currently a glut of  established and abandoned 'holds on the grid, ready to be reborn (+rules Holdings). As you also need to obtain approval from the local Nobility if you wish to create a 'hold in their lands, especially if there is a PC noble in charge, simply plopping a brand new Freehold down unannounced could be seen as an act of war, something no Kithain wants.
Freeholds are generally work, and not simply a shiny token to add to one's collection after being bought with XP, OOC. There are specific Oaths that need to be made to not only assert ownership of the hold, but that bind the freeholder to it, and will result in harsh consequences should they fail in their duties.
=Forming Motleys or Households for your Mew or Freehold=
The '''motley''' or '''household''' is the central "familial" unit of changeling society (similar to coteries, cabals or packs). '''Motleys''' are generally comprised of commoner and commoner-identifying kithain and kinain, whereas '''Households''' are formed around a central noble and may include commoners. Within Households, PCs can take on active roles, such as thanes and seers and other assignations. Both of these groups are often '''oathbound''' to each other or to their liege and can be a great source of RP. Given the sheer amount of Freeholds already on the grid, it is encouraged to target one of them to join rather than start a brand new one from scratch. A list of typical Household roles is found here:
Mortal households are a different story, though if you're suddenly shacking up with a Vampire and a Mage and a Shifter, you may be asked to Oath various Oaths of secrecy as you're potentially a walking '''Escheat''' breach at that point. <big>'''''No, having 'no secrets' from your IC lover is not reason enough to break the laws of the society in which you are purporting to want to play, and punishment can be severe when you are discovered.''
=Important Oaths=
'''Oaths''' are vital to Kithain society, and carry great weight amongst them. '''Oathbreakers''' are generally reviled within both Courts, and certain Oaths have physical, Chimerical markers that they have been broken. Noble Houses and certain Kiths have Oaths specific to them, as well. Good resources for Oaths are:
There are '''four''' means of obtaining Glamour from mortal Dreamers, both sanctioned and expressly banned by the Escheat. '''Approved''' methods are '''Reverie''' and '''Rapture'''. Less so is '''Ravaging''', and utterly '''''forbidden''''' by both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts is '''Rhapsody'''. A good rundown of these methods, while not written for City of Hope, exists here:
=Cantrip Casting=
'''Cantrips''' are the ways in which kithain and certain kinain (subject to +rules multiclass) utilize '''Arts''' (the nature of the spell) and '''Realms''' (the target or area of effect of the spell) to perform magical feats. The ability to use Glamour is the foundation for the ability to cast them, and more often than not '''Cantrips''' work far better in the Dreaming than in the Autumn World, due to the need to circumvent the target's Banality in order to affect them. The Dreaming also usually requires a bit of appeasement, which it will take in the form of '''Bunks'''. All Kithain save Sidhe (who left Earth and therefore did not develop any affinities for its Realms) have an '''Affinity Realm''', which lowers the difficulty of casting any Cantrip using that Realm by 1. An excellent guide for casting Cantrips can be found on the Project Fiction website, though it is highly recommended that you obtain a copy of the core Changeling text to use:
=Entering Bedlam or Becoming Dream-Struck - Why This is Bad=
Being a Changeling is a constant balancing act;  kithain are always maintaining equilibrium between two extremes.  Just as when Kithain spend too much time in the Autumn World and exposed to too much Banality and risk '''Forgetting''' their Fae natures; when kithain spend too much time in the Dreaming, or away from any mundane friends and family who can temper the constant flow of Glamour, they begin to slide into a form of insanity known as '''Bedlam'''. Not only is this increasingly more dangerous to the fae, it is also increasingly more '''contagious''' to other Changelings. Fortunately, it also tends to occur over time, and in stages. The first stage is relatively easy to spot and cure (and assisting a fellow Changeling out of '''Bedlam''' is vital in adhering to the '''Right of Rescue'''); an infusion of Banality is generally good to cure it. The second and third stages are much more intense, and it is often too late to save a Kithain once the third stage has her in its grasp; many of these unfortunates disappear into the Dreaming altogether, forever (Questing to find and save a lost companion or comrade is a common reason for adventuring into the Deep and Far Dreamings).
The equivalent experience for mortals and kinain is known as becoming '''Dream-Struck'''. These unfortunates become so enraptured and enthralled with the Dreaming that they become non-responsive and catatonic, eventually just slipping away into their own dreams altogether. Again, as with kithain and Bedlam, exposing these mortals to Banality helps them regain their senses and sense of self. To prevent this from happening with their kinain and mortal Dreamers that they Ravage, '''House Leanhuan''' actually creates '''Chronos Cages''': luxurious prisons within the Dreaming for their Glamour cows where time stands still and they can just milk them dry of Glamour before releasing them back into the Autumn World, burnt out and spent, never to Dream again.
=Holding Court=
Those with the '''Title''' (+rules Title) background may call courts for a variety of reasons, including festivals or legal proceedings. Likewise, Commoners can call meetings in their own Mews, though they may not have the luxury of being able to cast Protocol in order to keep the proceedings in line and moving along.  These are some basic types of courts that may be called:
*'''Open Court''': Open to almost everyone. Often called as an impromptu session or a festivity highlight.
*'''Closed/Formal Court''': Open to certain commoners privy to important information. Called to settle matters of state.
*'''Privy Council''': Open to the reigning lord and his closest advisors.
*'''Reune''': Highly secretive meeting between close confidantes or those making backroom political deals. Often employed by Secret Societies (Cat's Cradle, Crystal Circle, Knights of the Cold Watch).

Latest revision as of 20:44, 9 March 2023

This Primer has been out of date since we converted to 20th Anniversary. It is in the process of being rewritten and has been blanked out so as not to cause more confusion.