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== '''FLAWS''' ==
'''Moon-Mad''' - In game terms, the Bastet character gains an additional +2 Rage during this phase of the Moon, or during visits to the Moon itself. This extra Rage makes her irritable under the best of circumstances, psychopathic under stress. She may have dreams just before every full Moon where she wanders a dead landscape with the blood of innocents and enemies alike on her claws. During waking hours, the character prowls angrily, exploding into violence at any real provocation. This is great if a battle is called for; disastrous if the moment requires a cool head and steady hands. People who can see auras notice that the mad cat's body blazes with hot-white fire; even mortals can tell that something's horribly wrong with that chick in the corner. Maybe now's not the best time to pester her. You, of course, would agree....
'''Sensation Junkie''' - You're addicted to sensation, and will do anything to find new means of stimulation.  You must roll Willpower to resist taking the opportunity to try a new kick, difficulty depending on the situation.
== '''GIFTS''' ==
== '''GIFTS''' ==
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Relationship: Difficulty  Lover/relative: 4 Friend: 5 Passerby: 6 Total Stranger: 7 Rival: 8 Enemy: 9 Foe in combat: 10
Relationship: Difficulty  Lover/relative: 4 Friend: 5 Passerby: 6 Total Stranger: 7 Rival: 8 Enemy: 9 Foe in combat: 10
Lick Wounds.......01/01  
'''Lick Wounds''' - This Gift may be used as many times as the player wants, but each healing “lick” costs another Gnosis point. Bear in mind that even a cat may be loathe to lick up toxic waste or raw sewage! Some substances, like silver or Wyrm-poison, might damage the healer in proportion to her healing — that is, by one Health Level per Health Level healed — if it’s still in or on the wound when she licks it. ((this power heals normal or aggravated wounds ((can be used to heal oneself)) The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage, or 6 for non-Garou; the minimum difficulty for this roll is 3, even the target's Rage is lower). Each success heals one health level. The feline may heal even Battle Scars in this manner if the feline uses the Gift in the same scene in which the scar was obtained and she spends a second Gnosis point.   
Mark As Mine......01/01 
'''Mark As Mine''' - This costs a temporary Gnosis point for each object or area treated. Anyone making a successful Perception + Empathy roll will feel distinctly uneasy when coming within 10 feet of the Mark, as if they were trespassing in someone else's house or stealing someone else's valuables. Through sensory magics, an intruder may actually see the Mark, even after the spray dries, and may remove it through appropriate use of magical powers. The Bastet may remove the Gift himself by spraying it a second time. This Gift does work on live creatures, but does not harm them in any way.
Open Seal.........01/01
'''Open Seal''' - With this Gift, the Garou can open nearly any sort of closed or locked physical device. Things like clasps may or may not be considered 'closed physical devices' according to the GM in the scene. Buttons, velcro, zippers and snaps, however, generally do not count. The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet rating).
Pathfinder's Pride01/01 
'''Pathfinder's Pride''' - Cats have a remarkably good sense of direction. With this Gift, a Bastet may improve that knack to find his way out of most kinds of mazes, deserts or woodlands. Invoking this Gift requires a Perception + Subterfuge roll. The difficulty depends on the area’s complexity: a large flat desert or small forest would be 5 or 6, a vast expanse or complicated maze might be 7 or 8, and a primordial rain forest would be 8 or 9. Magical confusion spells, like the Garou Gift: Trackless Waste, can be undone with difficulties 9 or 10. Pathfinder’s Pride does not provide any kind of travel; the werecat merely discovers the way out — getting to the exit is her problem.
Scent Of The True 01/01 
'''Scent Of The True Form''' - This gift allows the feline to determine the true nature of a person. This information is conveyed as an olfactory sensation - it is actually a scent of the target's natural form. The feline can tell automatically when someone is a werewolf; anything else requires a Perception + Primal-Urge roll. It takes two successes to detect Vampires, faeries or other shapeshifters as such, and it takes four to detect fomori or Mages.
Scholar's Friend..01/01
'''Scholar's Friend''' - The shadowcat spends a Gnosis point, rolls his Willpower and begins reading. The difficulty of the roll depends on the obscurity of the text. Only one roll is allowed per reading session. The Gift lasts for one hour per success, and the cat must rest his eyes for several hours after finishing. A failed roll doesn't necessarily mean the werecat couldn't read the text; it may mean that he read it wrong. Storytellers are advised to keep the difficulty of the roll secret, and to base the information given on the successes of the roll. One success lets the cat get the general idea, while four successes or more indicate complete understanding.
Language: Difficulty Modern: 5 Scholarly (Latin, Sanskrit): 6 Archaic or Dead (Aramaic): 7 Common Pictograms (Classic Egyptian): 8 Obscure Pictograms/Codes (Sigils of Mu): 9 Personal Codes/Lost Cuneiform: 10
'''Sense Wyrm''' - System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The diffifculty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher   
'''Sense Wyrm''' - System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The diffifculty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher   
Silent Stalking...01/01  
'''Silent Stalking''' - This common trick allows a Bastet to move without making any sound. Even squeaky or shifting surfaces, like wooden floors or piled twigs, can be passed over without noise.The player rolls Dexterity + Stealth, difficulty 5. Failure renders the Gift unusable for the rest of the scene. Note that this Gift doesn’t make the werecat himself invisible or silent in any way, nor will it prevent any damage (broken twigs, for instance) in his wake — it stifles the sound of his footsteps, nothing more.   
Spirits' Sight....01/01
'''Spirits' Sight''' - Although werecats cannot normally travel through the Gauntlet, this Gift allows them to see through it for a short time. Plenty of good secrets can be discovered this way, but the Gift’s effects tend to frustrate the hell out of the Bastet who can’t get through, like a cat watching a bird on the other side of a window. The player rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and spends one Gnosis point to look into the Penumbra. The Gift lasts one scene and ends if the Bastet is knocked unconscious
'''Treeclimber''' - By extending and sharpening his claws, then invoking this Gift, a Bastet may travel up or down any vertical surface, from tree bark to concrete. Leopards excel at climbing, and most kuasha teach this secret first. Climbing this way requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll. Really hard or slippery surfaces, like ice or steel, are difficulty 8, while easy ones like rock or bark are at difficulty 6. A character traveling this way moves at 10 feet a turn or so, and may have to make new rolls if the circumstances change (in an avalanche, for example).   
Truth Of Gaia.....01/01 
'''Truth Of Gaia''' = The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the subject's Manipulation + Subterfuge). This Gift reveals only whether the target speaks the truth or lies.
== '''NUMINA''' ==
== '''NUMINA''' ==
Alchemy (numina)..03/03
'''Alchemy 3''' - +roll Intelligence + Alchemy vs 6
== '''RITES''' ==
== '''RITES''' ==
Jamak Promise Bond01/01  
'''Jamak Promise Bond''' - Even a cat can need a friend. When a spirit and a Bastet come to an understanding, they offer each other a pledge of friendship. This rite seals that bond; while it has not mystic repercussions, it's considered a formal oath and is taken seriously by both parties. Wits+Rituals, difficulty 7. Although a Bastet can have many spirit friends, she may only choose one Jamak at a time. Carelessly breaking of the Bond promises may reduce her Rank by one or two, depending on what happens and why, as the Jamak spreads word of the werecat's infidelity.
Rite Of Talisman D01/01
'''Rite Of Talisman Dedication''' - The cost is one Gnosis point per object dedicated, and a Garou may never have more objects bound to himself than his Gnosis score. Certain particularly large objects (Storyteller's discretion) are considered more than one of the purpose of "cost". For the purposes of Dedication, an entire set of clothing is considered one item.

Latest revision as of 05:43, 14 November 2012


Moon-Mad - In game terms, the Bastet character gains an additional +2 Rage during this phase of the Moon, or during visits to the Moon itself. This extra Rage makes her irritable under the best of circumstances, psychopathic under stress. She may have dreams just before every full Moon where she wanders a dead landscape with the blood of innocents and enemies alike on her claws. During waking hours, the character prowls angrily, exploding into violence at any real provocation. This is great if a battle is called for; disastrous if the moment requires a cool head and steady hands. People who can see auras notice that the mad cat's body blazes with hot-white fire; even mortals can tell that something's horribly wrong with that chick in the corner. Maybe now's not the best time to pester her. You, of course, would agree....

Sensation Junkie - You're addicted to sensation, and will do anything to find new means of stimulation. You must roll Willpower to resist taking the opportunity to try a new kick, difficulty depending on the situation.


Alms To The Poor - The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls his Gnosis against difficulty 6. Each success creates a handful of food or cheap copper coins (no bills, silver or gold). Most Bubasti disguise this “miracle” by reaching into a sack or box before sharing this wealth.

Banish Sickness - Curing a simple illness like the flu requires a Manipulation + Medicine roll (difficulty 6). Severe diseases and venoms demand a Gnosis point and a roll against difficulty 7. Chronic illnesses or really lethal poisons demand two Gnosis points and a difficulty of 8 or higher. Vicious diseases that eat a victim alive, like AIDS, leprosy, etc. may demand three Gnosis, or even remain incurable by magical means.

Catfeet - This Gift gives the werewolf the agility of a cat, making him immune to falls under 100 feet (he lands on his feet just right). He also has perfect balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and the difficulties of all combat actions involving body slams and grappling decrease by two. Cat-spirits teach this Gift.

Command Attention - The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7) to get everyone’s attention for one turn. This Gift also reduces the difficulty of his next Social roll by 1 for every success he rolls for the Gift. This bonus only applies once, upon entering the space.

Hare's Leap - The player rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). If successful, she may double her normal jumping distance.

Kitten's Cry - The Bastet's player rolls her Manipulation + Expression; the difficulty depends on the circumstances and the target. If the roll succeeds, the target immediately stops whatever he's doing and offers sympathy for the werecat's pain. Some folks, of course, have no pity in their hearts. The Gift inspires hard-souled enemies to torment the Bastet even more than they normally would.

Relationship: Difficulty Lover/relative: 4 Friend: 5 Passerby: 6 Total Stranger: 7 Rival: 8 Enemy: 9 Foe in combat: 10

Lick Wounds - This Gift may be used as many times as the player wants, but each healing “lick” costs another Gnosis point. Bear in mind that even a cat may be loathe to lick up toxic waste or raw sewage! Some substances, like silver or Wyrm-poison, might damage the healer in proportion to her healing — that is, by one Health Level per Health Level healed — if it’s still in or on the wound when she licks it. ((this power heals normal or aggravated wounds ((can be used to heal oneself)) The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage, or 6 for non-Garou; the minimum difficulty for this roll is 3, even the target's Rage is lower). Each success heals one health level. The feline may heal even Battle Scars in this manner if the feline uses the Gift in the same scene in which the scar was obtained and she spends a second Gnosis point.

Mark As Mine - This costs a temporary Gnosis point for each object or area treated. Anyone making a successful Perception + Empathy roll will feel distinctly uneasy when coming within 10 feet of the Mark, as if they were trespassing in someone else's house or stealing someone else's valuables. Through sensory magics, an intruder may actually see the Mark, even after the spray dries, and may remove it through appropriate use of magical powers. The Bastet may remove the Gift himself by spraying it a second time. This Gift does work on live creatures, but does not harm them in any way.

Open Seal - With this Gift, the Garou can open nearly any sort of closed or locked physical device. Things like clasps may or may not be considered 'closed physical devices' according to the GM in the scene. Buttons, velcro, zippers and snaps, however, generally do not count. The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet rating).

Pathfinder's Pride - Cats have a remarkably good sense of direction. With this Gift, a Bastet may improve that knack to find his way out of most kinds of mazes, deserts or woodlands. Invoking this Gift requires a Perception + Subterfuge roll. The difficulty depends on the area’s complexity: a large flat desert or small forest would be 5 or 6, a vast expanse or complicated maze might be 7 or 8, and a primordial rain forest would be 8 or 9. Magical confusion spells, like the Garou Gift: Trackless Waste, can be undone with difficulties 9 or 10. Pathfinder’s Pride does not provide any kind of travel; the werecat merely discovers the way out — getting to the exit is her problem.

Scent Of The True Form - This gift allows the feline to determine the true nature of a person. This information is conveyed as an olfactory sensation - it is actually a scent of the target's natural form. The feline can tell automatically when someone is a werewolf; anything else requires a Perception + Primal-Urge roll. It takes two successes to detect Vampires, faeries or other shapeshifters as such, and it takes four to detect fomori or Mages.

Scholar's Friend - The shadowcat spends a Gnosis point, rolls his Willpower and begins reading. The difficulty of the roll depends on the obscurity of the text. Only one roll is allowed per reading session. The Gift lasts for one hour per success, and the cat must rest his eyes for several hours after finishing. A failed roll doesn't necessarily mean the werecat couldn't read the text; it may mean that he read it wrong. Storytellers are advised to keep the difficulty of the roll secret, and to base the information given on the successes of the roll. One success lets the cat get the general idea, while four successes or more indicate complete understanding.

Language: Difficulty Modern: 5 Scholarly (Latin, Sanskrit): 6 Archaic or Dead (Aramaic): 7 Common Pictograms (Classic Egyptian): 8 Obscure Pictograms/Codes (Sigils of Mu): 9 Personal Codes/Lost Cuneiform: 10

Sense Wyrm - System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The diffifculty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher

Silent Stalking - This common trick allows a Bastet to move without making any sound. Even squeaky or shifting surfaces, like wooden floors or piled twigs, can be passed over without noise.The player rolls Dexterity + Stealth, difficulty 5. Failure renders the Gift unusable for the rest of the scene. Note that this Gift doesn’t make the werecat himself invisible or silent in any way, nor will it prevent any damage (broken twigs, for instance) in his wake — it stifles the sound of his footsteps, nothing more.

Spirits' Sight - Although werecats cannot normally travel through the Gauntlet, this Gift allows them to see through it for a short time. Plenty of good secrets can be discovered this way, but the Gift’s effects tend to frustrate the hell out of the Bastet who can’t get through, like a cat watching a bird on the other side of a window. The player rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and spends one Gnosis point to look into the Penumbra. The Gift lasts one scene and ends if the Bastet is knocked unconscious

Treeclimber - By extending and sharpening his claws, then invoking this Gift, a Bastet may travel up or down any vertical surface, from tree bark to concrete. Leopards excel at climbing, and most kuasha teach this secret first. Climbing this way requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll. Really hard or slippery surfaces, like ice or steel, are difficulty 8, while easy ones like rock or bark are at difficulty 6. A character traveling this way moves at 10 feet a turn or so, and may have to make new rolls if the circumstances change (in an avalanche, for example).

Truth Of Gaia = The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the subject's Manipulation + Subterfuge). This Gift reveals only whether the target speaks the truth or lies.


Alchemy 3 - +roll Intelligence + Alchemy vs 6


Jamak Promise Bond - Even a cat can need a friend. When a spirit and a Bastet come to an understanding, they offer each other a pledge of friendship. This rite seals that bond; while it has not mystic repercussions, it's considered a formal oath and is taken seriously by both parties. Wits+Rituals, difficulty 7. Although a Bastet can have many spirit friends, she may only choose one Jamak at a time. Carelessly breaking of the Bond promises may reduce her Rank by one or two, depending on what happens and why, as the Jamak spreads word of the werecat's infidelity.

Rite Of Talisman Dedication - The cost is one Gnosis point per object dedicated, and a Garou may never have more objects bound to himself than his Gnosis score. Certain particularly large objects (Storyteller's discretion) are considered more than one of the purpose of "cost". For the purposes of Dedication, an entire set of clothing is considered one item.