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[[Category:Inactive Pack]]
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This is a large territory to claim, almost a quarter of the city, and there's no reason to think that the Archbishop would reject our claim. Essentially it puts the pack in the heart of the Sabbat controlled territory.  
This is a large territory to claim, almost a quarter of the city. Essentially it puts the pack in the heart of the Sabbat controlled territory.  

Latest revision as of 09:46, 4 November 2017


"Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." - Tennessee Williams.

The Menagerie is a Sabbat pack within the city of Prospect.

An assembly for those vampires who wish to explore the vampiric condition without worrying about what their peers may think. Taking chaos into their own hand, the Menagerie reinvents itself at the whim of its members. One night they party in unabashed debauchery, the other they spend studying ancient manuscriots, the next they join a war party. Never the same, their only constant is change.


The Menagerie claim the territory north of Market Street, and east of the Highway; taking interest in the most rundown section of the city, the upper half of the Harbor District


This is a large territory to claim, almost a quarter of the city. Essentially it puts the pack in the heart of the Sabbat controlled territory.

Pack Code

The pack follows the Sabbat's Code of Milan to the letter.

I. The Sabbat shall remain united in its support of the sect's Regent. If necessary, a new Regent shall be elected. The Regent shall support relief from tyranny, granting all Sabbat freedom.

II. All Sabbat shall do their best to serve their leaders as long as said leaders serve the will of the Regent.

III. All Sabbat shall faithfully observe all the Auctoritas Ritae.

IV. All Sabbat shall keep their word of honor to one another.

V. All Sabbat shall treat their peers fairly and equally, upholding the strength and unity of the Sabbat. If necessary, they shall provide for the needs of their brethren.

VI. All Sabbat must put the good of the sect before their own personal needs, despite all costs.

VII. Those who are not honorable under this code will be considered less than equal and therefore unworthy of assistance.

VIII. As it has always been, so it shall always be. The Lextalionis shall be the model for immortal justice by which all Sabbat shall abide.

IX. All Sabbat shall protect one another from the enemies of the Sect. Personal enemies shall remain personal responsibility, unless they undermine Sect security.

X. All sect members shall protect Sabbat territory from all other powers.

XI. The spirit of freedom shall be the fundamental principle of the Sect. All Sabbat shall expect and demand freedom from their leaders.

XII. The Ritus of Monomacy shall be used to settle disputes among all Sabbat.

XIII. All Sabbat shall support the Black Hand.

Addendum: Statutes added to the revised Code

XIV. All Sabbat have the right to monitor the behavior and activities of their fellow Sect members in order to maintain freedom and security.

XV. All Sabbat possess the right to call a council of their peers and their immediate leaders.

XVI. All Sabbat shall act against Sect members who use the powers and authority the Sabbat has given them for personal gain at the expense of the Sabbat. Action shall be taken only through accepted means, approved by a quorum of Prisci.


No pages meet these criteria.


The Menagerie/Assets


The Menagerie/Backgrounds

In Progress
Rp Logs