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My name is Roman Arkady Konstantin Nikolaevich Alexeyev Andreov, Kinfolk born to the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Widow's Wrath, under the Lodge of the Moon. Son of Nikolai Roman Leonid Vaslievich Andreov Iron Law, Elder Half Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Widow's Wrath, Master of the Challenge and slayer of the Knockerwyrm Ledjanoeserdce, called Frozenheart. Son of Vasily Nikolai Vladimir Dmitryevich Andreov Winter Lord, Crescent Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Cold Wind, Master of the Rite and holder of the Grand Klaive Death Knell. Son of Dmitry Vasily Josef Romanovich Andreov None Left Standing, Full Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Cold Wind and last to fall in the Battle of the Brumal Wild. Son of Roman Dmitry Konstantin Nazaryevich Andreov Fire That Binds, Crescent Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Cold Wind and forger of the Grand Klaive Death Knell. I have the honor to be the grandson of King Luna's Blade, Elder Ahroun of the Silver Fangs, the White King of the Sept of the Cold Wind. I am the father of four strong Garou sons: Arkady Nazary Ilya Romanovich Alexeyev Andreov Six Black Dragons, Fostern Full Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Cold Wind, born on two legs of Maya Volkovna None Better, Adren Full Moon Silver Fang of the Sept of the Widow's Wrath, born of four legs and champion of the Battle of Frozen Heart; Vasily Leonid Eugeniy Romanovich Alexeyev Andreov Czernobog's Hammer, Cliath Half Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Widow's Wrath, born on two legs of Kerro Kinane Eyes on Luna, Adren Gibbous Moon Silver Fang of the Sept of the Widow's Wrath and composer of the ballad "Two Rivers Meet the Sea"; Aleksandr Dmitry Piotr Romanovich Alexeyev Andreov Endless Blaze, Cliath Full Moon of the Silver Fangs of the Sept of the Widow's Wrath, born on two legs of Carlotta Potapenko Snow Ghost, Athro Crescent Moon of the Silver Fangs and Alpha of the pack Luna's Light of Truth, the seekers of ancient mysteries; and Kazimir Romanovich Vulcan-Andreov, No-Moon cub born to the Shadow Lords and known as Dead Crow, born on two legs of Jitka Vulcan Upward Helix, Fostern No-Moon of the Shadow Lords of the Sept of Endless Rain and finder of lost Kinfolk.

Latest revision as of 23:27, 19 December 2018
