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Revision as of 01:07, 31 May 2012

Rebuan2.pngReuban Silver
  • Birthdate: June 5, 1976
  • Male
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Coloration: Pale/Brown/Brown
  • Demeanor: Conformist


  • Kin Lost: A divorce' with a ten year old daughter, Reuban is estranged from his family who still remain in this city.
  • Obsession: A man of intense study, Reuban is recognized in some circles to be a man obsessed with number-based sequences and fortune-telling. Numerology, Gemetria, Fibonacci Sequence and Spirals, Mathmatical Patterns of any manner. People of similar interest into the meaning of Life, The Universe and Everything were arguably his only 'social circle' for many years. It even cost him his family.
  • Bookworm Bait: Reuban is no stranger to any number of book stores, libraries and dusty records annex, usually in the more neglected areas of bizarre study. Sometimes it's a wonder that he leaves at all as he is more likely more comforting to the pages than he is to some people.
  • Religious Affiliation: Those with ties to the church and administration may have an awareness of Reuban's existence. Not a terribly talkative man, a large portion of his recent history was spent combing archives and working as a clerk. He's become more confrontational lately. (Church Ties Merit)
  • Fascination: When not buried in research, he is prone to new flights of curiosity and obsession. Reuban rarely says 'no' to any opportunity to experience something new so he may sit back and observe with rapt fascination. If he gets close enough to query after his observations, people can be prepared for rapid fire no holds barred candid speech. Matters he may consider 'anomalies' are twofold for this rule.
The Others
Cody: 457; 282; 47; 5
Lucas: 314; 336; 56; 6
Kizzy: 402; 546; 91; 8