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The Black Forest Lab IV
The Kids aren't alright. Or...developed.
IC Time Midnight
Players Velok (Storyteller), Cynthia, Misa, Wormwood
Location The Black Forest, Germany
Prp/Tp The Black Forest Lab
Spheres Mortal and Shifter


(This is a culmination of several sessions strictly with OOC planning and information gathering, and then this scene with execution. The group arrived at a town near the forest and started to investigate different things. Misa went to interrogate townsfolk and learned that young children in the village started getting kidnapped and disappearing randomly, so the town started sending away pregnant women and children to different cities in Germany. There are no more youth within the small town for their own safety. Cynthia staked out the compound, learning the guard patterns and watching for anything suspicious. She noted the rigorous schedule as well as other possible entry methods, including Umbral and Shadow. Both realities were heavily guarded, the Umbra being filled with both weaver and wyrm banes, and the Shadowlands had several spectres that were tasked in guarding. Wormwood communicated with some wraiths and learned that most of them were only passing through, and that there were not wraiths of the missing children. The group came up with their plan on how to infiltrate the compound, then executed)

xxxxxThe plan was pretty simple, after it was finally all agreed upon. The single story, windowless box with a single front door made entry points limited. Snatch the doctor, distract the guard, replace the doctor, interrogate the doctor while Wormwood gets inside. Six guards surround the compound on their normal guard duty. Two at the dirt path leaving the clearing, one standing next to the door. Three on patrol at different points around the building, one on each side except for the front. The nnly anomly following a spontaneous movements is the bald man in the lab coat, wandering from place to place. It's pretty obvious he doesn't get breaks all that often, and is enjoying this one, delaying it as long as he can. He stands at the edge of the forest, only one guard able to see him within line of sight.
xxxxxNight rests over the forest, the only real illumination coming in patches around the building, but leaving a space of darkness the closer it gets to the forest. The researcher remains within that darkness as he stares off into the trees.

Misa waits patiently at the tent, thinking over how she's going to try to get info out of the target. There's always torture... but that is boring. I MEAN bad. Yes. There were more interesting and effective ways of getting information... she circles the tent a few times while nodding towards some of her ether. "That could work..."

Wormwood creeps along the perimeter of the fences with Cynthia, watching and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. His bag full of random googaws and grotesque masks is back at the camp-site, open so even Misa can examine it. All he has under his coat for the moment is a single mask with a grotesque likeness of a cartoon doctor with one of those shiny disks on his forehead. <<Just let me know what to do and when, and I'll drop in, once you've grabbed him. But how are we going to get rid of that guard?>> He thinks aloud.

Cynthia walks to a reasonable distance away and opens the jar offering Wormwood one of the swirling candied mints "Up up and away." she pops one of her own and grins over at Wormwood <<Got a brilliant plan.. I think.>> and leaps into the air wrapping herself with darkness as she flies through the air to land on the roof.

xxxxxLuckily, the idea of a random bird taking off isn't going to cause much of a problem, and no one's exactly looking up to the sky. Cynthia is able to drop easily onto the roof. A quick look around would determine that there's no types of surveillance up there, only the box units of the ventilation and such, heavily secured.

Wormwood eyes the jar of mints skeptically, until Cynthia takes off and flies up. He watches her for a few moments, then shrugs, and pops one into his mouth. <<Okay, let's see. I guess I'll go peter-pan so I can put this mask on and drop down after you do your thing..."

BlackWhispers leans over the edge and mentally signalling for Wormwood to get ready to take the guards place. The ratmonster throws a little pebble. Traditional ninja trick and prepares for the dash down the wall towards the smoker.

xxxxxHOLY FUCKING SHIT A PEBBLE. Normally the pebble wouldn't actually do much of anything to a trained guard, but a particularly creative gift causes the guard to follow his baser instincts. "Huh?" he says quietly as he turns slowly in place, facing the clear wall of the building. He's slow as his eyes trail along the ground, looking for the source of the noise. Just a pebble though, so the distraction leaves a perfect amount of time for the Ninja to race towards the unsuspecting guard.

Wormwood floats up to the branches of a tree overhead, then perches. He draws the doctor mask out from under his coat, putting it on, and then looking down at the doctor below. <<Okay, here I am, up in a tree...floating...I hope this thing won't make it hard for me to drop down...should I cloak or not even bother? Probably would be more inconspicuous than not doing it...also, leave me the badge, if you don't mind? Helps complete the disguise..." And he waits.

BlackWhispers ninja vanishes as the guard gets distracted, zipping with an arc of movement as she drops down, oh look it's the ether Rat. One hand over the face holding a cloth soaked in just enough ether to knock him out while she begins rifling and handing off keys, nametags and whatever else the guy is carrying over to the waiting Wormwood. Once he has everything she lifts and drags the guy into the woods, dissapearing into the shadows with naught but a whisper.

Wormwood has his mask on. The moment he sees the streak of Splinter's Daughter down and around the guard, he also is there on the ground. He crouches down to grab everything that Black Whispers tosses out of the poor man's pockets, until the man is no longer in sight. Then, he also crouches down and picks up the still lit cigarette the man was holding, and begins to smoke it as he clips on his name-tag and puts the man's keys into his pockets. There...a passable impression. It should do a decent job fooling morons, at least. <<So...what happens if I get made inside? We have a plan for that...is it just...texas chainsaw murderfest time?>>

xxxxxThis is a really awesome fucking pebble. There's plenty of time for the ninja to scoop up the doctor, completely unspecting, and shove him forward into the forest. Once he's down, it's a bit of a chore to get all his clothes off and onto Wormwood, but that's a really interesting pebble. There's a few, perhaps distinct, things missing from the doctor's pockets. There's a badge, sure, with no name at all on it or picture. Simply a section that looks like it's scanned over a keycard reader. There's a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. There's no wallet, or any identification, not even a nametag. No way to actually tell a name for this John Doe. But we'll call him John.
xxxxxONce Wormwood takes his place in response, presumably standing where the doctor was standing, the rest goes a bit smoother. The doctor, now only wearing power rangers underwear, is lugged back to camp and delivered to Misa, still unconscious. The guard has the pebble back in his hand and turns back around, tossing the pebble away and staring around. His eyes fall on Wormwood's back idly, then continues scanning. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Wormwood smokes his cigarette idly. He looks up at the guard when the guard eyes him. <<This badge has no name on it, and he has no wallet or anything. I HOPE this mask will fool cameras and stuff...provided it's not all weavertech, and the spiders inside aren't brilliant. Okay, I'm going to try and go in now...back me up, MURDERFEST...is the plan if I get made still, right? Or no?>> He begins to make his way towards the entrance of the little bunker, doing his best to mimic his earlier observation of doctors who came out to smoke, mimicking how they acted when they were ready to head back in.

Misa is probably not on the mind link, so can't authorize. When the man gets near the tent Misa runs out and puts an ether soaked rag in teh doctor's face until he falls asleep, she then pulls it away quickly in the hopes she didn't take him out too long. "Bring him in the tent... he's going to basically be drunk as hell when he wakes up." Misa says, quickly, and with strangely expert hands strips the man to his undies, laying him on her bedroll.

xxxxxIt's not really that hard to mimic how the doctor was moving. The movements usually weren't all that well organized, which means the guards don't demand a strict pattern. It's the guards that have the patrol path. Either that, or they don't care. No one gives Wormwood any funny looks, or even lingering looks, as he makes his way around the building. There's still a single guard at the entrance, standing beside the door, rifle in hands. The guard stares straight ahead, not looking towards Wormwood as he approaches. The only real constant pattern with the doctors is that the cigarette is always discarded before returning inside. An easy feat, and the stray butts still on the ground show that there's no real disposal pattern.
xxxxxThe man is still mostly asleep when Cynthia brings him towards Misa, but the ether knocks him back out. As Misa strips him down, she might notice a few things. Power rangers undies, of course. The man is in his thirties with fairly unblemished skin, and doesn't have chemical stains or chemical burns anywhere. He's probably just a really really good scientist. The real awkwardness is when she rolls the man onto the bedroll, and notices the bulge that's in his underwear is...really really small. Micropenis small.

Wormwood tosses his cigarette aside, then reaches over with a foot to tap it out slightly, before again mimicking what he observed from the road of the procedures the doctors usually take for re-entering the building...swiping badges, showing ID cards, the works. He does his best to look convincing, hoping nobody is perceptive enough or cares enough to stop him. <<Okay...this place is fucking weird...why nothing on the badges?>>

Misa investigates. Not just the obvious microthings, but the rest of him. "This guy... he's got no scars... no wrinkles. I... don't think he shaves I think he is just this way." she frowns a few times and shakes her head. "Shit this plan might not work... okay this is going to sound crazy but I think we found the missing kids already. Do with that what you will?" Misa stares at the man for a few moments, reformulating her plan while she waits for the man to stir.

Cynthia blinks at Misa "Really? Well.. Fuck. Okay." as she leans down examining the guy more closely. Checking his eyes, his teeth. Cynthia winces away back from the guy. "Well, we'll have to find out something from him when he wakes up." she looks at Misa as she concentrates <Waiting for sleeping beauty. Misa suspects he IS one of the kids.>

xxxxxThere's plenty of time for Wormwood to pause without seeming suspicious, especially if he's waiting for consultation. The doctor starts to stir, moaning and mumbling a bit before he's able to come back to his senses. "Mmmm" He says, though his eyes go wide when he realizes he is certainly not where he's supposed to be. Fear. Fear strikes the very heart of him as his eyes try to fucus on first Misa, then Cynthia. "Wha?" he says in a slightly higher pitched voice than normal.

Wormwood spend an extra few moments stomping out his cigarette. <<Should I go in or not? Also, what about the back-up plan, what are we doing guys? Murderfest if I get spotted? Do we all converge, what is our plan?>>

Misa acts quickly. Reaching down to smooth the... doctor's(?) hair. "Morning sweety. I let you sleep in you have a fever. You want to stay home tonight?" she asks in a strangely soothing and nurturing voice for Misa, she hopes it translates well. "Tell you what, I'll go in for you, you just stay here and sleep. What's the passcodes?"

Cynthia sit back smiling while she thinks <OK, backup plan. If you get made, we pull you out. I'll make a distraction. And distraction I mean I'll blow a hole in the wall for you to ditch through. Misa is getting passcodes now.>

xxxxxThe doctor is very clearly scared as he's being interrogated, and at this point, the guard at the door has turned his head and is idly glancing at Wormwood, perhaps starting to wonder what the delay might be. "I need to go back. Please let me go. I'll get in so much trouble if I don't go back. Daddy will be so upset." He pleads, starting to shake his head as he looks between Cynthia and Misa. "There's...no...passcodes." The man starts to pat at his skin, expecting a coat that's no longer there. "Just...badge...swipe badge and door opens and down down down down down..." He starts to squirm and struggle.

Wormwood makes his way to enter. <<Okay, heading in now.>>

xxxxxThe closer Wormwood gets, the more the guard looks, but not in the way where Wormwood might suspect he's made. No words are mentioned as the guard turns, opening up the door. The inside of the building is made of white paneling, looking incredibly clean. There's only a single hallway leading from the front door, leading in twenty feet before it turns a corner to the left. The large building seems to contain no rooms, no doors or anything, only the hallway, the turn, and then what looks like an elevator opening. No buttons, only a keycard pad for swiping. The same type of keycard Wormwood has.

Wormwood swipes the keycard, then waits. <<Nothing in here but an elevator. No buttons, just a keycard swipe. This entire building is just a glorified elevator walkway...>>

Cynthia hmms <He says it's all swipe card, waiting for Misa to confirm. Down down down down down.> as she looks over at Misa in that raised eyebrow of 'is he shitting us?’

Misa frowns a bit as he starts getting his senses. Damn so much for that plan. Oh well, wasn't expected to work, just thought it's be funny if it did. "Shhh. It's okay. We'll bring you back to daddy, everythign will be fine, he'll never even know you were gone. We need some help though first."

xxxxxThere's no ding or noise, only the slow opening of elevator doors opening after the keycard is swiped. If Wormwood looks inside, he'll note there's no buttons or indications or anything. Especially no weight limit inspection notice on file. Those bastards! There's only one part of the elevator that sticks out, which is a small, keycard shaped slit in the elevator, where it looks like someone is supposed to deposite the keycard fully inside to operate the elevator. Doesn't exactly look like it returns the keycard.
xxxxxThe doctor keeps shaking his head and looking between the pair. "Daddy will be so so upset if I don't come back. I'm supposed to come back.What....what do you need help with? Then can I go?" Wormwood shrugs, then deposits the keycard. <<No swipe for the card in here. Looks like there's only one card and they all share it. It's like...only one person out at a time, then you return the card to the elevator to make it go down...this place is fucking strange...going down...>>

Cynthia tilts her head "Who's your daddy? Maybe we can call him to let him know that you'll be back soon." she pulls out her cell phone. "We can help. You fell down and we're just trying to help. We just need some information."

Misa nods to Cynthia and smiles along. "See? We just want to help."

xxxxxThe elevator doors stay open for a bit after Wormwood deposits the keycard. Slowly the start to close, and down Wormwood starts to descend.
xxxxx"My daddy is...is..." The man starts to struggle even more, trying to break free of any restraints that Cynthia and Misa are pinning him down. "No! I need to go back to the elevator! He'll kill me! I'm supposed to...go out..smoke...go back..."

Wormwood stands in the elevator, swaying back and forth and letting elevator music go through his head. <<The keycard is gone now.>>

Misa nods. "Alright, you can help by letting us know what you need to do ovce you get home."

Cynthia says, "Woah, calm down there tiger. We just need to know who your dad is so we can call him. I mean, what were you working on, does it need to get checked on soon?"

xxxxxWhile before there was fear, now there is panic. Fear and Panic not exactly at the two women that have been 'helping him', but of consequences. He starts to struggle more before a sudden jolt of pain hits him. His hands reach up to clench at his head. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He starts to scream unless someone smartly clasps his mouth shut. Something they said or something he thought triggered something within his mind as the struggling turns to writhing. Soon, the writhing stops. The breathing stops. The heartbeat stops. The naked doctor, far too strange, lays dead on Misa's bedroll.

xxxxxFor the first time, a sound is made. *Ding* comes out the elevator, as if everything was actually normal. Wormwood travelled down into the depths for quite a bit, enough to pretty much guarantee that assumption made so near to the start, that the majority was underground. It opens up into another white hallway with three doors lining each side of the wall, and and a door at the end of the hallway. There's no sounds of movement or other people, though scuffmarks on the floor indicate that there have been people around, this part not necessarily having been cleaned of the dirt on peoples shoes from the clearing outside. The keycard is not returned, and the doors stay open for as long as Wormwood stays in the elevator.

Misa checks the doctors pulse, and does what she can while he's screaming but she has literally zero medical training. Once he lies still on teh ground she stops for a moment to think. "So... he goes up, walks around, talks to the guards and smokes. Then goes down? The hell is the..." Misa slaps her forhead and shakes her head. "Itta roach motel."

Cynthia does actualy have medical training, but she's more watching the response, trying to determine the source. She watches for a few moments until Misa gives up on saving the doctors life. <The doctor self destructed under questioning. I'm going to take him apart a bit and see what caused it.> she moves forward and starts checking for homorages, bleeding, anything that shows signs of what killed him.