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(The Three Stooges at 40,000 Feet)
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The Ukraine Briefing I
The Three Stooges at 40,000 Feet
IC Date Tuesday
IC Time 12:00 P.M.
Players Velok (Storyteller) and Locke and November
Location Aleksei's G650
Prp/Tp The Usurping of Ukraine
Spheres Changeling and Demon and Mage


(Enter November and Velok)

xxxxxIt wasn't very much longer after Aleksei contacted Velok and Velok talked to November that they were packing. "The longer we wait, the riskier it is." Velok says. "Plus I've never been on the plane before, but Aleksei assures me it's the fastest he could fly. I just hope it's comfortable. 20 hour flight?" Velok apparently doesn't look very pleased about any of this, but still he packs the suitcases. When they step outside, the limo is awaiting them. There's a kind, portly Russian fellow driving the car, who scowls a bit at Velok. Velok, naturally, scowls right back, as is Russian tradition. The sky is clear of clouds, the starts invisible from the light pollution as Velok holds the door open for November. "Seriously. There better be like, just peanuts everywhere."

xxxxxNovember squirms just a little bit as she slides into the car. "I've never been on a plane. Do you have any idea how many people DIE on airplanes every year? I've already died once this year. Rehosting would be a bitch." This is said beneath the notice of the driver, of course. "Can't I just travel through the Shadowlands and meet you there?"

xxxxxVelok pauses, biting his lip. Once they slip into the Limo, the little Russian guy finishes packing and scooting all the baggage into the trunk. The door is closed and they take off speedily. If they look forward, they can see the little Russian glaring through the rearview mirror at the pair, very visably and noticably raising the tinted privacy window so he doesn't have to hear them. How rude. Velok presses his face to the side of the window, looking up towards the sky as November talks to him. "Sure, I guess. If you want. Though I'm not going to try and teleport there, and if you disappear that means I'm going to just need to bring a ton of strippers and hookers onto the plane to keep me company. That doesn't really sound like something I'll get away with, does it?" He turns his head to glare at November as they pull out onto the highway. "If you want to leave me alone, fiiiiiine. Go for it.

xxxxxNovember grins at Velok, shrugging, peering up at the little evil Russian man in the front seat for a moment or two, then back to Velok. "Be easy enough to dispose of the bodies at 30,000 feet or so. *I* just don't want to die, baby." She didn't put up all this fuss while packing, so she can't really be objecting THAT much. She's being stubborn just for the sake of being stubborn. "And if you REALLY want one last hurrah before I cut off your penis, you go right on ahead, baby."

xxxxxVelok squirms a little bit in the seat, continuing to stare out the window. "Also hang on. Way more people die in cars every year than in airplanes, and you don't seem to be all upset about being driven around by a /FAT/" That word seems to be said a LITTLE louder than it should be. Apparently Velok and this guy have beef. "angry little Russian." The threat to his most favorite part ever causes his eyes to widen, turning to stare at November. "One last hurrah, then you can cut it off. Then I'm going to grow it back, bigger and angrier. With like, an angry face." He pauses, looking down, then frowning a bit. "Ok not with a face, but you know what I mean. Don't tempt me or I'll start growing other things." He turns his eyes to stare at November. Oh yes, he made that threat. Soon they're pulling up to the gate of Prospect International. Two guards, one on each side, walk to the limo and stare inside, then another goes up to the drivers seat. After a quick exchange, the gate is brought back, and the limo is tearing off towards the private hangers. "See now I'm thinking about strippers. This is going to be a long fight."

xxxxxNovember shakes her head, grinning. "I can slip into the shadowlands just fine from here and not die. I don't know what would happen WAY. Up. THERE." SHe points up at the sky with a little sigh and shakes her head. "I'll make it permanent and I don't know a WHOLE bunch about magic, but I'm pretty sure that you can't do that just yet. So.. there." She reaches up and boops him happily on the nose.

xxxxxVelok shrugs, staring over towards the guards as they peruse the limo. "It's up to you." His head bobs back and forth as he watches the men, then stretches out to peer at the airplanes. "Pretty." He comments, leaning over to bump into November. When the Limo slips into a private hanger, pulling up next to a fancy white G650, Velok smiles. He doesn't wait to have the door opened, opening it himself and bounding out. "Prettier. I love my job." Velok's arms fold over his chest and he squeezes himself. The plane already has the staircase down and ready to go and the turbines are starting to whirl up. Apparently they're late. Velok isn't waiting for November as he bounds up the staircase, grabbing onto both railings and slipping into the aircraft.
xxxxxWhen both November and Velok (and soon Locke) get to inspect the plane, it's entirely obvious exactly how rich Aleksei is. The front of the plane has leather brown patterened flooring. There are dotted white chairs along the first half with enough room to lay them backwards for sleeping. A TV comes out of a brown set of cupboards with pink and purple 'Club 215' motiff. (http://tinyurl.com/mb3yuvq). Halfway in the plane is a wooden panneling with a TV inlaid in it and a door. The plane is just tall enough so that Misa and Liesl won't have to duck down, but Velok has to. If one were to open the door, they'd see that it's business up front, party in the back. The brown leather turns into white leather, and directly ahead is a bathroom to the side and a big blue bed taking up the rear end of the plane, dotted with the occasional mirrors. There's a TV in here too, as well as a small sofa with tables for placing food. (http://tinyurl.com/koxuzn9).

xxxxxNovember grins over at Velok and nudges him right back. She slides out after him, pulling the shades up off her eyes and resting them atop her head. She just.. stares at the thing. "But it's... little. What about wind and sheer and... like.. little aliens that hang out on the wings and shit." She FROWNS up at the plane, crossing her arms over her chest, but moves on ahead up the stairs, almost dragging herself up the steps. To be sure, the awesomeness of the plane isn't lost on November, but she's already decided that she's going to balk. Just to be stubborn. She finds herself a seat and flops down, looking around the place.

xxxxxThe pilots step out of the cockpit, peering towards November and Velok. They don't say a word, but the captain reaches over and pulls out an example seatbelt, shoving the clips together in the worst safety demonstration in the world, then dropping them back somewhere inside the cockpit. "I think they want us to buckle up." Velok says, looking around the plane and then heading back towards the back of the plane. He opens the door and peers inside, then closes it and goes back to sit down in the seats. "They have a bed back there. Sexy." He plops down in the seat next to November, buckling up. The tube and strap gets taken off, tucked under the seat. "I'm not going to pretend I know how an airplane works. I'll just pretend it's magic. I don't think little aliens sitting on the wings will help it take off, but maybe that's how they land." Velok turns to peer at November, nudging her again. "Cheer up Charlie. It's my first time flying too, but if we die, well you'll hopefully not take my body."
xxxxxThe plane starts to taxi out of the hanger, heading towards the runway. It's not long before the turbines are powering up, that whirring noise filling the plane and the ground passing past the windows. Faster and faster and faster and then tilt and up and off the ground they go. Velok clutches the sides of the chair all the way up until there's a *ding* to indicate the plane is stabilized. "That was awesome.." Velok comments, despite being silence the entire time. "We should do it again."

xxxxxNovember shakes her head. "You didn't see that Twilight Zone episode? Where they're flying and there's a big ass storm and there are those creepy little fucks out on the wings?" She eyes the wings through the window and then pulls the shade thingy down and buckles up. Unbuckles, makes sure the belt is JUST right, buckles back up, tightens it, starts to lose circulation to her girly parts, loosens it, fusses with it a little more, shifts in her seat. Then THEFUCKINGTHINGISMOVING!!!!! She's clawing at her own seat, breaking out into a sweat, shifting a little more, then going absolutely still. She's probably going to hurl. Yup. There's a little bit of November in there - just enough to make the fear of flying kick her in the slightly numb girly parts. Once it's up, she gets a little better, though every tiny little bit of turbulence makes her grit her teeth loudly. She'll be okay though. Really. Promise. She hesitantly undoes her seat belt and slides up to her feet, clinging to this and that as she moves to explore.

xxxxxVelok seems to be having the entirely opposite reaction to his first takeoff. Though he's clutching onto the seat, he seems to be having much more of a blast. "Weeeee" November is way, way more interesting than he though she'd be, so his blue eyes stare at her throughout the bit, smiling wider and wider. He reaches under his seat, fumbling for something, then pulling out one of those wonderful paper throwingup bags, handing it to the woman. "You weren't this scared when you went on the rollercoasters on Valentine's Day.." He comments, unbuckling his own seat but not getting out, choosing to let her get up and roam instead. He turns in his seat, arms clutching at the back and peering up at her. "If it makes you feel better, you can shadowwalk home once we get there." He leans forward in his seat, looking to the TV. "That's pretty neat, I wish I'd thought of using that for pictures." He unzips his hoodie, taking out the brown envelope and laying it down on the table, bundling up his clothes and tossing it into one of the seats. "There's a bed back there if you want to lie down. Aleksei told me there was also movies and stuff if you wanted to watch them. Though if you find any porn, especially of the homemade variety, probably best we don't watch that. I see enough of Titania naked at work, I don't need to see it when I'm actually doing work too."

xxxxxNovember smacks the barf bag out of his hand with a little grumble. Not violently. Just.. well.. it's VERY inviting. And there is nothing worse in this entire fucking world than throwing up. NOTHING. Doing it at altitude where her brain is already trying to leak out her ears? No thanks. She stumbles along until she finds the bed, upon to which she flops. "TV? No... everything's all..... spinny.... that's... no...... come back here. I'm lonely." She rolls over onto her belly and plants her face into the pillow, hiding her head with her hands over the back of her head.

(Enter Locke)

xxxxxWhat's that sound? It almost sounds like a muffled voice. But it must just be the engines. Or the wind against the plane. Surely it's the just that. Don't be crazy this isn't the Twilight Zone and Gremlins... wait hold that last part... and World of Darkness just might be the Twilight Zone... so strike that too. The door to the bathroom rattles like someone is trying to get out and doesn't understand the door before there is a soft crunch of something giving way and the door is shoves out, "-king door!" the voice heard a bit more as Locke comes tropping out into the hallway... and stops. He looks around a bit eyes flicking back toward the cockipit down the other way spotting the woman on the bed then Velok. He blinks a couple times before letting out possibly the lamest and most confused, "Hi..." quite possibly of all time.

xxxxxVelok seems to have found a phamplet as November is stumbling around, the barf bag slapping against the floor of the plane. Velok is leaning down when he stands next to the door. He peers up towards her, then back down towards the phamplet. "So apparently they bought pasta for us, and there's these in flight things that we just need to heat up in the microwave. Holy shit that looks delicious." He peers up towards November in the back when the noises start to come, as if she's entirely responsible for them. It's only when the bthroom door crashes out and Locke stumbles down does his eyes widen. Time seems to freeze, nice and quiet with that Hi coming out, and Velok's eyes squint. When time starts to resume the phamplet drops and out comes the pen, the clickytop expanding out to a bow. A bow with no arrows..yet. "Who the fuck are you!?" Velok says, staring directly at Locke. His face falls a bit more as he continues pointing the arrowless bow at the man. "Are you...going to give us the pasta? Cause I'm hungry."

xxxxx"OHMYGODI'MGOINGTOTHROWUP!" November launches herself to her feet, dashing toward the bathroom. Do not talk about pasta! Pasta is evil. All those little noodles wriggling about with the turbulence, jiggling like little worms all over the---- barfbag is on the floor. There is currently a man-wall in front of the bathroom. November makes something of an effort to scoot around the big thing in the little doorway, her hand clapped over her mouth. This... isn't going to end well. So she does what all good girls do when faced with a big burly man such as this - she falls to her knees in front of him .... and promptly pukes all over his shoes. Oh, she turns her head, but the deed is done. Splish. It's ALMOST a lady-like sound. Mostly coffee and little bits of strawberries from her muffin an hour or two earlier. "Hi," she croaks.

xxxxxLocke blinks a couple times and frowns, "Who the hell are you!" It doesn't seem to be a question... really it doesn't sound like he cares. It is more like, someone just yelled at me I better yell back. Which looses quite a bit of power when his scowl vanishes replaced with curiosity, "Pasta?" Food. Attention garnered. Then there is a woman rushing him his hands coming before him as if afraid he's going to be attacked... then he's jumping toward Velok, lets hope he's not too close cause he could end up running into him, "OH FUCK NO!" He cries out trying to get away from her but alas, she vomits on his boots, "Oh come ON!" He cries out, the pilots HAVE to be confused as to what the hell is going on back there. He's heading toward Velok though... more -away- from the woman that puked on his shoes. "You have the WORST way of greeting people." He tells her, at least that seems to be a bit of a joke before he points a finger to the bow, "Think you forgot something." A bow popping from no where, that really should be more unsettling then it is for him.

xxxxxThe puke. The puke. The puke is EVERYWHERE. Velok's surely going to be hearing about that one from the Pilots later. Right now though, he's much more interested in the strange man coming out of the bathroom. His bow is out, and as Locke leaps towards him, he leaps backwards, bumping his head against the top of the plane. "Fuuuuuuck" He says. November puking finally draws Velok's attention, peering over to her. Locke doesn't seem to be in a hostile mood, maybe he's supposed to be there in the first place. "Seriously November." He says, his eyes watching over Locke for a moment before doing what he does best; siding against the side he's supposed to. "I mean we have a random honored guest come out of our bathroom, and you just have to throw up all over him." The bow is lowered down to his side, another click and it disappears back into a pen, the pen being tossed towards the chair. Velok eyes Locke still, watching him, staring at him. He didn't check the bathroom, maybe Locke was there the whole time. "Well I guess we'll have extra pasta, do you want some?" It takes a couple seconds before Velok remembers he's a boyfriend, stepping forward and scootching past Locke to go to November, leaning down and rubbing her back.

xxxxxNovember just curls up, putting her head where Locke's feet WERE.. See? No puke there!! Leaned over her knees, her arms around her teeny little belly. "Ohfuckohfuckohfuck," she mutters quietly to herself. "I puked on his shoes. Oh, god, why did you have to say pas-HURRRRR" She leans up, almost falling over backwards and shuffleshuffles her way into the bathroom on just her knees. HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK... "OHDEARGODwhat died in here... oh.... fucking A...." A pause. "Don't come in here! You'll DIE!"

xxxxxLocke is just trying to get away from the puke! AWAY from it! Hell it's a good thing Velok jumps away, smacking his head is bettering then being climbed to get the -fuck- away from the vomit. Working to scamper out of the blast zone he's looking around for a sink, anything. He's got to wash this crap off and soon... cause it's... ugh! Then the woman is shuffling into the bathroom and what does he do? He helps! When she asks what died he chimes back to her, "You are!" Before looking to Velok with that 'I'm helping!' look on his face. A look back over toward Velok and he raises a hand, "Dibs on the extra pasta." He offers, seems that's the answer to that question. The rest of it is thoughts working with the Mage's mind and the Redcap is of no mind to OFFER more then he's asked so he looks around for at the very least a rag to get this off his boots he's not going to let them smell of Novemeber-belly forever.

xxxxxVelok looks back to Locke, keeping an eye on him even as his hand starts to kindly rub November's back. He even reaches forward and pulls at her hair, collecting the various stands into his hand and holding it against the top of her back so it doesn't get messy. Look at how nice and caring he is. "What's wrong with Pasta?" He asks...oops. His hand continues to rub. "It...huh." Velok calmly says, though he just shrugs and looks back towards Locke. "You're NOT helping!" He glares accusationally. Locke would easily find some very fancy hotel-like towels in one of the cabinets, which probably cost a LOT of money. Oh well, easy boot rubbing stuff. "Seriously it's good, I mean, I love it. Even if she doesn't." More rubrubs on the back! "I haven't really tried it. It's over there, pop it into the microwave and let's get eating. Did Aleksei send you? Also look for bottled water for her. She hates flying, and apparently most everything else. Also look for an apple, and a toothbrush and toothpaste. And like...Wait that'd probably be in here." Velok starts to peer around the bathroom, leaning forward to flush the toilet for her. "Oh yes, there it is. "Women love apples." He calls back out to Locke. He leans in and presses his lips to the back of her head, rubrubrubing again.

xxxxxHrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk "God.. smells like death in here. Water's... blueohgodfuckingbluewater.Hhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk" This is going to be a fun flight. She lets out a little sniffle. "Puke id by doze!" Cough cough. "STOB TALKID ABOUD FOOOOD! FUGGERS!" She wraps her arms lovingly around the bowl, hugging it for dear life. THen he's flushing! OH MY GOD! The water is swirling.. it's.. hypnotic.. it's... not blue. THEN IT IS AGAIN OH GOD OH DEAR GOD. She JERKS back from the evil water where the aliens probably are being born RIGHT FUCKING NOW just as Velok leans down to kiss her head.

xxxxxLocke gives a shrug back to Velok when he chimes those words to him, it's a mix between 'who knew' and 'was amusing' the reaction offered. Though he pulls out a fancy towel and without a second thought grips both ends and starts to buff his boot rubbing it to scrape off that bile November was so nice to paint them with. As he words at cleaning them off his face wrinkles at the... pungent scent. A look back over to Velok... or at least toward the bathroom he mouths the name... thankfully he's not in there before offering a helpful, "Sure." What as that to? Being hired? Getting things? He's so helpful already! Working a while longer he doesn't seem to be hopping to getting to the other things that he had called out just yet. He doesn't expect the woman to leave the toliet anytime soon or for Velok to chase after him and leave her there. Once boot... fairly well finished before he starts on the other, "I think you're making things up. What they really love is chocolate..." there is a pause then one can almost HEAR the evil when he offers, "Or bacon!" Nice, greasey food to think about. At least he wont be tracking her puke about the plane!

xxxxxVelok is totally, completely innocent. Even as he's leaning down to kiss November, try and comfort and reassure her, and then she has to jerk back. Oh the folly of man that they put so much trust in women. The *crack* is very, very audible when the back of November's head jerks back and implants squarely on Velok's face, that horrible noise of a nose being broken. "AAAACK!" Velok says, immediately jerking back himself and slamming into the side of the restroom, the blood starting to flow. He desperately reaches up, trying to cover his nose. "DAS IT." Velok shouts, his arm starting to get stained red, as well as his chin, that nasally sound of a guy talking with no more nose. "IB TURNIN' DIS DAMND PLUNE AROUN'" Velok quickly crawls out of the restroom and away from the woman. The cockpit has been SURPRISINGLY silent for the entire time, apparently whatever's actually going on back there isn't their job to care about. Even though November's puking, Locke is looking for food, and Velok is now bleeding over the floors. What a great team building exercise guys. Velok manages to make it with only small drips of blood to the nice expensive towels, grabbing one and pulling it towards his nose. He plops down against one of the chairs, turning his head to /stare/ over at Locke. STARE. "Bakun ib gud." He comments happily, the towel being mashed up and muffling his mouth as Velok tries to stop the bleeding. Owie.

xxxxx"OW!" November's rather hard head smacks Velok's rather frail nose and she has the gall to GLARE at him over her shoulder.. before Locke is talking about bacon. She leans back into the bowl and there are more hrrrrrking noises. "I'b sorry baby," she mumbles, the sound echoing around her ears before she leans up, pressing her feet into the floor, her knees actually coming off the nice tile, abdomen clenching. HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK toot. Yes, girls TOTALLY fart, especially when they're trying to expel their intestines out through their mouths. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG" she screams into the bowl, reaching back to clap a hand over the newly offensive body part, which gives the rather odd impression that she's just spanking herself. Girl's a freak. That's for sure. Go, Velok!

xxxxxLocke looks back over, leaning a bit down the hall to spot Velok coming out with that red welling about his grasp he has to surpress the smirk that tries to take over his features. Hearing his threat though he chimes out without any emotion, "No, wait. Stop. Don't." He's got more important matters to confront right now and that is the lack of food. A cry of triumph resounds from the man as he tugs out the microwaveable pasta and looking briefly at the directions... he shoves it in and taps a few buttons. First one is a test... which means it's totally Velok's if he fucks it up. Thems the rules. "We should HAVE bacon. There's got to be bacon." Right, cause they need to introduce fire and boiling grease to THIS disaster that might finally bring the plane down. "Mmmm, nothing bettering the sizzle of bacon in the skillet." He -is- evil. A finger pointed back to where Velok is slumped, beaten by a head, "Should put some ice on that." See how helpful he is! "And try to bleed less."

xxxxxObviously Velok can't actually turn the plane around unless he claimed Locke was a hijacker, which he isn't......right? "LEBS JSS ERRYWUN CAAM DUN." Velok tries to shout out between the sounds of bleeding, November throwing up, and Locke...well, being Locke. He's trying to stand up, the effort rewarding him with a bump on the end of the table. "MUDDAFUGGAH" he shouts back out, gesticulating wildly in anger, causing a couple little drops of blood to splay against the side of the seat. Holy shit is Aleksei going to be pissed if he finds out. It all seems to change when he hears that toot, and Velok pauses. It's loud enough, oh yes, everyone can hear that thing, and Velok just slumps back into the seat. "Heh. Heheheowheheheheow" Velok starts to giggle, apparently resigned to being a tall laughing, bloody mess leaning against the seat. "Heheheheheheheowie" Velok's blue eyes glare towards Locke. His nose is fucked up, his head is throbbing from the constant repeated tall person problems, and his girlfriend is in the bathroom now exiting from both ends. Worst. Flight. Ever. "Luk. Luk. Ib id bad?" Velok turns to face Locke, pulling away the towel. Oh yea, it's bad. Noses are NOT supposed to be crooked like that. The back of November's head really did a number on him apparently. "Ib id sexee?" Cause that's what Velok cares about. He has an image to protect people.

xxxxx"STOP FUGGGING LAFFIG!!!!!!!" November ECHOES, wincing. She's done puking for the moment and she also begins to giggle, the sound echoing around her head while she LAUGHS at the aliens being brought into this world in the blue strawberry toilet puke water. "Fugger," she mutters between little giggles. Toot. Damn laughing. DAMMIT! toot. Giggle. "FUG!" giggle. toot. Giggle! tootootoot. She reaches out with a foot to try and hook the door with it.. cause now she's just going to hide in the toilet. Yup. That's really best. Goddamn human bodies anyway. FUCK THEM! Oh, look. That strawberry chunk is heartshaped. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! November reaches up to flush and the strawberry is whooshed down the drain. SHe just hovers there, giggling and squeezing her buttcheeks together to try and repress the evil tootmonster that has been borne inside of her

xxxxx"That's a table." Locke offers helpfully back toward Velok when he smacks his head. BEEP BEEP BEEP! FOOOOOOOOOOOD. A smack of the release and out pops the pasta, "Mmmmm, smells good." Lucky November now she can SMELL it! He tosses the hot little tray onto the counter top before looking back over his shoulder when he hears the mummbled words from Velok head canting to the side when he asks him that. The man does a marvelous job of NOT laughing, "Well... uh..." oh that's a great sign. "I don't think noses are suppose to do the whole... change direction things." He offers crooking a finger a bit when he says that. "Oh, uh, ya, sure. Lots of girls go for that 'headbutted the sidewalk look' I think you have to have a neck tattoo though. So, maybe get one when we land?" He offers with a tilt of the head before he's digging out a fork to start shoveling the pasta into his maw. He looks back toward the bathroom and he at least manges to shut off the next peice of advice he was going to chime out toward her with a snicker. His eyes back to Velok he offers, "The spider web that sort of goes up behind the ear is kind of popular." Yep, talking him into a neck tattoo that's his new job now that he has food. "Or flames. Flames are always bitchin'."

xxxxxVelok just stays slumped there giggling with November, even though the very concept of laughing sends jolts of pain through his face. Ow. He puts the towel back up to the nose, his entire face practically red with blood, but the bleeding seems to have stopped. "Ow." He says again, just sitting there. "Dib id medd" He looks around, shivering, then reaching up to poke his nose. What are they, an hour into the flight? At best? Greeeeeat. Velok tries hard to compose himself, though he giggles a little more when he hears the flush, wincing, then clutching at the table to pull himself back up. "Thid ibn't my finet momet." Velok comments, leaning against the chair with how woozy he is. Blood loss, not fun stuff. He closes his eyes starting to sway back and forth, humming a little. His eyes reopen and he stares over towards lock, being distracted. "No Tat" He comments, shaking his head a couple times, then stumbling forward towards the bathroom to peer into it at November. "Yoo ok?"

xxxxxNovember just stays there, peering, mesmerized, into the blue water. She's coming down. Slowly. The toots have stopped. The giggles continue periodically. Look at that water. Just look at it with all those little alien eggs, now fertilized by the bizarre mixture of bile and strawberries. Finally, finally, she leans up, reaching to grab another expensive towel and cover her mouth and nose. "Dext tibe, we teldapord." She blows her nose on the towel and folds it up. No one wants to see that. Then drops it aside, slowly climbing to her feet. At least she didn't get any on her! Right? That's something. She sniffles, leans WAY over, spits, flushes, sighs, stands back up and leans in to rinse her mouth in the sink, tilting her head sideways to get under the tap. Swish swish swish. Cover so no one can see. Spit. Rinse. Sigh some more. "I feel beddur," she says and then moves in, frowning as she sees Velok bleeding out and looks to Locke. "What did you do to him?"

xxxxx"Pfft, then you just look like you're... I don't know, one of those kids that doesn't look where he's going when he's chasing a fly ball." Zing! Locke smirks to himself as he takes another bite out of his pasta as he chomps on it quite contenct as he rests there leaning against the counter top, "Want me to try and snap it back into place? I've seen movies. Shouldn't be too hard." That's what you want to hear from someone that's going to be wrenching on a wounded part of your body. "Might want to sit down. You're still leaking." He offers watching him wobble his way to his feet though he doesn't seem like he's going to head over and help him, he's got pasta to eat. A look back out to November when she asks him that and he snorts, "Don't look at me like I kicked him in the face. You're the one that headbutted him. You broke his nose." He tells her before nodding to the ground, "Watch out for the puke." Oh and talk of bacon was bad!

xxxxxVelok looks innocently to November, then GLARES at Locke. Innocent to November, GLARING at Locke. That's a pretty easy way to sum up the dynamic going forward. "Or subwun hoo drows rock fur no reabon and hid mah nobe." MORE glaring at Locke, as if there was some sort of meta disagreement going on. He looks innocently at November then turns to face away from them. He's still swaying, and that humming returns. Fur Elise, if anyone was able to make it out from the offtone humming and the broken nose. There's no crack or other thing in return, but suddenly his posture is straightened, the towel falling away and Velok sighs contently. He turns back around to look towards the two. His previously crooked fucked up nose is now back to brand new, it even looks better, you know, except for all that blood around his mouth and down his chin and chest. "It's fi..Oh, hello." He comments, his nostrils flaring. "New nose..weird." He mumbles to himself, then blinks his eyes a bit. He reaches up to hold his head, that part still very much hurting. "What's your name, man who shows up and starts eating our p....." He looks warily towards November, then back to Locke. "Stuff. Why were you in the bathroom and not in a seat?"

xxxxxNovember PEERS at Locke, shaking her head. "You can't... you can't just reset a node. You haftoo... " Oh.. Velok's got it. She blinks at him briefly, wrinkling her nose, WAITING for that sound. WHen it doesn't come, she peers at him suspiciously, then smiles just a little bit. She looks like she's been crying. Puking and farting in reality, but her face is all red and puffy "You okay, baby? I'm sorry. But I told you I didn't know what would happen with me on a plane." She glances over at Locke shovelling food into his face and she shakes her head, looking away quickly and back to Velok. "Yeah..."

xxxxx"Why weren't you IN the bathroom?" Locke asks back to him like it's a totally acceptable question to put back toward him as he nods his head again. Though he eyes him a bit looking at his nose as his eyes narrow a bit before pointing that fork back toward his face, "And I don't have the best gasp of medicine but noses should crunch." He tells him while eying the man for a couple moments as he shovels away a few more bites of the food. Gulping it down quite content to devour all their food, he doesn't even slow as he munches the pasta. He gives a shrug after a moment though and offers, "Name's Locke." That doesn't cost him anything to speak so it's given without worry his eyes flicking between the pair of them, "And you're the other two." He states with a bob of the head while he thinks about it before peeking back to November when she watches him but at least no one has smacked the eating habits yet.

xxxxxVelok doesn't seem like he's going to attack the man's eating habits. Maybe his manners, considering it's completely and totally Locke's fault for all of this and not Velok's no sir. Velok stares at Locke as if nothing happened or went weird or went at all out of the norm. "Locke..." He repeats, calmly staring and watching. He should call Aleksei, should verify that Locke is supposed to be on the plane, but after what's happened, Aleksei would probably ask how things are going and Velok wouldn't really be able to LIE about the blood and puke on the floor. "Well..um. Welcome, Locke." Velok glances towards November and sneaks forward, reaching out to pull at her hair, get it all behind her again. "We're only like an hour in to a 20 hour flight, and we can't even keep all our bodily fluids in order." Velok sighs, walking towards the back, turning sideways to get past Locke and look at one of the mirrors near the bed. "I'm a mess. That was a lot of blood." Velok reaches up to scratch at some of it, then looking over towards November. "Don't look so sexy, I need all the blood I can get right now. Can't afford to have it rushing off anywhere else." There's another sigh, and the man tries so hard to regain control of the situation, but finally the food thing makes him break. "Did you at least make some for us? I swear if I have to ask the pilots to land to pick up McDonalds or whatever the fuck there is in China, it's coming out of YOUR paycheck." Velok stares at Locke accusationally, though apparently buying that the man does, in fact, work for Aleksei.

xxxxxThe three stare each other down for some more time, until it's decided that it's time for sleep. Although wary of the new person, It's assumed that Locke works for Aleksei and is supposed to be on the plane. “We're taking the bed. You take...I dunno. I think the chairs fold back or something, but you're not taking the bed with us. It's not that big.” Velok instructs, guiding the sick November back towards the comfy area. “It's a long plane ride, so we'll figure this out when we wake up. Try not to eat all our food before we at least get across the Pacific.” With Locke being banished to the front of the plane, after demanding and being allowed to cook at least popcorn, November and Velok settle in to sleep, and Locke settles in at the front of the plane.