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{{ :Template:Charpage
Dream Division; Feral Division; Undead division.
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| custom title 5      = Something MORE
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Those are knowledge-based personnel in charge of information.
Agents, referred to as Scholars: each agent trained against a particular enemy (agents may learn from each other on their own time).
Thus you have a great Vampire agent, a Wraith agent, etc.
Students - Agents in training.
Institute Methods: Make this very... Scientology fascist; eliminate target's distractions; possibly hold family captive (hostage situation in return for service); ensure proper loyalty and training via mental and physical conditioning (torture). Surgeries are possible for 'upgrades.'
Make sure players are set "Institute_OK"
Institute Risk rules are going to be such:
Anyone who has dealings with the institute is Free From PK; Anyone who is set Institute_OK is going to be Risk 2.
People who are Risk 1 are only allowed to be 'contacts' of the Institute. Any Agents or Knowledge personnel must be RISK 2.
The game Risk rules still apply - anyone OUTSIDE the Institute must abide game rules.
For example, a non-Institute vampire goes up to an Institute Agent. The Institute agent pulls out a lethal weapon - risk is automatically escalated to 3 for him or her. However, if vampire wants to pounce the agent, and the agent is set risk 2, vampire's risk is elevated to 3.
Vampires must be set Institute_OK for safety of agents. Anything outside of Institute_OK setting must follow the game's risk rules.
But Niko, what about assholes who abuse risk?
Well, this is why exceedingly fine screening procedures are in place, and RISK 2 does not protect anyone from severe beatings, torture, and other events that may cause trauma or PTSD. The same consent rules apply in FTB - if the scene becomes too graphic, but players are set at Risk 2 Institute_OK, any player reserves the right not to graphically RP out the happenings but discuss it.
Lastly, All Agents must be Risk 2; and any agent interfering with anyone outside of Institute_OK is his/her own responsibility. If an agent attracts enemies to the Institute, this agent may be dealt with accordingly: Torture, Memory Loss (Mages intervention); a Men in Black wipe and dump. Institute tosses out PCs after enforcing Amnesia. Institute Kills their NPC agents instead.
For Defects (And there will be these roles, including possibly Niko): Institute will be hunting them just as much as Vampires, etc. However, these defects are still protected by Institute_OK rule.
Anyone engaging RP with the Institute will be automatically Risk_OK. That means, if an agent deflects and pisses off a vampire not affiliated with the Institute, this agent's risk will be automatically changed to approporiate situation. However, if the said vampire decides to act vengefully due to agent's actions against the Institute, the vampire must, in order for such interaction, either sign Institute_OK waiver, OR escalate his/her risk to 3 to affect Risk 2 parties, whose risk will remain at 2.
Run these rules by staff.
Okay so.. the REAL Institute and who the real puppet masters are (NPCs), create those.
Next... Each player submitting to be an agent will have to make complete list of flaws and background for the Institute. It is this or showing the sheet. This is because the Institute will know characters intimately, in PARTICULAR, their weaknesses. So let's keep it not-sheety, and just make a list of flaws as well as the list of close NPC and PC friends for tactical manipulation purposes.
A little more about RISK: while RISK 2 protects all Institute players and Co-Operatives and even enemies, this does not protect them from the outside world. Furthermore, Players are not protected from other fucked up shit other than death! So Fear the Institute, o the defected agents!
RISK 2 protection may be temporary or permanent; I think it is best to make it permanent since it is a viable HUNTING organization; until at least it changes. It can, however, escalate to RISK 3 when the organization has a full player staff, is self sufficient, and can operate without .
So what I'm saying is, While with the Institute, you are safe from Character Death. However there ARE other consequences. And if the Institute has you in tis grasp to torture you and perform experiments, you cannot die, but they can still torture you and perform experiments! Now to rewrite all this crap in a nice and friendly format :D
No one is reading this I hope these are just notes...

Revision as of 02:15, 29 November 2015

The Institute

You don't find the Institute. The Institute finds You.


The Institute does not care about political issues. It has long hands, reaching into almost every technological industry, every occult shop, every trigger and every computer. The Institute does not have one single place of operation. The Institute is everywhere. It is in the air you breathe. The food you eat. In your water. In your blood. In your dreams.

The most mysterious organization to this day, this unknown name may have been whispered, and forgotten. It's difficult to keep it in memory. Within? That's a whole different story. A haven of supernatural knowledge, the Institute is a library of ancient lore, experimental design, and research.

They are everywhere, the Institute. And those few, who have the (mis)fortune of joining it, never come out. And if they do, they are never the same.


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  • EVERYONE on this list is INSTITUTE_OK. RP with each other! PrP Will follow after the HOLIDAYS when you are all back.
  • Keep in mind Institute is a closed PrP - Refrain from giving info outside of the Institute_OK Members in order to retain Institute_OK status and PK protection.
  • ABSOLUTELY ALL LOGS posted here are CLOSED Institute PrP - no one outside will *ever* know about them. Read for your OOC pleasure but do not take any information in game, unless you are involved and affiliated to the Institute contract.

Logan(old) - The Institute. All agents will report to him. Institute Storyteller.

Dr. Fell - Institute Storyteller. Psychiatric Evaluation.

Derrick - Institute Storyteller. Role unknown.

Nikodin - Misbehaves, Monitor Closely. Agent.

Deborah - Daughter of our Professor; Must be introduced and trained due to Informational Breach.

Foster - Neutral party.

Jenny Aguilar - Person of Interest

Layal - Person of Interest

Vera - Reported Diseased. Agent needs processing. Close file after sufficient evidence.

Banter - Person of Interest

Shelby - Watch Closely; Implement or Control asset; Follow with Janitorial Unit at all times. We have video of the subject, we know what she is.

LittleA - Criminal Record; Possible Trafficker; Drug Trade and Manufacture Affiliations; No evidence for the Supernatural therefore Low Suspicion; Do not waste knowledge acquisition; pursue other PoI.

Gary - Science Asset; Works on several developments and is funded by the Institute without his knowledge.

Modecai_Lance - Our Medic and Surgeon; Such a helpful, kind soul.

Kato - Almost as if Nikodin is hiding something.

Lihi - Bring her to Logan, for a chat.

Aiden - Person of Interest.

Courtney - Person of Interest

Blackwell - Top Secret.

Talbot - Person of Interest

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RP Hooks
  • One of Us - Care to join the ranks? Perhaps you have always been one of us. Supernatural may apply.
  • Internal Conflict - You do not have to be 'good' or 'evil' to work in this organization. It has all shades of characters, with a complex structure and layers, and sub-divided groups with differing goals. The current management (NPCs), is subject to change (PCs, new NPCs).
  • Enemy Ours - Hunting is only one mean of acquisition of information; there are other ways to interact with our enemies on a broad social spectrum.
  • Contact/Intel - An outsider supplying us with information, technology, or items in return for highly classified samples, tip-offs, or security. This could even be your local librarian, unsuspecting of the grand scheme of things.
  • Conflict - You have been chosen, the choice had been made for you. (IC-ly unwilling agent/contact/enemy).
  • PrP - a nice addition to your ongoing stories and plots.
  • Secret Agent - Like the theme? Step right up.
  • Rebel - Be careful.
  • Dark RP - Torture, violence, murder - are very harsh words, we prefer 'Knowledge Acquisition Methods' and 'Loss Prevention.'
  • Safety - The Institute and the Player sign a contract promising no player killing. This Anti-PK policy does not override game rules, but only exists within the OOC consent the player makes with the Institute and its players regarding the OOC safety of everyone involved. In particular, this measure is set up to promote RP in a theme of hunting, which usually suggests PKing. More on this in 'Disclaimer' header.
  • Talk to us - If you have something particular in mind. We will see what we can do. Ultimate goal is for players to have fun OOCly while engaging in an Intense, Realistic, and Dangerous atmosphere. We are seeking Storytellers as well which will function as Story Staff solely for Institute-Related RP. (Contact Nikodin for further questions).

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Some Other Cool Title

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Something something
Institute/Something something

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Something MORE

Shortest Summary Ever: By joining you agree you cannot kill each other, however, what happens outside the Institute CAN kill you and will follow the same Risk rules as the game. We are a private organization where everyone is Risk 2 among themselves. For details please read below:

The Institute is a private organization within the game, meaning, it adheres to all of the game's rules. However, due to being more or less a "Hunter" organization, whether for information, or actual persons, the Institute adheres to its own rules Within its own organization. This is a drama free haven full of OOCly willing players to engage in dangerous RP scenarios with each other for good times ahead. Remember, OOCly, we are a family of.. sick... dark people, and that makes us close.

In order to be a part of the Institute, the member must request RP, and be put in 'Contacts' section.

  • Institute is a max of Risk 2
    • This means, the agents, contacts, and the 'hunted,' cannot be killed. Anyone on the list of 'contacts' cannot be killed by another person in that same list, this includes friends AND enemies. We call this being Institute_OK.
    • Non-Killing includes, dismemberment (Unless PC can regrow limbs or otherwise revert this condition), putting someone out of the game for more than FIVE days (if Imprisoned, character must have regular access to RP, and be allowed out to RP flashbacks); harm that would otherwise affect the character in a non-reversible way (permanent insanity, unless consented, cannot be 'poisoned and die in a month,' etc.), and any lasting destructive injuries. Broken bones, bruises, maiming and scarring is allowed; please try to ask what scars a player would prefer if such are necessary, unless branding is involved, the brand will represent the said brand.
    • Contacts, non-combative characters, non-aggressively involved must be at least Risk 1;
    • Combative characters, agents, manipulators, Head Staff, Hunted and Hunters are automatically RISK 2 while playing with the Institute.
    • Every player should always tell another player if they are not enjoying something OOCly; this is about fun, not OOC torture. If the conflict cannot be resolved (though it usually will be since we are family), each player is still protected under no-PK policy within the Institute, as well as Fade to Black request within the game.
    • These Risks are automatic. This means as long as you are playing with Institute_OK person, they are set either Risk 1 or Risk 2 depending on their role and activity.
  • Institute is not a shield
    • A player in existing conflict OUTSIDE of the Institute cannot use it as a shield to prevent from OUTSIDE influence.
    • Examples of this include: Agent of the Institute wants to avenge her friend; goes out and attacks a PC outside of the Institute (not affiliated with the Institute). These actions will follow the same rules as the game +policy Risk and Risk Escalation.
    • A vampire wants to attack an agent without provocation - the agent cannot be killed; the vampire must be added to Institute Contacts, or follow the game's rules about Risk Escalation.
    • An Agent pisses off a werewolf and runs back to the Institute to hide. One day the agent goes out, and the werewolf, with good reason for risk escalation, attacks the agent. The agent is no longer protected by the Institute as this RP happened AGAINST the werewolf's consent OUTSIDE the Institute.
    • An agent is hunting a SUPER on Institute approved list. The SUPER decides to bring in his friends, who are not INSTITUTE_OK. The Agent is still protected under Institute no_PK policy against setups. Even if the said friends are there incidentally, because the Agent is RPing with an Institute_OK 'hunted' person, the agent cannot be killed.
  • Respect
    • Respect each other and their OOC consent outside the game; if you like danger and Risk 3, enjoy accordingly, but anyone within the Institute, playing with people on our contacts is Safe from PK. Remember, bad and dark stuff can (and likely will) happen in this organization. Some fate is worse than death. Please respect each other's wishes if stuff gets too dark, every player is entitled to a Fade-To-Black via discussing details OOCly if it becomes too much, as everyone else in the game.

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Some Cool Title
We now have an Institute channel. Anyone Institute_OK may join to search for RP and means to communicate with other Institute_OK Players.

To join, you must be Institute_OK, added to our contacts (contact Nikodin or any of our Storytellers), Read the Disclaimer, and request staff to set your Affiliation with the Institute. If you are on our contacts list and you are affiliated to the Institute, you automatically agree to our Disclaimer.

Then type, addcom in=Institute (or any other alias instead of 'in'). Have fun!

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