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(OOC Link: http://tinyurl.com/ob3xqco and http://youtu.be/NaBfnmVwDt8 )<br><br>
(OOC Link: http://tinyurl.com/ob3xqco and http://youtu.be/NaBfnmVwDt8 )<br><br>
The men finish their song and the audience applauds. Several of the guys walk out to quickly score some tips from the men and women holding up folded bills. Pappa gotta get PAID. While the music is in a lull in between songs, the crowd's natural thrum of conversations, movement and the like is suddenly split by A blood-curdling scream. Not a hollywood scream but a real, 'Oh god, something's wrong and I'm going to die' scream. The audience isn't sure if its part of the performances or if it's something real. Another scream - and yes, it's a real one from a woman over by the bathrooms in the far corner. Eight beasts can be seen stalking through the audience with a near-feral gate. Standing easily over seven feet in height and with reverse-bending legs, the beasts look like some kind of human-like wolf with long claws, pointed ears and mouths that drip saliva as their maws snap at nearby patrons.
(OOC Link: http://tinyurl.com/oork6m9 )<br><br>

Revision as of 19:22, 31 October 2013

Read here what has happened so far if you come in late:

The party started, quite literally, after the sun went down. Once the city was officially bathed in darkness and the street lights turned on, the warehouse at the corner of Broadway and Second streets lit up with their projected light show to advertise their Halloween Party. The music is playing, the drinks are flowing, the costumes range from classical, 1920's flappers to the latest in latex-based creature makeup. A prize will be awarded later in the evening for funniest costume, scariest and sexiest.

The pale blue lights of the dance floor flash and pulse in time with the music while the soft, erie, green glow of the lights over the tables remain constant. People begin circulating in and around the floor - just getting the feel for the place. Not everyone has come in costume - some have come in normal 'street' clothes and in some cases, less. Guys and gals dressed in skimpy underwear wander around the floor enjoying the freedom that tonight brings.

The DJ-controlled music pauses for a moment as a live band, a local product that's been making the scene lately called 'Steel Snowflake', starts to play. The band's lead singer, a tall, willowy girl with fire for hair and porcelain for skin grabs the mic and stands center stage as the orange-yellow lights kick up as some god-aweful notes comes out of some strange horn-like instrument played by a guy in the back.

(OOC LINK: Fever Ray )

The crowd seems to respond well to the live band. Not that the DJ is bad but it's just fun to have a real band for big events like this. After the tall, willowy girl finishes her song, the band takes a moment to reorganize itself and now a young guy walks up to the front, center of the stage and takes the mic. With hair that's a bit too long for his face and pants that are tight enough that you could probably tell his religion, he starts to let his sultry, voice call out the first lyrics of their second song. "...Running up that Hill," the band echoes in chorus.

(OOC Link: http://youtu.be/TTvP-KT23_M Daybreakers] )

Once the band has played their three songs, the DJ takes back over so that they can have a rest. The music starts off with a spotlight hitting the corner of the room that's on the opposite side of the stage. Six women, all dressed as witches complete with their booms, start to walk - nay...STALK, towards the center of the dance floor in choreographed steps until they find the center. While the music plays from the surrounding speakers, the witches begin to entice the men (and some of the women) in the audience by flirting with their brooms as though they were a modified stripper pole.

(OOC Links: women and music )

The erotic-witches were quite a sight. Their costumes were skimpy and revealing but not overly so. How they used their 'brooms' as props still has several guys, and a few of the gals, wanting to go take a ride with a 'witchy woman' and see how high she flies. That being said, and not to let the guys be out matched, the six guys who were wandering around the room acting as Shot-Boys have set down their trays on the bar and stalked out into the center of the dance floor under the glow of the blue-white lights. The music, though not sung by a guy, is definitely high-tempo. The men, even the young one named 'Never', spin, girate and entice the woman, and a few men, to watch and enjoy themselves.

(OOC Link: http://tinyurl.com/ob3xqco and http://youtu.be/NaBfnmVwDt8 )

The men finish their song and the audience applauds. Several of the guys walk out to quickly score some tips from the men and women holding up folded bills. Pappa gotta get PAID. While the music is in a lull in between songs, the crowd's natural thrum of conversations, movement and the like is suddenly split by A blood-curdling scream. Not a hollywood scream but a real, 'Oh god, something's wrong and I'm going to die' scream. The audience isn't sure if its part of the performances or if it's something real. Another scream - and yes, it's a real one from a woman over by the bathrooms in the far corner. Eight beasts can be seen stalking through the audience with a near-feral gate. Standing easily over seven feet in height and with reverse-bending legs, the beasts look like some kind of human-like wolf with long claws, pointed ears and mouths that drip saliva as their maws snap at nearby patrons.

(OOC Link: http://tinyurl.com/oork6m9 )