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'''"The oldest and strongest emotion is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." -Lovecraft'''
Eave is a very old vampire who is resolute in her ways. Over the ages, she has watched the World of mortal man from the shadows of Western Europe. In hiding, she has bided her time while the Ancient Ones play their eternal game known as the Jyhad. As other vampires chose their sides with the formation of the so called "Sects", she watched with little interest. As vampiric numbers grew she waited in silence, knowing the younger generations would eventually revolt against their Elders as they did in ages past. She watched as domains were claimed and warred over by the Sects and she watched as their members warred with each other from within. Loyalty is a fickle thing, especially to vampires. As she finds herself in modern nights, remaining hidden has become more and more challenging. Eave left her homeland and has made her way to the New World in search of what is most important... Survival.

Latest revision as of 20:54, 2 July 2019