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Revision as of 14:50, 24 June 2012

Duncan enters the 7-11, bell tinkling as the door opens and closes, and immediately makes his way towards the window with pastries. He picks out a few dozen of them and puts them in one of the boxes you have to fold yourself often found under the window display. Thus armed with foodstuffs for the evening, he makes his way to the counter and pays for his purchase - with a benjamin, as usual.

"Sweet tooth tonight?" Alexander calls over to Duncan as he browses through the stool softener. Eventually he picks out the cheapest off-brand one he can find and picks it up. Then he starts rooting through the hemerrhoid creams. "Oh so many options to choose from, and none of them ever really work," he mutters to himself as he reads the back labels. "Well no wonder, they all have the same useless active ingrediant. For shame."

A hunched-over creature in a long cloak enters the sevvie, cowl slung low, masking its features from view of other patrons and the cameras above them. It moves slowly towards the Metamucil(tm), picks up a box, shakes it, then sets it down. "Interethting," it notes.

Duncan nods. "Indeed! These ones with the ansi(fr, red) filling are the best. I like to ansi(Rx, bite it open), suck out the insides, then stick my tongue inside of the cavity that remains." He demonstrates by doing just that, then waggling his tongue about with the small pastry dangling from between his lips, cherry filling dripping slowly from one corner.

Duncan nods. "Indeed! These ones with the red filling are the best. I like to bite it open, suck out the insides, then stick my tongue inside of the cavity that remains." He demonstrates by doing just that, then waggling his tongue about with the small pastry dangling from between his lips, cherry filling dripping slowly from one corner.

Alexander eyes the man with the doughnut hanging out of his mouth with a slightly sour looking face. "Oh, youth is indeed wasted on the young and money on the stupid," he says idly as he finally picks out some hemerrhoid cream and adds it to his cache of stool softener. "Now, if I had your resources, I'd spend it on helping sick children and puppies in africa. Think of the puppies..."

Tabitha enters with a glance about, but her goal is clear as she moves past the counter on the way to the slurpee machine, dispenser of frozen sugar ambrosia. As she approaches it, her ears perk up and she begins to consider the flavors of the month.

Alexander is in the medicinal aisle looking at the various products along with Griggs. Duncan is near the checkout giving cunnilingus to a doughnut. Chance is headed that way to pay for his soda concoction, and Tabitha is homing in on the slurpy machine.

Duncan puts a finger to his chin, and ponders. "You know; Hungry children and puppies seem to be the solution all in one already, so far as I'm concerned." He shakes his head, "Besides, what good would it do to throw my money at children in Africa? Or at puppies for that matter. I'm sure all sorts of fools fall for those commercials where pennies a day might help someone. Just think how much those commercials cost, and how much could have been put towards the very end they advertise for? It's all a scam."

"In a choice between the children and puppies, I'll take the puppies any day," Alexander says with a shrug of his shoulders. "They are loud, but at least they poop outside and they do what they're told. Now children on the other hand... disgusting creatures. I'm sure I never shit my pants as a kid."

Griggs wanders off down the back aisle, towards the refrigerated drinks. He opens the door to one, reaching out to take hold of a Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper. He turns it end over end a few times, then sets it back in the fridge... troublemaker.

Tabitha grabs a large plastic cup and begins the dispensing of blue frozen slush, no wait, some coke slush, and some of the red stuff to rest on top. Looking satisfied, she caps off the thing and snatches one of those big straw spoons, pops the wrapper and inserts the straw with due diligence. Perfect.

Sid stands near Alexander and Duncan and speaks up, "Yeah and Puppies taste better anyhow... I had a dish when I was in Korea.." he rubs his tummy, "So good."Duncan rolls his dark green eyes. "Uh-hum, suuuure. I imagine you only shit in someone else's pants, and then only for a litteral 'shits and giggles' so to speak?" Another lovely pastry is pulled from his box of pastries as he pauses in speaking, this one a chocolate coated creme filled confection. He tenderly places his lips at one end of the eclaire and sucks gently at it for a few moments. "Mmm."

"If I did, I'm sure it was only as a result of a poor upbringing," Alexander says as he turns from the medicines and gets in line at the counter. After a brief wait he gets up to the front and places a half-dozen boxes of pills and rolls of antacids in front of the Iranian fellow. "That'll be all for today Habib... Oh wait, give me one of those grape flavored cigars in the tube... No. No. Yeah, that one. It's for a friend you understand." An ancient wallet is pulled out of his pants pocket and a few bills taken out.

For a few seconds the lights dim down to almost nothing, shrounding the convience store in darkness. Then, out of nowhere, a stand of mini-pringles cans next to the counter falls over. The little canisters roll everywhere and get underneath everything. Then the lights flicker and return to normal.

Amy comes in just after the excitement. She goes right by the pringles cans in fact. Nearly tripping on one, thanks to being half focused on her phone, she manages not quite to step on it, thanks to being half focused on where she's going. Desination: the Penguin Mints tucked away at the bottom of a shelf.

When the lights go out, Griggs drops the bottle of Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper not on the shelf, where intended, but on the ground. "Thunuvabicks!" he curses from beneath the low-slung cowl of his robe as soda sprays him, and anyone nearby him.

Tabitha hoists her triumphant slushie cup up in time for the lights to go out. Rather than scream like a girl, she just freezes, but then pringle avalanche draws a startled squeak out of her. At least her cup is still held in her hands when the lights come on to reveal her frowning.

Sid was apparently about to embelish on his lovely korean experience when the lights go out. He almost growls and takes a step back, right into nacho machine, sending chips and cheese falling to the floor as the lights come back up.

Duncan's eyebrows both raise as the cans topple near to where he was by the counter. He instantly moves several feet away shouting "I didn't do it, I swear!" to the arabian man behind the counter. Kicking several of the cans along the floor by happen-stance as he moves, they skitter along the floor down the aisles further contributing to the mess.

Garan just stands there both hands on his cane as he sighes. He simply steps back out of the way and watches for the time being as he picks up his cane and buffs it by blowing on it and rubbing it on his shirt.

Ah the lights flickering on and off, now.. that causes a little issue with the bathrooms that sometimes had the timers on them, to let people in and out, and so as the lights go off and someone was about to open the lady's room.. it becomes stuck, even after the lights come back on, and there is a few knocks that finally will echo in the store.. KNOCK.. KNOCK.. KICK... KNOCK!

The sudden loss of light and the commotion with the pringles stand causes Alexander to jump a bit, it being so close. He watches the little cans go everywhere and his eyes widen a bit. He mutters something under his breath and takes a few steps backwards to stand next to Duncan. "Funny weather we're having lately, eh?" he asks the man with the doughnut.

Again, the lights start to flicker rapidly, making everyone in the store appear to be moving in a jerky fashion, like in the first moving pictures. Habib, behind the counter, is staring upwards at them and grabbing the phone with his right hand. He punches in a few numbers then starts yelling in Arabic at the unfortunate soul on the other end.

Tabitha sets her cup back down without a... well ok, there's time enough for one sad sip, then she moves through the store. Glancing up at the lights as they blink, she heads over towards the knocking noise and gives the handle a try, "You stuck in there?" she asks with that irresistable urge to ask obvious questions.

Amy grabs her pair of boxes of Penguin Mints, and is going over to the fountains to grab the biggest size of cup there is. The lights flickering make her look around the room to check for someone manning a switch.

The person on the other side of the bathroom door is more than liking rolling there eyes for there is almost the sound of teeth snapping together as some respond is bitten back and then something else is said. "So it would seem, who's playing with the power?" The voice? A husky purr of some gaelic accent that sounds more like music than speaking.. for a moment and then the voice clear's it throat. "Any chance of opening this damn thing?" Yep, cursing! Just a little bit... comes from the unseen Viola.

Duncan begins to whistle the 'twilight zone' theme. "I don't know, it isn't exactly as if lightning struck twice in the same spot or anything. I'm telling you though, Habib better not kick me out. I think I was closest to the stack." His eyes widen and he suddenly grasps his ankle. "Ooooh, aaaah, I think maybe I twisted it when the cans fell and I stepped on one..." He glances around, seeing if he can rope a witness into the situation.

Sid looks down at the mess he made and shakes his head, "How'd that happen?" he asks before stepping away from it. When the lights start flickering again, he freezes in place and looksa round as if trying to find the source.

The flickering stops and the lights flare up to well over their rated lumens. Within a split second they all shatter. Glass and toxic chemicals are shot into the air and create a noxious cloud that cloaks the inside of sleven. Outside, the external lights at the pump go up in a similar manner, leaving only a bit of light pollution from the city to illuminate the interior. Without warning, a massive wind kicks up only inside the door and all manner of products begin to fly violently about. Bottles of bleach, batters, potato chips, anything not nailed down is caught up in this maelstrom and flung about with excessive force.

A five liter jug of motor oil seems to have a hard-on for Alexander as it catches him in the side of the head. The sheer force of it sends Alexander sprawling into Duncan then onto the floor with the jug rebounding off into the air. The old man hits the ground with an UNF and his cane goes flying across the slide tile floor.

Sid ducks behind a stack of soda cases as stuff starts flying about, "This is one hazardoush 7-11." he comments as he watches the old man get cold-cocked by a jug of oil.

Oh shit! Tabitha ducks to the ground as things go from annoyingly malfunctional to downright supernatural in ten seconds flat. Sadly, this leaves Viola trapped for the moment inside the bathroom. "You're probably safer in there," she calls through the door from the bottom before letting out a slow breath and trying to clear her senses to get a feel for what is going on in her favorite junk food dispensery.

Amy takes advantage of the comotion, darkness, everything. She puts down the mints, drops down into a squat, and ducks into a corner, under a counter and pretty much out of sight. As the toxic gases fill the room, she goes to reach into her purse, pull out a mirror, and... vanish.

@pemit amy=In the reflection of the 7-11 you see a beautiful, almost angelic young woman. At least, she might be much closer to angelic if not for the look of pure fury on her face, the clenched fist, and the sickening howling sound she is making. A cloud of spiritual energy is wrapped around her and she appears to be in the eye of the hurricane.

Inside that locked room? With no one trying the door for a moment, is a HUGE bang that rocks at the door and probably whatever is inside it. The sound of glass breaking, the scent of chemicals mixing in the air, the crash of something soft against something hard, the cracking of something against tile, the growling cursing cry of a loud female voice that is cut off mid scream with a moaning groan and then thumpthumpthumps.. till silence happens...Atleast inside that locked bathroom... with a door that might open sooner than later from the outside..

Duncan see's the oil-jug nail Alexander, and has just enough time to get out "Oh for fuc-" before the old man slams into him, bouncing Duncan back towards the bathrooms. Landing on the recently waxed floor he slides about two feet towards where Tabitha ducks to the ground. He peers up at her face from below on the floor. "Oh. Hello again."

Chance seems to think for a bit, then turns and opens the door as the lock falls apart. He looks in to the person there, saying. "This is a bad place to be, you should run before it is your time of turning..."

Garan for those that can see it, while normaly pretty pale, garans skin becomes allot less pale as she just stands there watching. He taps his cane softly on the ground as she looks to the flying oil container and then the direction it came from.

Garan looks around and as amusing as this all is he takes action as he walks over to the clerk. he leans over and whispers to him keeping eye contact. Whatever he says the clerk gets a dreamy look to his face and collapses behind the counter. He seams to be asleep on the floor.

UMBRA: Amy in the Umbra stands up. Looking at the angry but beautiful spirit, or is it beautiful but angry, she calls out to it in the language of the spirits "Why are you attacking those people? What did they do to you?"

A roughly man-sized column of ghostly white light appears in the middle of the store, hovering about eight feet off the ground. It rapidly shifts and changes as a can of pork'n'beans slams into one of the huge glass windows and shatters it. The wind roars in your ears and begins to take shape into specific sound, "KILLED ME!" it shrieks so loudly it seems like it is directly into your brain, "KILLED ME!" Again and again.

Dazed and on the floor Alexander looks around with cloudy eyes. "Whafagon," he mumbles, not making much sense yet. Shaking his head, he tries to pull himself up onto his butt and lean back against the counter. When he looks up, he sees the pillar of light and points an unsteady index finger at it, yelling something nonsensical.

"Hey there," she says at Duncan, moving as if to get out of the way of Chance so he can reach the door when she opts to give him a shove instead, "Ask before you just shove past people," she huffs out, then is mildly perplexed, what is she angry about, well she is angry, that is for darn sure. "This store is falling apart," she says as if infuriated with the store for daring to be pulled apart at the seams.

Griggs drops to the ground in a hurry when the lights start popping off. "Thuck!" "Thit!" "Motherthucker!" Gloved hands move to cover his head, and he begins to crawl into the open refrigerator door, into the walk-in, where surely it is safe.

@pemit amy="Killed me!" The spirit screams at Amy, revealing a mouth full of fangs and eyes red as the devil. "I loved him, and he KILLED ME!" The cloud of energy ripples and pulsates with every word, increasing in speed and starting to be shot through with dark black and red and blue streaks.

As the bathroom door opens... it's a sight.. and a smelly mess, for with the lights out it's only the spraying of smelling, greasy and heavens knows what else, sewage that blasts out the door, and then starts to drop and swirling along the floor, seeping into the tile and anyone near it. Once /might/ then catch a glance at the poor soul who has been tossed against the back wall and is pinned against the broken toliet and the still somehow clean tiles of the wall.. Yes, the sewage is swirling away from the pinned figure into the store itself, broken pipes are like that.. Viola? She's the leather and linked covered, red haired unmoving one pinned to the wall..

UMBRA: Amy would be glad to be in the umbra if she knew about what was going on over there with the bathroom. Instead, she starts carefully trying to walk in to the 'hurricane' created by the angry spirit. "Killed you?" she calls out. "Let me help get justice. Tell me who. Tell me his name, where he is." Probably wyrmy anyway, whatever could kill and cause such torment.

Chance stumbles a a bit as he is shoved, and ends up on the floor. He looks around to see what shoved him, but doesn't seem to connect it to a person, yet. He seems rather distracted with all the chaos. He could be a little distracting him self as he seems to have a tail on that shows when his coat parts as he hits the floor.

The column of light begins to slowly take the shame of a human being. What might have been the vision of an angel is twisted by hatred and pure fury. Color flows into the light, creating two glowing red eyes in the middle of a sweet face. Now the screaming has a mouth, one filled with razor sharp fangs of life. A ghostly arm raises and it points at Alexander. "I loved you, and you KILLED ME!" it screams for everyone to hear. The wind has a sudden gust and one display rack falls, crashing into another and creating a domino effect until they all crash to the floor.

"Don't listen to her, she's a goddamn liar," Alexander manages to say, although the words are mostly lost to the sound of the wind. Back against the counter he has a display of assorted Willy Wonka candys fall on him, depositing Nerds and SweetTarts into his lap.

Duncan nods to Tabitha's words to Chance. "Yeah buddy, way to be a dic-" He pauses as the pillar of light poofs into existance. "Ahhhhh! It's a ghost!" He commenses throwing pastries at it, all of which go through the light. Two of them smack against windows, and blueberry filling from one of them erupts all along the window. He spots the window of blue goo and mistakenly screams in victory, "I damaged it, ghosts bleed blue!"

Griggs looks up from behind the boxes of Miller64, eyes quite wide as they take in all the chaos and commotion. Never before has he seen a room-sized hurricane poised to merge with a projectile-vomiting seven-eleven public toilet. The consequences of their union... unspeakable. "Oh thit," he murmurs barely audibly above the tearing wind that causes the refrigerator aisle's multiple doors to flap and knock against the frame. As the ghost appears, he gains some confidence, and thinking quickly, reaches for a 30-rack of Bud... no, Coors, to chuck at it.

When life gets weird, take a moment to center. The fox eared woman speaks to herself like a self help track, "I am calm and controlled. I am calm and controlled." A mantra against the exploding chaos, internal and external.

Sid stays ducked down behind the sodas, not cowering but assessing the situation; trying to figure out if there is something he can actually do.

Garan walks over to help Alexander up, He reaches down to offer him a hand as he slightly kneels to make eye contact.

Viola is stuck before the toilet, knocked out cold, pinned like a leather covered bug turned wall hanging as a mass of red braids fall around her and have somehow stayed clean of the mess that keeps shooting out of said Toilet, which means to be doing itself best to spay anything in direct line of that door, including the falling racks, soon, the unaging twinkies are mixing with the ageold... goo of the towns backup.

Chance looks to the ghost, and something seems to happen. The man seems to come apart and blow into the storm already raging in the store...

UMBRA: Amy goes ahead lets the wind blow her back, away from the hurty lightning before she goes and gets herself seriously hurt. So she backs off, and just tries to size up the situation, thinking about what could possibly be done here. Hopping back through the gauntlet could be problematic if seen.

Tabitha flops on her ass, as much to avoid flying shrapnel, poo juice, and everything else as anything else. Her hands move to the floor and begin to beat a tune on it, slapping it with the flesh of her hands. Though the actual sound of it is drowned out in the increasing violence, the resonance of it reaches out between the worlds, nudging them apart. The spirit may have good reason, but this was going very poorly. Tappity tap, using both hands to beat out the drums as her ancestors did, though they had the benefit of a nice bongo or log instead of the tiles of a 7-11 floor.

How is one to protect themselves when they are hanging against a wall? They are not, for those horrible, thick pieces of plexiglass have a deadly way to getting into the smallest corners, or the largest of doors, and strikes at the inked woman, ping.. grown.. bump.. whimper.. stick.. gasp.. thudthudthud... moan... long drawn out and almost more than pain as red starts to steep out of that skin... there in the dark.

@pemit amy="Promise me, you will bring him to me," The thing howls from within it's vortex. "Bring him to me and I will let your friends live!" The mouth curls into a feral smile, almost sickening in it's hatred. "Do this for me! You must!"

UMBRA: Amy yells out "I will try. I will. But as long as you are doing this, I can't do anything. Your anger makes it harder. Proper vengeance requires planning and thought. Patience."

Some of the swirling mass seems to pull together and then expand. It almost seems there are two storms going on, one from the ghost, and one from something else. The something else seems to be breaking things apart as they fly through it, reducing some to dust. The second storm doesn't seem to be touching people here, but anything else seems to be fair game.

@pemit amy="Promise! Promise and I will let them go!" The spirit howls as it's whirlwind seems to be increasing even more as it has trouble projecting it's power into the world. The visage of the woman starts to grow, until she is a giant of at least ten feet tall and proportionate. The vortex grows with her, it's terrible power increasing as more of it is shunted back into the umbra.

As the wind continues to howl random objects inside the 7-11 are reduced to nothing more then flying ash. It begins to blanket the entire interior and everyone inside it with a thin veneer of powder white. "NO!" The apparatition screams, it's red eyes now focusing on Tabitha. "STOP IT! I will have my vengence!" It screams as if in pain and begins to become less real, less solid. It begins to lose it's shape until it is only a column of light with a face. As it fades, so too does the wind begin to lose intensity.

"Shut up woman, it isn't true," Alexander screams at the face made of light. He takes a step forward, who knows to do what, and steps into the slick river of shit. The old man slips and lands on the floor again, this time face down in the thick slurry.

Amy looks to the whirling wyld not far away, and yells "What should I do? Is this something I should help? Or do you have this?" Still using the speech of the spirits, still fortunately in the umbra and away from the dirty 7-11 on the other side.

Sid stands as things begin to subside, brushing the crap that has collected on him during the storm.

Griggs finally gets a bright idea, once seeing that the 30-pack he threw was just swept up in the existing storm. He crawls back out over the bottles of Mickeys and into the fray, charging straight at... Alexander?

Tabitha resists the urge to smile as she becomes coated in... Whatever, she's not going to check it at the moment. She shakes her head and focuses on the light, hands still beating rhythm on the ground as she begins to play the song of binding. Subtly different in its tempo as she draws up the strengthened gauntlet to ensnare the furious spectre and shove it free of the store.

Garan lifts his feet as he looks to the crap on his shoes "lieraly" and then the spirit as he says. "These are Italian, do you have any idea how much they cost?"

Chance is on the material side and seems to be riding the chaos. It seems to take an interest in Tabitha as she does what ever it is she is doing. It moves closer, though does not try to touch the woman, yet.

@pemit amy=The vortex and it's contents begin to fade into the distance, but you can still hear the woman's voice. "Kill him and I will know. Or I will find someone to do my bidding," it screeches like a harpy inside your head.

In another brilliant flash of light the apparition disappears completely and the wind stops with a suddeness that is daunting. For a moment there is almost complete silence, then anything that has not disintigrated drops to the ground like a hail storm. Then, then there is silence for a moment, until someone breaks it.

Alexander looks up just in time to see the spirit fade, or would have, were there not a disgusting concoction of effluence in his eyes. The man sputters and sends a spray of it into the air. Also unnoticed is the shrouded figure suddenly bearing down on him.

Cross comes in from F St. and Maple St. Cross has arrived.

@pemit cross=The 7-11 that you knew is basically gone. The windows are blown out as well as the lights, the shelving units lay on the floor like a massive accordian, the Iranian dude behind the counter is passed out. Theres a river of shit from backed up public toilets covering EVERYTHING and a fine layer of ash on top of that. All of the products sold here are thrown around like a child's toys. Alexander is in front of the counter face down in shit river. Duncan and Tabitha are on the floor near the bathrooms. Theres a woman unconcious in the bathroom. Sid is ducking near the nacho station. Chance is a ball of spiritual energy. Garan is standing near Alexander, pissed off that his italian loafers are now ruined. Amy is in the umbra having a conversation with a pissed off spirit.

"YeeEEeeaaAAAaargh!" Griggs' battle-cry echoes loudly and hollowly in the empty, bombed-out, shit-splattered seven-eleven, no more wind to mask it. His charge comes to an abrupt halt a couple feet from Alexander and he kneels down, offering him a hand up instead. "I wath gunna kick you in the nutth, to thee if that would thut her up."

UMBRA: Amy steps, being in the umbra, "out of the 7-11" as she calls out to the spirit "Yes, I will." Going "into an alley," she tries to step through the gauntlet... and fails. Hopefully that enemy of the spirit's won't go anywhere quickly before she can get back!

@pemit amy=The spirit and the whirlwind disappear into the darkness of the umbra, a final howl echoing through your mind. Then it is going, leaving out chaos in it's wake.

With the chaos settling, Tabitha pushes back to her feet on shaking legs. On impulse, her eyes wander to where her magnificent slushie once lived, now splattered across half the store. Sigh. Walking a little stiffly, she moves into the bathroom, seeking out the soul within, but finds she's come face to face with a broken Chance, "Are you... alright?"

Cross opened the door to the 7-11, and stopped in the doorway, his one good eye widening as his mouth opened slowly. What a shitstorm he just walked into! His gaze went around the ruined shop, landing on all those within in their varying states of disarray. His gaze landed on Griggs and Alexander. "What... happened here?" He said, not taking a step in. There was just wayyy too many variable for Cross to trust getting too deep into that mess.

Garan looks to Cross. "We now know what happens when a Twinkies experation date passes."

Sid shakes his hands, goop plopping down on the floor as he sighs, "Now I need a shower.."

The second chaos storm moves out through a broken window, do do lord only knows what out there. It seems to dissipate into mist as it moves.

Grigg's hand is accept by Alexander and the old man pulls himself to his feet. His entire front is covered in shit, and he starts by clearing it out of his eyes. "Oh what a fucking mess," he growls as he shoves huge handfuls of it off his front. "What the fuck."

Tabitha nods to nothing at all, and moves on into the bathroom, closing the door behind herself quietly. Maybe she just has to go? Though good luck with that busted toilet.

Cross watched the storm of chaos move out the window, his attention shifting back to Garan as his head cocked to the side. "... Okay, now what really happened?" His voice was gruff as he took a step inside, glancing to Alexander. "Aye. What the fuck, lad?" He said with a shake of his head. "Who did this?"

"There was a.. uh.. gas leak," Alexander tells Cross as the old man starts to root around for his cane. He eventually has to crawl right back into the poop slurry in order to get under a display stand and retrieve it. As he crawls back out he looks around and just shakes his head. "Terrible things, gas leaks. Terrible."

Chance steps in and looks around, he moves over by Cross and tries to keep his head down a bit. "Father Cross, there is one on the back that may be hurt."

Amy tries again, and this time takes 30 seconds to get through. Of course, by the time she's done, it's an hour after everything happened. Presumably Alexander is long gone by then... well hopefully Chance knows who it is.

Cross turned around towards Chance as he suddenly entered behind him. "Ah, alright." He said, dipping his head and moving past Alexander. "Gas leak. Right." He said with an idle shake of his head, moving to follow Chance towards this person that may be hurt.

Sid makes his way through the mess toward the door, "Gotta get this crap offa me.. "

Garan sneaks out while the sneaking is good and there are no cops yet. As he walks out the door he leans over the counter and to the clerk he says. "WAKE UP!" he then leavs as the clerk well wakes up.

"Well this is entirely too much shit for me," Alexander says as he heads off after sit. The cane, instead of click-clacking, go splush splush splush as he walks towards the doors. Not that doors are really neccessary anymore. What with all the glass being gone.

Cross looked to Chance and shook his head softly. "Someones already takin care of whatevers there. Come on lad, you and I need to have a talk." He said quietly, motioning for Chance to follow him on the way out.