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Revision as of 16:16, 26 July 2014

Sterling sighs softly. "My heart is sore and heavy," he says. "But I shall endure. It is not the first time I have suffered heartbreak. Though it never gets easier when it happens. I trust all is well with you today?" Caerwyn grins looking over to Sirus "Guns tend to not work in the Dreaming, its why most of us still cling to blades and the like." his attention shifts over to Sterling "Heartache? Something happen between you and Clara?"

Sirus shrugs softly. "Yeah I guess wooing this really awesome girl man. Sorry about your heart ache. it’ll get better get fucked up on drink and life and when you come to your have found a new one to love." He smirks softly and laughs gently. "Or you could move on slowly trudging there the mundane and the sadness your call bro." He looks back at C-Mack "Hey C-mack how much are lessons to learn to stabbie the fuck outta shite." Sterling looks to Caerwyn and shakes his head. "No, Ser Caerwyn. With Miss Erin," he says. He sighs heavily. "She believes I do not love her. That I did not give her my all. That others mean more to me than she does. We had -had- this conversation. I believed the matter settled. But then, she came under this damned curse, and it poisoned her against me." Caerwyn lifts his brow a bit "I haven't seen her since the last holiday sadly. She looked as if she was doing better. She spent time near the fire did she not? I thought her to be past that."

Sirus shakes his head slowly at the man. "Miss Erin you say she is a pretty bad ass gal. i have no idea how any can't devote themselves to more then one lady with an amazing one life that in their life." He then smiles softly and then he leans on the stall. "She is the one I have set my sights on I should let you know that Master Sidhe." Sterling looks to Sirus, ocean-blue eyes turning dark and stormy gray. "Oh she is, is she?" he says quietly. "Well. I appreciate your honesty, Master Pooka. I know how difficult it is for your kith to be truthful." He straightens his spine. "I suppose I should warn you that she has chosen not to take the birth control medication I prescribed for her, if the two of you should choose to become intimate," he says. "I wish you all the best. It is as you say. She is... a remarkable young lady." Sirus smirks softly and shake his head slowly and then nods softly. "No it is not difficult to be honest it's god damn boring. We like to have fun and lying seems to do a great job. Two I'm taking to slow with her honestly she is hurt and needs to be treated like the princess she is. Three she left you get the fuck over it man. Life sucks then you fucking die. Your old you should know this." He then pulls out a good old coffin nail and lights it with a quick flick of his finger." So yeah I will treat her like a princess and I thank you for your best wishes." Caerwyn winces and shakes his head watching Sirus "Damn, ease off a bit, standing around and insulting doesn't get anything done. Hearts take a while to mend. As someone old I do know that." Sterling scowls a bit at Sirus. "That's a remarkably cynical view to take," he says. "Life -can- suck. But it does not -have- to. We can always make things better. Why do you think I chose to become a doctor? It Sirus smirks softly and shakes his head." Us commoners all we get is fucking pain hate and shit. Us poor get beaten into the fucking dirt. Only the rich can not be cynical. Have you ever seen a woman beaten raped tied and burned to death. I have I was hired to find the god damn killers. This world is monstrous beast out to destroy .When you find something that makes it happy you give it what it needs." He blows a ring of smoke out of his nose. "I don't know what happened but that girl is fucked up and your the last one to tug on that heart. So rich boy go play with some more us commoners." Tiffani ventures back, after she had a chance to catch her breath and look around the Market, giving the boys a chance to catch up. However, on her way back she catches sight of the boys in front of the weapon outlet and that Sterling is with them. T sidles up to them, eaves dropping. Hand touches Caerwyn's back so he knows she's there. Eyes gleam like emerald as if a giant panther to attack on pray as she looks at Sterling. Fierce grimace clenched in her jaw. Sterling fixes Sirus with a -look-. "-Master- Pooka," he growls softly. "I spent twenty years in the Middle East as part of Doctors Without Borders. Tending to the ills and hurts of some of the most deeply brutalized people in the entire fucking -world-. Yes. I have -seen- women raped and beaten. Children shot with assault rifles. Babies in incubators turned out of their cribs and their skulls crushed underfoot. Entire villages wiped out with mortars and sarin gas. You do not have to tell me how monstrous the world is. I have dealt with brutality longer than you have been alive." Caerwyn shifts his weight slightly, feeling the touch on his back, he glances aside and gives a nod to Tiffani. His arms cross back over his chest and he lets his gaze settle between the two men. Sirus laughs with hard. He starts to pull off his shirt and for now the tattoos his magic drop given to him by a friend for one reason to hide it all. He is nothing but cigarette burns knife wounds slashes. There is a few rope mark around his neck." Oh yeah doctors without borders watching it happen to others real champ. Try being a god damn victim. I was a victim in this beaten mutilated and raped and left for dead. That's me sir. You can watch all you want but knowing and feeling like a victim is different." His whole chest is nothing but a ruined memories on a blacktop of life for a hurt child." Sometimes a white knight is not enough sometimes we need someone that understands pain and hate and fear." Tiffani nods back to Caerwyn, but holds back the feeling of bile rising up. Clenches her jaw more, trying not to interject. The hard boiled feminist anger rising up. No no.. this is Sirus' fight, stay out of it. But the woman in her was having a hard time holding back, fists clench. Sterling grunts softly. "I did far more than watch, master pooka," he says. "Oft were the times I wore Kevlar and carried an assault rifle myself, to help defend our hospitals and our patients. I deeply sympathize with what you have endured. No one should have to be subject to such monstrosity. But I have no taste for war. I lived through the Accordance. It soured me for violence. I find myself far better suited to healing and protection."

Sirus laughs softly and then shakes his head slowly. "Well while you heal the world I will punish the monster drive them for our lands and back into hiding. I will destroy anything that hurts without a care. I shall hunt them down and punish them so the victims make stop for awhile. Healing is great when the job is over but the person you heal his enemy is out there on to the next victim. Soon you will find your next victim master Sidhe and then you will grow bored and cast her away. Hurt her so you don't have to deal." He shakes his head and flicks the cig towards him and then it floats to the ash tray behind him and puts itself out." You may think your a noble a great human but my gut tells me otherwise. It sounds to me like you do these things to give yourself an ego blow job in the shower with a little bit of reach around." He smirks at him. "All you have talked about is yourself and not how much you miss erin. You told about how she didn't obey and take your meds and not once have you asked how she is. You a fucking monster and if you come never her I will end you like all monster should be." Tiffani eyes narrow at Sterlings words, taking a step forward. Arms cross over her chest, but her fingers are digging into her arms, creating half moon prints from her fingernails on the flesh. "Those who claim to do the 'greater good' in public to flaunt themselves and privately shame a woman don't deserve the light of day. You don't care about anyone but yourself Master Sidhe. You would shamelessly hurt two women for your own personal needs and I would drop you now, if we weren't in mixed company." Sterling's eyes widen, flashing dangerously, then narrow. "You -dare-?!" he snarls. "You -dare- suggest that I... that I -used- her? That I -tired- of her? Graces Bright and Lords of Night preserve us, the -insolence-!" He draws himself to his full height, the legendary anger of the sidhe lending dread weight to his countenance. "I was -heartbroken- when Erin chose to part ways with me!" he growls. "And I carry the pain of that wound still! I -love- her, and would not have been parted from her! I will not stand here and be insulted by the likes of -you-, master pooka! Nor will I tolerate threats to my person! Hammer and tongs! I am within my rights to have you -beaten- where you stand!" He levels a finger in Sirus' direction. "You -will- apologize to me, master, and there is an end on it! Or if you do not, then be prepared to defend yourself, for I shall not suffer this dishonor!"

Sirus looks at the man coldly and wipes out one of his silver balls and then throws it full force at the man with a smirk on his face. "I will never apologize when I tell it how it is prick." He then llaughs gently and truly does not care that the ball misses the target just starting to pull out his fist ready to beat the shite out of grandpa bad touchie.

Sirus gets ready for the fight and starts to move around slowly. Sterling ducks aside as the silver ball goes whizzing by at breakneck speed. With a thunderous roar, he draws his blade with a ring of chimerical steel. "That -tears- it! Ser Caerwyn, you are my witness, the bounder attacked me first!" he snarls. He levels the blade at Sirus. "Defend yourself, master pooka!" That blade of his sings out of its sheath, blue runes along its blade already alight. His gaze flashes over from its usual yellow glow to that icy blue. The blade slams into the ground between the two. Runes wink and a wall of fire springs to life between the two of the men "Children! Both of you! Think this through! Or do it properly!" Caerwyn snorts flicking his gaze between the two of them, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "A challenge has been made. Baron declared the offer he gets choice of time and grounds. Sy you were challenged you get choice of weapons." Sirus "I said like men with bare fists what part of that is a cantrip. I shall only use my bare flesh on you." He turns his tattoos back on with a flick of his rings and sigh softly. "I will not break this real my fist will meet your face till it is bloody mess on the floor." Sterling shakes his head. "I have no skill with fisticuffs," he says simply. "I demand the use of blades, as gentlemen should do." Caerwyn glances between the two as they talk "The boy needs a second then. I will stand in his place Lord Sterling."

Sterling draws a slow breath. "You would stand for this rascal?" he says softly. He looks to Sirus, scowling angrily. "Count your fortunes, cur," he growls. "I shall never understand why the pooka are so blessed." He looks back to Caerwyn. "So be it." Caerwyn paces forward onto Sirus' side of the flame wall. He leaves his treasured sword in the ground to maintain the wall and draws a normal blade from his waist "Such is the life of a Scathach. I have no wish for bloodshed Lord Sterling, to the disarm then? As men, free of the arts?" and he flips his blade around in salute Tiffani concerned but not terribly concerned, she always has full faith in Caerwyn's abilities. Then grows increasing mad at Sterling. "You called him comrade last night and you still want to draw your blade? You are really not a healer. A finer gentlemen would realize it's insanity and back the fuck down you worthless dirty Sidhe." She hisses. Sterling looks to Tiffani with a growls. "He has chosen to stand for yon pooka," he says. "A villain who has insulted me and -assaulted- me. You know -nothing- of such matters, girl. Hold your tongue." He looks back to Caerwyn. "Death before dishonor. That is the Way of the White Rose. To the disarm, then." He sets himself into a ready stance. "En garde!" Caerwyn falls completely silent, even his chainmail makes no noise as he shifts his weight into an easy ready stance. His eyes narrow to slits and his perception of time seems to pass at a fraction of the speed as he prepares himself. Tiffani growls under her breath "Bigger man than you." She steps aside, not getting in the way of the battle ground. Watching as patrons and shop keeper just close up shop and high tail it. The two Sidhe circle each other amidst the clash of steel ringing between the pair, the fight lasted longer both giving as good as they got. Silver Lion and Black Unicorn dance around each other before the Scathach employs a move made famous by their House, he leapt into the air and poised himself on the tip of Sterling's blade before rushing down the Lord's blade to belt his wrist solidly with the flat of his own bastard sword

Sirus smirks softly and then starts to clap and whoop and holler with glee. "Good job C-Mack. So yeah I'm give T a four week vacation to celebrate this great event." He nods and looks at the other man. "Listen to me you should treat people with respect. They are people just like you and have feelings and if you dare care don't act like you do. Have a good master Grandpa Bad Tuchie" He stays there staring at the man with what looks like pity and sadness now that the rage is gone. "All I can feel is pity for you sir." Caerwyn steps back quietly and lowers his blade to the side after giving a salute "Touche Lord." he turns and glances over to Syrus "It's over. Accept victory and do not get the last word in." Tiffani stands on pins and needles, shifting on the balls of her feet back and forth, watching. Has a huge sigh of relief and just ends up sitting on the ground. Pleased that she just won 4 day vacation. More pleased that Sterling was defeated. No words, just watches. Sterling dances the dance, holding his own well, all things being equal. He even manages to get a hit or two in on Caerwyn, though not quite enough to force a disarm. Finding a sidhe suddenly standing on his sword has the burly sidhe gaping. The split second is all it takes for his wrist to receive the strike. He drops his blade with a bark of pain, clasping his hand to his chest. "Gaah! Piss and -blood-!" he snarls, stamping his foot a couple of times. He shakes his hand out, looking at Caerwyn. "The match is yours, ser," he says. Sirus has him looking in the pooka's direction. "You do not -know- me, master pooka. And you do not know my circumstances," he growls softly. "Nobody cares for the feelings of others more than I do. -Nobody-. I had sworn my life's blood to protect Erin from harm. -She- left -me-, not the other way about, and I still know not why. For I still love her as deeply as ever, and that makes the pain all the deeper." He points towards Caerwyn. "Count your fortunes that yon knight took your stead. And perhaps have a care -yourself- for the feelings of others. Be not so quick to judge others, for you are a poor judge indeed." He bends down to pick up his sword, sheathing it with a grunt. "I should avail myself of your expertise, Ser Caerwyn. You are as skilled a fighter as your reputation claims," he says.

Sirus nods softly and jumps up on a bench makes himself comfy. He shakes his head someone don't listen and some people don’t learn and some people can't understand themselves. He smokes his cig and stares up into the clouds. Tiffani thinking that maybe if he treated Erin proper she probably won't have left, and Sterling is still making it all about himself. She stays quiet even though she does not want to. Caerwyn pads over towards the flaming sword in the ground, he picks it up by the hilt, flaming winking out as he whips the blade as if sluicing off some blood before returning the blade to it's scabbard "The Lord speaks the truth. The wound lays with Erin, she didn't come back whole from that last battle. Both of you care deeply for her. But she needs to heal as well." he gives a sigh and shakes his head clear, finally free of battle his eyes return to their normal golden glow "Scars and pain take a long time to fade." Sterling rubs his wrist, flexing his fingers. "I tried," he says. "I -tried- to help her heal. But I am a doctor, not a sorcerer. Her injury was strange to me, for it was one of mind and soul, rather than body. I procured medication to help calm her anxiety. That was all I could think to do. I provided her with a comfortable surroundings in my estate, where she might rest. I was gone from her side but four hours, to see to my patients in the Autumn World, and in that time, Miss Slaine sent the Warlord Locke to spirit her away. What am I to -do- under such circumstance? I cannot fix -everything- myself!"

Sirus looks at the man pity still in his eyes. "Well you should focus on what you love first fuck the rest of the world. Did you think of that? The world will stand with or without you. But your loved ones they are the world to you. Honor that the world shall smile back." he sighs and inhales deeply of the cig." If you truly care show her and all that jazz. But you have not once asked how she is?" Caerwyn continues on his quiet padding, aiming right for the prize his heart desires, eyes locked on Tiffani. He presses in close to her and kisses her with deep passion. Tiffani stands immediately when she sees Caerwyn make it towards her. She embraces him and kisses him in public for the first time. Kisses with equal passion and smiles in between kisses, ignoring the rest. Sterling shakes his head. "Easy that is for a pooka to say," he says. "But I am a doctor. My patients rely upon me, sometimes for their very lives. One is a dialysis patient. Without me to monitor her, she could slip into renal failure. Another has been treated for deep vein thrombosis. I must ensure his medication is acting as it should, else he could suffer a myocardial infarction and be dead within minutes. I had done all I could for Erin. I had -thought- her safe in my home." He scowls at Sirus. "Despite what you may think of me, master pooka, I put the welfare of -all- my patients ahead of my own. So it is with my loves. If things were as you say, and I cared nothing for her? Then tell me, why does my heart still ache so? Pray tell me, for I yearn to be free of this torment. Tell me how to stop loving her. Tell me how not to -care-." He shakes his head. "I will save you the trouble, master. I -cannot- stop. Nor would I even if I could. And I still hold to hope that she shall come back to me." A glance is given to Caerwyn and Tiffani, and he shakes his head again. "To be young again," he mutters. "And know -everything-. Bah." He raises his voice. "Ser Caerwyn. I go. I believe I shall go and stupefy myself with bourbon. Be safe, and be well, comrade." Turning on his heel, he goes to lumber out of the market. Caerwyn grins, resting his head against Tiffani's as he watches Sterling wander off. He squeezes the girl playfully "So. What were we shopping for before that nonsense? Tiffani smiles "I lost track of you both when I left the magic shop." Kisses his cheek. "You are amazing." Sirus nods softly and sighs looking sad. "I pity that man he is more broken then me. Says he loves her but not once asked me if she is okay. Instead insults and calling her a whore in not so many words." Caerwyn gives a small shake of his head "I've seen and known the grief he is in. He truly does mean the best for her. Though he just doesn't know how to show it rationally." He smiles and returns Tiffani's kiss. "I just wish it didn't have to come to that." Tiffani shakes her head at Sy, "I'm sorry I took off for a bit, I should have been here." Scoffs a bit and looks at Caerwyn in the eyes, sternly now. "You don't talk about me like a possession do you?" Sirus sighs again and looks down sad. "He talked like he owed a fucking person. No-one owns anyone." He is crying now in the middle of the street and slowly drops down and holds himself shaking.” I will free this world from the monster." He is now all the back inside of himself back in the memories back in the hate. Caerwyn shakes his head towards Tiffani "I don't do that. You know I don't." he sighs and gives a nod over to Sy "It's over now. The duel is won and his pride is wounded, which would hurt him far more than death." Tiffani pushes Caerwyn away, seeing her best friend cry and she goes to Sirus immediately and puts her arms around him in a hug. Not letting go for anything, because he has done the same for her times before. "It's okay Sy."

Sirus nod softly and then starts to tear at his flesh slowly. "The monsters only care about themselves they use and abuse. They hide behind the smiles and their charms. Upstanding people but us on the bottom raped battered bruised. No-one looks under the rocks no-one digs in the ocean. We are thrown away and they get the prizes of life can give them. Fuck the monsters."

Caerwyn shakes his head towards Tiffani "I don't do that. You know I don't." he sighs and gives a nod over to Sy "It's over now. The duel is won and his pride is wounded, which would hurt him far more than death." Tiffani pushes Caerwyn away, seeing her best friend cry and she goes to Sirus immediately and puts her arms around him in a hug. Not letting go for anything, because he has done the same for her times before. "It's okay Sy."

Sirus nod softly and then starts to tear at his flesh slowly. "The monsters only care about themselves they use and abuse. They hide behind the smiles and their charms. Upstanding people but us on the bottom raped battered bruised. No-one looks under the rocks no-one digs in the ocean. We are thrown away and they get the prizes of life can give them. Fuck the monsters." Caerwyn frowns, watching Sirus, nothing he can do to help the man face his own demons. He settles back and watches quietly

Tiffani grips Sy's hands so he can't tear at his flesh anymore "I know buddy.. I know.. It's okay.. We're here with you." Tries to calm him down. "No one can hurt us now, all we can do is protect the ones that can't now." Sirus his eyes are closed and now he stands up. "No will ever be hurt that I care about again. I can't let the darkness win and this is my vow." He looks at them slowly with sadness in his eyes. "No-one will ever be like me if I can stop it. I have been broken for so long it is normal to me but I shan't let others be me." Tiffani stands up and hugs him again, out of habit. "I promised I would face these evils with you together, brother. I stand by my promise. I deeply wished you were there to save me in my darkest days." Firm nod and stops squeezing him to death. Clara steps into the market for every day market things Caerwyn keeps out of the way, though continues to look on. He knows that hurt and has been there. "Friends help, and they stand by you now."

Sirus nod and rises to his feet his shirt is still off and he turns towards them. “I will truly destroy him if he goes near Erin. That is a real fucking promise. I will end that old man." He then smiles softly and then inhales deep of his cig again. "I won't let anyone hurt that girl again. I promised her smiles for as long as she wanted me around and for fuck sake that is what she is going ot get." Clara pauses and blinks trying to figure out whats going on "Hi? Tiffani looks back at Caerwyn with wounded gaze on her face. Then back at Sirus. Knew it still mattered to Sy even though he won. The fact that evil lurked in his eyes would not let him rest. Shakes her head at the thought.

Caerwyn frowns and steps closer "Death is anathema my friend. I've walked that road and I know that pain, truly I do. It doesn't close the wound. It only tears it wider..." he frowns and places a hand on Sy's shoulder looking into the other man's eyes "You have to face your demons, we all do. But you'll never need to do it alone my friend." Clara blinks and then frowns "Umm... are you sure you know both sides of the story?" she sighs "There is usual a second side to everything you know my freinds" she offers very gently. Tiffani smiles at Caerwyn, "Thank you for standing for him." Pats Sirus on the back. "Come my friend, don't you think your champion deserves to be amply rewarded!" However, after she utters these words she hears Clara, turns. Eyes narrow at her. "Clara, no one asked you. And I've seen how you personally ignored and harmed Erin, I would be glad for you to LEAVE MY SIGHT! Lest you ruin any connect we may have had." Steps toward her with intent. Caerwyn places himself between the two woman (now that's suicide) "Stop! Please. We don't need any more anger or hurt today there's been more than enough." Clara looks at the woman she calls her friend and is utterly stricken by Tiffani's actions and words, lovely skin going pale and the green eyes showing how deeply hurt she suddenly is "T?" Sirus looks between the two with a smirk. "T this girl is not worth your time or words. She can barely speak nor think for herself. I think he picked her honestly cause she obeys the good doctor like he likes." He spits the name good doctor out like it is poison. "Don't blame her for lacking grey matter or miss lead to her own stupidity." Claras mouth drops open as Sirus, who she nearly died saving says this and tears spill down her cheeks as two people she liked and possibly trusted stab her as hard as they can Tiffani frowns sadly. "Don't be a fool sweet Clara, he'll just use you up like he did her.. only a matter of time. I know you are capable of more and shouldn't spy for him like a little dove to the slaughter." Paws roughly at Sy "Shh, this is not your time! Let me handle this." Faces back to Clara, "He has pitted you against her and others long enough. Open your eyes child."

Caerwyn those eyes swirl from golden yellow over to icy blue and he glares at Sirus "Do you not know when enough is enough?! Do you forget she took your wounds for her own? Do you forget she did it without ever being asked to do so?! Do not insult her for I call her friend." Clara had clearly walked into this without a CLUE as to what was going on, no knowledge at all as to what conversation started all this so the attacks are totally unexpected and hit her hard. She chokes back a sob and turns her back, covering her face in her hands Sirus slides down slowly on to the ground. "You are right Caerwyn she did save me and for that i owe her. I just don't want to see her used in the same way." He takes out his silver flask slowly and sips on it. "Clara I don't think your dumb just cruising to get hurt. I like you too much to want that to happen. Just my emotions are raw and failed like a chicken before getting cooked." His accent is now strong southern. Tiffani clearly has remorse for the girl. Wanders over to her but, crouched down so she is eye level and lowers her voice. "Sweet Dove.. don't let those around you manipulate you to cause you and others harm. I cannot help to think Sterling sent you to spy on us.. there are far too many coincidences for me to believe that. I know you are smarter than that to have someone treat you like that.. or I should hope. You should stand for your fellow gender and rally in the society."

Clara backs away from Tiffani as she tries to stop the sobs wracking in her chest "I don’t event know where he IS?" she chokes out, her face perfected by tears "God Damnit Tiffani what the HELL is going on why would you scream at me??? " she is actually trembling she is so upset at the attack going on. Caerwyn lets out a sigh and paces back and forth, getting his own anger under control, his glowing gaze swirling between gold and blue before finally slowly settling into the gold.

Sirus walks over slowly his rage gone and now replaced with sadness. "My dear Clara. I'm sorry I was just chalaneged to a duel by Sterling and Caewryn stood in as my second. It was over Erin and how I felt he never cared." He slowly sits down next to the girl and a choco roses appears in his hand. "I thought you were sent to spy. I was wrong and you have my forgiveness and my sorrow. It has been a tough day on all of us." Tiffani shakes her head, pats her slowly. "I can't say that I'm sorry that I yelled, I am getting to know you slowly Clara. But, I am afraid of what you are about to become. I have seen a great many injustices at your hands already, knowingly or not I cannot stand by and allow them to happen. If you are truly ignorant to the situation than I am sorry that you came at this place at the worst appointed time." Clara moves back towards Caerwyn "I have YOUR forgiveness? For what? Walking into the line of fire to be insulted and attacked by people I thought were my friends?" she is trying very hard to get a grip and not sob, clenching her jaw to try and get the emotion under control, not really wanting Tiffani to pat her just now

Caerwyn pinches the bridge of his nose "Misunderstandings on both sides. Please. Lets all calm down and sit down and talk all of this through slowly. I want to know both sides of this story." Sirus sits down against the bench and pulls out a fresh cig and lights it. "Fine for you C-Mack I shall listen." Tiffani sees Clara clench and get angry, and T backs away. Looks up at Caerwyn, not angry. T is just tried of the lies. Clara turns and leans lightly against Caerwyn, hiding her face so she can take several deep breaths. She went from wanting to go shopping to having people scream at her and accuse her of things out of the clear blue sky. Her shoulders shake as she strives to get herself under control from the sudden shock. Caerwyn pats the air soothingly "Just hear everything out. I don't have all the answers and only know what I've seen with my eyes and heard with my ears." Tiffani hasn't know Clara too much, and now she feels lied to. Like this hurt princess barbie act, is just that, an act. A part to play in the grand role of her life. T has tangled with a great many horrible people in life and is trying to discern this whole thing out. Frowns deeply and crosses her arms. Sirus is just quiet not wanting to cause harm to someone C-mack cares about. Clara takes shaky breath, if she's acting she is damned good and looks up at Caerwyn "Anything I say they're going to argue with me, they're going to just judge and scream at me" she swallows hard "Im going home" Tiffani scoffs, "You hate me so Clara, that you don't think I'd listen?" Offended. "Fine.. go back to your tower. I wish you'd come to me as a grown woman to talk. I'll give you 24 hours to make up your mind." Sirus laughs hard and slaps his knee. "See proven right by here running away. I would have listen as you wished C-Mack. But she dash off into the night like a little sneak cheat." He stands up with a flourish of his hand and bows. "The world is a stage and we all merely lairs on it." He smirks softly and then sits back down with a spin and then a flop with a giggle. Caerwyn shakes his head a bit "They're not bad people.." he pads away moving over to Tiffani "Just too much pain and shit for one morning. Let's address this with cooler heads another time then." Clara leans against Caerwyn again as they keep at her, trying not to cry again "your both idiots, I cant believe... I've never done anything to either of you but help" she glances over at the pair and the pain in her eyes is true and there is no denying how deeply the pair has hurt her, made worse when Sirus laughs at her. She nods, and tries to keep her voice from trembling "If anyone needs an apology... its me. I.. trusted you both" she nods to Caerwyn and touches her sword master's arm as she turns to go, wrapping her arms tightly about herself.