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Revision as of 15:28, 5 December 2023

Newly replaced wooden stairs descend down into the clean, welcoming basement of Prospect Roasters. One of those lift chairs have been built along the railing to make the steep slope handicap accessible. The basement is a little on the cool side and the walls are left to the bare brick. The lighting is pleasantly soft with warm circles of light instead of harsh fluorescent. A large, round table has been set up in the middle of the room with 13 chairs around the perimeter, but room enough for more. There is also a couch and a flat screen TV, a small washer and dryer in a closet off on one end, a little kitchen area with a small stove and small table nearby, and of course the smell of coffee wafts down constantly. There is a dumb-waiter built in against one of the kitchen walls to transport food - or whatever - up and down from above. Against one wall is a bright red phone booth. There is one entire room dedicated to a communal library.

There is a simple, mundane video camera above the doorway at the top of the stairs at the end of the hall. It is outside the room, so privacy can still be assured.

It is a quiet evening in the basement of roasters. Whereas upstairs is filled with the noise of hustle and bustle, tourists and natives alike, old and young...this area is rather silent right now. More secluded and tranquil.

Or, at least, just not that damn noisy.

A lone, single person is sitting at the large table in the basement, a plate set in front of the figure, with some steak of sorts, mashed taters and a bit of salad, it seems. Said figure is an asian girl - perhaps in her mid 20s - but overall it is hard to tell *much* about her. Baggy jacket. Baggy dark hoodie. Baggy cargo pants. A lot about her is rather obscured that way, though what immediately strikes the eye is that obscene mass of long, dark braids that just flows from her head, down to well over the floor in her sitting position.

She is eating, quietly, cutting the meat, sliding the mashed potato onto her fork, and just occasionally taking a gulp off the large glass of water next to it all.

A tall man with a bearded oval face and merry hazel eyes sits in a wheelchair that has descended into the basement on the accessibility device. The man is wearing a Serenity T-Shirt You cant take the sky from me, untucked over a pair of black jeans. He wears two earrings in his left ear, a Sierpinski triangle in silver below a small octagon cut emerald set in silver.

His wheelchair has a large tray with two cup holders. The wheelchair also has a small messenger style bag attached on the right in a bracket so as to not impede the wheels. The bag has a flap that's open, and an ultralight laptop sits loosely within. On the tray are a Cafe Mocha, half drank and secured in a cup holder, a smart cell phone, and a closed textbook titled "Understanding Empathy: Reading the Subtle Clues".

The man looks around, expecting the basement to be empty. A broad grin lights up his face upon seeing another occupant, and he says "Hello! I'm Bob. New to Prospect.", as he rolls to the table. He gives one wave that takes in the laptop and the cell, adding Computer geek. A pause, perhaps considering how much to say. Also Vet. I love animals. And tech.

When the wheelchair slowly descends along the stairs, the sound makes the girl look up from her food. Resting Bitch Face. That's what best describes her expression, though she pretty much had it even before somebody else started making their way into the basement. She observes the stranger, her eyes' gaze wandering over him as much as they wander over that quite pimped out wheelchair - and finally she leans back, sitting more straight as Bob finally reaches the safety of the floor.

"'lo there." Xiu lets out, her eyes finding his. "...nice to meet'cha, I guess." She taps her lower lip lightly (and harmlessly) with the fork she is holding, as she seems to ponder for a moment. "It is rare that we get to see new faces here. Interesting."

She flicks her tongue over her teeth. "I am Xiu ('sheyu') Tong." And with that, she begins to cut another slice off the steak and spears a bit of mashed potatoes onto it. "What brought you to Prospect, Bob?"

The grin on Bob's face becomes a bit lopsided, "Yeah. Long strange road. To get here I mean. Nice to meet you Xiu." He pronounces her name with precision, almost perfect. He takes a sip of his Mocha, then continues. "Car crash. Parents died. Went into a coma," he pauses here, an uncertain look in his eyes, "Awakened. Woke up year later. Great couple took me in. Trained me. She was Ghost Wheel, He was Reality Hacker. Matched my Awakening."

Bob shrugs. "Trained me for a year. Therapist said New Orleans was too hard. Tried healing me. Part of me. Well. Thinks I deserve wheelchair. Got parents killed. I distracted them. Dad didn't see car. Black Ford Bronco, tinted windows. Crashed right into us. Anyways. Now I'm here. Mom came from here, a long time ago." He quiets, looking self-conscious. He sometimes talks too much perhaps.

``OOC Bob notes: I understand mages would heal Bob of his paraplegia. He turned them down, out of self-guilt, and is working through it. I will buy off the paraplegia within the next 4-6 months, with appropriate RP.``

Light nods accompany Xiu's listening to Bob's little tale, though she does not let it interrupt her eating. Somebody is hungry, there. Though it's when Bob mentions 'Ghost Wheel' and 'Reality Hacker' that she suddenly pays just a bit more attention, stopping and lifting her head a bit more - eyeing the man.

She finishes chewing, and then slowly swallows before she licks her lips. "So you..." she says and gestures with the steak knife. "..so you're sayin', car crash caused you to...awaken?" The way she hesitates before using the word might be a bit strange.

A light frown plays over her expression as Bob mentions that he 'deserves' the wheelchair - and she finally places the fork and knife onto her plate before she leans back against the chair, hands behind her head. "...I see, I see. 's a tough fate, that." she remarks. "'guess 're here to find out what the ol' place was about, huh?" Her eyes find his again, and she idly licks some steak sauce from the corner of her mouth. "If we're bein' formal, I am Xiu Tong, bani Verbena, bani Lifeweavers, Dark Flower of Lilith, and holder of the Seat Of Life in Prospect."

He might notice that she stopped shortening words during that introduction. Her whole way of speaking, just there, switched from lazy gutter talk to something more...refined. "..you can shorten all that noise to 'Xiu' or 'Witchypoo' though, I do not mind."

A nod from Bob when Xiu mentions finding out what the old place is about. He grins wider at 'Witchypoo'. He realizes he should probably introduce himself in a formal way as well. He says "Bob Huard, apprentice, Dreamspeaker of the Ghost Wheel Society, Virtual Adept of the Reality Hackers. Know the basics. But pretty new."

After a little bit more thought his eyes crinkle a bit in joy and he says "Like you. Not like Lyra. Other Verbena I met."

Bob get distracted. This is not a hard feat. In this case the trigger is a small mouse coming out from under the stairs. He looks at the mouse and makes some squeaking noises, while also reaching deeper into his bag and pulling out a small cube of cheese. "Here you go buddy", he says as he tosses the cube.

Then he looks guilty. To Xiu he says, "Guess shouldn't feed animals. In someone else's house. Talked with animals, since a kid. They like me. I love them."

       "Hah!" Xiu lets out, and them grins wide for some reason - nodding. "Oh yes, I know Lyra. She can

be...hard to like." Xiu remarks, but does not elaborte further. She, however, adds: "But she is a good person. Just not the most, shall we say, social."

       Then she pauses in a moment of self-conscience and slowly shrugs. "Neither am I, but I guess our

styles are different when it comes to that." She then falls silent, and watches the man feed the sudden mouse - and her expression grows more soft there for a moment, before it slips back into something more relaxed as he looks back at her. She waves a hand. "Ah, do not worry about that. What harm does feeding a mouse do?" she says, smiling. "Make the little critter as happy as it can get."

       With that said she grabs her fork and knife again, and begins to consume a piece of stake. Ah, the

circle of life. "Mh-" she begins, gesturing with the steak knife at him as she chews. "Mh...so yeah, welcome to Proshpect." she remarks, seemingly not above eating with her mouth full. For somebody who, as she claimed, holds the 'Seat Off Life' in this place, Xiu certainly does not seem formal. She wallows. "...the place is quite fascinating. I have never seen a city where so many different..." she softly inhales "...beings congregate in such density. It is quite fascinating. When it comes to our kind, however, you have chosen a rather calm place to be." More steak knife gesturing follows while she scoops some potato onto her fork. "..the Traditions here are rather unorganized when it comes to the inbetweens. People tend to live their lives, the Council is mostly empty, and any formal meetings are rare."

A frown appears at Lyra not being social. "Said I could be toad. Not threat. Warning if I pry too muchwith others." Bob pauses. "Still. Good to know she's ok." At Xiu's comment about the mouse he says, "True.", and tosses a second cube over to the mouse.

       But a little bit of the light leaves Bob's eyes when hearing that the mages here are so inactive.

"You know any Dreamspeakers? Or Virtual Adepts? So much to learn. Need to find people to teach me. Like, formatting a Digit Web sector. Or, healing an animal. With magic. I'm a vet. Well, no license here. But graduated Vet school."

``OOC: Lyra arrives``

       The basement of Roasters is rather quiet - aside of two figures, sitting. One of them, at least,

voluntarily. Xiu is busy talking to Bob and finishing a meal as they converse. Also of note? There might be signs of a little mouse ever so often peeking out from under the stairs. "MMmh. I know a Virtual Adept, yes." Xiu remarks, lightly nodding towards the man as she spears the last piece of steak and taters with her fork. She just slips it inot her mouth, then places the fork and knife onto the plate and pushes it away from her, chewing - and swallowing before she turns on her chair a bit, facing Bob more.

        "Viktor. He's a Virtual Adept. Though I admit I have no idea how to best get into contacct with him.

Though.." She frowns and reaches into her hoodie pouch, before she pulls out a little dumbphone and flips through it. "Actually hold that thought. I have his number." she remarks and slides the phone towards Bob.

       "A for Dreamspeakers?" She smirks. "Steele's your guy. Friend of mine. I can get you in touch with

that one."

�[1m[Public]�[0m Dasia shuns �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "Bob, do me a fave, roll perception + hypertech (if you have it) at 6, or intelligence + �[0mcompooters at 8" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "I'll enter after Bob :)" OOC Sure. Technology ok sub for hypertech? �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Sure. Technology ok sub for hypertech?" OOC Oh, nvm Computers �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Oh, nvm Computers" +roll Intelligence + Computers vs 8 Error: You don't have �[1m�[37m Computers �[0m +sheet ``OOC: Xiu asks Bob to roll Perception + Hypertech (if he has it) vs 6, or Intelligence + Computers vs 8``

<---======##==================== Dice Roll =====================##======--->
Bob rolls Intelligence (5) + Computer (5) (10 dice) vs 8 for 0 successes.
1 -1 -1 2 3 7 7 7 7 10

``OOC: Bob remembered he had Ability Aptitude:Computers, Xiu said it lowered the DN to 6, meaning 3 successes. Xiu informed that the dumbphone is not standard, something about the GUI is different, which is highly unusual for an old dumbphone.``

       A node from Bob, "I've met Steele. Seems a good guy. Haven't met Viktor."
       He looks at the phone. Something's not quite right, but he doesn't get what. He looks at the number.

He doesn't write it down. "Thanks. Memory like steel trap, so got it.".

       Bob slides the phone back.

``OOC: Bob has Eidetic Memory``

In the midst of the meeting, there comes the sound of another descending the stairway... There's a moment's pause in the pace though, as the woman who appears takes a moment to peer at the mouse hiding under the stairway... For some reason or another, she shushes the air as she turns away from it and makes her way the rest of the way down.

She's dressed casual. And of course, 'casual' still manages to look like it belongs in Vogue on her. She's got a handbag slung over her shoulder, and her usual custom Caramocha in her opposite hand. She pauses for another moment... Silver eyes flitting between Xiu and Bob, then back to Xiu before she ultimately settles into as eat.

"Hey." She says with picturesque eloquence.

"Nice to see you managed to catch Bob- or vice versa Xiu."


       When there's signs of life on the stairs, Xiu's eyes flick up, and her hand reaches for that phone.

She slowly pulls it back, flips it closed - and then just smirks as Lyra comes into view.

       She slips the phone back into her hoodie pouch and ggestures towards the other witch as she reaches

the bottom of the stairs. "Greetings, Lyra. Well..." Her eyes flick their gaze towards Bob, then back towards the other. "He managed to catch me." She sideways-nods towards her empty plate, and then leans back onto her chair, folding her hands onto her abdomen. "I heard you two met." she remarks. "I also heard you still have to work on your first impressions." She smirks hard at that, her eyes narrowing. "I lessened the blow. Sit, sit!" She reaches sideways and patpats the empty chair next to her, opposite of the side Bob is at. "I am just filling Bob in on some Prospect things." %r%r%tGuilt flashes across Bob's face, and a sense of amazement. The witch must have the power of Kibo, to hear her name spoken and descend. Bob puts a smile on his face. A fragile smile. But a smile none the less. "Hi. Nice to see you again."%r%r%rHe makes sure there is room at the table, moving if needed. He looks at Xiu at her comments, and grins a bit sheepish. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) @emit/here %r%r%tGuilt flashes across Bob's face, and a sense of amazement. The witch must have the power of Kibo, to hear her name spoken and descend. Bob puts a smile on his face. A fragile smile. But a smile none the less. "Hi. Nice to see you again."%r%r%rHe makes sure there is room at the table, moving if needed. He looks at Xiu at her comments, and grins a bit sheepish.


       Guilt flashes across Bob's face, and a sense of amazement. The witch must have the power of Kibo, to

hear her name spoken and descend. Bob puts a smile on his face. A fragile smile. But a smile none the less. "Hi. Nice to see you again."

He makes sure there is room at the table, moving if needed. He looks at Xiu at her comments, and grins a bit sheepish.

p Lyra=As an aside, I've been working on Bob's voice. Decided he speaks fast, in clipped short sentences most of the time. So the voice will sound different then when she talked with Bob earlier, but it hasn't changed IC, if that's ok? You paged Lyra with 'As an aside, I've been working on Bob's voice. Decided he speaks fast, in clipped short sentences most of the time. So the voice will sound different then when she talked with Bob earlier, but it hasn't changed IC, if that's ok?'


The revelation of her first impression causes the witch to cast a... Kind of look towards Bob. But it's not uncomfortably long before she looks back to Xiu.

"My first impression was rusty?" Lyra asks, "I was nothing but honest. If I were anything but I think I would be mis-representing myself." She sets her drink down, reaching up towards her neck... Where that black, featureless choker suddenly unwinds, and slithers around her fingertips.

It's a European Adder. A black snake.

It idly coils for a moment around her fingers, and then slithers with alarming rapidity up to the top of her head... Where it sits, coiled and watching the other two.

"But yes, we did meet. Nice to see you again as well, and nice to see you getting along with Xiu."


       The sudden awkwardness that lingers has Xiu just softly laugh and shake her head. "I give you that."

she tells Lyra, and lightly rolls her shoulders before she glances towards Bob. "Lyra here indeed speaks her mind all the time. I hold my opinions..under wraps most of the time." She rolls her shoulders a bit again. "Habit of my day to day...disguise." she remarks. Perhaps somewhat enigmatically. "But as I said, Lyra is a good person." Xiu's gaze flicks towards Lyra there, for just a moment, accompanied by another smirk.

       Then Xiu's expression relaxes, and she leans forward a bit, elbows getting placed onto the table,

hands folding. She is looking at nothing in particular. "But if you want brutal honesty, the Traditions around here have forgotten the fact that we are still in the middle of the Ascension War. Apathy. The Union can claim 'We won' and declare it over as much as they want. That is not how such things work."

Lyra pages: No problem. Lyra's gone through a couple accents in her lifespan. @emit %r%tA shudder sweeps through Bob as the adder uncoils. He seems to think it might be about to strike him. Once it settles on her hair he watches it for a moment. Should he ignore it? Should he address it? What should he do. He decides on politeness. "Umm. Hi. You have a beautiful color." His words sound a little different, and his facial muscles move a bit in a weird way. <<Communicates with Animals>>%r%r%tBob turns his attention to Lyra. "Honest. Strong impression too. Xiu says you're good people." %r%r%tLooking to Xiu, Bob says "War's not cold? Been somewhat isolated from it I guess. Only bad thing was crash. That was accident. I'm not a warrior. Guess I need to be, but how? I mean, is the war sniping, accidents? Or a shooting war?"


       A shudder sweeps through Bob as the adder uncoils. He seems to think it might be about to strike him.

Once it settles on her hair he watches it for a moment. Should he ignore it? Should he address it? What should he do. He decides on politeness. "Umm. Hi. You have a beautiful color." His words sound a little different, and his facial muscles move a bit in a weird way. <<Communicates with Animals>>

       Bob turns his attention to Lyra. "Honest. Strong impression too. Xiu says you're good people." 
       Looking to Xiu, Bob says "War's not cold? Been somewhat isolated from it I guess. Only bad thing was

crash. That was accident. I'm not a warrior. Guess I need to be, but how? I mean, is the war sniping, accidents? Or a shooting war?" +xp �[31m<---======##=�[37m==============�[0m[ �[33mBob's XP Statistics�[0m ]�[37m===============�[31m=##======--->�[0m �[33mVote XP Received:�[0m �[37m2.01�[0m �[31m(26.0%)�[0m �[33mVote XP Given:�[0m �[37m2.00�[0m �[33mIC Time XP Received:�[0m �[37m0.71�[0m �[31m(9.1%)�[0m �[33mNom XP Received:�[0m �[37m5.00�[0m �[31m(64.7%)�[0m �[33mXP Spent:�[0m �[37m0.00�[0m �[33mTotal Lifetime XP:�[0m �[37m7.72�[0m �[31m(100.0%)�[0m �[33mCurrent XP:�[0m �[37m7.72�[0m �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[33mNom XP Cap Base: �[0m �[37m 1.55�[0m �[31m(Fri Dec 01 18:23:19 2023)�[0m �[33mNom XP Cap Limit: �[0m �[37m 101.55�[0m �[31m(Sun Dec 31 18:23:19 2023)�[0m �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m

OOC BRB �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "BRB"


The snake... Talks.

"Mhm! I know I do. I'm the prettiest SCARIEST little anklebiter in the world. That's what Lyra says." The serpent bobs its head up and down from its resting position, but does not move.

That settles that.

The witch does not respond to the serpent's quip, instead speaking on the more important matter at hand.

"It's a war for the world." Lyra candidly explains, "Like Xiu said. The Union has claimed themselves the winners, and no longer sees us as a prominent threat so far as I can tell. They seem to see us just the same as every other supernatural being under the sun and moon. Things to be studied, or eradicated." She gives a considerate tilt of her head...

"You've no doubt noticed the way that some... Magick, or whatever it is you do, has a strange way of bringing consequence upon you. It's a sign that the Union is winning. But the fact we can still practice what we do? That means the war is not yet over." She pauses for a moment, then concludes...

"They seek to eradicate magick, is a simple way to put it I suppose. In any way that they can."


       "Well." Xiu remarks. "They would *like* to eradicate it. But instead *they* tried to turn the war

cold, declare themselves victor, claim it is over. What does *that* tell us?" The chinese girl is grinning now, her eyes narrowed as she looks at the two others. "They lost their steam. Stopped their pogrom. And many among us here in Prospect see it as a chance to live in...peace. If by 'peace' you define 'Act normal, keep your magick in the closet, no show no tell'." She spreads her arms a bit. "Instead of realizing that the last thing the Union wants right now is us going after them. They are, for whatever reason, distracted. Weak. Holding back. Perhaps it was the damn Avatar Storm, perhaps it is something else." She brings her hands back onto the armrests of her chair, gazing at Bob. "But I am hunting them. The war is not over for me. What it is for you, you need to decide on your own. But...well." She gesetures towards the man. "First you have to settle down. Get your bearings in Prospect. See what's what. As I said..welcome."

�[1m�[36mBBS�[32m:�[0m New BB message (61/74) posted to 'OOC Game Advertisements' by Amos: DOA Sector @emit/here The Adder gets a nod in agreement from Bob at being the prettiest, and scariest snake. %r%tLyra gets a thoughtful look from Bob, then Xui gets the same. "Magic is for helping. For me I mean. Can't help hiding in closet. Wait. Eradicating." A terrible thought seems to have sprouted in Bob's brain. "You mean they're killing? Mages? Other supernaturals? Open fighting, or assassinations?" The question seems very important to Bob for some reason.


The Adder gets a nod in agreement from Bob at being the prettiest, and scariest snake.

       Lyra gets a thoughtful look from Bob, then Xui gets the same. "Magic is for helping. For me I mean.

Can't help hiding in closet. Wait. Eradicating." A terrible thought seems to have sprouted in Bob's brain. "You mean they're killing? Mages? Other supernaturals? Open fighting, or assassinations?" The question seems very important to Bob for some reason.


"Like Xiu said, Cold War." Lyra replies, "If a cabal makes themselves enough of a problem, the Union will respond. My own was close once, after a particular incident with a possessed truck driver causing havoc in my city." She does not speak fondly on the matter. She looks to the side with derision, as a matter of fact...

"And before 'you' get wide eyed about it Xiu, my wife looked into it. They left. Not a significant enough issue, but if any of my local problems 'decided' to they could have MADE it a bigger problem." The snake settles... Calm and easy.

"Aed, wherever he's gone. A piece of my chantry. His entire family was slain by the Technocrats. So... Take that as indication of what they're willing to do if pushed." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.


       Wide eyed? Xiu gets narrowe eyed. She looks over at Lyra for a long moment, and slowly flicks her

tongue over her teeth. Clearly, gears are turning in her head - but, so it seems, for just a moment. Her eyes instead find Bob again, and she subtly cants her head. "Ah. Hold up a moment there, Lyra." she says, and turns a bit more on her chair, placing one elbow on the table, a cheek onto the raised hand while she keeps her eyes on Bob. "....what *do* you know about the Technocratic Union, Bob?" %r%tFace scrunched in thought for a moment, Bob responds. "Well. Know they want no magick, all science. I've heard of Iteration X and the Progenitors, but don't know much about them. Know they were called the Order of Reason. Despite seeming insane. Now I know cold war is cold in places, white hot others."%r%tHe pauses, then continues. "And I wonder. Black Ford Bronco killed parents. Hit and run. Never caught. I wonder if it was the Technocracy." Huh? (Type "help" for help.) @emit/here %r%tFace scrunched in thought for a moment, Bob responds. "Well. Know they want no magick, all science. I've heard of Iteration X and the Progenitors, but don't know much about them. Know they were called the Order of Reason. Despite seeming insane. Now I know cold war is cold in places, white hot others."%r%tHe pauses, then continues. "And I wonder. Black Ford Bronco killed parents. Hit and run. Never caught. I wonder if it was the Technocracy."


       Face scrunched in thought for a moment, Bob responds. "Well. Know they want no magick, all science.

I've heard of Iteration X and the Progenitors, but don't know much about them. Know they were called the Order of Reason. Despite seeming insane. Now I know cold war is cold in places, white hot others."

       He pauses, then continues. "And I wonder. Black Ford Bronco killed parents. Hit and run. Never

caught. I wonder if it was the Technocracy."

�[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Go ahea and skip me for a while. Im gonna walk to the store and get some urgent snack �[0mfood."

+vote Lyra �[33mYou have voted for�[0m �[1m�[37mLyra�[0m l �[33mProspect Roasters - Basement�[0m

    Newly replaced wooden stairs descend down into a clean, welcoming basement. One of those lift chairs

have been built along the railing to make the steep slope handicap accessible. The basement is a little on the cool side and the walls are left to the bare brick. The lighting is pleasantly soft with warm circles of light instead of harsh fluorescent. A large, round table has been set up in the middle of the room with 13 chairs around the perimeter, but room enough for more. There is also a couch and a flat screen TV, a small washer and dryer in a closet off on one end, a little kitchen area with a small stove and small table nearby, and of course the smell of coffee wafts down constantly. There is a dumb-waiter built in against one of the kitchen walls to transport food - or whatever - up and down from above. Against one wall is a bright red phone booth. There is one entire room dedicated to a communal library.

    �[38;5;196mThere is a simple, mundane video camera above the doorway at the top of the stairs at the end of the

�[0;38;5;196mhall. It is outside the room, so privacy can still be assured. If you tamper with this, please inform staff �[0;38;5;196mor Eloise immediately. �[38;5;226m�[48;5;18m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE USE +MEET IN THIS ROOM!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<�[0m

�[38;5;201m=== Notice: Absolutely no photos or videos to be taken in the basement ever! ===

                 �[38;5;226m=== MUST read before RPing here +info ===�[0m                   
                             �[38;5;46m Places available�[0m                               

Contents: Lyra Xiu �[1m�[31mIMPORTANT NOTICE - 4/2/19�[0m �[38;5;50mObvious Exits:�[0m �[38;5;27mStairs�[0m <O> . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) l �[33mProspect Roasters - Basement�[0m

    Newly replaced wooden stairs descend down into a clean, welcoming basement. One of those lift chairs

have been built along the railing to make the steep slope handicap accessible. The basement is a little on the cool side and the walls are left to the bare brick. The lighting is pleasantly soft with warm circles of light instead of harsh fluorescent. A large, round table has been set up in the middle of the room with 13 chairs around the perimeter, but room enough for more. There is also a couch and a flat screen TV, a small washer and dryer in a closet off on one end, a little kitchen area with a small stove and small table nearby, and of course the smell of coffee wafts down constantly. There is a dumb-waiter built in against one of the kitchen walls to transport food - or whatever - up and down from above. Against one wall is a bright red phone booth. There is one entire room dedicated to a communal library.

    �[38;5;196mThere is a simple, mundane video camera above the doorway at the top of the stairs at the end of the

�[0;38;5;196mhall. It is outside the room, so privacy can still be assured. If you tamper with this, please inform staff �[0;38;5;196mor Eloise immediately. �[38;5;226m�[48;5;18m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE USE +MEET IN THIS ROOM!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<�[0m

�[38;5;201m=== Notice: Absolutely no photos or videos to be taken in the basement ever! ===

                 �[38;5;226m=== MUST read before RPing here +info ===�[0m                   
                             �[38;5;46m Places available�[0m                               

Contents: Lyra Xiu �[1m�[31mIMPORTANT NOTICE - 4/2/19�[0m �[38;5;50mObvious Exits:�[0m �[38;5;27mStairs�[0m <O> l Xiu

       At around 5 feet, this asian female certainly isn't one to tower over people. Her age, if one was to

guess, would be late twenties. Perhaps a bit younger.

       The girl is dressed in a long, grey jacket made of a thick but light synthetic material, reaching

down to her mid-thighs. Beneath she wears a warm dark hoodie and cargopants.

       Soft curves make up her cheek bones and chin, and her slanted eyes narrow quickly whenever her cheeks

rise for a laugh. The dark brown irises gain a tinge a more reddish color when the light falls on them right. The girl's nose isn't too much of a button, the bridge a little too long to call it a classic cute, but still keeping cute slightly raised tip. Her lips are lush, just of a light pink with a shade of red. More often than not, they are in a light, subtle frown.

       Her black, thin eyebrows match her normal hair's color, tho a dark brown can be seen playing over the

strands when the sun shines through them. The hair is smooth and has all been braided into long, thin braids, long enough to reach past her rear. Usually she wears a good deal of them down her front as much as she lets them hang over her back.

       She is dressed in a long, thick jacket made of a thick but light and grey-colored synthetic material.

It reaches down to her mid-thighs, sporting a generous amount of pockets. Beneath, her upper body is clad in a black, thick and warm hoodie, lined in fleece for cold weather. Most of the time she keeps the hoodie drawn up over her head, black hair spilling out past the sides of her neck in dozens of thin braids, reaching down to her hips. One might spot golden chain necklace around her neck at times, looking rather new.

       The neck smoothly flows down against strong shoulders, which go down into proportionally long,

trained arms with wiry, sculpted musculature.

       Faded green, dirty cargopants wrap around the girl's hips and legs loosely waving every time she

takes a step. Her feet are encased in a pair of rather wornout, faded brown runningshoes of a rather expensive brand. Her ankles are bare, the girl not wearing socks inside the shoes.

       (( +info and important +notes set! ))

+info �[38;5;28m~~�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28m~~

    �[38;5;231mThese must be read at least once before Role Playing in this location:
    �[38;5;231mAvailable in the basement of Roasters. If you make it that far and ask for or are encouraged to seek

�[0;38;5;231minformation on other types of supernaturals, this could be used as IC justification for purchasing Lore �[0;38;5;231mVampire 1.

    +rules no free lunch DOES NOT apply. You must pay full price.

�[38;5;28m~~�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28mThereIsNoSpoon (talk) 14:28, 5 December 2023 (PST)�[38;5;197m*�[38;5;28m~~�[0m +info xiu �[31m<---======##=�[37m===============�[0m[ �[33mAll +info for �[1m�[37mXiu�[0m ]�[37m================�[31m=##======--->�[0m

�[33mFaction�[0m (�[1m�[37mTraditions�[0m):

  • Xiu Has a very primal, downright savage resonance to her Magick.
  • Her Avatar, if sensed, is utterly powerful and very...present.
  • Current holder of the �[1m�[32mSeat Of Life�[0m in Prospect

�[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m +notes xiu �[31m<---======##=�[37m=================�[0m[ �[33mNotes for �[37mXiu�[0m ]�[37m==================�[31m=##======--->�[0m

 �[33mENCOUNTERS�[0m (Public)     �[33mPAPERTRAIL�[0m (Public)     

�[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m +note xiu/encounters �[31mERROR:�[0m �[33mI couldn't figure out which note you mean by�[0m �[1m�[37mxiu/encounters�[0m +note/read xiu/encounters �[31m<---======##=�[37m--------------�[0m[ �[33mENCOUNTERS (PUBLIC)�[0m ]�[37m---------------�[31m=##======--->�[0m �[33mStatus:�[0m �[37mNOTREVIEWED�[0m by �[37mXiu�[0m on �[37mMon Jan 25 11:23:52 2021�[0m After passingbys or quick, short encounters, details of XIu are very hard to remember. Her name might get forgotten, photos and recordings of her might disappear. Actively spotting her in a crowd is next to impossible at times.

       *This effect almost always isn't in effect when she actually interacts with you*. When in doubt, ask

�[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m OOC Did you want to continue while we wait Xiu, or pause until Lyra comes back? I am fine either way �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Did you want to continue while we wait Xiu, or pause until Lyra comes back? I am fine either �[0mway"

l �[33mProspect Roasters - Basement�[0m

    Newly replaced wooden stairs descend down into a clean, welcoming basement. One of those lift chairs

have been built along the railing to make the steep slope handicap accessible. The basement is a little on the cool side and the walls are left to the bare brick. The lighting is pleasantly soft with warm circles of light instead of harsh fluorescent. A large, round table has been set up in the middle of the room with 13 chairs around the perimeter, but room enough for more. There is also a couch and a flat screen TV, a small washer and dryer in a closet off on one end, a little kitchen area with a small stove and small table nearby, and of course the smell of coffee wafts down constantly. There is a dumb-waiter built in against one of the kitchen walls to transport food - or whatever - up and down from above. Against one wall is a bright red phone booth. There is one entire room dedicated to a communal library.

    �[38;5;196mThere is a simple, mundane video camera above the doorway at the top of the stairs at the end of the

�[0;38;5;196mhall. It is outside the room, so privacy can still be assured. If you tamper with this, please inform staff �[0;38;5;196mor Eloise immediately. �[38;5;226m�[48;5;18m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE USE +MEET IN THIS ROOM!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<�[0m

�[38;5;201m=== Notice: Absolutely no photos or videos to be taken in the basement ever! ===

                 �[38;5;226m=== MUST read before RPing here +info ===�[0m                   
                             �[38;5;46m Places available�[0m                               

Contents: Lyra Xiu �[1m�[31mIMPORTANT NOTICE - 4/2/19�[0m �[38;5;50mObvious Exits:�[0m �[38;5;27mStairs�[0m <O> �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu baps RL! Aaaa OOC It happens :) �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "It happens :)" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "Nah, we can say Lyra went to the bathroom or something!" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu shall pose. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Back!" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Look at that :P" OOC Good timing :) �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Good timing :)"


       Xiu nods, listening...and hums softly. "Alright. That sounds like a good start. But..yes." She

gestures with a hand. "If we step out of line too much? If we become too noticable? They come to cut us down to size. Like they lawasy have, except now they only react if we raise our heads." She lets out a snort. "And some of us *dare* to say that the 'Ascension War is over' just in line with the Union's words." She exhales, lowering her hand. "Well, a few do. As I said, most of the Traditionalists here in Prospect just seem happy to live their lives with their heads low."

       She rolls her tongue around a bit, thinking, and then eyes Bob. "Mh. That...really could just have

been coincidence. Your parents were normal folk, yes?"


"Xiu and I, if it has not become clear, are not that type of person." Lyra helpfully adds, focusing more on her coffee than the conversation... Trusting, it would seem, Xiu to handle 'the talk' when it comes to the Technocracy.

"Almost definitely a coincidence. You could drive down any country road and see black Ford Bronco's in driveways... Hell, I have a Ford too. An F150 though." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "*always, not...lawasy. Lol" @emit/here A headshake from Bob. "No, dad was Dreamspeaker, mom Verbena", he says to Xiu. "She was a detective NOPD, then a PI. Still, probably jumping at shadows. What you've said bears though. About the Technocracy I mean. "%r%tEmbarassment flashes across Bob's face. "As a warrior, I'm not much. Can't shoot. Apprentice magics. But I'm willing. To learn, to grow." He looks at Xiu. "When ready. To Hunt."


A headshake from Bob. "No, dad was Dreamspeaker, mom Verbena", he says to Xiu. "She was a detective NOPD, then a PI. Still, probably jumping at shadows. What you've said bears though. About the Technocracy I mean. "

       Embarassment flashes across Bob's face. "As a warrior, I'm not much. Can't shoot. Apprentice magics.

But I'm willing. To learn, to grow." He looks at Xiu. "When ready. To Hunt."


       Xiu nods. "Yeah...really probably just jumping at shadows." Xiu remarks - and then smirks, letting

out a soft chuckle at Bob's enthusiasm. "As I said...properly arrive at the place first. Meet people, know people, find a place to stay. Settle down and get things sorted." She nods towards him, via lifting her chin. "You kind of strike me more than a thinker than Mr. Action Guy. But we need the sort too, quite frankly. As I said, get in touch with Viktor. Perhaps all *he* needs is another VA around to also get into gear." she suggests, before she lets out a soft laugh. "And find out what your mom did around here. Probably was way before my time.." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.


"Ah, I mentioned Vik too." Lyra starts, "Selene was more familiar with him than I am... And if I could get her to separate her attention from Miriel for more than a couple minutes I could probably get his information from her." The serpent atop her head nods!

"Lovey lovey dovey! That's what she is. All sorts! But like, 'worse' than everyone else we know! Super gross. Makes me wanna wretch!"

"Athiss." Lyra scolds, "Respectful. Remember?"

"...Yeeeeah I know. Sorry Mistress."

"Apology accepted."

watches the interplay between Athiss and Lyra. Maybe this is what it's like to have a familiar. Then again,

maybe he shouldn't ask Lyra more questions for a while. He nods. "Will call Vik tonight. As for settling in. Good advice, and much appreciated. Need to look up her family. She changed her name. When she came to N'Orleans".


Bob watches the interplay between Athiss and Lyra. Maybe this is what it's like to have a familiar. Then again, maybe he shouldn't ask Lyra more questions for a while. He nods. "Will call Vik tonight. As for settling in. Good advice, and much appreciated. Need to look up her family. She changed her name. When she came to N'Orleans".

�[1m�[37mLyra�[0m �[33mhas voted for you.�[0m �[1m�[37mLyra�[0m �[33mhas voted for you.�[0m +vote Lyra �[33mYou have voted for�[0m �[1m�[37mLyra�[0m +vote Xiu �[33mYou have voted for�[0m �[1m�[37mXiu�[0m OOC Feels like it's winding down? �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Feels like it's winding down?" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "If you'd like it to" OOC I'm fine continuing, just don't want to dominate your alls time. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "I'm fine continuing, just don't want to dominate your alls time." �[1m�[37mXiu�[0m �[33mhas voted for you.�[0m �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "Oh, nah, you are not :)" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "Long introduction scenes are normal!" OOC Ok, great :) �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Ok, great :)"


       "Hmh. Do you know..how long she was around here?" Xiu wonders. "As I said, it probably was before my

time around, but perhaps somebody around still knows her." She smacks her lips together. "Though people also come and go around here. As much as some stay forever, others are very..transient. It is hard to keep track of who is still around, at times."

       She leans back in her chair. "ANd even a roll call is not a sure bet, because some are bound to just

not show up. I shouldn't complain. I'm a wanderer myself. Can't be assed to show up at every meet."

+note background �[31m<---======##=�[37m--------------�[0m[ �[33mBACKGROUND (PRIVATE)�[0m ]�[37m--------------�[31m=##======--->�[0m �[33mStatus:�[0m �[37mAPPROVED�[0m by �[37mSassyCat�[0m on �[37mThu Nov 30 15:36:04 2023�[0m Bob's Background

Convalescing UCP grad student, a nature-loving Virtual Adept/Dreamspeaker recovering from a car wreck and losing his family. Specific years are in the TIMLINE note.

Bob was born in New Orleans to a Verbena mother, an ex-detective turned PI, and a Dreamspeaker father, a parazoologist.

As a child Bob showed remarkable precociousness, as well as strong ties to nature. His first word was cat. He loved animals and they loved him in return. Bob's parents exposed him to magic in small doses, hoping he'd Awaken, but he did not. The only things he took to were gremlin spirits, who he loved playing with in his parents sanctum. He also loved technology and computers, building computers for his friends and others. He never took to either of his parent's traditions, because they seemed to reject technology. At age 10, in 2007, he found a majestic oversized shot beaver in a forest and healed it using his mother's potions, nursing it back to health over a weekend. Since then he has been able to talk with animals.

He entered Cornell early, dual majoring in C.S. and Zoology (pre-vet). When he graduated he entered UC Davis to get his vet degree, and graduated in 2020. Shortly after graduation he was left at the altar, his bride having run off with a cousin, his best man. Dejected, he moved home and spent the next year with his parents. Some of the time he volunteered as a vet at local shelters. The rest of the time he spent with his mother helping her in her PI practice, learning the basics of that business.

In 2021 he applied to UCP for Fall 2022 to get a Ph.D. in C.S. and was accepted with a scholarship. To celebrate his parents took him to the Commander's Palace restaurant. On the way back he was playing a game on his tablet, and had forgotten his headphones. His dad had just said the game sounds were distracting when a black ford bronco with blacked out windows rammed the passenger side front of their car, killing both parents instantly and sending Bob into a coma. The bronco sped off and was never caught.

When Bob was brought to the hospital in a coma a gremlin was playing in some of the medical equipment. It happened to be one of the gremlins he played with. The gremlin went to get help. It took a couple months but the gremlin returned with a Kilakac'n, who drew Bob's mind into the Digital Web with a forced astral immersion. While there Bob Awakened. Over the next ten months he had frequent sessions in the Digital Web with the Kilakac'n.

He woke from the coma in 2022. A mage couple working in the hospital had been looking out for him, and whisked him out of the hospital. The couple, a Ghost Wheel Dreamspeaker and a Reality Hacker Virtual Adept, spent the next year training him. They healed his body, but his mind still wouldn't let him walk. He refused mind healing, insisting he deserved it for getting his parents killed. The couple respected his decision, but got him to promise to go to therapy. Because of this dual training and how he Awakened, he is a member of both traditions (a Ghostwheel Dreamspeaker himself, as well as a Reality Hacker Virtual Adept).

In 2023 to contacted UCP and arranged to start attending, with disabled accomodation, in Fall 2024, to get his Ph.D. in C.S, specializing in AI. The Virtual Adept of the couple brought him to Prospect, hoping to hand him off to a chantry to convalesce for a time more. At present they are staying in a small house his family owned, which sits over a small Node. The house is in the Prospect Harbor area.

He is paying the bills being an infobroker, doing paid research remotely using his computer skills. He spends a chunk of downtime each day feeding animals, and has a photographers vest with many pockets filled with food for different animals. He can be found at Prospect Roasters when not feeding animals, studying Computer Science, or studying magic.

He is early in his learning, but he intends to build things for other mages to pay back what's been done for him, and to help them survive in a world filled with danger. He has his guilt, but he is a joy-filled person by nature, always building new things and trying to help others.

He is very active on the Digital Web, and a frequent visitor to the Spy's Demise. He loves noir detective films, in part because his mother also did.

He always had his vest with friend food, his VR goggles, and his trinary PDA.

The last movie he enjoyed came out three years ago, Wonder Woman.

If he was in a cast ensemble of a daring TV show, he'd be the brainy geek who loved animals.

If he was at a coffeeshop and two thugs burst in with guns, he'd use corrspondance to pull the bullets from their guns and put them in his pockets. After that he'd play it by ear, probably trying to call for help without being noticed.

He likes going to the park to feed animals, Prospect Roasters to meet people, and the library.

He is looking to join a chantry, join a maker collective, volunteer at a local shelter, and to meet different types of mages.

�[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m +note timeine �[31mERROR:�[0m �[33mI couldn't figure out which note you mean by�[0m �[1m�[37mtimeine�[0m +note timeline �[31m<---======##=�[37m---------------�[0m[ �[33mTIMELINE (PRIVATE)�[0m ]�[37m---------------�[31m=##======--->�[0m �[33mStatus:�[0m �[37mAPPROVED�[0m by �[37mSassyCat�[0m on �[37mThu Nov 30 15:36:04 2023�[0m This is the rough timeline of Bob's life:

- Mom moved from Prospect, where her family had lived for several generations, to New Orleans in 1950 - Mom met dad at Woodstock in 1969, married, and he moved to New Orleans - Born in New Orleans in 1997 - His first word was cat at 10 months, and animals loved him his entire childhood. They still do. - At age 10, in 2007, he found a magnificent beaver in the woods, used his mom's salve Charms to heal it, and gained the ability to speak with animals. - Entered Cornell in 2010 as a dual major in Zoology (pre-vet) and Computer Science. - Graduated Cornell with a B.S. in Comp Sci and a B.S. in Zoology in 2013 - Finished Vet school at UC Davis in 2020 - In 2020 was left at the altar, after bride ran away with a cousin - Took a year in New Orleans living with parents, doing volunteer vet work, as well as working with mom being a PI for something different, mostly doing computer research and things for her - Applied to UCP in 2021 for 2022 to get Ph.D. in C.S. with an AI concentration - Home in New Orleans in 2021 when car crash occurred, killing parents and making Bob comatose - Woke from coma in 2022, then spent a year getting trained by a couple (VA man and his Dreamspeaker wife) - In 2023 Bob reapplied to UCP for the 2024 Fall semester for the C.S. PhD program, and was accepted on scholarship. - He couldnt stay in New Orleans, because too many memories. The VA brought him to Prospect in late 2023, hoping to find a place for him to convalesce, ideally at a good chantry.



"She was Verbena?" Lyra asks rhetorically, "I have connections. Most of my knowledge is outside the city, but I know of a witch whose interests lie within it... Old friend of mine. Good for reagents before I was able to get my hands on them myself. If she 'was' around here for a while, I'm reasonably certain Lillian might at the very least know somebody that knows her."

@emit/here "She was.", he says to Lyra. Looking to Xiu he adds "She came to New Orleans late 1940s, early 1950s. I think."


"She was.", he says to Lyra. Looking to Xiu he adds "She came to New Orleans late 1940s, early 1950s. I think."

OOC OOCly speaking, who his mother was in Prospect was not covered in background during chargen. I thought about tying her into some already existing NPC or group (toyed with idea of Moonhavens), but staff had lots of questions on background already, so figured I'd leave it blank. Don't know if details like that can be added afterward �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "OOCly speaking, who his mother was in Prospect was not covered in background during chargen. �[0mI thought about tying her into some already existing NPC or group (toyed with idea of Moonhavens), but staff �[0mhad lots of questions on background already, so figured I'd leave it blank. Don't know if details like that �[0mcan be added afterward"

�[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Totally! I added alot of stuff to Lyra's backstory post cgen. As long as it doesn't alter �[0mthe world at large it's fine." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Like, no "Mom was actually the chosen one"" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Etc" OOC Ok, awesome! If you have any suggestions, I'm open to it. I mean like in terms of groups or NPCs. Moonhavens are the only ones I remember finding. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Ok, awesome! If you have any suggestions, I'm open to it. I mean like in terms of groups or �[0mNPCs. Moonhavens are the only ones I remember finding." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu nodnods! �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Moonhavens were a PC group so I think we maybe don't take liberties with those without the �[0mplayers around" �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Iirc they were also Gaian"


       Xiu hehs. "Yeah, that was a while ago.." she murmurs softly, and then rolls her shoulders. "It is a

long shot either way. Even those that stay in one place for a while tend to have places and hideouts nobody else knows or uses. So even if she left something behind..." The girl lifts a hand and wiggles finger,s spread. "..unlikely that anybody knows about them. The only thing somebody might know was perhaps an old Chantry she was part of, or something."

       She lowers her hand. "At least that is my guess. I am not even sure if you *want* to follow her path

along those...special lines or just want to see how she lived in general." OOC Understood, makes sense. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Understood, makes sense."


Lyra considers for a moment... And sighs.

"Sometimes, with our particular line of living, it 'is' the correct choice to let sleeping dragons lie." She passes a significant look towards Xiu, adding...

"I can't think of a time in 'my' memory that a Verbena has vanished that they hadn't either died, gone into hermitage, or fallen too far to bring back."

@emit/here "I suppose." He looks like he wants to argue, but knows better to listen."Fallen. You mean like Nephandi? Mom wasn't that. She couldn't be." He looks distressed. %r%tBob continues with "And what do you mean, gone into hermitage?".


"I suppose." He looks like he wants to argue, but knows better to listen."Fallen. You mean like Nephandi? Mom wasn't that. She couldn't be." He looks distressed.

       Bob continues with "And what do you mean, gone into hermitage?".

OOC I'd love to discover down the road that she was part of a chantry, everyone but her was killed by the Technocracy, and he finds the remains some time down the road (as a justification for some merits such as Library, etc. perhaps) �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "I'd love to discover down the road that she was part of a chantry, everyone but her was �[0mkilled by the Technocracy, and he finds the remains some time down the road (as a justification for some �[0mmerits such as Library, etc. perhaps)"


       "Well, we know she died in that car accident, so there is that." Xiu remarks and lightly rolls her

shoulders. "So sadly, the end is..clear." There is a light gesture that follows, a bit dismissive. "And yeah, fallen are the Nephandi. Thank the Goddess I haven't crossed paths with one of those in a long time.." she murmurs, before she lets out a soft chuckle. "Well, some of us witches are rather hermit-like. I mean, quite frankly I am riding the edge there." She thumbs over her shoulder, in a random direction. "I live outside the city, away from all the ruckus. Deep in the woods. What Lyra means is that some of us do that permanently, away from everyone and everything. The woods, or even outside...well, everything." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu nodnods. "Good plan!"


"That could change 'very' easily if you wanted to be more involved in the handling of my southern issues." Lyra replies with an empty candour, "I have things to tell you about, when you get the chance. Pertaining to the research I was doing that you gave me advice towards." She cants her head, lightly playing with one of the necklaces around her neck...

A new one.

"I'd maybe appreciate the help of your direct involvement." think @emit/here Bob looks between the two of them. "The woods. They lived in the bayou. Didn't socialize much. Maybe hermitage Then." @emit/here Bob looks between the two of them. "The woods. They lived in the bayou. Didn't socialize much. Maybe hermitage Then." OOC Quick clarification: not asking for Bob's direct involvement right? I mean if you need a target to draw fire Bob would be good, but...otherwise meh for now :) �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Quick clarification: not asking for Bob's direct involvement right? I mean if you need a �[0mtarget to draw fire Bob would be good, but...otherwise meh for now :)" +xp �[31m<---======##=�[37m==============�[0m[ �[33mBob's XP Statistics�[0m ]�[37m===============�[31m=##======--->�[0m �[33mVote XP Received:�[0m �[37m2.76�[0m �[31m(32.2%)�[0m �[33mVote XP Given:�[0m �[37m2.75�[0m �[33mIC Time XP Received:�[0m �[37m0.79�[0m �[31m(9.2%)�[0m �[33mNom XP Received:�[0m �[37m5.00�[0m �[31m(58.4%)�[0m �[33mXP Spent:�[0m �[37m0.00�[0m �[33mTotal Lifetime XP:�[0m �[37m8.55�[0m �[31m(100.0%)�[0m �[33mCurrent XP:�[0m �[37m8.55�[0m �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[33mNom XP Cap Base: �[0m �[37m 1.55�[0m �[31m(Fri Dec 01 18:23:19 2023)�[0m �[33mNom XP Cap Limit: �[0m �[37m 101.55�[0m �[31m(Sun Dec 31 18:23:19 2023)�[0m �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "No, she's addressing Xiu with regard to something they previously discussed." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Apologies for not clarifying" OOC I figured :) but thought I should clarify before posing �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "I figured :) but thought I should clarify before posing" @emit/here Bob looks between the two of them. "The woods. They lived in the bayou. Didn't socialize much. Maybe hermitage then. So there are Nephandi near us. Sheesh. Technocrats enough already." Bob shakes his head.%r%tBob looks at the two, hesitating, then says "Umm. If I can. Met two others here, one a Mage. One I don't know. Leigh. And Mary. They ok?"


Bob looks between the two of them. "The woods. They lived in the bayou. Didn't socialize much. Maybe hermitage then. So there are Nephandi near us. Sheesh. Technocrats enough already." Bob shakes his head.

       Bob looks at the two, hesitating, then says "Umm. If I can. Met two others here, one a Mage. One I

don't know. Leigh. And Mary. They ok?" Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.


       "Oh, Mary and Leigh are still around?" Xiu wonders, sitting more upright. "That is..kind of good to

hear. Mary is young and unexperienced. I tried to find her a teacher, once. But.." she rolls her shoulders. "No idea how that turned out, I guess." She smirks. "I should pay her a visit again, then."

       With that said, she glances over at Lyra...and lets out a soft laugh. 'I would maybe appreciate the

help'..." she echoes Lyra's words. "Girl, you really have a hard time with just saying 'Hey Xiu, I need help, are you in?'" She softly chortles, while she brushes some of her long, long braids away from your face. "But yes Lyra, I 'am in'. I will catch you at the usual place soon." Perfectly detailed schedule planning of Xiu!


"Of fucking 'course' I have a problem with it!" Lyra says, throwing up her hands and moving about in a way that causes the serpent on her head to have to... Sit up alittle more to balance.

"Fine fine fine. Hey Xiu, I need help, are you in? Oh what's that? You're in? SICK!" She... Seems to have just instantaneously loosened up. And she slouches back in her seat, drink in hand, while the other reaches up to pet the serpent atop her head.

"Mary ended up more interested in other things than working with Selene, as far as I've been told. Of course I never had the chance to meet her... I doubt it would have worked out. But, good, I will see you there soon." MAIL: You have a new message from Job Tracker. Subject: Approved: Background think @emit/here "Ah good. Figured Leigh was ok. She came down here. Everyone gets here I can assume is ok, right? Good to know about Mary. We hit it off somewhat. Speaking of. Roasters only safe place I was given. Any place else that I can meet others like me?" After a moment he frowns, then adds "Or is a Should I focus on meeting people here. And meetingbad idea? Should @emit/here "Ah good. Figured Leigh was ok. She came down here. Everyone gets here I can assume is ok, right? Good to know about Mary. We hit it off somewhat. Speaking of. Roasters only safe place I was given. Any place else that I can meet others like me?" After a moment he frowns, then adds "Or is a Should I focus on meeting people here. And meetingbad idea? Should @emit/here "Ah good. Figured Leigh was ok. She came down here. Everyone gets here I can assume is ok, right? Good to know about Mary. We hit it off somewhat. Speaking of. Roasters only safe place I was given. Any place else that I can meet others like me?" After a moment he frowns, then adds "Or is a Should I focus on meeting


"Ah good. Figured Leigh was ok. She came down here. Everyone gets here I can assume is ok, right? Huh? (Type "help" for help.) Huh? (Type "help" for help.) people here. Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

OOC Ugh. Give me a moment, MAIL popped up in middle of pose and messed me up �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Ugh. Give me a moment, MAIL popped up in middle of pose and messed me up" Good to know about Mary. We hit it off somewhat. Speaking of. Roasters only safe place I was given. Any place Huh? (Type "help" for help.) @emit/here "Ah good. Figured Leigh was ok. She came down here. Everyone gets here I can trust, right?", he asks. %r%tHe continues, "Also good about Mary. We hit it off somewhat. Speaking of - Roasters only safe place I was given. Other places recommended? Or better to meet people here. And through introductions from them?"


"Ah good. Figured Leigh was ok. She came down here. Everyone gets here I can trust, right?", he asks.

       He continues, "Also good about Mary. We hit it off somewhat. Speaking of - Roasters only safe place I

was given. Other places recommended? Or better to meet people here. And through introductions from them?"

OOC I'll clean it up in the log too. Still working on formatting. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "I'll clean it up in the log too. Still working on formatting."


MAIL: Folder 0 ----------------------------

[-------] 1 ( 724) From: Eloise Sub: New Mage [-------] 2 ( 715) From: Eloise Sub: Re: New Mage [-------] 3 ( 129) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 4 (3741) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 5 (1422) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 6 ( 852) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 7 ( 439) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 8 (4409) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 9 (3313) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 10 ( 671) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 11 (1730) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 12 ( 421) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 13 ( 479) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 14 ( 415) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 15 ( 470) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 16 (2292) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 17 ( 354) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 18 ( 356) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 156: New wiki account [-------] 19 ( 210) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: New wiki accoun [-------] 20 (1123) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 21 (2059) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 22 ( 461) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 23 (1208) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 24 ( 36) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: Approval: Bob ( [-------] 25 ( 424) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 183: Mary: ACTING [N------] 26 ( 492) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 183: Mary: ACTING [N------] 27 ( 409) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 183: Mary: ACTING [N------] 28 ( 592) From: Job Tracker Sub: Denied: Mary: ACTING [-------] 29 ( 985) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 190: Mary: ACTING CON [-------] 30 ( 652) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: Mary: ACTING CO [-------] 31 ( 315) From: User Commands an Sub: XP nomination: ACTING CON [-------] 32 (1202) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 33 ( 604) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 34 ( 504) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 35 ( 430) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 36 ( 593) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [-------] 37 (1062) From: Job Tracker Sub: Denied: Elven Arcology [-------] 38 ( 247) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 196: Background [N------] 39 (4961) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: Background

@mail 39

39 From: Job Tracker At: Sun Dec 03 14:05:11 2023 Fldr : 0 Status: Unread To : Bob Subject: Approved: Background

Job 196 has been approved:

Queried Bob:

Your recent scene on 11/30/23, was submitted for an xpnom. There are a few questions staff has about your PC and your understanding of Mage we'd like to clear up here.

  • Adept Digital Shaman: When Magi introduce themselves as an Adept, that means that they have a sphere at 4.

So no matter what tradition you are, you would say you are an Adept. It is understandable that you are using this to mean Virtual Adept, but it can be confusing in generl. We suggest you drop the Adept part from this, or just say straight up you are a VA & Dreamspeaker.

  • Paradigm: You state in this scene that your Paradigm is mixed. Reading over your paradigm again, it reads

much more like a VA paradigm, and less like a Dreamspeaker one. Can you point out how you see the Dreamspeaker side fitting into your written paradigm?

  • Therapist: What sort of therapist is Bob seeing? Is she a Mage? Is she a sleeper?
  • Mind Healing: You state in the scene that Bob has a lot of guilt, that his therapist told him that. That

she said it was healthier for Bob to work through it on his own, and that she had a strong Mind. Now, you stated in your background that the couple that trained him - that worked in the hospital and were the traditions that Bob is - that they healed his body and that Bob refused the mind healing. These two things do not match up. Now you can say what you want in RP, but again, we need to be sure you are not changing your backstory suddenly. So which is it? Did he refuse the help? Or was he told he had to do it himself?

  • Vet School: You made a lot of effort in your background note to go on about Bob's love for animals and

countless time volunteering to help at shelters. There was no mention that his going to Vet school was only for his parents, which seriously seems rather strange to go through all that schooling and the intense study to go so far as to get that degree, and I'd guess license? To just drop it to switch back to go to a PHD Program in Computer Science. It would make more sense for him dropping being a Vet because of the accident, or because of being jilted by his bride. Wanting to just change his life. It just makes it very odd as you try to make such a strong feeling that Bob loves animals - especially with the feeding them all the time - and yet Vet school seemed to mean nothing to him. We'd like to know where it really lays here, so we have a better idea where you are going with this.

  • Lore Mage 3/Tradition Herald: It was brought to our attention that Bob did not know what the Traditions

Herald was. This is probably just an OOC oversight, but we would like to remind you that with Lore Mage 3. Bob would have been trained as to what the Traditions Herald would be, what it does, etc. He would also have been taught that the reason for each seat on a Local Traditions Council is to be a representative for their tradition. It does not make them necessarily the leader/teacher, but they should be someone in high regard amongst their peers of the locals in that tradition (someone trusted to represent them).

We would also like to remind you that at Lore Mage 3, Bob would know most of the following found here: https://www.cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Mage_Lore

Please respond and let us know so we can clarify! Thank you!

�[1mComments added by SassyCat:�[0m Thank you for your quick response. This may seem picky, but overall we are �[0mlooking out for the health of the sphere especially when it is so small currently, and would rather bring up �[0mquestions and guide now rather than let something accumulate and become messy and push other players away.

  • Paradigm: My read of your paradigm note sounded far more VA than Dreamspeaker, and thus why I asked when

you were saying it was more mixed. Your explanation in this job is much more sensible now.

  • Mind Healing: If you would like to update your background note to reflect that he was told to fix it

himself, then we will allow that. Now, that can/will get other mage pcs offering to help fix his mind, or at least get him further down the path faster and that will be up to you to accept or not. Frankly, being mages? They see a problem, they want to fix a problem. It's very hard to keep RP'ing this and thus we suggest you accept some help - free up most of the guilt (does not need to ALL go away, it is always going to be part of his personality) so you can buy off the flaw. It's a hefty one, but if you keep up with at least a scene a day that gets the base nom, then you'll be at the xp needed in 2 days. Another mage can help with it, or you can off camera it. But be sure to have some sort of story with it.

We do expect a Mage to ICly have hubris, and what you say IC is a performance toward whomever you are speaking with in that scene. Hopefully you can settle in and get in a good playgroup soon.


       "Mmmmh." Xiu lets out a sound of half-annoyance, and she wiggles a hand again. "Unaffiliated mystics

can get down here. It is best not to talk about private things, or Tradition internals, when those are around. Essentially this is neutral ground for all mystics and weird scientists and whatnot, as long as they do not belong to the Union or the Nephandi. So, best treat it like that. "Xiu advises Bob. "We had a place exclusive for our folk out in the desert, but that place has...issues. Some don't like it. Steele found a potential new place here in Prospect which I am evaluating with him, and Lyra.." she glances at the other witch "...has a place in Chula Vista where technically folks can visit. Technically her domain, but we

  • tried* to build up something while she took a break." Xiu just smirks at the last part. She seems to like

teasing Lyra, but it feels more prankish than really mean-spirited.


Lyra's eyes narrow...

"Are you implying that I have no interest in building something even still?" Lyra asks rhetorically, "You have to understand. My situation is far 'less' merciful than what the rest of us are privileged enough to enjoy in Prospect. I know you know that. And... It was 'not' a break." She's... Practically pouting about that.

It 'was' a break.

"But I digress from being a whiny bitch. I 'have' a place in Chula Vista... It just comes with a warning label, and I'm not the threat."

@emit/here %r%tA look goes from Lyra to Xiu, and back to Lyra. "I don't want to pry. Well, want to. Don't want to offend. Curious about warning label. Take it, not somewhere I should visit. Least not yet."%r%tBob looks to Xiu and says "Much appreciated. Haven't figured out how to recognize Mages yet. Unless I do a HUD with prime. But detectable, so..." He falls silent.


       A look goes from Lyra to Xiu, and back to Lyra. "I don't want to pry. Well, want to. Don't want to

offend. Curious about warning label. Take it, not somewhere I should visit. Least not yet."

       Bob looks to Xiu and says "Much appreciated. Haven't figured out how to recognize Mages yet. Unless I

do a HUD with prime. But detectable, so..." He falls silent.

+finger vik �[31m<---======##=�[37m=====================�[0m[ �[33mViktor�[0m ]�[37m=====================�[31m=##======--->�[0m Alias: vik |Last on: Fri Dec 01 07:55:30 2023 Sex: Male |Mail: 0 unread / 11 read. E-Mail: (unlisted) | �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m Location: �[33mSummit Springs - Apartment 302�[0m Full Name: Viktor Hausman Position: Street Medic, Tech Support Apparent Age: Mid Twenties Homepage: https://cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Viktor Short Desc: Friendly young man, messing with his phone too much. Played_by: Chris Klein Picture: https://cityofhopemush.net/images/d/d2/ViktorHausman01.png Handle: Stitcher42 �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m +finger me �[31m<---======##=�[37m======================�[0m[ �[33mBob�[0m ]�[37m=======================�[31m=##======--->�[0m Alias: |On for: 7h 58m Idle: 0s Sex: Male |Mail: 14 unread / 25 read. E-Mail: (unlisted) | �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m Location: �[33mProspect Roasters - Basement�[0m Full Name: Robert Huard Age: 26 Position: Mr Fixit/new guy Apparent Age: Mid-twenties Plan: Get C.S. PhD.,connect w/like-minded souls,build a new life RP-Prefs: Social/Mystical/Animals(Vet)/Low-Risk(for now) Alts: Brand new..no alts yet Theme Song: Let You Down by Dawid Podsiado, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnnbP7pCIvQ Quote: We carve history from totalities beyond our grasp.

               Bolt labels on the result. Handles. 
               Then speak of the handles as though 
               they were things in themselves.
                       -William Gibson,The Peripheral 

Office-hours: Weekends during day, M-F 7pm-11/12PM EST. Homepage: Not yet-waiting on approval Short Desc: Tall geek,dark brown hair/eyes,wheelchair bound Splat: Mage/Traditions/VA Alignment: A good person who helps others �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m


       "I...am not sure what that even means." Xiu admits to Bob in regards to his 'HUD with Prime'. She

lets out a soft chuckle. "But I guess I get the gist of it." she says, before she gestures towards him. "The best advice I can give you right now though is...stick to people we tell you about, and those tell you about. No need to look for Mages on your own. Even if not many of us hang with each other regularly, we know people who know people who hang with people..." She circles a finger. "ANd on and on, you will know everybody around in no time."

       She lowers the arm and glances at Lyra - just warmly smiling. "We *really* need to meet soon." she

says slowly. "At least that's the feeling I get."


"Your feeling is, candidly, fucking right." Lyra replies, sitting up alittle taller as the serpent atop her head finally moves... Slithering down to instead... Sip at her coffee. Lapping it up with that snake tongue as best as it possibly can. Lyra does not attempt to stop it- implying it's... Probably normal.

"Frankly, it's safe to travel to the city." Lyra says to Bob, "The risk associated with it is probably not immediately extant- but I can't be sure. So for now? We'll simply leave it at... It's 'really' complicated. All that said, if you go to the Lady of the Lakes... Pub in the city. The restaraunt I mentioned. Let my cousin Mindy know you're there on my invitation, and she'll let you into the basement. The pub, at least, should be entirely safe." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Cousin Mindy at the bar*" @emit/here %r%t"Right. Appreciated. And I'll do that. Stick to introduced I mean. Umm," he pauses. "If there's anything I can do to help either of you, probably tech related. Please, just let me know." Then again, what need do masters have of an apprentice? Still, he can find information on the Digital Web they might have trouble with. Who knows.


       "Right. Appreciated. And I'll do that. Stick to introduced I mean. Umm," he pauses. "If there's

anything I can do to help either of you, probably tech related. Please, just let me know." Then again, what need do masters have of an apprentice? Still, he can find information on the Digital Web they might have trouble with. Who knows. OOC Will change to Bob pauses. Forgot a tag in there �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Will change to Bob pauses. Forgot a tag in there"

OOC BRB �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "BRB"


       "Bob. The first advice is to never undervalue yourself..." Xiu remarks - and her tone is strangely

dry and serious. "Those who undervalue themselves neglect confidence in what they actually can do. Second advice: Never stop striving to become better. Third advice?" She even has a hand lifted, third finger wiggling. "The last time I seriously touched tech was about 12 years ago or so, and shit moves fast. So once you have settled in, I actually have something for you and Viktor to peek at. Call it...maintenance."

. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.


Lyra prods Athiss, and the serpent rapidoly coils around itself... She takes up her coffee then, sipping from it thoughtfully.

"We are an organization. The Traditions, are a unified entity. Your methods, the methods of the Hermetics, the Euthanatoi, the Sons of Ether... The differences don't matter. Look through the significant history when you get the opportunity and see how 'rarely' it was that a Traditions member was ever able to solve anything without the help of another?" She sets the drink down...

"Because I can tell you outright that Xiu is right. Just on principle, never undervalue yourself. But beyond principal and in regard to practicality, we live in the year 2023. There is almost no circumstance where your skillset is 'useless.' No matter how new to it you are." @emit/here %r%r%tListening raptly, Bob nods at each point. His eyes widen a bit at 12 years. That is ancient tech. "Will do. On all counts. Or, won't do, per advice. And yeah. Happy to help. Once Vik and I sync. And I get booted up here." %r%r%tLooking to Lyra, Bob says "You both bring up good points. Will remember."


       Listening raptly, Bob nods at each point. His eyes widen a bit at 12 years. That is ancient tech.

"Will do. On all counts. Or, won't do, per advice. And yeah. Happy to help. Once Vik and I sync. And I get booted up here."

       Looking to Lyra, Bob says "You both bring up good points. Will remember."


       Xiu lets out a soft chuckle as she notices the widening eyes. "Yeeeah..." she says, slowly nodding.

"12 years of my luddite ways.." she waves a hand. "Not that I don't *hear* about the new tech, or see the new tech in the city, or touch it at times. I know how to use a smartphone. I know how to surf the net. Everyday stuff. And I *think* I still might know how to program a VCR, but that shit is for Marauders." She rolls her shoulders. "But really, that's just the kind of everyday stuff one *has* to keep up in order to survive out there. Know the enemy."


"I keep up on the new tech by virtue of who I live with." Lyra explains with clear carefulness, "I'm a fairly modern woman. I've been a witch as long as I can remember, but I only started understanding things on the level I do now some four or five years back. I work no magick with the technology of the day, but... I 'do' play Solitaire on my Android when I get exceptionally bored while waiting for something in a public place."

@emit/here Solitaire? Solitaire! Bob manages to keep a straight face. "That's something. There are more secure OSs for your phones though, if you're worried about the Technocracy.". He nods sagely. Tech, this is something he has some wisdom on.


Solitaire? Solitaire! Bob manages to keep a straight face. "That's something. There are more secure OSs for your phones though, if you're worried about the Technocracy.". He nods sagely. Tech, this is something he has some wisdom on.


       Xiu remains quiet for a moment, just subtly smirking - before she lightly patpats the edge of the

table and stands, pushing her chair back. "Welp, I have to move. Break time is over for me, I'm afraid." She steps sideways and pushes the chair back into place, before she lifts her hand and brushes all her braids forward, over her shoulders, so they hang down her front. And, given that this is the first time Bob can see her standing - she really is just of average asian female height. Still, that mass of braids almost reaches the floor.

       The reason she brushed them all forward? Well. She has to pull the hoodie hood up somehow, which she

does now, tugging it in place with all that hair spilling past her neck. She then lazily stuffs her hands into the hoodie pouch.

       "I'll be seein' you two soon, yeah? Stay safe, Bob. Keep that pizza ready, Lyra." With that said, she

turns and makes her way towards the stairs. With her walking, Bob might notice how worn her clothing is. Not really damaged, but far from pristine or well cleaned.


When Xiu rises, so does Lyra... It seems to be little more than coincidental though, as she does not rush to do so.

"Mmm. I've got to get home to make sure my housemates haven't burned the place down. Be sure to stop by some time, Bob... I can get you acquainted with the area and we can figure things out." She brings up her handbag, and the serpent coils around her fingertips before slithering up to coil around her neck... It does say, if briefly...

"Bye Xiu! Bye Bob! Good talk! Bring me meat next time!"

And then it... Just looks like a choker again. @emit/here A wave from Bob, and "Nice meeting you! Nice meeting you both. And will do Lyra. And will do Athiss."


A wave from Bob, and "Nice meeting you! Nice meeting you both. And will do Lyra. And will do Athiss."

OOC Thank you both for the RP. I have some other logs to edit, but I should have this one posted to the wiki

and nom request in the next day or two. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Thank you both for the RP. I have some other logs to edit, but I should have this one posted �[0mto the wiki and nom request in the next day or two." l �[33mProspect Roasters - Basement�[0m

    Newly replaced wooden stairs descend down into a clean, welcoming basement. One of those lift chairs

have been built along the railing to make the steep slope handicap accessible. The basement is a little on the cool side and the walls are left to the bare brick. The lighting is pleasantly soft with warm circles of light instead of harsh fluorescent. A large, round table has been set up in the middle of the room with 13 chairs around the perimeter, but room enough for more. There is also a couch and a flat screen TV, a small washer and dryer in a closet off on one end, a little kitchen area with a small stove and small table nearby, and of course the smell of coffee wafts down constantly. There is a dumb-waiter built in against one of the kitchen walls to transport food - or whatever - up and down from above. Against one wall is a bright red phone booth. There is one entire room dedicated to a communal library.

    �[38;5;196mThere is a simple, mundane video camera above the doorway at the top of the stairs at the end of the

�[0;38;5;196mhall. It is outside the room, so privacy can still be assured. If you tamper with this, please inform staff �[0;38;5;196mor Eloise immediately. �[38;5;226m�[48;5;18m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE USE +MEET IN THIS ROOM!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<�[0m

�[38;5;201m=== Notice: Absolutely no photos or videos to be taken in the basement ever! ===

                 �[38;5;226m=== MUST read before RPing here +info ===�[0m                   
                             �[38;5;46m Places available�[0m                               

Contents: Lyra Xiu �[1m�[31mIMPORTANT NOTICE - 4/2/19�[0m �[38;5;50mObvious Exits:�[0m �[38;5;27mStairs�[0m <O> +finger vik �[31m<---======##=�[37m=====================�[0m[ �[33mViktor�[0m ]�[37m=====================�[31m=##======--->�[0m Alias: vik |Last on: Fri Dec 01 07:55:30 2023 Sex: Male |Mail: 0 unread / 11 read. E-Mail: (unlisted) | �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m Location: �[33mSummit Springs - Apartment 302�[0m Full Name: Viktor Hausman Position: Street Medic, Tech Support Apparent Age: Mid Twenties Homepage: https://cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Viktor Short Desc: Friendly young man, messing with his phone too much. Played_by: Chris Klein Picture: https://cityofhopemush.net/images/d/d2/ViktorHausman01.png Handle: Stitcher42 �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "Absolutely :) It was fun you two" OOC Definitely! �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Definitely!" OOC Good timing on ending too, wife has dinner incoming. Have a good evening/morning :) �[31m<OOC>�[0m Bob says, "Good timing on ending too, wife has dinner incoming. Have a good evening/morning :)"

think --- SNIP --- --- SNIP ---


       "Oh, will do!" Xiu says in a sing-song voice, lazily pulling a hand from her hoodie and blindly

waving back at the little snek. She likes the little snek. The snek shall get meat. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "Thanks for the RP, si :) I need to fall into beeeeed." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "It is late here." �[31m<OOC>�[0m Xiu says, "Take care everybody!" Xiu goes home. Xiu has left. �[31m<OOC>�[0m Lyra says, "And off we go!" Lyra goes home. Lyra has left. +staff �[31m<---======##=�[37m========�[0m[ �[33mCity of Hope MUX Connected Staff�[0m ]�[37m========�[31m=##======--->�[0m Name Alias Position Status Idle �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[38;5;33mH�[38;5;39mo�[38;5;38mn�[38;5;45me�[38;5;87my�[38;5;123mB�[38;5;87ma�[38;5;45md�[38;5;38mg�[38;5;39me�[38;5;33mr�[0m HB Wizard: A little of everything �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 3m �[38;5;162mD�[38;5;62mrop�[38;5;162mB�[38;5;62mear�[0m drbr Admin: STUFF! (Inquire Within) �[31moff-duty�[0m 1h 28m �[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mD�[0m�[1m�[37muckbilled�[0m�[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mP�[0m�[1m�[37mlat�[0mdbp Admin: Bit of everything. �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 2m �[38;5;57mM�[38;5;63my�[38;5;69mr�[38;5;72md�[38;5;69md�[38;5;63mi�[38;5;57mn�[0m myr Code Wizard �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 22h 50 �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m sas Bits of everything, Wiki Guru �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 9s �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m p SassyCat=Thank you for your comments on the job. Another question: if I have an effect I'd like to use on a regular basis, and it's similar to an existing effect from a book, but different - should I submit it for review via a request, or just use consent with the people I am RPing with? Idle message from �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m: afk to the pool! You paged �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m with 'Thank you for your comments on the job. Another question: if I have an effect I'd �[0mlike to use on a regular basis, and it's similar to an existing effect from a book, but different - should I �[0msubmit it for review via a request, or just use consent with the people I am RPing with?'

+roster mage �[31m<---======##=�[0m[ �[33mRoster: Mages (Any Faction) Sun Dec 03 14:48:07�[0m ]�[37m=�[31m=##======--->�[0m

 �[1m�[37mName                 Position                      �[0m


 �[33mAerik               �[0m �[33m                              �[0m
�[1m�[37m*�[0m�[33mBob                 �[0m �[33mMr Fixit/new guy              �[0m
 �[33mEloise              �[0m �[33mTradition Herald              �[0m
�[1m�[37m*�[0m�[33mGwydion             �[0m �[33mMister Connected              �[0m
 �[33mHenry               �[0m �[33m                              �[0m
 �[33mLuke                �[0m �[33mProfessor of Calculus & Number�[0m
�[1m�[37m*�[0m�[33mLyra                �[0m �[33m                              �[0m
 �[33mMary                �[0m �[33mOh ... you know ...           �[0m
�[1m�[37m*�[0m�[33mMerek               �[0m �[33mSocialite                     �[0m
 �[33mMikal               �[0m �[33mCollege Professor in the Maths�[0m
 �[33mPhil                �[0m �[33mLegitimate businessman        �[0m
�[1m�[37m*�[0m�[33mShinju              �[0m �[33mKeeper of the Shanye Shinsha s�[0m
�[1m�[37m*�[0m�[33mSteele              �[0m �[33m                              �[0m
 �[33mViktor              �[0m �[33mStreet Medic, Tech Support    �[0m
 �[33mXiu                 �[0m �[33mA lurking street rat          �[0m

�[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m +myjobs You have no +myjobs. @mail

MAIL: Folder 0 ----------------------------

[-------] 1 ( 724) From: Eloise Sub: New Mage [-------] 2 ( 715) From: Eloise Sub: Re: New Mage [-------] 3 ( 129) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 4 (3741) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 5 (1422) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 6 ( 852) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 7 ( 439) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 8 (4409) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 9 (3313) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 10 ( 671) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 11 (1730) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 12 ( 421) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 13 ( 479) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 14 ( 415) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 15 ( 470) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [N------] 16 (2292) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 17 ( 354) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 18 ( 356) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 156: New wiki account [-------] 19 ( 210) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: New wiki accoun [-------] 20 (1123) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 21 (2059) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 22 ( 461) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 23 (1208) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 145: Approval: Bob (M [-------] 24 ( 36) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: Approval: Bob ( [-------] 25 ( 424) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 183: Mary: ACTING [N------] 26 ( 492) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 183: Mary: ACTING [N------] 27 ( 409) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 183: Mary: ACTING [N------] 28 ( 592) From: Job Tracker Sub: Denied: Mary: ACTING [-------] 29 ( 985) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 190: Mary: ACTING CON [-------] 30 ( 652) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: Mary: ACTING CO [-------] 31 ( 315) From: User Commands an Sub: XP nomination: ACTING CON [-------] 32 (1202) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 33 ( 604) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 34 ( 504) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 35 ( 430) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [N------] 36 ( 593) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 193: Elven Arcology [-------] 37 (1062) From: Job Tracker Sub: Denied: Elven Arcology [-------] 38 ( 247) From: Job Tracker Sub: Job 196: Background [-------] 39 (4961) From: Job Tracker Sub: Approved: Background

@mail 39

39 From: Job Tracker At: Sun Dec 03 14:05:11 2023 Fldr : 0 Status: Read To : Bob Subject: Approved: Background

Job 196 has been approved:

Queried Bob:

Your recent scene on 11/30/23, was submitted for an xpnom. There are a few questions staff has about your PC and your understanding of Mage we'd like to clear up here.

  • Adept Digital Shaman: When Magi introduce themselves as an Adept, that means that they have a sphere at 4.

So no matter what tradition you are, you would say you are an Adept. It is understandable that you are using this to mean Virtual Adept, but it can be confusing in generl. We suggest you drop the Adept part from this, or just say straight up you are a VA & Dreamspeaker.

  • Paradigm: You state in this scene that your Paradigm is mixed. Reading over your paradigm again, it reads

much more like a VA paradigm, and less like a Dreamspeaker one. Can you point out how you see the Dreamspeaker side fitting into your written paradigm?

  • Therapist: What sort of therapist is Bob seeing? Is she a Mage? Is she a sleeper?
  • Mind Healing: You state in the scene that Bob has a lot of guilt, that his therapist told him that. That

she said it was healthier for Bob to work through it on his own, and that she had a strong Mind. Now, you stated in your background that the couple that trained him - that worked in the hospital and were the traditions that Bob is - that they healed his body and that Bob refused the mind healing. These two things do not match up. Now you can say what you want in RP, but again, we need to be sure you are not changing your backstory suddenly. So which is it? Did he refuse the help? Or was he told he had to do it himself?

  • Vet School: You made a lot of effort in your background note to go on about Bob's love for animals and

countless time volunteering to help at shelters. There was no mention that his going to Vet school was only for his parents, which seriously seems rather strange to go through all that schooling and the intense study to go so far as to get that degree, and I'd guess license? To just drop it to switch back to go to a PHD Program in Computer Science. It would make more sense for him dropping being a Vet because of the accident, or because of being jilted by his bride. Wanting to just change his life. It just makes it very odd as you try to make such a strong feeling that Bob loves animals - especially with the feeding them all the time - and yet Vet school seemed to mean nothing to him. We'd like to know where it really lays here, so we have a better idea where you are going with this.

  • Lore Mage 3/Tradition Herald: It was brought to our attention that Bob did not know what the Traditions

Herald was. This is probably just an OOC oversight, but we would like to remind you that with Lore Mage 3. Bob would have been trained as to what the Traditions Herald would be, what it does, etc. He would also have been taught that the reason for each seat on a Local Traditions Council is to be a representative for their tradition. It does not make them necessarily the leader/teacher, but they should be someone in high regard amongst their peers of the locals in that tradition (someone trusted to represent them).

We would also like to remind you that at Lore Mage 3, Bob would know most of the following found here: https://www.cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Mage_Lore

Please respond and let us know so we can clarify! Thank you!

�[1mComments added by SassyCat:�[0m Thank you for your quick response. This may seem picky, but overall we are �[0mlooking out for the health of the sphere especially when it is so small currently, and would rather bring up �[0mquestions and guide now rather than let something accumulate and become messy and push other players away.

  • Paradigm: My read of your paradigm note sounded far more VA than Dreamspeaker, and thus why I asked when

you were saying it was more mixed. Your explanation in this job is much more sensible now.

  • Mind Healing: If you would like to update your background note to reflect that he was told to fix it

himself, then we will allow that. Now, that can/will get other mage pcs offering to help fix his mind, or at least get him further down the path faster and that will be up to you to accept or not. Frankly, being mages? They see a problem, they want to fix a problem. It's very hard to keep RP'ing this and thus we suggest you accept some help - free up most of the guilt (does not need to ALL go away, it is always going to be part of his personality) so you can buy off the flaw. It's a hefty one, but if you keep up with at least a scene a day that gets the base nom, then you'll be at the xp needed in 2 days. Another mage can help with it, or you can off camera it. But be sure to have some sort of story with it.

We do expect a Mage to ICly have hubris, and what you say IC is a performance toward whomever you are speaking with in that scene. Hopefully you can settle in and get in a good playgroup soon.

Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. @mail 39

39 From: Job Tracker At: Sun Dec 03 14:05:11 2023 Fldr : 0 Status: Read To : Bob Subject: Approved: Background

Job 196 has been approved:

Queried Bob:

Your recent scene on 11/30/23, was submitted for an xpnom. There are a few questions staff has about your PC and your understanding of Mage we'd like to clear up here.

  • Adept Digital Shaman: When Magi introduce themselves as an Adept, that means that they have a sphere at 4.

So no matter what tradition you are, you would say you are an Adept. It is understandable that you are using this to mean Virtual Adept, but it can be confusing in generl. We suggest you drop the Adept part from this, or just say straight up you are a VA & Dreamspeaker.

  • Paradigm: You state in this scene that your Paradigm is mixed. Reading over your paradigm again, it reads

much more like a VA paradigm, and less like a Dreamspeaker one. Can you point out how you see the Dreamspeaker side fitting into your written paradigm?

  • Therapist: What sort of therapist is Bob seeing? Is she a Mage? Is she a sleeper?
  • Mind Healing: You state in the scene that Bob has a lot of guilt, that his therapist told him that. That

she said it was healthier for Bob to work through it on his own, and that she had a strong Mind. Now, you stated in your background that the couple that trained him - that worked in the hospital and were the traditions that Bob is - that they healed his body and that Bob refused the mind healing. These two things do not match up. Now you can say what you want in RP, but again, we need to be sure you are not changing your backstory suddenly. So which is it? Did he refuse the help? Or was he told he had to do it himself?

  • Vet School: You made a lot of effort in your background note to go on about Bob's love for animals and

countless time volunteering to help at shelters. There was no mention that his going to Vet school was only for his parents, which seriously seems rather strange to go through all that schooling and the intense study to go so far as to get that degree, and I'd guess license? To just drop it to switch back to go to a PHD Program in Computer Science. It would make more sense for him dropping being a Vet because of the accident, or because of being jilted by his bride. Wanting to just change his life. It just makes it very odd as you try to make such a strong feeling that Bob loves animals - especially with the feeding them all the time - and yet Vet school seemed to mean nothing to him. We'd like to know where it really lays here, so we have a better idea where you are going with this.

  • Lore Mage 3/Tradition Herald: It was brought to our attention that Bob did not know what the Traditions

Herald was. This is probably just an OOC oversight, but we would like to remind you that with Lore Mage 3. Bob would have been trained as to what the Traditions Herald would be, what it does, etc. He would also have been taught that the reason for each seat on a Local Traditions Council is to be a representative for their tradition. It does not make them necessarily the leader/teacher, but they should be someone in high regard amongst their peers of the locals in that tradition (someone trusted to represent them).

We would also like to remind you that at Lore Mage 3, Bob would know most of the following found here: https://www.cityofhopemush.net/index.php/Mage_Lore

Please respond and let us know so we can clarify! Thank you!

�[1mComments added by SassyCat:�[0m Thank you for your quick response. This may seem picky, but overall we are �[0mlooking out for the health of the sphere especially when it is so small currently, and would rather bring up �[0mquestions and guide now rather than let something accumulate and become messy and push other players away.

  • Paradigm: My read of your paradigm note sounded far more VA than Dreamspeaker, and thus why I asked when

you were saying it was more mixed. Your explanation in this job is much more sensible now.

  • Mind Healing: If you would like to update your background note to reflect that he was told to fix it

himself, then we will allow that. Now, that can/will get other mage pcs offering to help fix his mind, or at least get him further down the path faster and that will be up to you to accept or not. Frankly, being mages? They see a problem, they want to fix a problem. It's very hard to keep RP'ing this and thus we suggest you accept some help - free up most of the guilt (does not need to ALL go away, it is always going to be part of his personality) so you can buy off the flaw. It's a hefty one, but if you keep up with at least a scene a day that gets the base nom, then you'll be at the xp needed in 2 days. Another mage can help with it, or you can off camera it. But be sure to have some sort of story with it.

We do expect a Mage to ICly have hubris, and what you say IC is a performance toward whomever you are speaking with in that scene. Hopefully you can settle in and get in a good playgroup soon.

�[1m[Public]�[0m Hannah says, "Morning all" pub :waves good morning (well, evening where I am) �[1m[Public]�[0m Bob waves good morning (well, evening where I am) p Steele=Hello. You available for RP? You paged Steele with 'Hello. You available for RP?'

. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) +staff �[31m<---======##=�[37m========�[0m[ �[33mCity of Hope MUX Connected Staff�[0m ]�[37m========�[31m=##======--->�[0m Name Alias Position Status Idle �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[38;5;33mH�[38;5;39mo�[38;5;38mn�[38;5;45me�[38;5;87my�[38;5;123mB�[38;5;87ma�[38;5;45md�[38;5;38mg�[38;5;39me�[38;5;33mr�[0m HB Wizard: A little of everything �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 2m �[38;5;162mD�[38;5;62mrop�[38;5;162mB�[38;5;62mear�[0m drbr Admin: STUFF! (Inquire Within) �[31moff-duty�[0m 1h 59m �[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mD�[0m�[1m�[37muckbilled�[0m�[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mP�[0m�[1m�[37mlat�[0mdbp Admin: Bit of everything. �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 1m �[38;5;57mM�[38;5;63my�[38;5;69mr�[38;5;72md�[38;5;69md�[38;5;63mi�[38;5;57mn�[0m myr Code Wizard �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 23h 21 �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m sas Bits of everything, Wiki Guru �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 6s �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m +bbread �[1m�[34m==============================================================================�[0m

      Group Name                    Last Post           # of messages


5  -  �[1m�[36mPublic New Player Welcome�[0m     Fri Dec 01 2023           65   
7     �[1m�[36mPublic General�[0m                Mon Nov 27 2023            4   
8     �[1m�[36mPublic Code�[0m                   Sun Sep 24 2023            1   
9     �[1m�[36mPublic Building�[0m               Thu Jun 29 2023            3   

10 �[1m�[36mPublic TPs�[0m Tue Nov 28 2023 6 11 - �[1m�[36mPublic Policy�[0m Sun Nov 26 2023 135 12 (-) �[1m�[36mIC News�[0m Wed Nov 01 2023 120 25 �[1m�[36mPublic Recruitment�[0m Mon Nov 20 2023 1 26 �[1m�[36mPublic Off-Topic�[0m Sat Jul 01 2023 0 36 * �[1m�[36mMage General�[0m Wed May 17 2023 3 37 * �[1m�[36mMage Traditions�[0m Sun Aug 13 2023 0 40 * �[1m�[36mMediums General�[0m Fri Oct 16 2020 1 44 - �[1m�[36mIC Fame�[0m Thu May 04 2023 50 56 (-) �[1m�[36mIC Cutscenes�[0m Thu Sep 10 2020 1 57 * �[1m�[36mIC Internet�[0m Mon Jul 04 2022 2 �[32mU�[0m 58 * �[1m�[36mUC Prospect�[0m Sat Aug 12 2023 0 59 �[1m�[36mCivil Services�[0m Fri Mar 16 0 61 �[1m�[36mOOC Game Advertisements�[0m Sun Dec 03 2023 75 �[32mU�[0m 62 (-) �[1m�[36mIC Business Reviews�[0m Fri Jun 02 2023 37 72 - �[1m�[36mIC News Archive�[0m Sat Jun 12 2021 6 73 * �[1m�[36mMage Traditions and Friends�[0m Tue Aug 08 2023 69 �[32mU�[0m 78 �[1m�[36mIC Yellow Journalism�[0m Thu Sep 01 2022 6 89 �[1m�[36mStoryteller Discussion�[0m Wed Dec 14 2022 1 94 �[1m�[36mIC Closed PRP Plot Hooks�[0m Thu Mar 25 2021 1 �[1m�[34m------------------------------------------------------------------------------�[0m '*' = restricted '-' = read only '(-)' = read only, but you can write �[1m�[34m==============================================================================�[0m +bbread 61 �[1m�[34m==============================================================================�[0m �[1m�[32m **** OOC Game Advertisements **** �[0m

          Message                            Posted             By

�[1m�[34m------------------------------------------------------------------------------�[0m �[1m�[36m61/1�[0m Purpose of this board Sun Oct 04 �[1m�[35mWhoopingCrane�[0m �[1m�[36m61/1.1�[0m �[1m�[32m`�[0m re: Purpose of this board Sat Jun 24 2023 �[1m�[35mWhoopingCrane�[0m �[1m�[36m61/2�[0m Our ad Sun Oct 04 �[1m�[35mWhoopingCrane�[0m �[1m�[36m61/3�[0m The Realms Adventurous (Moved!) Sat Mar 19 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/4�[0m 20th Edition Sat Mar 19 Christopher �[1m�[36m61/5�[0m Marvel Reborn MUX Fri Jun 03 SG �[1m�[36m61/6�[0m Coral Springs Tue Jun 07 Phil �[1m�[36m61/7�[0m Star Wars: Uprising Reopening Fri Jun 10 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/8�[0m The Descent MUX Sun Jul 03 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/9�[0m Let Freedom Ring Mon Jul 04 �[1m�[35mWhoopingCrane�[0m �[1m�[36m61/10�[0m Strife in the Age of Steam Fri Aug 19 Samuel �[1m�[36m61/11�[0m Original supernatural MU* seeks... Thu Sep 01 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/12�[0m Dystopia Fri Oct 21 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/13�[0m Grimwood Sun Oct 23 Phil �[1m�[36m61/14�[0m Dragon Age: Smoke and Shadows Tue Oct 25 Bjorn �[1m�[36m61/15�[0m Resident Evil: Redefined Wed Nov 16 Guest2 �[1m�[36m61/16�[0m MCWoD MU* Thu Dec 29 Danny �[1m�[36m61/17�[0m NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot Fri Jan 06 Guest2 �[1m�[36m61/18�[0m F&L Mux (WoD) Sat Feb 25 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/19�[0m Sheltering Sky Wed Mar 29 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/20�[0m United Heroes MUSH Sun Apr 16 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/21�[0m Fifth Kingdom Fri May 05 Reese �[1m�[36m61/22�[0m Marvel: 1963+ Wed Jun 14 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/23�[0m Dark Communion Sun Jun 25 Adele �[1m�[36m61/24�[0m Elua's Precept Tue Sep 26 Valentin �[1m�[36m61/25�[0m Star Wars: Generations of Darkness Thu Oct 26 Aneje �[1m�[36m61/26�[0m Ephemeris Erudition (Update) Wed Jan 10 Dov �[1m�[36m61/27�[0m Mythara: At the Crossroads Fri Feb 23 Atsila �[1m�[36m61/28�[0m Welcome to Lovecraft Mon Mar 12 Guest2 �[1m�[36m61/29�[0m Valorous Dominion Mon Apr 23 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/30�[0m Dies Irae Paid Positions for Coder Mon Apr 30 DiesIrae �[1m�[36m61/31�[0m SW: DoD Sun Jul 22 Viator �[1m�[36m61/32�[0m Calaveras Thu Aug 23 Joseph �[1m�[36m61/33�[0m Heroes & Villains MUX Sun Jan 20 Barry �[1m�[36m61/34�[0m Fallout El Dorado Fri Feb 15 Eric �[1m�[36m61/35�[0m Alternate Identities MUX Fri Feb 15 Griffin �[1m�[36m61/36�[0m Modern Nights Mon Feb 25 Eugene �[1m�[36m61/37�[0m 10 Ravine Wed Feb 27 Samuel �[1m�[36m61/38�[0m Harry Potter: Into the Fire Sun Mar 24 Phillipe �[1m�[36m61/39�[0m Gray Harbor Thu Apr 04 Holly �[1m�[36m61/40�[0m Sheltering Skies Fri May 17 Stefania �[1m�[36m61/41�[0m 20th Edition oWoD Needs Help! Fri Jun 14 Westley �[1m�[36m61/42�[0m StarTrek: Atlas Tue Jul 23 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/43�[0m Gudam UC100 Thu Jul 25 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/44�[0m Harvest Moons Sat Aug 31 Guest2 �[1m�[36m61/45�[0m Blackcoast VtR Thu Sep 05 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/46�[0m Shadowrun: Denver Wed Sep 11 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/47�[0m Derbyshire Thu Oct 10 Samuel �[1m�[36m61/48�[0m Eternal City MUX Needs Staff! Mon Oct 21 Mustang �[1m�[36m61/49�[0m Heroes Assemble MUSH Sun Feb 16 Halle �[1m�[36m61/50�[0m Heroes and Villains Mush Fri Apr 03 Elias �[1m�[36m61/51�[0m Age of Dragons Sat Apr 11 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/52�[0m Alpha Testers Wanted! Thu May 21 Elias �[1m�[36m61/53�[0m Sheltering Sky Changeling Mon May 25 Jillian �[1m�[36m61/54�[0m Elder Tale Online Fri Jun 26 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/55�[0m Star Wars: Republic Thu Jul 16 2020 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/56�[0m The Network Sat Aug 15 2020 Elias �[1m�[36m61/57�[0m Fallcoast Reopens Sat Aug 22 2020 Alys �[1m�[36m61/58�[0m The Woodward Agency Fri Jan 01 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/59�[0m Welcome to Seaside Sun Feb 14 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/60�[0m Get Happy! Sun Feb 21 2021 Guivre �[1m�[36m61/61�[0m Gold Rush Fri Feb 26 2021 Asger �[1m�[36m61/62�[0m After Earth Sat Apr 10 2021 Jaycob �[1m�[36m61/63�[0m A Heathly Theorem - Now Open Sat May 15 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/64�[0m Jade Crossing Thu May 27 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/65�[0m A Healthy Theorem Sun Sep 26 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/66�[0m Modern Nights Is Ready To Roll Fri Oct 22 2021 Batty �[1m�[36m61/67�[0m Hidden Dimensions Mush Thu Oct 28 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/68�[0m Welcome to Hell Wed Nov 03 2021 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/69�[0m Golden Road - 2e Mage now in Alpha Tue Nov 22 2022 Amanda �[1m�[36m61/70�[0m Fulcrum WoD 20th MUSH Tue Dec 13 2022 Guest1 �[1m�[36m61/71�[0m AD: NeitherlandsMUSH Wed May 31 2023 Austin �[1m�[36m61/72�[0m Thousand Year Vampire Discord Game Fri Jul 14 2023 Dominus �[1m�[36m61/73�[0m Ascension Soujourns Sun Oct 29 2023 Samantha �[1m�[36m61/74�[0m �[32mU�[0m DOA Sector Sun Dec 03 2023 Amos �[1m�[34m==============================================================================�[0m +bbread 61/74

�[1m�[34m===========================�[0m �[1m�[32mOOC Game Advertisements�[0m �[1m�[34m==========================�[0m Message: 61/74 Author: Amos Sun Dec 03 2023 �[1m�[36mDOA Sector�[0m 11:43:43 �[1m�[34m------------------------------------------------------------------------------�[0m Welcome to the sector with everything-- and then some!

Spend four daycycles and three nightcycles in beautiful downtown DOA Sector where you can stroll the quiet colored corridors, sip Bouncy Bubble by the light of a dozen surveillance cameras, and have running firefights with your very best friends!

DOA Sector is a Paranoia MUSH, aiming for the Straight / Dark style: Fear, suspicion, striving for power and advancement, occasional hard-won successes in a scarily functional Alpha Complex. "Yossarian from Catch-22 gets a job in Orwell's Ministry of Truth." A rudimentary stat system and grid are in place, now it just needs some foolish vict^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hbrave souls to field-test it.

https://doa-sector.aresmush.com/ �[1m�[34m==============================================================================�[0m

. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) mag Anyone up for some RP? Huh? (Type "help" for help.) mage Anyone up for some RP> �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m Bob says, "Anyone up for some RP>" . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) _staff Huh? (Type "help" for help.) +staff �[31m<---======##=�[37m========�[0m[ �[33mCity of Hope MUX Connected Staff�[0m ]�[37m========�[31m=##======--->�[0m Name Alias Position Status Idle �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[38;5;33mH�[38;5;39mo�[38;5;38mn�[38;5;45me�[38;5;87my�[38;5;123mB�[38;5;87ma�[38;5;45md�[38;5;38mg�[38;5;39me�[38;5;33mr�[0m HB Wizard: A little of everything �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 3m �[38;5;162mD�[38;5;62mrop�[38;5;162mB�[38;5;62mear�[0m drbr Admin: STUFF! (Inquire Within) �[31moff-duty�[0m 2h 33m �[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mD�[0m�[1m�[37muckbilled�[0m�[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mP�[0m�[1m�[37mlat�[0mdbp Admin: Bit of everything. �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 1m �[38;5;57mM�[38;5;63my�[38;5;69mr�[38;5;72md�[38;5;69md�[38;5;63mi�[38;5;57mn�[0m myr Code Wizard �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 23h 54 �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m sas Bits of everything, Wiki Guru �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 3s �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) mage Is there an XP cost when making a Charm? I mean, suppose I make an Unbullet, a 3pt charm. Is that 0xp, 3xp, 6xp or something else? I'll confirm any answer with staff when I get to that point, but am curious �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m Bob says, "Is there an XP cost when making a Charm? I mean, suppose I make an Unbullet, a 3pt charm. �[0mIs that 0xp, 3xp, 6xp or something else? I'll confirm any answer with staff when I get to that point, but am �[0mcurious" +staff �[31m<---======##=�[37m========�[0m[ �[33mCity of Hope MUX Connected Staff�[0m ]�[37m========�[31m=##======--->�[0m Name Alias Position Status Idle �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[38;5;33mH�[38;5;39mo�[38;5;38mn�[38;5;45me�[38;5;87my�[38;5;123mB�[38;5;87ma�[38;5;45md�[38;5;38mg�[38;5;39me�[38;5;33mr�[0m HB Wizard: A little of everything �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 2m �[38;5;162mD�[38;5;62mrop�[38;5;162mB�[38;5;62mear�[0m drbr Admin: STUFF! (Inquire Within) �[31moff-duty�[0m 3h 3m �[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mD�[0m�[1m�[37muckbilled�[0m�[38;5;44m�[48;5;16mP�[0m�[1m�[37mlat�[0mdbp Admin: Bit of everything. �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 60s �[38;5;57mM�[38;5;63my�[38;5;69mr�[38;5;72md�[38;5;69md�[38;5;63mi�[38;5;57mn�[0m myr Code Wizard �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 1d 0h �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m sas Bits of everything, Wiki Guru �[1m�[32mON-DUTY�[0m 1s �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m �[38;5;102mGrey �[38;5;188mMoon �[38;5;102mMatron �[37mLyra�[0m says, "Nope!" �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m �[38;5;102mGrey �[38;5;188mMoon �[38;5;102mMatron �[37mLyra�[0m says, "No cost." �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m �[38;5;102mGrey �[38;5;188mMoon �[38;5;102mMatron �[37mLyra�[0m says, "Besides the quintessence." Mage Wow, ok. And tokens right? Bob gets some amount of tokens and thats the total amount he can create in a month? Huh? (Type "help" for help.) mage Wow, ok. And tokens right? Bob gets some amount of tokens and thats the total amount he can create in a month? �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m Bob says, "Wow, ok. And tokens right? Bob gets some amount of tokens and thats the total amount he can �[0mcreate in a month?" Mage And Prime 3 to make one, Prime 2 if he has appropriate resonance. But what is appropriate resonance? For example, for unbullet? Huh? (Type "help" for help.) mage And Prime 3 to make one, Prime 2 if he has appropriate resonance. But what is appropriate resonance? For example, for unbullet? �[1m�[31m[Mage]�[0m Bob says, "And Prime 3 to make one, Prime 2 if he has appropriate resonance. But what is appropriate �[0mresonance? For example, for unbullet?" . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) @mail sassycat=WRT paraplegia flaw MAIL: You are sending mail to '�[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m'. -THanks again for your help. I thought about it and plan to RP it for a month, or at least until XMas. I do have someone who has ICly offered to heal him when Bob is ready, Steele. I'll change the backgrounds and other notes you suggested. Please continue to feel free to send advice my way. 290/7999 characters added. -%RThanks,%R-B 304/7999 characters added. @mail/send MAIL: You sent your message to �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m. . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m pages: Just got back - sorry about missing you earlier. If you have a hanging magical effect/rote �[0mgoing on, that needs to be put into a +request for staff to review and then note it on your PC. It would go �[0mtoward number of rotes going on. �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m pages: It would probably be listed in a +note called Dailies. p SassyCat=Ok, thanks. I was more thinking though about if I have an effect I use often, not one I cast every day in the morning. You paged �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m with 'Ok, thanks. I was more thinking though about if I have an effect I use often, not �[0mone I cast every day in the morning.' p Sassy=There's a rote I found in one book (I need to re-look it up) that is Life 1 and gives -2 on Survival and Athletics rolls. I'm thinking of one like that called 'Flow' that's Mind 1 and allows -2 on Computer Programming and Computer Hacking (or Computers if used for those). You paged �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m with 'There's a rote I found in one book (I need to re-look it up) that is Life 1 and �[0mgives -2 on Survival and Athletics rolls. I'm thinking of one like that called 'Flow' that's Mind 1 and �[0mallows -2 on Computer Programming and Computer Hacking (or Computers if used for those).' �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m pages: That sounds sensible. Submit that idea into a +request so we can set it up. Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience. p SassyCat=Ok, great. I'll look up the book reference first, and then submit it. You paged �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m with 'Ok, great. I'll look up the book reference first, and then submit it.' �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m pages: Perfect. Be sure to list the book and page #. p SassyCat=Will do :) You paged �[38;5;45mS�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;33ms�[38;5;27msy�[38;5;33mC�[38;5;39ma�[38;5;45mt�[0m with 'Will do :)' l �[33mProspect Roasters - Basement�[0m

    Newly replaced wooden stairs descend down into a clean, welcoming basement. One of those lift chairs

have been built along the railing to make the steep slope handicap accessible. The basement is a little on the cool side and the walls are left to the bare brick. The lighting is pleasantly soft with warm circles of light instead of harsh fluorescent. A large, round table has been set up in the middle of the room with 13 chairs around the perimeter, but room enough for more. There is also a couch and a flat screen TV, a small washer and dryer in a closet off on one end, a little kitchen area with a small stove and small table nearby, and of course the smell of coffee wafts down constantly. There is a dumb-waiter built in against one of the kitchen walls to transport food - or whatever - up and down from above. Against one wall is a bright red phone booth. There is one entire room dedicated to a communal library.

    �[38;5;196mThere is a simple, mundane video camera above the doorway at the top of the stairs at the end of the

�[0;38;5;196mhall. It is outside the room, so privacy can still be assured. If you tamper with this, please inform staff �[0;38;5;196mor Eloise immediately. �[38;5;226m�[48;5;18m >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE USE +MEET IN THIS ROOM!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<�[0m

�[38;5;201m=== Notice: Absolutely no photos or videos to be taken in the basement ever! ===

                 �[38;5;226m=== MUST read before RPing here +info ===�[0m                   
                             �[38;5;46m Places available�[0m                               

Contents: �[1m�[31mIMPORTANT NOTICE - 4/2/19�[0m �[38;5;50mObvious Exits:�[0m �[38;5;27mStairs�[0m <O> home There's no place like home... There's no place like home... There's no place like home... �[35mOOC Nexus�[0m(#36RA)

    So you've had enough have ya? Time to take a little break, relax and cool down, or maybe you're here

just for the beginning? Ready to start on that long journey ahead down the road to success, fortune, fame and prosperity? Ready to plunge into the depths of an awakened world and surrounding you in its tenebrous tendrils. Though please, feel free to wander about and be welcome here! Take a seat back, relax with others and have a drink in the OOC Tavern.

    Venture into the Building Nexus to see what delights we have for you there. Explore our expanded RP

Rooms for extended phantasmal Terrain. Search our Sphere information Rooms to find what suits your pleasure, or simply feel free to go ahead into Chargen to start on a character and get ready for the approval process. For those that would like to search our NEWS files can simply type 'News' anything else that we can help you with feel free to page a friendly staff member that's on duty.

    Guests may want to check out the �[38;5;202mSphere Information Room �[0mand �[38;5;220m+policy.

�[38;5;196m Mandatory read. Type: +behavior �[0m �[33mObvious Exits:�[0m �[38;5;51mGO IC�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mIC�[0m�[37m>�[0m �[38;5;177mOOC Tavern�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mOT�[0m�[37m>�[0m �[38;5;226mRP Rooms�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mRP�[0m�[37m>�[0m �[38;5;208mSphere Information Room�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mSIR�[0m�[37m>�[0m �[38;5;160mChargen Lite�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mCL�[0m�[37m>�[0m �[38;5;99mBuilding �[0;38;5;99mNexus�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mBN�[0m�[37m>�[0m �[1m�[34mStaff Hall�[0m �[1m�[31m<�[34mSH�[31m>�[0m �[38;5;46mReceiving�[0m �[37m<�[0m�[1mREC�[0m�[37m>�[0m . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) . Huh? (Type "help" for help.) +xp �[31m<---======##=�[37m==============�[0m[ �[33mBob's XP Statistics�[0m ]�[37m===============�[31m=##======--->�[0m �[33mVote XP Received:�[0m �[37m2.76�[0m �[31m(31.6%)�[0m �[33mVote XP Given:�[0m �[37m2.75�[0m �[33mIC Time XP Received:�[0m �[37m0.97�[0m �[31m(11.1%)�[0m �[33mNom XP Received:�[0m �[37m5.00�[0m �[31m(57.2%)�[0m �[33mXP Spent:�[0m �[37m0.00�[0m �[33mTotal Lifetime XP:�[0m �[37m8.73�[0m �[31m(100.0%)�[0m �[33mCurrent XP:�[0m �[37m8.73�[0m �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m �[33mNom XP Cap Base: �[0m �[37m 1.55�[0m �[31m(Fri Dec 01 18:23:19 2023)�[0m �[33mNom XP Cap Limit: �[0m �[37m 101.55�[0m �[31m(Sun Dec 31 18:23:19 2023)�[0m �[31m<-------------�[37m=============�[33m++++++++++++++++++++++++�[37m=============�[31m------------->�[0m pub Ok, signing off for the night. Bob waves bye. �[1m[Public]�[0m Bob says, "Ok, signing off for the night. Bob waves bye."

  1. log off