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Elusive Were-Pelicans Unite.
Elusive Were-Pelicans Unite.
"In the moonlit nights of yore, when Gaia's realms were young, and her children roamed free and unhindered, there existed a creature that was as noble as it was rare, the Lagoonah as some called them or Pele'kanos, Were-Pelican.
Now, you might snicker or think this is the start of a jest, but bear with me. You see, while the Garou and other Fera waged wars, played politics, and often got lost in their own egos, the Were-Pelican took a different path."
"The Were-Pelican, or "Pele'kanos" as they named themselves, were caretakers of the coastlines. With their large beaks, they could scoop out impurities from Gaia's waters, cleansing rivers and seas from the taint of the Wyrm. But that wasn't the most astounding of their talents. Their true gift lay in their sacrificial nature."
"The Pele'kanos had a unique ritual. Once in their lifetime, they would gather in a sacred, secluded lagoon when they felt the Wyrm's taint becoming too strong. Here, under the watchful eyes of Luna and Helios, they'd perform the Dance of the Emptying Beak."
"Using their mystical connection to Gaia's waters, the Pele'kanos would begin to sing a mournful, haunting melody. As they sang, they'd draw out the toxins, the Wyrm-taint, the very essence of corruption from the waters around the world, storing it within their expansive beaks."
"TAt the climax of the ritual, as dawn approached, they'd raise their heads skyward, and with a final, harmonious note, they'd release the corruption skyward, where Helios' first light would strike it, purifying it, turning the taint into nothing more than mist and morning dew."
"This was not without cost. The Pele'kanos who took part would be drained, their life energies spent, and they'd collapse into the water, their forms dissolving into pure, radiant energy that would seep into Gaia, strengthening her anew."
"Now, you might wonder, why have we not heard of them if they were such noble creatures? Why don't we see them today?
Well, as with many tales, tragedy is intertwined with hope. As coastal lands became populated, as humans encroached upon their sacred lagoons, the Pele'kanos became a myth. Their lagoons were lost, and their rituals were interrupted. Over time, their numbers dwindled, until we all thought none were left to perform the Dance of the Emptying Beak."
"But, their spirit lives on. Every time you see a pelican gracefully skimming the water's surface, every drop of morning dew that glistens in the first light, remember the sacrifice of the Pele'kanos. Let their story be a reminder that even in the smallest of actions, even in the most unassuming of creatures, there lies the power to change the world, purify it, and protect Gaia."

Revision as of 17:53, 24 September 2023

Elusive Were-Pelicans Unite.

"In the moonlit nights of yore, when Gaia's realms were young, and her children roamed free and unhindered, there existed a creature that was as noble as it was rare, the Lagoonah as some called them or Pele'kanos, Were-Pelican.

Now, you might snicker or think this is the start of a jest, but bear with me. You see, while the Garou and other Fera waged wars, played politics, and often got lost in their own egos, the Were-Pelican took a different path."

"The Were-Pelican, or "Pele'kanos" as they named themselves, were caretakers of the coastlines. With their large beaks, they could scoop out impurities from Gaia's waters, cleansing rivers and seas from the taint of the Wyrm. But that wasn't the most astounding of their talents. Their true gift lay in their sacrificial nature."

"The Pele'kanos had a unique ritual. Once in their lifetime, they would gather in a sacred, secluded lagoon when they felt the Wyrm's taint becoming too strong. Here, under the watchful eyes of Luna and Helios, they'd perform the Dance of the Emptying Beak."

"Using their mystical connection to Gaia's waters, the Pele'kanos would begin to sing a mournful, haunting melody. As they sang, they'd draw out the toxins, the Wyrm-taint, the very essence of corruption from the waters around the world, storing it within their expansive beaks."

"TAt the climax of the ritual, as dawn approached, they'd raise their heads skyward, and with a final, harmonious note, they'd release the corruption skyward, where Helios' first light would strike it, purifying it, turning the taint into nothing more than mist and morning dew."

"This was not without cost. The Pele'kanos who took part would be drained, their life energies spent, and they'd collapse into the water, their forms dissolving into pure, radiant energy that would seep into Gaia, strengthening her anew."

"Now, you might wonder, why have we not heard of them if they were such noble creatures? Why don't we see them today? Well, as with many tales, tragedy is intertwined with hope. As coastal lands became populated, as humans encroached upon their sacred lagoons, the Pele'kanos became a myth. Their lagoons were lost, and their rituals were interrupted. Over time, their numbers dwindled, until we all thought none were left to perform the Dance of the Emptying Beak."

"But, their spirit lives on. Every time you see a pelican gracefully skimming the water's surface, every drop of morning dew that glistens in the first light, remember the sacrifice of the Pele'kanos. Let their story be a reminder that even in the smallest of actions, even in the most unassuming of creatures, there lies the power to change the world, purify it, and protect Gaia."

Pages in category "Were-Pelican"

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