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2023.07.18: Purple colored Perception
Evelyn meeting Luke and Barksdale at the UCP Library
IC Date July 18, 2023
IC Time Daytime
Players Barksdale, Evelyn_Carter, Luke
Location Wyldman Library - Circulation

Date of Scene: July 18, 2023 Participants: Evelyn, Luke and Barksdale Location: Wyldman Library - Circulation

Evelyn sat behind the circulation desk, with a stack of books beside her, looking up occasionally with her blue eyes, multitasking as best she could. The librarian watched for patrons in case they had a question of her, but also tried her best to focus on the work she was doing. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bun, wearing what would seem unusual in the warm weather, a black turtle neck, when she stood she was wearing a dark green skirt, completed with a simple pair of flat sandals. Her glasses she occasionally pushed back up on her nose as they slipped down. She was careful with the books as if she treasured them deeply. Her finger gently ran along the spine of one of them before blowing off some dust causing her to sneeze, which sounded like a squeaky toy.

Luke would be the sort of person that if found anywhere else, would be an oddity. But this? This is California and, furthermore, this is Prospect and its surrounding communities. Here? Perhaps not so much an oddity, more than he is a man who seems to enjoy a certain style to his fashion. More specifically, a style akin to a Victorian-era scholar. While his clothing is not directly translated to such a sense of fashion, there are elements of his clothing that hint of it, while also having more modern parts to them. He carries himself with a straight back and one hand held behind his back. Taking a look around the library he just entered, he pauses for a few moments to get his bearings.

The lighting of the library can take a bit to get used to after coming in from outside, which is something the librarian is working to correct so instead of the yellow lighting it is changed over to a more white lighting making it easier to read. When she catches the man who enters looking around to get his bearings. She hasn't seen him around before and is unsure how familiar he may be with the library. She gently sets the beloved book down in front of her on the desk. Her blue eyes offer a warm smile, "Good morning, is there anything I may help you with?" Her voice is soft and friendly, especially respecting it is a library and she does not want to disrupt any of the other students doing work here.

Luke fishes out of his pocket a pair of really weird-looking glasses. They seem to be built around a copper-coloured metal frame and the glasses themselves are tinted in a light purple hue. They seem to be made to hold some sort of attachment, although it does not make them look overtly bulky. He takes a quick glance through them, as if using them to read a sign before he removes them and turns his eyes to the woman speaking, "Ah, yes. A Librarian." he says, seemingly mostly to himself. He uses the word Librarian, too, as if it was a revered title rather than just someones job. His English is slow and articulated, far removed from most accents, "I do not believe I am seeking assistance as of yet, however I may soon enough." he gives a moments pause, "I am looking for any literature that you may have around the Concept and Idea of Time and Space."

Evelyn can't help but be fascinated by his weird-looking glasses, hers are far more simple. She tilts her head as she thinks they remind of something she can't quite put her finger on at the moment. She smiles at his assestment of her, "Yes Sir." She offers in a respectful if not slightly amused tone. "At last check anyway." She seems to appreciate the way he says it though, as if he is the first person who has not seemed to look down at her for her chosen profession. "Well if you are looking for literature around time and space, you would be seeking out out our Science Fiction section, unless there is something more specific about Time and Space? It can be a rather broad field. Stephen Hawking, Neil Degras Tyson, or maybe even Carl Sagan?" She doesn't ramble on though appreciating his time and also giving him a chance to clarify so she can point him in the correct direction.

"Science Fiction?" Luke wonders, "Good heavens, no." he does offer a smile though, "I am seeking facts, not fiction. Or, at least, as far as Facts can go without branching off into the theoretical which in the view of many is as close to Fiction as you can come." he gives a light none comital hand motion, "I am not so much concerned about the author, really, as to the content and ideas contained within the book. I am fairly confident that the matter will require me to read books from several authors, be they scientists or not."

Evelyn nods understanding, "I know how hard it can be to find books that are not fiction and have any sort of insight that isn't just speculation and clueless theory." She slows herself and shakes her head, "Because the more you dive into, it all winds up turning into the theoretical at some point. Time and Space don't always make a lot of sense, sometimes it is hard to keep a good grasp of either. I do believe you are correct though, I can't say that limiting books that branch off into the theoretical can be avoided, if you wish to keep an open mind that is."

Luke is quiet a few moments, as if gathering his thoughts, "Mmm." he nods his head once, "I do believe that in order to start in on a subject, you have to begin with the theories. You then have to find the one that suits you the best, before you start looking into the mathematical constructs surrounding it." he pauses, "Some believe, of course, it is the other way around. But it is my firm belief that without a formulated theory of your own, that defines your way of thinking about it, the mathematics will mean little."

Evelyn thinks a moment as she listens to him, "I was never good at math, perhaps that is..why I have such a hard time understanding some theories, and some things come easier than others. I enjoy the theories though." She offers with a smile, her hands held behind easily. "Tell me do you know anything about the chaos theory? How do you see it in your mind?"

Luke falls quiet for a few moments, as if he was thinking about what she just said, "Chaos theory?" he then slowly shakes his head, "I will profess to my sincere lack of knowledge on the subject. I have never studied it, nor read much about it at all. I know of it, of course. But I was brought up in a more orderly line of reasoning. I never really gave it much thought, as it did not factor into my studies. I am not sure how I would see it in my mind, were I to start looking into it."

Evelyn can't help but be amused now as she listens to him, "It seems we both have much to learn then." She offers softly, "Truly I would start with the 10 top books on the nature of time though." She offers. She is quite enjoying their conversation. "Carl Sagon, Stephen Hawking, Carlo Rovelli.. Are you a student here?" She tilts her head?

"Student?" Luke wonders, "Oh, my." he lets out a light laughter, "I fear my University days are long behind me. No, I am not a student here but I do find that Libraries connected to Colleges and Universities tend to have the best literature. And you can sometimes find interesting people to speak to. There was a time when I did consider taking up the mantle of Teacher, though. But I never could connect with people on a level where I could teach them in a meaningful manner."

Evelyn nods understandingly, "I find the books to be the divine company. I find it equally hard sometimes to trust people. The books can't lie to you, like people can. They are what they seem." She smiles. "The library is a safe world for me to be." She offers honestly, "And I love to try to help young minds find new worlds to explore, sometimes even the more seasoned minds, find interesting perspectives they may not have considered before."

"I have much the same thought, but I prefer mathematics and formulas. Books are a means to an end, and I would not envision myself without the ability to read them." Luke admits, "But I do think a book can tell a lie, as it is written by human hands. Numbers, on the other hand, will if done correct always tell the truth." he pauses, "As evident by the very building we are standing in, created by an Architect using just that. Mathematics." he pauses, "But essentially, I do agree with you. Things such as these are generally better than people."

Evelyn had not thought about Books lieing before but she definitely considers this and lifts her eyebrows, to acquiesce to his perspective. "You are right actually. They can very much lie. Hmm.." This seems to genuinely be having the librarian at a loss for words for the moment. Her hands coming out from behind her back muling over something with a great deal of thought. "I do apologize, my name is Evelyn, and of course I am one of the Librarians here. My apologies for not introducing myself sooner."

This does, however, bring Luke to think for a few moments, "Perhaps it was not accurate of me to say that books lie. At least not consciously. That conscious act was taken by the author. I would still trust in a book over a person, I think. A book can be re-read and the bad facts found and redacted." he then puts on a more pleasant smile, "Miss Evelyn, a pleasure. My name is Luke Whateley. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Stepping up into the library, Barksdale pauses for a moment to look around, consideration spreading across his features. Finally his gaze settling on Evelyn and Luke and he begins in that direction.'

Evelyn seems relieved to have her faith restored in books as Luke, offers a clarification for her sake if nothing else. "Ah thank you for restoring my faith in my chosen profession, for a moment you genuinely had me worried I might have to choose a different path and I have no idea what they could be. I have a friend who would love me to go into law but.. still books wrote by man. I would be just going in circles." She offers respectfully, "It is a pleasure to make yours as well Mr Whateley. Oh and no Miss.. please no Miss.. I am no married." She shudders at that thought. She smiles too as she the tall black figure entering the library as well and offers Barksdale a warm smile, before looking back at Luke. "Still the Time and Space section of the Library, are you really certain that is what you are seeking today?" She smiles. "Good Morning, Mr. Russell." She offers to her friend.

"Oh, if you are not married than Miss Evelyn is the correct title to prefix your name. Otherwise, I would have had to call you Mrs Evelyn." he seems to be about to speak more on the subject of Time and Space and such things when Evelyn greets another by name. He turns his head to look at the man and takes a little step back and to the side; a polite way of indicating he is in no way holding monopoly of anyones Time. Or Space.

"Hello Evelyn." Barksdale greets a moment, "How are we today? You look well." he says using it as an excuse to look her from head to toe and back as if to confirm his claim. "Keeping well read I suppose?" he then glances to Luke, "Hello."

Evelyn smiles and offers, "I always thought of myself more of a Ms, but you are free to call me, Evelyn. No need to be so formal. It is just a habbit of my own." She decides to offer a brief introduction for Russell and Luke, "I am doing much better. Thank you Russell for your concern my friend. Please allow me to introduce you to Mr. Luke Whateley. We were just discussing Space and Time. Mr Russell, here has offered to help teach me more about physical training and has just been a good friend too." She smiles at Luke, "There are exceptions to every rule about books and people." She offers. "I hope." She grins at Russell.

Luke gives a cordial nod towards Russel, "Mr Russel. A pleasure." he greets the man, in his articulated English which seems to be spoken to avoid accents as much as possible. His attention directs back to Evelyn, "I think that such pleasantries only add to polite conversation. A show of respect, where usually none are found in days such as these. There is, however, always that level of intimacy that grows over time, which erodes titles and respectful addressing of names. Such as forming a closer friendship or similar." he looks to Russel, "Physical training, you say? Are you a Teacher then, perhaps? Athletics?"

"A teacher? Me. Hardly." Barksdale says rather simply, "I do however have a little bit of a background in personal training, exervise and strength building and the like." he explains with a rather broad brush. "I can't say I'll be much help in a conversation about space and time, other than I take up space, all of the time."

Evelyn smiles at the two as they talk and nods in agreement with Luke's understanding of the need for formalities, "Thank you for your clear understanding Mr. Whateley." She looks between the two, "I think Mr Russell, has made an exception to teach me, in order to help strengthen my body and breathing." She offers softly, hopefully not speaking out of line for either of them and rather enjoying the conversation between the three of them. She likes to listen though, it also helps her learn more about each of them.

"Well, I would beg to differ, Mr Russell. You are, in fact, a teacher as you have taken the lady here as your ward, to teach her .." he looks to Evelyn, ".. core strength and breathing." he smiles giving Russell another nod, "Merely by the fact that you acknowledge that you take up Space, all of the time, is the first step on the path of understanding the concept of it. You would be surprised as to how many that walk our planet do not grasp even such a simple concept."

"Semanticaly we are all teachers by that thought process. Every day people teach and learn." Barksdale says with a shrug of his shoulders, still not considering himself a teacher based on the slight roll of his eyes perhaps. "But I'll do what I can with this one." he assures Evelyn.

There is clearly something amusing to Evelyn as she looks between the two of them, and she just shakes her head. "It almost sounds like admitting you have a problem. Hello, My name is Evelyn and I take up Time and Space." To her at least it has brightened her features. "You have my thanks Russell for taking me under your wing." She nods at Luke. "Something I truly need to stop neglecting." She looks apologetically to Barksdale. "My apologies, Russell. I made you a promise, and I value your time a great deal."

Luke looks between Evelyn and Russell at which time he goes, "Ah, I take it you have a time set for such practices?" he wonders, "If this is the case, then I shall not be the cause for the adverse effect upon your training time." he smiles to Evelyn, "I shall thank you, instead, for the conversation and then head off to find those books that I was seeking."

"Oh we didn't have right now set as a training time." Barksdale assures Luke, "I was just stopping by to check on her and confirm we'd be having a session soon." he remarks idly, glancing then to Evelyn.

Evelyn nods to confirm, "It was to be more of a surprise. I only hoped I had not made myself unavailable and that I had missed any sessions he had intended. That would be rude of me, after promising him I was going to take training seriously. But it seems the both of us have had a busy time recently." She offers to Luke, "You are not interrupting, unless he changes his mind. and I rather enjoy meeting new and interesting people. I meant to tell you that I really like your glasses too. The purple tint is very nice." She also looks back to Russell reassuringly, "When you decide to kidnap for training, I will be ready Russell. I know you said it may take some time to set up the training."

"My.. glasses?" Luke wonders, and his hand goes to his pocket. He pats it a few moments, then nods once, "Ah, yes. My glasses. They are .. my own design, as it were. The glass is designed to filter out certain wavelengths of light, and if used correctly, will show the world in a new light." he smiles widely, "Or, at least, that is the idea behind them. I have yet to perfect the formula for the glass. I keep testing them, however, in different areas and in different light. Just to see if they work anywhere at all."

Barksdale arches a brow a moment, a slight furrow of curiosity as his eyes follow the movement to the glasses. "To what end?" he asks then curiously, "What are you hoping to see in this new light?" the man wonders with a slight tap of his chin.

Evelyn would notice glasses, she wears her own, and tilts her head thoughtfully, "They remind me of a hunter's glasses, that help them see more clearly in the bright light outdoors and distinguish blues, greens and oranges more clearly. Or a soldier's sunglass for that matter. I just don't see purple lenses that often." She stops herself from rambling so that Luke can answer, deciding it may be a good idea if she just listens now.

Luke shakes his head to this, "For now? For the purpose of testing a theory." he replies to this, "I have no real goal with them, other than testing out various materials and chemicals within those materials to see if certain things work. If that work, though? I do have other plans for them, in the future. But those I keep to myself for now, for they are highly theoretical and have little practical use for every day people." he nods once to Evelyn, "That there is one of the foundations on what I am building my ideas upon."

"Interesting." Barksdale mentions curiously, but shrugs it off then. "Way outside my expertise I'm sure. But if it works for you, go after it I suppose." he mentions.

Evelyn smiles that she has some idea, "It is definitely interesting to try to expand upon the idea already in place. The applications for it could be limitless if you can somehow change people's perception. "What do you consider an everyday person?" She bites on her lip thoughtfully. "Way above my expertise too." She offers Russell but still finds herself interested in the topic for sooo many reasons.

"In this particular instance? Anyone outside of the scope of profession that might come to have use for the idea I am working on, if it ever comes to fruition. So far, I fear, it is not living up to standards. It requires certain parameters to be met in order for them to work, which does not function well at al outside of a controlled environment." he shakes his head, "Most vexing, to be quite honest." Luke seems to be quite animate about the whole idea of Scientific discovery!

"So if it doesn't work outside of the lab, its not a practical use." Barksdale says with a hint of complaint, even though the glasses have absolutely zero to do with him. "Every good idea is only as good as how it can be used in the field or at scale." he mentions, "But maybe you'll figure it out..."

Evelyn looks a bit disappointed for some reason, "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." She offered to look between the two of them again. "Maybe you need someone who doesn't see things as you do, to help you find the solution?" She offers in thought.

Luke addresses Russell first, giving a nod to this, "Any invention, be it small or large, starts in a controlled environment. There, you test certain aspects of your theory, hammer out issues. You then take those ideas into world for practical use and from that, you find out more bugs which you take back and solve. If possible." he pauses, "That is a constant truth for almost every invention in modern times. The idea I have, is not for practical use yet. It is, as I said, just a theory with a hope that one day, I can develop it into a usable product for a specific field of profession." he looks to Evelyn, "Perhaps. The mathematics behind it is quite complex. But I am never against showing it to more people."

Evelyn bites her lip as she watches Russell leave thinking work must have come up as she looks back to Luke and offers offhandedly, "I wonder if you could use it to..." But then she stops herself. Sometimes she speaks before thinking. "Don't give up on your idea Luke. Anything is possible right? Just because it hasn't been discovered yet, it won't be if you ever give up on it. Maybe when you figure it out, you will figure out how to put blinders on it too." She just considers that thought for awhile.

"Never stop yourself from speaking your mind." Luke points out to the woman, "The truth behind an expanded mind is to never hinder your thoughts. And you should thus never let anyone else hinder your thoughts, either. True, perhaps, at times that means they will look at you as if you were a strange, strange person. But when it comes to your own mental expansion, that should not stop you."

Evelyn took off her own glasses and set them on the counter of the circulation desk she stood behind. She gently rubbed at the bridge of her nose now. She offers slowly, "It would be interesting if it would allow others to see, what can not be seen. It would offer a different perception of the world, perhaps a different appreciation and greater understanding, but then they would have to also learn how to listen." Could she possibly been any more vague, probably.

"Ah, yes." Luke nods his head to this, "An interesting idea, and one that is already out there. To a certain degree. For example, chromatic lenses that allow people who suffer from colourblindness to see certain wavelengths." he points out, "But the thought itself hold other intriguing possibilities. Such as seeing things that people so far would consider to be unimaginable. Imagine a lens that would let you see wavelengths emanating from electricity, cellular towers or similar. Or allow you to through a pair of glasses, see the electrical impulses that emanate from a human, thus being able to perhaps judge someones physical health with but a glance." It would appear he too has had those thoughts.

She tilts her head back and forth, "Similar but not the same. It is a difficult idea to try to explain, I suppose I can see why you have such a difficult time of it, Luke. It is frustrating to have the idea on the tip of your brain, but it is your own and the theories you read in books are even more frustrating because it is like you see things differently, but others can't understand it, they just look at you blankly, they see everything in black and white, and you see things brilliant color."

"That is what makes for a good Scientist, though. Although, an even better one would be one that takes those difficult to understand ideas and writes them down in a way that will make others understand as well." Luke then smiles to this, "Which is why I do not make for a great teacher, as it is not a skill that I possess." he shakes his head slowly, "I do however find it interesting to have discussions around the topics with likeminded people. Are you certain however that you are not a Scientist? You seem to think in terms necessary for such a mindset." he gives a pause, "Chaos Theory. Is that part of your field of study?"

Evelyn offers thoughtfully sliding her glasses back on that allow for better vision, because she does genuinely needs them. "I just know my own life has been chaos since I was a little girl. I have only found in my life books to be my friend and took the time to study that which allow me more time to be able to read and learn more, to try to find new books that might explain how I see things so maybe I could find someone who sees things similarly. Chaos Theory was just a random thought, when you mentioned Time and Space, and you resonated with me in a way that caught my interest."

Luke gives a nod to this, "Well, I would not be adverse to talking more about the subject if you feel that it has been interesting. While I may not be a teacher, I certainly am not against parting with my knowledge to anyone who seems to find a common ground with me. And I certainly do see things a bit differently, this I admit freely. I have been told as much on several occasions. Many of my mathematical formulas make little sense to some of my colleagues. They work, though, for me. I do smooth out my mathematics at times when I have to, to make it more understood. But always goes against my better judgment."

Evelyn smiles warmly, "I would never ask you to change how you see mathematics as it is would be asking you to change how you see things, if anything it should be me learning from the way you see things, Luke, I would adopt for you. I believe in understanding how others see things..." There is that bit of hesitation from her again. "You have a world of experience that makes your perception so important and no one can appreciate more than you."