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Evan Finds his People
Evan Meets with the leaders of his Tribe in Prospect
IC Date 04/30/23
IC Time Evening
Players Isla, Sean, Evan
Location Irish Times Pub - Private Lounge
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song None

Evan is sitting in the lounge at one of the smaller tables by the hearth, He has an order of the fried goat cheese with apple and pear chutney mostly finished sitting next to a notebook that he's scribbling in between fidgets at the strings of the guitar in his lap and he murmurs in fits and starts as he writes "Look on the damage done here by a single one. What do you think a full pack will do?"

--- --- ---

Sean really REALLY wishes he liked cheese of any sort. Like THAT dish smells divine and he comments on it every time he comes in, but one bite and he's like 'why do people eat this shit?' EVERY. Fucking. Time. Cheese is awful. But still, Sean comes in, his nose lifted a little bit as he inhales. "God that smells good," he tells Isla, before he zooms in on the new guy.

--- --- ---

Isla chuckles with Sean's comment and zoom in to the new guy. "Leave a piece for me, Sean." She just shakes her head and orders a drink from the bartender. "Well look what the cat dragged in. A new fresh 'un fer us to meet." She grins at Evan as they approach. "I'm Isla Ennes, rited Fiery Bellona. Born on these two legs, Elder Ahroun Fianna, daughter of Claws-of-Fire known as King Fergus Ennes of Duntulm, Elder Ahroun of the Fianna, Sept/Tribe Leader for the Sept of the Wisps. Granddaughter of Growls First, known as Hamish Ennes, Elder Philodox of the Fianna. Great Granddaughter of Wind of Fire, known as Wolfgang Ennes, Elder Theurge of the Fianna. I am the Alpha of Shroud of the Eclipse, packed under the wonderous Black Unicorn, member of the Grandchildren of Fionn." She looks to Evan expectantly.

--- --- ---

Evan will be more than happy to throw himself on that grenade, cheese is life. He stands when approached and pays close attention to Isla's introduction. He offers a polite bow "Honored to meet you Elder Ennes. I am Evan Osian Davies, Rited Collector-of-Tales, Human born Galliard of the Fianna of late from the Sept of the White Water. I'm A newly minted Cliath on my Bardic Journeyman's walk come to see what tales there are here both to collect and to forge. I have made myself known to the caern with a howl and submitted to the warder's examination as is proper. And I have been to the kinfolk house to check myself in with the Den Father. I have heard many tales of this sept and...well I want /my/ introduction to go well. Any guidance you would care to offer on things I may have forgotten or local customs I do not yet know would be greatly appreciated."

--- --- --- Sean rolls along behind Isla, letting her lead the way. "Sean William Fry, rited Broken Claw, Athro homid Theurge of the Fianna tribe. Beta of Shroud of the Eclipse pack under Black Unicorn. son of William and Marybeth Fry , cousin to Maribel ni Dannan, Elder Philodox Fianna, rited Truth or Dare. Elijah O'Devine, rited Blistering Moon, rited Theurge and Athro when he returned to the cycle, Keelan Gerty, rited The Sentry, Elder and Ahroun. All are from the Sept of the Sept of Wild Woods. HOW newly minted?" He wonders, rolling right on up to the other side of wherever Isla is, so as to pin the poor Cliath in, but in a totally polite sort of way.

--- --- ---

Isla is a bit tickled with this all. "You certainly already impress me more than the /last/ Fianna Galliard I knew around here. That old man... " She just sighs. It is obviously a story for another day. "So far, ye are stepping off on the right foot, and not face planting like others have. Aside from not running off and grabbing the first, or second, or even third female kinfolk ye find and claiming a mate until ye are at least Fostern, best advice I can tell ye is to keep yer ears open, learn the tales around here, and of course, take an active part in protecting. Now, have ye started learning the basic rites yet? Have ye been pointed toward the Patrol Captain to get signed up with him?"

--- --- ---

Evan smirks a bit mischievously and looks down to count on the fingers of one hand after Sean asks his question "My trial and rite were completed almost exactly three days ago. The precise hour is a bit fuzzy on account of being nearly dead at the time but I lived and the wyrm-spawn didn't so there's that." Then to Isla he nods "I'd heard about a thing with a misplaced castle and attendant shenanigans but not a galliard misbehaving. As for hunting up a mate? While I do fully intend to see my duty to Gaia in that regard done as in every other Its...not something that motivates me the way it does most folks. One of the reasons I had decided to head to California even before Elder Tiganites turned up at my old home looking for a tour guide. I'd heard that this sept was more understanding of such things."

--- --- ---

Sean snorts a little at Isla's comment. "Not sad that one left," he says, then squints at Evan. "Oh, you've still got the New Cliath smell. And you were introed to the sept by Iris. Cool. You're on the right track at least. There's people you need to meet besides us too. What do you need RIGHT now? Place to sleep? Food's here. You need to get in on patrols once you settle."

--- --- ---

Isla mmms, "It was a few years ago. He was in my Rite of Passage as well. Late changer. Made everything about him. While never censored by a half-moon, he was grumpy and got involved with a Silver Fang that was highly disgraced, more than I'd ever heard of done to a Garou short of death. Death would have been a mercy. But that is another story for another time." More for the new guy to find out. "So ye have had a lot going on the last week. Wyrmspawn, Rite of Passage, near death. But are feeling much better now. Did ye get to ride on the space boat?" This is Iris afterall. She nods to Sean, "Aye, if ye need a place to sleep, we can get ye in the right direction fer that. Food here is free for ye, of course. Ye are family."

--- --- ---

Evan nods to Isla and Sean "I checked in with the Patrol Captain just after the warder, he just sort of grumbled and said come back in a couple days? Probably After the settling in you just mentioned. I had heard about the local guide lines for what rites should be common knowledge and made a point to focus my studies and if it is still the same three I have them learned proficiently already. You all around here are a bit famous. Space Boat? No She came in on our Path Stone and we came back the same way. I was directed to a small collection of cabins in the patrolled lands and am staying in one of them at the moment. As for short term goals I have been getting names of some of the other cliaths and likely fosterns that might be looking to form a pack, so I can see if I'd be a good fit for them. As a matter of particular training between my natural talents and my Gifts I can howl and be heard for quite a long distance and be understood clearly. Less of a use back in New York with how close to human dwellings the caern was but it might be of more a handy thing here."

--- --- --- Sean nods. "Yup. We tend to give a little grace period before we throw the noobs into the salt mine." He nods slowly as he listens. "Yeah, at least on paper, sounds like you know what you're doing. But I would just like to point out that EVERYONE says that they don't want a mate and then a couple months down the road, there we are, prying a cliath off the local population. Or they seem pretty cool, then they wreck the forest with a castle. Now, I'm not saying that's YOU. Fingers crossed that it isn't. But just know that we've seen just about everything, so please don't try. If that definitely IS NOT you, welcome to Prospect. We're glad to have you."

--- --- ---

Isla nods with Sean, "Aye, Welcome to Prospect. Ye got the right ideas it seems. And keepin' yerself clean, clothed, and knowing how to say sorry is the best start ye can have. Or so the Wise man has said." Shaking her head. "Kennard's Foley... still repairing the forest after that shitstorm." She then mentions to Evan, "And if ye run into any squirrels? Watch yer wallet and keys."

--- --- ---

Evan winces slightly at Sean's clarification "I am sorry I wasn't clear. I'm Asexual, I don't experience sexual attraction at all. I'm not sex repulsed or anything, it doesn't gross me out or frighten me...its just not something that motivates me either way." To Isla "Squirrels? I will make sure to remember that Elder."

--- --- ---

Sean nods to Evan. "Understood. YOu get the warning anyway. Also, beware of raccoons." He smirks just a little. He doesn't DOUBT the young galliard. Just.. history and all that shit.

--- --- ---

Isla nods, "Yeah, squirrels went after that last Fianna Galliard. Stole his motorcycle, tied him up, and shot a metis. yeah and Raccoons. We have one around.. gorgon. Nice enough lady, but crazy shit happens with her. Be careful. There is weird shit all over this place. And yeah, Space Boat. Umbral travel. If Mercy's Messenger ever invites you? Expect to wind up on another planet, or another realm. Whether you planned it or not. Things just... happen. But hey, good stories, yes? I've even ended up back in time once." And got home!

--- --- ---

Evan nods respectfully to Sean and then just stares and blinks a couple of times at Isla like the examples she just gave shorted his brain out just a touch "So I'm not likely to run short of song material is what you're saying. Excellent. Right now I'm working out one about my Rite of Passage but that's coming together nicely and should be ready to show soon enough. Its what I was strumming at as you arrived."

--- --- ---

Sean grins. "There's PLENTY of shit that happens just.. like.. pick a random week five years ago and that'll fill up a lifetime, I'm sure."

--- --- ---

Isla looks expectantly, "I would love to hear that song when you are ready. In fact, we will need to hold another tribe meeting when we can, but it seems like many of our tribe mates have been busy as of late."

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Isla and Sea "Well its not quite ready yet but I'll be sure to let you know when it is. Do either of you have any suggestions of folks I should seek out or avoid?"

--- --- ---

Sean nods. "Familiarize yourself with the kinfolk house. Familiarize yourself with the Dead Mall. There's a list of places to avoid." He gives those places verbally because you don't write that stuff down. "See Journey if he's somewhere around. He comes and goes a lot more lately. Stay out of the city unless you're at a Gaian place." He gives THOSE places too. "I mean, like, you can GO there, but don't hang out and be all Ragey at the Bingo Palace."

--- --- ---

Isla agrees with Sean, "Those are all good information. I have nae seen Journey myself for awhile. Hopefully ye can find him. But yeah, the city will need help, but they got people trained fer that. If ye can hook up with any of them, then that is fair enough."

--- --- ---

Evan listens carefully "This sept is so big. So many garou here. And other shifters too, I've already met two Bastet. A Swara and a Qualmi. As for the city, Hammer-Tooth-rhya was with Elder Tiganites and unless I shouldn't I'd planned on reaching out to her about finding my way about the city safely. I likely will need to go in sometime in the next few days since the Eldest of my Auspice is a Glass-Walker."

--- --- ---

Sean nods to Evan. "The Denfather does city stuff too, but Irsa's probably fine. I don't really know her. But ALSO if you're doing city stuff, you need to talk to Brooke - That's Hushed Blaze. She's also going to be your Galliard Elder. Yes."

--- --- ---

Isla mmms, "Aye, the goopmistress is a good one to know." Refering of course to Iris. That name will never die. "Aye, I dinnae know the city folk that well, but I do believe Hammer-Tooth is the tribe leader for the Bone Gnawers currently, so a good one for taking ye around the city. Hopefully we will hear from ye at coming moots as well."

--- --- ---

Evan nods at Isla and grins "Really I'll learn from anyone I can get to have a conversation with. I almost said sit still long enough but really sitting still isn't a requirement. With the full moon in a few days I don't think I'll have my new song ready in time but maybe next month. It would probably a bit much to go for a performance turn this soon after arriving anyway."

--- --- ---

Sean nods. "Just make sure that if you're getting conflicting words on a thing, don't assume one is right over the other. Check with someone ranked higher. It's just better that way."

--- --- ---

Isla nodnods, as everyone else is. "Aye, Sean is right. Sometimes misinformation is out there. Fer this full moon, ye should be a guest, learning, listening, singing along. When ye are ready, we will be happy to support ye in whatever ye wish to perform."

--- --- ---

Evan nods sagely and gives just a touch of a mischievous grin "From some of the cautionary tales I've heard from this part of the world I think I'll be leaning on the oft neglected performer's skill of 'reading the room'. For now though I think I am going to head back to my cabin and practice probably, unless either of you have further need of me?"

--- --- ---

Sean nods. "DO that. Take some food with you. The food at the caern is great and all, but there's nothing like the stuff here."

--- --- ---

Isla agrees, "Aye, and if anyone wants some of yer food, just send 'em here. We are happy to feed the gaians, especially any fianna."

--- --- ---

Evan nods and heads over to speak with the staff to get a care package before heading out.