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Truck Talk and Meat
A discussion of a battlewagon and then some dinner guests
IC Date May 31, 2022.
IC Time Evening
Players Jackie, Branton, Bryan, Torey, Erin
Location Smoke and Barley
Spheres Garou

5/31/2022 17:43:49 Branton is sitting at a table near the fire bowl, with his back to the flame. He's got a nature magazine he's paging through held up as if for someone to read over his shoulder. There is a canvas tote filled with notebooks, sketch pads, and tools sitting on the floor next to him.

5/31/2022 17:50:05 Jackie enters the the back room with a slight nervous twitch in her smile to the staff, looking a little out of place and looking like she feels like it too. She approaches Branton's table, circling around to approach where he can see her coming from his side. She raises a hand in a small wave of greeting. "Uh, hi. You're Branton, right? We met briefly, last week? Jackie, in case you forgot?"

5/31/2022 17:54:23 Branton sets the magazine down and glances back over his shoulder "Yes I remember, she's fenrir kin." Then to Jackie "I remember. Both from the kinfolk house and my visit out to Stonecreek. And you've found me a new project." The last is said with a broad grin "Leif texted me about building you a car. With Extras. This is going to be fascinating."

5/31/2022 17:59:40 Jackie seems to relax a bit at his grin, and a gleam of excitement flashes in her eyes as she catches his own sense of interest. "Well, I guess you could say I stumbled into it rather than actually found it, it was really Leif's idea. I didn't even think... Is it ok if I sit?"

5/31/2022 18:03:02 Branton nods and gestures for her to join him and waves over "Well I was thinking about the possibility of instead of an amplified vehicle something that amplifies the characteristics of any vehicle you drive. Or both. I've never built a motor vehicle from the ground up to be honest, I know the theory but If we do go for juiceing up a car we should probably get one and apply some...after market modifications."

5/31/2022 18:09:12 Jackie pulls out a chair and sets herself down, leaning forward with her elbows on the table. "Anything I drive? How would that even... Ok, sorry, I actually don't know exactly what Leif meant, or what sort of things you do. I thought he just meant putting armored windows and plates into a car, just reinforcing it? Building something from the ground up sounds like a lot. I've done a lot of custom work, but that was all racing mods. Speed, control, brakes, that sort of thing. But he wanted something for... I guess you could call it field work? But that would protect people in it? Did he tell you something different?"

5/31/2022 18:20:47 Branton totally meant to wave over a server in his last pose but he'll get drinks in this one instead. Then to Jackie "I'm a Sorcerer. In this case its relevant that I'm one of the best Enchanters in the city. If you've seen Leif fight with a big ole hammer? That's my work. It shrinks down so he can carry it in his pocket. So there'd be less about Armor plates, though I am an alchemist as well so maybe some special alloys. Some of my Metallurgical formulae are a bit bullshit. Leif asked for a super car and said cost was no issue. Sure rigging up an armored speed car with off the shelf technology isn't out of reach, just expensive. A lot of my enchantments could be described as amplifying or reducing traits. From the physical, like straight speed, to the more complex and esoteric like...handling. Take a thing and make it a more perfect example of what it is."

5/31/2022 18:30:58 Jackie listens, following along with the general idea but without the look of really understanding the details. The bit about a super car where cost is no issue certainly seem to hit a mark though. "Alright, I'm not going to even to pretend to understand even half of that. I'm pretty sure it makes all of my earlier notes as useless as I kinda expected though. So I guess... Well, what do you need, and how can I help? I don't know magic, but I do know cars. You probably know more about what Leif and the others might actually need out there though. I had assumed something that wouldn't stick out and draw attention in the streets, but maybe they need something more for going off-road and busting through walls?"

5/31/2022 18:42:31 Branton shakes his head at the Busting through walls "Not Demolition. If they need to make a hole in the wall for you to get in they can knock it out. Your instincts are right and having ridden places with field teams in vehicles I can tell you what worked and what didn't. What I need from you though is picking out a base vehicle once we have our desired traits picked out. I can drive stick but that's about as much as I know about cars. And I have to figure out which of the Gods to invoke to get the Enchantments I'm going to need for the final product. I know that the Norse pantheon would be more traditional for you, do you have any personal ties to any sort of Spirit aside from general tribal affiliation?"

5/31/2022 18:51:51 Jackie taps her fingertips on the table, her brow furrowed slightly as she chews her lower lip in thought. "My first go to is small, fast cars. That's probably not going to work well for this. I mean, I can't imagine Leif fitting into anything but the back of a pickup truck. Or a dump truck, but that's going in the wrong direction. Maybe a truck would be best though? It's something that the dogs can jump out of and get into easily, you can do archery from the back, and the people that don't immediately from bullet wounds can be protected in the cab? Or a jeep maybe? I was talking to Lorna and she mentioned starting from an old military frame. Not like a tank, of course, that's going to do that attention getting thing we don't want."

5/31/2022 18:59:04 Branton nods and ponders "That could work and since by the time we're done it won't run on any sort of petroleum product we don't need to worry about what kind of fuel it needs. I'm pretty sure breaking away from fossil fuels is going to be one of the base line requirements. There are Electric pickups that we could use for a base, heck I drive one myself. I like the idea of a truck or jeep, but something with a covered bed or maybe stealth enchantment to hide the wolves or whoever riding in the back."

5/31/2022 19:05:16 Jackie smiles a bit, looking relieved. "That's good, I wasn't sure how that might work for something like this. My racer's electric, but that's a lot simpler. For this though, it's probably better if you make the decisions on stealth covers or whatever, because I have no idea how that works, at all. But if it's got wheels, and it goes fast, I can make it sing and dance. I just hope it turns out to be helpful, like... An asset, not a toy."

5/31/2022 19:11:26 Branton chuckles across the table from Jackie where they sit by the fire bowl "Well there's nothing at all wrong with enjoying your work. So it'll probably be a bit of both. So we're looking at some sort of Electric utility or camping vehicle that we can encourage to have a more flexible relationship with the laws of physics. And once we've got a good idea of what capacities it starts with I can decide how outrageously we're going to want to cheat."

5/31/2022 19:17:20 Jackie nods, already thinking about truck models and where she might be able to find some options. "Ok, cool. No, better than cool, that sounds awesome. I've pushed some limits before, but I've never actually cheated the laws of physics before. I will get right on researching that. Oh, and let me know if I can help somehow, I at least know my way around a garage, if that matters at all for the stuff you do."

5/31/2022 19:18:44 Bryan comes in, his hand resting lightly on Torey's back as they descend. "... been here for well over a hundred years and the fire has never been put out. It's a promise made to the area, to the Gaians, that this will always be a safe place." He seems happy, content

5/31/2022 19:32:43 Torey comes down the stairs, holding the hem of her dress up so she doesn't trip. She looks around the room this way and that as they come in and seems to be in a bit of awe " Truly? More than a hundred years? That is astounding but what an amazing promise made. " She too seems in a good mood as she comes in with Bryan, wide eyed and excited.

5/31/2022 19:37:19 Branton nods at Jackie "Some of the spell runes are likely going to have to go on or near the points of stress they're meant to modify. You'll have to tell me where that is. And if that means we get a vehicle and take it out to my testing facility and you drive it into the ground that's what we'll do. I can fix whatever we do to it if the testing gets a bit destructive." Bryan and Torey get a wave "Evening folks, how's it going?"

5/31/2022 19:41:52 Jackie grins like it's Christmas morning at the thought of driving anything into the ground at a testing facility, and is so distracted by the vision of it that it takes her a minute to blink out of it and notice the newcomers. She looks up at them and waves hello as she recovers from her surprise at seeing them.

5/31/2022 19:43:01 Once they're on level ground, Bryan leads Torey toward the other two. "Evening you two. Looks like something's up. What's the plan?" He pulls out a chair for Torey, at their table, and then slides into one of his own once she's seated. "Does everyone know everyone?"

5/31/2022 19:45:21 Torey gives a smile to both Jackie and Branton. " Good evening." When Bryan pulls out the chair for her she offers him a quiet " Thank you." And will slide herself down gracefully into said chair " This place has been mentioned several times to me but I have not been able to visit till now. I am pleased to have the chance now." She speaks with a very thick Scottish accent.

5/31/2022 19:54:37 Branton considers for a second "We sort of met in passing at the kinfolk house. Intros did get swapped though Torey might have missed Jackie. As for the current project? I get to make something new and try to convince some lesser travel and speed gods that helping me work out spells to make a super care is the best idea ever."

5/31/2022 19:58:13 Jackie leans back off of the table to sit in her seat more properly, twisting a little to look towards Torey and Bryan's table. "Yeah, Torey and I have met a couple of times. Bryan just the once though, I think? And yeah, what he said about juicing up a vehicle."

5/31/2022 20:00:28 Bryan nods. "Just making sure. SOmetimes I get all caught up in the all you can eat buffet around here that I forget that manners are necessary." He grins and reaches out to flip over his tile from red to green and waits for the meat brigade to start coming along.

5/31/2022 20:04:45 Torey smooths her gown over her legs and she nods her head to Bryan. " Yes, We have all met. I am so pleased to see the both of you again. Your project sounds most invigorating. Miss Jackie, I had meant to ask, are your skills purely automobiles or do you branch into other such avenus of engineering as well? "

5/31/2022 20:10:27 Coming down the steps is the red headed trouble maker known as Erin. She has a bounce to her steps as she seems to be in a really good mood as she makes her way towards the window to put her order in. She looks over to all the people and hmms "Sup" she calls out.

5/31/2022 20:10:27 A little bit after Erin comes in a black house cat comes down the steps.

5/31/2022 20:11:33 Branton chuckles and nods at Bryan "And its not the sort of thing I've ever done before. I love learning new things." And Branton sounds genuinely excited. Then he also flips his serving token to green.

5/31/2022 20:16:20 Jackie feels her stomach grumble at the sight of the others starting the meat parade, and flips her own token. She waves at Erin as she turns to answer Torey. "That depends on what you mean by engineering? I can get most things back into working order if they're busted. Normal things, anyway. At the very least I've mastered the magic of duct tape. Why, do you have something that needs some work?"

5/31/2022 20:19:56 Bryan waves at Erin as she comes in and then back to the group. "We're talking about breaking points and things. Are we talking about... like.. combat cars?" He glances over at Torey and taptaps the little circle. "If you flip it over, all the meat you could possibly want will come your way in time. There are regular menu items, too."

5/31/2022 20:21:50 Erin gets her soda and makes her way over to take a seat at a table near by "We are making combat cars? Cool" she gives everyone a little smile as she takes a seat. The cat comes to join her beside her.

5/31/2022 20:25:36 Torey will see others waving to Erin so she attempts the gesture! It seems weird for her but she lifts her hand and waves before placing it back down in her lap. To Jackie she nods her head and will lean in a bit to speak to her so as to not interrupt the men talk! To Jackie she says " I will be purchasing some land with several buildings upon it. Though the structures are well maintained I will need some work done such as likely electrical and possibly plumbing. There will also be ranch equipment I will need fixed and kept tuned. Are these things within your wheelhouse of not just skill but interest? " When Bryan calls attention to the red and green token she looks at it and says a quiet " Curious." but will follow the lead of the others and gently turns it to green." When Erin sits near by she says " Good evening to you Miss Erin. A pleasure to see you again. Does your feline companion not draw attention coming into an establishment that serves food? I though it against regulations in the states. "

5/31/2022 20:29:04 Branton is getting into some meat and comments on the side to Bryan "You heard about my new healing thing right? Its good for some kinds of healing normal shifter magic doesn't cover. Diseases, parasites, missing pieces."

5/31/2022 20:34:43 Jackie snags some sausages and a hunk of garlic sirloin from the servers, and adds a bacon wrapped chicken chunk to her plate while she answers Torey and reaches for a fork. "Oh yeah, sure! I can handle that sort of thing, no problem! I used to do that kind of stuff all the time back home. Oh! Solar panels, too, if you're trying for 'off grid'. Wind turbine or water wheel, maybe?"

5/31/2022 20:39:02 Erin light pets the cat as she turns her thing green and smirks "Spoiled" she blinks and looks at Torey first kinda staring at her like if she had something on her or something before she shakes her head "Hmm only if I brought him through the front door, but there are more than one way to get in here that don't consist of walking through the main floor." she shrugs.

5/31/2022 20:41:01 Bryan nods a little to Branton. "Yeah, I heard some details abut it," He glances at Jackie and nods. "I've been looking to make my place in the city solar too. And .. like.. yeah. There's plenty of stuff for you to get into if you're up to it." He glances over at Torey and then at Erin and back to Torey. "Fortunately, it isn't a real actual cat. It can blip back and forth."

5/31/2022 20:49:02 Torey will widen her eyes at all the suggestions from Jackie, her lips parting with a small surprised intake of breath. She all but has stars in her eyes! " Miss Jackie, your insight into such things would be invaluable to me! I am blown away by your ingenuity and would be so grateful if you would help me on this project. I would not have ever thought of such things but in just seconds they pop right into your mind. You are most impressive!" words softly spoken but completely genuine. When Erin looks at her though she looks right back and listens to her answer. " I thank you for the answer. It is always a pleasure to see your companion as well. I am glad he is able to come and go with ease. " She nods as well to Bryan's words and offers him a small smile but when the food comes she looks slightly overwhelmed. " Are there recommendations as to which I should try first?"

5/31/2022 20:53:22 Kringer takes offense not being called and actual cat and tilts it's head to look at Bryan and makes some cat rumbly sounds

5/31/2022 20:53:22 Erin lightly pushes the cat's head to look at the plate as her nachos arrive and she feeds him some of the pulled pork as she says to the cat "He doesn't understand it's ok you just eat" she tries to make it better to the cat. As she looks over to Bryan a moment before she looks to Torey "yeah he has been a little protective lately so he will make sure to follow me.. If he bugs you.. I can send him off" she then shrugs before she sighs a little bit and begins to eat her nachos.

5/31/2022 21:05:14 Branton grins and nods at Bryan "I forget who I've told." Then he listens to the back and forth between Torey and Jackie before offering "If you need any tools or equipment let me know. Or supply lines for materials. I know people who know people who have things."

5/31/2022 21:05:47 Jackie blushes not a little as she looks down at her plate, shrugging as she distractedly toys with her food. "Oh, no, nothing like that, I've just done stuff like it before. It's not that big a deal."

5/31/2022 21:07:11 "I don't think it bothers her. I think it was just a question." As the meat starts to arrive, Bryan grabs the little tongs and slices off a few pieces of prime rib and lamb and motions over to Torey. "These are my favorites. Can you send a sampler platter out too? Maybe two of them? So we can all share? And whatever you've got on tap too." He grins at Jackie. "Nah, don't blush. That's good stuff. Be proud of it. Boast about it. SIng at the top of your lungs about it. Really."

5/31/2022 21:11:26 Erin gets some meat as it arrives getting some lamb and steak that she shares with the cat as she looks to Jackie "There are some solar panels at the shop if you need them or if you need anything honestly, more than one supplier is always good" she shrugs before looking to Bryan and nods before she looks thoughtful and then shrugs for whatever reason.

5/31/2022 21:11:31 Torey will look quite confused for a moment as she looks to Erin. She is quiet as she thinks over her response but finally she says "I am sorry Miss Erin, I am unsure how my response was interpreted as discomfort or displeasure at his presence. Perhaps you could explain so that I may be aware of my error to ensure it does not happen again?" Branton gets a bright smile though and she nods her head enthusiastically "Yes, sir. I will need a great many supplies for the renovations. It is my desire to keep it within workers of the nation so businesses run by kin or garou. I would greatly appreciate your contacts. " Jackie blushes though and it causes Torey she soften in her expression as she tells her "Do not downplay your knowledge, my friend. You are skilled and have a mind for such things. It is impressive and something you should be proud of." She watches as Bryan cuts the meat though for his plate and in a bold act of playfulness she will reach out and snag a small piece of lamb from his plate and slips it between her lips to sample. Her grin turns cheeky as if she just got away with some great theft!

5/31/2022 21:31:40 Jackie smiles, a bit of her self consciousness dissipating. The meat cooling before her on her plate finally catches first place in her attention, and she moves in for the kill with more gusto than neatness. Within seconds she's managed to get meat grease smeared on her lips and chin.

5/31/2022 21:32:59 Bryan gasps as his food is stolen and he reaches out with a still clean fork and lightly pokes Torey with it. "Sooooooo rude," he teases with a grin and uses that same fork to stab the prime rib and dredge it through some sort of house sauce. "So what's the plan for the night? I know later I have to go to the Caern and talk to a new kinfolk, but other than that, my night's free. What are we doing?"

5/31/2022 21:33:28 Erin wrinkles her nose a little bit as she seems to consider Torey's question. She's quiet for a very long time as she looks at her before she actually speaks "Just a misunderstanding, all good now honestly. More on my part than your questions some old shit" she shrugs it off "But all cool now if your cool I'm cool" she gives her a smile before she looks to Jackie "You should also talk to Lorna to see if she would like to help. I am sure she would love to jump in to help in this if you need the hands"

5/31/2022 21:36:57 Torey is nibbling on the lamb but then she is poked with a fork, lightly, and she jumps and nearly chokes on the meat as she laughs. She coughs once and of course daintily covers her mouth but quickly recovers. Erin will get an incline of her head, a way to say 'im cool' without speaking the words as such would sound strange coming from her lips! She does order herself something to drink however and once it arrives she brings it to her lips for a sip. At Bryan's question she says "I have no plans. I will likely return home and work more on the blue prints but other than that my night is completely free."

5/31/2022 21:38:23 Branton tilts his head and considers "I have to head out to Elder Farshi's to pick up a project we're collaborating on so I can put the finishing touches before delivery. I was called upon in my capacity as a Klaivesmith."

5/31/2022 21:42:37 Jackie holds up a fork still holding a bit of sirloin, waving it slightly as she talks around a not completely chewed piece of beef. "I need look up some stuff on trucks, but that's about the only thing close to important on my list."

5/31/2022 21:45:02 Bryan grins at Torey and he nods to the others. "Well, let's go do something. Like.. did you know we have a nightclub? Owned by SIlver Fangs, but we won't hold that against the place," he says as he deliberately looks over at the waitress, who smiles and oh so very subtly scratches the area between her eyes with her middle finger. Bryan grins and looks back to his plate. "So. Dinner now. Then we'll go dancing and then anyone who wants to go to the caern can ride with me." He glances at Torey. "You want to go out there?"

5/31/2022 21:47:20 Erin doesn't answer as she eats her food going somewhat quiet. She makes sure to keep feeding the cat who seems happy to be getting meat.

5/31/2022 21:53:49 Torey shakes her head when Bryan mentions the dance club "I was not aware. I know very little about what is here in town as I have rather avoided it since my arrival. " she begins to twirl a small golden bracelet around her wrist. She watches the interaction between Bryan and the waitress and she can't hide a soft chuckle but at the question directed at her she nods and says "I would like that, yes. If the ride would not be a burden to you of course."

5/31/2022 21:55:02 Jackie swallows audibly, clearing her gullet. She sneaks a glance down at her outfit as she wipes her mouth with a napkin. "A night club? What kind?"

5/31/2022 21:56:42 Bryan glances at Erin, then Branton, then around at the ladies and he grins. "Just a nightclub. It's Gaian. So like, you don't have to get all decked out if you don't want to. More a bar with dancing than an actual club." He smiles at Torey and drapes his arm around the back of her chair. "Not a burden at all. PRomise."

5/31/2022 21:57:48 Branton grins and shakes his head "I've got that klaive to finish, thanks though. I'll be seeing ya all."

5/31/2022 22:00:32 Erin notices that Bryan glances at her and she shrugs "Sure I can tag along.. not really a club kinda girl but sure ... " she eat some more of her nachos before she swallows it down with her soda.

5/31/2022 22:03:08 Torey laughs softly and motions to her gown and to Jackie she says "I am oddly dressed but I do not mind. I think you look lovely." Seeing the woman look down at her clothes. She sits back in her chair though at Bryan's answer and he too gets a smile and a quiet little incline of her head. " I believe it sounds like a wonderful time. I thank you for suggesting it and I look forward to sharing this experience with you and those attending."

5/31/2022 22:08:24 Jackie wipes her hands on her napkin and pulls out her phone. "I'd like to check it out, I haven't been to any places like that around here yet. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to break any dress codes or anything. What's the address, or name? Oh, and I have room in my car too, but... anyone with motion sickness might want to ride with someone else."

5/31/2022 22:12:44 Bryan grins happily and he nods, pulling out his phone and flipping through things. He pulls the phone up to his ear and and it rings and rings and rings and......." Then he puts the phone down and calls out to the waitress, "Hey, the nightclub?"

((The nightclub plan got aborted, maybe another night.))