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“Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.”

Humans are wonderful little things. They live very short lives, sometimes much shorter than even they had envisioned, but some of them manage to pack a lot of meaningful living into that short period of time. Some like to explore, some like to just enjoy their life, and some....well, that's the part that dismays Sark.

Sark is a protector and a watcher. The world has gotten cold and painful as humanity has grown, and while many of Sark's kind have given up on this world and moved on to the Umbra and the astral realms beyond, Sark feels compelled to stay. He knows very well that if humanity as a whole finds out others like him really exist, it will bring back the era of pitchfork and torch mobs again, only this time it will be nuclear weapons and tanks, so Sark has gotten very good at hiding and appearing non-threatening.

Sark has studied Prospect enough now to think he can try throwing his own weight around a little to compel humanity to treat itself better, but he knows big changes dont happen overnight, so he seeks out projects he can assist such as homeless shelters, humanitarian programs, and the like. If you're in trouble, he's quite likely going to try and help you. If you get to know him well enough that he can trust you, you have an ally of surprising capability, but keep in mind, the list of humans he has been able to trust so far, he can count on one clawed hand.

You will most likely see him as a young, barely-old-enough-to-drink blonde-haired man, because he knows most people will disregard a teenager as non-threatening and 'just a kid', and he likes that just fine, because he has seen from experience that how people treat those they don't think are important, is a good indicator of how they really are. Or you might see a red-tailed hawk pestering someone important to him, because how people treat animals is another good indicator of their nature. And in his case, someone is always watching and judging.

Are you a 'good guy'? Sark will probably like you. If you can tolerate his overabundance of energy. He might have a new addiction to espresso. And doughnuts.

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Humans - Humans are, generally, greedy, scared little things that will kill anything they dont understand, so it is ideal to stay away and Dont Poke The Bear. HOWEVER, Sark has been informed that during his long sleep, humanity has largely forgotten that creatures like him exist anymore, so he's chosen to be VERY CAREFUL and start exploring Prospect and all the fascinating changes the little critters have wrought in the last 4 centuries.

Changelings - Sark has met a few of the local Changelings and so far, gets along famously with them, once he establishes they are not the kind that dream about questing to kill a dragon, first ;) Generally speaking, he identifies a lot with the Seelie code though he's a bit more naive about it than a normal wilder or grump would be. Give him a break, he's a teenager ;)

Other bygones - Sark has met a surprising number of Bygones since he woke back up and his experiences have been mixed. Some have been wonderful to hang out with, some have been confusing, and some have been arrogant folks he has no plans to spend any more time around. He will still be fascinated to meet others, especially if you're a type he's never seen before.

Mages - Sark has met a couple of mages now, and while he's still wary about them, they have been a very good representative for their type, and at the moment, his opinion is pretty good about them in general. Still wary at the level of power they wield, but he's not jumpy around them at this point.

Shifters - Currently Sark is aware there are more than one kind of animal shifter. He's met the rats and used to have a good working relationship with one of them, but that seems to have died, which he understands is part of how reclusive they are. He knows the wolves are around but has yet to meet one, and knows there are even spider and kitty shifters, but hasnt seen them either.

Wraiths - Sark recently met his first Wraith ever and is a mixture of curious and fascinated. More questions will be forthcoming.

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Sark is very new to the area, having been roused back up after an inadvertent 400 year long literal dirt nap. The list of folks he has met and considers friendly is small but slowly growing.

Martin Hackett - (NPC) Martin used to be to Sark what Stella is now - a property manager and the individual that maintains the fiction that is 'Sarkesian Goldstein'. Since Stella's arrival, Martin has been given his retirement, and as a thank you for dedicated service to the dragon, has been given space to live and all of his expenses paid for, for the rest of his life on the island. You will periodically see the greying man toddling around the ranch visiting the animals, feeding the chickens and so on.

Stella - "I didn't know I was lonely until I saw your face - I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better..." Stella is what Sark jokingly refers to as his 'handler', and is his buffer to the world of human legal paperwork. Sarkesian Goldstein exists on paper because of Stella's excellent property and financial management work, and while other humans might take offense at the branding if they don't look deeper, he considers Stella his 'most prized possession'.

Chirp - Chirp is a chimerical baby blue dragon Sark helped rescue some time back and has been given to the Prismatic Guardian for fostering and safekeeping. Sark is trusted to babysit the little guy from time to time in the Dreaming to help him learn faster and get used to people and fae.   At the risk of leaving some people feeling slighted if I dont update their information here, I'll reserve the rest into categories.

Vampires - Sark has little experience with the vampires and their ghouls save for one individual who's been very outgoing and PROBABLY not the best example for what vampires are ;)

Shifters - Sark knew one Ratkin who has now left the city, and otherwise has zero experience with the shifters (wolves OR Fera) in the city.

Mages - Sark has recently gotten along very well with several of the local Mages, to the point he and Stella have joined a local collaboration Chantry to work with them on mutual goals.

Fae - Sark has sworn a protection oath with one of the local faerie Houses, so there is a good chance you might see him in the Dreaming happy that he can stretch his wings for a bit without worrying about things like spy satellites, or possibly be in the company with some of their members if he's been needed to help out with something.

Sark knows plenty of others, after being in Propsect for a couple of years now, but their specific situation can tend to change.

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Sark is...Not Normal. He isn't human, and never was. So unlike a Vampire or Werewolf or Other that might have started out Human and adapted to Ungodly Awesome Powers, Sark was hatched from an egg and views humans as fascinating to watch. He does NOT possess human morality, and tends to not have any taboos. You probably cant embarrass or shame him, but on the other hand, he's missed out on 100 years of pop culture, so be prepared for some clueless looks at times.

Sark also learned at a very young age that, if humans perceive a threat, they will attack it and try to kill it, long before someone says 'Hey, maybe we should investigate', so Sark has crafted this act of presenting himself as, well, something easily dismissed. He takes on a teenage boy's appearance because most adults dismiss teenagers as an annoyance, especially one that seems to do nothing but laze around coffee houses and parks all day. Excepting maybe one person, he does NOT show off what he can do or what he can endure...because then that information is out there and someone could use it against him.

This is not to say Sark lives a lie. He finds humans FASCINATING, and the entire reason he's stayed in this Realm and not fled to the Astral or the Umbral with most of the rest of dragonkind, is that he thinks Humans can be gently nudged away from the doom they are confidently striding towards. And OH MY they make such tasty snacks.

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Race: Bygone (Dragon)
Full Name: Sarkesian the Gilded
Date of Birth: June, 1604
Heritage: Western drake (Gold dragon)
Demeanor: Guardian
Apparent Age: Early 20's when appearing human.
Height: A little over 6' as human. Around 9' at the shoulder when appearing as dragon (approx large draft horse sized - Size 8-9).

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RP Hooks
More to be added here, but these are some ideas that might help working out a RP connection if you're interested in meeting a dragon:

Windstorm Isle - Sark owns an island off the California coast that is home to a large pony and livestock ranch, run on paper by one of his retainers. Its far enough off of the coast to not have to worry about lookie-loos with binoculars on the mainland, and Sark often invites friends to it so he can be casual and not be constantly vigilant for other threats. Wanna come give the ponies some carrots?

Changeling Friend - Sark is very familiar with Changelings, and in most cases, gets along famously with them, as he can see the Dreaming and their true selves, and while he hasnt had the opportunity to lately, is able to actually visit freeholds (for anyone crazy enough to let a dragon into one...)

Mage Friend - Sark believes some mages are ABSOLUTELY BATSHIT CRAZY, but gets along wonderfully with others, especially Verbena and Dreamspakers. He has the ability to consume and destroy Paradox in emergencies, and can assume very unassuming forms to pretend he's someone's pet, for those times a mage friend might need some heavy backup. Or maybe just if they have jerky treats to feed him ;)

Information - Sark is a sponge for information, some of which comes to him through the ancestral link he shares with every other dragon still alive on the planet and in the Realms. He's also been quite the information sponge around Prospect, and USUALLY retains the idea that, if you tell him something, its with the understanding he should not be sharing that information with others, especially if it's something specifically secret to what you are.

Healer and Protector - Sark is a TANK, but not much of a warrior, though some friends have given him some valuable instruction on hand to hand (claw to hand?) fighting. He has supernatural ability to shrug off physical as well as mystical damage, heals unnaturally fast, and possesses a lick that can even resolve Aggravated Wounds on himself or others, that he absolutely will use on someone else that can handle the idea that he can cure third degree burns by (eew) licking them.

Shapechanging - Sark has the ability to take on any form he can think up within the bounds of this reality plane, to the point he can duplicate someone else if he has long enough to study and work on it. Need a bit of comedy of awkwardness? Hit me up.

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SarkPortrait.jpg SarkHoard1.jpg SarkHuman1.jpg BabyBlueDragon.png

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