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Latest revision as of 18:50, 12 May 2021

Rank 1

Call of the Wyld

TBA: Galliard

This Gift augments the Galliard's natural task of communication through howls. The Galliard can howl a cry that stirs and invigorates other werewolves, even those far beyond the normal range of hearing. This Gift is most commonly used at the beginning of revels or other events to charge up the sept, or to call for aid in times of peril. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Empathy; the number of successes determines how far away the Call can be heard and how stirring it is to those who hear it. This Gift can be used in concert with any of the standard Garou howls. The Storyteller determines the actual effects, but they should be linked to the type of howl made and the intent of the Garou. Some examples are: every two successes gives those at a revel an extra die to their dice pools; Wyrm agents are distracted by the call and their difficulties rise temporarily; all Garou in the area do not hesitate to respond to the Garou's Call for Succor.

Source: Core (Revised)

Climb Like An Ape

TBA: Homid

Garou with this Gift find that moving vertically is just as easy as moving horizontally; whether they are walking along a sidewalk, climbing stairs, or scaling the side of a building, their pace doesn’t change in the slightest, nor do they tire out more rapidly. This Gift doesn’t make it any easier or less dangerous to climb in precarious circumstance — a ten-story fall is still a ten-story fall, and a sheer surface remains sheer — but the Gift does make sure that the character can climb as quickly as he walks.

System: The player spends a point of Rage. For the next scene the Garou’s movement rate is unchanged whether he is climbing or walking; he moves at Dexterity +5 meters per turn, period. This Gift does not decrease the difficulty for Athletics rolls used to climb, but it does allow the Garou to run, or make an Athletics roll to improve his speed, just as he could while moving across an empty plain. This Gift is taught by a monkey-spirit.

Source: Book of the City

Master of Fire

TBA: Homid

Once humans tamed fire to keep them warm and to drive off the wild beasts, they were humanity’s ancient pact with the spirits of fire. The spirits of flame agree to hold back their hunger when the werewolf touches them. An ancestor spirit or a fire-spirit grants this Gift.

System: This Gift allows a werewolf to heal fire damage as if it were bashing. This requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point; the effects last for a scene.

Source: Core (Revised)


TBA: Homid

This Gift allows a garou to become more persuasive when dealing with others, in such a way that his statements and arguments are imbued with added meaning or credibility. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge. If successful, the Storyteller reduces the difficulties of all Social rolls by one for the remainder of the scene. In addition, any successful Social rolls may have significantly more impact than they would without the Gift. A werewolf could win arguments with hard line opponents, or cause a cold-hearted psychopath to relent (at least for a little while).

Source: Core (Revised)

Resist Pain

TBA: Out (Philodox/Child of Gaia/Get of Fenris/Wendigo)

Through force of will, the Garou is able to ignore the pain of his wounds and continue acting normally. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point; the character may ignore all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.

Source: Core (Revised)

Resist Toxin

TBA: Bone Gnawer

Many Bone Gnawers learn a preternatural resistance to poisons and toxins of all kinds, doubtless due to their diet of refuse and American beer. A trash-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Survival. Success nullifies the effects of most conventional poisons, and adds three dice to the Garou's Stamina for purposes of resisting Wyrm-enhanced poisons. The effects last for the scene.

Source: Core (Revised)

Scent of Sweet Honey

TBA: Bone Gnawer

The Garou attracts minor Air-spirits to the chosen target, causing them to exude a wonderfully sweet aroma and become slightly sticky to touch. Naturally, all manner of vermin will shortly make their appearance, and the target will swiftly become coated with and surrounded by swarms of gnats, flies, bees, etc. The swarm will cause impaired vision for the target, annoying stings and bites, maddening buzzing noises, total inability to function socially, and other inconveniences. The exact game affect of the swarm is up to the Storyteller. This Gift is taught by certain Plant spirits, but Insect spirits can also teach it.

System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). The effects last for one hour per success, and the smell will not wash off during this time.

Source: Core (2nd Ed)

Sense Wyrm

TBA: Out (Metis/Theurge/Black Fury/Silent Strider/Silver Fang/Stargazer/Uktena)

The werewolf can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although werewolves using the Gift sometimes say things like, “This place stinks of the Wyrm” (with a few more colorful adjectives). Garou should remember that the Wyrm’s taint can cling to relatively blameless souls. Werewolves may sense an innocent person who happens to work in a Wyrm-controlled factory or who has eated tainted food. This power requires active concentration. Any spirit of Gaia may teach this Gift.

System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm’s influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher.

Source: Core (Revised)

Smell of Man

TBA: Homid

Creatures of the wild have leanred well that where man goes, death follows. With this Gift the werewolf enhances the human scent around him greatly, causing wild animals to feel uneasy and nervous. However, the scent also causes domestic animals to recognize the werewolf as their master. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: All wild animals (not including supernatural creatures in animal form) lose one die from their dice pools when within 20 feet of the Garou (save when defending themselves or running away), and they are likely to flee. All domesticated animals recognize the werewolf as a friend and refuse to harm him. For example, an attack-trained dog ordered to take down the werewolf would run up to the character and wag its tail. If the domesticated animal is harmed, then it will revert to acting naturally. The Garou may use this Gift at will. She simply states when she is activating it or turning it off.

Source: Core (Revised)

Rank 2

Blissful Ignorance

TBA: Bone Gnawer

The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Garou’s player rolls Dexterity + Stealth (difficulty 7). Each success subtracts one success from the Perception + Alertness rolls of those looking for the character actively. If no one is doing so, then just one success indicates complete concealment.

Source: Core (Revised)


TBA: Galliard

The Garou can make annoying yips, yelps and howls to divert the attention of his target. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Wits + Performance (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Each success subtracts one die from the target's dice pool next turn.

Source: Core (Revised)


TBA: Homid

Humanity excels at making tiny differences into massive gulfs. This can be seen in racism, sexism, and homophobia. This Gift rises up such hatred and suspicion. It is taught by a dog-spirit.

System: By spending one Gnosis point, and rolling Manipulation + Brawl, difficulty 7, the Garou can exacerbate divisions between individuals or groups. Note that the Gift cannot actually create anger and divisions; they must already exist to be exploited. If used on the theoretical “perfect family”, the Gift would fail. Among humans, the Gift simply prevents any resolution of issues and difficulties, possibly breaking into violence. One success might cause targets to raise voices at one another, three would spell lawsuits, and five might bring them to blows.

Amongst Garou and other shapeshifters with Rage, however, the Gift is even more powerful. Every success on the initial roll adds one success on all Rage rolls the targets make throughout the scene. With such manipulation, it is doubtful that any peace can be made, and highly probable new troubles will emerge.

Source: Player's Guide (Revised)


TBA: Galliard

The Galliard can enter another’s dream and thereby affect the course of that dream. The werewolf does not have to be anywhere near the target, but she must know or have seen the dreamer. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty 8). If the dreamer awakens while the Galliard is still within the dream, the werewolf is thrown out of the dream world, and he loses a Gnosis point.

Source: Core (Revised)


TBA: Galliard

Bone Gnawer Hillfolk invented this Gift, and they’ve been teaching it to Galliards everywhere. A good old-fashioned hootenanny involves music plaed really fast and incredibly well – “Dueling Banjos” is currently the most common song used with it.

While a Garou enacts this performance, every werewolf in his pack finds it easier to run, fight, jump, or perform any other rapid, strenuous physical activity. Unfortunately, everyone who hears the performance feels like dancing-they might stomp their feet, clap to the music, and even dance around if the music’s good enough. This gives the pack a decided edge in combat. With this Gift, a pack of Hillfolk and a Galliard with a banjo can tear up a whole room full of fomori and Black Spirals with one hell of a square dance. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit, usually one that looks and acts like a Galliard. Some Galliards claim this Gift is taught by the ghost of Elvis, but no one believes them.

System: When the hootenanny starts, the Garou using it spends a Gnosis, rolls Manipulation + Performance, and plays fast-paced, raucous music on a musical instrument. If the character scores three successes on the first turn, the Gift is activated; if he doesn’t he can continue to attempt the roll each turn until he does. For the duration of one scene, as long as he continues to perform, each Garou in his pack can add three extra dice to any Dexterity + Brawl or Athletics dice pool. A packmate can add these dice to only one action each round, or he may divide them among multiple actions, but he cannot use more than three bonus dice from this Gift in a turn.

Any enemies listening should make willpower rolls when this power is activated. If an opponent hearing the music can’t score at least three successes on this roll, raise the difficulty of all his Dexterity + Brawl or Athletics dice pools by 2. (Melee and Firearm dice pools are not affected by this Gift.)

Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised)

I Got A Rock

TBA: Bone Gnawer

Instead of throwing a weapon to cause greater injury, the werewolf throws projectiles with greater accuracy. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.

System: Large or unwieldy objects are usually more difficulty to throw than aerodynamic ones; this is reflected by a greater difficulty on the Dexterity + Athletics roll to chuck it. In the turn this Gift is used, the Garou burns one Gnosis. The difficulty to throw an object is then 4, no matter how awkward it is to throw. If the Garou can lift it, he can throw it. The Storyteller may still increase the difficulty because of range or other modifiers, but with this Gift, a motorcycle becomes as aerodynamic as a baseball. Note that a werewolf can’t use Stone-Throwing Devil and I’ve Got a Rock in the same turn (one requires Rage and the other requires Gnosis). Also note that throwing a motorcycle like you’d throw a curve ball or knuckleball shreds the Veil.

Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised)

Jam Technology

TBA: Homid

The werewolf can cause technological devices to cease functioning, albeit temporarily. Even the simplest of shaped objects will refuse to perform its function. A Gremlin — a type of Wyld-spirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches this Gift

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts. The werewolf may choose the level of complexity she inteds to “jam.” All technological devices (i.e., any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal or plastic) of that compledity within 50 feet cease functioning for one turn per success. The devices remain unchanged but inert. Knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t turn and so on. The difficulty of the roll is based on the following chart:

Device Difficulty
Computer 4
Phone 6
Automobile 8
Gun 9
Knife 10

Source: Core (Revised)


TBA: Galliard

The Garou can alter her voice such that she can imitate any sound or voice she has heard, including sirens, gunshots, musical instruments or even specific quotations. The Gift does not allow the creation of new sounds, but new combinations can have interesting effects. Magpie-spirits know this Gift, but learning it from them can be an embarrassing and frustrating process.

System: Once the Garou learns this Gift, she can reproduce anything she hears. When simulating another person’s voice (or animal speech) she can only iterate what she has heard and cannot improvise new speech. Clever Garou create new combinations to form new sentences, but they often sound choppy. The player must roll Charisma + Performance (difficulty 6) if the intended audience suspects a ruse or knows the original voice very well (a relative, long-time friend or packmate, for instance).

Source: Player’s Guide (2nd Ed)


TBA: Galliard

This Gift makes the victim’s mind wander down memory lane. While it may occasionally dredge up useful remembrances, it mainly serves to makes someone less observant or less focused on the task at hand. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: Roll Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the victim’s Willpower). For every success, the difficulty of the victim’s rolls related to Mental Attributes increases by one, to a maximum of 9 (representing stronger, more vivid memories). The effect lasts one minute per success or until the target’s attention is diverted. (For example, a guard under five minutes’ worth of Reverie probably won’t notice the Ragabash sneaking over the wall — but if he does, or if the Garou attacks him, the Gift’s effects end). The Garou can’t directly control what fills the victim’s mind, but may be able to influence the subject (“Yeah, Gorm, remember that party at the Standing Stone? And the dancing girl, wasn’t she something…”).

Source: Fianna Tribebook (Revised)

Road Ward

TBA: Bone Gnawer

You’ve been tossed out of just about everywhere. Now the spirits help you survive falls that would cripple just about anyone else. Leaping out of a car on the freeway is a minor inconvenience. Getting pushed off a building is a bitch. Either way, this Gift can still reduce the damage from the fall. As a side effect, for one scene after you activate the Road Ward, you’ll always land on your feet. Wanderlust-spirits teach this Gift.

System: Any use of this Gift requires one Willpower point and a Stamina + Survival roll (difficulty 6); you can immediately activate this Gift before you hit the ground. Falling out of a car moving up to 75 mph requires one success; every additional 25 mph requires an additional success. If you succeed, you take no damage and roll to a stop. Falling off a building reduces the damage by one story for each success. As a side effect, Road Ward cancels the Ahroun Gift: Falling Touch, as well as any trip attempt or leg sweep; it can be activated in response to any of those attacks.

Source: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised)

Rooftop Sprint

TBA: Homid

On occasion, a city Garou may find himself in a chase across the rooftops of his town. He may be pursuing a fleeing Wyrm-spirit or Black Spiral Dancer, or he might be running for his life from similar foes. Rooftop Sprint makes such a chase much more survivable — and even winnable — for the Garou who uses it. He becomes able to leap up and down several stories, and easily spring across open alleyways. The primary restriction on the character’s movement is that he cannot touch the ground, or the Gift’s effect ends at once.

System: The player must spend a point of Rage and roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6). For every success achieved, the character can jump up or down one story (3 meters) or 3 meters horizontally, without danger or difficulty. Athletics rolls can improve jumping distances, just as always; the effects of those Athletics rolls just add to the result given by this Gift. The Gift’s effects last for one scene, or until the character touches the ground at street level — if the Garou touches pavement, grass, or anything else commonly considered “ground” he is considered to have touched ground, but if he leaps from car roof to car roof he should be okay. Rooftop Sprint is taught by an alleycat-spirit.

Source: Book of the City


TBA: Homid

By staring into the eyes of a human or animal, a werewolf can cause the target to flee in terror. This Gift can be used against other werewolves, but the target will freeze in place rather than flee. A ram or snake-spirit teaches this gift.

System: The Garou using this Gift may focus on only one target per turn; the player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 5 + the victim’s Rank). The victim flees for one turn per success, although he may expend a Willpower point to resist the Gift’s effects for a turn. Should the character score five or more successes, the victim flees for the duration of the scene. Werewolves (and most powerful Wyrm-monsters) will not flee, but they cannot attack while the Gift’s user continues to stare them down. However, if they are attacked themselves, all bets are off.

Source: Core (Revised)

Trash Magnet

TBA: Bone Gnawer

Ordinary street garbage becomes the Bone Gnawer’s ally as it swirls about his opponent or engulfs his rival. All the trash nearby assails the target of this Gift, making life difficult. Older Bone Gnawers can completely immobilize smart-mouth, upstart Garou in heaps of trash and piles of garbage. Trash-spirits teach this Gift, although Rat-spirits teach a version that animates sewer flotsam.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Streetwise (difficulty 7) to determine the amount of trash involved. With one success, a minor distraction of newspapers and plastic bags causes a small increase in difficulties. With five successes, the target is buried in garbage and must dig his way to freedom. This Gift affects toxic waste as well. Note that this Gift does not create trash but instead draws upon the garbage in an area. An attempt to use this Gift in a sterile laboratory would fail.

Source: Player’s Guide (2nd Ed)