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== Intro ==
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<b><font size="4">EM ES DUB! EM ES DUB! EM ES DUB!&nbsp;EM ES DUB!&nbsp;EM ES DUB!<br></center>
</b><div align="left"><font color="0051ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Unstoppable! Things are picking up as we're officially on the road to WAR!<br>
<font color="bdbdbd"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> And WAR it's going to be. Things seem to be heating up between First Class and the Stevenson clan of rejects and WAR is going to be First Class standing tall!<br>
== Placeholder ==
<font color="0051ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>We'll have to see what starts to happen as we get a little bit closer, but from what I understand is that IC3 is going to have an announcement tonight regarding the MSW Championship. And speaking of championships, our PURE15 champion TJ Bryce has his committee in action as Well Connected takes on Logan Brock after their interactions at last Unstoppable and Logan Brock didn't take too kindly to that.<br>
<font color="bdbdbd"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>Logan did this all himself by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And he's going to find out why you don't cross the Class tonight!<br>
== Placeholder ==
<font color="0051ff"><b>Smith: "</b></font>Cross the Class" like Tevolo who got screwed over by First Class and Debauchee just to be suspended from the arena tonight? It's a power abuse, Bradford. It was a power abuse two weeks ago when Delsin Oswald helped TJ Bryce win the title and took Artemis Kaiser out with a concussion because of it with no penalties. It's getting to be out of hand. Like Drew Stevenson having to face Delsin Oswald tonight in the parking lot.. again.&nbsp;<br>
== Placeholder ==
<font color="bdbdbd"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Let it go, Smith! Stevenson did it to himself and the "Kaiser Killer" Delsin Oswald is going to take care of him tonight and be the Kaiser AND Stevenson killer.<br>
<font color="0051ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>Drew Stevenson needs to be on the lookout though for Wolf Parker who's seemed to have his number each and every single show and I'm sure he's scouting somewhere tonight. So the question is though, is Wolf working for First Class or is he not? We never see him associated but he seems to be after their biggest enemy. And knowing just how dangerous Wolf Parker is, I'm hoping Drew is prepared for him and Delsin Oswald tonight.&nbsp;<br>
<font color="bdbdbd"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> There's no way he can be and I'm excited to see him get what he deserves after that travesty last time. He's a trouble maker and deserves to stay out there! If IC3 is smart he won't even let Drew Stevenson GO to San Francisco for WAR. He'll just start a bigger riot to try and ruin the company. And he can take that reject Duke Andrews with him too.<br>
<font color="0051ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Well speaking of Duke Andrews, it appears as if he and Barrel will no longer be the main event tonight, either! In a last minute scheduling change, Chris Williams versus Chris Orton will now be the main event of the evening and you can be sure that with the way things went down two weeks ago, things with the Capital Crew and Chris Williams and First Class are far from done.<br>
<font color="bdbdbd"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>It's only far from done if First Class isn't done torturing their pour pathetic souls.&nbsp;<br>
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<font color="0051ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>You're sound like the Evil Shades now.<br>
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<b><font color="#bdbdbd">Bradford:</font></b> The shades come from a magical realm far far away, Smith, and they were so grateful at my appreciation for their talents that they took me to their shadow realm and it was glorious!<br>
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<font color="0051ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Do we have to pull a Ken Anderson and drug test you? Because if you test positive for under the influence it's your own damn fault.<br>
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<b><font color="#bdbdbd">Bradford:</font></b> Don't test the power of the Shades, Smith. Matt Ward felt it and he's never going to be the same and now he's got to face Frankie Cocheese. And now Peyton Kaiser is going to feel the wrath too. He said he wants to get at Delsin but that's if the Shades don't pull him in through their Shade Hole.<br>
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<b><font color="#0051ff">Smith: </font></b>There's so much going on tonight, Winterborn has a match against Debauchee AND who can forget the first official Bro-Off that's scheduled to be our first contest of the night?&nbsp;<br>
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<b><font color="#bdbdbd">Bradford:</font></b> Ic4 is totally bro, Smith. You're just not down with the bro. I tell you what, I'm looking forward to Silas Romero, HIPSTER HERCULES BABY!<br>
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<b><font color="#0051ff">Smith: </font></b>Well so much is happening, all kinds of athletes are colliding tonight as we're on our way with the Road to WAR on April 23rd in San Francisco, California, in the Golden Gate Arena! WELCOME! To Unstoppable! I've just received word that we've got some fan footage of an incident from earlier this afternoon, let's check it out!<br>
== Tracy Race fan footage ==
<div align="center"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Every Saturday, fans would hit the Folly Theater a little earlier than normal to try and get a sneak peek at their favorite MSW stars arriving. Sometimes, autographs and pictures were taken with lucky fans if the talent had arrived early enough. For what happened prior to Unstoppable 19 though… would be remembered by those in attendance, forever.</span>
<div align="center"><b>Audio and Video is Courtesy of Reggie McKenzie, fan footage shot with an Apple iPhone 6+</b></div><br>
<font color="1979e6"><b>“TRACY! TRACY!”</b></font><br>
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One of MSW’s more recent signees and one that has been on an absolute tear as of late had just gotten out of an older modeled Ford F150- Tracy Race had the night off from active competition but much like the rest of the roster, he’d be there in person to watch the show and support his roster mates. As he turned and gave off a wave to a few fans that called out to him—chaos had erupted. A man jumped the steel barricade set up and completely floored one of the security guards that was positioned to protect the talent with a right hand—before Race could turn from the fan’s shouts and pleads—the man grabbed Tracy by the back of the head, with all force he had he launched Race forward and put his head into the fender of the truck.<br>
<font color="1979e6"><br>
== Placeholder ==
The voice of the fan who shot the footage- a man named Reggie was panicking as they didn’t know what was going on. Race’s legs buckled beneath him after that shot as he was face down on the pavement. The man sat Tracy up security flooded from the door, but before they could reach the area in full sprint- the perp put Race’s head up against the truck’s front tire- - took a few steps back and sprinted forward again, putting the sole of his foot across Tracy’s face giving a pretty sick whiplash motion.<br>
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<font color="1979e6">“SOMEONE CALL THE COPS!”</font><br>
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Security tried to reach the dude attacking Tracy but it was a fruitless venture as by the time they reached the action, the man—who had a zipped up black hoodie had disappeared as quick as he appeared, leaving them… wordless. From the shot of an unconscious Tracy Race, we cut within the arena to Alex Smith and Alex Bradford- Smith looked concerned and even Bradford seemed to be disturbed by what he had seen.<br>
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<font color="000eff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Ladies and gentlemen- we apologize if that offended anyone but felt it was absolutely necessary to not insult the fan’s intelligence. We work in an industry where sometimes that very fine line can be blurred, and what you saw.. was just that. We have no information on who attacked Tracy Race—security camera footage is being dissected as we speak… but we would like to wish Tracy a very speedy recovery. The extent of his injuries is not yet known, but we do know that early word out of his camp is that he will be OK—so Tracy take care of yourself and we will no doubt find who did that to you.<br>
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Usually down to chirp in and poke at Alex Smith, Bradford kept quiet—he didn’t have anything to say for possibly the first time of his life. As he watched on, he put his hands behind his head- disgusted with the fan footage as Smith sighed and buried his face in his right hand…<br>
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== First Class In-ring Segment ==
<div align="center" style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">“Money (instrumental)” by Pink Floyd as the half capacity crowd roared with a chorus of boos as that music only meant one thing; First Class was close by. Out from the back stepped Isaac Cornelius III, triumphantly as he walked down the aisle. To his right was Eugene B. Varano threatening to sue a rowdy fan in the crowd and to his left Ed Trampke who had a certain swagger to his step as he strutted next to the boss. Behind them were TJ Bryce with the PURE 15 Championship resting on his shoulder and Well Connected; T-Zone and The Lenny. Delsin Oswald entered out last who got an extra loud chorus of boos for what he did to Artemis Kaiser on the last Unstoppable as he wore a confident grin.</span><br>
</div><font color="ff0000"><b><br>
Delsin Oswald:</b></font> FIRST CLASS BABY! <br>
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<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! </b></font><br>
The crowd let him have it as he shouted to the crowd as paraded down the ramp. Notably absent from the entourage were MSW Heavyweight Champion Tommy Angel, Izzy Cornelius, IC4 and The Skylarks, the latter three presumably preparing for the Bro-Off.<br>
Gavin Grey:</b> Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome at this time The Owner of Missouri State Wrestling Isaac Cornelius the Third and First Class!<br>
IC3 grabs a mic upon entering the ring after he ordered Gavin Grey to hold the ropes open for First Class to step through. As First Class stood triumphantly in the ring together IC3 taps the mic several times, causing it to echo and screech which made some members in the crowd groan and cringe.<br>
<font color="f8c536"><b><br>
IC3:</b></font> I can do this all night you Neanderthals. If you want to try to talk over me I'll just turn the volume up and speak over you little children.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!</b></font><br>
</div><font color="f8c536"><b><br>
IC3:</b></font> Sometimes I wonder why I even keep this promotion in the Not-So-Great state of Misery. I bought and revived a dead franchise after Danny Stevenson selfishly stat on a gold mind and let it slowly rot and decay out of neglect and you people can't even show an ounce of class or even utter a “Thank you Mr. Cornelius”. No, you pound your chests and scream like a bunch of apes, failing to realize that I'm singlehandedly propping up what would otherwise be a stale local economy by providing you ingrates with a little bit of entertainment. Are your lives really that miserable that you have to shower undue hate just because someone is more successful than you? I'm sorry that I don't spend my nights sitting infront of the TV with a frozen dinner that's probably going to give me cancer in 15 years and I'm sorry that you people couldn't even take a government FAFSA handout to try to make a better life for yourselves. You people find a way to leach off the system and somehow find a way to even screw that up!<br>
But try as you may, you're not going to ruin my night and as much as you protest or decide to hold an illegal assembly in the parking lot with a few “undesirables” you can't erase what has already been done. I knew that I made the right choice when I choose TJ Bryce to go against your beloved Artemis Kaiser and even if she won in a pure fluke the first time; First Class never took the fall and when it became a one-on-one affair there was no doubt in who would take home the gold.<br>
Almost as if on cue TJ Bryce raises the PURE 15 Championship high into the air as a chorus of boos met him.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! T-J SUCKS! </b></font><br>
<font color="f8c536"><b>IC3: </b></font>Sound crew, you know what to do.<br>
Tapping the microphone a few times, the crowd was completely drowned out by how obnoxiously loud the sound level was. The crowd tried in vein to overcome the volume as he tapped it several times but if they couldn't do it with a packed house the crowd had no chance of overtaking him now. With a cocky grin IC3 raises the mic back to his lips.<br>
<font color="f8c536"><b><br>
IC3:</b></font> AS I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the classless MISERIANS of Kansas City... there was never any doubt in my mind that TJ Bryce would be the man to be the standard bearer of what it meant to be... PURE. After all she didn't really earn that championship, she'll tell you she did but we all know better. The only reason why she won the belt in the first place was because Danny Stevenson felt bad for her and wanted to leave his mark on the promotion before the sale was finalized. It was a handout, pure and simple and I knew that I had to right a wrong. TJ Bryce; you've made me proud and more importantly you justified my decision to bring you into First Class. Ladies and Gentlemen THIS is what a PURE athlete looks like.<br>
IC3 motions to TJ Bryce with his arm stretched outward and slightly back with his palm open as a faint boo could be heard under the mic.<br>
<font color="f8c536"><b>IC3: </b></font>And speaking about PURE, how could I forget the MVP of Unstoppable 18, the “Kaiser Killer” Delsin Oswald? Many months ago while I was scouting the independents while dealing with a legal battle over in California I knew that I had to start looking towards the future of this business and you have yet to disappoint me. I mean you took the self-proclaimed “God of Anger” and you threw her right off our Mount Olympus and exposed her as the mortal she is! If she really was a “God” she would've realized and respected that there's only one God in wrestling and you're looking right at him. You see true Gods have unlimited power; they have the courage to carry out great feats that a mere mortal, Eye-E all of you, could never imagine in a thousand years. A true God carries out edicts on a divine birthright and even Caesar himself had to pay tribute to the Almighty. If you were a God Artemis you would have been able to make everything you proclaim come to pass as if it were a prophecy and you would have made the right choice, you would've gotten on your knees and you would have begged me to allow you into First Class. But you didn't, you wouldn't. You let your pride blind you to reality and as thus? Well you're unable to compete in MSW until further notice, you had to be stupid and get a concussion as a result of your act of rebellion. You have nobody to blame but yourself and if your baby brother Peyton decides to get a little froggy I'll have the Kaiser Killer put him out of commission too.<br>
<font color="f8c536"><b>IC3:</b></font> No, they're not. There's only one Dynasty in MSW and you're looking at them right now in this very ring. Speaking of Dynasties, I have big plans for MSW. For years it has been known as the premiere wrestling destination in Missouri but I sat back and I asked myself the question, 'why stop here'? You see I'm not satisfied with just being a region power, I mean after all what fun is it if you play every single move safe and never take any risks? In the business world one has to take a serious of calculated risks to get ahead. You need to understand your markets, your demographics and you need to weight supply vs demand. Sure, I <i>could</i> specialize and stay right here and hope to establish a nice base of support but then I'd ignore the large, mainstream markets. Markets like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas. The list goes on and on; what you think Stan Kronke bolted for LA on a mere whim? He went there because he would gain access to one of the biggest television markets in the nation! Phase One of my vision began with the purchase of MSW and the subsequant crowning of two champions that I trust to carry this promotion to the promised land; Phase Two begins with War. On April 23rd I will be taking MY wrestling promotion back to my home, where the name Cornelius is personified with success, to the Golden Gate Arena in San Francisco! A bigger arena, a bigger audience, 100% more class than this Miserian mudhole. You see, I know you people are ready for the excitement that'll be on a card stacked from top to bottom so I decided to take the initiative to test the markets for what I hope becomes a National Expansion.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!</b></font><br>
<font color="f8c536"><b>IC3:</b></font> And this is exactly why I'm taking WAR to the Golden Gate Arena. You people don't understand how good you have it when we run shows here twice a month so maybe after I take my company to California for the month you'll show just a little bit of humility and class. Maybe you'll come crawling back to me on your knees and beg that I don't cut you off permanently form your miserable Miserian routine.<br>
And at WAR we need a Main Event worthy of selling out my arena. Now as many of you may be aware, Thomas isn't here tonight. You see I decided to give him the night off, I sent him and Izzy off to the Bahamas for a little bit of well deserved R&amp;R after the last Unstoppable. I figured after the heroic, valiant effort he gave to fend off Duke Andrews and that assorted band of miscreants he deserved a little bit of personal time off to just really relax and recharge his batteries. Despite the best efforts of a select group of people I will not have my Champion hobble into the main event of WAR at anything less than 100% So while he's enjoying his well deserved time off I will be scouting the roster to see who happens to be the most deserving out of a wide field of undeserving pretenders to have the privilege of sharing the ring with him in the MSW Heavyweight Championship match. As the owner of this company I have to be a fair man and I have to give out opportunities as they're earned so tonight and over the next few weeks I'll be watching all these hicks scramble and scratch and claw for that brass ring and to everyone in the back, IF you're lucky you'll earn the opportunity of a lifetime if you manage to impress me.<br>
As “Over and Under” by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system as Chris Williams steps out much to the chagrin of First Class with a mic in hand as he begins to walk down the ramp.<br>
<b><font color="00ffff"><br>
Chris Williams:</font></b> If you looking for a man to go against Tommy Angel; look no further. Now I may not have been back in Missouri long but my history here speaks volumes. During my first stint I ran roughshod over the roster; I became the first ever PURE 15 Champion, back when it used to be a championship trophy. Last Unstoppable I came back and I picked up exactly where I left off, you know it, I know it, and your little posse definitely knows it first hand when I sent you guys running with your tails tucked between your legs. I think the choice is pretty simple when it comes down to it. You need a challenger and I need a match. Put your money where your mouth is IC3 and make it happen!<br>
Just as IC3 was about to respond “Shook Ones Pt1” by Mobb Deep manages to cut them both off. Barrel and Frankie Cocheese emerge on the stage. Cocheese pulls his black bandana down as he raises the mic to his lips.<br>
<font color="29ff00"><b><br>
Frankie Cocheese:</b></font> Since we're talking about who deserves what around here; I think you're forgetting one very important piece of the puzzle. You want to talk about dominance? Look at my body of work. Whether it was MSW, RWD, or MLLS I've done nothing but left a wake of defeated challengers behind me. Fact of the matter is that I've never lost in MSW or it's spinoff the RWD; I've been unpinned, unsubmitted and yet where's my shot Isaac? You should know better than anyone here considering when I went down to Golden Gate Wrestling for a cup of coffee and won the one night Dusty Rhodes Memorial Cup tournament. You top that off with the fact that I ran off your boys that punk ass Chris Williams is trying to take credit for before; it's an open and shut case. Yeah Chris, I saw those knees of yours tremble when I dared you to do something and as soon as Barrel took Duke Andrews out you decided to play the punk and step on back. You killed your own case right then and there. So what's it going to be Isaac; you going to give me what's mine or do we need to keep making examples out of your stooges until we get it?<br>
IC3 had heard enough as he raised his mic back up as he pointed to Williams on the ramp and Capital Crew on the stage.<br>
<font color="f8c536"><b>IC3:</b></font> If you two want a shot you're going to have to earn it like everybody else. It's a privilege to be in the same ring as class and it's not one that I'm going to hand out like a community organizer handing out pocket bibles at the Salvation Army soup truck. That being said I'm well aware of the body of work the two of you both possess and the only thing I'll promise either of you is that I'll “take it under consideration” when determining a contender. Right now however I would advise all three of you to worry about your matches coming up later in the night and as always Win With Class gentlemen. <br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>Is this thing back on? Finally!<br>
<font color="aaaaaa"><b>Bradford:</b></font> IC3 was interrupted enough tonight, the last thing he needed was hearing you talk over him on the broadcast! The gantlet has been thrown down, WAR is coming to the Golden Gate Arena, and First Class will be in action later tonight! We already have a lot to look forward to and things are only just getting started!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> I only hope that both of these men are given a fair shot and that the best man is given the chance to face Tommy Angel for the MSW Championship. First Class needs to be stopped one way or another.<br>
<font color="aaaaaa"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>Well keep on wishing Smith because you're dreaming of a fairy tale that'll never come to pass! The Cornelius Era is only just beginning; learn to love it.<br>
== Bro Off Part I: Arm Wrestling==
<div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The cameras are now in the back where an Arm Wrestling table is set up and Jay B is standing with IC4.<br>
<b><font color="#bbbbbb">Gavin Grey:</font></b> Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the first official Missouri State Wrestling BRO OFF! This contest will be in four rounds, it is best three out of four between Jay B and Isaac Cornelius the Fourth. The first round is an arm wrestling contest!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00d8cf">Jay B:</font></b> Ooooh Bro, you ready for this?!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00538a">IC4:</font></b> I was born ready to bro, Jay Bro.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00d8cf">Jay B:</font></b> Well bro, lets get it broing, bro!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00538a">IC4:</font></b> Bro, did you just say broing?&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#00d8cf"><b>Jay B:</b> </font>Totally, Bro.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00538a">IC4:</font></b> Okay, Bro, that was pretty bro.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00d8cf">Jay B: </font></b>Bro. &nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00538a">IC4: </font></b>Bro.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00d8cf">Jay B:</font></b> LET’S GET TO IT BRO!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#bbbbbb">Gavin: </font></b>Gentlemen… bro’s. Take your seats.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">They sit down, using their right arms. They grab hands and at the count of three they struggle to push each other down. IC4’s arm starts going down, it’s getting closer and closer and closer to the padding then he laughs.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00538a">IC4:</font></b> OH NO BRO! I DON’T THINK SO!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">His physical power starts to bring Jay B’s arm back up and gets closer and closer to his pad but Jay B fights it back to.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#00538a"><b>IC4:</b> </font>BRO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I’M SUPPOSED TO WIN THIS BRO!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00d8cf">Jay B: </font></b>Don’t think so, Bro!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B brings it back to the middle and then the Skylarks come out from the crowd <font color="#538a00">“LETS GO BRO! LET’S GO BRO!”&nbsp;<br></font></span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B is laughing, and then in the corner of his eye he sees somebody in pink waiving. He turns his head thinking it’s a hottie but it’s ACTUALLY Bullshark #6, the female Bullshark who seems to be gawking at Jay B and nervously waving at him. Jay B is totally confused.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00d8cf">Jay B:</font></b> Bro… I’m totally confused. Is that a shark lady!?&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#00538a">IC4:</font></b> HAHA YES! BRO ARM WRESTLING IS MINE!!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">And with Jay B’s attention caught off guard, IC4 slams Jay B’s arm down and the Skylarks ring their own bell.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#bbbbbb">Gavin: </font></b>Well.. uh.. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of round one of the bro off arm wrestling is Isaac Cornelius the Fourth!&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
== Silas Romero vs Legacy Banks ==
With the lights dimming down in the arena, various gold spot lights started going over the crowd. With that, an ominous guitar riff began to play over the PA system. The eeriness of the guitar tone, mixed with the lights drums finally gave way to a post-hardcore, trash sound. With the emotional screams of "Death's Great Black Wing Scrapes the Air" in full force, the "Hipster Hercules" emerged onto the the stage, with one spotlight shining, but just barely, onto him. Silas stared out into the crowd, while some of them were cheering him on, but most were jeering him. Soon as the first breakdown kicked in on the song, Silas slowly elevated his right arm up to chest level; bending it at the elbow so that his forearm running parallel with said chest. The letter's "GKFO" written across his black forearm sleeve in a crisp, clean gold font. A smirk rolled across his lips, before lowering his arm back down even slower than before. Silas strolled down the entrance way, keeping as much distance from the fans on either side as humanly possible.<br>
Gavin Grey:</b> The following match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing 242lbs, Knockout Supreme... Silas Romero!<br>
Once he got to ringside, he went directly for the steel steps that led up to the apron of the ring. Silas leaned up against the steel ring post for a moment; again letting his smug smirk roll across his lips, just before stepping slowly between the second and top rope. He walked across the ring, straight for the hard camera side of the ropes. He leaned forward, letting the top rope support his weight, while sticking his right arm out in front of himself. Again, it was level with his chest; making sure the letters on his arm were once again readable. As music reached the final thrashy breakdown kicked in, Silas pushed himself away from the ropes and proceeded to make his way to the opposite turnbuckle and leaned against it. He stroked his well-trimmed beard, before warming up before the match-up.<br>
<b>Gavin Grey:</b> And his opponent, already in the ring, Legacy Banks IV!<br>
<font color="0014ff"><br>
<b>Smith:</b></font> Silas Romero was victorious last week against Loose Cannon while Legacy Banks was, well he didn't have the best night.<br>
<font color="8b8b8b"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> I still swear his parents hated him as a child. Who names their kid Legacy anyway? The only Legacy he earned was being Mr. February's first victory in MSW! He'll be forever remembered as a footnote!<br>
<font color="0014ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Well he has a chance to reverse his fortunes here tonight and a win over Hipster Hercules but he definitely has his work cut out for him.<br>
<font color="8b8b8b"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> But you know Nikki Venom has to be watching this match out there somewhere.<br>
<font color="0014ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>Absolutely. He made his intentions known on the last Unstoppable and while he may have his sights set on First Class down the road, right now his attention is squarely on Silas Romero.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="3"><b>Ding Ding</b></font><br>
Banks rushes towards Romero as he flails as he tries to punch and hit him repeatedly, backing him up into a corner. Mike Maddix calls for a clean break as Banks nods and backs up before hitting him with a knife edge chop, followed by another and another. Banks backs off and parades around in a circle with his arms stretched out before running back towards Romero only to get caught in the face with an elbow. Romero quickly follows up with a running european uppercut to send Banks reeling backwards before capturing him in a nasty cradle suplex.<br> 
<font color="0014ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>Cradle Suplex by Romero, what a fluid transition after connecting with a running european uppercut!<br>
<font color="8b8b8b"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Banks tried to get the jump but just like when he tried that same stunt on Frank Debauchee he came up mostly empty handed. He actually got some offense in this time but not nearly enough. Go figure, you manage to hit a few lucky shots and then you blow what advantage you had by showboating!<br>
<font color="0014ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> For once I actually agree. The celebration was definitely a bit premature and Silas Romero will make you pay for that every single time. Romero has deadly accuracy and can score a knock out from just about any position.<br>
<font color="8b8b8b"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>Well Knockout Supreme isn't just a fancy moniker!<br>
Banks quickly crawls for the ropes trying to get away from Romero and ducks under it to make the referee back Romero off. Romero throws his arms up as he backs off as Banks slithers away from the rope. Banks quickly runs and rebounds off the rope trying to catch Romero off guard as the referee quickly moved out of the way. Romero however had his opponent scouted as he quickly ducked out of the way and followed of with a lightning fast GKFO (Rolling Elbow)  as Banks turned around before suddenly crumpling to the mat from the impact.<br>
<font color="0014ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> And just like that it's over. GKFO!<br>
<font color="8b8b8b"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Well Legacy Banks might as well be bankrupt after that maneuver. Stick a fork in him, he's done.<br>
<font color="0014ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>Well if Silas Romero was looking to send a statement tonight, consider that mission accomplished. Nobody gets up after a GKFO.<br>
Romero quickly dropped down for the cover as the referee counted the pin; 1, 2, 3.<br>
Winner:</b> Silas Romero<br>
== A Kaiser's Wrath ==
<font color="cc00ff"><b>Barbara Braman:</b></font> Ladies and Gentlemen I am joined at this time by the Kaiser Dynasty, Peyton and Artemis Kaiser. Now as you all may know last week Artemis Kaiser defended her PURE 15 Championship against TJ Bryce of First Class and like the fighting champions she was she agreed to fight him in this rematch. Just when it looked like the Champ For Life would retain yet again Well Connected and Delsin Oswald got involved and what many believe robbed Artemis of her championship that she never should have lost. Later in the night Peyton, you engaged in part of that all out brawl to close the show as you went toe to toe against the very man responsible for for these turns of events. What are your thoughts, what could possibly be going through your minds at this exact moment?<br>
Artemis gets ready to speak by Peyton raises his hand as he snatches the mic right out of Barbara's hands, with a nod to Artemis.<br>
<font color="ff0000"><b>Peyton Kaiser: </b></font>I got this. I got to say right now I'm not exactly in the best of moods; neither of us are. IC3 couldn't stand the fact that the a Kaiser was the first to become a Triple Crown Champion and the fact that he couldn't put his own stamp on things like he's trying to do with the rest of this promotion. Because he couldn't control either of us he wanted to instead instill a little puppet for a champion to do his dirty work; and if that sounds familiar it is. Since my sister currently won't be cleared by MSW officials due to what they say is a concussion it's up to me to deal with that piece of shit Oswald and make him pay for his actions. The Kaisers are a Dynasty not because we can talk it and prop it up like some grand, illustrious, illusional Kingdom, we proclaim ourselves a Dynasty because it's in our blood. The Kaisers are meant to rule and like it or not, not even Bryce Manning could pose and stake claim or even hold a candle to what we've done collectively in this promotion. Everywhere we go we bring the promotion to its knees and establish our dominance, we're mighty conquerors and plague that cannot be cured. Better men and women have tried and failed to kill our legacy; the simple fact of the matter is that you cannot kill a Kaiser and we're not going anywhere. So tonight I'm going to go out there and make an example out of those Shades just one more time and soon enough you'll suffer their same fate Oswald. The wrath of a Kaiser should be the last thing you invite into your home. So count your blessings while you can because I promise you; they'll be short lived.<br>
Barbara Braman looks over to Artemis who seems to be pleased by her brother's words as she nods in approval.<br>
<b><font color="750092">Aremis Kaiser:</font></b> I couldn't have said it any better myself.<br>
== Public Service Announcement ==
== Bro Off Part 2 ==
<div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The cameras cut backstage immediately following the match as IC4 and Jay B can be seen standing at attention with a handful of beautifully, scantiliy clad lucky local ladies on hand for what would be the next part of the Bro Off. Jerry and Jerome, the Skylarks were also there off to the side ready to cheer on their best friend.</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="a300ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font color="a300ff" style="font-size:10pt;"><b>Jay B:</b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;"> You ready for the next part bro?</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="00f5ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="00f5ff"><b>IC4:</b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;"> Oh you know I am bro. If you thought the arm wrestling was bad you don't even bro, bro.</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="a300ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font color="a300ff" style="font-size:10pt;"><b>Jay B:</b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;"> Who goes first?</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="00f5ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="00f5ff"><b>IC4:</b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;"> I'll let you go, bro. Afterall these ladies need a bit of an apeti... aptitu... OWWWWWW BRAIN PAIN!</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B snickers and laughs as The Skylarks rush over to fan their fallen bro.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="a300ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="a300ff"><b>Jay B: </b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;">Weak, bro!</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="00ffa3"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="00ffa3"><b>Jerry Skylark:</b> </font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;">Weak? Look at those muscles, those abs!</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jerry pats IC4 several times who was oblivious to it all.</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="07af00"><div style="text-align:left;"><font color="07af00" style="font-size:10pt;"><b>Jerome Skylark: </b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;">Yeah, who you callin' weak, bro?&nbsp;</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B held up his hands about halfway up his chest.</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="a300ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="a300ff"><b>Jay B: </b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;">Chillax. Are we going to do this Bro Off or not?</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">IC4 shakes the cobwebs out of his head as he flashes a goofy grin as if he completely forgot the last minute and a half in their entirety.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="00f5ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="00f5ff"><b>IC4: </b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;">You go Jay Bro. The main course is waitin.</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B takes center stage as he begins to slowly start fist pumping in the air as the house music starts playing in the background. Jay B starts fist pumping to the beat as he slowly removes his shirt after teasing the ladies. As he goes to strike the classic body builder flex and pose he starts to fist pump all the way to the flex position as the ladies shout in approval. As he allows himself to move and flex to the beat he turns around and strikes another muscular pose as he continues fist pumping all the way to the beat as the ladies give him another roaring round of applause.. After another 30 seconds or so Jay B steps aside as IC4 struts onto the center stage. While IC4 may have scored only a 50 on his SATs he definitely would have earned an A in gym as he slowly lifts up his shirt, revealing his abs as he grins and teasingly tries to remove his shirt for the ladies, as he stops a few times as he illicit louder and louder screams from the ladies. After a little bit of warming up IC4 slips off his shirt, twirling it several times as he tosses it behind him as a lucky lady catches it. With a goofy strut to the beat that should have never left the 80s IC4 begins to flex his pecs much to the astonishment of the Ladies and the Skylarks.</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><b><div style="text-align:left;"><b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="00ffa3">Skylarks:</font> </b><font size="4">IC4! IC4! IC4! IC4!</font></div></b><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The Skylarks were leading the cheer squad ad IC4 dropped to his knees, his pecs still flexing as he struck a muscular poses as he flexed both his arms, tilting them up and down to the beat. Looking to add a little bit more flair to his showmanship IC4 gets up and strikes an Egyptian pose, doing so all the while flexing as the ladies erupted with roaring approval.&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B: Ok, ok. Gotta give you some props for that bro. You got the pecs, and the flex down to a science but it takes a lot more than being a gym rat to become Top Bro. But let me ask all the ladies a question. Who do you think struck a better pose? Do you think IC4 won this round? Is he the King of the Bro Pose?</span></div><font size="4"><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div></font><div align="center" style="text-align:left;"><b><font size="4">YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!</font></b><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="a300ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="a300ff"><b>Jay B:</b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;"> More like King of the Posers! Am I right? Or do you Hos think your bro Jay B got this one nailed and locked down tight?</span></div></font><b><div style="text-align:left;"><font size="4"><br>
</font></div></b><div align="center" style="text-align:left;"><b><font size="4">YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!</font></b><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The crowd of ladies were about evenly split 50/50. Most of them were probably just happy to be there, especially with the free alcohol and party favors that came as part of the package.</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><font color="a300ff"><div style="text-align:left;"><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="a300ff"><b>Jay B:</b></font><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;"> Well don't touch that dial Bros and Hos because this Bro Off is just getting started!</span></div></font><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Jay B and IC4 take turns striking poses at the center stage in what genuinely came across as a friendly competition, trash talk included as MSW goes to commercial break with Cocheese versus Ward up next.&nbsp;</span></div></div><br>
== Frankie Cocheese w/Barrel vs Matt Ward ==
The bell rang and instantly Cocheese was on top of Ward, giving him no room to breathe. Matt is backed into the corner, and Cocheese is just laying into him, punches and stomps over and over again until it appeared as if Ward had enough. He managed to catch one of Cocheese’s feet and stood up staring at Cocheese in the eye. Ward pulls him in with a Lariat that knocks Cochesse down and Ward goes for a cover but Cocheese is close enough to the ropes for a break.<br>
<b><font color="#0068df">Smith:</font></b> I tell you what, Bradford, Matt Ward has not been having a very good string of luck the past couple of shows and he told Cocheese from the beginning that this was going to be a different Matt Ward and he is definitely showing it here. Not backing down from one half of the Capital Crew one bit.<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c">Bradford:</font></b> I’d like to say that it’s Ward signing his death warrant. Have you ever watched Cocheese in action… or paid attention to him in action? He may not always be dominant but he’s resilient. So just you wait, Smith, Cocheese has a surprise up his sleeve and with Barrel there? DOOOOOOM!<br>
<b><font color="#0068df">Smith: </font></b>Well it looks like Cocheese got rocked a little there but he’s still in it enough to reach the ropes!<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c">Bradford:</font></b> Resilience, like I said! Cocheese is formulating a plan, he’s figuring this all out in his head as it’s going along, scouting Matt Ward’s every move. And once he’s got him scouted it’s all over.<br>
<b><font color="#0068df">Smith: </font></b>I wouldn’t ever count Matt Ward out. Just because he’s been in a rut for a bit doesn’t mean that he can’t bring it. You’re playing an extremely biased role in what is sure to continue being a very competitive match.<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c">Bradford:</font></b> Just truthful, not bias. Ward got in over his head when he told Frankie to stay away. The Cocheddah don’t know no bettah!<br>
<b><font color="#0068df">Smith: </font></b>Was that… english?<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c">Bradford:</font></b> In some form.<br>
Ward stayed on top of Cocheese, using some power techniques to give him a couple of tosses and slams. Enough that it would make Cocheese feel it. After one final scoop slam, Cocheese slides to the outside to recollect himself and Matt Ward takes a moment to see it and decides to try something out of the ordinary. Ward starts to climb to the top while Barrel and Cocheese aren’t paying any attention to him. All the while, Chris Williams of all people, shows up on stage. The crowd is getting hyped and based off of their noise and some of the crowd front row yelling at Cocheese to turn around, he and Barrel do and Ward comes tumbling off of the top to the outside.<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!</font></b></div><br>
The crowd is on fire, but Barrel pushes Cocheese out of the way and CATCHES the 245 pounder in mid-air and then rolls Ward back into the ring. On the stage, Williams looks impressed. Once Ward is in the ring and Barrel sees Williams he heads that direction, standing between Chris and the ring.<br>
<b><font color="#0068df">Smith:</font></b> Chris Williams is out here and just watching the match and Barrel doesn’t seem too impressed!<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c"><br>
Bradford:</font></b> But Williams does! And with good reason. Look at that beast of a man!<br>
<b><font color="#0068df">Smith:</font></b> I never seem to understand this. So.. you cheering for the Capital Crew… until they’re against First Class?<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c">Bradford: </font></b>EXACTLY! They’re great but nobody is as good as First Class. Top of the pyramid baby!<br>
Ward is taken off guard, the ref doesn’t make a DQ since no harm came. Frankie on the other hand was behind Ward, he not even realizing it. Frankie was warming up his arm, Ward focusing on Barrel and Chris Williams, confused until he turned around and TOE TAGGER!<br>
<b><font color="#9c9c9c">Bradford: </font></b>Ward is seeing stars with a Toe-Tagger! It’s like watching Artemis get clobbered with the belt all over again!<br>
That nasty hooked clothesline by Cocheese and Matt looks like he’s out like a light. Cocheese makes the cover and it’s over. All the wall, Cocheese looks up to lock eyes with Williams, who gives a slow clap and we cut to commerical.<br>
<b>Winner: Frankie Cocheese w/ Barrel </b><br>
== TJ Bryce and Well Connected backstage segment ==
<div style="text-align:left;" align="center"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The second trial of the first annual “Bro Off” is in the books, things took a turn for the… classy, as TJ Bryce and Well Connected stood backstage in a secure wing out of the request of TJ as he didn’t trust the rest of the roster- he felt as if they were out to get him and his PURE 15 Championship. TJ was dressed in a pair of slacks, dress shoes and a light blue colored button down with the sleeves rolled to his elbows.</span><br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce:</b></font> I know that I don’t have to tell you two what this would mean to me to see you take down that imbecile Logan Brock.<br>
<font color="00a3ff"><b>T-Zone:</b></font> Don’t worry Teej, we got this.<br>
<b><font color="7a00ff">The Lenny:</font></b> We’re gonna show him how these Country Club Boys get down!<br>
<font color="00a3ff"><b><br>
T-Zone: </b></font>We’re from Toronto, Logan Brock doesn’t scare us. You know what scares us? Starbucks running out of whole milk meaning we’ve gotta drink that knockoff 2% crap. What scares us is scuffing our Jordans—finding a rock chip on our Rolls Royce. Logan Brock—he don’t scare us.<br>
<font color="7a00ff"><b>The Lenny:</b></font> He’s a punk! We’re going to take his ass out! Nobody threatens Teej and gets off free man, he’s gotta be taught a lesson on respecting the champ!<br>
Truly honored by Lenny and Zone’s persistence to handle a pending problem in Logan Brock, TJ adjusted the PURE 15 Championship so now it was hanging over his left shoulder instead of the right.<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce: </b></font>You don’t know how much that means to me. Just knowing there’s a dirt-bag. Low class and classless bum like Logan Brock out there watching out every move creeps me out. Who’s to say he didn’t try to tap our phones? I wouldn’t put it past him. The guy is weird, creeper status and it’s imperative that you two teach him a lesson in chasing after Toronto’s Most Envied.<br>
<font color="00a3ff"><b>T-Zone: </b></font>Don’t sweat it, we’ve got this under control. This is no different than that time in Greenville when we had to teach those two overgrown apes The Weapons of Mass Destruction some respect!<br>
Lenny paused, stroked his chin and looked confused-<br>
<font color="7a00ff"><b>The Lenny: </b></font>Didn’t we get our asses kicked that time?<br>
T-Zone also slipped a pause in- his memory didn’t serve him right, but who cares? He had enough in his savings account from his parents to buy a whole new set of memories! Shrugging his shoulders, T-Zone was the cool one while The Lenny was the athlete- or well, better athlete anyway.<br>
<font color="00a3ff"><b>T-Zone:</b></font> Fair enough, but I bet we went down swinging! We don’t let anyone rag on us dude- not them, and definitely not Logan Brock. He’s got his attention on Teej and Teej’s new toy, we didn’t let Fat Donald take away Teej’s Megazord in the 5th Grade and we sure as hell not letting Brock take that title!<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce:</b></font> Exactly! Brock’s third grade insults don’t matter, it just shows how insecure he is. He wants to make fun of people, he needs to look in the mirror and notice that dorky ass haircut, We used to stick those kind of people in their locker and slap the milk off of their lunch plate! Who is he to question us?! I’m the BEST PURE 15 Champion Missouri State Wrestling has seen! They WORSHIP me, yet Logan Brock thinks he can make fun of us?!<br>
It wasn’t that Teej was mad, rather- he was worked up. Part of him wanted to go out there and have a hand in Well Connected taking down Logan Brock, but another part of him knew that Brock was perfectly capable of taking down Toronto’s Most Envied so he needed to do the smart thing and watch from a distance.<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce: </b></font>Lenny, you remember senior year when we took on Brooksdale? Down by 6 and we had 33 seconds left on the clock. What did I tell you?<br>
<font color="7a00ff"><b>The Lenny: </b></font>Get me the ball back.<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce:</b></font> And what did you do?!<br>
<font color="7a00ff"><b>The Lenny: </b></font>I sacked Colin Sucarowski! Knocked the ball out—<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce:</b></font> And who recovered that fumble?!<br>
<font color="7a00ff"><b>The Lenny: </b></font>T-ZONE, BABY!<br>
Thomas Zane or.. T-Zone as he was commonly referred to nodded with a smirk across his face.<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce: </b></font>I went on to score a touchdown- that was the same year we dominated varsity basketball and lacrosse. As a team, we’re invincible and that’s why I have faith in you two. Lenny.. Get me the ball back. Tommy.. Recover that fumble and make sure you give it to me… You two have the key to beat Logan Brock-<br>
TJ slapped Lenny across the face as hard as he could as Lenny’s face went red as a BEET! Lenny’s body begun to tremble from the adrenaline rush as he stormed forward and grabbed at the wooden door- headbutting it as hard as he could. Stumbling backwards, before Teej or T-Zone could ask if he was OK, Lenny let off a roar and left the locker-room in a hurry as Teej looked at T-Zone.<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b><br>
TJ Bryce:&nbsp;</b></font>You know what you guys have to do.<br>
T-Zone stuck out his right fist as Teej gave him a ‘pound’ as T-Zone’s cool “Fonz Factor” took off, he didn’t need to be a intense beast like The Lenny- he just needed to go out there and do what they did best—pick on someone smaller than them, bully’em and make sure they do whatever is necessary to win. Leaving TJ Bryce alone in the locker-room, Teej grabbed hold of the PURE 15 Title and held it out in front of him- admiring the title, he smiled.<br>
<font color="70ff00"><b>TJ Bryce:</b></font> You’re going to be with me for a VERY long time, beautiful.<br>
With a snicker- the camera faded off.<br>
== Peyton Kaiser w/ Artemis Kaiser vs The Evil Shades ==
Lights go out in the arena. A single howl rings out among the audience. They go silent. The lights fluctuate softly between the dark hues of midnight blue and an off white. White mist radiates from an unknown area, basking the stage. A solitary light dimly shines. From the mist comes Peyton Kaiser. His head is turned to the ground, not daring to rise to the audience. He stands solemn on the stage, clenching his hands again and again, gaining a feel for reality. The soft theme, "Nightcall" by Kavinsky, sets the tone nicely. The boos from the crowd are calm as the song itself. The psychological effect the song bears made the audience obey it subconsciously. The Last Hero, as he calls himself, makes his descent down to the ring with Artemis Kaiser not far behind.<br>
Gavin Grey:</b> The following match is a handicap match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Canada weighing 223lbs he is The Last Hero, Peyton Kaiser!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Last week The Shades finally got their first victory in MSW in what was considered a colossal upset against Matt Ward while The Kaiser Dynasty hit a significant setback when Artemis was taken out by TJ Bryce, Well Connected, and Delsin Owsald in which a new PURE 15 Champion was crowned.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Well that's what you get for going up again First Class. Artemis could have joined and I'm sure IC3 would've welcomed her with open arms but instead she choose to fly solo.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> I don't recall her ever being offered a spot; not like she would've taken it anyway. Whether she's loved or hated Artemis Kaiser has always accomplished everything based on her own merit alone. She wouldn't have meshed with the ideology that IC3 is trying to impose in Missouri State Wrestling.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford: </b></font>It's a shame too. Now she has a concussion and thus far the medical team refuses to clear her for her own good. Once a bright star snuffed out because she made one wrong decision. And now Peyton Kaiser has to pay for the sins of his sister.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> It was disgusting if you ask me. She should still be the rightful champion right now and everyone knows it. TJ Bryce is as big of a paper champion as they come and the fact that Artemis can't even cash in on her rematch clause at the moment is downright criminal.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. On Unstoppable 16 the Shades nearly won the tag titles, on Unstoppable 17 they gave Kaiser all he could handle again and tonight? Well third time's the charm as they say. Each week the Shades have done nothing but build up momentum and with a victory in their pocket from last week the sky's the limit!<br>
His walk is slow and contained. The energy he once had even in his villainous days were gone. Now, he saunters on with an almost zombie-like walk. Once he reaches the end of the rampway, he takes off the hood of his jacket. A lost look washes over his face. Yet, his face remains slightly obscured, keeping his viewpoint distant from the audience and the at-home viewers. He slides eerily underneath the bottom rope, before stopping in the center of the ring. Artemis takes her place at ringside as Peyton remains there for a moment, and then cracks his neck. He begrudgingly gets to his feet before waiting for his match to begin.<br>
"Run of Show" hits the speakers. The arena lights start flashing in red and purple, as Red and Purple Shade skip their way to the entrance ramp. Both Shades have wide smiles on their faces. Red Shade raises his hand in the air with his index finger extended, while Purple Shade puts his thumb up and thrusts his arm in front of him. The two of them skip their way down the ramp and slide into the ring, both Shades getting onto different turnbuckles to do their signature taunts. Out of the air, Blue Shade descends down to the ring, his cape spread<br>
Gavin Grey:</b> And his opponents, making their way to the ring, accompanied by the Blue Shade weighing in at a combined weight of...<br>
Gavin Grey trails off, unable to read the rest of the index card.<br>
Gavin Grey:</b> … They are the Shades!<br>
<div align="center"><font size="3"><b>DING DING</b></font><br>
Before the Shades could decide who would start the match Peyton Kaiser bolts out from his corner and begins to assault both Purple and Red. Purple and Red try to fight back but Peyton quickly tosses  Purple to the side and whips Red against the ropes. Peyton tries to go for the Light's Out (360 roundhouse kick) off the rebound but Purple managed to stop him in his tracks as he hit him with a well timed chop block. Red hops over Peyton and quickly springboards off the ropes with a moonsault but only manages to get a one count. Purple quickly hits a low dropkick to follow up as Mike Maddix shouts at Purple to go back to his corner. Meanwhile Blue is outside the ring eating some peanuts as The Shades continue to ignore the referee's orders as they both lift Peyton up and slam him back to the mat with a double snap suplex. Finally Maddix has enough as he pries Purple off of Peyton much to Blue's ire. Red also manages to take his attention off of Peyton as even Blue gets in on the action as all three shades begin to argue with the referee.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> The Shades are up to their old tricks again.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Old tricks? Peyton Kaiser attacked first! The Shades didn't even get a chance to choose a legal man and you have the nerve to point out their retaliation? That's like trying to mug a person and being told to apologize when you fend him off! The Shades have every right to defend themselves and air their grievances!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> It's a handicap match as it is, not a tornado handicap match. The rules of tagging out still apply regardless.<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> Is it really that hard to say 'nice counter by The Shades'? Or 'What a beautiful moonsault by Red'? Or even a 'Blue has managed to step of the Shade's game under his leadership'? You say I'm biased, if you can't acknowledge the wrestling miracles they can create at least give them that much!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> The Shades are very creative I will give them at least that but many of their tactics I'd call shy of being legal. And if they're not careful Blue is going be stuck on the outside looking in.<br>
Peyton manages to take full advantage of the distraction as he hits Red with a vicious throat thrust as he turned around as Purple was forced to look on from the corner. Red clutches his throat in pain as he momentarily sits up, only to be perilously hit by a swift running knee from Peyton. Purple shouts at Peyton as he tries to give his partner a moment to regain his composure which causes Peyton to sprint over towards the corner to send him flying off the apron with a swift elbow shot. Red quickly manages to scoop Peyton into a schoolboy roll-up as he holds the tights and puts his feet on the middle rope for the pin. 1, 2, kickout!<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford: </b></font>That had to be 3!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>The Shades almost stole one here for a second. Peyton Kaiser has an awful lot of anger to work out and the Shades are unfortunate to be on the receiving end of it for the most part. That throat thrust especially is going to sting in the morning. Ever since returning to MSW Peyton has taken on a much more aggressive striking style in lieu of the technical mastery he was perviously known for.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford:</b></font> The only man he should be angry at is himself. This whole downward spiral happened because he couldn't beat Bryce Manning and instead of using it as a learning experience and trying to mold himself after an MSW Great he decided to let Napoleon Cameron Kaiser get in his head. He let his sister get in his head on how First Class is the enemy. He's a man without direction if you ask me.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Sometimes anger can be more motivating that you'd give it credit for. When the blood of family is spilled it can drive a man into a deep, dark corner inside his mind and the last thing you want to give a vengeful mind is time to plot out a course of revenge. With every hurdle thrown in his way it's only going to motivate him further and further until he eventually gets his hands on those responsible.<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>Well he better get in line then, because everyone wants a piece of First Class! It's a privilege to be in their ring with them at the same time and it's one that has to be earned.<br>
Red was in shock and Peyton was fuming and as both men got back to their feet only one would remain standing for long as Red was roughly whipped to the far corner of the ring. Red held his back in pain as he stumbled forward and straight into a clothesline that flipped Red several times in the air before hitting the mat. Blue threw some peanuts into the ring in protest which briefly took Peyton's attention off the match as he began to slowly walk towards his direction.<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> EJECTION! Throw Artemis out of here ref! She shouldn't even be out here with her injury! She's a liability!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>Artemis has every right to be out here. She was cleared for non-contact activities and managing her brother falls firmly within that category. The Blue Shade doesn't want any part of her as he wisely backs off.<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> She's looking to actively put herself in harms way! She would be in a world of hurt right now if Blue wasn't such a gentleman! Blue could end her career right here, right now but what pleasure would he gain from that? That's not very sportsmanlike and The Shades have their own code of ethics. I would consider this divine favor for the fact that she wasn't struck down!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Divine or not I'm pretty sure Artemis knows how to handle herself; her track record backs that up. Now it appears Purple has something in his hand as he's getting back onto the apron and into the ring.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford: </b></font>What did I tell you about the divine? Just because Artemis was sparred doesn't mean that Peyton will be. Purple has just conjured up the purple dust from the Realm of Shades and he's looking to remove the Kaiser problem once and for all.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Hardly. The only thing he's going to remove is his eye sight temporarily, assuming he even connects and assuming the official doesn't catch it.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford: </b></font>It's a Wrestling Miracle, Smith! So far his strikes have been true have they not? The miracle has yet to miss!<br>
As Peyton turns his attention back to Purple, Red manages to slowly get back to this feet having seemingly reached into his tights during the distraction. Purple goes to blow the purple sand into Peyton's face but having learned from the previous encounter ducks as it goes straight into the eyes of Red instead, who launches an errant fireball harmlessly into the air.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford:</b></font> NO! DAMMIT NO! DO OVER, DO OVER! HE WASN'T READY!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> This time Peyton Kaiser had them well scouted and he wasn't going to fall for the same trick again.<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford: </b></font>The Shades are about to be robbed! Robbed I tell you! They had him beat!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> It's karma if you ask me. They've been getting away with it match after match, it was going to backfire sooner or later.<br>
Purple grabs his head in horror as Peyton quickly puts him out of his misery with Break Face (Double Knee Facebuster). Purple rolls out in agony as Peyton quickly grabs Red and lifts him up for A Shot of Nightshade (Lifting Single Underhook DDT). Peyton quickly covers Red as Blue is forced to watch on helplessly with Artemis guarding the ring. 1, 2, 3.<br>
<b>Gavin Grey:</b> Here is your winner... Peyton Kaiser!<br>
Peyton rolls out of the ring to celebrate with his sister Artemis as they make their way up the ramp. Blue slides into the ring to check on his compatriots.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Another tough loss for the Shades.<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> Tough isn't the word to describe it! My heart aches for them, especially since that Kaiser scum stole a victory!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> You sure flipped your stance on them quick.<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> What can I say; my loyalty is to First Class first. If you're against First Class then I can't support you.<br>
Red and Purple manage to make their way back to their feet as they each rub their eyes and look to regain their eyesight. Suddenly however the lights cut out in the arena.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>What's going on?<br>
<font color="929292"><b>Bradford:</b></font> You're asking me as if I have a clue?<br>
The lights flicker back on as Blue looks as pale as a ghost. Standing on the opposing side of him, Red, and Purple were the original Shades; Yellow and Green!<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> OH MY GOD!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Is this a mirage? What are Green and Yellow doing here? Nobody has seen them since they killed the RWD!'<br>
<font color="929292"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>The Shade Family is about to get a lot bigger! MSW is in for a lot of - AH! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!<br>
Red and Purple stepped forward to confront their Yellow and Green counterparts only for them each ending up with a hand tightly wrapped around their throats. Green and Yellow hoist up Red and Purple respectively as they chokeslam them all the way to hell as they crash lifelessly onto the mat. Green and Yellow turn their heads next to Blue, tilting their heads in an ominous manner as the lights cut off again and when they flicker back on all that's left is Blue standing next to his fallen Shades as Green and Yellow are no where to be seen.<br>
== Drew Stevenson interview w/Charles Mattias ==
Standing outside, in the parking lot of O'Reillys auto parts is Drew Stevenson and standing next to him with a microphone in hand, is Charles Mattias who is looking to get an interview with Stevenson who has been banished from the arena. Holding the microphone up to his lips, the cameras are rolling live as Stevenson stands next to Charles with his hands placed on his hips.<br>
<b><font color="ffad00">Mattias</font>: </b>Mr. Stevenson, tonight you are scheduled to face Delsin Oswald in one-on-one competition; how are you feeling going into this match up?<br>
Looking up and directly at Mattias who moves the microphone over to Stevenson, the wrestling legend has this very focused look expressed on his face as he's ready for war.<br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><br>
</span><font color="0aff00"><b>Stevenson:</b></font> I guess that's the age-old question, isn't it Charles? How am I feeling? I could stand here and complain, I could bitch, moan and groan like most everybody else would but you know what Charles - I'm not going to do that and that's because despite everything that has happened; I'm feeling pretty damn good and Oswald is going to find that out first hand. Tonight Oswald? You are going to understand better than anyone else just why they call me the best technical wrestler around because once that bell sounds? I'm going to teach you all about respect, I'm going to put you in a predicament that you have never been placed in before and to quote you, that is you being outclassed. So go ahead, run your mouth about being first class because I hope that there's a first class room inside of the nearest hospital because you're going to need it.<br>
<font color="ffad00"><b>Mattias: </b></font>Those are some very strong words Mr. Stevenson, but my next question has to deal with your being banished from the arena, this wasn't what your uncle had visioned, what are your thoughts regarding that?<br>
Lowering his head for a moment, all he could do was chuckle at the thought of that. Looking back up after a moment, he spoke up to answer Mattias' question which was a good one.<br>
<font color="0aff00"><b>Stevenson: </b></font>You know something Charles, I could stand here and say a lot regarding Ichabod Crane, his little band of fairies and the fact that I am banned from the very building and promotion that I helped build from the ground up. But you know what? I'm not going to bother, because after I'm finished with Oswald tonight? Crane is going to want me back at that arena, he's going to want me in his yard, where all of his little minions can try to pick me apart at every turn. So as the arena ban is currently going on? That's all going to change because if he decides to continue with it? Well, needless to say, me and all of my friends here have absolutely no problems with continuing to put on a show of our own.<br>
As the camera pans out to show all of the fans which are packing this parking lot, Stevenson simply smiles and nods his head feeling very accomplished at the fact that he took so many of Crane's fans yet again. Listening to all of these people in attendance, Mattias pauses for only a moment before speaking up to ask Stevenson yet another question.<br>
<font color="ffad00"><b>Mattias:</b></font> My final question is this, with all of the recent attacks by Wolf Parker; what are your thoughts, what is your mentality going into such a complex war against this man?<br>
With his demeanor totally changing, the smile that was on Stevenson's face totally went away as he wasn't thrilled by what was going on as of late.<br>
<font color="0aff00"><b><br>
Stevenson: </b></font>Wolf Parker, you know something Charles, that name has been going around as of late and I for one am sick and tired of hearing about it. Wolf, you and me have been in many of the same promotions together and we have even traveled the same roads together. But let's talk for a moment, let's discuss this puzzle that you keep referring to...<br>
Taking a moment to pause, his dark brown eyes never leave the camera.<br>
<font color="0aff00"><b><br>
Stevenson: </b></font>... A puzzle is something that requires all of the pieces to finish. I'm telling you right here and right now Wolf that this little puzzle that you are trying to construct? It's going to remain unfinished and that's because the last puzzle piece that you need? It resides right here, looking you right in the face and whenever you decide to step up to me, face-to-face, man-to-man? I will have absolutely no problems showing you the error of your ways, I will have absolutely no problems making sure that just like a wounded animal, you feel cornered to the point that you tuck your tail in-between your legs and walk the other way. You want a war Wolf? That's perfectly fine by me, step over the line...<br>
With the camera panning down to the concrete parking lot, Stevenson draws a line with his right foot and stands on one side of the imaginary line while continuing to speak.<br>
<font color="0aff00"><b>Stevenson:</b></font> ... Because when you do? I'm going to drop a nuke on your ass that's going to level you and everything that Ichabod Crane stands for.<br>
Staring into the camera momentarily, he steps back away from Charles Mattias and turns away from the camera walking towards the O'Reillys ring that has been set up for tonight's match.<br>
== Duke Andrews vs Barrel w/ Frankie Cocheese ==
<b>Gavin Grey:</b> The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, already in the ring from Grand Rapids, Michigan weighing 223lbs Duke Andrews!<br>
Duke Andrews raises his arms in the air, a bandage visible on his forehead.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, last Unstoppable Duke Andrews put in one hell of effort against the MSW Champion and if you ask me he won that match. He endured everything First Class threw at him and he managed to execute probably the fiercest Perfection Plant I've ever seen. He was seconds away from victory when IC3 bailed Tommy Angel out and from there chaos ensued.<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. He wouldn't have gotten a far as he did if Mike Maddix wasn't coddling him. The fact that the man even still has a job is perplexing and baffling if you ask me.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>If you want to go that route, Duke would've won by disqualification a long time ago. That was the poorest officiated match I've ever seen in my 40 plus years in the business; and I can't fault Mike Maddix for that either. He tried to do his job but at every turn IC3 was there to thwart him and threaten him with termination.<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford: </b></font>Wah wah wah! Are you serious? The boss makes the rules; the boss calls the shots. If your boss tells you to jump you ask how high? If Mr. Cornelius wasn't such a family man he'd be collecting unemployment right now with the rest of the losers in this state!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>Family man my ass!<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford: </b></font>But if you want to talk about a REAL injustice, let's talk about the aftermath of the main event. Every single hooligan and their grandma came out of the woodwork with an agenda against First Class. Logan Brock, Tevolo, Peyton Kaiser... Chris Williams. And then you have these two clowns in the Capital Crew in Frankie Cocheese and that turncoat Barrel. The only good to come from that whole ordeal was watching those dirty curs fight each other after.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> That's why we have this upcoming match right now. I was proud to watch a united opposition finally challenge the corruption in MSW but I lost a bit of respect for Barrel for blindsiding Duke Andrews the way he did. All in-fighting is going to accomplish is strengthen the position of First Class.<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford: </b></font>Divide and conquer, baby! And that's why Mr. Cornelius writes the checks and you have the privilege to cash yours and not the other way around. The fact that he made this match here tonight just shows what a brilliant tactician he is!<br>
<b>Gavin Grey:</b> And his opponent, representing the Capital Crew, weighing 330lbs, accompanied by Frankie Cocheese he is The Big Badass, Barrel!<br>
<div align="center"><font size="3"><b>DING DING</b></font><br>
As the match starts Duke wastes no time going after Barrel as he tries to hammer down a barrage of punches on the big guy. Barrel shoves him off and rains down a few nasty lefts and rights. As Barrel backs him up into the ropes he whips him as the referee tries to call for a clean break and tries to hit him with a thundering sidewalk slam but Duke manages to shift his weight and very shakily drop to his feet behind him. Using all his strength and might he captures him in a german suplex, struggling to lift the big man as they both more accurately just fall to the mat, preventing Barrel from taking the full impact. Duke transitions from there to a side headlock as he tries to keep the big guy down and grounded, causing Barrel to kick his foot on the mat as the referee kneels down to check.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>Nice take down by Duke Andrews. It took everything he had but he managed to execute that German Suplex just enough to get him down to the ground. When going against someone with over 100 pounds on you the best thing you can do is keep him off his feet.<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford:</b></font> It was sloppy if you ask me. He was struggling to lift him up and if he keeps this up he's bound to get a hernia. You also can't tell me he's at 100% after the last Unstoppable while Barrel is relatively fresh.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> You're never truly 100% when your body takes a physical toll week in and week out but the fact that First Class continued to wear down on Duke was deliberate last Unstoppable.<br>
<font color="969696"><br>
<b>Bradford: </b></font>You're catching on now. This is why Mr. Cornelius is a master strategist! Just watch and marvel as these two men destroy each other!<br>
Barrel manages to get back to his feet while Duke tries as best as he can to keep the hold locked in, only to crash down to the mat as he executes a powerful backdrop suplex. As both men manage to get back to their feet Duke steps forward to close in and engage Barrel one more as The Big Badass wastes no time retaliating as he drives his boot very quickly into the face of his opponent with deceptive speed.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Duke just Got Mowed Down by that vicious boot!<br>
<font color="969696"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> Shut off the lights! Duke is hurt and I don't even think he knows where he is!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Can you attempt to hide just how gleeful you are? This man has a family! What happened to Mr. Cornelius supposedly being a "Family Man"?<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Well if he didn't stick his nose against MSW's First Family he wouldn't be in this predicament would he? I got to give Capital Crew a little bit of credit; they don't mess around when they got their sights set on a target. It's only a shame that they had to aim it in Mr. Cornelius's direction. They could have become the Security Wing of First Class!<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> You gotta be kidding me. Capital Crew plays second fiddle to no one. Cocheese wants the MSW Championship and Barrel just wants to raise some hell, no matter who holds it or who they are.<br>
<font color="969696"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> And that's ultimately their fatal flaw; they don't know their place!<br>
Duke Andrews eyes look glazed over as he looked like he just got hit by a semi-truck and completely oblivious to what exactly just happened. Derek Lay kneels down and checks on Duke as the medical crew slide into the ring as Barrel just nonchalantly leans against the turnbuckle. A ringside physician shines a light in his eyes as he tries to check for a concussion. After minute Duke Andrews shoves the medical team away and pulls himself up by the rope.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> I'll never question Duke's heart but he needs to think about living to fight another day. His eyes are glazed over and he seems to be oblivious to his surroundings; his mind is on autopilot right now.<br>
<font color="969696"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>Pride before the fall as they always say.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>I'm not even sure Barrel feels comfortable with this situation. Both men are fighters but Barrel would rather have a straight up, pound for pound fight on a somewhat even playing field. At least that's what I gather from what little I've seen of him.<br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Oh come on, I don't think anyone knows what truly goes on inside his head. You gotta be "in the Crew" to have any sort of realistic idea. As far as you know he just smells blood in the water and he's ready to devour Duke like a shark!<br>
The referee repeatedly asks him if he's sure he wants to continue and with a defiant nod he steps forward as the ref calls for the match to resume. Barrel mouths at him to stay down and even shoves him backward when he tries to get in his face as to send him a warning but Duke Andrews wouldn't stand down. Duke gets Barrel in a collar and elbow tie up and tries to take him back down to the mat but he struggles to lift the big man up and quickly releases his hold. Barrel quickly steps forward with a clothesline knocking Duke back to the mat. The referee nervously looks to Duke as Barrel steps towards him looking to pick him up and flatten him but much to his surprise is caught in a cradle pin. 1, 2, kickout! Duke appears to have found a second wind after that as he resumes raining down a barrage of punches at Barrel's face as the crowd comes to life. The referee tries to intervene but Barrel retaliates with one hell of a headbutt looking to stop his momentum cold.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Stop the match! His health is at stake at this point! Enough is enough!<br>
<font color="969696"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>This is getting ugly. His heart says fight but his body is telling him differently. His mind is somewhere up in the sky and detached from reality; Duke Andrews is acting on pure instinct.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> If he didn't have a concussion before I'm confident he has one now. Nobody wins from a display like this. <br>
<font color="969696"><b>Bradford:</b></font> His name is IC3 Smith, IC3 is the biggest winner of all right now.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>This isn't some kind of disgusting blood sport! This is professional wrestling dammit! He's not a gladiator, he's not a slave; he's a human being!<br>
Barrel backs up again as the referee goes to check on Duke, who's even slower to get up than the first time but immediately again refuses help from the ringside EMTs as he manages to pull himself up slowly with the ropes. Before the referee can try to back him off Duke Andrews runs at Barrel again only to get Mowed Down almost immediately as he ran into Barrel's boot again. Barrel casually places his foot on Duke's chest as Lay tries to plead the case of getting the man medical attention to which he just merely shrugs and mouths “count”. 1, 2, kickout. Duke defiantly throws a shoulder up, which wasn't exactly hard with the kind of casual pin Barrel had going.<br>
<font color="000aff"><b>Smith: </b></font>Stop the got darned match! Stay down Duke, this isn't worth your health and well being!<br>
Barrel picks Duke up by his head and goes to lift him up with a vertical suplex, twisting him as he plants him down on the mat with the Steel Screwdriver <Steiner Screwdriver>. Barrel hooks the leg as Derek Lay drops down and counts the pin; 1, 2, 3.<br>
Winner: </b>Barrel<br>
== Bro Off Part III Keg Stand ==
Gavin Grey: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back! We’re back outside for the third edition of the first ever MSW Bro Off! So far, Jay B has won the Pose off and IC4 has won the arm wrestling contest. We’re now at round three, the keg stands! Each “Bro” will have a spotter. IC4 has Jerry and Jerome Skylark, and Jay B has a man he has identified as “Bro.” <Pic Base Identified as Mojo Rawley> Gentlemen, the kegs are ready. And for everybody at home, please remember to drink responsibly and do not drive under the influence.<br>
<b><font color="#19dee6">Ic4:</font></b> You ready for this Bro?<br>
<b><font color="#ad00ad">Jay B:</font></b> Always, bro!<br>
<b><font color="#e207e2">Bro: </font></b>Yo, Jay B, bro!<br>
<b><font color="#ad00ad">Jay B: </font></b>Yo, bro! You ready to spot me!?<br>
<b><font color="#e207e2">Bro:</font></b> Let’s get it on, bro!<br>
<b><font color="#19dee6">IC4: </font></b>Yo, Jay Bro, let me show you how the true bro with a masters in Bro-Science does this!<br>
<b><font color="#e2d007">Skylarks:</font></b> BRO-SCI-ENCE! BRO-SCI-ENCE! BRO-SCI-ENCE!<br>
<b><font color="#ad00ad">Jay B: </font></b>You’re up first, bro!<br>
<b><font color="#19dee6">IC4:</font></b> Gladly, bro!<br>
We’re in the parking lot, people are creating a circle around Jay B and IC4 are having a heated stare down before IC4 heads over to his keg. He puts his hands on the sides and with help from the tiny Skylarks, they push his legs up and IC4 holds his stands, Jerome Skylark holds IC4 up as best he can and Jerry starts to pump the keg. He’s chugging and chugging and chugging, the Skylarks chanting “CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” And he’s doing it. Until gravity played it’s part. Well, gravity and a fly that land on his nose. IC4 is blowing at the fly and it flies off and around his ears and back to his nose. Jerome lets go of IC4 to try and take a rolled up piece of paper and smack the fly while it’s on IC4’s nose. It knocks IC4 down and flat on his back and knocked his keg over too and spilled some beer.<br>
<b><font color="#19dee6">IC4:</font></b> BRO! WHY’D YOU SMACK ME!?<br>
<b><font color="#e2d007">Jerome Skylark:</font></b> IT WAS A FLY BRO! IT COULD HAVE HAD WEST NILE LIKE WINTERBORN! I WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOU!<br>
<b><font color="#b3a403">Jerry Skylark:</font></b> SAVE YOUR LIFE! SAVE YOUR LIFE!<br>
<b><font color="#19dee6">IC4:</font></b> Shut up bros!<br>
<b><font color="#a7a7a7">Gavin:</font> </b>IC4 was on the keg for twenty seconds and drank twenty ounces.. If Jay B can last longer while steadily drinking, he will be victorious.<br>
<b><font color="#ad00ad">Jay B:</font> </b>Alright bro, let’s do this!<br>
<b><font color="#e207e2">Bro:</font></b> YEAH BRO!<br>
Bro helps Jay B up and the clock starts. Jay B is drinking but he gets choked up and Bro helps him down. He didn’t quite last IC4’s time. Jay B is obviously not a party drinker tonight. He looks a little disappointed but with some hype from his hype man, Bro, he gets a little fist pump in to show he's A-OK.<br>
<b><font color="#a7a7a7">Gavin:</font></b> Well folks, it looks like IC4 takes the keg stand, putting it at 2 to 1. Later tonight we will have our final part here in the parking lot… the dance off!<br>
== Frank Debauchee vs Phoenix Winterborn ==
<div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Debauchee and Winterborn were face to face with the bell ringing. Winterborn looks ready to go at it, and Debauchee is focused at the beautiful women front row. Debauchee is just posing for them and Winterbron appears to have enough. He rushes forward at Debauchee who simply steps aside and uses Winterborn’s momentum to fly him over the top rope.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> EVERYBODY PUT ON YOUR MASKS! WEST NILE IS AIRBORN!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;">Bradford actually pulls a white face mask out of his pocket and puts it over his face.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#0013f0">Smith: </font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;">You're&nbsp;</span>ridiculous<span style="font-size:10pt;">. That's a very.. rude thing to say about Winterborn.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford: </font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;">Why? He's barely put in any effort when he's actually here and I mean, First Class said he's got West Nile. I don't wanna die, Smith.&nbsp;</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#0013f0"><br>
Smith:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> West Nile hasn't been a thing for years.&nbsp;</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#a8a8a8"><br>
Bradford: </font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;">Well Frank Debauchee needs to be safe, just to be sure. So he had to get it away from him. Way to go Frank!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;">Winterborn lands on his feet and rolls into the guardrail back first and gets very heated with Debauchee having his way with him and gives Winterborn a few pelvic thrusts just for good measure. Winterborn rushes in, his face is red and Winterborn slides into the ring and Debauchee smoothly slips between the ropes and leans against the rail speaking with the same women he was teasing with just moments ago.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford: </font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;">And look at that! Debauchee has such great taste in women!</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#0013f0">Smith:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> This is a wrestling match! He needs to quit messing around and quit flirting and get back in that ring and wrestle!</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> You can't rush greatness, Smith. He's got so much game, video games take lessons.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#0013f0">Smith:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> That made... absolutely... no sense.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> Don't hate, Smith. You know you're jealous of the skill level of that man.</span><br>
<b style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#0013f0">Smith:</font></b><span style="font-size:10pt;"> And there's Winterborn and he doesn't look happy!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;">Winterborn comes in from behind Debauchee, grabbing him by the tights and hair and throws Debauchee into the ring and follows quickly. Winterborn starts to give Debauchee some stomps before his foot is caught. Winterborn is being reckless and Debauchee takes him down but walks backwards to let Winterborn get to his feet. He’s on a knee and is met right in his face with another pelvic thrust but this time it’s in his face. It causes Winterborn to fall backwards and Debauchee quickly pins but only a two. It continues like this, Debauchee has Winterborn’s number the entire time and is just humiliating him. When it gets physical, Debauchee is there to take control. He gets hit by Winterborn here and there, and it even appeared at one time that Winterborn had control but it was quickly thwarted when the First Class referee, Billy Vegas turned his back, claiming that some fans were getting “rowdy” and it took his attention away.</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#0013f0">Smith:</font></b> Oh come on! Winterborn is in complete control, and even has the pin! That damn Billy Vegas!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b> Well go tell those people to calm down then, Smith! They're the ones taking this respected referee away from the match!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#0013f0">Smith</font></b>: Are you blind?! The crowd is cheering for Winterborn, that's not being "out of control!" This is literally just First Class and their associate Frank Debauchee costing a great athlete another match!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b> I don't know where you're getting great from, unless you're talking about the Mustache Connoisseur, Frank Debauchee. He's a magical man. A real man's man. More of a man's man than Bobby Langford even!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#0013f0">Smith: </font></b>Well, Winterborn is setting up for his headlock driver but... no! It's countered by Debauchee with Vegas' attention back on the much </span><span style="font-style:italic;font-size:10pt;">just in the&nbsp;</span><i>nick</i><span style="font-size:10pt;"><i>&nbsp;of time.</i>&nbsp;Ironically enough.<br>
</span><b><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford: </font></b>Nothing ironic about it, Smith!<br>
<b><font color="#0013f0">Smith: </font></b>Damnit, Bradford, will you take that damn mask off already?!<br>
<b><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b> Sorry, Smith, I'm not contracting West Nile while Winterborn is out here. Debauchee must have an immunity!<br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;">In this time, Winterborn set up for his Headlock Driver but was quickly countered, spun around and kicked right in the nuts. Winterborn doubled over and Debauchee gave him a pelvic thrust then hooked his head. With a slow spin so they’re back to back and then a drop, Winterborn is laid out by Debauchee. Billy Vegas turns around to see the Debauchee pin.&nbsp;</span><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><div style="text-align:center;">
</div></div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Debauchee holds his arms up in celebration, his theme playing and Winterborn is not moving, but holding his neck. He’s not getting up and some officials from the back, trainers and referees and security rush out to help him. Slowly and carefully they load Winterborn on a stretcher and take him away.&nbsp;</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#0013f0">Smith: </font></b>This is&nbsp;</span>ridiculous<span style="font-size:10pt;">! This is quite possibly the second injury of the night! We're going to stay with updates on Phoenix Winterborn and hopefully by Monday we'll have an update on him as he's being carried away on a stretcher now!</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#a8a8a8">Bradford:</font></b> Looks like the West Nile got him.</span><br>
<span style="font-size:10pt;"><b><font color="#0013f0">Smith:</font></b> I don't have any comment. And.. hang on a second, we were about to take a quick&nbsp;</span>commercial<span style="font-size:10pt;">&nbsp;break but it appears there's some action going on backstage!</span></div></div>
== Frank Debauchee segment ==
<div align="center" style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">After Frank Debauchee completely dismantled Phoenix Winterborn, Frank stood in the ring and was playing to the crowd. He flexed, he mocked—he basically.. was Frank Debauchee.</span><br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b>Bradford:</b></font>&nbsp;Thankfully I can take that mask off finally! Debauchee is on a roll, Smith! He’s undefeated and he may of just ridded MSW of that stupid birdbrained Phoenix Winterborn, what a time to be alive!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> That’s nothing to celebrate! What if Winterborn is seriously hurt from Debauchee’s actions?! Never wish hurt on someone, especially a competitor like Winterborn that hit a rough patch here in MSW!<br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b>Bradford:</b></font> A rough patch?! This guy is effortless! He doesn’t care about us- he’s too busy trying to peck at fleas in dirt! He should be named HEN Winterborn ‘cause all he does is run! He’s a coward! Frank Debauchee taught him what it means to be a freakin’ man!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>You’re despicable!<br>
Right as “Pour Some Sugar On Me” kicked into gear over the PA- Frank ran his hands through his hair as he headed towards the ropes- but before he could step between them, the tron above the entrance kicked to life. A live shot of the parking lot where the camera caught a shot of the back of Debauchee’s prized ’67 lavender colored Dodge Coronet R/T. The car was beautiful and rare- enough to bring a wide smile across of Debauchee’s face as he treasured that hottie.<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> A beautiful vehicle no doubt, it’s immaculate! Debauchee leaves a lot to be desired with his attitude but his taste in classic American Muscle is flawless.<br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> Don’t jump on the Frank Express, there’s no room for fair-weather fans here! Only true fans, you’re always insulting Frank so don’t change your tune!<br>
Debauchee applauded the look at his car- that was until the camera turned to the left.. where it caught that his rims and wheels were removed! The vehicle sat on concrete blocks as Debauchee’s face went pale from what he seen- it was like he saw a ghost!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Oh.. Oh My.. That is DEFINITELY not the way you treat such a vehicle!<br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b>Bradford: </b></font>IT WAS TEVOLO! IT WAS TEVOLO, I GUARANTEE IT!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Where’s your evidence?! Maybe it was the same perp that jumped Tracy Race!<br>
Frank used the ropes to keep himself standing as he was on spaghetti legs from the sight provided. The car had been vandalized and that made Frank sick to his stomach. Trying to find ground to keep himself standing, Frank dropped to the mat and rolled beneath the bottom rope- all as he shouted—<br>
<font color="ff00ad"><br>
“NO! NO! WHY?! WHY SO MEAN?!”</font><br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith</b></font>: .. I guess one could say.. karma?<br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b><br>
Bradford</b></font>: No Smith, this is not karma! You ever seen Pulp Fiction?! As Vincent Vega so eloquently put it after he noticed his restored Chevy had been keyed by a hater- the one unspoken man rule that should always be respected is NOT messing with another man’s car!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> I guess that rule was broken! What a travesty.<br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Can you sound more concerned?! You were just complimenting the car!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> I did, before I remembered it belonged to him and after the sinister things he’s said about Christian Othniel and outrageous things he’s done to Tevolo specifically.. oh well.<br>
The camera followed Frank Debauchee as he made his way out of the arena and into the parking lot, seeing his baby on blocks just.. made him very sad. Dropping down to a knee next to the vehicle, Debauchee threw his head back and extended his arms-<br>
<font color="ff00ad"><b>Frank Debauchee:</b></font> WHY NOT TAKE ME?! WHY HER?! WHY HER?!<br>
For the first time… ever, Frank showed compassion for something other than himself and his stellar mustache. As he pushed himself up and let his head hang from sadness, he moved around the vehicle and it was then and there.. that he probably felt a murderous rage strike him down. Across the <chrome> grill and front bumper was a HUGE black spray-paint design- of course, in the shape of a thick, bushy… black mustache!<br>
<font color="ff00ad"><b>Frank Debauchee: </b></font>…………!<br>
<font color="0a00ff"><b>Smith;</b></font> That’s going to be difficult to repair!<br>
<font color="8f8f8f"><b>Bradford:</b></font> SMITH! LO- LOOK AT HIS CAR! THIS CAN’T GO UNPUNISHED!<br>
The crowd <aside of the muscle car fanatics> had an absolute BLAST laughing at Debauchee due to his brash and abrasive nature, Frank looked floored. He couldn’t believe his eyes, his vehicle had been damaged… his tires and rims were missing and his car was resting on blocks!<br>
<font color="ff00ad"><b><br>
Either it was gibberish or he forgot how to space his words apart- whatever it was, Frank dropped down to BOTH knees in front of his Coronet and hung his head—someone managed to find how to defeat Frank Debauchee—and from his reaction, it was successful.<br>
== Well Connected vs Logan Brock ==
The bell sounds and Logan Brock stands across the ring from both members of Well Connected who both stand in the ring making it to be what appears as a tornado handicap match where Logan Brock has to face both men at the same time. They’re trying to figure out who’s going to take the first shot by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors and that’s the moment that the third generation star, Logan Brock, steps in.<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith: </font></b>Rock, paper, scissors? That’s how they’re going to figure out who faces Logan Brock first?<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>It’s genius, Smith! It’s almost as genius as Kanye West!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith:</font></b> I don’t know if I’d go that far, Bradford. But it doesn’t look like Logan Brock wants to play any games today! After what happened two weeks ago, he’s probably more than eager to get his hands on TJ Bryce.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>They’ve tried to say that Logan Brock is like Bobby Langford, a “real man’s man” and earning his stripes and crap, but I don’t buy it for a second. Never did back then either. Well Connected are men of class! They’ve been men of class since TJ Bryce hired them up in Canada as part of Bryce Enterprises and they’ve been two of the classiest individuals I’ve ever known. Logan Brock kicking them like that out of the blue is just not right! He should be disqualified!<br>
A rushing charge to the corner and when Well Connected. Once they realize he’s coming it’s too little too late and a beautiful double dropkick sends them both out of the ring on opposite sides. The crowd is cheering and the camera split screens as we take a look backstage to see TJ Bryce watching the match in the back with the PURE 15 title over his shoulder. Back to the ring, T-Zone and The Lenny are getting up and Logan is looking at both guys, Lenny being the bigger of the two is who catches his attention first. A sliding baseball dropkick under the bottom rope kicks Lenny and knocks him into and actually over the barricade into the crowd.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4"><br>
Bradford:</font></b> ANOTHER kick?! How dare he knock Lenny into these ingrates! Somebody check on him and make sure he’s okay! Lenny could be seriously hurt!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith: </font></b>I seriously doubt that. You’re over-reacting a little bit, don’t you think?<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> It’s never over-reacting when a good man is in trouble!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith:</font></b> Yes, because he’s obviously in so much trouble. Why don’t you focus on what’s going on in the ring with T-Zone and Logan Brock!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> A TRAVESTY! Just like Chicago protesting so much that Donald Trump had to pull out! Why does somebody so innocent have to endure such pain?!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith:</font></b> What in the hell are you even talking about anymore?! I swear every time you’re losing your mind more and more.<br>
They love it of course; and with Logan getting up, T-Zone is right on top of him, clubbing Logan in the upper of his back. The hits aren’t doing a whole lot, but definitely staggering Logan. Staggering him that is, until Logan is able to spin around real quick, grab T-Zone’s arm and use a Judo Arm Throw to take him down flat on his back. T-Zone is strongly winded but Brock doesn’t let go. He keeps the arm hooked, rolls T-Zone to his gut and Brock drops to his back pulling T-Zone in. Brock has the triangle choke locked in, The Anti-venom as he likes to call it.<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith: </font></b>Anti-Venom! That vicious triangle choke hold could end it here!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> Come on ref! It’s obviously an illegal choke, break it up! THis is what I’m talking about, Smith, really. Brock is so mad because his life got treated two weeks ago that he’s choking the man to death!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith: </font></b>There’s nothing illegal about it, you blind bat. It’s a strategic move that puts the opponent to sleep!<br>
It looks like Lenny is getting back into the ring when T-Zone is ready to tap but Brock sees it coming. He releases the triangle and throws his left foot back and over his head while still on his back/shoulders and the kick is much like a grounded pele and it connects with a loud >SMACK< to Lenny staggering him. Brock is quick to his feet and with the shoot style kick, the Character Assassination to the hunched over Lenny’s head he falls. Brock wastes no time and goes right for the legs, twisting Lenny’s body over with a little struggle to lock in his version of the Liontamer, the Locks of Liberty. Lenny taps out almost immediately, Billy Vegas very reluctant to make the call but does so anyway.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> Re-DO! I call for a re-do! Billy had something in his eye!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith:</font> </b>It looks like Well Connected are down for the count, Bradford! First Class isn’t so invincible after all!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4"><br>
Bradford: </font></b>You watch your tongue or I’ll sick BURAI on you!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9"><br>
Smith: </font></b>BURAI went back to Japan after Golden Gate closed.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4"><br>
Bradford:</font></b> I have good long distance with Vonage.<br>
<b>Winner: Logan Brock</b><br>
“Lifter” by Deftones starts to play but is cut off shortly as Logan grabs a microphone, likely to address TJ Bryce.<br>
<b><font color="#d30000">Logan Brock: </font></b>TJ BRYCE! 2 weeks ago, I was minding my own and you and your country club boys decided to get involved with me. You decided to make the mistake of getting in my face like I was just some piece of scum and that was your first mistake. I’ve fought people like the three of you before; It comes with the territory of being a Third Generation Wrestler! Two weeks ago I told you, TJ Bryce, that I could take your title any time, any place, any where and in the past two weeks I’ve thought about your challenge once I found out I’d be facing your goon squad. It just so happens that I’ve picked the time and the place. Well consider this an official challenge to your title. I’m coming for you, TJ. You can send in your country club boys all you want to try and take out the first real threat to your title-- that you had to have help winning, by the way-- but take their lying bodies as an example of things to come. I’m coming for you, TJ, and I’m coming for it at WAR!<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="5">WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR!</font></b></div><b><font color="#006de9"><br>
Smith: </font></b>The crowd seems pretty hyped about that one, Bradford! Things didn’t go so well for Well Connected here tonight but I guess they should have figured out who they were picking a fight with before they did it!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4"><br>
Bradford:</font></b> IT’S A TRAVESTY! This all happened because Logan Brock jumped Well Connected when they were trying to do the FAIR thing and see who was going to face him first. Logan Brock is just a no good bully, Smith, and I don’t know how you can stand for that. How can you stand BY somebody like that?!<br>
<font color="#006de9"><b>Smith: </b></font>How are you making First Class the victim here? Two weeks ago Logan Brock was minding his own damn business and they went after him! TJ Bryce and Well Connected started this and now he’s being a man and finishing it!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>It’s a shame that you can’t see what First Class has done for your life, Smith. They give you purpose to keep going and yet you talk about them so badly! They’re here for you, just like Donald Trump! They’re trying to make MSW Great again!<br>
<b><font color="#006de9"><br>
Smith:</font></b> I’m more of a Sanders guy myself, but I’d rather not get into that one. You’re blinded by all the First Class stuff and I swear it’s getting worse every time we sit behind this table.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> You’re just jealous.<br>
<b><font color="#006de9">Smith: </font></b>Still not sure what there is to be jealous about but I guess you can go ahead and have this one. It gets annoying arguing with you. What’s with you and these pop culture references tonight anyway?<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> Ha! I like to be involved, Smith! Score one for the good guys!<br>
== Silas Romero segment ==
Returning from break, the scene cuts to backstage, just before the match of Silas Romero and Legacy Banks. We find the Knockout Supreme standing in front of his locker room; his backed leaned up against the door. He flashed his trademark smug, confident smirk before speaking.<br>
<font color="90000a"><b>Silas Romero:</b></font> Things around this place are getting.. Interesting, to say the least. With everything going on, it seems that some of us are simply flying under the radar. Me? I'm not one to stay under the radar. Unfortunately for my opponents, it's not going to work very well in their favor. Though, it would seem that some of them have realized that little tidbit of information. I've already had one run home with his tail tucked between his legs. Then, you have our dear friend, Nikki Venom go radio silent after calling little ol' me. For the man who says he's going to cleanse the world of people like me, he sure has shut the hell up since then. Why? Did he suddenly realize the flaw in his actions? You simply do not cross the Hipster Hercules. As I've already said, your little crusade does not apply to Silas Romero.. Because quite simply, there is NOBODY like me, Nikki. So, please.. Watch carefully, rewatch to what I did to Legacy Banks, a man with the goofier than your own, because it will only be a TASTE of what will happen to you if you choose to continue down the path of everlasting nothingness. Sooner or later? You will feel my wrath and ultimately.. You will get knocked the.. Well, you know.<br>
With that, Silas smirked once more before the scene cuts outside.<br>
== Bro Off Part IV Dance Off ==
<b>Gavin Grey:</b> Well here we are ladies and gentlemen, the final round of the Bro-Off! It’s dance off time! So far, IC4 leads 2 to 1. The winner of this contest will walk away as the official… “bro.”<br>
<b><font color="#a00086">Jay B:</font></b> Here we are, bro! Final round! Dance off, my specialty!<br>
<b><font color="#00e7e7"><br>
IC4:</font></b> We’ll see Jay Bro! I’ve got the lead, I just gotta win this and prove I’m the real bro, bro!<br>
<b><font color="#a00086">Jay B:</font></b> Hit the music, bro!<br>
<b><font color="#f100de">Bro:</font></b> You got it, bro!<br>
“Party Rock Anthem” which is Jay B’s theme song. The ladies come to the front and are screaming like they it was some heartthrob boy band playing. Jay B steps up and he’s fist pumping until he can’t fist pump anymore. He’s getting into the women’s faces and even giving them a little pelvic action too and showing off his six pack. His music is up, his turn is finished and the women loved it. Next up, “Bangarang” by Skrillex plays and IC4 stands in the middle of the circle with his head nodding. The music is intense and IC4 is doing a super basic robot. The women are booing him so bad and IC4 stops, almost in a panic. Jay B is super happy, so Ic4 takes off his shirt to show his physique and starts to fist pump like Jay B did but the women and crowd are not impressed. He’s not sure what to do, until a voice rings out “TURN OFF THE MUSIC!”<br>
The music was cut off, the crowd split and it was IC3. Across the street in the parking lot we see Duke Andrews, Tevolo and Drew Stevenson watching and laughing. IC3 grabs IC4 by the ear and yanks with IC4 hurting, “OW! OW! OWOWOOWOWOW!”<br>
<b><font color="#e2c701">IC3: </font></b>Get over here, now! I can’t believe you’ve wasted your entire night out here when I’ve been looking for you all day.<br>
<b><font color="#a59100">Skylarks:</font></b> OVER HERE! OVER HERE! OVER HERE!<br>
IC3 starts being dragged as his bigger, more powerful but dumber son is walking to the Skylars.<br>
<b><font color="#ebeb00">IC3: </font></b>NO YOU IDIOTS! BACK TO THE ARENA!<br>
<b><font color="#a59100">Skylarks: </font></b>OOOOH! OVER THERE! OVER THERE! OVER THERE!<br>
IC3, the Skylarks and IC4 walk off back into the arena and the girls are cheering as Jay B and Bro are celebrating.<br>
<b>Gavin: </b>Well ladies and gentlemen it looks like IC4 has forfeited the competition, but it seemed like Jay B had the unanimous vote. But that leaves us at a tie, no real “bro” decided with two each. So, Jay B, where do we go from here?<br>
<b><font color="#a00086">Jay B: </font></b>Bro, we’ve gotta have a real finish to the bro off! Only one of us can be the real bro so IC4, so I’m challenging you to the Brolympics at WAR!<br>
The ladies cheer and it’s back to gavin.<br>
<b>Gavin: </b>Well folks, there you have it. No bro was decided here today but we’ve got the challenge for the Brolympics for WAR in San Francisco in April!<br>
== Drew Stevenson vs Delsin Oswald ==
Outside across the street in the O’Reilly’s Auto Parts parking lot, Drew Stevenson’s ring is set up and across the street just outside of the arena we can see some crew quickly setting up a small PA system and run wires inside. “Path” by Apocalyptica plays. The crowd outside is booing and the red carpet is rolled out, going across the road to the parking lot. Barricades are set up as well to create an entrance of sorts and Delsin Oswald comes out from the doors and he looks across the street at Drew Stevenson. Delsin puts his arms out and yells out “FIRST CLASS BABAY!” And struts his way across the street down the red carpet. Drew is all smiles in the ring and Delsin takes no time to rush and slide in. Quickly to his feet, the bell sounds and they start to circle around the ring.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>Are you kidding me? They’re setting up a custom entrance and blocking the road off just so Delsin can walk to the ring?!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>BRILLIANCE!<br>
They’re both feeling each other out extending their hands out trying to get a grip. They lock hands and Drew is quick to zip around Delsin for a rear waist lock but he doesn’t have it on for long. Delsin is able to counter out by twisting his legs around Drew’s, twisting to the side and dropping, using Drew’s legs to take him off of balance and drops Drew face first to the mat with a leg lock but Drew is able to roll it over to relieve a lot the pressure and he takes his spare leg and starts to kick and Delsin’s hands forcing him to let go.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> This is a match I’ve been excited for since it was announced, Bradford! Drew Stevenson, the master of technical wrestling, even if I’m not the biggest fan of his after our previous incidents, I can never take away what he can do in the ring and he takes on the muscle of First Class, who’s been so successful at everything he’s done and now under IC3’s wing, Delsin Oswald. It’s going to be physical, and we can’t forget that Wolf Parker is probably out there looming somewhere just waiting.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>Oh please, Smith. Stevenson stands NO chance against Delsin! Sure, sure, Drew is an amazing technical wrestler and he’s proven it time and time again but he’s NEVER faced somebody like Delsin. He’s two hundred and thirty four pounds of pure MUSCLE, Smith. Two percent body fat and the most well rounded, amazingly gifted athlete that you will ever see step foot between those ropes.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> I think you’re overcompensating just a little bit here, Bradford. Drew has fought many an opponent, and nothing will ever take away how good Delsin is, but every time Drew is wrestling outside the arena his back is against the wall and he’s planning to stick to it IC3 any way he can.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> I think you’re overcompensating for Drew. He’s had so many transplant surgeries he probably doesn’t even know who he is anymore. For all we know, he probably has Michael Jackson Syndrome and wants to be a little girl by this point.<br>
Things continue to be a really strong technical back and forth. Drew showing Delsin why he’s the best technical wrestler in the world, and Delsin showing why he’s just so damn good at everything he does. It’s almost like they’re an equal match. They’re both breathing heavy but Delsin gets a little bit of a hot head and rushes at Drew. Drew grabs Delsin in mid-run and tosses him over head with the momentum for a quick belly to belly except Delsin twists in the air and lands square on his feet and clobbers Drew from behind with a Lariat. He covers Drew and Billy Vegas drops down for a quick count, getting out two in the time of one, if not a little less.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>An amazing counter showing the athleticism here by Delsin Oswald! It’s amazing when somebody his size can pull off these awesome maneuvers! Now Bradford, First Class talk about being so classy so why the hell do they have to have their own referee that’s constantly trying to quick count on everybody that’s against them. How can you be classy when you have to put EVERYTHING to your every advantage.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>Look at it this way, IC3 is doing Drew a favor. He doesn’t really hate the Stevensons… he just.. He wants them to get better, to prove that under new command, Drew can excel without having the advantage!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>You’re so full of it. There’s nothing about making Drew excel about this. It’s strictly for punishment because the moment Drew loses a match Ic3 is going to try and fire him so he’s looking to make him lose sooner than later. It’s not right, but Drew is running with the punches and he’s making IC3 mad because he’s better than him.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>Ten thousand dollar fine.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>There’s no more fines, Bradford.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> But there should be. IC3 is a great man!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> That can be questionable. I think IC4 is a better man than his dad and he’s not the brightest of men.<br>
This is when Drew realized what he was up against. He knew First Class was corrupt, but he didn’t realize the referee was going to work that quick. Delsin stayed on top of Drew, he wasn’t messing around with his stomps and headlock punches. Delsin got cocky however, and he let Drew get up. Both guys are up but Drew is showing a little more worse for ware since he’s had to work twice as hard this entire match with the crooked referee. They are attempting a test of strength and Drew goes for the rear waist lock again but instead of suplexing when he knows Delsin will counter, he takes Delsin’s feet out and slides up to his upper body and locks in a crossface, really wrenching it in until…<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> The technical wrestling amazing between these two! And the crossface is locked in! This could be it for Delsin! Will he tap?! Will the muscle of First Class go down on Drew Stevenson’s terms?! Oh what the hell!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>Not today surgery man!<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! FUCK YOU WOLF! FUCK YOU WOLF! FUCK YOU WOLF!&nbsp;</font></b></div><b><font color="#b4b4b4">
Bradford: </font></b>Wolf is a smart man! Drew knew he was going to need to keep eyes in the back of his head wide open, but Wolf has been picking his moments left and right. Puzzle pieces, Smith! It’s all part of a bigger picture!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>You’re literally just mimicking what he said a few weeks ago. But the big question is WHY is Wolf doing this?! He said it’s above IC3 and First Class, but why? And why has he expressed his interest in taking out IC3’s biggest thorn so randomly?! What IS the bigger picture!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>I know what it is but I’m not telling.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>Please, kind sir, if you think you know what it is, enlighten us why don’t you?<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4"><br>
Bradford: </font></b>It’s not the right time, Smith! You can’t rush perfection!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3"><br>
Smith: </font></b>Perfection? You call these nasty attacks, beating the dog hell out of Drew, stealing his truck, using Drew’s head to break a window on the truck… come on. This is practically manslaughter by a man that should be tied up and put between some padded walls! Wolf Parker is a mad man!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> A brilliant, mad man!<br>
That’s right, Wolf Parker, the man that’s been stalking Drew Stevenson since our return launches again breaking up the crossface and Wolf just doesn’t stop kicking at Drew as Delsin is getting up, holding his neck after probably nearly tapping to the master of submissions. And of course, Billy Vegas lets it go. That is until Delsin gets grabbed at his ankles from outside the ring and tripped up to splat face first on the mat.<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><br>
</div><b><div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! FUCK ‘EM UP TE-VO, FUCK EM UP! *clap clap* FUCK ‘EM UP TE-VO, FUCK EM UP! *clap clap* FUCK ‘EM UP TE-VO, FUCK EM UP! *clap clap*&nbsp;</font></b></div></b><br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> Look at this punk ruining a good match! He’s not even supposed to be here! He’s banned from the arena! Disqualify that punk Drew Stevenson and arrest Tevolo!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> He’s not IN the arena, Bradford! He’s not even dressed to wrestle! So the way you see it is disqualify Drew when Tevolo evens the odds but let it continue when that Mad Man Wolf Parker is beating down on Drew? Yeah that makes sense.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> Billy Vegas never saw Wolf! He is a fair and just referee. How dare you accuse him otherwise. This is his lively hood you know.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>I’m not messing with anything, but finally people are fighting back and IC3 isn’t running all over the place here anymore.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4"><br>
Bradford: </font></b>He never was running all over the place. IC3 has a very clear mission to make MSW be capitalize on the gold mine of talent that is here. But Tevolo is NOT supposed to be here!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> Remember, Bradford, he was banned from the arena. This match is outside, 300 feet away!<br>
The crowd chanting behind Tevolo, one of Drew Stevenson’s newest friends and protege to Jacob Mitchell. Tevolo gets on the apron and jumps right into the ring over the top rope and charges at Wolf Parker with a forearm that knocks him into the ropes. Tevolo stays right on top of Wolf and whips him across the ring to the opposite ropes. In the corner we can see Drew Stevenson getting up, but Wolf is able to deviate from the path set in motion by Tevolo and he launches at Drew, tackling him into the corner where he’s just relentless with his strikes.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>Wolf is still at it! He is hell bent on his mission to take out Stevenson!<br>
Tevolo shakes his head in annoyance but he’s cut off by his opponent from two weeks ago, Delsin Oswald whom uses a pounce like attack to catch Tevolo off guard. The move knocks Tevolo away for a moment but he rolls through and to his feet and catches Delsin off guard with a nasty spear he calls Smeared, that has Delsin roll out of the ring holding his ribs. In the meantime on the other side of the ring Drew is fighting back with Wolf, both guys holding each other’s heads and punching the daylights out of each other, that is until Wolf gets Drew with a knee to the gut. Billy Vegas has lost all control and dips from the ring. Wolf has Drew doubled and lifts him up and across his <Wolf’s> back diagonally with Drew’s head by Wolf’s waist.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>PRIMAL INSTINCTS COMING UP! SHOW THAT TRAITOR WHO’S BOSS!<br>
<b><font color="#000af3"><br>
Smith: </font></b>Well your boy Billy Vegas is getting out of dodge! And now Drew is a traitor?! How do you figure? He’s done nothing but stand up for what’s good in MSW!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> I don’t know, just sounded cool.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith:</font></b> Wolf is just taunting Drew right now, while Tevolo is busy with Delsin Oswald! Wait! No! Drew countered! Drew Stevenson countered the Primal Instincts by Wolf Parker with an amazing arm drag from nowhere!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font><font color="#000af3"> </font></b>SHENANIGANS! SHEEENNNAAANNIGGAANNNS!<br>
Wolf laughs and looks to drop Drew with his Air Raid Crash he calls the Primal Instincts. But Drew is able to use his technical skills and slip out and turn it into an arm drag. Both are to their feet but Drew catches Wolf with a sit-out Rock Bottom he calls the FInal Conflict.<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford:</font></b> This night is giving me a headache.<br>
<b><font color="#000af3">Smith: </font></b>Cheer up buttercup! Today is a good day when First Class gets it stuck to them!<br>
<b><font color="#b4b4b4">Bradford: </font></b>Did you just say…. No. Just.. no.<br>
Wolf bounces off the mat and rolls out of the ring. Drew and Tevolo stand tall and shake hands. Wolf vanishes into the crowd, and Delsin stumbles back to the arena. Drew Stevenson stands tall to the crowds pleasure.<br>
== Larry LeStrange segment ==
<div align="center" style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange, </font>"LADDDDDDDDDIES AND GENTLEMEN!"</span><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">HONK, HONK</font></b></div><br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange,</font> "BOYS AND GIRLS!"<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">HONK, HONK</font></b></div><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">HONK, HONK</font></b></div><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">HONK, HONK</font></b></div><br>
A drumroll enticed the crowd as they had a familiarity with the green haired savior of fun and dreams. The arena's lights went pitch black as standing in the center of the ring with a microphone hanging from the rafters the awesome sight of Larry LeStrange greeted the audience. LeStrange was a hefty man but it was all love because there was nothing more he liked to do than entertain the crowd!<br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange, </font>"PLEASE GIVE A WARM ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE ONE AND ONLY.. BBBBBBBBBBooooooooooooooNNNNNNzzzzOOOOOOOOOOO!"<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><font size="4">BA DUM TSK</font></b></div><br>
With a utterly wacky sounding audio clip playing over the public address system, a green tinged light beamed down onto the top of the stage where erupting through the curtain was definitely BoNzO! A slightly mixed circus theme overtook the wacky tone as BoNzO jumped from side to side, waving his arms in the air feeling the love of the crowd.<br>
<font color="#1921e6"><b>Smith,</b></font> "Uh?"<br>
<b><font color="#a2a2a2">Bradford,</font></b> "A.. Clown?"<br>
The green spotlight followed BoNzO down the dark arena, all as he paused at the center of the ramp and raised his hands up and with a thunderous CLAP the lights to the arena came back and thousands of pieces of paper fell from the ceiling, clown confetti of course!<br>
BoNzO stopped near the ring and reached his hand out to a child that was reluctant because he knew that BoNzO could change his life and such a youngster didn't understand the significance of such a situation! Nonetheless, BoNzO kept his hand out and the boy's father urged the child to shake BoNzO's hand, which he did, as BoNzO quickly pulled his arm away leaving a fake hand in the child's grasp! The boy didn't understand BoNzO's joke, he begun to cry tears of happiness (not fear) as BoNzO reached over the steel fan rail and blew a party horn into the child's face to cheer him up, which brought even more tears of joy down his face!<br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange,</font> "DON'T CRY LITTLE BOY, BoNzO WILL NEVER GO AWAY! HE IS FOREVER!"<br>
<font color="#1921e6">Smith, </font>"That poor child is terrified."<br>
<b><font color="#a2a2a2">Bradford, </font></b>"The child!? I'M terrified!"<br>
BoNzO stepped into the ring through the ropes and hopped around Larry LeStrange as the MSW crowd were in awe of how awesome BoNzO was to give a proper reaction, but BoNzO and LeStrange did not mind. They knew that the fans would come to see them for what they were, the greatest men on MSW's talent listing and they would eventually rise up to legend like status with the love and unconditional support of the people!<br>
BoNzO gasped and put his white gloved hands on his face as he loved games! Games were so fun! Rolling out of the ring, BoNzO kneeled aside of the ring and reached beneath it, grabbing hold of a huge poster board made up of 75% effort, 15% love and 10% fun!<br>
<b><font color="#a2a2a2">Bradford, </font></b>"I don't think I'm going to sleep for a week after this."<br>
BoNzO stood up and jumped towards the fans with the poster board in their direction...<br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange, </font>"LET ME INTRODUCE THE WORLD TO PIN THE TAIL ON THE ELEPHANT!"<br>
The camera picked up the awesome game board made up of a black and white drawing with a in color picture of Matt Ward with a elephant trunk attached to his face, what a funny picture! BoNzO seemed to enjoy the game board as he laughed at it, causing some of the crowd to follow! BoNzO reached into his chest pocket and handed a tail with a piece of tape attached to the end to one of the members in the front row as he held the board in front of them.<br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange, </font>"OKAY SIR, PLEASE... PIN THE TAIL ON THE ELEPHANT!"<br>
<b><font color="#1921e6">Smith,</font></b> "How... Is this entertaining? This is absolutely demeaning to Matt Ward!"<br>
<b><font color="#a2a2a2">Bradford,</font></b> "This clown isn't so bad after all..."<br>
The audience member tried to reach his hand out and pin the tail on the backside of the elephant and as he got close, BoNzO yanked the board back causing the audience member to almost fall forward over the barricade in one of his zany hijinks!<br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange,</font> "OH SO CLOSE! NEXT TRY!"<br>
BoNzO closed his eyes and took a few short steps before stopping in front of a woman, handing off an elephant tail to her next so she can try her luck at completing the picture which would make everyone content! The woman held her arm out and was very close to putting the elephant's tail on it's backside, not before BoNzO, being the rascal he was, shot her in the face with some water from his chest flower! The woman missed the elephant's target and instead placed it on his rib cage as Larry gave a round of applause!<br>
<font color="#e619de">Larry LeStrange,</font> "SO CLOSE! NOW FOR THE LAST TRY!"<br>
BoNzO walked around the ring until he stopped at the same child who he had fooled with the old fake hand trick. The boy's father urged him to take the elephant tail as BoNzO tried to give him an advantage by allowing the board to rest on the rail.<br>
The boy didn't know how important it was until his father picked his hand up and quickly tried to pin the tail on the elephant, all as BoNzO sneezed causing the board to fly into the air and landed behind him! The boy dropped the tail onto the ground as BoNzO frowned...<br>
The zany circus theme played over the public address system once more as the lights in the arena cut off for a few seconds, coming back on... BoNzO and Larry LeStrange had used Houdini like magic and disappeared, leaving only an autographed picture with the boy who didn't quite win the game... BoNzO was a lot of things, a hero, a clown, a survivor but more importantly, he was a savior for fun!<br>
== Chris Orton vs Chris Williams ==
As “Over and Under” by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system, Chris Williams jogs out onto the MSW set to great fanfare. Williams lifts his cross pendant to his lips, then raises an arm to the sky and looks up, a tribute to his late father.<br>
<b>Gavin Grey: </b>The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, weighing 240 pounds, from Detroit, Michigan, CHRIIIS WILLIAAAMMMMSS!<br>
He walks down toward the ring with a purpose, high-fiving fans on one side of the rail. He walks up the steps to the ring and pauses, then looks into the crowd and thrusts his arm into the air, getting a nice reaction. Williams steps into the ring and takes off his necklace, handing it to the referee, and then waits.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> It's main event time! It's undeniable the impact Chris Williams has made since making his shocking return at the last Unstoppable and after events that unfolded earlier in the night you can bet that he's treating this match just like a contender's match. Win; and he gets to state his case as to why he should be facing Tommy Angel for the MSW Championship. A loss however would be a tremendous setback and would almost assuredly pave the way for a Cocheese/Angel match for War.<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford: </b></font>Instead of doing the right thing and joining First Class he decided to take that oh so foolish bet against the house. He didn't just want his share, like a greedy bastard he had to shoot for more, more, more! He could've had it made right now; not just anyone gets an invite to First Class after all Smith. Our humble owner, Mr. Cornelius even went out of his way to roll out the red carpet for him! His priorities are clearly out of order right now and Chris Orton is going to make him regret it. There's no parking lot to serve as any source of confusion this time and thankfully I don't see a circle of go-karts lined up either. There's no motivation quite like a humiliating loss but to his credit he definitely managed to make up for it afterwards until Duke Andrews had to stick his nose where it didn't belong.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> I'm not going to make any excuses for it but if there's one thing Chris Orton is; it's motivated. He's got the fire burning in his eyes tonight and there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to give it everything he's got. A win over Chris Williams would definitely propel him in the eyes of the front office and fans alike and right now he's a man with nothing to lose and everything to gain. This could get ugly.<br>
Gavin Grey: </b>And his opponent, already in the ring from Miami Florida, weighing 220lbs he is Chris Orton!<br>
<div align="center"><font size="3"><b>DING DING</b></font><br>
Chris Orton quickly darts for Chris Williams but Williams manages to quickly duck out of reach and slips behind as he pulls off a crisp sleeper suplex. Orton crashes to the mat as Williams follows up with a swift low dropkick to the face as Orton sits up as he quickly sends him crashing back to the mat as he goes to follow up for a cover that only manages a 1.7 count. Williams looking to keep the pressure going often and early quickly springs back to his feet as he slams Orton back to the mat again with an armdrag before following up with another immediately after. The crowd is hot as Orton goes to slide out of the ring as he tries to catch his breath with his hands on his knees.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4">1!<br>
</div><font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Beautiful sleeper suplex followed up by a series of arm drags. Chris Williams showing that patented scientific/technical style that he's known for. It's rare to see a sleeper suplex applied in this day and age but it's always innovative.<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Orton got a little trigger happy there but don't expect that to be the case all match. Veteran move on his behalf by rolling out of the ring to regroup and get his head back into the game. He can't allow Chris Williams to dictate the match and wrestle it on his terms.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Every second you can get away from your opponent counts but it's a double edged sword. The more time you have to regroup and recover the more you're opponent is able to do the same. Late into a match that can be the difference between a victory or a stunning comeback by your opponent.<br>
Williams quickly runs against the ropes and just like a running making a mad dash for home base or a QB trying to avoid a big hit hits a baseball slide underneath the bottom rope as Orton crashes into the steel barricade.<br>
Williams slaps a bunch of fans hands sitting I the front row as he takes a moment to strike a pose with the crowd with his arms outstretched as a mother snaps a quick selfie with him and her daughter and son.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Baseball slide by Chris Williams! He's got Orton on the ropes and the fans are loving it!<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Bah! He's wasting his time with the crowd! He should be more interested in trying to finish the match, he can pander to those sycophants after.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>There's nothing wrong with the crowd enjoying the show. That's a cherished memory that family is going to remember for the rest of their lives. He may have just inspired one or both of those kids to follow in his footsteps someday.<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford</b></font>: Oh please! I didn't know a barf bag would be mandatory as a result of working next to you. If these kids should want to be like anyone they should look up to IC3; they should look up to Tommy Angel and the rest of First Class. They should want to be in their spot, they should want to be surrounded by luxury and class. The limousines, the one of a kind custom tailored suits, the respect and adoration that comes with being the best of the best. That's what they should strive for; hell that's what you should strive for Smith!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> My integrity and dignity aren't for sale.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>5!</b></font><br>
Williams slides back in the ring and quickly out to break the referee's count, forcing him to restart.<br>
<b><font size="4"><br>
</font></b><div align="center"><b><font size="4">1!</font></b><br>
<b><font size="4">2!</font></b><br>
Williams goes to grab Orton by the head only to get met with a sucker punch to the gut. Orton grabs Williams by the front of the trunks and yanks backwards, propelling him straight into the ring post as his head bounces off it.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>3!<br>
Orton grabs Williams by the head and slams it into the ringpost again before leaning his head against the post. Orton drives his boot straight into Williams head with it against the post as he slumps and slides partially down it, his hand barely holding onto the apron.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>5!<br>
Orton quickly slides into the ring right before the 5 count, trying to urge the referee to count faster. Maddix ironically stops counting for a moment to explain that he can only count at a certain speed and that he was counting only as fast as he was legally able to.<br>
<div align="center"><b><font size="4">7!<br>
Williams stirs as he pulls himself up and staggers around trying to find his balance, holding onto the ring apron.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>9!</b></font><br>
Williams slides into the ring as the last possible moment much to the shock and ire of Chris Orton.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Chris Williams just barely managed to make it into the ring in the nick of time!<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford:</b></font> That was a slow count!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Actually for once you're right.<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford:</b></font> It took you long enough to come around! Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks after all!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>You're right because under normal circumstances there's a big chance Chris Williams might have been counted out. However in a ironic twist of fate; because Orton kept pestering and harassing the referee to count faster he in fact actually bought Williams a few precious extra seconds to recover and get back into the ring.<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford:</b></font> He wouldn't have had to do that in the first place if he did his job! You're always making excuses for these zebras instead of calling it what it is!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> I am calling it a I see it. And I see a referee that was prevented and impeded from doing his job adequately due to an impatient competitor. It's not exactly his fault when he has to explain the rule to someone who doesn't quite understand it as good as he should. Either way Williams is back in the ring but he's hurting pretty badly right now.<br>
Orton quickly leaps for the pinfall looking to put him away quickly. 1, 2, KICKOUT! Orton hooks the leg as he goes for another pin 1, 2, KICKOUT! Orton slaps his hand against the mat in frustration as Maddix holds up 2 fingers. Orton argues a little with the referee, his rage and his anger starting to get the better of him as Williams goes to pull himself back up with the ropes.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Orton's starting to let his anger get the better of him and it just might end up costing him the match if he isn't careful.<br>
<font color="999999"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> He needs to just stay on the attack and keep his foot on the gas. He's in full control right now and he'd be a fool to give Williams an opening he shouldn't have.<br>
Orton stomps his feet on the ground as Williams finally reaches a vertical base base as he quickly hooks the arm around the neck and hits him with a sharp and swift swinging neckbreaker. With Orton seemingly sensing the end at hand he picks his foe up by his hair and goes for the Blackout (Running leaping bulldog) but Williams managed to counter by hooking his elbow on the top rope for leverage , leaving Orton with a handful of air as he crashes to the ground on his rear. Orton manages to get back to his feet as Williams manages to dig down deep and launch himself full speed at Orton for a running crossbody in a last ditch desperation attempt to try to shift the momentum of the match. As Williams collides with Orton both men skid and crash to the mat.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> And that might have just been what Chris Williams needed to get back into the match! Somehow he found a way to dig down deep into his reserves and managed to hit one hell of a crossbody when he needed to the most!<br>
<font color="999999"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> That's just bad luck, pure and simple for Chris Orton. If he would have had him just one inch closer towards the center of the ring he'd be on the verge of victory.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith: </b></font>Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good; other times it's better to be both good and lucky. Chris Williams appears to be a bit of both right now. He's a student of the game and he used his veteran ring awareness to narrowly avert a disaster. Whether he's a Machine or just plain ole Chris Williams there's no doubt in anyone's mind that he's simply a masterful ring general.<br>
Maddix checks on both men before starting the 10 count as the crowd is fully behind the man formerly known as The Machine.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>1!<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*  LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
Williams is the first to stir as he begins to crawl on the mat, the crowd beginning to energize him and give him new life.<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
Orton is next to stir as both men seem to be crawling towards opposite sides of the ring.<br>
LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! *  Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*<br>
Williams is up, Orton is up to one knee. The referee pauses as he's ready to call for the bell as Orton is able to make it back to both feet as well. Both men walk back towards the ring as Williams throws a right hook at Orton.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>YAY!<br>
Orton fires back with a left of his own.<br>
</b><div align="center"><font size="4"><b>BOO!</b></font><br>
The reaction was mixed for Orton but the booes were definitely more audible as the crowd was split 65/35 in favor of Chris Williams.<br>
</b><div align="center"><font size="4"><b>YAY!</b></font><br>
Williams struck back with another right.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>BOO!</b></font><br>
The crowd was quick to react again as Orton countered as they went back and forth now as they exchanged punches at a frantic pace.<br>
<div align="center"><font size="4"><b>YAY!</b><br>
<b>YAY! </b><br>
The momentum has shifted further and further towards Chris Williams now as he whipped Orton to the ropes and quickly managed to quickly capture him with a snap vertical suplex.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Williams with the vertical suplex! And he doesn't look like he's done here, he's holding on and looking to hit another.<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford:</b></font> Hook the leg Orton, hook the leg! Block it!<br>
Williams managed to hang on as he managed to drag Orton back to his feet with him and he managed to pivot his hips as he lifted him to slam him back down with a second vertical suplex.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Second vertical suplex, and he's not done yet folks!<br>
<font color="999999"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> No! Come on Orton, reverse it, reverse it!<br>
Williams again manages to hold on as he drags his foe up to his feet one more time as he lifted him up and backwards one final time as he finally releases the hold as he drives him down for the third consecutive suplex. Williams lept back up to his feet as he was well into his second wind as Orton probably against his better judgment managed to find a way to return to a vertical base. Before Orton could even regain his ring awareness after being tossed around for three verticals in a row Williams had scooped him up for a scoop slam, managing to hold him on his shoulder for just a moment before transitioning into the Boiling Point (Emerald Flosion).<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Boiling Point! Williams with the Boiling Point! This one is over!<br>
Williams quickly hooks the leg upon impact as the crowd loudly counts along for the pin 1, 2, 3!<br>
<b>Gavin Grey:</b> Here is your winner... Chris Williams!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b>Smith:</b></font> Well there's no denying that he made his case loud and clear here tonight! IC3 is going to have one hell of a decision on his hands!<br>
<font color="999999"><b>Bradford: </b></font>Well both Williams and Cocheese won tonight so they have to be the front runners one would imagine but until the Boss says you've earned it, it's far from a sure thing!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>Well that's all the time we have for tonight. For Alex Bradford I'm Alex Smith thanks for watching! We'll see you next wee... wait a minute! What's going on here? Who are those men?<br>
What appeared to be two fans wearing black bandannas covering their faces hop the guard rail and begin to circle the ring as Chris Williams was in the middle of his post match celebration.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>You got to be kidding me! Is this what I think it is?<br>
<font color="999999"><b><br>
Bradford: </b></font>Oh come on! You're just profiling them! You can get a bandanna at the QuikStop down the street! That proves nothing!<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith:</b></font> Put two and two together for once. Two men gunning for the spot, the escalation of tension between the presumed contendership front runners. The Capital Crew and their bandannas they have tied around their necks.<br>
<font color="999999"><b><br>
Bradford:</b></font> Yeah, yeah. You've heard of a thing called fans haven't you? I mean look at those two! The only Crew they look like they belong to is the Afterschool Clean-Up Crew! Just a pair of punk kids!<br>
Williams looks around to either side of the ring, being sure to watch his back before he motions with both of his hands for them to bring it. The two men dart into the ring and try to attack him from both sides. They manage to back him into a corner before Chris Williams starts fighting back with a punch of swift right and left punches as he manages to fight out of the corner. The two thugs try to fight back as they kick him in the gut and try to go for a double suplex, only to get countered by a double DDT instead! The first thug gets up and tries to dart after Williams but only manages to catch a release german suplex for his troubles. The second thug gets up and darts at him for a clothesline but Williams had him scouted as he ducks and catches him in a release German Suplex as well. Both thugs are reeling on the mat next to one another as Chris William picks the first thugs up on his shoulder as he looks for the Boiling Point but seeing the opportunity on his hands he waits for the second thug to get up momentarily as he then scoops him up a swell ontop of the other! Williams slams them both down to the mat for a Double Boiling Point as the crowd pops as “Over and Under” by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system as Chris Williams stands tall.<br>
<font color="1f00ff"><b><br>
Smith: </b></font>And just when things were going to end on a quiet note for once things heated back up! Who tried to attack Chris Williams? Who is the Number One Contender for WAR? We're out of time for tonight, tune in next week to MSW Unstoppable as we hope to find out these answers and more! Goodnight everyone!

Latest revision as of 09:26, 11 March 2021

The Card

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Date: Saturday, March 12th
Location: Folly Theater in Kansas City, MO
Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Isaac Cornelius III

(Match Order/Card Subject to Change)

Singles Match

Jay B vs IC4
BRO OFF! We got the first official MSW Bro Off? What does a bro off mean? Well we're not sure exactly. We figured we'd leave this one up to the Bros! Who will be the broest bro of all? The Party Rocker Jay B, or will it be the man with the Masters in Bro-Science and son of the boss, IC4? LET THE BRO OFF BEGIN!

Singles Match
Silas Romero vs Legacy Banks
Things got heated pretty quick between NIkki Venom and Silas when Nikki called him out. Now Silas Romero takes on Legacy Banks, a man that didn't stand much chance against Frank Debauchee. Silas has new things on his mind with Nikki Venom but a win here for Silas could be sending a message to Nikki Venom. It seems as though things are only beginning here. What will happen between these two? Only time will tell.

Singles Match
Frankie Cocheese w/ Barrel vs Matt Ward
Cocheese and Barrel, the Capital Crew, made short work of IC4 and the Skylarks at US18 and Matt Ward fell to the short end of the stick against the Shades who picked up their first victory team. This show, Matt Ward has a chance to redeem that loss, going against Frankie Cocheese this show. Frankie and Chris Williams had a pretty headed stare down which could be a foretelling of things to come. No doubt IC3 and First Class are going to be watching this, and Barrel will be there just in case things go down.

Singles Match
Peyton Kaiser w/ Artemis Kaiser vs The Evil Shades
News recently broke that after the events that led to Artemis Kaiser's defeat at the hands of First Class, crowning TJ Bryce as the new PURE15 Champion, was out with a concussion until further notice. But stepping into the active roster for his first match since our return is Peyton Kaiser. Artemis has been granted permission to be in his corner as Peyton turns back to the ring with his brand new attitude to take on the Evil Shades who are just coming off of the biggest win of their entire career so far against Matt Ward.

Singles Match

Chris Orton vs Chris Williams
Chris Williams made a huge return that nobody had expected and to top it off he foiled IC3's plans not once, not even twice but three times. The first was knocking out the First Class referee Billy Vegas, taking him out of the First Class matches later in the night. Then Williams told IC3 he was in business for himself, not IC3, and then in the chaos of the main event Williams helped clean house. Tonight he faces Chris Orton who thought he was involved in a Parking Lot Brawl against Drew Stevenson has a big shot at going for the big time if he can upset Chris Williams in his triumphant return to MSW!

Singles Match

Frank Debauchee vs Phoenix Winterborn
Winterborn has not had the best of luck since coming back to MSW and now he gets the chance to really come back as he takes on Frank Debauchee who's been on fire since he stepped into the yellow and black. It seems that things are heating up between Debauchee and Tevolo so one can only assume that after costing Tevolo his match against Delsin Oswald, Tevolo and quite possibly Jacob Mitchell will be in the house tonight looking for some sweet revenge.

Handicap Match
Logan Brock vs Well Connected
Logan Brock, a man that was minding his own business when TJ Bryce and Well Connected decided to come at him after the title victory. However Logan Brock, a working class man, decided that he wasn't going to take it and he made sure to let TJ Bryce know that he could take that PURE15 title any time, any place. TJ took is as a joke, but Logan Brock did not. So to get at TJ, he finds himself in a minor handicap against T-Zone and The Lenny.

Singles Match
Drew Stevenson vs Delsin Oswald
IC3 and company were not too happy that Drew Stevenson pretty much got the one up on them with his little party at US18 but this time he gets to take on the enforcer of First Class, Delsin Oswald. Delsin wasn't too thrilled about having to go out to the parking lot, but IC3 told him it wasn't about sending Delsin out as it was keeping Drew Stevenson out of the arena and teaching him a lesson from US18. Of course, we still need to be on the lookout for "The Radical" Wolf Parker who two shows in a row has made it his mission to launch a surprise attack on Drew Stevenson, talking about a bigger picture with no word on where his allegiances ride. This will be a match you do not want to miss. 

Singles Match
Nikki Venom vs LeBroc Harris
LeBroc Harris has the last show off but he returns to take on Nikki Venom who has his eyes set out for Silas Romero who competes just earlier in the night. Harris is looking to get back on track but Venom wants to continue to send a strong message to Silas. A win here could be could for both men and the chance to propel them into eventual contendership.

Duke Andrews vs Barrel w/ Frankie Cocheese
Duke Andrews has been on Drew's side for a few weeks now and at US18 it looked like everything was going great until Cocheese and Williams had their stand off. Duke tried to keep the peace but even laying a finger on Cocheese knocked him flat from a massive big boot from Barrel. Duke decided he wasn't going to take that laying down and so he wanted a match with Barrel and here we are. Cocheese will be in his corner and you know IC3 is going to have his eyes on this match and neither man is ultimately safe from the wrath of First Class.




Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Unstoppable! Things are picking up as we're officially on the road to WAR!

And WAR it's going to be. Things seem to be heating up between First Class and the Stevenson clan of rejects and WAR is going to be First Class standing tall!

Smith: We'll have to see what starts to happen as we get a little bit closer, but from what I understand is that IC3 is going to have an announcement tonight regarding the MSW Championship. And speaking of championships, our PURE15 champion TJ Bryce has his committee in action as Well Connected takes on Logan Brock after their interactions at last Unstoppable and Logan Brock didn't take too kindly to that.

Logan did this all himself by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And he's going to find out why you don't cross the Class tonight!

Smith: "Cross the Class" like Tevolo who got screwed over by First Class and Debauchee just to be suspended from the arena tonight? It's a power abuse, Bradford. It was a power abuse two weeks ago when Delsin Oswald helped TJ Bryce win the title and took Artemis Kaiser out with a concussion because of it with no penalties. It's getting to be out of hand. Like Drew Stevenson having to face Delsin Oswald tonight in the parking lot.. again. 

Bradford: Let it go, Smith! Stevenson did it to himself and the "Kaiser Killer" Delsin Oswald is going to take care of him tonight and be the Kaiser AND Stevenson killer.

Drew Stevenson needs to be on the lookout though for Wolf Parker who's seemed to have his number each and every single show and I'm sure he's scouting somewhere tonight. So the question is though, is Wolf working for First Class or is he not? We never see him associated but he seems to be after their biggest enemy. And knowing just how dangerous Wolf Parker is, I'm hoping Drew is prepared for him and Delsin Oswald tonight. 

There's no way he can be and I'm excited to see him get what he deserves after that travesty last time. He's a trouble maker and deserves to stay out there! If IC3 is smart he won't even let Drew Stevenson GO to San Francisco for WAR. He'll just start a bigger riot to try and ruin the company. And he can take that reject Duke Andrews with him too.

Well speaking of Duke Andrews, it appears as if he and Barrel will no longer be the main event tonight, either! In a last minute scheduling change, Chris Williams versus Chris Orton will now be the main event of the evening and you can be sure that with the way things went down two weeks ago, things with the Capital Crew and Chris Williams and First Class are far from done.

It's only far from done if First Class isn't done torturing their pour pathetic souls. 

Smith: You're sound like the Evil Shades now.

Bradford: The shades come from a magical realm far far away, Smith, and they were so grateful at my appreciation for their talents that they took me to their shadow realm and it was glorious!

Smith: Do we have to pull a Ken Anderson and drug test you? Because if you test positive for under the influence it's your own damn fault.

Bradford: Don't test the power of the Shades, Smith. Matt Ward felt it and he's never going to be the same and now he's got to face Frankie Cocheese. And now Peyton Kaiser is going to feel the wrath too. He said he wants to get at Delsin but that's if the Shades don't pull him in through their Shade Hole.

Smith: There's so much going on tonight, Winterborn has a match against Debauchee AND who can forget the first official Bro-Off that's scheduled to be our first contest of the night? 

Bradford: Ic4 is totally bro, Smith. You're just not down with the bro. I tell you what, I'm looking forward to Silas Romero, HIPSTER HERCULES BABY!

Smith: Well so much is happening, all kinds of athletes are colliding tonight as we're on our way with the Road to WAR on April 23rd in San Francisco, California, in the Golden Gate Arena! WELCOME! To Unstoppable! I've just received word that we've got some fan footage of an incident from earlier this afternoon, let's check it out!

Tracy Race fan footage

Every Saturday, fans would hit the Folly Theater a little earlier than normal to try and get a sneak peek at their favorite MSW stars arriving. Sometimes, autographs and pictures were taken with lucky fans if the talent had arrived early enough. For what happened prior to Unstoppable 19 though… would be remembered by those in attendance, forever.

Audio and Video is Courtesy of Reggie McKenzie, fan footage shot with an Apple iPhone 6+


One of MSW’s more recent signees and one that has been on an absolute tear as of late had just gotten out of an older modeled Ford F150- Tracy Race had the night off from active competition but much like the rest of the roster, he’d be there in person to watch the show and support his roster mates. As he turned and gave off a wave to a few fans that called out to him—chaos had erupted. A man jumped the steel barricade set up and completely floored one of the security guards that was positioned to protect the talent with a right hand—before Race could turn from the fan’s shouts and pleads—the man grabbed Tracy by the back of the head, with all force he had he launched Race forward and put his head into the fender of the truck.


The voice of the fan who shot the footage- a man named Reggie was panicking as they didn’t know what was going on. Race’s legs buckled beneath him after that shot as he was face down on the pavement. The man sat Tracy up security flooded from the door, but before they could reach the area in full sprint- the perp put Race’s head up against the truck’s front tire- - took a few steps back and sprinted forward again, putting the sole of his foot across Tracy’s face giving a pretty sick whiplash motion.


Security tried to reach the dude attacking Tracy but it was a fruitless venture as by the time they reached the action, the man—who had a zipped up black hoodie had disappeared as quick as he appeared, leaving them… wordless. From the shot of an unconscious Tracy Race, we cut within the arena to Alex Smith and Alex Bradford- Smith looked concerned and even Bradford seemed to be disturbed by what he had seen.

Smith: Ladies and gentlemen- we apologize if that offended anyone but felt it was absolutely necessary to not insult the fan’s intelligence. We work in an industry where sometimes that very fine line can be blurred, and what you saw.. was just that. We have no information on who attacked Tracy Race—security camera footage is being dissected as we speak… but we would like to wish Tracy a very speedy recovery. The extent of his injuries is not yet known, but we do know that early word out of his camp is that he will be OK—so Tracy take care of yourself and we will no doubt find who did that to you.

Usually down to chirp in and poke at Alex Smith, Bradford kept quiet—he didn’t have anything to say for possibly the first time of his life. As he watched on, he put his hands behind his head- disgusted with the fan footage as Smith sighed and buried his face in his right hand…

First Class In-ring Segment

“Money (instrumental)” by Pink Floyd as the half capacity crowd roared with a chorus of boos as that music only meant one thing; First Class was close by. Out from the back stepped Isaac Cornelius III, triumphantly as he walked down the aisle. To his right was Eugene B. Varano threatening to sue a rowdy fan in the crowd and to his left Ed Trampke who had a certain swagger to his step as he strutted next to the boss. Behind them were TJ Bryce with the PURE 15 Championship resting on his shoulder and Well Connected; T-Zone and The Lenny. Delsin Oswald entered out last who got an extra loud chorus of boos for what he did to Artemis Kaiser on the last Unstoppable as he wore a confident grin.

Delsin Oswald: FIRST CLASS BABY!


The crowd let him have it as he shouted to the crowd as paraded down the ramp. Notably absent from the entourage were MSW Heavyweight Champion Tommy Angel, Izzy Cornelius, IC4 and The Skylarks, the latter three presumably preparing for the Bro-Off.

Gavin Grey:
Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome at this time The Owner of Missouri State Wrestling Isaac Cornelius the Third and First Class!


IC3 grabs a mic upon entering the ring after he ordered Gavin Grey to hold the ropes open for First Class to step through. As First Class stood triumphantly in the ring together IC3 taps the mic several times, causing it to echo and screech which made some members in the crowd groan and cringe.

I can do this all night you Neanderthals. If you want to try to talk over me I'll just turn the volume up and speak over you little children.


IC3: Sometimes I wonder why I even keep this promotion in the Not-So-Great state of Misery. I bought and revived a dead franchise after Danny Stevenson selfishly stat on a gold mind and let it slowly rot and decay out of neglect and you people can't even show an ounce of class or even utter a “Thank you Mr. Cornelius”. No, you pound your chests and scream like a bunch of apes, failing to realize that I'm singlehandedly propping up what would otherwise be a stale local economy by providing you ingrates with a little bit of entertainment. Are your lives really that miserable that you have to shower undue hate just because someone is more successful than you? I'm sorry that I don't spend my nights sitting infront of the TV with a frozen dinner that's probably going to give me cancer in 15 years and I'm sorry that you people couldn't even take a government FAFSA handout to try to make a better life for yourselves. You people find a way to leach off the system and somehow find a way to even screw that up!

But try as you may, you're not going to ruin my night and as much as you protest or decide to hold an illegal assembly in the parking lot with a few “undesirables” you can't erase what has already been done. I knew that I made the right choice when I choose TJ Bryce to go against your beloved Artemis Kaiser and even if she won in a pure fluke the first time; First Class never took the fall and when it became a one-on-one affair there was no doubt in who would take home the gold.

Almost as if on cue TJ Bryce raises the PURE 15 Championship high into the air as a chorus of boos met him.


IC3: Sound crew, you know what to do.

Tapping the microphone a few times, the crowd was completely drowned out by how obnoxiously loud the sound level was. The crowd tried in vein to overcome the volume as he tapped it several times but if they couldn't do it with a packed house the crowd had no chance of overtaking him now. With a cocky grin IC3 raises the mic back to his lips.

AS I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the classless MISERIANS of Kansas City... there was never any doubt in my mind that TJ Bryce would be the man to be the standard bearer of what it meant to be... PURE. After all she didn't really earn that championship, she'll tell you she did but we all know better. The only reason why she won the belt in the first place was because Danny Stevenson felt bad for her and wanted to leave his mark on the promotion before the sale was finalized. It was a handout, pure and simple and I knew that I had to right a wrong. TJ Bryce; you've made me proud and more importantly you justified my decision to bring you into First Class. Ladies and Gentlemen THIS is what a PURE athlete looks like.

IC3 motions to TJ Bryce with his arm stretched outward and slightly back with his palm open as a faint boo could be heard under the mic.

IC3: And speaking about PURE, how could I forget the MVP of Unstoppable 18, the “Kaiser Killer” Delsin Oswald? Many months ago while I was scouting the independents while dealing with a legal battle over in California I knew that I had to start looking towards the future of this business and you have yet to disappoint me. I mean you took the self-proclaimed “God of Anger” and you threw her right off our Mount Olympus and exposed her as the mortal she is! If she really was a “God” she would've realized and respected that there's only one God in wrestling and you're looking right at him. You see true Gods have unlimited power; they have the courage to carry out great feats that a mere mortal, Eye-E all of you, could never imagine in a thousand years. A true God carries out edicts on a divine birthright and even Caesar himself had to pay tribute to the Almighty. If you were a God Artemis you would have been able to make everything you proclaim come to pass as if it were a prophecy and you would have made the right choice, you would've gotten on your knees and you would have begged me to allow you into First Class. But you didn't, you wouldn't. You let your pride blind you to reality and as thus? Well you're unable to compete in MSW until further notice, you had to be stupid and get a concussion as a result of your act of rebellion. You have nobody to blame but yourself and if your baby brother Peyton decides to get a little froggy I'll have the Kaiser Killer put him out of commission too.


IC3: No, they're not. There's only one Dynasty in MSW and you're looking at them right now in this very ring. Speaking of Dynasties, I have big plans for MSW. For years it has been known as the premiere wrestling destination in Missouri but I sat back and I asked myself the question, 'why stop here'? You see I'm not satisfied with just being a region power, I mean after all what fun is it if you play every single move safe and never take any risks? In the business world one has to take a serious of calculated risks to get ahead. You need to understand your markets, your demographics and you need to weight supply vs demand. Sure, I could specialize and stay right here and hope to establish a nice base of support but then I'd ignore the large, mainstream markets. Markets like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas. The list goes on and on; what you think Stan Kronke bolted for LA on a mere whim? He went there because he would gain access to one of the biggest television markets in the nation! Phase One of my vision began with the purchase of MSW and the subsequant crowning of two champions that I trust to carry this promotion to the promised land; Phase Two begins with War. On April 23rd I will be taking MY wrestling promotion back to my home, where the name Cornelius is personified with success, to the Golden Gate Arena in San Francisco! A bigger arena, a bigger audience, 100% more class than this Miserian mudhole. You see, I know you people are ready for the excitement that'll be on a card stacked from top to bottom so I decided to take the initiative to test the markets for what I hope becomes a National Expansion.


IC3: And this is exactly why I'm taking WAR to the Golden Gate Arena. You people don't understand how good you have it when we run shows here twice a month so maybe after I take my company to California for the month you'll show just a little bit of humility and class. Maybe you'll come crawling back to me on your knees and beg that I don't cut you off permanently form your miserable Miserian routine.

And at WAR we need a Main Event worthy of selling out my arena. Now as many of you may be aware, Thomas isn't here tonight. You see I decided to give him the night off, I sent him and Izzy off to the Bahamas for a little bit of well deserved R&R after the last Unstoppable. I figured after the heroic, valiant effort he gave to fend off Duke Andrews and that assorted band of miscreants he deserved a little bit of personal time off to just really relax and recharge his batteries. Despite the best efforts of a select group of people I will not have my Champion hobble into the main event of WAR at anything less than 100% So while he's enjoying his well deserved time off I will be scouting the roster to see who happens to be the most deserving out of a wide field of undeserving pretenders to have the privilege of sharing the ring with him in the MSW Heavyweight Championship match. As the owner of this company I have to be a fair man and I have to give out opportunities as they're earned so tonight and over the next few weeks I'll be watching all these hicks scramble and scratch and claw for that brass ring and to everyone in the back, IF you're lucky you'll earn the opportunity of a lifetime if you manage to impress me.

As “Over and Under” by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system as Chris Williams steps out much to the chagrin of First Class with a mic in hand as he begins to walk down the ramp.

Chris Williams:
If you looking for a man to go against Tommy Angel; look no further. Now I may not have been back in Missouri long but my history here speaks volumes. During my first stint I ran roughshod over the roster; I became the first ever PURE 15 Champion, back when it used to be a championship trophy. Last Unstoppable I came back and I picked up exactly where I left off, you know it, I know it, and your little posse definitely knows it first hand when I sent you guys running with your tails tucked between your legs. I think the choice is pretty simple when it comes down to it. You need a challenger and I need a match. Put your money where your mouth is IC3 and make it happen!

Just as IC3 was about to respond “Shook Ones Pt1” by Mobb Deep manages to cut them both off. Barrel and Frankie Cocheese emerge on the stage. Cocheese pulls his black bandana down as he raises the mic to his lips.

Frankie Cocheese:
Since we're talking about who deserves what around here; I think you're forgetting one very important piece of the puzzle. You want to talk about dominance? Look at my body of work. Whether it was MSW, RWD, or MLLS I've done nothing but left a wake of defeated challengers behind me. Fact of the matter is that I've never lost in MSW or it's spinoff the RWD; I've been unpinned, unsubmitted and yet where's my shot Isaac? You should know better than anyone here considering when I went down to Golden Gate Wrestling for a cup of coffee and won the one night Dusty Rhodes Memorial Cup tournament. You top that off with the fact that I ran off your boys that punk ass Chris Williams is trying to take credit for before; it's an open and shut case. Yeah Chris, I saw those knees of yours tremble when I dared you to do something and as soon as Barrel took Duke Andrews out you decided to play the punk and step on back. You killed your own case right then and there. So what's it going to be Isaac; you going to give me what's mine or do we need to keep making examples out of your stooges until we get it?

IC3 had heard enough as he raised his mic back up as he pointed to Williams on the ramp and Capital Crew on the stage.

IC3: If you two want a shot you're going to have to earn it like everybody else. It's a privilege to be in the same ring as class and it's not one that I'm going to hand out like a community organizer handing out pocket bibles at the Salvation Army soup truck. That being said I'm well aware of the body of work the two of you both possess and the only thing I'll promise either of you is that I'll “take it under consideration” when determining a contender. Right now however I would advise all three of you to worry about your matches coming up later in the night and as always Win With Class gentlemen.

Is this thing back on? Finally!

Bradford: IC3 was interrupted enough tonight, the last thing he needed was hearing you talk over him on the broadcast! The gantlet has been thrown down, WAR is coming to the Golden Gate Arena, and First Class will be in action later tonight! We already have a lot to look forward to and things are only just getting started!

I only hope that both of these men are given a fair shot and that the best man is given the chance to face Tommy Angel for the MSW Championship. First Class needs to be stopped one way or another.

Well keep on wishing Smith because you're dreaming of a fairy tale that'll never come to pass! The Cornelius Era is only just beginning; learn to love it.

Bro Off Part I: Arm Wrestling

The cameras are now in the back where an Arm Wrestling table is set up and Jay B is standing with IC4.

Gavin Grey: Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the first official Missouri State Wrestling BRO OFF! This contest will be in four rounds, it is best three out of four between Jay B and Isaac Cornelius the Fourth. The first round is an arm wrestling contest! 

Jay B: Ooooh Bro, you ready for this?! 

IC4: I was born ready to bro, Jay Bro. 

Jay B: Well bro, lets get it broing, bro! 

IC4: Bro, did you just say broing? 

Jay B: Totally, Bro. 

IC4: Okay, Bro, that was pretty bro. 

Jay B: Bro.  

IC4: Bro. 


Gavin: Gentlemen… bro’s. Take your seats. 

They sit down, using their right arms. They grab hands and at the count of three they struggle to push each other down. IC4’s arm starts going down, it’s getting closer and closer and closer to the padding then he laughs. 


His physical power starts to bring Jay B’s arm back up and gets closer and closer to his pad but Jay B fights it back to. 


Jay B: Don’t think so, Bro! 

Jay B brings it back to the middle and then the Skylarks come out from the crowd “LETS GO BRO! LET’S GO BRO!” 

Jay B is laughing, and then in the corner of his eye he sees somebody in pink waiving. He turns his head thinking it’s a hottie but it’s ACTUALLY Bullshark #6, the female Bullshark who seems to be gawking at Jay B and nervously waving at him. Jay B is totally confused. 

Jay B: Bro… I’m totally confused. Is that a shark lady!? 


And with Jay B’s attention caught off guard, IC4 slams Jay B’s arm down and the Skylarks ring their own bell. 

Gavin: Well.. uh.. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of round one of the bro off arm wrestling is Isaac Cornelius the Fourth! 

Silas Romero vs Legacy Banks

With the lights dimming down in the arena, various gold spot lights started going over the crowd. With that, an ominous guitar riff began to play over the PA system. The eeriness of the guitar tone, mixed with the lights drums finally gave way to a post-hardcore, trash sound. With the emotional screams of "Death's Great Black Wing Scrapes the Air" in full force, the "Hipster Hercules" emerged onto the the stage, with one spotlight shining, but just barely, onto him. Silas stared out into the crowd, while some of them were cheering him on, but most were jeering him. Soon as the first breakdown kicked in on the song, Silas slowly elevated his right arm up to chest level; bending it at the elbow so that his forearm running parallel with said chest. The letter's "GKFO" written across his black forearm sleeve in a crisp, clean gold font. A smirk rolled across his lips, before lowering his arm back down even slower than before. Silas strolled down the entrance way, keeping as much distance from the fans on either side as humanly possible.

Gavin Grey:
The following match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing 242lbs, Knockout Supreme... Silas Romero!

Once he got to ringside, he went directly for the steel steps that led up to the apron of the ring. Silas leaned up against the steel ring post for a moment; again letting his smug smirk roll across his lips, just before stepping slowly between the second and top rope. He walked across the ring, straight for the hard camera side of the ropes. He leaned forward, letting the top rope support his weight, while sticking his right arm out in front of himself. Again, it was level with his chest; making sure the letters on his arm were once again readable. As music reached the final thrashy breakdown kicked in, Silas pushed himself away from the ropes and proceeded to make his way to the opposite turnbuckle and leaned against it. He stroked his well-trimmed beard, before warming up before the match-up.

Gavin Grey: And his opponent, already in the ring, Legacy Banks IV!

Silas Romero was victorious last week against Loose Cannon while Legacy Banks was, well he didn't have the best night.

I still swear his parents hated him as a child. Who names their kid Legacy anyway? The only Legacy he earned was being Mr. February's first victory in MSW! He'll be forever remembered as a footnote!

Well he has a chance to reverse his fortunes here tonight and a win over Hipster Hercules but he definitely has his work cut out for him.

But you know Nikki Venom has to be watching this match out there somewhere.

Smith: Absolutely. He made his intentions known on the last Unstoppable and while he may have his sights set on First Class down the road, right now his attention is squarely on Silas Romero.

Ding Ding

Banks rushes towards Romero as he flails as he tries to punch and hit him repeatedly, backing him up into a corner. Mike Maddix calls for a clean break as Banks nods and backs up before hitting him with a knife edge chop, followed by another and another. Banks backs off and parades around in a circle with his arms stretched out before running back towards Romero only to get caught in the face with an elbow. Romero quickly follows up with a running european uppercut to send Banks reeling backwards before capturing him in a nasty cradle suplex.

Cradle Suplex by Romero, what a fluid transition after connecting with a running european uppercut!

Bradford: Banks tried to get the jump but just like when he tried that same stunt on Frank Debauchee he came up mostly empty handed. He actually got some offense in this time but not nearly enough. Go figure, you manage to hit a few lucky shots and then you blow what advantage you had by showboating!

Smith: For once I actually agree. The celebration was definitely a bit premature and Silas Romero will make you pay for that every single time. Romero has deadly accuracy and can score a knock out from just about any position.

Well Knockout Supreme isn't just a fancy moniker!

Banks quickly crawls for the ropes trying to get away from Romero and ducks under it to make the referee back Romero off. Romero throws his arms up as he backs off as Banks slithers away from the rope. Banks quickly runs and rebounds off the rope trying to catch Romero off guard as the referee quickly moved out of the way. Romero however had his opponent scouted as he quickly ducked out of the way and followed of with a lightning fast GKFO (Rolling Elbow) as Banks turned around before suddenly crumpling to the mat from the impact.

Smith: And just like that it's over. GKFO!

Bradford: Well Legacy Banks might as well be bankrupt after that maneuver. Stick a fork in him, he's done.

Well if Silas Romero was looking to send a statement tonight, consider that mission accomplished. Nobody gets up after a GKFO.

Romero quickly dropped down for the cover as the referee counted the pin; 1, 2, 3.

Silas Romero

A Kaiser's Wrath

Barbara Braman: Ladies and Gentlemen I am joined at this time by the Kaiser Dynasty, Peyton and Artemis Kaiser. Now as you all may know last week Artemis Kaiser defended her PURE 15 Championship against TJ Bryce of First Class and like the fighting champions she was she agreed to fight him in this rematch. Just when it looked like the Champ For Life would retain yet again Well Connected and Delsin Oswald got involved and what many believe robbed Artemis of her championship that she never should have lost. Later in the night Peyton, you engaged in part of that all out brawl to close the show as you went toe to toe against the very man responsible for for these turns of events. What are your thoughts, what could possibly be going through your minds at this exact moment?

Artemis gets ready to speak by Peyton raises his hand as he snatches the mic right out of Barbara's hands, with a nod to Artemis.

Peyton Kaiser: I got this. I got to say right now I'm not exactly in the best of moods; neither of us are. IC3 couldn't stand the fact that the a Kaiser was the first to become a Triple Crown Champion and the fact that he couldn't put his own stamp on things like he's trying to do with the rest of this promotion. Because he couldn't control either of us he wanted to instead instill a little puppet for a champion to do his dirty work; and if that sounds familiar it is. Since my sister currently won't be cleared by MSW officials due to what they say is a concussion it's up to me to deal with that piece of shit Oswald and make him pay for his actions. The Kaisers are a Dynasty not because we can talk it and prop it up like some grand, illustrious, illusional Kingdom, we proclaim ourselves a Dynasty because it's in our blood. The Kaisers are meant to rule and like it or not, not even Bryce Manning could pose and stake claim or even hold a candle to what we've done collectively in this promotion. Everywhere we go we bring the promotion to its knees and establish our dominance, we're mighty conquerors and plague that cannot be cured. Better men and women have tried and failed to kill our legacy; the simple fact of the matter is that you cannot kill a Kaiser and we're not going anywhere. So tonight I'm going to go out there and make an example out of those Shades just one more time and soon enough you'll suffer their same fate Oswald. The wrath of a Kaiser should be the last thing you invite into your home. So count your blessings while you can because I promise you; they'll be short lived.

Barbara Braman looks over to Artemis who seems to be pleased by her brother's words as she nods in approval.

Aremis Kaiser: I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Public Service Announcement


Bro Off Part 2

The cameras cut backstage immediately following the match as IC4 and Jay B can be seen standing at attention with a handful of beautifully, scantiliy clad lucky local ladies on hand for what would be the next part of the Bro Off. Jerry and Jerome, the Skylarks were also there off to the side ready to cheer on their best friend.

Jay B: You ready for the next part bro?

IC4: Oh you know I am bro. If you thought the arm wrestling was bad you don't even bro, bro.

Jay B: Who goes first?

IC4: I'll let you go, bro. Afterall these ladies need a bit of an apeti... aptitu... OWWWWWW BRAIN PAIN!

Jay B snickers and laughs as The Skylarks rush over to fan their fallen bro. 

Jay B: Weak, bro!

Jerry Skylark: Weak? Look at those muscles, those abs!

Jerry pats IC4 several times who was oblivious to it all.

Jerome Skylark: Yeah, who you callin' weak, bro? 

Jay B held up his hands about halfway up his chest.

Jay B: Chillax. Are we going to do this Bro Off or not?

IC4 shakes the cobwebs out of his head as he flashes a goofy grin as if he completely forgot the last minute and a half in their entirety. 

IC4: You go Jay Bro. The main course is waitin.

Jay B takes center stage as he begins to slowly start fist pumping in the air as the house music starts playing in the background. Jay B starts fist pumping to the beat as he slowly removes his shirt after teasing the ladies. As he goes to strike the classic body builder flex and pose he starts to fist pump all the way to the flex position as the ladies shout in approval. As he allows himself to move and flex to the beat he turns around and strikes another muscular pose as he continues fist pumping all the way to the beat as the ladies give him another roaring round of applause.. After another 30 seconds or so Jay B steps aside as IC4 struts onto the center stage. While IC4 may have scored only a 50 on his SATs he definitely would have earned an A in gym as he slowly lifts up his shirt, revealing his abs as he grins and teasingly tries to remove his shirt for the ladies, as he stops a few times as he illicit louder and louder screams from the ladies. After a little bit of warming up IC4 slips off his shirt, twirling it several times as he tosses it behind him as a lucky lady catches it. With a goofy strut to the beat that should have never left the 80s IC4 begins to flex his pecs much to the astonishment of the Ladies and the Skylarks.

Skylarks: IC4! IC4! IC4! IC4!

The Skylarks were leading the cheer squad ad IC4 dropped to his knees, his pecs still flexing as he struck a muscular poses as he flexed both his arms, tilting them up and down to the beat. Looking to add a little bit more flair to his showmanship IC4 gets up and strikes an Egyptian pose, doing so all the while flexing as the ladies erupted with roaring approval. 

Jay B: Ok, ok. Gotta give you some props for that bro. You got the pecs, and the flex down to a science but it takes a lot more than being a gym rat to become Top Bro. But let me ask all the ladies a question. Who do you think struck a better pose? Do you think IC4 won this round? Is he the King of the Bro Pose?


Jay B: More like King of the Posers! Am I right? Or do you Hos think your bro Jay B got this one nailed and locked down tight?


The crowd of ladies were about evenly split 50/50. Most of them were probably just happy to be there, especially with the free alcohol and party favors that came as part of the package.

Jay B: Well don't touch that dial Bros and Hos because this Bro Off is just getting started!

Jay B and IC4 take turns striking poses at the center stage in what genuinely came across as a friendly competition, trash talk included as MSW goes to commercial break with Cocheese versus Ward up next. 

Frankie Cocheese w/Barrel vs Matt Ward

The bell rang and instantly Cocheese was on top of Ward, giving him no room to breathe. Matt is backed into the corner, and Cocheese is just laying into him, punches and stomps over and over again until it appeared as if Ward had enough. He managed to catch one of Cocheese’s feet and stood up staring at Cocheese in the eye. Ward pulls him in with a Lariat that knocks Cochesse down and Ward goes for a cover but Cocheese is close enough to the ropes for a break.

Smith: I tell you what, Bradford, Matt Ward has not been having a very good string of luck the past couple of shows and he told Cocheese from the beginning that this was going to be a different Matt Ward and he is definitely showing it here. Not backing down from one half of the Capital Crew one bit.

Bradford: I’d like to say that it’s Ward signing his death warrant. Have you ever watched Cocheese in action… or paid attention to him in action? He may not always be dominant but he’s resilient. So just you wait, Smith, Cocheese has a surprise up his sleeve and with Barrel there? DOOOOOOM!

Smith: Well it looks like Cocheese got rocked a little there but he’s still in it enough to reach the ropes!

Bradford: Resilience, like I said! Cocheese is formulating a plan, he’s figuring this all out in his head as it’s going along, scouting Matt Ward’s every move. And once he’s got him scouted it’s all over.

Smith: I wouldn’t ever count Matt Ward out. Just because he’s been in a rut for a bit doesn’t mean that he can’t bring it. You’re playing an extremely biased role in what is sure to continue being a very competitive match.

Bradford: Just truthful, not bias. Ward got in over his head when he told Frankie to stay away. The Cocheddah don’t know no bettah!

Smith: Was that… english?

Bradford: In some form.

Ward stayed on top of Cocheese, using some power techniques to give him a couple of tosses and slams. Enough that it would make Cocheese feel it. After one final scoop slam, Cocheese slides to the outside to recollect himself and Matt Ward takes a moment to see it and decides to try something out of the ordinary. Ward starts to climb to the top while Barrel and Cocheese aren’t paying any attention to him. All the while, Chris Williams of all people, shows up on stage. The crowd is getting hyped and based off of their noise and some of the crowd front row yelling at Cocheese to turn around, he and Barrel do and Ward comes tumbling off of the top to the outside.


The crowd is on fire, but Barrel pushes Cocheese out of the way and CATCHES the 245 pounder in mid-air and then rolls Ward back into the ring. On the stage, Williams looks impressed. Once Ward is in the ring and Barrel sees Williams he heads that direction, standing between Chris and the ring.

Smith: Chris Williams is out here and just watching the match and Barrel doesn’t seem too impressed!

But Williams does! And with good reason. Look at that beast of a man!

Smith: I never seem to understand this. So.. you cheering for the Capital Crew… until they’re against First Class?

Bradford: EXACTLY! They’re great but nobody is as good as First Class. Top of the pyramid baby!

Ward is taken off guard, the ref doesn’t make a DQ since no harm came. Frankie on the other hand was behind Ward, he not even realizing it. Frankie was warming up his arm, Ward focusing on Barrel and Chris Williams, confused until he turned around and TOE TAGGER!

Bradford: Ward is seeing stars with a Toe-Tagger! It’s like watching Artemis get clobbered with the belt all over again!

That nasty hooked clothesline by Cocheese and Matt looks like he’s out like a light. Cocheese makes the cover and it’s over. All the wall, Cocheese looks up to lock eyes with Williams, who gives a slow clap and we cut to commerical.

Winner: Frankie Cocheese w/ Barrel

TJ Bryce and Well Connected backstage segment

The second trial of the first annual “Bro Off” is in the books, things took a turn for the… classy, as TJ Bryce and Well Connected stood backstage in a secure wing out of the request of TJ as he didn’t trust the rest of the roster- he felt as if they were out to get him and his PURE 15 Championship. TJ was dressed in a pair of slacks, dress shoes and a light blue colored button down with the sleeves rolled to his elbows.

TJ Bryce: I know that I don’t have to tell you two what this would mean to me to see you take down that imbecile Logan Brock.

T-Zone: Don’t worry Teej, we got this.

The Lenny: We’re gonna show him how these Country Club Boys get down!

We’re from Toronto, Logan Brock doesn’t scare us. You know what scares us? Starbucks running out of whole milk meaning we’ve gotta drink that knockoff 2% crap. What scares us is scuffing our Jordans—finding a rock chip on our Rolls Royce. Logan Brock—he don’t scare us.

The Lenny: He’s a punk! We’re going to take his ass out! Nobody threatens Teej and gets off free man, he’s gotta be taught a lesson on respecting the champ!

Truly honored by Lenny and Zone’s persistence to handle a pending problem in Logan Brock, TJ adjusted the PURE 15 Championship so now it was hanging over his left shoulder instead of the right.

TJ Bryce: You don’t know how much that means to me. Just knowing there’s a dirt-bag. Low class and classless bum like Logan Brock out there watching out every move creeps me out. Who’s to say he didn’t try to tap our phones? I wouldn’t put it past him. The guy is weird, creeper status and it’s imperative that you two teach him a lesson in chasing after Toronto’s Most Envied.

T-Zone: Don’t sweat it, we’ve got this under control. This is no different than that time in Greenville when we had to teach those two overgrown apes The Weapons of Mass Destruction some respect!

Lenny paused, stroked his chin and looked confused-

The Lenny: Didn’t we get our asses kicked that time?

T-Zone also slipped a pause in- his memory didn’t serve him right, but who cares? He had enough in his savings account from his parents to buy a whole new set of memories! Shrugging his shoulders, T-Zone was the cool one while The Lenny was the athlete- or well, better athlete anyway.

T-Zone: Fair enough, but I bet we went down swinging! We don’t let anyone rag on us dude- not them, and definitely not Logan Brock. He’s got his attention on Teej and Teej’s new toy, we didn’t let Fat Donald take away Teej’s Megazord in the 5th Grade and we sure as hell not letting Brock take that title!

TJ Bryce: Exactly! Brock’s third grade insults don’t matter, it just shows how insecure he is. He wants to make fun of people, he needs to look in the mirror and notice that dorky ass haircut, We used to stick those kind of people in their locker and slap the milk off of their lunch plate! Who is he to question us?! I’m the BEST PURE 15 Champion Missouri State Wrestling has seen! They WORSHIP me, yet Logan Brock thinks he can make fun of us?!

It wasn’t that Teej was mad, rather- he was worked up. Part of him wanted to go out there and have a hand in Well Connected taking down Logan Brock, but another part of him knew that Brock was perfectly capable of taking down Toronto’s Most Envied so he needed to do the smart thing and watch from a distance.

TJ Bryce: Lenny, you remember senior year when we took on Brooksdale? Down by 6 and we had 33 seconds left on the clock. What did I tell you?

The Lenny: Get me the ball back.

TJ Bryce: And what did you do?!

The Lenny: I sacked Colin Sucarowski! Knocked the ball out—

TJ Bryce: And who recovered that fumble?!

The Lenny: T-ZONE, BABY!

Thomas Zane or.. T-Zone as he was commonly referred to nodded with a smirk across his face.

TJ Bryce: I went on to score a touchdown- that was the same year we dominated varsity basketball and lacrosse. As a team, we’re invincible and that’s why I have faith in you two. Lenny.. Get me the ball back. Tommy.. Recover that fumble and make sure you give it to me… You two have the key to beat Logan Brock-

TJ slapped Lenny across the face as hard as he could as Lenny’s face went red as a BEET! Lenny’s body begun to tremble from the adrenaline rush as he stormed forward and grabbed at the wooden door- headbutting it as hard as he could. Stumbling backwards, before Teej or T-Zone could ask if he was OK, Lenny let off a roar and left the locker-room in a hurry as Teej looked at T-Zone.

TJ Bryce: 
You know what you guys have to do.

T-Zone stuck out his right fist as Teej gave him a ‘pound’ as T-Zone’s cool “Fonz Factor” took off, he didn’t need to be a intense beast like The Lenny- he just needed to go out there and do what they did best—pick on someone smaller than them, bully’em and make sure they do whatever is necessary to win. Leaving TJ Bryce alone in the locker-room, Teej grabbed hold of the PURE 15 Title and held it out in front of him- admiring the title, he smiled.

TJ Bryce: You’re going to be with me for a VERY long time, beautiful.

With a snicker- the camera faded off.

Peyton Kaiser w/ Artemis Kaiser vs The Evil Shades

Lights go out in the arena. A single howl rings out among the audience. They go silent. The lights fluctuate softly between the dark hues of midnight blue and an off white. White mist radiates from an unknown area, basking the stage. A solitary light dimly shines. From the mist comes Peyton Kaiser. His head is turned to the ground, not daring to rise to the audience. He stands solemn on the stage, clenching his hands again and again, gaining a feel for reality. The soft theme, "Nightcall" by Kavinsky, sets the tone nicely. The boos from the crowd are calm as the song itself. The psychological effect the song bears made the audience obey it subconsciously. The Last Hero, as he calls himself, makes his descent down to the ring with Artemis Kaiser not far behind.

Gavin Grey:
The following match is a handicap match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Canada weighing 223lbs he is The Last Hero, Peyton Kaiser!

Smith: Last week The Shades finally got their first victory in MSW in what was considered a colossal upset against Matt Ward while The Kaiser Dynasty hit a significant setback when Artemis was taken out by TJ Bryce, Well Connected, and Delsin Owsald in which a new PURE 15 Champion was crowned.

Bradford: Well that's what you get for going up again First Class. Artemis could have joined and I'm sure IC3 would've welcomed her with open arms but instead she choose to fly solo.

Smith: I don't recall her ever being offered a spot; not like she would've taken it anyway. Whether she's loved or hated Artemis Kaiser has always accomplished everything based on her own merit alone. She wouldn't have meshed with the ideology that IC3 is trying to impose in Missouri State Wrestling.

Bradford: It's a shame too. Now she has a concussion and thus far the medical team refuses to clear her for her own good. Once a bright star snuffed out because she made one wrong decision. And now Peyton Kaiser has to pay for the sins of his sister.

Smith: It was disgusting if you ask me. She should still be the rightful champion right now and everyone knows it. TJ Bryce is as big of a paper champion as they come and the fact that Artemis can't even cash in on her rematch clause at the moment is downright criminal.

Bradford: Sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. On Unstoppable 16 the Shades nearly won the tag titles, on Unstoppable 17 they gave Kaiser all he could handle again and tonight? Well third time's the charm as they say. Each week the Shades have done nothing but build up momentum and with a victory in their pocket from last week the sky's the limit!

His walk is slow and contained. The energy he once had even in his villainous days were gone. Now, he saunters on with an almost zombie-like walk. Once he reaches the end of the rampway, he takes off the hood of his jacket. A lost look washes over his face. Yet, his face remains slightly obscured, keeping his viewpoint distant from the audience and the at-home viewers. He slides eerily underneath the bottom rope, before stopping in the center of the ring. Artemis takes her place at ringside as Peyton remains there for a moment, and then cracks his neck. He begrudgingly gets to his feet before waiting for his match to begin.

"Run of Show" hits the speakers. The arena lights start flashing in red and purple, as Red and Purple Shade skip their way to the entrance ramp. Both Shades have wide smiles on their faces. Red Shade raises his hand in the air with his index finger extended, while Purple Shade puts his thumb up and thrusts his arm in front of him. The two of them skip their way down the ramp and slide into the ring, both Shades getting onto different turnbuckles to do their signature taunts. Out of the air, Blue Shade descends down to the ring, his cape spread

Gavin Grey:
And his opponents, making their way to the ring, accompanied by the Blue Shade weighing in at a combined weight of...

Gavin Grey trails off, unable to read the rest of the index card.

Gavin Grey:
… They are the Shades!


Before the Shades could decide who would start the match Peyton Kaiser bolts out from his corner and begins to assault both Purple and Red. Purple and Red try to fight back but Peyton quickly tosses Purple to the side and whips Red against the ropes. Peyton tries to go for the Light's Out (360 roundhouse kick) off the rebound but Purple managed to stop him in his tracks as he hit him with a well timed chop block. Red hops over Peyton and quickly springboards off the ropes with a moonsault but only manages to get a one count. Purple quickly hits a low dropkick to follow up as Mike Maddix shouts at Purple to go back to his corner. Meanwhile Blue is outside the ring eating some peanuts as The Shades continue to ignore the referee's orders as they both lift Peyton up and slam him back to the mat with a double snap suplex. Finally Maddix has enough as he pries Purple off of Peyton much to Blue's ire. Red also manages to take his attention off of Peyton as even Blue gets in on the action as all three shades begin to argue with the referee.

Smith: The Shades are up to their old tricks again.

Bradford: Old tricks? Peyton Kaiser attacked first! The Shades didn't even get a chance to choose a legal man and you have the nerve to point out their retaliation? That's like trying to mug a person and being told to apologize when you fend him off! The Shades have every right to defend themselves and air their grievances!

It's a handicap match as it is, not a tornado handicap match. The rules of tagging out still apply regardless.

Is it really that hard to say 'nice counter by The Shades'? Or 'What a beautiful moonsault by Red'? Or even a 'Blue has managed to step of the Shade's game under his leadership'? You say I'm biased, if you can't acknowledge the wrestling miracles they can create at least give them that much!

The Shades are very creative I will give them at least that but many of their tactics I'd call shy of being legal. And if they're not careful Blue is going be stuck on the outside looking in.

Peyton manages to take full advantage of the distraction as he hits Red with a vicious throat thrust as he turned around as Purple was forced to look on from the corner. Red clutches his throat in pain as he momentarily sits up, only to be perilously hit by a swift running knee from Peyton. Purple shouts at Peyton as he tries to give his partner a moment to regain his composure which causes Peyton to sprint over towards the corner to send him flying off the apron with a swift elbow shot. Red quickly manages to scoop Peyton into a schoolboy roll-up as he holds the tights and puts his feet on the middle rope for the pin. 1, 2, kickout!

Bradford: That had to be 3!

The Shades almost stole one here for a second. Peyton Kaiser has an awful lot of anger to work out and the Shades are unfortunate to be on the receiving end of it for the most part. That throat thrust especially is going to sting in the morning. Ever since returning to MSW Peyton has taken on a much more aggressive striking style in lieu of the technical mastery he was perviously known for.

Bradford: The only man he should be angry at is himself. This whole downward spiral happened because he couldn't beat Bryce Manning and instead of using it as a learning experience and trying to mold himself after an MSW Great he decided to let Napoleon Cameron Kaiser get in his head. He let his sister get in his head on how First Class is the enemy. He's a man without direction if you ask me.

Sometimes anger can be more motivating that you'd give it credit for. When the blood of family is spilled it can drive a man into a deep, dark corner inside his mind and the last thing you want to give a vengeful mind is time to plot out a course of revenge. With every hurdle thrown in his way it's only going to motivate him further and further until he eventually gets his hands on those responsible.

Well he better get in line then, because everyone wants a piece of First Class! It's a privilege to be in their ring with them at the same time and it's one that has to be earned.

Red was in shock and Peyton was fuming and as both men got back to their feet only one would remain standing for long as Red was roughly whipped to the far corner of the ring. Red held his back in pain as he stumbled forward and straight into a clothesline that flipped Red several times in the air before hitting the mat. Blue threw some peanuts into the ring in protest which briefly took Peyton's attention off the match as he began to slowly walk towards his direction.

EJECTION! Throw Artemis out of here ref! She shouldn't even be out here with her injury! She's a liability!

Smith: Artemis has every right to be out here. She was cleared for non-contact activities and managing her brother falls firmly within that category. The Blue Shade doesn't want any part of her as he wisely backs off.

She's looking to actively put herself in harms way! She would be in a world of hurt right now if Blue wasn't such a gentleman! Blue could end her career right here, right now but what pleasure would he gain from that? That's not very sportsmanlike and The Shades have their own code of ethics. I would consider this divine favor for the fact that she wasn't struck down!

Smith: Divine or not I'm pretty sure Artemis knows how to handle herself; her track record backs that up. Now it appears Purple has something in his hand as he's getting back onto the apron and into the ring.

Bradford: What did I tell you about the divine? Just because Artemis was sparred doesn't mean that Peyton will be. Purple has just conjured up the purple dust from the Realm of Shades and he's looking to remove the Kaiser problem once and for all.

Smith: Hardly. The only thing he's going to remove is his eye sight temporarily, assuming he even connects and assuming the official doesn't catch it.

Bradford: It's a Wrestling Miracle, Smith! So far his strikes have been true have they not? The miracle has yet to miss!

As Peyton turns his attention back to Purple, Red manages to slowly get back to this feet having seemingly reached into his tights during the distraction. Purple goes to blow the purple sand into Peyton's face but having learned from the previous encounter ducks as it goes straight into the eyes of Red instead, who launches an errant fireball harmlessly into the air.


Smith: This time Peyton Kaiser had them well scouted and he wasn't going to fall for the same trick again.

Bradford: The Shades are about to be robbed! Robbed I tell you! They had him beat!

Smith: It's karma if you ask me. They've been getting away with it match after match, it was going to backfire sooner or later.

Purple grabs his head in horror as Peyton quickly puts him out of his misery with Break Face (Double Knee Facebuster). Purple rolls out in agony as Peyton quickly grabs Red and lifts him up for A Shot of Nightshade (Lifting Single Underhook DDT). Peyton quickly covers Red as Blue is forced to watch on helplessly with Artemis guarding the ring. 1, 2, 3.

Gavin Grey: Here is your winner... Peyton Kaiser!

Peyton rolls out of the ring to celebrate with his sister Artemis as they make their way up the ramp. Blue slides into the ring to check on his compatriots.

Smith: Another tough loss for the Shades.

Tough isn't the word to describe it! My heart aches for them, especially since that Kaiser scum stole a victory!

Smith: You sure flipped your stance on them quick.

What can I say; my loyalty is to First Class first. If you're against First Class then I can't support you.

Red and Purple manage to make their way back to their feet as they each rub their eyes and look to regain their eyesight. Suddenly however the lights cut out in the arena.

What's going on?

Bradford: You're asking me as if I have a clue?

The lights flicker back on as Blue looks as pale as a ghost. Standing on the opposing side of him, Red, and Purple were the original Shades; Yellow and Green!


Smith: Is this a mirage? What are Green and Yellow doing here? Nobody has seen them since they killed the RWD!'

The Shade Family is about to get a lot bigger! MSW is in for a lot of - AH! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Red and Purple stepped forward to confront their Yellow and Green counterparts only for them each ending up with a hand tightly wrapped around their throats. Green and Yellow hoist up Red and Purple respectively as they chokeslam them all the way to hell as they crash lifelessly onto the mat. Green and Yellow turn their heads next to Blue, tilting their heads in an ominous manner as the lights cut off again and when they flicker back on all that's left is Blue standing next to his fallen Shades as Green and Yellow are no where to be seen.

Drew Stevenson interview w/Charles Mattias

Standing outside, in the parking lot of O'Reillys auto parts is Drew Stevenson and standing next to him with a microphone in hand, is Charles Mattias who is looking to get an interview with Stevenson who has been banished from the arena. Holding the microphone up to his lips, the cameras are rolling live as Stevenson stands next to Charles with his hands placed on his hips.

Mattias: Mr. Stevenson, tonight you are scheduled to face Delsin Oswald in one-on-one competition; how are you feeling going into this match up?

Looking up and directly at Mattias who moves the microphone over to Stevenson, the wrestling legend has this very focused look expressed on his face as he's ready for war.

Stevenson: I guess that's the age-old question, isn't it Charles? How am I feeling? I could stand here and complain, I could bitch, moan and groan like most everybody else would but you know what Charles - I'm not going to do that and that's because despite everything that has happened; I'm feeling pretty damn good and Oswald is going to find that out first hand. Tonight Oswald? You are going to understand better than anyone else just why they call me the best technical wrestler around because once that bell sounds? I'm going to teach you all about respect, I'm going to put you in a predicament that you have never been placed in before and to quote you, that is you being outclassed. So go ahead, run your mouth about being first class because I hope that there's a first class room inside of the nearest hospital because you're going to need it.

Mattias: Those are some very strong words Mr. Stevenson, but my next question has to deal with your being banished from the arena, this wasn't what your uncle had visioned, what are your thoughts regarding that?

Lowering his head for a moment, all he could do was chuckle at the thought of that. Looking back up after a moment, he spoke up to answer Mattias' question which was a good one.

Stevenson: You know something Charles, I could stand here and say a lot regarding Ichabod Crane, his little band of fairies and the fact that I am banned from the very building and promotion that I helped build from the ground up. But you know what? I'm not going to bother, because after I'm finished with Oswald tonight? Crane is going to want me back at that arena, he's going to want me in his yard, where all of his little minions can try to pick me apart at every turn. So as the arena ban is currently going on? That's all going to change because if he decides to continue with it? Well, needless to say, me and all of my friends here have absolutely no problems with continuing to put on a show of our own.

As the camera pans out to show all of the fans which are packing this parking lot, Stevenson simply smiles and nods his head feeling very accomplished at the fact that he took so many of Crane's fans yet again. Listening to all of these people in attendance, Mattias pauses for only a moment before speaking up to ask Stevenson yet another question.

Mattias: My final question is this, with all of the recent attacks by Wolf Parker; what are your thoughts, what is your mentality going into such a complex war against this man?

With his demeanor totally changing, the smile that was on Stevenson's face totally went away as he wasn't thrilled by what was going on as of late.

Wolf Parker, you know something Charles, that name has been going around as of late and I for one am sick and tired of hearing about it. Wolf, you and me have been in many of the same promotions together and we have even traveled the same roads together. But let's talk for a moment, let's discuss this puzzle that you keep referring to...

Taking a moment to pause, his dark brown eyes never leave the camera.

... A puzzle is something that requires all of the pieces to finish. I'm telling you right here and right now Wolf that this little puzzle that you are trying to construct? It's going to remain unfinished and that's because the last puzzle piece that you need? It resides right here, looking you right in the face and whenever you decide to step up to me, face-to-face, man-to-man? I will have absolutely no problems showing you the error of your ways, I will have absolutely no problems making sure that just like a wounded animal, you feel cornered to the point that you tuck your tail in-between your legs and walk the other way. You want a war Wolf? That's perfectly fine by me, step over the line...

With the camera panning down to the concrete parking lot, Stevenson draws a line with his right foot and stands on one side of the imaginary line while continuing to speak.

Stevenson: ... Because when you do? I'm going to drop a nuke on your ass that's going to level you and everything that Ichabod Crane stands for.

Staring into the camera momentarily, he steps back away from Charles Mattias and turns away from the camera walking towards the O'Reillys ring that has been set up for tonight's match.

Duke Andrews vs Barrel w/ Frankie Cocheese

Gavin Grey: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, already in the ring from Grand Rapids, Michigan weighing 223lbs Duke Andrews!

Duke Andrews raises his arms in the air, a bandage visible on his forehead.

Smith: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, last Unstoppable Duke Andrews put in one hell of effort against the MSW Champion and if you ask me he won that match. He endured everything First Class threw at him and he managed to execute probably the fiercest Perfection Plant I've ever seen. He was seconds away from victory when IC3 bailed Tommy Angel out and from there chaos ensued.

Bradford: Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. He wouldn't have gotten a far as he did if Mike Maddix wasn't coddling him. The fact that the man even still has a job is perplexing and baffling if you ask me.

Smith: If you want to go that route, Duke would've won by disqualification a long time ago. That was the poorest officiated match I've ever seen in my 40 plus years in the business; and I can't fault Mike Maddix for that either. He tried to do his job but at every turn IC3 was there to thwart him and threaten him with termination.

Bradford: Wah wah wah! Are you serious? The boss makes the rules; the boss calls the shots. If your boss tells you to jump you ask how high? If Mr. Cornelius wasn't such a family man he'd be collecting unemployment right now with the rest of the losers in this state!

Smith: Family man my ass!

Bradford: But if you want to talk about a REAL injustice, let's talk about the aftermath of the main event. Every single hooligan and their grandma came out of the woodwork with an agenda against First Class. Logan Brock, Tevolo, Peyton Kaiser... Chris Williams. And then you have these two clowns in the Capital Crew in Frankie Cocheese and that turncoat Barrel. The only good to come from that whole ordeal was watching those dirty curs fight each other after.

Smith: That's why we have this upcoming match right now. I was proud to watch a united opposition finally challenge the corruption in MSW but I lost a bit of respect for Barrel for blindsiding Duke Andrews the way he did. All in-fighting is going to accomplish is strengthen the position of First Class.

Bradford: Divide and conquer, baby! And that's why Mr. Cornelius writes the checks and you have the privilege to cash yours and not the other way around. The fact that he made this match here tonight just shows what a brilliant tactician he is!

Gavin Grey: And his opponent, representing the Capital Crew, weighing 330lbs, accompanied by Frankie Cocheese he is The Big Badass, Barrel!


As the match starts Duke wastes no time going after Barrel as he tries to hammer down a barrage of punches on the big guy. Barrel shoves him off and rains down a few nasty lefts and rights. As Barrel backs him up into the ropes he whips him as the referee tries to call for a clean break and tries to hit him with a thundering sidewalk slam but Duke manages to shift his weight and very shakily drop to his feet behind him. Using all his strength and might he captures him in a german suplex, struggling to lift the big man as they both more accurately just fall to the mat, preventing Barrel from taking the full impact. Duke transitions from there to a side headlock as he tries to keep the big guy down and grounded, causing Barrel to kick his foot on the mat as the referee kneels down to check.

Smith: Nice take down by Duke Andrews. It took everything he had but he managed to execute that German Suplex just enough to get him down to the ground. When going against someone with over 100 pounds on you the best thing you can do is keep him off his feet.

Bradford: It was sloppy if you ask me. He was struggling to lift him up and if he keeps this up he's bound to get a hernia. You also can't tell me he's at 100% after the last Unstoppable while Barrel is relatively fresh.

Smith: You're never truly 100% when your body takes a physical toll week in and week out but the fact that First Class continued to wear down on Duke was deliberate last Unstoppable.

You're catching on now. This is why Mr. Cornelius is a master strategist! Just watch and marvel as these two men destroy each other!

Barrel manages to get back to his feet while Duke tries as best as he can to keep the hold locked in, only to crash down to the mat as he executes a powerful backdrop suplex. As both men manage to get back to their feet Duke steps forward to close in and engage Barrel one more as The Big Badass wastes no time retaliating as he drives his boot very quickly into the face of his opponent with deceptive speed.

Duke just Got Mowed Down by that vicious boot!

Shut off the lights! Duke is hurt and I don't even think he knows where he is!

Smith: Can you attempt to hide just how gleeful you are? This man has a family! What happened to Mr. Cornelius supposedly being a "Family Man"?

Bradford: Well if he didn't stick his nose against MSW's First Family he wouldn't be in this predicament would he? I got to give Capital Crew a little bit of credit; they don't mess around when they got their sights set on a target. It's only a shame that they had to aim it in Mr. Cornelius's direction. They could have become the Security Wing of First Class!

You gotta be kidding me. Capital Crew plays second fiddle to no one. Cocheese wants the MSW Championship and Barrel just wants to raise some hell, no matter who holds it or who they are.

And that's ultimately their fatal flaw; they don't know their place!

Duke Andrews eyes look glazed over as he looked like he just got hit by a semi-truck and completely oblivious to what exactly just happened. Derek Lay kneels down and checks on Duke as the medical crew slide into the ring as Barrel just nonchalantly leans against the turnbuckle. A ringside physician shines a light in his eyes as he tries to check for a concussion. After minute Duke Andrews shoves the medical team away and pulls himself up by the rope.

Smith: I'll never question Duke's heart but he needs to think about living to fight another day. His eyes are glazed over and he seems to be oblivious to his surroundings; his mind is on autopilot right now.

Pride before the fall as they always say.

Smith: I'm not even sure Barrel feels comfortable with this situation. Both men are fighters but Barrel would rather have a straight up, pound for pound fight on a somewhat even playing field. At least that's what I gather from what little I've seen of him.

Bradford: Oh come on, I don't think anyone knows what truly goes on inside his head. You gotta be "in the Crew" to have any sort of realistic idea. As far as you know he just smells blood in the water and he's ready to devour Duke like a shark!

The referee repeatedly asks him if he's sure he wants to continue and with a defiant nod he steps forward as the ref calls for the match to resume. Barrel mouths at him to stay down and even shoves him backward when he tries to get in his face as to send him a warning but Duke Andrews wouldn't stand down. Duke gets Barrel in a collar and elbow tie up and tries to take him back down to the mat but he struggles to lift the big man up and quickly releases his hold. Barrel quickly steps forward with a clothesline knocking Duke back to the mat. The referee nervously looks to Duke as Barrel steps towards him looking to pick him up and flatten him but much to his surprise is caught in a cradle pin. 1, 2, kickout! Duke appears to have found a second wind after that as he resumes raining down a barrage of punches at Barrel's face as the crowd comes to life. The referee tries to intervene but Barrel retaliates with one hell of a headbutt looking to stop his momentum cold.

Smith: Stop the match! His health is at stake at this point! Enough is enough!

This is getting ugly. His heart says fight but his body is telling him differently. His mind is somewhere up in the sky and detached from reality; Duke Andrews is acting on pure instinct.

If he didn't have a concussion before I'm confident he has one now. Nobody wins from a display like this.

Bradford: His name is IC3 Smith, IC3 is the biggest winner of all right now.

Smith: This isn't some kind of disgusting blood sport! This is professional wrestling dammit! He's not a gladiator, he's not a slave; he's a human being!

Barrel backs up again as the referee goes to check on Duke, who's even slower to get up than the first time but immediately again refuses help from the ringside EMTs as he manages to pull himself up slowly with the ropes. Before the referee can try to back him off Duke Andrews runs at Barrel again only to get Mowed Down almost immediately as he ran into Barrel's boot again. Barrel casually places his foot on Duke's chest as Lay tries to plead the case of getting the man medical attention to which he just merely shrugs and mouths “count”. 1, 2, kickout. Duke defiantly throws a shoulder up, which wasn't exactly hard with the kind of casual pin Barrel had going.

Smith: Stop the got darned match! Stay down Duke, this isn't worth your health and well being!

Barrel picks Duke up by his head and goes to lift him up with a vertical suplex, twisting him as he plants him down on the mat with the Steel Screwdriver <Steiner Screwdriver>. Barrel hooks the leg as Derek Lay drops down and counts the pin; 1, 2, 3.


Bro Off Part III Keg Stand

Gavin Grey: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back! We’re back outside for the third edition of the first ever MSW Bro Off! So far, Jay B has won the Pose off and IC4 has won the arm wrestling contest. We’re now at round three, the keg stands! Each “Bro” will have a spotter. IC4 has Jerry and Jerome Skylark, and Jay B has a man he has identified as “Bro.” <Pic Base Identified as Mojo Rawley> Gentlemen, the kegs are ready. And for everybody at home, please remember to drink responsibly and do not drive under the influence.

Ic4: You ready for this Bro?

Jay B: Always, bro!

Bro: Yo, Jay B, bro!

Jay B: Yo, bro! You ready to spot me!?

Bro: Let’s get it on, bro!

IC4: Yo, Jay Bro, let me show you how the true bro with a masters in Bro-Science does this!


Jay B: You’re up first, bro!

IC4: Gladly, bro!

We’re in the parking lot, people are creating a circle around Jay B and IC4 are having a heated stare down before IC4 heads over to his keg. He puts his hands on the sides and with help from the tiny Skylarks, they push his legs up and IC4 holds his stands, Jerome Skylark holds IC4 up as best he can and Jerry starts to pump the keg. He’s chugging and chugging and chugging, the Skylarks chanting “CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” And he’s doing it. Until gravity played it’s part. Well, gravity and a fly that land on his nose. IC4 is blowing at the fly and it flies off and around his ears and back to his nose. Jerome lets go of IC4 to try and take a rolled up piece of paper and smack the fly while it’s on IC4’s nose. It knocks IC4 down and flat on his back and knocked his keg over too and spilled some beer.




IC4: Shut up bros!

Gavin: IC4 was on the keg for twenty seconds and drank twenty ounces.. If Jay B can last longer while steadily drinking, he will be victorious.

Jay B: Alright bro, let’s do this!


Bro helps Jay B up and the clock starts. Jay B is drinking but he gets choked up and Bro helps him down. He didn’t quite last IC4’s time. Jay B is obviously not a party drinker tonight. He looks a little disappointed but with some hype from his hype man, Bro, he gets a little fist pump in to show he's A-OK.

Gavin: Well folks, it looks like IC4 takes the keg stand, putting it at 2 to 1. Later tonight we will have our final part here in the parking lot… the dance off!

Frank Debauchee vs Phoenix Winterborn

Debauchee and Winterborn were face to face with the bell ringing. Winterborn looks ready to go at it, and Debauchee is focused at the beautiful women front row. Debauchee is just posing for them and Winterbron appears to have enough. He rushes forward at Debauchee who simply steps aside and uses Winterborn’s momentum to fly him over the top rope.


Bradford actually pulls a white face mask out of his pocket and puts it over his face.

Smith: You're ridiculous. That's a very.. rude thing to say about Winterborn.

Bradford: Why? He's barely put in any effort when he's actually here and I mean, First Class said he's got West Nile. I don't wanna die, Smith. 

West Nile hasn't been a thing for years. 

Well Frank Debauchee needs to be safe, just to be sure. So he had to get it away from him. Way to go Frank!

Winterborn lands on his feet and rolls into the guardrail back first and gets very heated with Debauchee having his way with him and gives Winterborn a few pelvic thrusts just for good measure. Winterborn rushes in, his face is red and Winterborn slides into the ring and Debauchee smoothly slips between the ropes and leans against the rail speaking with the same women he was teasing with just moments ago.

Bradford: And look at that! Debauchee has such great taste in women!

Smith: This is a wrestling match! He needs to quit messing around and quit flirting and get back in that ring and wrestle!

Bradford: You can't rush greatness, Smith. He's got so much game, video games take lessons.

Smith: That made... absolutely... no sense.

Bradford: Don't hate, Smith. You know you're jealous of the skill level of that man.

Smith: And there's Winterborn and he doesn't look happy!

Winterborn comes in from behind Debauchee, grabbing him by the tights and hair and throws Debauchee into the ring and follows quickly. Winterborn starts to give Debauchee some stomps before his foot is caught. Winterborn is being reckless and Debauchee takes him down but walks backwards to let Winterborn get to his feet. He’s on a knee and is met right in his face with another pelvic thrust but this time it’s in his face. It causes Winterborn to fall backwards and Debauchee quickly pins but only a two. It continues like this, Debauchee has Winterborn’s number the entire time and is just humiliating him. When it gets physical, Debauchee is there to take control. He gets hit by Winterborn here and there, and it even appeared at one time that Winterborn had control but it was quickly thwarted when the First Class referee, Billy Vegas turned his back, claiming that some fans were getting “rowdy” and it took his attention away.

Smith: Oh come on! Winterborn is in complete control, and even has the pin! That damn Billy Vegas!

Bradford: Well go tell those people to calm down then, Smith! They're the ones taking this respected referee away from the match!

Smith: Are you blind?! The crowd is cheering for Winterborn, that's not being "out of control!" This is literally just First Class and their associate Frank Debauchee costing a great athlete another match!

Bradford: I don't know where you're getting great from, unless you're talking about the Mustache Connoisseur, Frank Debauchee. He's a magical man. A real man's man. More of a man's man than Bobby Langford even!

Smith: Well, Winterborn is setting up for his headlock driver but... no! It's countered by Debauchee with Vegas' attention back on the much just in the nick of time. Ironically enough.

Bradford: Nothing ironic about it, Smith!

Smith: Damnit, Bradford, will you take that damn mask off already?!

Bradford: Sorry, Smith, I'm not contracting West Nile while Winterborn is out here. Debauchee must have an immunity!

In this time, Winterborn set up for his Headlock Driver but was quickly countered, spun around and kicked right in the nuts. Winterborn doubled over and Debauchee gave him a pelvic thrust then hooked his head. With a slow spin so they’re back to back and then a drop, Winterborn is laid out by Debauchee. Billy Vegas turns around to see the Debauchee pin. 

Debauchee holds his arms up in celebration, his theme playing and Winterborn is not moving, but holding his neck. He’s not getting up and some officials from the back, trainers and referees and security rush out to help him. Slowly and carefully they load Winterborn on a stretcher and take him away. 

Smith: This is ridiculous! This is quite possibly the second injury of the night! We're going to stay with updates on Phoenix Winterborn and hopefully by Monday we'll have an update on him as he's being carried away on a stretcher now!

Bradford: Looks like the West Nile got him.

Smith: I don't have any comment. And.. hang on a second, we were about to take a quick commercial break but it appears there's some action going on backstage!

Frank Debauchee segment

After Frank Debauchee completely dismantled Phoenix Winterborn, Frank stood in the ring and was playing to the crowd. He flexed, he mocked—he basically.. was Frank Debauchee.

Bradford: Thankfully I can take that mask off finally! Debauchee is on a roll, Smith! He’s undefeated and he may of just ridded MSW of that stupid birdbrained Phoenix Winterborn, what a time to be alive!

That’s nothing to celebrate! What if Winterborn is seriously hurt from Debauchee’s actions?! Never wish hurt on someone, especially a competitor like Winterborn that hit a rough patch here in MSW!

Bradford: A rough patch?! This guy is effortless! He doesn’t care about us- he’s too busy trying to peck at fleas in dirt! He should be named HEN Winterborn ‘cause all he does is run! He’s a coward! Frank Debauchee taught him what it means to be a freakin’ man!

Smith: You’re despicable!

Right as “Pour Some Sugar On Me” kicked into gear over the PA- Frank ran his hands through his hair as he headed towards the ropes- but before he could step between them, the tron above the entrance kicked to life. A live shot of the parking lot where the camera caught a shot of the back of Debauchee’s prized ’67 lavender colored Dodge Coronet R/T. The car was beautiful and rare- enough to bring a wide smile across of Debauchee’s face as he treasured that hottie.

A beautiful vehicle no doubt, it’s immaculate! Debauchee leaves a lot to be desired with his attitude but his taste in classic American Muscle is flawless.

Don’t jump on the Frank Express, there’s no room for fair-weather fans here! Only true fans, you’re always insulting Frank so don’t change your tune!

Debauchee applauded the look at his car- that was until the camera turned to the left.. where it caught that his rims and wheels were removed! The vehicle sat on concrete blocks as Debauchee’s face went pale from what he seen- it was like he saw a ghost!

Smith: Oh.. Oh My.. That is DEFINITELY not the way you treat such a vehicle!


Smith: Where’s your evidence?! Maybe it was the same perp that jumped Tracy Race!

Frank used the ropes to keep himself standing as he was on spaghetti legs from the sight provided. The car had been vandalized and that made Frank sick to his stomach. Trying to find ground to keep himself standing, Frank dropped to the mat and rolled beneath the bottom rope- all as he shouted—


Smith: .. I guess one could say.. karma?

: No Smith, this is not karma! You ever seen Pulp Fiction?! As Vincent Vega so eloquently put it after he noticed his restored Chevy had been keyed by a hater- the one unspoken man rule that should always be respected is NOT messing with another man’s car!

Smith: I guess that rule was broken! What a travesty.

Bradford: Can you sound more concerned?! You were just complimenting the car!

Smith: I did, before I remembered it belonged to him and after the sinister things he’s said about Christian Othniel and outrageous things he’s done to Tevolo specifically.. oh well.

The camera followed Frank Debauchee as he made his way out of the arena and into the parking lot, seeing his baby on blocks just.. made him very sad. Dropping down to a knee next to the vehicle, Debauchee threw his head back and extended his arms-

Frank Debauchee: WHY NOT TAKE ME?! WHY HER?! WHY HER?!

For the first time… ever, Frank showed compassion for something other than himself and his stellar mustache. As he pushed himself up and let his head hang from sadness, he moved around the vehicle and it was then and there.. that he probably felt a murderous rage strike him down. Across the <chrome> grill and front bumper was a HUGE black spray-paint design- of course, in the shape of a thick, bushy… black mustache!

Frank Debauchee: …………!

Smith; That’s going to be difficult to repair!


The crowd <aside of the muscle car fanatics> had an absolute BLAST laughing at Debauchee due to his brash and abrasive nature, Frank looked floored. He couldn’t believe his eyes, his vehicle had been damaged… his tires and rims were missing and his car was resting on blocks!

Frank Debauchee:

Either it was gibberish or he forgot how to space his words apart- whatever it was, Frank dropped down to BOTH knees in front of his Coronet and hung his head—someone managed to find how to defeat Frank Debauchee—and from his reaction, it was successful.

Well Connected vs Logan Brock

The bell sounds and Logan Brock stands across the ring from both members of Well Connected who both stand in the ring making it to be what appears as a tornado handicap match where Logan Brock has to face both men at the same time. They’re trying to figure out who’s going to take the first shot by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors and that’s the moment that the third generation star, Logan Brock, steps in.

Smith: Rock, paper, scissors? That’s how they’re going to figure out who faces Logan Brock first?

Bradford: It’s genius, Smith! It’s almost as genius as Kanye West!

Smith: I don’t know if I’d go that far, Bradford. But it doesn’t look like Logan Brock wants to play any games today! After what happened two weeks ago, he’s probably more than eager to get his hands on TJ Bryce.

Bradford: They’ve tried to say that Logan Brock is like Bobby Langford, a “real man’s man” and earning his stripes and crap, but I don’t buy it for a second. Never did back then either. Well Connected are men of class! They’ve been men of class since TJ Bryce hired them up in Canada as part of Bryce Enterprises and they’ve been two of the classiest individuals I’ve ever known. Logan Brock kicking them like that out of the blue is just not right! He should be disqualified!

A rushing charge to the corner and when Well Connected. Once they realize he’s coming it’s too little too late and a beautiful double dropkick sends them both out of the ring on opposite sides. The crowd is cheering and the camera split screens as we take a look backstage to see TJ Bryce watching the match in the back with the PURE 15 title over his shoulder. Back to the ring, T-Zone and The Lenny are getting up and Logan is looking at both guys, Lenny being the bigger of the two is who catches his attention first. A sliding baseball dropkick under the bottom rope kicks Lenny and knocks him into and actually over the barricade into the crowd.

ANOTHER kick?! How dare he knock Lenny into these ingrates! Somebody check on him and make sure he’s okay! Lenny could be seriously hurt!

Smith: I seriously doubt that. You’re over-reacting a little bit, don’t you think?

Bradford: It’s never over-reacting when a good man is in trouble!

Smith: Yes, because he’s obviously in so much trouble. Why don’t you focus on what’s going on in the ring with T-Zone and Logan Brock!

Bradford: A TRAVESTY! Just like Chicago protesting so much that Donald Trump had to pull out! Why does somebody so innocent have to endure such pain?!

Smith: What in the hell are you even talking about anymore?! I swear every time you’re losing your mind more and more.

They love it of course; and with Logan getting up, T-Zone is right on top of him, clubbing Logan in the upper of his back. The hits aren’t doing a whole lot, but definitely staggering Logan. Staggering him that is, until Logan is able to spin around real quick, grab T-Zone’s arm and use a Judo Arm Throw to take him down flat on his back. T-Zone is strongly winded but Brock doesn’t let go. He keeps the arm hooked, rolls T-Zone to his gut and Brock drops to his back pulling T-Zone in. Brock has the triangle choke locked in, The Anti-venom as he likes to call it.

Smith: Anti-Venom! That vicious triangle choke hold could end it here!

Bradford: Come on ref! It’s obviously an illegal choke, break it up! THis is what I’m talking about, Smith, really. Brock is so mad because his life got treated two weeks ago that he’s choking the man to death!

Smith: There’s nothing illegal about it, you blind bat. It’s a strategic move that puts the opponent to sleep!

It looks like Lenny is getting back into the ring when T-Zone is ready to tap but Brock sees it coming. He releases the triangle and throws his left foot back and over his head while still on his back/shoulders and the kick is much like a grounded pele and it connects with a loud >SMACK< to Lenny staggering him. Brock is quick to his feet and with the shoot style kick, the Character Assassination to the hunched over Lenny’s head he falls. Brock wastes no time and goes right for the legs, twisting Lenny’s body over with a little struggle to lock in his version of the Liontamer, the Locks of Liberty. Lenny taps out almost immediately, Billy Vegas very reluctant to make the call but does so anyway.

Bradford: Re-DO! I call for a re-do! Billy had something in his eye!

Smith: It looks like Well Connected are down for the count, Bradford! First Class isn’t so invincible after all!

You watch your tongue or I’ll sick BURAI on you!

BURAI went back to Japan after Golden Gate closed.

I have good long distance with Vonage.

Winner: Logan Brock

“Lifter” by Deftones starts to play but is cut off shortly as Logan grabs a microphone, likely to address TJ Bryce.

Logan Brock: TJ BRYCE! 2 weeks ago, I was minding my own and you and your country club boys decided to get involved with me. You decided to make the mistake of getting in my face like I was just some piece of scum and that was your first mistake. I’ve fought people like the three of you before; It comes with the territory of being a Third Generation Wrestler! Two weeks ago I told you, TJ Bryce, that I could take your title any time, any place, any where and in the past two weeks I’ve thought about your challenge once I found out I’d be facing your goon squad. It just so happens that I’ve picked the time and the place. Well consider this an official challenge to your title. I’m coming for you, TJ. You can send in your country club boys all you want to try and take out the first real threat to your title-- that you had to have help winning, by the way-- but take their lying bodies as an example of things to come. I’m coming for you, TJ, and I’m coming for it at WAR!


Smith: The crowd seems pretty hyped about that one, Bradford! Things didn’t go so well for Well Connected here tonight but I guess they should have figured out who they were picking a fight with before they did it!

IT’S A TRAVESTY! This all happened because Logan Brock jumped Well Connected when they were trying to do the FAIR thing and see who was going to face him first. Logan Brock is just a no good bully, Smith, and I don’t know how you can stand for that. How can you stand BY somebody like that?!

Smith: How are you making First Class the victim here? Two weeks ago Logan Brock was minding his own damn business and they went after him! TJ Bryce and Well Connected started this and now he’s being a man and finishing it!

Bradford: It’s a shame that you can’t see what First Class has done for your life, Smith. They give you purpose to keep going and yet you talk about them so badly! They’re here for you, just like Donald Trump! They’re trying to make MSW Great again!

I’m more of a Sanders guy myself, but I’d rather not get into that one. You’re blinded by all the First Class stuff and I swear it’s getting worse every time we sit behind this table.

Bradford: You’re just jealous.

Smith: Still not sure what there is to be jealous about but I guess you can go ahead and have this one. It gets annoying arguing with you. What’s with you and these pop culture references tonight anyway?

Bradford: Ha! I like to be involved, Smith! Score one for the good guys!

Silas Romero segment

Returning from break, the scene cuts to backstage, just before the match of Silas Romero and Legacy Banks. We find the Knockout Supreme standing in front of his locker room; his backed leaned up against the door. He flashed his trademark smug, confident smirk before speaking.

Silas Romero: Things around this place are getting.. Interesting, to say the least. With everything going on, it seems that some of us are simply flying under the radar. Me? I'm not one to stay under the radar. Unfortunately for my opponents, it's not going to work very well in their favor. Though, it would seem that some of them have realized that little tidbit of information. I've already had one run home with his tail tucked between his legs. Then, you have our dear friend, Nikki Venom go radio silent after calling little ol' me. For the man who says he's going to cleanse the world of people like me, he sure has shut the hell up since then. Why? Did he suddenly realize the flaw in his actions? You simply do not cross the Hipster Hercules. As I've already said, your little crusade does not apply to Silas Romero.. Because quite simply, there is NOBODY like me, Nikki. So, please.. Watch carefully, rewatch to what I did to Legacy Banks, a man with the goofier than your own, because it will only be a TASTE of what will happen to you if you choose to continue down the path of everlasting nothingness. Sooner or later? You will feel my wrath and ultimately.. You will get knocked the.. Well, you know.

With that, Silas smirked once more before the scene cuts outside.

Bro Off Part IV Dance Off

Gavin Grey: Well here we are ladies and gentlemen, the final round of the Bro-Off! It’s dance off time! So far, IC4 leads 2 to 1. The winner of this contest will walk away as the official… “bro.”

Jay B: Here we are, bro! Final round! Dance off, my specialty!

We’ll see Jay Bro! I’ve got the lead, I just gotta win this and prove I’m the real bro, bro!

Jay B: Hit the music, bro!

Bro: You got it, bro!

“Party Rock Anthem” which is Jay B’s theme song. The ladies come to the front and are screaming like they it was some heartthrob boy band playing. Jay B steps up and he’s fist pumping until he can’t fist pump anymore. He’s getting into the women’s faces and even giving them a little pelvic action too and showing off his six pack. His music is up, his turn is finished and the women loved it. Next up, “Bangarang” by Skrillex plays and IC4 stands in the middle of the circle with his head nodding. The music is intense and IC4 is doing a super basic robot. The women are booing him so bad and IC4 stops, almost in a panic. Jay B is super happy, so Ic4 takes off his shirt to show his physique and starts to fist pump like Jay B did but the women and crowd are not impressed. He’s not sure what to do, until a voice rings out “TURN OFF THE MUSIC!”

The music was cut off, the crowd split and it was IC3. Across the street in the parking lot we see Duke Andrews, Tevolo and Drew Stevenson watching and laughing. IC3 grabs IC4 by the ear and yanks with IC4 hurting, “OW! OW! OWOWOOWOWOW!”

IC3: Get over here, now! I can’t believe you’ve wasted your entire night out here when I’ve been looking for you all day.


IC3 starts being dragged as his bigger, more powerful but dumber son is walking to the Skylars.



IC3, the Skylarks and IC4 walk off back into the arena and the girls are cheering as Jay B and Bro are celebrating.

Gavin: Well ladies and gentlemen it looks like IC4 has forfeited the competition, but it seemed like Jay B had the unanimous vote. But that leaves us at a tie, no real “bro” decided with two each. So, Jay B, where do we go from here?

Jay B: Bro, we’ve gotta have a real finish to the bro off! Only one of us can be the real bro so IC4, so I’m challenging you to the Brolympics at WAR!

The ladies cheer and it’s back to gavin.

Gavin: Well folks, there you have it. No bro was decided here today but we’ve got the challenge for the Brolympics for WAR in San Francisco in April!

Drew Stevenson vs Delsin Oswald

Outside across the street in the O’Reilly’s Auto Parts parking lot, Drew Stevenson’s ring is set up and across the street just outside of the arena we can see some crew quickly setting up a small PA system and run wires inside. “Path” by Apocalyptica plays. The crowd outside is booing and the red carpet is rolled out, going across the road to the parking lot. Barricades are set up as well to create an entrance of sorts and Delsin Oswald comes out from the doors and he looks across the street at Drew Stevenson. Delsin puts his arms out and yells out “FIRST CLASS BABAY!” And struts his way across the street down the red carpet. Drew is all smiles in the ring and Delsin takes no time to rush and slide in. Quickly to his feet, the bell sounds and they start to circle around the ring.

Smith: Are you kidding me? They’re setting up a custom entrance and blocking the road off just so Delsin can walk to the ring?!


They’re both feeling each other out extending their hands out trying to get a grip. They lock hands and Drew is quick to zip around Delsin for a rear waist lock but he doesn’t have it on for long. Delsin is able to counter out by twisting his legs around Drew’s, twisting to the side and dropping, using Drew’s legs to take him off of balance and drops Drew face first to the mat with a leg lock but Drew is able to roll it over to relieve a lot the pressure and he takes his spare leg and starts to kick and Delsin’s hands forcing him to let go.

Smith: This is a match I’ve been excited for since it was announced, Bradford! Drew Stevenson, the master of technical wrestling, even if I’m not the biggest fan of his after our previous incidents, I can never take away what he can do in the ring and he takes on the muscle of First Class, who’s been so successful at everything he’s done and now under IC3’s wing, Delsin Oswald. It’s going to be physical, and we can’t forget that Wolf Parker is probably out there looming somewhere just waiting.

Bradford: Oh please, Smith. Stevenson stands NO chance against Delsin! Sure, sure, Drew is an amazing technical wrestler and he’s proven it time and time again but he’s NEVER faced somebody like Delsin. He’s two hundred and thirty four pounds of pure MUSCLE, Smith. Two percent body fat and the most well rounded, amazingly gifted athlete that you will ever see step foot between those ropes.

Smith: I think you’re overcompensating just a little bit here, Bradford. Drew has fought many an opponent, and nothing will ever take away how good Delsin is, but every time Drew is wrestling outside the arena his back is against the wall and he’s planning to stick to it IC3 any way he can.

Bradford: I think you’re overcompensating for Drew. He’s had so many transplant surgeries he probably doesn’t even know who he is anymore. For all we know, he probably has Michael Jackson Syndrome and wants to be a little girl by this point.

Things continue to be a really strong technical back and forth. Drew showing Delsin why he’s the best technical wrestler in the world, and Delsin showing why he’s just so damn good at everything he does. It’s almost like they’re an equal match. They’re both breathing heavy but Delsin gets a little bit of a hot head and rushes at Drew. Drew grabs Delsin in mid-run and tosses him over head with the momentum for a quick belly to belly except Delsin twists in the air and lands square on his feet and clobbers Drew from behind with a Lariat. He covers Drew and Billy Vegas drops down for a quick count, getting out two in the time of one, if not a little less.

Smith: An amazing counter showing the athleticism here by Delsin Oswald! It’s amazing when somebody his size can pull off these awesome maneuvers! Now Bradford, First Class talk about being so classy so why the hell do they have to have their own referee that’s constantly trying to quick count on everybody that’s against them. How can you be classy when you have to put EVERYTHING to your every advantage.

Bradford: Look at it this way, IC3 is doing Drew a favor. He doesn’t really hate the Stevensons… he just.. He wants them to get better, to prove that under new command, Drew can excel without having the advantage!

Smith: You’re so full of it. There’s nothing about making Drew excel about this. It’s strictly for punishment because the moment Drew loses a match Ic3 is going to try and fire him so he’s looking to make him lose sooner than later. It’s not right, but Drew is running with the punches and he’s making IC3 mad because he’s better than him.

Bradford: Ten thousand dollar fine.

Smith: There’s no more fines, Bradford.

Bradford: But there should be. IC3 is a great man!

Smith: That can be questionable. I think IC4 is a better man than his dad and he’s not the brightest of men.

This is when Drew realized what he was up against. He knew First Class was corrupt, but he didn’t realize the referee was going to work that quick. Delsin stayed on top of Drew, he wasn’t messing around with his stomps and headlock punches. Delsin got cocky however, and he let Drew get up. Both guys are up but Drew is showing a little more worse for ware since he’s had to work twice as hard this entire match with the crooked referee. They are attempting a test of strength and Drew goes for the rear waist lock again but instead of suplexing when he knows Delsin will counter, he takes Delsin’s feet out and slides up to his upper body and locks in a crossface, really wrenching it in until…

Smith: The technical wrestling amazing between these two! And the crossface is locked in! This could be it for Delsin! Will he tap?! Will the muscle of First Class go down on Drew Stevenson’s terms?! Oh what the hell!

Bradford: Not today surgery man!


Bradford: Wolf is a smart man! Drew knew he was going to need to keep eyes in the back of his head wide open, but Wolf has been picking his moments left and right. Puzzle pieces, Smith! It’s all part of a bigger picture!

Smith: You’re literally just mimicking what he said a few weeks ago. But the big question is WHY is Wolf doing this?! He said it’s above IC3 and First Class, but why? And why has he expressed his interest in taking out IC3’s biggest thorn so randomly?! What IS the bigger picture!

Bradford: I know what it is but I’m not telling.

Smith: Please, kind sir, if you think you know what it is, enlighten us why don’t you?

It’s not the right time, Smith! You can’t rush perfection!

Perfection? You call these nasty attacks, beating the dog hell out of Drew, stealing his truck, using Drew’s head to break a window on the truck… come on. This is practically manslaughter by a man that should be tied up and put between some padded walls! Wolf Parker is a mad man!

Bradford: A brilliant, mad man!

That’s right, Wolf Parker, the man that’s been stalking Drew Stevenson since our return launches again breaking up the crossface and Wolf just doesn’t stop kicking at Drew as Delsin is getting up, holding his neck after probably nearly tapping to the master of submissions. And of course, Billy Vegas lets it go. That is until Delsin gets grabbed at his ankles from outside the ring and tripped up to splat face first on the mat.


Bradford: Look at this punk ruining a good match! He’s not even supposed to be here! He’s banned from the arena! Disqualify that punk Drew Stevenson and arrest Tevolo!

Smith: He’s not IN the arena, Bradford! He’s not even dressed to wrestle! So the way you see it is disqualify Drew when Tevolo evens the odds but let it continue when that Mad Man Wolf Parker is beating down on Drew? Yeah that makes sense.

Bradford: Billy Vegas never saw Wolf! He is a fair and just referee. How dare you accuse him otherwise. This is his lively hood you know.

Smith: I’m not messing with anything, but finally people are fighting back and IC3 isn’t running all over the place here anymore.

He never was running all over the place. IC3 has a very clear mission to make MSW be capitalize on the gold mine of talent that is here. But Tevolo is NOT supposed to be here!

Smith: Remember, Bradford, he was banned from the arena. This match is outside, 300 feet away!

The crowd chanting behind Tevolo, one of Drew Stevenson’s newest friends and protege to Jacob Mitchell. Tevolo gets on the apron and jumps right into the ring over the top rope and charges at Wolf Parker with a forearm that knocks him into the ropes. Tevolo stays right on top of Wolf and whips him across the ring to the opposite ropes. In the corner we can see Drew Stevenson getting up, but Wolf is able to deviate from the path set in motion by Tevolo and he launches at Drew, tackling him into the corner where he’s just relentless with his strikes.

Smith: Wolf is still at it! He is hell bent on his mission to take out Stevenson!

Tevolo shakes his head in annoyance but he’s cut off by his opponent from two weeks ago, Delsin Oswald whom uses a pounce like attack to catch Tevolo off guard. The move knocks Tevolo away for a moment but he rolls through and to his feet and catches Delsin off guard with a nasty spear he calls Smeared, that has Delsin roll out of the ring holding his ribs. In the meantime on the other side of the ring Drew is fighting back with Wolf, both guys holding each other’s heads and punching the daylights out of each other, that is until Wolf gets Drew with a knee to the gut. Billy Vegas has lost all control and dips from the ring. Wolf has Drew doubled and lifts him up and across his <Wolf’s> back diagonally with Drew’s head by Wolf’s waist.


Well your boy Billy Vegas is getting out of dodge! And now Drew is a traitor?! How do you figure? He’s done nothing but stand up for what’s good in MSW!

Bradford: I don’t know, just sounded cool.

Smith: Wolf is just taunting Drew right now, while Tevolo is busy with Delsin Oswald! Wait! No! Drew countered! Drew Stevenson countered the Primal Instincts by Wolf Parker with an amazing arm drag from nowhere!


Wolf laughs and looks to drop Drew with his Air Raid Crash he calls the Primal Instincts. But Drew is able to use his technical skills and slip out and turn it into an arm drag. Both are to their feet but Drew catches Wolf with a sit-out Rock Bottom he calls the FInal Conflict.


Bradford: This night is giving me a headache.

Smith: Cheer up buttercup! Today is a good day when First Class gets it stuck to them!

Bradford: Did you just say…. No. Just.. no.

Wolf bounces off the mat and rolls out of the ring. Drew and Tevolo stand tall and shake hands. Wolf vanishes into the crowd, and Delsin stumbles back to the arena. Drew Stevenson stands tall to the crowds pleasure.

Larry LeStrange segment



Larry LeStrange, "BOYS AND GIRLS!"







A drumroll enticed the crowd as they had a familiarity with the green haired savior of fun and dreams. The arena's lights went pitch black as standing in the center of the ring with a microphone hanging from the rafters the awesome sight of Larry LeStrange greeted the audience. LeStrange was a hefty man but it was all love because there was nothing more he liked to do than entertain the crowd!



With a utterly wacky sounding audio clip playing over the public address system, a green tinged light beamed down onto the top of the stage where erupting through the curtain was definitely BoNzO! A slightly mixed circus theme overtook the wacky tone as BoNzO jumped from side to side, waving his arms in the air feeling the love of the crowd.

Smith, "Uh?"

Bradford, "A.. Clown?"

The green spotlight followed BoNzO down the dark arena, all as he paused at the center of the ramp and raised his hands up and with a thunderous CLAP the lights to the arena came back and thousands of pieces of paper fell from the ceiling, clown confetti of course!


BoNzO stopped near the ring and reached his hand out to a child that was reluctant because he knew that BoNzO could change his life and such a youngster didn't understand the significance of such a situation! Nonetheless, BoNzO kept his hand out and the boy's father urged the child to shake BoNzO's hand, which he did, as BoNzO quickly pulled his arm away leaving a fake hand in the child's grasp! The boy didn't understand BoNzO's joke, he begun to cry tears of happiness (not fear) as BoNzO reached over the steel fan rail and blew a party horn into the child's face to cheer him up, which brought even more tears of joy down his face!


Smith, "That poor child is terrified."

Bradford, "The child!? I'M terrified!"

BoNzO stepped into the ring through the ropes and hopped around Larry LeStrange as the MSW crowd were in awe of how awesome BoNzO was to give a proper reaction, but BoNzO and LeStrange did not mind. They knew that the fans would come to see them for what they were, the greatest men on MSW's talent listing and they would eventually rise up to legend like status with the love and unconditional support of the people!


BoNzO gasped and put his white gloved hands on his face as he loved games! Games were so fun! Rolling out of the ring, BoNzO kneeled aside of the ring and reached beneath it, grabbing hold of a huge poster board made up of 75% effort, 15% love and 10% fun!


Bradford, "I don't think I'm going to sleep for a week after this."

BoNzO stood up and jumped towards the fans with the poster board in their direction...


The camera picked up the awesome game board made up of a black and white drawing with a in color picture of Matt Ward with a elephant trunk attached to his face, what a funny picture! BoNzO seemed to enjoy the game board as he laughed at it, causing some of the crowd to follow! BoNzO reached into his chest pocket and handed a tail with a piece of tape attached to the end to one of the members in the front row as he held the board in front of them.


Smith, "How... Is this entertaining? This is absolutely demeaning to Matt Ward!"

Bradford, "This clown isn't so bad after all..."

The audience member tried to reach his hand out and pin the tail on the backside of the elephant and as he got close, BoNzO yanked the board back causing the audience member to almost fall forward over the barricade in one of his zany hijinks!

Larry LeStrange, "OH SO CLOSE! NEXT TRY!"

BoNzO closed his eyes and took a few short steps before stopping in front of a woman, handing off an elephant tail to her next so she can try her luck at completing the picture which would make everyone content! The woman held her arm out and was very close to putting the elephant's tail on it's backside, not before BoNzO, being the rascal he was, shot her in the face with some water from his chest flower! The woman missed the elephant's target and instead placed it on his rib cage as Larry gave a round of applause!


BoNzO walked around the ring until he stopped at the same child who he had fooled with the old fake hand trick. The boy's father urged him to take the elephant tail as BoNzO tried to give him an advantage by allowing the board to rest on the rail.


The boy didn't know how important it was until his father picked his hand up and quickly tried to pin the tail on the elephant, all as BoNzO sneezed causing the board to fly into the air and landed behind him! The boy dropped the tail onto the ground as BoNzO frowned...


The zany circus theme played over the public address system once more as the lights in the arena cut off for a few seconds, coming back on... BoNzO and Larry LeStrange had used Houdini like magic and disappeared, leaving only an autographed picture with the boy who didn't quite win the game... BoNzO was a lot of things, a hero, a clown, a survivor but more importantly, he was a savior for fun!

Chris Orton vs Chris Williams

As “Over and Under” by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system, Chris Williams jogs out onto the MSW set to great fanfare. Williams lifts his cross pendant to his lips, then raises an arm to the sky and looks up, a tribute to his late father.

Gavin Grey: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, weighing 240 pounds, from Detroit, Michigan, CHRIIIS WILLIAAAMMMMSS!

He walks down toward the ring with a purpose, high-fiving fans on one side of the rail. He walks up the steps to the ring and pauses, then looks into the crowd and thrusts his arm into the air, getting a nice reaction. Williams steps into the ring and takes off his necklace, handing it to the referee, and then waits.

Smith: It's main event time! It's undeniable the impact Chris Williams has made since making his shocking return at the last Unstoppable and after events that unfolded earlier in the night you can bet that he's treating this match just like a contender's match. Win; and he gets to state his case as to why he should be facing Tommy Angel for the MSW Championship. A loss however would be a tremendous setback and would almost assuredly pave the way for a Cocheese/Angel match for War.

Bradford: Instead of doing the right thing and joining First Class he decided to take that oh so foolish bet against the house. He didn't just want his share, like a greedy bastard he had to shoot for more, more, more! He could've had it made right now; not just anyone gets an invite to First Class after all Smith. Our humble owner, Mr. Cornelius even went out of his way to roll out the red carpet for him! His priorities are clearly out of order right now and Chris Orton is going to make him regret it. There's no parking lot to serve as any source of confusion this time and thankfully I don't see a circle of go-karts lined up either. There's no motivation quite like a humiliating loss but to his credit he definitely managed to make up for it afterwards until Duke Andrews had to stick his nose where it didn't belong.

Smith: I'm not going to make any excuses for it but if there's one thing Chris Orton is; it's motivated. He's got the fire burning in his eyes tonight and there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to give it everything he's got. A win over Chris Williams would definitely propel him in the eyes of the front office and fans alike and right now he's a man with nothing to lose and everything to gain. This could get ugly.

Gavin Grey:
And his opponent, already in the ring from Miami Florida, weighing 220lbs he is Chris Orton!


Chris Orton quickly darts for Chris Williams but Williams manages to quickly duck out of reach and slips behind as he pulls off a crisp sleeper suplex. Orton crashes to the mat as Williams follows up with a swift low dropkick to the face as Orton sits up as he quickly sends him crashing back to the mat as he goes to follow up for a cover that only manages a 1.7 count. Williams looking to keep the pressure going often and early quickly springs back to his feet as he slams Orton back to the mat again with an armdrag before following up with another immediately after. The crowd is hot as Orton goes to slide out of the ring as he tries to catch his breath with his hands on his knees.



Smith: Beautiful sleeper suplex followed up by a series of arm drags. Chris Williams showing that patented scientific/technical style that he's known for. It's rare to see a sleeper suplex applied in this day and age but it's always innovative.

Bradford: Orton got a little trigger happy there but don't expect that to be the case all match. Veteran move on his behalf by rolling out of the ring to regroup and get his head back into the game. He can't allow Chris Williams to dictate the match and wrestle it on his terms.

Smith: Every second you can get away from your opponent counts but it's a double edged sword. The more time you have to regroup and recover the more you're opponent is able to do the same. Late into a match that can be the difference between a victory or a stunning comeback by your opponent.

Williams quickly runs against the ropes and just like a running making a mad dash for home base or a QB trying to avoid a big hit hits a baseball slide underneath the bottom rope as Orton crashes into the steel barricade.



Williams slaps a bunch of fans hands sitting I the front row as he takes a moment to strike a pose with the crowd with his arms outstretched as a mother snaps a quick selfie with him and her daughter and son.

Smith: Baseball slide by Chris Williams! He's got Orton on the ropes and the fans are loving it!

Bradford: Bah! He's wasting his time with the crowd! He should be more interested in trying to finish the match, he can pander to those sycophants after.

Smith: There's nothing wrong with the crowd enjoying the show. That's a cherished memory that family is going to remember for the rest of their lives. He may have just inspired one or both of those kids to follow in his footsteps someday.

Bradford: Oh please! I didn't know a barf bag would be mandatory as a result of working next to you. If these kids should want to be like anyone they should look up to IC3; they should look up to Tommy Angel and the rest of First Class. They should want to be in their spot, they should want to be surrounded by luxury and class. The limousines, the one of a kind custom tailored suits, the respect and adoration that comes with being the best of the best. That's what they should strive for; hell that's what you should strive for Smith!

My integrity and dignity aren't for sale.


Williams slides back in the ring and quickly out to break the referee's count, forcing him to restart.



Williams goes to grab Orton by the head only to get met with a sucker punch to the gut. Orton grabs Williams by the front of the trunks and yanks backwards, propelling him straight into the ring post as his head bounces off it.



Orton grabs Williams by the head and slams it into the ringpost again before leaning his head against the post. Orton drives his boot straight into Williams head with it against the post as he slumps and slides partially down it, his hand barely holding onto the apron.



Orton quickly slides into the ring right before the 5 count, trying to urge the referee to count faster. Maddix ironically stops counting for a moment to explain that he can only count at a certain speed and that he was counting only as fast as he was legally able to.



Williams stirs as he pulls himself up and staggers around trying to find his balance, holding onto the ring apron.


Williams slides into the ring as the last possible moment much to the shock and ire of Chris Orton.

Smith: Chris Williams just barely managed to make it into the ring in the nick of time!

Bradford: That was a slow count!

Smith: Actually for once you're right.

Bradford: It took you long enough to come around! Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks after all!

Smith: You're right because under normal circumstances there's a big chance Chris Williams might have been counted out. However in a ironic twist of fate; because Orton kept pestering and harassing the referee to count faster he in fact actually bought Williams a few precious extra seconds to recover and get back into the ring.

Bradford: He wouldn't have had to do that in the first place if he did his job! You're always making excuses for these zebras instead of calling it what it is!

Smith: I am calling it a I see it. And I see a referee that was prevented and impeded from doing his job adequately due to an impatient competitor. It's not exactly his fault when he has to explain the rule to someone who doesn't quite understand it as good as he should. Either way Williams is back in the ring but he's hurting pretty badly right now.

Orton quickly leaps for the pinfall looking to put him away quickly. 1, 2, KICKOUT! Orton hooks the leg as he goes for another pin 1, 2, KICKOUT! Orton slaps his hand against the mat in frustration as Maddix holds up 2 fingers. Orton argues a little with the referee, his rage and his anger starting to get the better of him as Williams goes to pull himself back up with the ropes.

Smith: Orton's starting to let his anger get the better of him and it just might end up costing him the match if he isn't careful.

He needs to just stay on the attack and keep his foot on the gas. He's in full control right now and he'd be a fool to give Williams an opening he shouldn't have.

Orton stomps his feet on the ground as Williams finally reaches a vertical base base as he quickly hooks the arm around the neck and hits him with a sharp and swift swinging neckbreaker. With Orton seemingly sensing the end at hand he picks his foe up by his hair and goes for the Blackout (Running leaping bulldog) but Williams managed to counter by hooking his elbow on the top rope for leverage , leaving Orton with a handful of air as he crashes to the ground on his rear. Orton manages to get back to his feet as Williams manages to dig down deep and launch himself full speed at Orton for a running crossbody in a last ditch desperation attempt to try to shift the momentum of the match. As Williams collides with Orton both men skid and crash to the mat.

Smith: And that might have just been what Chris Williams needed to get back into the match! Somehow he found a way to dig down deep into his reserves and managed to hit one hell of a crossbody when he needed to the most!

That's just bad luck, pure and simple for Chris Orton. If he would have had him just one inch closer towards the center of the ring he'd be on the verge of victory.

Smith: Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good; other times it's better to be both good and lucky. Chris Williams appears to be a bit of both right now. He's a student of the game and he used his veteran ring awareness to narrowly avert a disaster. Whether he's a Machine or just plain ole Chris Williams there's no doubt in anyone's mind that he's simply a masterful ring general.

Maddix checks on both men before starting the 10 count as the crowd is fully behind the man formerly known as The Machine.


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*

Williams is the first to stir as he begins to crawl on the mat, the crowd beginning to energize him and give him new life.


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*


Orton is next to stir as both men seem to be crawling towards opposite sides of the ring.


LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!* LET'S GO WILLIAMS! * Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap!*


Williams is up, Orton is up to one knee. The referee pauses as he's ready to call for the bell as Orton is able to make it back to both feet as well. Both men walk back towards the ring as Williams throws a right hook at Orton.


Orton fires back with a left of his own.


The reaction was mixed for Orton but the booes were definitely more audible as the crowd was split 65/35 in favor of Chris Williams.


Williams struck back with another right.


The crowd was quick to react again as Orton countered as they went back and forth now as they exchanged punches at a frantic pace.















The momentum has shifted further and further towards Chris Williams now as he whipped Orton to the ropes and quickly managed to quickly capture him with a snap vertical suplex.

Smith: Williams with the vertical suplex! And he doesn't look like he's done here, he's holding on and looking to hit another.

Bradford: Hook the leg Orton, hook the leg! Block it!

Williams managed to hang on as he managed to drag Orton back to his feet with him and he managed to pivot his hips as he lifted him to slam him back down with a second vertical suplex.

Smith: Second vertical suplex, and he's not done yet folks!

No! Come on Orton, reverse it, reverse it!

Williams again manages to hold on as he drags his foe up to his feet one more time as he lifted him up and backwards one final time as he finally releases the hold as he drives him down for the third consecutive suplex. Williams lept back up to his feet as he was well into his second wind as Orton probably against his better judgment managed to find a way to return to a vertical base. Before Orton could even regain his ring awareness after being tossed around for three verticals in a row Williams had scooped him up for a scoop slam, managing to hold him on his shoulder for just a moment before transitioning into the Boiling Point (Emerald Flosion).

Boiling Point! Williams with the Boiling Point! This one is over!

Williams quickly hooks the leg upon impact as the crowd loudly counts along for the pin 1, 2, 3!

Gavin Grey: Here is your winner... Chris Williams!

Smith: Well there's no denying that he made his case loud and clear here tonight! IC3 is going to have one hell of a decision on his hands!

Bradford: Well both Williams and Cocheese won tonight so they have to be the front runners one would imagine but until the Boss says you've earned it, it's far from a sure thing!

Well that's all the time we have for tonight. For Alex Bradford I'm Alex Smith thanks for watching! We'll see you next wee... wait a minute! What's going on here? Who are those men?

What appeared to be two fans wearing black bandannas covering their faces hop the guard rail and begin to circle the ring as Chris Williams was in the middle of his post match celebration.

You got to be kidding me! Is this what I think it is?

Oh come on! You're just profiling them! You can get a bandanna at the QuikStop down the street! That proves nothing!

Put two and two together for once. Two men gunning for the spot, the escalation of tension between the presumed contendership front runners. The Capital Crew and their bandannas they have tied around their necks.

Yeah, yeah. You've heard of a thing called fans haven't you? I mean look at those two! The only Crew they look like they belong to is the Afterschool Clean-Up Crew! Just a pair of punk kids!

Williams looks around to either side of the ring, being sure to watch his back before he motions with both of his hands for them to bring it. The two men dart into the ring and try to attack him from both sides. They manage to back him into a corner before Chris Williams starts fighting back with a punch of swift right and left punches as he manages to fight out of the corner. The two thugs try to fight back as they kick him in the gut and try to go for a double suplex, only to get countered by a double DDT instead! The first thug gets up and tries to dart after Williams but only manages to catch a release german suplex for his troubles. The second thug gets up and darts at him for a clothesline but Williams had him scouted as he ducks and catches him in a release German Suplex as well. Both thugs are reeling on the mat next to one another as Chris William picks the first thugs up on his shoulder as he looks for the Boiling Point but seeing the opportunity on his hands he waits for the second thug to get up momentarily as he then scoops him up a swell ontop of the other! Williams slams them both down to the mat for a Double Boiling Point as the crowd pops as “Over and Under” by Egypt Central blasts from the sound system as Chris Williams stands tall.

And just when things were going to end on a quiet note for once things heated back up! Who tried to attack Chris Williams? Who is the Number One Contender for WAR? We're out of time for tonight, tune in next week to MSW Unstoppable as we hope to find out these answers and more! Goodnight everyone!