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[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Colombe]] [[Category:Marathon Tech]]
Alastair walks into the common room while consulting his pocket watch, which he then tucks away in to his waistcoat as he looks about to see who may be present.
Alastair walks into the common room while consulting his pocket watch, which he then tucks away in to his waistcoat as he looks about to see who may be present.
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Cropsey moves his fingers quickly across the buttons and with the joystick, jumping Simon Belmont all over with his chain, striking monsters and capturing hearts. Anyone who caught sight of him would know the guy had played this game a time or two. During one of the breaks in the action, he lowers his hands to flex them a bit and glances to the room at large, watching folks mill and chat. When Alastair comes over to see him, he looks over and says, "Nothing as benign as a cat would have drug me in, Alastair. More likely a sewer rat the size of a mountain lion. It's been, interesting. E tu? I was fiftyfifty on you jetsetting around the world or, well, sometimes people just go missing."
Cropsey moves his fingers quickly across the buttons and with the joystick, jumping Simon Belmont all over with his chain, striking monsters and capturing hearts. Anyone who caught sight of him would know the guy had played this game a time or two. During one of the breaks in the action, he lowers his hands to flex them a bit and glances to the room at large, watching folks mill and chat. When Alastair comes over to see him, he looks over and says, "Nothing as benign as a cat would have drug me in, Alastair. More likely a sewer rat the size of a mountain lion. It's been, interesting. E tu? I was fiftyfifty on you jetsetting around the world or, well, sometimes people just go missing."
You paged Paige with ‘How did you IC find out about the event? :)’
Paige pages: Douche Douser.
Ed is standing at Colombe's side when Paige arrives and her motions echo those of the Deputy. Eyes going to the cello case, then Paige's face. Her lips thin, as her hands hang loosely at her sides.
Ed is standing at Colombe's side when Paige arrives and her motions echo those of the Deputy. Eyes going to the cello case, then Paige's face. Her lips thin, as her hands hang loosely at her sides.
Line 113: Line 114:
Martha hmms, "How to make this a caversation starter." with a smile. "Evening Paige, what is in the cello Case tonight?" her tone bright and cheery.
Martha hmms, "How to make this a caversation starter." with a smile. "Evening Paige, what is in the cello Case tonight?" her tone bright and cheery.
You paged Paige with ‘Is that a real thing? :0’
Paige pages: Sec.
<---======##============[ Item Douche Douser: 365616 ]============##======--->
Level:..................2 Magic Type:........Fetish Name:.......Douche Douser
Owner:..............Paige Reference:.....WW3801/137 Type:...........39/Fetish
Activation:.............Willpower vs 5 Updated:....20191123-1514 by FennecFox
Botch:Botching the activation roll destroys the item and releases an angry spirit
Created:20190727-1540 by WhoopingCrane
Effect:Emulates Sense of the Prey gift
Lorelei holds up a finger to Shiori, smiling a smile that droops into a duty-bound frown as she spins around to joine Ed and Colombe facing Paige. Quietly, but making her point.
Lorelei holds up a finger to Shiori, smiling a smile that droops into a duty-bound frown as she spins around to joine Ed and Colombe facing Paige. Quietly, but making her point.
Wade walks in with Hannah, listening to her, but clearly having no clue what she’s talking about. He still nods, face expressionless. Then he pauses, just inside the door at the commotion. Lips thin, and he glances first to Hannah then over at the Sheriff, old and new.
Wade walks in with Hannah, listening to her, but clearly having no clue what she’s talking about. He still nods, face expressionless. Then he pauses, just inside the door at the commotion. Lips thin, and he glances first to Hannah then over at the Sheriff, old and new.
Guivre watches from the door as the room spins to a crawl in her deftly perceptive gaze and his eyes drift over everyone around Paige as they greet, as if making a list.
Guivre watches from the door as the room spins to a crawl in her deftly perceptive gaze and his eyes drift over everyone around Paige as they greet, as if making a list.

Latest revision as of 09:25, 6 March 2021

Alastair walks into the common room while consulting his pocket watch, which he then tucks away in to his waistcoat as he looks about to see who may be present. Martha slips with a look about to see who all is here this night.

Madeline arrives with a smile and looks about curiously Shiori has just arrived as well. She is smiling as she moves further into the building. She's carrying a plush Eeyore and heads directly toward one of the offices, the one with 101 on the door.

Colombe stands by the door and greets people as they enter. She is wearing a high-necked indigo dress of rigid synthetic material. The dress is carved with grooves and marked with circular metal embellishments, giving it the look of a dark blue circuit board (https://cityofhopemush.net/index.php/File:Colombe_circuit_blue.jpg) She seems surprised, but offers Alastair a warm glance and nod. "Welcome to Marathon Tech, Mr. Stuart. So lovely of you to come out." Martha, Madeline and Shiori get a warm glance as well, and a smile. "Duchess, Primogen, Shiori, thank-you for coming." To everyone at large, "Please come in, and take a look around; try out some of the entertainment, please. I will be giving tours if anyone is interested."

Madeline nods to Shiori as she passes and steps over to Colombe with a smile "congratulations on your grand opening mademoiselle, I am very curious to learn more" then turns to Alastair "Monseiur Stuart" Carter comes into the common room of the updated warehouse with an almost cautious tension to his steps. Like the new kid in school or the brand new employee at their first company picnic, the dark-haired man tries his best not to stand out in the crowd. Greeting Colombe as he enters, he offers a nervious smile, "Room for one more?"

Ed kinda materializes in one corner, the Nosferatu's monstrous form taking shape in one corner of the room. The Sheriff runs a hand over the spikes atop her head and watches as Colombe greets people and ushers them inside.

Amelie arrives with two large men by her side. She takes off her coat to hand to one, as she lifts up her phone, and makes a circling motion on the screen before lifting up her finger. Those listening close can here her say softly as she grins, "Yes! 151 great throws!". She slips the phone away and her men walk back outside. She approaches Colombe, and those around her. "Bon Soir, and what a lovely evening here!" She looks to Alastair, "It has been so long since we have seen you. What a wonderful occasion for you to return to our social graces at." Offering a hug and kiss to the cheek to Madeline and Colombe then.

Martha says, “Evening" she she checks out the display, then other things. "oh VR”

Ambient cyberpunk music is streaming throughout the venue at the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW3RNbOa_Vg

Shiori slips into the office in question and right back out, sans Eeyore. She drifts back over toward the group greeting Colombe and offers her own, "It's a big night!" to Colombe, then turns to smile and offers Madeline and Amelie each a quick hug.

Colombe returns Amelie's kiss, and smiles warmly to her. To Madeline and Shiori, she responds, "I'm elated that you're part of the team, Shiori. I can't wait to see what you do with your space, to be honest." A quick grin goes to the Toreadors, including Alastair. She waves heartily to Ed, and chuckles to Martha. "Go ahead, give it a try."

Alastair smiles when Colombe addresses him, and he looks her up and down given the rather unusual dress she is wearing this evening, "Why thank you, it has been a while." His attention is then drawn to Madeline when she greets him and he gives the lady a warm smile, "So nice to see you again Primogen, you look lovely as always." Last of all, but certainly not least, Amelie's words cause Alastair's dark blue eyes to settle upon the Herald, "It has been some time, I must confess. But I am glad to run into you my dear, I have something to talk to you about."

Colombe finds Carter, meanwhile, and studies him, her eyes a bit dark, but curious. "Hmmm. Refresh my memory. Have you been introduced to the court, yet?"

Ed abandons her corner and slowly makes her way towards Colombe, hands clasped loosely behind her back.

Martha moves to Madeline and Amelie, "You both look lovely, and this place is more then interesting." with another look to some of the games.

Madeline returns Shiori's hug and kisses the Roses' cheek "bon soir mon ami" then glances at Martha with a grin "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" before she turns to Alastair "Did you receive my message about tomorrow evening's clan meetin Monseiur Stewart?

Amelie hmms to Alastair, "Oh. Well, I look forward to what is on your mind." She does pick up Colombe speaking and whispers into her ear for a moment.

Paige comes in from The Shoals - Lincoln Paige has arrived.

Amelie whispers “He's scheduled on Friday. He's drug his heels for months. But at least we have progress.”

Pretty sure the place is busy enough that Cropsey could slip in and not many would notice him. The Nosferatu is dressed as a 70's anarchist punk that some would recognize and others wouldn't. His hacker garb for sure. He looks about the room, noting who's here, eyes lingering on Alastair for longer than the others. The observant might notice him make his way toward the Arcade, destination is that sweet, sweet Castlevania machine. He saddles up net to it and starts play with a practiced hand.

Colombe is standing by the door greeting people --- currently, she has engage Carter in conversation. She is regarding him quietly, with dark eyes and a neutral expression only achievable by a Ventrue.

Hannah comes in from The Shoals - Lincoln Hannah has arrived.

Alastair nods his head as part of his answer to Madeline and again his smile appears, "Yes indeed I did, I will be sure to put in an appearance." He is then draan back to Amelie, "Excellent, when you have some time this evening please don't hesitate to come over and get my attention. I shall drop everything."

Evita has arrived.

Sliding up behind Carter comes Evita peeking around him and giving Colombe a thumps up as she peers around the place. Obviously checking out her friends new digs.

Lorelei comes in from The Shoals - Lincoln Lorelei has arrived.

Paige slips in without fanfare, just a glance upwards to the sky for high humidity and a falling barometer. A small shrug and the click of heeled boots, right hand upwards to adjust one of her jackets lapels, the left downwards, toting along her cello case.

Carter shakes his head, "Not as yet. Just met with a few people to have my uh...lineage tested. I can leave if you'd like." He looks around to the rest of the crowd to see if any familiar faces might jump out of him in the few moments it takes for the host to decide.

Madeline glances over and a brow arches as Paige shows her face

Martha looks at the Case then Paige and nods. No words really there.

Colombe does indeed notice the 70's anarchist punk's arrival; her eyes follow his progress to the Arcade before shifting to Evita --- she shakes her head, grinning quietly at the Brujah and the thumbs up, and nods a greeting, before she notices Paige's arrival --- at which time, her lips part quietly. She looks back to Carter, meanwhile, as cool as an icicle at the arctic circle. "The event is for Praxis members only, actually. After you are excepted into the Praxis, however, I look forward to having you here." She offers Carter a warm glance, for what it's worth, ignoring Paige, for now.

Durant comes in from The Shoals - Lincoln Durant has arrived.

Durant steps in a bit late for the event.

Alastair gives Paige a nod in greeting and he looks especially pleased to see she has her Cello case with her, "Lovely to see you again my dear, it has been awhile." With his request to Amelie given, Alastair moves off and over to where Cropsey is playing away on some silly machine and he smiles at the punk garbed fellow, "Well look what the cat dragged in. And how have you been Mr. Hook?"

Madeline steps over to touch Alastair's shoulder and speaks quietly into his ear

Guivre comes in from The Shoals - Lincoln Guivre has arrived.

Lorelei shuffles in with one of her cowgirl outfits - hat and boots, skinny ranch-hand jeans, and a short-sleeve Dory tee (just to mix it up a bit). She takes a look about to see who's here - doing a double-take when she sees Paige - then looks back to the crowd to gauge reactions. Nobody else seems to care, so she looks about for familiar faces. Colombe gets an eager wave, and Shiori gets the other hand in an equally eager wave. Maybe even a touch more eager, actually.

Martha looks to Durant with a slow nod, then smiles sweetly with that bittersweet look in her eyes.

Carter nods to Colombe and glances back around to to the others, almost as though he were making a mental note of who was present - who might be talking with whom and such. Like a cat trying to assess who's the biggest threat in the alley, he turns back to the host and bows his head with a smile, "I'll see ya at later then..."

Alastair pauses just long enough to listen to Madeline, and one eyebrow quirks, "Is that right? How very interesting." He then leaves Madeline to go and pester Cropsey, but she is more than welcome to tag along if she so chooses.

Colombe inclines her head softly to Carter, regarding him quietly. "See you at court on Friday."

Amelie waves as Carter leaves, but otherwise has returned to her normal sort of - on watch demeanor. She sees Paige enter, and the takes out her phone for a second. Another swirl on her phone and she puts it away again.

Shiori is watching people idly for the moment. When Paige arrives, her expression goes blank. She says nothing to Paige. Lorelei's wave catches her attention and her expression unthaws into a smile. She approaches Lorelei and offers quietly, "Hey. Thanks again for Eeyore. I think he's going to live in my office here for a while."

Colombe turns to face Paige, her eyes going to the cello case, then up to the former Sheriff's eyes. "Good evening, Paige."

Durant takes a moment to look over the room, he considers each person , then nods to Martha at her expression. Finally he offers more or less openly to the room, "Good evening." he stops though when he see's Paige and raises an eyebrow just a little.

Guivre walks in but after a few moments he takes out he phone and fiddles with just inside the entryway as if nervous about something.

Cropsey moves his fingers quickly across the buttons and with the joystick, jumping Simon Belmont all over with his chain, striking monsters and capturing hearts. Anyone who caught sight of him would know the guy had played this game a time or two. During one of the breaks in the action, he lowers his hands to flex them a bit and glances to the room at large, watching folks mill and chat. When Alastair comes over to see him, he looks over and says, "Nothing as benign as a cat would have drug me in, Alastair. More likely a sewer rat the size of a mountain lion. It's been, interesting. E tu? I was fiftyfifty on you jetsetting around the world or, well, sometimes people just go missing."

You paged Paige with ‘How did you IC find out about the event? :)’ Paige pages: Douche Douser.

Ed is standing at Colombe's side when Paige arrives and her motions echo those of the Deputy. Eyes going to the cello case, then Paige's face. Her lips thin, as her hands hang loosely at her sides.

Hannah arrives to tonight's festivities along with Wade, the two arriving in the middle of some sort of glib conversation. The Tremere is animatedly describing something, saying, "...finally came out with Half-Life: Alyx, which is supposed to be sooooo rad. It's been sitting on the shelf, though, because I'm convinced it won't be as good. Have you fiddled with VR yet? I imagine it will be a game changer for our kind..." Tonight she's wearing a matching skirt and jacket, both sky blue with large white stars and a simple white tee below ( https://tinyurl.com/y9oo29sk ). She has on a pair of light-up platform sneakers that does add a certain razzle-dazzle though. She has that big smile on her face, up until she notices a hold up in front of her where there appears to be some attention. She looks from Colombe to Paige and then just blinks. Stares. "Paige...?" she says the word very slowly. Like maybe she's sleepwalking. "Did the VR already start, or...?" She's fixing the former sheriff with a look, then over to the hostess.

Martha hmms, "How to make this a caversation starter." with a smile. "Evening Paige, what is in the cello Case tonight?" her tone bright and cheery.

You paged Paige with ‘Is that a real thing? :0’ Paige pages: Sec. <---======##============[ Item Douche Douser: 365616 ]============##======---> Level:..................2 Magic Type:........Fetish Name:.......Douche Douser Owner:..............Paige Reference:.....WW3801/137 Type:...........39/Fetish Activation:.............Willpower vs 5 Updated:....20191123-1514 by FennecFox Botch:Botching the activation roll destroys the item and releases an angry spirit Created:20190727-1540 by WhoopingCrane Effect:Emulates Sense of the Prey gift <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Lorelei holds up a finger to Shiori, smiling a smile that droops into a duty-bound frown as she spins around to joine Ed and Colombe facing Paige. Quietly, but making her point.

Wade walks in with Hannah, listening to her, but clearly having no clue what she’s talking about. He still nods, face expressionless. Then he pauses, just inside the door at the commotion. Lips thin, and he glances first to Hannah then over at the Sheriff, old and new.

Guivre watches from the door as the room spins to a crawl in her deftly perceptive gaze and his eyes drift over everyone around Paige as they greet, as if making a list.

Alastair chuckles at Cropsey's reply and he looks to be eminently amused by the punk, "Cat, rat, hat, the difference is minute." He waves off the fellow's predictions and answers him outright, "I have been doing a bit of travelling, and did have some business to attend to across the pond but I'm back now. What about yourself, keeping busy?" Alastair doesn't appear to be concerned with Paige's presence in the slightest.

"Use the depths of your imagination Martha. It could be anything, it is like opening a new book." Paige states, softly, her head tilting, smile polite as her gaze settles on Colombe. "Is that so?"

Angelica steps into the common room, her heels clicking gently as she moves in with a graceful walk. She lets her gaze sweep over the area, taking in the scenery before looking for Madeline. Once she finds her she makes her way to the elegant woman, kindly stepping around people. Those close enough would catch a whiff of a sweet pea floral scent

Madelines eyes remain on Paige, clearly not at all pleased to see the former Camarilla member but she nods to Angelica and holds out a hand to the girl "bon soir mon treasure"

Sliding over near Ed and Colombe as Evita watches the various reactions to Paige's arrival with great interest. Grinning at the sudden change in the nights entertainment. She's obviously put herself on Colombe side if shit hits the fan but is still just watching the show for the moment.

Colombe's eyes rest with quiet intensity on Paige. "Yes, it is. And however it pains me, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to allow it to remain as such. And leave" Her mouth is relaxed, and her eyes are calm. "As I mentioned to our friend in the ballcap and denim, the event is for Praxis members only."

Martha looks to Amelie, then to some of the others about, "Books so yesterday."

Durant Doesnt address Paige, but he walks over to where Martha is, and offers "A warm evening." he states in an off handed way. He doesnt seem to be on edge, but there is a sense of alertness to him now that wasnt there initially.

Guivre leans in the doorway, watching... as if he were a Harpy again.

Amelie steps over near Colombe as well. She looks to Martha, and then Ed, and then Paige. "S'il vous plait." Her eyes go down to the case. No mention of what she may think is in there. She has a look of concern now.

Martha looks to Durant, "Primogen how good to see you tonight." with a smile for him. "We do need to talk some evening this week, but what do you think of all this?" motioning to all the machines and games about them.

"You know me. Keeping busy. Idle hands are the Devil's playthings," Cropsey tilts his gaze toward Alastair, having paused his gameplaying for long enough to talk to the man. The Nosferatu says, "And how is jolly old England, these days? It hasn't come undone since that Brexit, has it? The way you'd heard from some Brits, the island was going to sink beneath the waves in an Apocalypse." His eyes move toward the front of the room where Paige and others are, but he still speaks to the Toreador. He crooks a finger in that direction, "Things are, uh, a bit different, since you were here last."

Hannah looks over to Wade for a long moment, considering something, and then gently steps away from his side so as to approach Paige. Looking to the former sheriff, she seeks to place a hand gently upon her shoulder and whisper something in her ear.

You sense Hannah looks wary as she whispers to Paige, her eyes locked on yours. She's trying to de-escalate.

Angelica smiles when Madeline holds out her hand,her own slender hand reaching to take it "Bon soir Madeline..." Her eyes shift to Paige then back to Maddie

Wade glances at Hannah when she looks at him, and then watches her step away and gives her a little nod she might not see. He doesn’t move himself, he’s nearby the whole commotion having just stepped in, but he moves to lean on a wall, arms folding over his chest. Not his rodeo, not his clowns. His gaze goes between those gathered near Paige, and Paige herself, but he remains silent.

Hannah senses “Colombe is also trying to de-escalate.”

Lorelei casts a side-eye toward Hannah, a look of clear disdain. But, she's still quiet, observing Colombe's efforts for a peaceful resolution to all this.

Shiori watches Paige with a chill gaze. After a moment she takes several more steps away, instead toward Madeline.

Angelica says in French, "My what is going on here...drama no?"

"You know, this is why I always had such problems with things. The first reaction to the most likely scenario running through your heads is to group up?" Paige sighs softly, before she shrugs her head softly. "I admit, I was hoping for Nino Coco, I have business with him. You see, everyone came out of the woodwork when the news hit. One of my associates sent me a fruit basket. Plastic fruit. It was very sweet. But they tell me such wonderful things."

There is a soft tilt of Paige's head to the other side, smile still there. "Out of personal respect to you De Berenger, I will not press the issue on the fact that there isn't actually anyone here that can stop me." Then softly a step back and a small curtsy before she turns. "But you should ask your Sheriff about what she is selling to outsiders."

Angelica speaks softly to Madeline

Guivre says in French, "Bit more that drama... danger. Non?"

Ed's hairless eyebrows go up, then she snorts loudly.

Guivre quips something in French to Angelica but he is staying where he is leaning for the time being and making sure he is wrong, about his quip from a safe position.

Madeline slips an arm gently around Angelica's middle and nods to Guy then smiles gently as Paige brags

Durant nods to Martha "Yes.. we will have to talk. " he casts a quick glance over at Paige, but otherwise doesnt say anything to her, or anyone around her.

Alastair chuckles again and nods his head, "They certainly are when they're your idle hands." The Toreador looks amused by his own joke and then he rolls his eyes toward the ceiling, "Brexit? Storm in a tea cup frankly, I'll be glad when a few more years have passed and we can have a good laugh. I do have to hand it to the Germans though, they are learning from their mistakes as the decades go on." Cropsey's last sentence causes Alastair to look over in the direction of Paige and those around here, and he nods, "So it would seem. I'm certainly missing out one at least one piece of juicy gossip aren't I?"

Martha looks over, then shrugs, "Business is business, So Primogen ever played any of the games here? I could show you the ropes if you want." to Durant, though she never quite turns her back on the scene in the room.

Angelica raises a hand to her mouth to hide the smirk, sharing a look with Guy before looking back to Maddie then back to Paige

Durant smiles a little bit at Martha's comment "im.. not much into games.. outside of the classics I should admit. There is something invigorating about a good chess match.. "

Colombe's eyes remain on Paige as the former Sheriff drops her last statement, and turns to leave. Even as Ed snorts, her gaze is steady on Paige. Finally, she offers, quietly. "Thank-you."

Amelie sighs and shakes her head. "Bon Soir, Mademoiselle." She is saddened by this, obviously.

Hannah's face draws away from Paige's ear with a grim look, her mouth turned into a frown. She glances around the room, seeing a few mixed reactions, and then refocuses on the Caitiff. She takes a step away to give the woman more space to leave, not making to press in after her. Whatever was said must be good enough, because the Tremere offers no further words -- a look of exasperation and open annoyance. Her eyes remain focused until the former sheriff is fully gone, and then she looks back to the room with a bland, "Opa."

Guivre watches Paige leave and he sizes her up as she goes in silence with a slanted smirk on his face, no greeting or goodbye to be heard.

"Goodbye Paige," Ed says, the turns and makes her way towards Cropsey.

Wade rolls his eyes at the whole exchange over by the door. His eyes land on Paige as she says she’s going and he just shakes his head a bit. He still doesn’t move from his lean. He just watches her until she’s gone now.

Paige goes home. Paige has left.

Angelica looks over at Madeline with a look then she speaks

"So it would seem," is Alastair's reply while Cropsey plays with his phone, and his deep blue eyes follow Paige as she leaves them all, "So what happened then? Whatever it was appears to have left a lasting impression on everyone present."

Madeline sighs "nasty gossip and a not so thinly veiled threat, how charming"

Lorelei waits until Paige has completely left, then blinkblinkblinks at Hannah. Disdain fades into mere confusion as she just... shrugs. "Opa indeed... nice skirt though. Diggin' the spangly stars." Lorelei tries offering small talk to the Tremere to break the ice again, though there's still the matter of one Shiori, who she moves back to. "Right. Eeyore. Ya said he's happy where he is? Good ta hear."

Angelica says in French, "well im one for tooting their own horn but...well seems like some seem over confident. I mean is that true? is she that indestructible?""

"Wasn't that exciting!" Guivre calls to the entire room as he holds up both of his hands and adds, "Far be if for me to be the one to say what we are all thinking but its my blessing and my curse-" He gives the room a once over with both of his hands held up, adding, "Rest assured everyone, Vegard will hear about this and weigh in soon, I don't doubt... Thank the Fates she didn't have a bomb in that cello case!"

"I am the night ..." From somewhere near the arcade, someone, Cropsey, says in sort of a soft, overly mysterious, almost Batmanesque voice as soon as Paige has taken her leave from the room. He watches Ed carefully as she approaches him, slipping his phone back into the pocket from whence it came. He looks to Alastair and says, "I should probably let our new Sheriff, explain what happened."

Madeline says, “I don't believe anyone is indestructible Angelica, she only wished to intimidate as she was not cheerfully welcomed. Paige made her bed, she must lay in it"”

Martha hand does and odd twitch and she moves to pull it closer to her body with her other hand. Then with a crack of her neck, she looks to Durant, "So games, maybe we should mingle here or go to a more private place for a proper game?" her tone bit lower, and hair is it darker. "She might of just head a Cello Guy." looking back to him, "Though it never hurts to sweep for bugs."

"Probably did. But it's not like the Imperator can ban her from the city just by existin." Evita shrugs "Treaty and all that. I mean. He can certainly say he does. Then it becomes Ed's problem. But it also picks a fight with every Anarch around."

Wade’s answers the question easily. “Old Sheriff had a meltdown, then had another melt down, and turned Anarch and threatened several people. And no she’s at her old tricks. Very scary.” His voice insists that he doesn’t find it scary at all. “Just ridiculous. But she got the attention she wanted.”

Colombe's eyes warm and she looks to the assembled group, offering, "Luckily, it's time to do my speech --- though it may be a bit anti-climactic, after that." A slight grin, as she moves toward the elevated flooring before the huge wall-sized display.

Hannah glances at Paige as she moves past, that bland line of her mouth never wavering. She takes her phone out and begins to text a few messages, looking from the screen and then toward the Caitiff's retreating form. She glances up when addressed by Lorelei, the Malkavian given only the most cursory of smiles at the compliment to her outfit. "Thanks," she says, "I was dressed up for a party, not so much a show like this one..." She sounds annoyed. Not necessarily with Lorelei, just the situation. She moves over closer to Martha and Durant to listen and join their conversation.

Amelie smiles to Colombe, genuinely happy for her friend to be moving forward with this event tonight.

At the elevated flooring at the front of the common room, the Samsung Onyx cinema LED display is cycling through a series of slides and photos describing the history of tech, as well as the possibilities and hot topics in tech right now. The beginning of the slide show always shows the Marathon Tech logo, and the names of those currently on the Marathon Team: Cropsey, Lorelei, Ed, Torgue, Shiori, and Colombe.

Martha looks to Hannah, only one word. "Both"

Durant nods to Martha "Go is a good game.. ive only played that a few times." he nods to Hannah as she approaches "Good evening Hannah.. How about you.. What kind of games do you prefer?"

Alastair casts a look In Guivre's direction and he looks sceptical, "Why would she be carrying a bomb in cello case? That would be a little suicidal." Clearly the Toreador is confused, and he looks anything but intimidated by Paige's recent presence though by the looks of it the old sheriff arrival and subsequent departure has ruffled feathers, and he looks back to Cropsey once more, "You shall have to drop by for tea and you can fill me in on what I've missed."

Shiori turns back to Lorelei and she smiles though it's a bit strained. "Well. I figure he can keep me company while I'm trying to work out sticky problems here."

Madeline looks about and finds a not techy spot to sit

Madeline snags a spot at the Comfy Couches.

The music changes, playing a bassy tech tune, as Colombe takes to the elevated flooring at the front of the common room. The screen behind her shifts, showing the Marathon Tech logo spinning into view before being prominently. She is wearing a discreet earpiece and microphone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtLQ3PKN1Qw

As the music recedes, Colombe looks out at everyone in the common area.

“The world is ever-changing.”

Guivre rolls his eyes at the people who fail to Understand and he keeps his jaw set as he watches the Presentation as it begins with Colombe's speech.

Angelica snags a spot at the Comfy Couches.

Angelica follows after Madeline and takes a seat near her

Cropsey turns his gaze to Colombe and the presentation and makes a bit of an approving face, nodding his head. He does respond to Alastair, "Yeah, I'll come by. But we're about to get a Steve Jobs'd right now." The Nosferatu seems to have all his attention on the Ventrue. He's all about this part.

After music dies down there's a stirring, a hand reaches out from under one of the couches and Torg pulls himself out, stands, shakes his hair out, and creaks into a seat to reorient himself and see what's been going on.

Torgue snags a spot at the Comfy Couches.

Lorelei grins to Shiori, eager to get past the icky encounter that just happened. "Yeah I guess 'happy' is a bit of a stretch for that feller, sad t'say. But, glad ya like him! So what sorta problems ya workin--" Oh, hey. Presentation. She pauses her conversation to observe.

Alastair nods his head, obviously getting the reference and so he stops talking to Cropsey and instead focuses his attention of Colombe and her presentation.

Martha pulls out her phone then does something then puts it back into her pocket.

Madeline folds her hands upon her lap and smiles gently at Angelica tuen returns her attention to Colombe. Of course it is just then Torque's hand comes out from beneath one of the sofas and for JUST a second you ahve to wonder if the Toreador Primogen wasn't going to crush it like a bug beneath on designer heel - but no, no violence

“Those among us who have been here for one or more centuries know this better than anyone.”

“They have seen the discovery of electric current; they have seen the first artificial lights; they have seen the evolution of long-distance communication, the advent of computers, the rise of satellites and artificial intelligence. In the past twenty years, the computing space has only grown more diverse and startling, the frontier of possibilities ever expanding, moving forward. Today’s frontier topics include things like: edge computing, intelligent apps, augmented reality, virtual reality, self-healing systems, and more.”

“As Kindred, we have the benefit of time. We can plant a seed now and in 200 years, personally observe what it has become. We can start a project now, and observe it's impact for generations. That is why, as Kindred, we should be planting a forest right now.” Angelica looks down at the hand clawing out, a perfectly shaped eyebrow raising. Her head tilts ready to react. When Torgue pulls himself out she chuckles some "Good evening ..sir" Angelica says with a whisper Martha looks at her phone and nods, then test something off as she pays some attention to the presentation. Lorelei is smiling rather broadly as she whispers something eagerly to Shiori.

The music continues, as Colombe speaks.

“With the talent in this Praxis, astonishing things are possible. With the combined knowledge and experience in this room, we can make extraordinary achievements.”

“Because, as Kindred --- time is on our side.”

Colombe speaks clearly and confidently to those present.

“My friends, welcome to Marathon Tech. Our new technical accelerator and collaboration space.”

The music swells up again, and the massive display behind her shows fireworks going off as she remains standing on the elevated flooring.

Amelie nods with the words being said by Colombe.

Martha steps into the Kitchen.

Durant steps into the Kitchen.

Durant nods to Hannah in agreement, though his face betrays no emotion.

Madeline brushes a hand along the front of her corsett and nods to Torgue as he sits, smiling over at Colombe and listening closely to her presentation

Hannah steps into the Kitchen.

Shiori smiles at Lorelei. She offers applause to Colombe's speech. She then murmers to Lorelei "You will have to tell me about that sometime."

Guivre is still somewhere near the exit texting every so often and seeming to half pay attention

Ed brings her elongated fingers together in applause, as the presentation comes to a close. Evita nods giving Colombe a round of applause as she finishes up.

Hannah watches the display with a level expression, looking at the names of the members included, then around the room. There's something about this that elicits mixed feelings, but she is content to clap where appropriate and offer small smiles to those mentioned. Colombe is given an encouraging thumbs-up. After a few soft words with Durant and Martha, she follows them over to the kitchen space so as to quietly speak without distracting from the evening's festivities.

Madeline applauds with a smile and nods, clearly approving of it all

Martha text something again, then nods clapping carefully as not to well damage her phone.

Lorelei applauds as well at the conclusion of Colombe's presentation, her grin threatening to tear her cheeks apart. So to speak. Shiori gets a nod and a "Certainly, perhaps after the festivities?"

Colombe steps down from the elevated area, as the music changes back to the original ambient soundtrack. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW3RNbOa_Vg)

Cropsey seems genuinely moved by the presentation. But the music and the slides. Yep, he's sold on this Marathon Tech thing. The Nosferatu joins others in applauding for the future of the venture.

Alastair applauds politely along with all the rest.

Amelie applauds for Colombe! She is quite proud of the presentation and the benefits of this all.

Angelica applauds from her seat on the couch

Wade hasn’t moved from the wall he decided to hold up, hands in his pockets as he listens to the speech somewhat absently. His gaze goes around the room at the end. He remains still, just watching. Though something makes him smirk briefly to himself. The smirk fades and he finally gives a little sigh. Apparently not that amused.

Torgue clears his throat for a moment. The presentation concludes and he just takes a moment to think it over, a real consideration with long breaths. Then formalities can ensue once his brain is in the present his head turns to the others at the couch and answers quietly.

As the applause dies down Guivre calls over the din, "But what of security? For all of our most precious inventions?" He pauses for a moment and looks around the room, adding, "I think we need to evaluate the safety of such a setting when there is an obvious threat on the loose... one who is watching you, Deputy Colombe.. from her very words." Guivre shakes his head and adds, "Herald, if you could arrange a meeting for me with the Imperator this week, we have serious concerns to discuss." He waits a moment for reactions and then indicates the exit, "I am going to spend my time somewhere Paige doesn't see as her enemy's Domain."

Amelie nods to Guivre, "I'll let him know."

Ed pulls out her phone and taps away at it, amused by something. After sending off a few messages, she slips the phone away. Guivre's words cause her to look in his direction, then shake her head.

Alastair casts a sideways glance at Cropsey, "If you will excuse me my good man, I have something that I must attend to."

Evita nods seeing that everything is running smoothly and slips out. Evita goes home. Evita has left.

Cropsey looks toward Alastair and says, gesturing a hand toward the spot where the presentation took place, "Any of this interest you? Technology, that is. You seem an entrepreneurial type." As Guivre speaks up, Cropsey glances over at the Malkavian and chuckles, "With all due respect, Primogen. I sure hope that Paige doesn't make it her mission to come blow up a bunch of tech nerd vampires huddled around desks and coding. If I recall, the former-Sheriff had issue with Kindred not doing anything." The Nosferatu gestures his hands about, "This does not seem like any of us are without purpose or desire to contribute to the Praxis. And, hell, if I get blown up, I guess I couldn't think of a better way to go. Well, I could think of a few but this would be on my short list." As Alastair moves to go, he nods to the Toreador with a quick nod, "Do have a good night, Mr. Stuart."

Colombe's eyes move to the cabal gathered in the kitchen, but her gaze doesn't linger, as she finds herself migrating over to Amelie briefly, until Guivre speaks. "We are not in the cradle of Elysium, Primogen. And she is not watching me, you can trust that. I provide security for the technology, and the site. The former Sheriff took advantage of the door being open. And I did not engage my retainers, because there was no need to escalate."

Madeline stands and leaves Comfy Couches.

Shiori smiles quickly to Lorelei, "Excuse me." she murmers and moves toward Madeline.

Madeline rises and steps over to Amelie and lightly touches the woman's arm, pausing to turn to Shiori also =) "I appreciate it, afterall, he has told me as one of his Primogen... I always have his ear when I see /anything/ worth offering advice upon." Guivre inclines his head politely to Colombe's input and remarks, "The Imperator will sort it out this week and in the meantime-" He looks around the room, "You all linger at your behest."

Amelie looks to Alastair as he seems to be heading out. "I should be available tomorrow night, if you have time to speak. Tonight seems to have been taken up with other business."

Alastair gives Cropsey a smile and nods, "Indeed, I'm always on the look out for good investment opportunities. We can talk about it when you come over for tea."

Martha nods to something.

Angelica nods to Madeline then she looks to Torgue "Pardon me sir" She then gets to her feet and moves for the pinball machine area to explore

Alastair doesn't look as though he is ready to head out, on the contrary, as he talks with Cropsey his gaze looks to be searching the Herald out, "I was about to see if you had time to discuss things now? It won't take long, and I have a prior engagement tomorrow evening. But if you are busy now, I will try and meet with you first thing tomorrow."

Shiori touches Madeline's arm, "Do you have a moment?" she asks quietly.

Torgue is now alone again at the couch, giving polite nods to those that leave. For now he can relax and appraise the room and relax.

Martha nods, "It is an amazing concept." to Colombe as she moves to head out. Martha steps out of the Kitchen.

Madeline nods to Alastair "Ims ure she'll have time tomorrow monseiur" before she nods to Shiori "Certainly"

Colombe smiles to Martha. "Thanks for coming, Duchess."