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Revision as of 16:13, 1 February 2021


The current location is the County of Emerald Dale. The Freehold of Count Baelan ap Gwydion.

Upon depositing the pirate Tamar Salazar to Roger Almsley, the Captain made sure to point out that interrogative rights were still held with the crew - knowing that some of the crew had words to smith with the knave. Whether that is true or not is anyone's guess...save for today.

Timand and Conn arrive and sure as sure can be, the Freehold sentries give you entrance and lead you to the basement (apologies for vagueness, Not My Prospect Freehold (tm), so leaving it vague). There, in the dank underbelly of the Freehold, is a series of cells where enemies of the County are held. Not many occupants reside here, but Tamar Salazar is one of them.

The Manikith sits on a dank stool, one of two furnishings to his cell. The second, apart from the bales of hay that litter the ground, is a bucket. For you know...you know. Tamar is tapping his head idly against the wall wearing a pair of what looks like three-clasp handcuffs with no chain between them. However, regardless of the fact he can't seem to move his arms freely and every once in a while, a crackling of power illuminates orange sigils on the cuffs - a sign that he is attempting to use magic, and the surge of glamour immediately dissipates. A prisoner, in more ways than one.

The guards hand over the key to his cell, telling you that you have 30 minutes with the prisoner - as agreed, before returning to their post outside.


Timand walks down the hallway of the basement, head hunched down to keep his head from knocking into the celing. "So Conn...how are we gonna do this...good cop bad cop, or bad cop bad cop." He mutters quietly to the older Troll.

Conn thanks the relevant authorities for their hospitality and nods to the guards. "The last time I played bad cop, I pulled my sword on someone and threatened to kill them. And I meant it. Maybe I should be the good cop."

Timand tries to intimidate Tamar! Timand rolls Manipulation + Intimidation vs 6 for 0 successes.

Timand gives a little grunt as he approaches the door "A few broken fingers might do th' trick." He's joking, right? He reaches the door and unlocks it, swinging it open and stepping into the cell wordlessly. He stands as upright as he can, crossing his arms and staring down at the captain, emanating menace, or at least trying to, but the fact that he cracked his head upon the doorframe while walking in rather detracts from the effect.

Tamar has the look of someone seeing something unexpected, with how his eyebrows raise and his eyes avert to the door when Timand starts to jiggle the keys. He eyes them momentarily, watching Timand face-plant himself on the bar cage above the door and successfully holds back a laugh.

"Bufones. ¿A qué le debo el placer?"

Any consideration Conn might normally have for the morality of torturing a Fae are currently on pause, knowing that the captain in front of him had planned the deaths of the crew. "Look, Timand, we know that he was paid to sink our ship and leave no witnesses, we have evidence we can use in a Court of law. And just because the local lords are literally going to let you break this guy's legs doesn't mean you should. As far as I can tell it's not a breach of the Escheat, so I'm not going to stop you from torturing him," he looks at the captain he'd faced in combat to ensure he is expressing himself earnestly, "but I think we should give him the opportunity to just sign a confession so we can stop wasting our time with him." Finally, actually addressing Tamar, "Seriously, he will torture you and I will not stop him."