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Revision as of 16:42, 23 January 2021


Erin calls for Kringer to follow Timand but not before she gets her bow and quiver from the cat's saddle. Kringer does not look at all excited about this but his a good boy so with a protesting roar the cat follows after Timand. Erin moves to get into position and find aim to shoot anyone that might shoot Timand and the upcoming Kringer.

For the Captain's part, the term 'surrender or die' makes him roll his eyes. "Come on man." He says, mostly to himself. "We're supposed to be badass. Like...'no banter, no barter, no quarter'. At least -sound- awesome." He grumbles, pulling out his cutlass and a 9mm pistol. The Captain never leaves the ship, so he takes position to shoot people, or shoot people crossing over, or stab people if he can't shoot them crossing over.

Standing on the rail of the Journeyman, Conn readies himself for combat. No boarding party will be getting passed him unchallenged, swords at the ready, prepared to move in fluid motion if needed. He moves without noise, ready to pounce on the nearest attacker, swords flowing as an extension of his body. He flashes a smile and wink to Wick "we got this love," he says with a follow on wink..

Clover is watching as others head on over to the other ship, and at first she starts to head that way as well, but.. ouch. Things still hurt. She pauses and takes a look back and forth between ships, then gives a huff hiss as she stalks down beneath the deck.She'll be back, surely!

Maggy Grins with a savage gleam as she watches Cicada's wounds close up,"HAHahAH!" a startling cackle,"Far takin' tha' lead 'n fume o'er to 'em?" eyebrow wiggling as she stands fists clenched and moves to make her way over to the other boat and follow the Timand in Boarding the enemy boat,"CRACK THE TAKERS NAMES!" she shouts with a healthy enthusiasm.

Wick lets go of the ship's wheel. Now that the two vessels are tied together, their heading doesn't much matter. But he doesn't want to venture far - just in case they need to make a quick getaway. And so he remains where he is and takes up a firearm instead. Loading it and locking it into readiness - he seems to know what he's doing well enough. He smiles off at Conn with a glow of warmth. "Right!" But then as Clover heads off down deck, he blinks, catching his lower lip. "Clover! You ok?" he calls after her.

With her bathing suit riddled with bullets Cicada brandshes her spiked club. At little less eager to run into the carnage than the wolf-pooka perhaps, she nonetheless starts towards the helm where she'd have view of the other vessel's deck and the sea alike. She stands by, preparing to use Wu Tan.

<---======##===========[ Initiative order for turn 1 ]============##======--->

   16 Clover
   14 Wick
   14 Timand
   13 Conn
   12 Tabin
   10 Erin
   10 Maggy
    8 Cicada
  • Characters declare low to high (unless ST chooses high to low)
  • Characters act high to low


Tabin has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Bob goes on 14 Tabin has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Bill goes on 9 Tabin has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Billy goes on 7 Tabin has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Robert goes on 15 Tabin has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Tamar Salazar goes on 14 Tabin has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Jeff goes on 8

<OOC> Timand says, "Can my quicksilver happen first round since i posed doing a bunk while jumping over?" <OOC> Maggy says, "Wah-wah. Damn my poor initiative rolls." <OOC> Tabin says, "It can trigger this round, sure." <OOC> Timand says, "want me to roll it? I am adding time 1 to stretch it to 3 turns." <OOC> Tabin says, "It happens however, at the -end- of the main phase. So everyone will act first, THEN your Quicksilver action occurs." <OOC> Tabin says, "Sure." <<OOC>> Erin says, "do you wnt Kringer to go on mine?" <OOC> Tabin says, "It will go on your init, yeah, Erin." <OOC> Timand says, "oookey. I am dumping 11 dice from Dragon's ire into my quicksilver roll. dif 7, using 2 glamour. one to trigger and one to reduce dif." <OOC> Timand says, "Unless tabin doesnt want me to dump all in, which is legit. His call." <OOC> Tabin says, "So we have for the declare phase: Jeff, Cicada, Billy, Bill, Maggy, Erin/Kringer, Tabin, Conn, Tamar, Bob, Timand, Wick and then Clover." <OOC> Tabin says, "It's your dice." <OOC> Timand says, "actually, ya know what, i will dump 3 dice into it and save 8 for other actions." <OOC> Tabin Go for it.

Timand casts Quicksilver! Timand rolls Wits + Fae + 3 vs 7 for 4 successes. GL GL

<OOC> Cicada says, "oof do I need to declare?" <OOC> Timand says, "ok, so 5 actions the next 3 turns." <OOC> Tabin says, "Okay, so you will get 4 actions for 12 rounds." <OOC> Timand says, "12? I thought it was 3. Ok then :D" <OOC> Timand says, "can we kinda get a set on what we see on the other side? Who's got what?" <OOC> Cicada says, "/wow/" <OOC> Tabin says, "Time 1 triples the duration and with Wayfare, you get # of extra actions for # of rounds. So Time 1 triples 4, which is sometimes 12." <OOC> Timand says, "jeeeze!" <OOC> Maggy says, "yeah c20 time realm is much better than the old time realm." <OOC> Tabin says, "As for what you see, you see a half blown to bits main deck of a fishing ship. The crew are ready for you and ripes and lines and dingies are already getting tossed everywhich way for some people to do some swashbuckling (not cuz they want to, but cuz there's be holes in this ship yo). They don't seem ready to go down easy." <OOC> Timand says, "well heck, i wouldnt have added time then had i realized that :) No worries, its rolled so its fixed now." <OOC> Conn says, "I don't believe with wayfare it's n extra turns." <OOC> Conn says, "I believe it's just next turn." <OOC> Tabin says, "Feel free to consult the book of armaments, we have a while to iron it out. We have 12 initiatives to hit first before we get there anyway :D" <OOC> Tabin says, "I can't at the moment." <OOC> Conn says, "Each success adds one action or doubles your speed your next turn." <OOC> Timand says, "The Realm determines who or what speeds up, although it doesn't grant objects the power to move if they're not moving already. Each success grants a subject one extra action or doubles her movement speed on her next turn. Suc- cesses may be divided between extra actions and extra speed as the player desires." <OOC> Conn says, "you can divvy them up between extra action and extra speed" <OOC> Tabin says, "Aha." <OOC> Tabin says, "So 4 rounds, for 3 rounds." <OOC> Conn says, "Which is actually a lot better than C2." <OOC> Tabin says, "4 Actions, for 3 rounds. My bad." <OOC> Timand says, "plus normal action for 5 total attacks/moves a turn." <OOC> Tabin says, "Cicada, your first to declare." <OOC> Timand says, "SUCK THAT GAROU" <OOC> Tabin says, "Bob, Bill, Billy (Bob 2 on the initiative list) and Robert have guns. Tamar has a wicked looking halbard and Jeff has a spiked baseball bat." <OOC> Timand says, "Kith?" <OOC> Timand says, "any trolls here? If so i am going for him first." <OOC> Cicada says, "Cicada will be using Elemental Hand(not elemental fist. the four dot one) to waterbend and spray jeff with high pressure water because fuck Jeff specifically." <OOC> Conn says, "attaboy" <OOC> Cicada says, "all but one dice will be allocated to Degree" <OOC> Tabin says, "Jeff" <OOC> Tabin says, "To be fair, he is a rather ugly looking Troll" <OOC> Tabin says, "Okay. Jeff (whoops, who was first) is going to THONK Timand. Billy and Bill are going to Shoot Timand, because he is using magic, and no. Maggy." <OOC> Timand says, "https://i.imgur.com/97jEZtz.mp4" <OOC> Maggy says, "My declare?" <OOC> Maggy says, "Spend 1 glamour for an Extra action from my 'Alactrious Bracers' and then gunna fistcuffs the -shit- out of Bob 2 (the one going on 7)" <OOC> Tabin says, "Got it." <OOC> Tabin says, "Erin/Kringer" <<OOC>> Erin says, "Kringer will go after Bill with a claw claw and Erin is going to shoot Bob." <OOC> Tabin says, "Okie doke. Tabin is going to shoot Tamar in the head. As for the Kiths, they are...(had to do some calculations) Bill, Bob: Boggan. Billy: Rambunxious Boggan. Robert: Satyr. Jeff: Ugly Troll. Tamar: Selkie." <OOC> Tabin says, "Conn" <<OOC>> Clover says, "Cute Selkie?" <OOC> Tabin says, "He has a roguish charm" <OOC> Conn says, "Splitting my base action once to dodge once to attack, using the extra action rede in my sword for a second full attack on tamar." <OOC> Conn says, "He's got two names." <OOC> Conn says, "He's clearly the threat" <OOC> Tabin says, "I mean...how could you guess." <<OOC>> Clover thought it was a lady! <OOC> Conn says, "I've read Order of the Stick" <OOC> Conn says, "She then." <OOC> Tabin says, "Tamar is going to Double-Strike Timand. Because Timand is using magic, and that is just a nono. Bob, is NOT going to shoot Timand like the others, and is going to plug a hole in Maggy. Timand." <OOC> Timand is going to cast dragon's ire 3, i think i need to increase the difficulty of being damaged. <OOC> Tabin says, "Maybe." <OOC> Tabin says, "Wick" <OOC> Wick says, "Is Robert taking aim at anyone?" <OOC> Wick says, "Or does he declare after Wick?" <OOC> Tabin says, "You dont know what RObert is doing (he declares after you)" <OOC> Wick says, "Ah! Got it." <OOC> Wick says, "Wick will notice Billy taking aim at Tabin. But Wick is going to falter at actually shooting someone and end up using some glamour to try and flicker flash him into the brig where Wick had been hiding earlier. Because he happens to know that they closed the door once they left." <OOC> Tabin says, "My poor guestroom." <OOC> Tabin says, "Robert is going to plug a hole in the other person then using magic and shoot at Wick, twice. Clover." <<OOC>> Clover is gonna be down in the ship, trying to heal herself some. <OOC> Tabin says, "Well! You are up first Clover, so roll them bones." <<OOC>> Clover says, "Does using blood that's already dripping out of you count the same in a bunk as making your own source? XD" <OOC> Wick says, "i thought that was more of a primal bunk. Spring uses like... spirals and flowers and sex stuff." <<OOC>> Clover says, "True. Was gonna incorporate, but ok!" <OOC> Tabin says, "Hump the ship, Clover. Hump it as if your life depended on it! (it does)" <OOC> Tabin says, "You can use your own blood, just so long as the bunk makes sense." <<OOC>> Clover says, "Ohh fuckkkkk. Ugh. I messed this up. I thought I bought fae, but did not. So she's just gonna chill downstairs. -.-" <OOC> Tabin says, "Valid. Then we move on to Robert who is going to shoot Wick twice." <<OOC>> Clover has medicine, so can instead try to find something down there to help herself with? <OOC> Tabin says, "Tabin has a first aid kit in his house, you can use medicine." <OOC> Tabin says, "Wick, soak 3L." <OOC> Wick says, "Ok, that'll chip away at his oakenshield." <OOC> Wick says, "Oh wait." <OOC> Tabin says, "And then soak 2L."

Robert the Satyr shoots Wick! <pr>Tabin rolls 6 vs 6 for 3 successes.
<pr>Tabin rolls 5 vs 6 for 3 successes.
Wick soaks it all! Wick rolls Stamina +2 vs 6 for 4 successes.
Robert the Satyr shoots again! <pr> Tabin rolls 5 vs 6 for 2 successes.
<pr> Tabin rolls 4 vs 6 for 2 successes.
Wick soaks it all! Wick rolls Stamina + 2 vs 6 for 2 successes.
Clover tries to apply first aid! Clover rolls Wits + Medicine vs 7 for 0 successes.

<OOC> Tabin says, "Your good!" <OOC> Wick says, "Woot!" <OOC> Tabin says, "NEXT! Wick. (Clover, feel free to roll your medicine as you like, vs 7, to stabilize)." <OOC> Tabin says, "Wits+Medicine rather." <<OOC>> Clover laughs. <<OOC>> Clover pats her good 'ol dice. <OOC> Wick says, "Ok, I roll the wayfare stuff?" <OOC> Tabin says, "The Bactine does NOT go there." <OOC> Tabin says, "Yes." <<OOC>> Clover says, "lol!"

Wick Flicker Flashes Billy! Wick rolls Stamina + Fae vs 5 for 3 successes.

<OOC> Tabin says, "That will be enough. Billy, is taken off the list, as he is now in Tabin's guestroom." <OOC> Tabin says, "Timand" <OOC> Maggy says, "Suck-it, Billy!" <OOC> Timand says, "burning wp for this roll"

Timand loses one Willpower <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Timand rolls Strength + Fae vs 6 for 5 successes. 1 2 4 5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Timand says, "ok, i am now +2 dif to damage for the next 6 rounds." <OOC> Tabin says, "Noted." <OOC> Tabin says, "Bob, who for no other reason than Maggy is a girl, is shooting Bob." <OOC> Tabin says, "...yes. I mean shooting Maggy. But these are not the smartest pirates obviously" <OOC> Timand says, "he's commiting suicide!" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Tabin rolls 4 vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 -1 3 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "He couldnt if he tried, he missed." <OOC> Maggy says, "You cannot shoot me. Bullets to afear." <OOC> Tabin says, "NEXT! Tamar, who is going to double-stab Timand. Timand, is your +2 to the to-hit or to the damage" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Tabin rolls 11 vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 1 1 -1 2 2 4 5 7 8 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Timand says, "its dragonscales, so i'm +2 to be damaged" <OOC> Tabin will assume damage roll then. <OOC> Timand says, "ya." <OOC> Tabin says, "Soak 2L for the first stab." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Timand rolls Stamina vs 6 for 2 successes. 2 4 +6 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Tabin rolls 10 vs 8 for 3 successes. 3 3 6 6 7 7 7 +8 +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "Soak 5L for the second." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Timand rolls Stamina vs 6 for 1 successes. 2 3 4 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Timand says, "oof" <OOC> Tabin says, "Stabby-Stab. Conn." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Conn rolls Dexterity + Melee + -3 vs 6 for 1 successes. 1 2 2 3 5 +7 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Timand says, "oakenshield down, took 1 HL" Timand loses one Health <OOC> Tabin says, "Everyone's earning their sea legs, WITH BLOOD." <OOC> Conn says, "So that's actually 2, I forgot to reduce diff per redes" <OOC> Tabin says, "Noted." <OOC> Conn says, "can he parry?" <OOC> Tabin says, "He can take it." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Conn rolls Strength + 4 vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 +6 +6 8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "Unless your sword has extra doohickeys, he will soak." <OOC> Conn says, "It does not." Tabin loses one Willpower <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Tabin rolls Dexterity + Firearms vs 8 for 1 successes. 2 6 6 7 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Conn rolls Dexterity + Melee vs 4 for 6 successes. 1 2 2 +6 +6 +6 +7 +9 +10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Conn rolls Strength + 9 vs 6 for 10 successes. 1 3 3 3 4 5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "....hmmmm..." <OOC> Cicada says, "Speaking of Blood https://youtu.be/2kA-vex7jBQ" <OOC> Timand says, "fyi tabin, i am gaining back my health level because as a troll i get an extra one, its just not reflected on my sheet" <OOC> Tabin says, "He will take 4L" <OOC> Tabin says, "And while not particularly helpful to anyone, is also stunned cuz he took more than his stam :D" Timand gains one Health <OOC> Tabin says, "And noted Timand."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Tabin rolls 6 vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 4 4 +6 +7 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Maggy says, "Timand - you gotta Message staff to get that added on your sheet so it's calculated. I had to do the same for my Satyr and her extra dot of stamina." <OOC> Timand says, "Thanks Maggy, i will do that" <OOC> Tabin says, "ANd Tamar soaks the headshot. Next up, the Erin/Kringer combo" <OOC> Conn says, "Yeah. We only get it with Seeming's Blessing, which we both have." <<OOC>> Erin says, "Kringer first" <OOC> Tabin says, "And Kringer was attacking who?" <<OOC>> Erin says, "it was Bill or is bill the one in our boat?" <<OOC>> Erin says, "hehe" <OOC> Tabin says, "No. Bill is still around." <<OOC>> Erin says, "So bill" <OOC> Tabin says, "Roll it" <OOC> Timand says, "Billy in the brig on our boat" <OOC> Tabin says, "Yup." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Erin rolls 8 + -2 vs 6 for 1 successes. 2 3 4 4 5 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Conn says, "GOds I wish you could keep NPCs in the initiative roster" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Erin rolls 8 + -3 vs 6 for 0 successes. 2 2 5 5 5 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<OOC> Tabin says, "So Kringer will hit once." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Erin rolls 5 + 4 vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 1 1 4 +6 +7 7 7 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<<OOC>> Erin says, "and it's Agg damage" <OOC> Tabin says, "So he will take 2" <OOC> Tabin says, "Erin's turn." <<OOC>> Erin says, "Bob still up yes?" <OOC> Tabin says, "Oh yes." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Erin rolls Dexterity + Archery vs 6 for 3 successes. 1 1 2 5 +6 +6 +6 8 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "The only one who has taken any damage, is Timand...sort of." <OOC> Timand says, "But wait, there's more!" <OOC> Maggy says, "oh?" <OOC> Timand is the main target for most of the bads <OOC> Timand says, "who have yet to go" <OOC> Tabin says, "You used magic." <OOC> Maggy says, "that's what being tall gets you." <OOC> Conn says, "So did I in fairness." <OOC> Conn says, "The 11 dice." <OOC> Conn says, "that *everyone* is getting." <OOC> Timand is an 8 health level shield for the rest of you <OOC> Tabin says, "Right but your also not a cascading blur of Dragon's Ire at the same time." <OOC> Conn says, "Fair point" <OOC> Timand will die in a blaze of glory! <OOC> Tabin says, "Unless you have something super special, is it just a regular short bow?" <OOC> Timand is playing the tank role in this MMO

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Erin rolls Strength + 4 vs 6 for 5 successes. 2 5 5 +7 +8 +9 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "Phew. Bob will take 4L." <OOC> Tabin says, "Next up, Maggy." <<OOC>> Erin says, "I was looking for the damage sorry" <OOC> Tabin says, "No worries. :)" <OOC> Maggy says, "Dumping 5 of the 11 dice into hit on Bob (7)" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Maggy rolls Brawl(3) + Dexterity(4) + 5 (12 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 1 1 -1 -1 2 3 4 5 7 7 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Maggy says, "Ahh yes. of course." <OOC> Conn always forgets to use his dragon's Ire dice so ends up with bananas soak pools <OOC> Maggy says, "welp, that's my base action. I got 1 extra action but it waits." <OOC> Conn says, "Oh, do they happen at the bottom of the round?" <OOC> Tabin says, "The epic battle between Maggy and whoever is trying to engage with her continues to come up millhouse." <OOC> Conn says, "I thought they happened at the bottom of your turn" <OOC> Tabin says, "Quicksilver + Extra Actions occur at the end of the round." <OOC> Maggy says, "Base actions all happen first, Then you go to Extra actions after all base actions have occured; yee." <OOC> Tabin says, "Next up is Bill, who has a -1, who is going to Shoot Timand." <OOC> Conn says, "Oh, I acted out of turn with the stabbing on two names mc'badguy" <OOC> Tabin says, "It's fine." <OOC> Tabin says, "Timand soak 3L." <OOC> Timand says, "Tabin, do you know off hand how many extra soak dice i get from my shield? Is it the cover rating?" <OOC> Tabin says, "I've been rolling +1 diff to hit you, which is what shields grant you." <OOC> Timand says, "ok" <OOC> Conn says, "oof" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--- Timand rolls Stamina vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 +9 +10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Timand says, "can i reroll that 10?" <OOC> Conn says, "no." <OOC> Tabin says, "Negative. Damage/Soaks cannot get Specialization rerolls" <OOC> Timand is a sad. Timand loses one Health <OOC> Tabin says, "Billy, is confused AF." <OOC> Tabin says, "Cicada." <OOC> Conn says, "Which always irritated me, because 1s do reduce them" <OOC> Tabin says, "You also can't botch them either." <OOC> Cicada says, "okay what direction is the other boat relative to us?" <OOC> Tabin makes a random roll. <OOC> Cicada says, "north, east, south, west?" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Cicada rolls 1 vs 6 for 0 successes. 4 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<OOC> Tabin says, "Starboard, so they are to your right." <OOC> Tabin says, "Which for you would be......north." <OOC> Cicada says, "yay" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Cicada rolls Shui Tan + Stamina + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 vs 7 for 6 successes. 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 +8 +8 +8 +9 +9 +9 9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "While I promise I am learning Cicada, I have no idea what that means." <OOC> Tabin will leave it to your expert knowledge of Wu Tan <OOC> Cicada says, "it's okay... all the +2's are coming from fortune dice" <OOC> Cicada says, "it says fortunes add to the roll. this is a yang type ability(because it's using an element to do damage)." <OOC> Tabin says, "So your hitting Jeff for 6 damage?" <OOC> Cicada says, "5 because one dice is allocated to distance" <OOC> Tabin says, "Got it." <OOC> Conn says, "use dragon's ire dice for damage xD" <OOC> Tabin says, "He will take 2B." <OOC> Tabin says, "It's Ogre time." <OOC> Timand says, "oh dear" <<OOC>> Clover now pictures Shrek on their ship. <OOC> Cicada says, "I don't know what damage type high pressure water spray would be. I suspect a dice can be allocated to Circumstance to make it lethal maybe?" <OOC> Cicada says, "the Hsien stuff is stupid numbers :)" <OOC> Tabin says, "...I would allow that. In exchange he'll take a lethal." <OOC> Tabin says, "Soak 6L Timand." <OOC> Cicada says, "+2 Wani Form +2 Kawannon-Jin Fortune +2 Season +2 Color +2 Poetry +2 Direction(North is Water Bonus) is how I got that pool btw" <OOC> Timand says, "NRRRGH" <OOC> Timand says, "ok, i am throwing a buncha dragons ire into this soak pool" <OOC> Tabin says, "This is how legends are born. Go for it." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Timand rolls Stamina + 6 vs 6 for 6 successes. 2 3 5 5 +7 +8 +9 +10 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<OOC> Tabin says, "f***" <<OOC>> Erin says, "Nice roll Timand" <OOC> Timand hugs conn. Tightly. <OOC> Tabin says, "You soaks it allllll" <OOC> Tabin says, "Like a big boy." <<OOC>> Clover awwws <OOC> Conn gives high fives. <OOC> Tabin says, "Alright. We will go down the list. Rather than me posing all the baddies, you know who hit you and how, feel free to conjure how the fight is occuring with whomever is messing your life up in your poses."

Timand lets out a massive roar as he leaps onto the deck of the fishing boat, slamming his axe against his shield and then pointing it at the ogre. Its a challenge. As he does this, his skin mottles and hardens. Bullets ping off his skin, leaving bloody grazes on his arms, but he ignores that as he stares down the ogre. The ogre accepts and comes charing at him with his weapon held high, and crashes a mighty blow at Timand's head. But Timand is prepared for this, and bats the weapon away at the last moment, escaping uninjured.

Wick catches one of the boggans taking aim at Timand. But before he manages to even begin to take aim, he gets SHOT! By Robert the Satyr. But he can't quite manage to shoot them. He hides behind the ship's wheel. Getting a decent shot off isn't going to be easy. And... to be honest, he doesn't quite have it in him either. And so peeking out through the wheel's spokes, he takes a throwing knife out of an inner pocket and drives it into the deck beneath him (between the boards, leaving no mark). And with that bunk, he uses flicker flash to send Billy the Boggan into the brig - Tabin's guest room.

<OOC> Tabin says, "Next up we have Conn"

        As Clover heads on down below deck she's stripping her top off to start bunking some health back into herself.. but.. crap! That doesn't work! Too bad.. But then she's off trying to get the med kit so she can patch herself up a bit that way.. nope! Derp. Someone's just too distracted to be doing things right!

<OOC> Tabin says, "I know the Bactine is cold. But you SPRAY it. You dont rub the bottle on yourself. Jesus."

        Conn lets lose a pair of whipfast swordstrikes on the Piskey, the first harmlessly catching his cloak but the second strikes true. Cautiously, he keeps his swords at the ready for a counterstrike that doesn't come and quickly taes stock of the situation. Sword at the throat of the stunned Piskey "You are outnumbered, outmatched, and we have no desire to kill any of you. Surrender and you will not be harmed."

<<OOC>> Clover says, "Ohh! First remove cap! Her dice is the reason for stupid instructions on the back of things XD" <OOC> Tabin says, "Erin/Kringer." Erin give Kringer an order and he follows. He sees someone with a pewpew and he is to take them down so he does what he is order to do and here comes the big old cat with claw claw but only one hits as Erin takes aim and shooots the baddie that tried to shoot poor Maggy. Erin moves to reload so she can shoot Bob again before he tries to hit poor Maggy again. <OOC> Tabin says, "Maggy"

         Growling in a rather feral tone, Maggy huffs and goes in swinging. IN the mass of gunshots and swords/halberds - she misses purchase after putting a fuck-tonne of force behind one hit. The swing goes offside and misses bob,"ANCHOR DOWN, FUCKER!" she shouts at him. It was the sea that obviously put her offbalance for the attack, but she continues regardless with a continued recklessness. Her tail swaying and wagging behind her in fervent excitement.

<OOC> Tabin says, "Lastly Cicada." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Clover rolls Perception + Alertness vs 8 for 2 successes. 2 2 3 4 5 6 +8 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

         Cicada assumes a Tai Chi stance, sweeping down to the deck languidly like a ballet dancer. <<"A swan lost at sea. Spoke of life, time and things. None heard; the sea drowned it!">> She recites a poem in her native tongue to incant the forture of Water. She rises with an abrupt upper-cut stance and a tendril of water rises with her movement. It loops around, following the flowing movements of her stance. The force of the water becomes a high intensity spray as she directs the power of the sea right into Jeff's poor ugly face. 
         Cicada used Water Gun. Was it effective? 

<OOC> Cicada says, "waterbending :)" <OOC> Maggy says, "I dig it." <OOC> Maggy says, "gotta do the blood-bending tho" <OOC> Cicada says, "well... if people are 90% water..." <<OOC>> Clover says, "Yasssss!" <OOC> Tabin says, "Okay. Back now. Meth heads. THey are...the best." <OOC> Maggy says, "Yer a powerhouse. I couldn't deal with 'em when I worked donation security." Tamar Salazar may be brash...a bit of a devilish rogue...and keeps horrible company. Like Ogres. But he is no fool. Well! He's not suicidal. So while he is in a hampered daze he gives a little sneer at Conn and then tosses his Halbard onto the deck. The others, don't seem to be as well of a crew as the Journeyman, as they instead look to be intending to ditch their captain behind as they huddle up! Around Jeff, because he's Jeff, and a whole lot of Guns, aiming at the boarding party while putting distance but not firing. Yet. <OOC> Tabin says, "Unless someone moves to attack the crew (f*** the captain), we are out of combat rounds." <OOC> Conn says, "I think unless we're trying to steal the boat's stores, we're probably good to be out of combat rounds." <OOC> Wick says, "We win!!" <OOC> Timand says, "yay us. Is Tamar now our prisoner?" <<OOC>> Clover says, "Free pose now? n.n" <OOC> Timand sniffles. But but...i had 4 more attacks left this round. LOL. <OOC> Tabin says, "You can keep beating the shit out of people! I'm not stopping you" <OOC> Tabin says, "You have actions, use 'em as you like." <OOC> Timand says, "naaah, i will accept an honorable surrender." <OOC> Conn throws a +10 dice oakenshield at himself. >.< <OOC> Tabin says, "lol." <OOC> Timand says, "but yeah, i will reup oakenshield." <OOC> Maggy says, "....that's not a bad idea conn. USE THEM DICE>" <<OOC>> Erin says, "yeah no need to attack people that are surrendring"

         Bosun Cicada remains in Tai Chi stance, maintaining her hold on the water in the form of a big globby tentacle. She's no longer spraying Jeff in the face. "Ondore! Give us your stuff or I'll call upon the sea to drown you all!" She puffs up her chest threateningly at the other crew, still mad about being shot. 
         Standing, fists still clenched; Maggy's legs placed as if to leap - glowering towards the other crew with her eyes fixed pertinently on the cowards,"Cross callin' way fer shackin' stones on tha' skyby. IF yer fright tossed to the way-go 's teeth that'll skip stones past the bend...." a bit of a snarl rising over her lips as she ends her words. Her glower turning to a rather feral smile - a barring of teeth to the gaze of those before her while waiting for the rest of her allies to come talking up. 
        Clover's busy reading the directions on the back of the Bactine bottle when something catches her attention.. some odd sound. Her long ears give a little flick and she turrrnnsss her head so she can glance back and watch towards the rooms for a moment. "Huh.." She drops the bottle and turns around to go investigate, and what she sees has her saying, "Holy crap! Wick! Guys! Ahh, Cap'n!" She cheeses it to the steps and calls up, "We got us a situation down here!"

<OOC> Maggy says, "Ahh yes - and my food arrives just as we've become victorious."

        Erin lowers her bow just a moment as she hears Clover though she moves in her direction to see what is going on.

Tabin keeps his piece leveled on Tamar's head, burning eyes gleaming for another shot when his eyes get averted to Clover! Coming up from below deck! Why was she down there?? "Wha?" He looks over at Clover. Then looks to Cicada. "Bosun. Take care of this mess." He says as he attends to whatever is going on. <OOC> Tabin says, "Anyone who follows Clover, will not participate in the crew decision with the prisoners. As an FYI." <<OOC>> Erin says, "that's fine" <<OOC>> Erin says, "clover needs help" <OOC> Maggy says, "not followin', we gots prisoners >;U" <OOC> Tabin says, "As for the crew decision - the crew is willing to give you the hold, and Tamar, in exchange for letting them go with the ship. You can either take their offer, or maximize your chances and taking more of them. Keep in mind, they are aiming this whole time, and since everyone is beginning to recast, they too will have magic prepared." <OOC> Conn says, "We have our prisoners. That's really all I wanted. I'm going to go down with Clover and throw a Spring healing cantrip at her." <OOC> Timand says, "well, we got two of 'em. I want the goods and the captain. The rest can fuck right off." <OOC> Maggy says, "GOODS. AND. CAPTAIN." <<OOC>> Erin says, "Hey conn didn't you go on the other ship?" <OOC> Tabin says, "He did." <OOC> Conn says, "Yeah, but someone needs to lead the captain to the brig" <OOC> Cicada says, "is Tabin telling Cicada to help Clover or stay here?" <OOC> Cicada says, "which mess? XD" <OOC> Tabin says, "Your in charge topside."

        Conn begins leading the Spriggan across to the Journeyman "You give us the goods and our prisoners, you don't attack us again and we go our separate ways; peacable and all friendly like. Do we have an accord?"

<OOC> Tabin makes a note. "I like this. Your first naval antagonist is so unnoticable you can't remember his Kith (Selkie)." <OOC> Tabin says, "He's gone from Selkie to Piskey to Spriggan" <OOC> Timand says, "you never told us that i remember :D" <OOC> Cicada says, "he's all of them" <<OOC>> Clover laughs <OOC> Timand says, "Schrodinger's kith" <OOC> Tabin says, "It's fine. It's good drama. :)" <OOC> Conn says, "It's 03:40. At this stage you're lucky I'm speaking English at all." <OOC> Maggy says, "A Selskigan!" <<OOC>> Clover says, "He's so exotic. So sexy! XD" <OOC> Wick says, "Does the crew want billy back too?" <OOC> Cicada says, "what a gary stu. ban him from the server!" <OOC> Tabin says, "Yeah. About Billy." Tamar sniffs, but says nothing to Conn as he gets taken aboard the Journeyman. MEANWHILE! BELOW DECKS! The house deck is now ankle deep in water, the door to the guest stateroom has been blown open and ....ugh...that's a LOT OF WATER, just you know...flooding the entirety of the bottom of the deck. <OOC> Timand says, "zomg. Did billy do that" <OOC> Cicada says, "Clover did it." <OOC> Tabin says, "The door was locked so he made one?" <OOC> Tabin says, "Not his fault it led him underwater." <OOC> Cicada says, "she's framing poor innocent billy"

        Ignore the fact she's still topless; she's got more important things to take care of than finding her shirt at the moment! Clover's heading the way towards the rooms below deck, and as she comes across the water that -was- contained by the door she grunts, "Holy shit!"

<<OOC>> Clover laughs

        Erin gets down below as she steps in water she blinks "Fuck" and puts down her bow as she begins to move to fix the big old hole that is there as she starts to mutter not happy.

Wick stills as the Ogre captain surrenders to Conn. But there are still a whole lot of guns aiming at the boarding party. So he remains tense and watchful at the helm of their own ship. He blinks as Clover starts calling from down in the ship and he catches his lower lip with a wince. But there are still so many guns being aimed above at the boarding party. And there are already several heading down to help her. So the Helmsman stays put. Timand points at Jeff, and...actually gives him a respectful nod. "Well fought. Next time." Then it's off to see what goods the ship is carrying that he'll be bringing back to the Journeyman. "The fuck did you do to my ship?!" Tabin looks at Clover, OBVIOUSLY. She is armed with a nice chest, a capped can of Bactine, and is bloody from gunshot wounds. It makes perfect sense. "First! Nice." He says. "Second, get to Conn. We'll handle things down here. Conn'll look to your wounds." Because she must have thought 'spray deliberately' meant 'rip a hole in the side of the ship to add the right amount of water to your bactine spray'. The hold of the Creeping Star has all sorts of goods. A lot of which is mundane. Rich fabrics and textiles, basically anything you might plunder from a freighter it looks like that could fetch you LOTS of money. Chimerical goods? There is plenty of Dross, and several items. (we will cover this in @mail, as it is getting late).

<OOC> Wick says, "wick can also handle Clover's wounds if Conn is short on glamour."

         Bosun Cicada's nostril's flare defiantly at the enemy crew. She tilts her head, as if considering. "Okay, ware! Put down your guns and start bringin' out the stuff and you can run away home. Maggy-chan! Timand! You watch 'em so they don't try to hide anything good or shiny! Any sneaky tricks and I can sink your lousy boat like--" She snaps her fingers and the water tendril whip-cracks, "that!" 

<<OOC>> Erin says, "do you need me to roll something to fix it?" <OOC> Maggy says, "rolling willpower to speak english for a moment." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Maggy rolls Willpower(6) (6 dice) vs 8 for 2 successes. 2 3 5 7 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "Your Nocker kin, so you can do the Wonderwork. Dex+Crafts vs 7, or repair vs 6. Basically you just need to cork it until the effect ends." Maggy licks her lips and stands upright from her 'ready' position. Legs still ancy, tail still wagging. She nods her head to Cicada,"Yeh yeh.." and as Timand heads below she shouts,"GET ME SOMETHIN' NICE!" in a rather clear and concise manner before he disappears into the Creeping Star's hold. Elsewise she waits, holding, just standing at the ready before the aiming crew. <<OOC>> Erin says, "So I have stuff that lower my craft rolls by 3.. So my diff is 4.. my dice suck so spending will" The crew complies with the Bosun, a few of the Boggans going down into the hold of the Creeping Star and coming up with footlockers and chests, real luxury goods, stashes of dross, some chimerical items (to be determined later), are transported and not so much put down, but dropped on the Journeyman's main deck. Once the last of it is clear (and Timand can confirm they emptied it), the crew make their way off. Erin loses one Willpower <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Erin rolls Dexterity + Crafts vs 4 for 6 successes. 1 2 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "That is more than enough." <<OOC>> Erin says, "ok now they roll better so.."

        "N-Nothing! I was trying to get the Bactine to work and I heard the sound of water, but like.. heavier than a shower. Even heavier than a good, -warm- shower," as if they're somehow different, "and then there was water pouring out beneath the door and I came up to get you! Honest!" Clover says, hands going to her hips as she grunts at Tabin and scrunches her nose up, squinting a bit and sticking her tongue out at him for a sec. But hey! Look! Clover gasps when she sees her shirt floating along in the water, so it's scooped up and tugged on as one pulls wet clothing on, and she turns to head off to the deck.
         Cicada is still oblivious to the disaster down in the hold and calls out. "If you find any Jade I call it!" 

Timand is down in the hold too, tossing stuff aside. SIlks? Naah. Jade? Naah. Oooh, this is interesting. He picks up some dross. "Got us some booty!" he hoots cheerfully. And what this....? <waits for mail>

With deft work on behalf of the Nocker Kin a makeshift barricade stops the onrushing water through chimerical braces and a bit of moxie. Thankfully, boats like the

Journeyman have Equipment for things like this. "My fucking -house-." He grumbles as he turns on the drains to lower the water level in the ship. "Oh well." He sighs. MEANWHILE! Tamar is secured in the not blown-up guest stateroom, and after the door is locked, the crew is left with the plunders of a victory. Conn leads the Tamar the Manikithed down to the brig and locks him in with the other prisoner. He takes a sailor's biscuit, carves the glyph for Spring into it, and offers it to Clover. "This should make you feel better, I'm going to take first watch over the prisoners. Tell the others to come get me if I'm needed." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Conn rolls Spring + Fae vs 7 for 4 successes. 1 2 3 6 +7 +7 +7 +8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Tabin says, "Alright. Since we are in the crunch time, we are going to call it here, and cover the rest of what happens through OOC-foo for the simple sake of expediency and not wanting to hog your weekend. First, we will cover booty and shares in @mail. Second, Clover finally gets to heal her damage."

        Erin lets Tabin do the talking because she's busy trying to get the thing fix because she's not in the mood to go swimming. She is cussing up a storm and looks unhappy as she grrrs a little bit. 
        Kringer will be the last to come off the ship with the guys once the stuff and prisoner is attain.

<OOC> Conn grins Clover gains one Healt Clover gains one Health Clover gains one Health <OOC> Tabin says, "Third. Billy has disappeared, because portal passage opens doors in things you dont want them to. Like hulls." <OOC> Tabin says, "So the only prisoner you have is Tamar." <OOC> Maggy says, "Damn you, Billy. We WILL meet again you hole-making fucker." <<OOC>> Clover says, "Hah!" <<OOC>> Erin says, "if anyone is hurt I am sure we can patch everyone up" <OOC> Tabin says, "I smell someone taking the Rival Flaw...or Merit, depending on Maggy's temperment." <OOC> Maggy says, "Hahaha - Everyone's a rival in Maggy's boat. It's a matter of principal." <OOC> Maggy says, "Non-literal boat tho." <OOC> Maggy says, "I am unscathed due to my Rampant Wolfness." <OOC> Tabin says, "Fourth. The Captain is pointing a finger. for a CRIME HAS HAPPENED on the ship. Clover. You are accused of desertion under the Charter and not fighting with the rest of the crew. What, do you have to say in your stead!" <<OOC>> Clover laughs! "Was -technically- helping before she got shot up! <OOC> Conn says, "If people are around tomorrow, there's another PRP for Dross farming." <OOC> Maggy says, "Yes. Come. Stab things." <<OOC>> Erin says, "I wish I could come" <OOC> Conn says, "Okay folks. I'm off for a bed time nap." <OOC> Tabin says, "hmmmmm.....The Captain will renig." <OOC> Timand says, "make her clean the heads!" <OOC> Timand says, "keel haul her!" <OOC> Maggy says, "I will forgive and forget, for money." <OOC> Tabin says, "Oohhh I like that. We won't maroon her. You'll just clean the very soaked furniture, carpet and furnishings." <<OOC>> Clover gasps! "Yes! Let her use the brush shoes she brought with her to clean the deck! XD <OOC> Tabin says, "There we go." <<OOC>> Erin says, "well I want to know why there is a hole on the ship damit" <OOC> Tabin says, "You are sufficiently punished." <OOC> Tabin says, "The hole will eventually dissipate and return to normal, because the door finally closes :D" <OOC> Wick says, "Pippi Longstocking!" <<OOC>> Clover grins wide :D <OOC> Maggy says, "Portal-passage is a helluva spell." <OOC> Cicada says, "did we win?" <OOC> Timand says, "we won" <OOC> Wick says, "Woot!" <OOC> Timand says, "next, we need to tortu...i mean..interrogate the captain"

<OOC> Tabin says, "Lastly, when you guys return to Prospect you will be met by Roger Almsley, the Boggan with the brilliant mutton chops, who will hand you your reward. The inclusion of Tamar will be included in the @mail. Now, I know that many people probably have some things they may like to do - interrogate Tamar, or sniff about Roger, or go plead forgiveness to a certain Gwydion. If you do! Shoot me an @mail and I'll run a side job for you." <<OOC>> Erin says, "ok" <OOC> Maggy says, "woo!" <OOC> Tabin says, "Otherwise, that is all I had for you. Thanks for suffering another day :) Hopefully you enjoyed yourselves." <<OOC>> Erin says, "there will be some stern talking about flicker flashing people without warning the rest of us into our ship where we can't kep and eye on them.. Too" <OOC> Timand says, "absolutely!" <<OOC>> Clover had a blast n.n <OOC> Maggy says, "Lovely fun." <OOC> Wick says, "Poor Wick XD" <OOC> Maggy says, "That's a paddlin'" <OOC> Timand says, "honestly, i perfer ship combat to normal WW combat. Tonight was a slog" <<OOC>> Clover says, "It's ok, Wick. We can accept punishment together." <OOC> Tabin says, "The next run will be 2 weeks from today! The story has just started and there is plenty of sh** to do...or steal, or both." <OOC> Tabin says, "Well....you do realize this was a 12 person combat?" <OOC> Maggy says, "I jus wanna be here to PUNCH people." <OOC> Maggy says, "and be a cooperative stow-away who gives people a shiny +1" <OOC> Timand says, "Oh yeah, i absoltuely understand. Its still a slog. Not your fault, just the way it is" <OOC> Tabin says, "And their crew (and ours) is small :D" <<OOC>> Erin says, "Thank you tabin for being so awesome" <OOC> Timand says, "ship combat just moved faster IMO, was good fun" <OOC> Tabin says, "Hence why I made it. Cinema! Drama!" <OOC> Tabin says, "It got Clover topless for you? (see? Best. Wingman. Ever.)" <OOC> Tabin says, "Trust your captain." <OOC> Timand will sign abord any day. <OOC> Tabin says, "Well your a core member of the crew, you'll be back in 2 weeks. The plot isn't over. Just this run :)" <<OOC>> Erin says, "yay plots and crew.." <<OOC>> Clover laughs XD <OOC> Timand says, "Thanks all, see you in two weeks!" <OOC> Tabin says, "Bye all." <<OOC>> Erin says, "Hey I didn't get to see much of clover there was a giant hole of water I had to deal with hehe" <OOC> Tabin says, "I can finally leave work, which closed 2 hours ago :D" <<OOC>> Erin says, "yay!" <<OOC>> Clover will show you next time, Erin! <<OOC>> Erin says, "Nice!" <OOC> Tabin departs for home.