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(Created page with "=Setting= Move over clubhouse X! There is a mass of people that stretch the entirety down market street. Roadblocks have blocked off this portion of Market as people linger a...")
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Revision as of 02:17, 6 December 2020


Move over clubhouse X! There is a mass of people that stretch the entirety down market street. Roadblocks have blocked off this portion of Market as people linger along the sidewalks and on the street. The benches along the gas lamps are used for everything from tables to places to gather. Portable stoves cook all manner of easily eatable foods. Perhaps nothing worthy of a full plate, but certainly things worthy, and tasy enough, for a wrapper or something you can hold in one hand and eat in the other. Tables with several stacks of coolers are available for liquour, with signs plastered everywhere saying 'THROW YOUR BOTTLE IN THE TRASH!'. Other tables have hose machines which use the more classic red solo cup. The throng of people use stoops of doorways to hang out, and the sidewalk to meet and greet others. The street, is for the dancers.

At the center of the center of the street is a makeshift stage. Something easily put up and taken down. On it is a DJ booth, in which Tabin is currently rocking some serious jams that blare through the alleys and several streets past prospect. It is just music, but there is something hypnotic in how the DJ works the tables that makes people wanna MOVE, TO THE GROOVE. In whatever meaning that is. Thus there are people moshing, others grinding, others just moving to the music in no perscribed rhythm or style. (another example of the music coming from the DJ Booth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9r2qeouiQ&ab_channel=CarpenterBrut)

Lights are provided through the use of Floodlights, which are attached by a mess of cables that are attached to a personal generator. The DJ booth, with all it's psychodelic, and even pyrotechnics (if you watch long enough), is supplied by it's own energy source, courtesy of the DJ. Apparently not even a blackout will stop the party.


Having finished her rounds for the Red Cross a couple hours after sundown, Laurel heads back to Maple Park to drop off various donated food stuffs from restaurants. As she's heading over there she heads the sounds of Club Roadblock, and makes a note to make her return.

And return she does. Wearing a green sundress and doc martens, Laurel makes her way to the area. Her skinny fingers play with a braid in her hair, and she looks a bit uncertain, lacking confidence. Then a quick step and she makes her way in. With every movement she works to blend in more-and-more, as if she was meant to be there, as if she's always been there. A few minutes and there's a big grin as she side-hugs and shakes 'old friends,' tell other women 'oh my god, your hair is so pretty,' and generally ingratiate herself into the spirit of the club, until she's pulling a mixed drink off a tray and cheersing 'new friends.'

<FAE>  Chimera have immigrated to Market Street! A few chimerical birds whose wings dazzle with light and luminescence flock on power lines and in a sewer grate, the luminous eye of a VERY big crocodile is looking at people on the street. Attracted to a spark of glamour in an otherwise dead place.

Wick can't help but smile with the music that carries up the street. His footsteps start to unconsciously match the beat. And the closer he gets, the more he starts moving to that music. Soon, his hips are swaying, and he lifts his hands a bit up over his head, abandoning any pretense of just walking. Glancing up at the sky, he smiles with delight. Then gazing off across the crowd towards the DJ, his features brighten further still as he recognizes the DJ. His voice lifts as he shouts. "TAABIIN!"

Beckett walks up, falling behind as he and Wick made their way up to the house. Lights and throbbing music pulsed out into night, like a flame drawing in crowds like moths to flame. The crowds coax out a look of shock Beckett coupled with a suspicious twitch in his brows. He squints as Wick screams out through the crowds. "Friends of yours?"

Evie's walking the streets tonight, seeing how the rest of the city is coping with this blackout. Actually? Surprisingly well. Not too much crime... oh, wait, there's some outdoor club music going on. Is that criminal? Probably not. Does Evie care? Definitely not, if her shift from walking to dancing down the street is any indication. It's not until she gets closer that her palm slams against her face. "Tabin.... seriously...." It's the sort of tone and expression that, while she enjoys that he's having fun, she'd rather he choose a less mischievious outlet maybe.

Laurel's grinned and complimented her way through a full circuit of the bar now, working on her third free mix drink, as she gives out the fourth fake number of the night. Laurel walks up to Evie and says, "Oh my gosh, your hair is like, so cute right now." There's a pause as Laurel pulls her head back and shakes her head a little before leaning in to squint at Evie. "Wait, I think I /actually/ know you," she says to the other woman.

A bunch of professional dancers are showing off their street skills in a group huddle that has formed around the four of them. All hollars and cheers as they show off.
"ey! That's five bucks! Jus' cuz the city can't pay it's bills duddn't mean you don't have to either!" Says a bartender-turned-tableman who is staredowning a younger man, probably barely 21, as he grumbles and reaches into his pocket and passes the man a five.
"Oh my god! THE TRASH!" Says a stoutly looking guy who is FROWNING. FROWNING! At the chaos and carnage of the blockparty! "THROW IT IN THE TRASH!" He grabs several bottles and cups and throws them in nearby dispensaries. Don't let his taciturn nature fool you, the guy is rump-bouncing to the beat and is quite eager to clean up the mess and see to the dance competition.

Wick glances up at Beckett with a quirk of a smile and nods. "I know the DJ. Good friend of mine. And musician. You might have seen him on Open Mic night." The beat is so good. Tilting his head back, he sways and rocks to it before smiling back off towards the stage. It's then that he notices Evie. Wick laughs with her palm to the face. "Hi Evie!" He calls with a bright smile. And recognizing Laurel from earlier, he nods with a smile. He seems far more cheerful now.

<FAE>  The dancers are an Eshu quartet, showing off their chimerical prowess in the open street as dazzling sprays of prismatic scintillation follow their movements. The stoutly man is a humble looking Boggan, who is just trying to have fun while taking care of everyone! But he is super eager to see the Eshu dance off. Also do not mind the Troll Kinain who is manning the table demanding that fiver. He doesnt look like someone to be messed with.

Wick join in the cheers with a whoop for the professional dancers. He's not a bad dancer himself - moving with a smooth sensuality. Glancing off at the stoutly man, he smiles with an empathetic wince.

Evie deftly replaces several bottles of beer with a $20 bill on her way dance-walking about. She passes a bottle to Wick, and a bottle to Laurel. "Hey Wick! Why am I not surprised to see you at a place like this?" She shouts out to the dancing crowd, "Let's see some MOVES! I know you got some new ones in ya! YEAAAA!" After her encouragements to those making performance art (of a fashion), she gives Laurel a bit of serious contemplation. "I think we've exchanged more than brief glances at each other before, yeah. Maybe even earlier today....? I think?" No real reaction to the compliment about her hair.

"I think," Laurel echoes back to Evie with a grin. It's hard to tell due to the music, but it almost seemed like Laurel was mimicing her speech patterns, though it doesnt seem to be in a mocking way. "Yeah, thats right, you're Evie," she says as she wags a finger at Evie, though it's possible she just heard Wick say that. Turning slightly to look at Wick she notes, "and I'm Laurel," almost as if she was cueing Evie with her name while talking to Wick.

Beckett looks around suddenly as if he seems... lost. "I..." He trails off. "I'll... see you around later Wick. Be safe." He then moves to head off moving in the direction as if he's headed to the Murder. Beckett has left.

"Dude?? Is that a -dragon-?" Someone says...somewhere. "Yup!" A chipper girl's voice says. "Her name is Moxy." "Your fuckin with me! Is that real??" A giggle. "Oh it's real. Here! You can pet her. She likes people."
"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" An older man says, someone in their fifties, talking to one of the dancers after the set. The dancer, a stout looking man of younger years, lets out a hefty breath with a smile. "Oh you know. Just gotta get with it. Here come on! I'll show you." As an older man in his 60s is tugged into the 'dancers circle'.
A young girl, probably just shy of 16, with a colored armband that tells everyone everywhere that she cannot go to the adult tables, approaches Evie and Laurel with a tub of lollipops. "Free Lollipops!" She offers Evie and Laurel. She looks at Wick and her eyes grow wide. "SIR SIR! HAVE A LOLLIPOP!" She beams offering Wick a lollipop.
<FAE>  The Eshu it seems have snared several people into dancing, leading to a prismatic performance by the enchanted mortals. Somewhere a 'GRRRRR' is heard, but is immediately silenced into submissive grumbles. The young girl, offering lollipops, is a Piskie. Thin, aetherial looks, probably a Childling. The container of lollipops reads: 'SHORT LIFE FUN STICKS - ENCHANTMENT FOR AN EVENINGS FUN. DOUBLE DIPPING NOT ADVISED.'

Evie now has one lollipop. Huh. She pops the pop in her mouth, taking it out every now and then to speak clearly. "Yep! Thought so." Whether she thought this or not, who knows. "Nice to meet ya! So, you looking to dance? With.... me?" Okay, /now/ she reacts to the earlier compliment. "..my hair's not /that/ cute."

Evie gets enchanted by a glamorous lollipop!

Wick takes Evie's offered bottle and lifts it in an appreciative toast. He laughs with Evie's lack of surprise and shakes his head. "No, I'm not usually much for raves and the like. But tonight..." He falters a bit as Beckett just leaves. He gazes off after him, looking a bit lost himself. But then he's offered a lollipop. He blinks, a little hesitant. But then with a soft smile, he nods and takes one. "Thanks." Glancing back over at Evie, Wick grins. "Your hair is very cute. And... My name is Wick." He adds this with a smile at Laurel.

Laurel nods lightly as she takes the lollipop from the girl, pointing out her wrist band and noting, "You know you can slip that off, right?" Laurel opens the lollipop and looks betwenEvie and Wick andnotes, "Is this where we find out this thing is dipped in acid?" A small laugh and a lick of the lollipop as she looks back to Evie and says, "I told you your hair was so cute tonigght." Laurel doesn't seem to have quite noticed the dragon yet, whether for obliviousness or too much attention to the wrong details.

Laurel becomes enchanted by a glamorous lollipop!

"See? That's how you do it!" Says the Eshu dancer, as the old man of venerable years is pulling a rather....not bad robot.
"She's SUPER COOL. Can I have one?" Someone is heard saying. "Well! Can you babysit a REALLY OLD FOGIE for like...4 years?" A girl giggles. "But nothing says you cant!"
"Really?" The girl looks at Laurel and then gives her a mischevious look, before trying to wiggle her arm out of it. She can't! DAMNATION! And pouts. "But I wanna drink beer!" She huffs! HUFFS! At Laurel.
The DJ Booth goes on automatic so that Tabin can give a dance off of his own. You would think that Tabin was the Lord of the Dance, given the rather rancorous hoots and hollars and OH FUCK YES! Is coming from the onlookers who are now dancing with laughter than actual dancing. Fun. With a capital F, is beginning to bleed into the Blockparty.

Okay, Evie's got two people saying it so it must be true. Her hair is indeed cute. "Well. Thanks to both of you, but wait til I've started partyin' first with all those compliments!" She taste-tests her lollipop, several times, giving a questioning look toward Tabin at the turntables. Then she turns back to Wick and Laurel, giving her hair a gorgeously cute tossing-around and flip. "A pleasure to enjoy the night with you both. Hey, have you seen the dragon yet?" She points out the dragon, like it's just a particularly interesting terrier.

Wick tilts his head back for a deep draught of that beer Evie had handed him. All the while, he never quite stops dancing. Glancing to Laurel, he laughs with a quirk of a smile. "Yeah, I expect so. Probably a hallucination or two." Another sip of beer - he's making quick work of it, not quite paying attention to his pace. Glancing off, he smiles at Katti with warmth. "Hi Kaati. Come meet Evie. And Laurel!" But at that moment... TABIN starts dancing, and Wick joins the cheers with an exhuberant hollar of his own. "FUCK YEAH TABIN!" Tossing back the rest of his beer, he tosses it off into a bin and starts dancing with a bellydancer's grace.

The dragon in question is held in a cradle by a woman with a lot of dimples. She is comly, obviously above the drinking limit with a plump nose and a wide smile. In her cradled arm is a green-scaled Dragon about the size of a big main coon cat. The dragon looks MOST DISPLEASED, but it is curled around her arms like a kid cradling it's mama, as people pet the dragon and give it adoration..as they should.
The old man is making prismatic illumination with his not-too-well dance moves. Arthritis and all. The more he does however the more people cheer him on, the bigger his smile gets, and the mroe he tries to just go with the flow.
The girl next to Laurel is aetherial looking, her eyes the color of clouds on a rainy day. Her skin and hair are both light, ears tapered holding a container that says 'SHORT LIFE FUN STICKS - ENCHANTMENT FOR AN EVENINGS FUN! DOUBLE DIPPING NOT ADVISED. The DJ Booth begins to burst sparks akin to pyrotechnics, that change and distort into the image of a large dragon that gives a roar before exploding into a kaleidoscope of color that is the cause of hoots and hollars, all done to the sound of the beat.

Kaati's smile widens when she sees the women, and she gives them each a grin. "Hey," she offers. Her heel starts keeping the beat, maybe without conscious will.

Wick peeks over at Laurel, turning a little pink as she says he looks taller. "Mm. Yeah, I'm still Wick. The lollipop hitting you already?" He pauses a moment, glancing to Evie, and then pops it in his mouth. His eyes drift half shut, rolling back. "Mmm... So good..." Whatever it might be laced with, it tastes /amazing/. And closing his eyes, Wick loses himself further still in that music. He reaches out to take Kaati by the hand, pulling her in for a dance.

"The lollipop hitting you already?" Laurel echoes back, in excellent mimicry of Wick, before she laughs and wonders in her own voice, "What does that even mean?" Then she notices the lollipop in her hands and slowly says, "ohhhhh ... " as if a realization is hitting her, but it doesn't quite seem to fully make it there, so she takes another lick of her lollipop. Kaati beams, cheeks flushing a little as she's tugged closer. "Hi!" she says, as her hips pick up the beat, her moves easy and sinuous. Hands climb up slowly, and she tips her head back to worship the sky.

Okay, there is a lot happening now for Evie to process. That dragon is something to behold. That lollipop looks real interesting right about now. And so does some point high above Wick's head. "Yeah this thing's got acid on it." Oh well. Guess she'll just sit back and enjoy the show for now.

"You wanna know how to sabre a what?" The table-bartender leans over. "I never figured it out. Ask that guy." He points to the DJ Booth. "He knows how."
The little girl with the lollipops begins to move away until Kaati arrives and begins to sway. "Here lady!" She offers a jug of lollipops. "Take one! They are free! Have fun!"
"Where did I learn how to dance like that?" One of the dancers answers a question. "Oooh that's quite the story. Tell ya what, let's hang out at the bench and I'll tell it to ya? I need a quick breather ya know?" As a group of people huddle off toward the benches.
The DJ Booth is put on autopilot as Tabin descends the DJ Booth. For now, it seems the DJ gets break time, which he uses to get a bottle of water and plaster it all over his face to cool down.

Finishing the lollipop with a crunch, Laurel disposes of the stick in the trash. Coming back to her new companions, Laurel puts her legs together and raises up on the balls of her feet. Her eyes closed, she stretches up her arms above her head as if she was diving skyward -- it's hard not to notice that this too lifts up her very short dess a noticeable ammount. From her 'dive' she tilts her arms to the side placing them around Wick's neck as she leans in to whisper something in his ear. There's a moment where she comfortably rests her head onhis shoulder, while hugging across him, but eventually she lets go, does a hop and looks at the two women. "Ok, this is fun," she says to them.

Evie smirks over to Wick, then leans in to whisper to Laurel.

Laurel giggles lightly as she whispers with Evie.

Wick keeps that lollipop in his mouth, freeing up his hands to lift to the sky. Carried away in the music, he seeks to link his fingers with Kaati's. Eyes closed, he seems oblivious to all else save the music and the dance.

Kaati beams at Laurel, content to share space. She may or may not be high; she's certainly close in; when Wick seeks her hands she laces fingers with him, almost body to body, her posture a little open to give Laurel enough space to move.

Tabin heads through the crowd and, sorry Evie, Wick is noticed first. For reasons. "WIIIIICKKKK." The shout is heard across the heavens, as Tabin gives a wave to Wick. "Hey there buddy! Have _fun_ tonight okay?" He says before using the opportunity to PDA Evie, giving her a greeting kiss on the lips. "Evie. Having fun?" He says. Tabin smells of weed. Which probably explains his laid back demeanor given the fact that everyone, as the evening progresses, becomes more and more silly...but in an unleashing way. Laughter is becoming a touch more common than simple bar-rousing and fun, in a myriad of ways, is slowly spreading across the evening's Blockparty. To everyone else Tabin has never met he waves. "Hey everyone."

Evie actually looks right at Wick now, and finally notices he's dancing with Kaati. Ah. He has his partner for the night. Evie looks over to Tabin, who's in his solo wet T-shirt contest, and is kissing her before she can deploy her own PDA. Ambush! "Glad I came out! Ohhhh man you gotta get me what you're having. It's the /good/ stuff." She sniffs him, getting a whiff of that weed, then takes his hand and looks at him expectantly. "Breakdance duet. Let's go."\

Wick keeps his fingers linked with Kaati's, keeping her hand lifted up over their heads and her body close as his hips roll with that bellydancer's grace. An then as he finds himself with a set of arms wrapped around behind his neck, his arm at once slides around her waist, holding Laurel close. He tilts his head into the caress of a whisper, eyes closed. Then peeking over at her, curious, he whispers something back.

Wick rather beams as Tabin approaches them. "Tabin! This is amazing. Brilliant. Filling the dark with light. And music. So brilliant." As Laurel lets him go, he reaches out for Tabin and Evie, fingers extended. Though he's only had one drink, and whatever is in that lollipop, he seems rather under the influence of the atmosphere.

Laurel runs hand back through the middle of her hair, before kinda catching the middle part of her hair and pulling it slightly taught. While doing this she looks to Wick and gives him a nod, as if this should mean something to him. Perhaps it does. "I can always show you if you don't believe," Laurel says in an almost teaing manner.

Kaati turns, a slow spin of sorts that gives Wick a little more space. She lets her hands fall slow, her body writhing to match Wick's. She lets one graze his waist, briefly, and grins at Tabin.

Tabin gets Ambushed! He can't even roll initiative with that type of Ambush! PDA Ambush! Evie's in a threatened square! So he gets PDA'ed, and indulges in it. He gives a laugh. "Ask love of lovers and I shall provide." He pulls out a small bag, with pre-rolled joints, and offers Evie one. "California's finest sunshine weed for your consumption, Lady." He teases, before getting taken by the hand. But wait! Wick! "Well /duh/. The moment I heard the powers out it was like 'oh let's kick it old school out in the streets'. Looks like a lot of people felt the same eh?" He nudges Wick. And gives Kaati a wink back with her grin. "Breakdance duet? Let's kick it." He agrees with Evie, giving her hand a squeeze. "I've been ~practicing~ donchaknow."

Wick tiiilts his head to the side at Laurel's mysterious teasing. It would seem the nod didn't quite clear up his curiosity. Kaati's light touch at his waist distracts him. But then the revelation of those fine pre-rolled joints spark something quite keen in Wick's eyes. He grins at Tabin with his nudge. "Caaaan I have one of those?"

Evie scooooots away from Wick's grabby Katamari hands so she can breakdance with Tabin. "Wiiiiick! You /already/ have the ladies swaming you! Dance with them, shoo shoo!" She wants her time with her babe. Breakdancing. Wait. She's never breakdanced before. "Okay. So I just..." She tries a couple basic moves to start out with, nothing impressive, but it is in fact a perfectly executed series of steps. Tabin is /so/ going to make her look silly though with his incoming awesomeness.

Rolling her eyes, Kaati steps in to Wick, her hand sliding a few inches toward his back. She doesn't crowd him *too much*, but it might be an effort to distract him from the weed, a little.

Tabin nods as Evie takes him away. "Sure thing best buddy!" He offers Wick a joint, sorry Kaati. Bros before HEY! Evie stole his Wick call! "That's my line!" He nudges Evie playfully, then off they go to break dance. He does whisper something to Evie before he gives her room to to do some basic moves. "Let's do some pop and lock." He says. "Like the robot, but smoother and not as lame." He doesn't labor his date of dates by ruining the mood by stopping to give a step by step lecture on how to dance, complete with powerpoint and formative assessment. He just does it. the DJ Booth's theme makes it easy to pace pop and lock too, but does offer some tilts and breaks out into a rather epic Worm on the street using that similar pop and lock style.

Tabin whispers to Evie.

Laurel takes a sip and turns her back on the crowd momentarily, bending over to put the drink aside. As the music changes, Laurel emerges as a presence in time with the beat. Her arms back playing with her hair, arched back, leg slightly kicked up. The lazers and lights seem to criss-cross her body -- almost as if a robot was defining a woman's curves -- before purple, blue, and red lights fully converge on her like a spotlight. There seems to be this space being created around Laurel, even as people in the crowd almost feel instinctually like the way to be closer to her. Give anything to press their bodies against hers, or just gets on their knees before her. Tilting her head around, Laurel tousels her hair, pulling it back and then -- her eyes open and she spies the crowd, a coy smile like 'I caught you looking.' Then the tiniest little gesture that might be nothing, but also seems to be her using her finger to beckon someone towards her -- but who?

Wick's laughter bubbles forth with a bright mirth as Evie evades his outstrethed hand. It was an idle attempt at getting a hug from the pair. He arches with Kaati's light touch at his back. It distracts him... but not quite enough. He smiles with much pleasure at Tabin and takes the offered joint with an appreciative nod. He happens to have a lighter in his pocket and a moment later, he's taking a deep toke. He holds it and tilts his head back with a deep sigh of release. His dancing remains ever sensual - nothing robotic in the slightest.

<FAE>  "HOOMANS." The Dragon says at the DJ Booth. "THE TIME IS AT HAND! YOU WILL-" The girl with the impeccible freckles shouts. "MOXIE!" She stomps her foot. "Get down from there!" The Dragon looks perplexed. "But I have found the pedestal to guide the Hoomans." The girl stomps her foot again. "Will be just fine with the DJ Booth doing it's thing! Now get down!" The Dragon huffs, smoke arising from it's snout as it jostles off behind the DJ Booth.

Kaati's attention is caught by Laurel, though she stays close to Wick's side. Her hips move in idle figure eights, heel still keeping the beat to set the rest of her alight with motion. She whispers something that passes unheard amid the noise.

Evie ends up staring longingly at Laurel, and Wick, and Laurel... oh baby Laurel's so hot. So sexy. So wait-just-a-minute she has her boyfriend here. Her head SNAPS right back to watch Tabin break those dances expertly, then she basically throws herself right in to the moves herself - pop and lock, a worm or two, then. Yes. She throws a Robot in there. After her Robot move, she shouts out to the crowd, "HEY FRECKLES! LET HIM PLAY WITH THE PEDESTAL!" O... kay...????? After her little, uh, outburst, she whispers something back to Tabin.

Evie whispers to Tabin.

Men and women bearing drinks for Laurel seem to arrive simultaneously. Laurel takes a drink from one gives it to another, before taking a different drink, generally mixing things all around before finally deciding on one. Looking down, she lets her cheek blush slightly as she says, "thanks," in this quiet way that indicates her shyness is only overcome by her appreciativeness. The straw finding her mouth, she takes a tiny sip as she looks up and gently bats her eyes.

"SEE!" Laurel says, her demeanor completely changing as she grins and start giving Wick pokes in the ribs, her smile pulled back in the most hilarious mock-anger she can imagine, "I. Told. You." Laurel stops poking for a minute, sips her drink while she looks to Kaati, "Didn't I tell him?"

A girl is shouting, stomping her foot toward the DJ booth as it rumbles along giving it's music to the entirety of the block.
Laurel attracts /several/ suitors given how the light seems to show off her curves and color her in an ambient light that is both suggest but revealing while actually doing nothing but lighting her up.
"Hey buddy! You ain't gettin' yer keys." The Table-tender tells a man in his 30s. "Go to the patio and burn it out." He jerks a thumb to a small patio arrangement before one of the storefront entrances, which the man grumbles and staggers along.

Wick dances with what remains of a lollipop in his mouth and his hands up over his head, one of his hands linked and arm entwined with Kaati's. And in his other hand, he's got a joint. Dancing close with her, his hips move as Kaati's do, in a sensual figure-eight. His gaze flits off towards Laurel, catching the moment when men and women arrive wih those drinks. He squeaks with a slight flinch as he gets poked in the side. His head tilts, smiling at her with something almost coquettish. "Mm. So... I suppose we are."

Kaati's brows lift a little as she looks over to Laurel. But her mouth twitches in amusement, as she presses closer to Wick, locked in an easy duet with him.

Tabin listens to Evie, leaning in when she whispers to him. "Now? Well...for you. Why not." He reaches into his clothes, rummaging around and pulls out a flask. Popping the top, Tabin takes a swig of it, closing the cap and tucking it away. Something...about Tabin, changes. It is hard to tell. But his eyes, usually starlit, seem to capture everything...and everyone, in them. His skin looks so soft one wonders what it might feel like. It is as if his posture, his dance moves, even his voice - already sensual to listen to, is tinged with a heavy brushstroke of desire. Of want and release. And it is that type of arrangement that has Tabin taking Evie into a full-body grind to the music. Full-contact sport dance-grinding as Tabin lights a joint to share with Evie.

Tabin loses 2 glamour

Laurel takes a moment to stand by the dancing Wick and Kaati, grinning in a way that doesn't indicate she feels like or is some sort of third wheel. Reaching a hand back behind her without looking, a full drink appears in Laurel's hand. Leaning in, she whispers something once more to Wick, before leaning back, giving a giggle and taking a sip, and then biting her lower lip ever-so-slightly as she waits to hear Wick's response.

Beckett reappears at the party, wading his way up through the through the crowd. He was certain he could hear the music vibrating the pavement under his feet. He drags a cloth over his face as he approaches where he last left the somewhat recognizable people. "Hmm?" His brows go up as he finally is able to spot Wick and also Kaati in the crowd. "Well... that didn't feel like it took long."

Wick arches as Kaati presses in closer still, savoring that close, erotic dance. He pulls her hand to hold it around behind him at his lower back. He tilts his head into Laurel's whisper, and the warmth in his cheeks floods to the tips of his ears. And peeking over at her, his eyes glint with desire. Bowing his head, he brings the joint to his lips. He might be about to answer. But then... Tabin is dancing. Wick's own dancing slows and he staaaares. But then Beckett returns on a sudden, and he blinks, a bit lost. "You're back."

Evie's eyes go WIDE as Tabin starts getting super-duper-friendly with her. "Whoa I-- whoaaaa... mmh." Seems she's decided she enjoys it. A lot. Enough to stop being distracted by Laurel's bombshell allure - meh, she's only an 11. But Tabin? Right now, Tabin's a 14 easily. She isn't nearly as graceful as the DJ of the night, but she's very much at ease with sharing his joint and getting as close to him as the literal laws of physics will allow. Anyone with a clear look at her face miiiiiight end up asking those two to get a room.

Kaati twists a little to look over her shoulder toward Beckett, and her smile tugs upward, hazy and happy. Both arms lifting, she turns to lay her head back onto Wick's shoulder and does a few body rolls.

"Ha!" Laurel exclaims with a big smile as she practically pokes a finger in Wick's blushing face. "You're totally right!" she shouts out to Evie, he does blush easy. Laurel turns back to Wick and adds in a sultry sex kitten voice, "Good thing he's cute when he blushes." Laurel takes a sip of her drink, and then lets out a laugh as she looks wide-eyed and twinkles her fingers at Wick and Kaati as she says in a spot-on Charles Manson, "Leave something witchy." With that she half-skips out through the crowd, somehow obtaining another full drink on the way, as she makes her way over to Evie an dTabin. It's clear by now that Laurel doesn't seem to think much about invading the personal space of coupling people, and somehow in doing that she oesnt actually seem to invade their personal space.

Tabin is Dashing, not graceful. But since it's Evie who thinks so? He doesn't mind also being known as the Graceful. Hands slide over Evie's arms as he gets super close and comfy against Evie's backside and letting her head rest on his shoulder as hands slide along bare arms to clasp at her hands then, using both, indulges in some curve-outlining. He whispers something to Evie as he takes a drag of the shared joint, enjoying the opportunity to share Quality Time with his boo out in public. But then....ALAS! A wild Laurel appears. "Hey there." He says. "Tabin. Nice to meetcha." He says.

Beckett's head tilts as he slips both hands into the pockets of his coat. "Yes. I am. You look like you're feeling better," he replies to Wick, as a smile ghosts over his lips. "How high are you?" He seems to ask both Wick and Kaati. He glances over one shoulder, scanning the darkened houses on the other side of the street before looking back to the pair of them and allowing his smile to spread a little wider.

The Dragon, at Evie's prompting, immediately returns to the DJ Booth. "PREPARE FOR THE ARRIVAL, H00MANS!" As the Dragon looks confoundedly at the DJ Booth, and scritches the soundtrack. The girl puffs out her cheeks and grunts. "Don't enable him!" She shouts to whoever said the Dragon should command the DJ Booth. But the enchanted mortals who know that there is a tiny dragon manning the helm seem not to care in the slightest. They even hoot at the return.

Wick keeps Kaati's hand held in his at the small of his back, dancing close in against her body. But his movements slow as Laurel's voice rather entrances him. His cheeks burn with heat, and he turns to half-hide against Kaati's hair with a profound shyness. Beckett's voice draws his gaze. And he can't help but smile. Closing his eyes, he tilts his head all the way back and takes a deep toke before exhaling skyward.

The DJ Booth is currently unammed, playing it's soundtrack. A live band is beyond in the wings preparing to pick up when the soundtrack ends. But for now, the DJ Booth blares it's music for everyone to rock out and have fun. It even scritches itself! See? Scritch scritch.
"DJ MOXIE!" Shouts someone from the crowd amid a cacophony of laughter. A freckled, average sized girl looks none-too-pleased but sighs, relenting to whatever and getting herself a beer.

Evie is suddenly quite passive as Tabin makes his advances, moving only to get him closer to her. Her face is a mix of bliss and regret, more of the former than the latter, but it's clear she's wishing she'd waited on her earlier request. As Tabin's hands make their move, she shivers with goosebumps, biting her lip... and then she is distracted! By /something/. At the DJ booth. She beams an unambiguous grin and lets out a sharp whistle at what most might assume is just the booth on autopilot. "YEAH! DJ MOXIE!" Ooooooh. /Right/ in Tabin's ear. She ends up whispering an apology.

Appearing by the coupling Tabin and Evie, Laurel tilts her head to the other woman and slowly pronounces, "He -totally- blushes." Then turning her head to look at Tabin she says, "Laurel, and you --" Laurel begins to gently poke Tabin's arm, "-- should totally teach me how to DJ." Laurel drops her poking fingers and then sips her drink before declaring with confidence, "I'd be good at it." Laurel doesn't seem to be trying to flirt with Tabin, she's not trying to sleep with Tabin -- the possibility that they /could/ sleep together just seems like its totally incidental, but the same goes with Laurel and most of the people here, or at least that's the impression this teenage catgirl in heat wants to give. Who knows what's really in her pretty little head.

Stuck to Wick's side again, Kaati writhes against him, giving a little grin at his embarrassment even if she doesn't know the cause.

Tabin scrunches his face when Evie shouts. When she whispers her apology he gives her a big ol' warm and loving kiss. Then wraps her up in a mutually-affectionate (since he has her hands, she has no choice!) Cuddle-hug-sway which gives him another chance to whisper sweet nothings in Evie's ear. Tabin looks to Laurel and blinks when she pokes him. "You want these skills, you best pay me." He tells Laurel. "DJ'ing aint my only livelihood but it pays the bills. Ain't gonna sell my secrets for free ya know." He gives Laurel a smirk. "Take it you and Evie know each other?" He asks Laurel.

Zyra roller skates down the street, she's not the most proficient at it but seems to enjoy the sport. Pastel purple hair flowing with the wind as her eyes are hidden behind white-rimmed sunglasses. Fair skin, crimson lips, beige trench coat - she seems to be investigating the block party. Sizing up the food, the people the activities. Smiling as she's handed a random burger on a paper plate. "It's a Beyond Meat Burger, you say? ... Plants?", quirking a brow and taking a bite. It was kind of good, the world had definitely gone crazy. Existentially questioning cannibalism.

Touching Tabin's arm, Laurel pulls back her finger with a grin and a tiny bodily shudder that can best be described as 'suppressed chicken lady.' "He wants me to pay him," Laurel says with a grin as she tilts her head to Evie, seeming to ask if it's ok if she slept with Tabin in exchange for DJ lessons -- I mean, probably not /just/ for that reason, but there's clear element of 'asking his girlfriend to a ok transactional sex,' as if this is clearly what Tabin meant by it, and probably something Evie is used to. Best ask, though. A sip of the drink while she waits for her answer.

Beckett retracts an arm out of his pockets, extending it as he pushes his way through through the crowd of dancers. Plenty of them seem to just melt out of the way. The rest are a bit more problematic, but only because they're drunk. Once he's up on them, he doesn't have to speak AS loud to be heard over the throbbing music. "Wouldn't it just be my luck. The two most beautiful people here are right on--" he tilts his head, catching sight of Laurel. "Whoa-- Hey. I guess the Red Cross lady is in on it, too. Haha."

Evie nods very appreciatively at Tabin's whisper thingy, returning a whisper back. She looks like she's coming down from an electric high, a big dumb smile on her face -- one that's magically wiped the fuck off when she overhears Laurel. "Excuse. Me." She walks up right to Laurel, invading the shit out of her personal space, poking her chest area angrily. "Bitch. He meant money, and you damn well know it. So how about you back off and go boink the other fifty people you have slobbering over you?" JESUS. She's none too happy right now, and she intends to let everyone know it.

Wick wraps his other arm around Kaati, holding her as they dance together. His gaze flits off through the crowd- something or someone catching his attention. But as Beckett approaches, he slows. And then stills. His embrace tightens around Kaati in a hug. And then pressing a kiss to her cheek, he withdraws. Taking a deep toke, he drifts off towards Tabin. He hesitates a bit with Evie's sudden anger. And rather than get too close, he just taps Tabin on the back to signal that he's drifting off. And with that, he starts heading off, perhaps in search of whatever it was that caught his attention earlier.

"How would I know he meant money?" Laurel says to Evie, seemingly actually surprised by this turn of events. "Shit, I don't usually think ofmoney like that," Laurel says, seemingly completely serious. Laurel backs off slightly to give Evie some space, making it clear that she doesn't actually care one way or another about sleeping with Tabin, she simply though Tabin was asking to have sex with her for money -- or at least DJ lessons. Common mistake. With a grin, Laurel tilts her head towards Tabin and Evie. "Besides, she says to Evie, "it'd be weird because we're cousins." A beat and she asks, "Can I borrow some money?" a two beat and then she slowly offers back to Evie, "Oh? my? gosh? your? hair? looks? so? quite? tonight?" A tilt of her head and a smile as if to ask 'friends?' She seems serious, and maybe even someone apologetic, though clearly not thinking it's anything anyone has to dwell on too much.

Kaati turns red to the ears, and then looks over her shoulder to follow Wick's departure. "Hey," she offers, mildly confused but affable.

Tabin gives a return smile to Evie as Laurel's request of wanting to pay him makes him go 'huh'? Why would Evie need to be told he asked for payment? Oh. Well then. The moment of loving bliss is ripped away as Evie dons the Cat Queen to layeth the smacketh down. There is something comforting, warm and oddly arousing, seeing your better half put on the riot gear and inform people that you are theirs, they claimed you, and they will broke no bs about the issue. Tabin also knows better than to interject when Evie is angry. He does however echo Evie's retort, which is "Of course I meant money!" Tabin don't do sh** for free. Unless it's for Evie, but she pays with brownie points, and the rest are his mandatory bonus duties. Their relationship is solid.

WICK! Tabin gets tapped on the shoulder and he turns to Wick. When Wick says he's going to go he nods. "Take care buddy." He gives Wick a departing hug. "You take care okay? CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME!" He shouts. Who knows what will happen during the Blackout.

After Wick departs he returns his attention to Laurel, who is now defending her justification. "Because I asked you to -pay- me?" He points out. "Not fuck me? Damn." And Tabin, Dashing wordsmith he is, is now losing IQ points. He'll let Evie handle this. Laurel is -her- friend after all.

Beckett finally manages to reach Kaati and Wick. Only for Wick to wriggle his way off into the crowd. No sooner than Wick had departed does he place a palm on Kaati's shoulder. "Hey," he greets, her with a smile. "I'm--" He hesitates. "It's a little loud for me here right now." He leans in to whisper something into Kaati's ear before standing up releasing his grip on her shoulder. "I'm going to make sure he gets home alright... if he lets me." With that Beckett seems to melt back into the crowd of bodies again.

Kaati's smile is only a tiny bit wistful, as she watches him go--but then someone comes to her side, and she turns to join with a new partner.

Evie stares at Laurel like this other woman's gone absolutely mad and looney and... huh. Maybe... She looks at Wick. She looks at the top of Wick's head. She looks at Tabin. Aside from the eyebrow waggle, she's looking at his ears. Then she looks back to Laurel. "...riiiiiiiiight. I'm gonna say 'no' on the money, and 'heres my card' on the friends thing." She hands over a business card for the Artists' Guild. "Stop by after the power mismanagement fiasco's over with." She then grabs firm loving hold of Tabin's arm. Claiming him. Claimingly. She has dibs.

Scarfing down her plant burger; Zyra waves off Wick but probably isn't seen and watches the human relationship drama unfold. It seemed vaguely familiar to her own recent relationship issues. Chewing the burger carefully and listening in, she wasn't going to add herself to the drama. But pretty people got a overlooking glance behind sunglasses. A slight smirk on her face as she tried to spin and dance on skates without falling.

Laurel nods as she takes the card from Evie and slips it into her bra. "Ok, sounds good," Laurel says to Evie with a smile. Then looking to Tabin she says, "No sex, no money, you heard the lady, you gotta think up some other way to pay me." Laurel says that with a conviction that might make even Tabin think he was the one that had actually suggested transactional sex, and that perhaps he does owe her a way to figure out something besides money. After all, she probably would make a really great DJ. Laurel reaches back behind her to pluck two fresh drinks, handing one each to Evie and Tabin, before looking back to Evie, and noting sincerely and sweetly, "Your hair really does look cute tonight." Could this be the blossoming of two BFFs? Or at least that one friend everyone has they secretly want to kill and yet somehow you're still kinda sorta besties?

Tabin is convinced. Evie. Requires regulation in her procural of people she adds to her rollerdex. "I know. I guess that means no DJ lessons for you." He snaps his fingers. But he gets claimed by an Evie. Alas. The world mourns. He looks to Evie and says. "You know. My set's done. Dimezone is going up next, and the Journeyman doesn't run off the city grid." He looks to Evie. "How's about we scaddodle and have a campout?" Tabin is the odd one out in this scenario. The husband to the wife whose is friends, for some odd reason, with a nutjob and is coming to accept that he will just have to deal with it. Though he imagines the constant demand for having sex with him will get very old very fast. He'll need to keep his wits about him, especially if Laurel tries to isolate him. He suspects she'll try to pull some 'I want what she has' nonsense.

Evie ehhhhs at Laurel. "...just come see the damn art." She's done. She's over tonight, and is thinking maybe the business card was a terrible idea, but hey. Gotta drive business somehow. She's adhered herself to Tabin now, and is very very glad to hear his suggestion. "Yeah! Let's go set sail! Oh, blast, did I leave my swimsuit at my place or yours...? Oh we'll figure it out." And then she's accepting his offer, whispering a thing to him as they leave.

Laurel tilts her head slightly at Evie and notes, "Get him to think of something. I trut you to know best. I'll stop by later and we'll do lunch." With that Laurel turns an makes her exist, barely giving Evie the time to register that Laurel just asked Evie to sleep with Tabin in her capacity as Laurel's manager. She's going to make a great DJ>

Tabin gets whispered to and laughs. He nods, whispering something back as he guides Evie through Club Roadblock and into the throng of bodies which is the last barrier before the barricade, the police car and watching cop who is scowling at all the fun and habub happening, and then to Tabin's motorcycle.
