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Latest revision as of 20:02, 9 November 2020

The words 'Malkavian Thin Blood' define Torg, but 'Gun-Nut' is their calling. They're smart, awkward, polite, and really like game hunting. It also helps that they're very, very easily mistaken for a normal person and not a mosquito. Keep moving, nothing to see here!

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Mortals: Grab bag, some are cool and others are too dangerous to associate with.

Mages: Wizards kick ass, magic missile is no joke, doesn't want to meet one.

Shifters: They really took out the best application of his firearms hobby: Shooting things into dinner. Also nope.

Other Splats: Sorry, don't know nothin'. Demons, ghosts, mummies and bygones. Is this Devil May Cry or Dungeons & Dragons?


Ventrue: Upper class, be polite and nod along and they won't suspect you don't care.

Brujah: Look tough, don't give away you aren't, don't throw talk you can't back up, okay.

Assamite: Not that bad after meeting a handful of them. Just keep swimming.

Nosferatu: Generally cool cats, just stay off their turf unless invited well in advance with a round trip ticket.

Gangrel: Probably actual cats. Cool as hell.

Tremere: Vampire Wizards. When the robe and hat come on, caution advised but otherwise able to be dealt with thusfar.

Toreador: Stay on guard, keep all the exits well in view the whole time, these are the real predators.

Malkavian: The best clan, really. The one Torg's most familiar to and biased towards.

Lasombra: Why were they so scary again? Still unpleasant to be around.

Inconnu: Don't know much of anything, rumours say they know something.. interesting.

Caitiff: Strays like Torg, don't trust them. They're all to survive on their own, that makes them dangerous and unpredictable.

Anyone else is too distant or no-individuals met to form an opinion about.

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Amos: The Primo. Hard time contacting for Torg. Stray

Guivre: The other Primo. Cool cat, truly helpful. Glass

Paige: She likes guns, is the sheriff. The only one to tattle to. Distant. Stray

Opal: Friend, fledgling too. Glass. Absent.

Myrtle: A potential local patron. Or, matron? Glass. Absent.

Madelene: Nobility, best to stay in good regards with. Rose

Rosanna: Peculiar, interesting. More observation needed. Glass

Sveta: Foreign, insightful, good for philosophical inquiries. Worldly. Glass

Hannah: Tina likes her. Contender for rule 63 Silverhand. Chill, scary. Pointy hat

Ed: Friend. Street tough and means well enough. Something curious under the surface though. Likes to do tests. Cowabunga

Colombe: Ambitious, intuitive. Friend. Knows about the straw. Crown

Grayling: Mysterious, best to learn a little more about through observation. Rose. Absent.

Mikael: Helpful. Polite and friendly, best to stay on good side. Shadow? Rose?

Lorelei: Swimming through the tormented waters of the soul. Glass

Flavien: Aged like fine wine, but this vintage seems a bit tainted. Moustache

Cropsey: Probably a greaser. Pizza aficionado. Cowabunga?

Wade: Reliable. Efficient. Need to figure out his dead drops and leave small trinkets there. Bandana

Nataly: Trouble. Bit big to chew on. Mutually ghosted(?)

Evie: Seems nice, a real humanitarian sort. Kind of gone.

Others not on this list are either not considered close enough to Torg to consider contacting without purpose, or are considered a threat to avoid. Regardless of the face put on.

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Full Name: Torg(ue) Stihl

Age: 32

Height: 6'

Position: Moral support and brainstorming assistant. Tautau artist and bodymod specialist, 'Image as Designed'.

App Age: Yes.

Plan: Avoid (final) death.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M91VPs47jZc (Human Music) Hunting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2qu38Ipt4I

Office-hours: Generally 9pm CDT to 2am

Temperament: Awkward, distant, queer.

Short Desc: Warm, tall, weird?

Notable Stats: Appearance(5), Stamina(Tireless), Firearms, Int(Intellectual 4), Wits(Sharper than most 4), Body Crafting.

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RP Hooks
  • Caitiff
  • Malkavian Clan
  • Appears human!
  • Guns, guns, guns!
  • Hunting Enthusiast
  • Subscribed to Traps Illustrated (monthly)
  • Dressed weird
  • Streetwise
  • Computer skill
  • Body Crafts
    • Tattoo, bodymods, trans and subdermal implants.
  • Transhuman
  • Sourcery
  • Alchemy
  • Designer Drugs

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