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Friends and Families meet under Luna's light to share good food, great stories and a friendly competition to build the bonds of community that will ensure our continual survival and eventual victory against the forces of the Wyrm and its allies.


Scene: Setting

Food: The big bay doors of the machine shop have been opened and tables set in the openings laiden with food. Large aluminum pans of mashed tatters, corn, biscuits are set up to cater to whatever sized group shows up. The main attraction are the wide selection of main dishes. Everything from vegetarian curry to barbequed pork, grilled salmon and steak with some whole, rotisserie chickens - juicy and herb-flavored to whet the appetite.

Drinks: At the end of the line are a mixture of different coolers, each one filled with ice and drinks in a set up where people take what they want and move on. Selections include beer, water and a few brands of soda for those interested.

Tables: Sheets of plywood have been set up on saw horses to create long tables for people to sit and eat at before taking their comfort around the fire.

Fire Ring: Chairs, benches and everything in between have been set in a large circle around the central fire where the flames are kept moderately high to provide light and warmth for the crowd. See also: .details/firepit for additional information.

Today the red head known as Erin doesn't bring cookies she brings some tray of meats and cheese. She hums a little bit as she heads over to the food table and sets it down. She smiles at the older kinfolk trying to look super innocent before she heads off to decide where she will lean this evening or hide.

Bergin emerges from his camper beside the shop and wanders out towards the fire ring - apparently having a late start for the day. The bearded guy is in his usual ensemble of jeans, t-shirt, workboots and the ever-present flannel as he wanders over towards the fire ring to check and see if it needs cleared out before the Gathering tonight.

Gwen arrives by herself about now, phone in her hands as she walks, only occasionally looking up to see where she's going between bouts of frantic screen-tapping, apparently in the process of writing... well, something. Tweeting, if anyone should happen to get a look at what's on her screen. She's got a cooler with her, resting on her hip with a strap across her opposite shoulder; it looks to be pretty heavy, judging by the way she carries it, but not to the point where she's actively struggling.

Bergin is hauling loads of fire wood to the large hearth as people start to show up and he catches Erin's question mid-trip, "Check the coolers to make sure the Boyz got them full please?"

Erin turns to look over at the new arrival Gwen and turns to do what Bergin just asked but then does a double take to look at Gwen and smiles giving her a little wave before she goes to check the coolers to make sure the Boyz did their job. "I've got a twelve-pack of Guinness with me if there's still room," Gwen calls to Bergin, finally looking up from her phone; after a moment, she stuffs it away down the front of her shirt, because that's clearly a ladylike place to store things. She shrugs out of the portable cooler after that, setting it down with a soft thud. After that, well, she lets her gaze wander for a bit, taking in the new scenery and the assortment of people she's never met before; she does seem to take particular notice of Erin, though, and in the end she ends up wandering over towards her.

Taking her phone out of her pocket to check a text that causes her to raise a brow then shakes her head as she sends a reply. Erin looks to Gwen "you can probably stuff your beer here I think we got room if you want" she nodsnods as the woman comes over to her she gives her a smile. "Sup" she greets

The rumble of a motorcycle can be heard as an old, restored Harley Knucklehead pulls in. The rider stops to look around and make sure he seems to be in the right place, then kills the engine and backs his bike up out of the way but positioned for an easy exit. Kickstand goes down and Lleu steps off, pausing to remove his helmet. A hand skims through his short hair before he stows the helmet with his old bike.

The scarred and bearded biker looks around for familiar faces. Lleu is wearing a well used black motorcycle jacket covered with a number of patches ranging from three tours in Iraq, a USMC patch with beat up Captain's pins, Atlanta and Prospect Police Department patches, various biker patches from big rides such as Sturgis, and assorted other military or Harley related items. Lleu opens up his saddle bags to pull out a couple of bottles of scotch and case of Celebration Ale. A guitar case is strapped to the back of his bike over the bags. Once loaded, Lleu turns to start walking where the others are gathering.

Tabi slips out of the 'yards shop, eying the crowd. She makes a pit stop to grab a beer from one of the coolers, before drifting over to stand near the fire.

It isn't too long after the Harley roars into the yard that a blonde, scarred woman steps through the gate and crunches her way up the gravel road from the forest outside. She moves silently into the area, eyes tracking slowly over each person of the gathering in turn, assessing, looking more ready for a fight than a celebration, though she at least doesn't scowl. Wazi has arrived.

Gwen sets about stocking the main cooler with the extra beer she brought, one large black can at a time, the occasional sideways glance being given to Erin while she's at it. "Oh, you know, heard you guys were havin' a party an' all, thought I'd pop by and mingle for a bit. Meet some new faces... a LOT of new faces, it's startin' to look like." She definitely doesn't sound like she's from here, with her noticeable Welsh accent; there might be a small hint of Massachusetts mixed in, too, though barely noticeable. "Somethin' to do while my mate's out patrolling, yanno? Anyway... Gwen Jones, Fianna kin. Nice to meetcha." She looks around at the others present, though it doesn't look like she really recognizes anyone... until Wazi arrives, at least. There's a glint of recognition on her face at that point.

Scene: Welcome


Bergin walks into the center of the yard and glances over to the food being served for tonight's feast before raising his bottle to get people's attention. A few of the Boyz(tm) are running between the pans of food out for people to pick from as well as the coolers to make sure that everything is ready for the guests. Mrs. Marry pops two fingers into her mouth to let out an ear-splitting whistle to to quiet folks down.

The young, bearded theurge smiles at the kinfolk's assistance and clears his throat with a faint smile. "Hey folks, for those who are new to the Gathering, let me first welcome you all here. I'm Jay Bergin, called Foe Hammer by the People but most people know me simply as Bergin or Berg." He smiles and looks around the gathered crowd as folks still continue to arrive and grab their food to settle in.

"As you can see we have plenty of food and drink for ya tonight and you're welcome to take your fill." He takes a sip from his beer and smacks his lips with an audible 'Ah' in enjoyment. "But, since there are some who are either newly arrived to the community or it's their first time at the Gathering, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves so we might get to know you a bit better."

Erin smiles at Gwen and ahs nodsnods "Nice to meetya Gwen, I'm Erin Harrison, Kin to Mother Ananasa" she smiles then holds up a finger as she scoots off to go hug Tabi

Robert pulls into the yard in his well worn Jeep Patriot, hopping out to join the others as the party gets under way, and giving a wave to those already gathering

Brooke was jazzed to get here tonight, and seems to have arrived just as things are getting started, although she thought she was late. She's looking around to see who all is here, and catches Bergin asked for intros. She grins and after hearing a few she offers, "Hey! Good to see you all! Those that do not know me, I am Brooke Spencer, rited Hushed Blaze, Elder Galliard Glass Walker born on two legs, packed with Zephyr's Hand, member of the Random Interrupts, Master of the Howl for the Sept of the Enduring Spirit."

Dalibor looks around the Gathering and sees some new faces. "I am Dalibor Gataric, son of Andrej 'Cleaves-the-Sky' Gataric." If the names didn't tip you off, the stereotypically Eastern European accent certainly does. Dal's not from around these parts. "Rite named Burns-the-Night, Am human-born Cliath Modi of Fenrir."

Paul is riding shotgun tonight and steps out of the Jeep and glances around as he moves to the group.

Chip heads into the junkyard, quiet for now incase introductions or anything of the like are going on, giving a nod and a smile to folks as he enters.

Minna doesn't so much sneak in as, well. Ok, she kind of sneaks in, but she's a lot on her mind and little on her plate. She gnaws a corn cob as she orbits the outer boundary of the party, dripping a little butter and such on cheeks and shirt, snatching a beer from a cooler.

Did he just hear someone speaking with a Welsh accent? Lleu stops and turns his head to look and see. His gaze lands on Gwen, whom he doen't know, but she's unpacking Guinness so that's a good sign. He slightly adjusts his course to head over and add his two bottles of Talisker Scotch and the case of Celebration Ale by Sierra Nevada. "Howdy." His accent isn't Welsh, it sounds vaguely of Atlanta. "I brought a few contributions as well."

Donnachaidh pauses when Bergin speaks up. Lleu listens, studies the fellow, and then Brooke jumps right in to start the intros. He too raises his baritone when there's a brief lull to speak, "I am Lleu Donnachaidh, rite named Battle Singer, Seinneadair Blàr of the Fianna, homid, born to the Galliard's moon, Athro, and mated to Sergeant Faith Anne Donnachaidh, father to Emmaline Rosalia with another on the way. I'm formerly of Legend's Guardian's pack, oathbound to Eagle, and of the Sept of Enduring Spirit - though I've been gone since spring."

Taika was off in the corner laying down inside a large tree trunk that has been carved into what actually looks like a canoe now. He stands and stretches and looks out to see everyone has gathered already. He looks down at himself and errks. He is completely covered in saw dust, dirt, and grime. He escapes for a bit into the shop to get a change of clothes and makes his way out just as roll-call starts, "Taika Ngata, called Calls-Forth-The-Wyrm. Born of a Maori woman and Fenrir father under a Gibbous moon. Cliath.". Taika's accent is Polynesian (He is a Kiwi after all).

Tabi stays out of the introduction fray, quietly sipping her beer near the fire. She's usually not one to hold back during the intros. Suspicious.

Not long behind Minna, is a Killigrew. The pastel fauxhawked kin dressed in her fun, pixie-punk regalia for the evening. Knee high buckle boots, over-the-knee black socks with kitten faces, a plaid black and grey skirt, and a burgundy button up with thin black suspenders. Over it is a studded leather jacket. Pinchign Minna's butt on the left, the crafty kin ducks to the right with a soft laugh, adding her voice to the others, "I am Zoe Killigrew, daughter of Mist-Walker, grand-daughter of Shatters-the-Throne, great-grand daughter of Death-Sings-Loudest, great-great grand daughter of Voice-in-the-Silence, great-great-great grand daughter of Patriarch's Bane. Black Fury kinfolk, shapeshifter and enchantress." Keeping it long and formal for the sake of the Gathering.

Tabi gives Erin a grin and returns her hug. "Hey you... how are ya?"

Erin smiles as Tabi hugs her back "Good, you?" she looks around and sees Paul and Robert and then there is Lleu ooo so many she knows. She gives Tabi a kiss on the cheek "Be back" she then moves off to greet Robert and Paul with giving them both hugs

Gwen saves the last can of Guinness for herself, popping it open as she turns her focus onto the gathering at large, her strange metallic golden eyes skimming across faces both familiar and non, mostly the latter. It honestly seems like Wazi is the only person present she even recognizes from anywhere, but she still seems perfectly comfortable around so many strange Garou and Kin. She takes a sip of beer right as her attention snaps to Lleutrim, seeing as how he's addressing her; she cracks a warm smile at him then, taking a moment to size him up before she speaks. "Noswaith dda, shw mae?" (Welsh: "Good evening, how are you?") she queries, tone cheerful. After that, though, she speaks up a bit louder, to the group as a whole (and thankfully in English): "Gwendolyn Anwen Jones, kin to the Fianna, mate of Rides-on-Bulls, daughter of Lance-of-Annwn, eldest sister of... well, the wee cunt's not had his first change yet, so his rite name'll have to wait 'til he's got one... anyway, just Gwen's fine."

Dalibor drifts through the crowd towards Killi. Reaching her, he quietly asks. "What happened to goggles? They are safe?"

For her part, Wazi stands back a bit from the crowd, watching the goings on as people move about and get food, greet one another, announce their introductions to the crowd in general, and otherwise mingle. The only way she could look more out-of-place at the moment is if she were wearing a cone on her head. Her thumbs hook into her belt, hands resting on her hips as she settles into a wide, open, balanced stance. Squared shoulders. Set jaw. Hard expression. Narrowed eyes. She's the image of approachability and friendly, companionable good cheer. It looks like she'd happily stay that way forever and hold her silence, but after a few minutes of it, she says to anyone who might be looking her way: "I am Waziyata Puddle Jumper. Athro, Ahroun, Child of Gaia. Touched by Wyld, Archive of Earthquake."

Then she's quiet again, watching. Listening.

Robert returns Erin's hug enthusiastically. "Ah, sounds like the night of fun has begun." And he gives the group a polite bow. "Robert Daw, doctor of veternary medicine, steward of Sunhome, and kin to the Mokole Membe."
Paul hugs Erin back, and then glances around, "I'm Paul Barakat, kin to those who walk the dark sands of Khem, the Children of Bast. I'm the forgemaster of Sunhome and a licensed EMT."
Branton comes in from the parking lot carring a biiiiiiig cooler, though from the way he's holding it it doesn't seem like it weighs much "And I'm Branton Kholer, kinfolk to the Black Fury tribe, Spouse of Elder Theurge Iris 'Mercy's Messenger' Tiganites, Klaive-smith, Pyrokinetic, and Sorcerer-Shaman in the service of Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the Crossroads. Godi Bergi! Where does the booze go? I brought some of my experiments."

Chip goes to get some meat from the table, and then since introductions are happening he speaks up, "I go by Chip. Wolf-born Cliath Galliard of the Bone Gnawers, Hillfolk Camp." he gives everyone a smile and a nod, now that that's done, and heads to sit down at the firepit to start eating.

Scene: News


The bearded Get theurge gives people a bit to take in his welcome before he explains how he has planned the evening. "As has become tradition here at the Gathering, and while we're all getting nice and cozy around the fire, I've asked one of the Community to tell us a Tale of the People. This week we have the honor of hearing one of the stories of the Children of the Bear." After a quick sip to let that sink in, the lumberjack of a Get picks right back up and continues to walk around the fire as he speaks.

"In the past we've thrown axes and spears to test our accuracy in combat. But -this- week, at the suggestion of Mrs. Marry, we're going to do something different. This week...will be a test of strength and of team work for those who wish to pick up the burden..." a faint pause to add a bit of drama to the moment before he continues to explain, "...and see if they can pull the other side into a huge and gaping pit of mud."

Hopefully people came wearing old clothes - or at least those who heard from last week. "Also, just a quick bit of news from the Daughter of Mother Bear, she is still looking for recruits to form a team of Smokejumpers to help fight the fires that have raged across the lands. All those interested in helping should speak to Tabi here," he points to the blonde-haired woman gathered around the firepit.


Ack! Minna hasn't opened her beer yet, and that's good, because she needs an arm with which to combat Zoe. The Fury shoves her beer into an inside jacket pocket, then grabs Zoe around the waist and hauls the Kin in with butter-glazed irritation on her face. But it's the playful kind of irritation, and, like bringing a small dog to heel, she keeps her close.

Killigrew starts to reply to Dalibor, only to be hauled in. Impishly, she licks Minna's nose, then laughs when kept close. With a free hand, she tries to tug Dalibor in, opening her jacket to show the inner pocket to him. "I've got the goggles and the compass both. I figured we'd have a few Theurge here that could look at them and help us figure out what is going on with them." Quieting, she turns to look towards Bergin when he speaks, then down at herself. Mud in her boots? Hmmm.

Lleutrim smiles big when he hears Gwen speaking in Welsh. He too snags a beer, opening up the case of Celebration Ale as he listens to her introduction and then others. The top is popped open and he takes a sip, pale grey eyes to skim over those who are gathering. "I only know a few phrases. My family's from Wales and Scotland. If you live in the Sept now maybe I'll have to ask about some language lessons. If my wife and I decide to live here again." Ah, he spots somebody, "Wazi! Come get a beer!" Lleu's smile only grows as he sees more and more people gathering tonight that he knows. "Gandalf has arrived. Maybe their will be fireworks." His head turns to listen to Bergin once more. Then his gaze goes to Tabi.

Tabi's face cracks into a wide grin as Jay explains what the game is going to be tonight. Perfect. Tabi nods to Killi, though her interaction with Minna gets a single raised eyebrow. "That is good idea."

After having huged Paul and Robert and kissing their cheeks. Erin now goes to hug her next Victem.. I mean her next person and that's Lleu. She does give a shy wave to Wazi before Lleu is assulted with a hug from the red head. Paul waves to Lleutrim, not having seen the man in a while. He listens to the various conversations and introductions as he makes his way over to pile up a plate of food and grab a beer.

"Well, I don't know about living IN the Sept, exactly," Gwen offers to Lleu after another sip of her beer. "Hadn't even visited the Caern proper 'til just the other day. Got a nice house out in the suburbs, though, so I'm not THAT far away if you want to come visit. Anyway, I'm from Swansea originally, spent the last three years up in Boston though." She lets her gaze wander again after that, settling in on one of the few other faces she's seen before, lifting her non-beer-holding hand to wave at the Furies. "Hi Zoe!" she calls over the crowd, voice cheerful.

Brooke has gone to find a drink and is sipping on it as she spots Robert and Paul and waves to them. She decides to get some food and smiles to Paul as he is as well. Minna crinkles her nose at Zoe. The one thing she didn't get butter on, and now it's all spitty? It wriggles as if she can get the spit off just by making enough faces, then she ducks her head and wipes it ( and her cheeks ) off on the shoulder of Zoe's shirt. Kinfolk make the best papertowels. "I can't throw for crap," Minna says, glancing at Tabi as she slides out of her jacket. Beer in mind, she sets it down gently on an unoccupied chair. "But gruntwork, I can do," she says, rolling her shoulders, neck, flexing fingers and wrists. "C'mon. It'll be fun, we can both be on the same team," she says to Zoe.

Erin turns to look at Tabi and gives her a wink then looks to Branton and ooooos as she looks to Lleu fo a moment then back to the drinks. Tabi raises her bottle in a toast to big Get Kiwi.

Branton hauls his cooler over to where the drinks go and he sets it down with a thud and opens it, inside are dozens of pint bottles of a kalidescope of collors "This is like those bags of Jellybeans where everyone's a different flavor. They're all about the proof of wine cooler, more for fun and flavor than getting fucked up. We've got pineapple, blood orange, milk chocolate hazelnut, popcorn, strawberry bananna, and many many more. And none of them are labled and the colors aren't always a clue. Who want's to make a go for it?"

Robert ahhhs.. "Well, I'm not generally up on smokejumping. My walking through a blaze unsinged might cause some small veil issues. However, I do gladly offer services for Kin or other animals, or indeed people that might be suffering from smoke and fire issues that might come up. Or help with last minute evacuations that would not cause veil issues should my more unique skills be needed."

Dalibor wanders over to try one of Branton's offered concoctions. "Color is no clue, hmmm?" He picks a blue bottle at random. Because if there's no corrolation between appearance and flavor, why not random selection?

Paul gives a huge warm smile to Brooke, "Hey there, Miss Brooke, real good seeing you." He hears Branton and steps over curiously to the cooler, "I'll try one of those red ones." He looks to Robert and nods, "Like Bobby I'm willing to work with the medics too.'

Back to Gwen's comment Lleu gives a nod, "I'll keep that in mind, thanks." Ooph! He's suddenly assaulted with an Erin-hug! Battle Singer smiles and pats Erin on the back, "It's not like I didn't just see you last night, you know. Want a beer?" If she does, Erin has plenty of choices on the table and Lleu's happy to snag her one. Paul's wave is returned with his free hand to raise his beer.

Brooke piles up her plate, and smiles to Paul as he speaks to her. As he is leaving to see his buddy, she hears that Tabi is about to speak, and she looks to find a place to sit and listen!

Scene: Storytime


Tabilowers her head and closes her eyes. Her palms are sweaty, her knees weak and her arms are heavy. She thanks the Great Mother, profusely, that the copious bounty of food tonight didn't include her own mom's spaghetti. She takes a deep breath, savoring it - 'tasting' the wood-smoke and grilled meat. She feels the barest hint of coming cold - even here in Prospect, winter is coming. She's nervous, but she volunteered for this. Asked for it, even. Her face breaks into a grin. Alrighty then it's showtime.

Tabi raises her head, as she opens her eyes and steps forward. Evening. She sweeps her eyes across the gathered crowd. And welcome to our third... Shindig? Revel? She shrugs. Our third Gathering. I see a lot of familiar faces here tonight a lot of friends. But for any who I haven't had the chance to meet I am Tabitha Danes, known to friends as Tabi and to Family as Jumps-through-Fire. I am a Daughter of Bear, a Kovi Kieh of the Moutain Guardians. And tonight, I am your storyteller. Sadly, I must apologize, in advance, for the content of this story. She pauses dramatically. Not because it's offensive, in the traditional sense, but because of it's delivery. The inaugural Gathering had a Fenrir Skald telling the story of one of the legs of his long journey to us. It was both harrowing and freaking hilarious. The second Gathering had the Silver Fang Talesinger telling the epic story of White Wolf outfighting and, perhaps more importantly, outwitting Death itself. Two excellent storytellers at the top of their games. And for tonight? You get a healer, untrained in either oratory or public speaking. She shrugs sheepishly, with an impish grin. So, this might be a good time to go peruse the feast table again. But then again, the story comes from the heart so maybe I'll manage to squeak out an 'E' for effort?

Killigrew lifts a hand to wave to Tabi and Gwen, stretching to tiptoe so her short self can be seen easier. "I wonder if he'd let me turn into an elephant and just, you know... Bloop, right into the mud." Zoe says lowly, waggling her brows. Hearing the call for the cooler, she tugs Minna thataway, intent on looking for anything that looks purple. Or pink. Or maybe a swirly pinky purple. "Evening, Branton. Just real quick, I've gotten Alecto's blessing to press studies with you, and learn how to shoot while working at Journey's gun shop." Lifting her bottle in salute, she pops the top and takes a long drink.

Giggling at Lleu and smiles "Lots of making up to do?" she notes then winks before she gestures "Wanna try one of Branton's mystery drinks and see what we get?" she giggles and starts to rock on her heels a little bit as Tabi is announce Erin cheers rather loudly "Go Tabi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1" she wolf whistles and claps before she quiets down looking a little around as she quiets down to hear the stroy.----- Erin

Robert is uncertain if there are any particular seating arrangements, and so elects to just pick a spot and plop down

Brooke takes her seat on the northern part of the firepit, and listens with focus to Tabi. Very interested in hearing what she is to share.

Gwen starts to wander a bit, now that Lleu's busy being hugged; she makes her way over towards Zoe and Minna instead, taking the opportunity to peer into the cooler herself, though of course she's already got a mostly-full beer in hand. Maybe afterwards! "I'm almost sad they're not doin' a throwing thing this time," she comments with an aside glance towards the host of the party. "At least that I'm actually good at. Even better if we'd get to use guns... but I suppose mixing it up a bit's hardly somethin' I can blame them for." After that? More beer-sipping, as she takes in all the talking around her, looking curiously towards the storyteller.

Branton nods and grins at Killigrew as she takes a swig of something that tastes like a melted grape jolly rancher. "Sounds like an excellent plan. We had to dot the I's and cross the T's but that's all taken care of now. You got a seat picked out?"

Lleutrim chuckles, "I have a beer already but you go for it, Erin. I'm going to get a plate of food and find a seat. Story's started." The bearded Galliard puts words into action to slip away to the food table and start piling on the smoked meats, vegies, and gets bread and salad if available. Then Lleu looks for a seat to pop a squat. He's not slated to sing, play, or storytell tonight so he can eat.

Tabi says, "So how did I go from a traditionally solitary Gurahl, doing her own thing to help the Mother, get here in just a few months? Not here... she gestures expansively to the surrounding area. That stories simple and boring. I was born here and grew up the mean streets... of Prospect's suburbs. No, I mean, how did I get here? She gestures again, this time more narrowly, indicating the scrapyard. How did I get into this situation - having many friends among the Garou, Kin and Fera communities and a mentor? Every journey is made of choices. A long journey might be made of hundreds, even thousands of choices each potentially changing the journey's outcome. And this case is no different, but each of the significant choices was based on one - or both of two factors. So let me introduce you all to the two lessons that shaped recent events in my life and explain why you should care.

As I explained earlier, I was born and raised in Prospect to two loving Kin parents, Tony and Helen. They raised me well, knowing that one day I would take my place in the world either as a Gurahl or as a Kin. The lessons started early many of bedtime stories involved anthropomorphic animals that could talk. There was Bear and Fox and Wolf and Cat and... you probably get the idea. These stories were somewhat sanitized, age-appropriate versions of our myths and legends. Which, as an aside, is a great way to teach our stories to youngsters. As I grew a little older, the lessons became about the importance of environmentalism and similar Gaian philosophies. But one of their lessons really struck a chord: 'Be the change you want to see in the world'. It's a staple in liberal circles. And there is a lot going on in this simple phrase.
And this lesson set me on my path. Even as a youngish kid, I knew I wanted to help people. At first, I latched onto being a medic. Not a doctor, as a kid my very incomplete image of doctor's were people that had offices and people came to them. I wanted to be out there helping people, so I had this very romanticized image of being a medic from TV and movies. When I got a little older, early preteens or so, I saw a movie called Trial by Fire. She shrugs. It's... not a great movie. It's not terrible, but it's not good. It's your typical Lifetime type movie. The main character is a woman struggling to become a smokejumper. This introduced the idea to me and I was immediately smitten. For those who don't know, and very briefly, smokejumpers are people who fight wildfires in remote areas usually by parachuting into them. By now, I was old enough that my parents had explained our heritage and were openly teaching me the ways of the Great Mother. Smokejumping seemed like a great way to make a difference. And so now I was torn between being a medic and being a smokejumper. Looking into it, I discovered that most smokejumpers in the off-season are either Forest Service workers, usually park rangers, or local firefighters. So I looked at the Prospect Fire Department website and lo-and-behold was the fact that EMT certification was a prerequisite for entry to their training program. So, I could do both, I could be both."

Minna grins at Zoe, all excitement and teeth. "Wouldn't recommend turning into a prey animal between a bunch of wolves, not even a big one. Besides, you're tall enough already," she says. As soon as they hit the cooler, she splashes some water on her face, hops in place from foot to foot and turns to look toward Tabi. Would yelling encouragement be bad? Probably. Instead, she just looks at the big woman, throws her head back, chin up, and gives her a pair of thumbs up. Is she doing a Borat on purpose? Who knows. Then she turns, looking at Gwen and Zoe. "I should probably brush up on my combat skills, too," she admits.

Dalibor sips the blue concoction. Pineapple? Intriguing. But he turns his focus back again to Tabi's story.

Bergin gets up from his seat at the western edge of the fire ring to fetch himself one of Branton's Brews (tm). The green-ish liquid would seem to suggest something like sour apple but nope. The bearded get seems to nod in agreement with the flavor and wanders back to retake his seat; the bottle raised in salute to the Brew-o-mancer.

Paul settles down by Robert as he listens attentively to Tabi. He takes a sip of Branton's red drink and is surprised. He had unconsciously been expecting strawberry or a fruit blend but what he could taste was like fresh apples. He takes another drink and grins.

Tabi smiles. And this path led me to the second great lesson. During my training as a smokejumper, I met a wonderful man who was one of our trainers John Gibson. Gibs had done tours as an Army Ranger, before trading his rifle for a fireaxe. He was... imagine the most stereotyped career Sergeant you can think of. Got that image? That was Gibs. He was driven and expected nothing less from those in 'his' program. He was prickly and he could be downright mean. But if you got to know him, he was a caring guy. If you met his standards you passed, regardless of what the programs requirements said. She grins. And Mother help you if he found you wanting,

Once we started moving into the more advanced parts of the program he sat us down and had 'The Talk'. It was about teamwork and cooperation what he called 'the ultimate force multiplier'. Knowing that a lot of us were firefighters, he gave us a little scenario to explain his point. Two different apartment buildings are on fire. One has a dozen firefighters respond, the other has half that. At the first apartment building, the dozen firefighters don't cooperate. They don't coordinate. Each one just does what they think is best regardless of what their peers are doing. At the second fire, the half-dozen work as a single unit. Come the end of the night, the first fire is a disaster. There's been duplicated efforts. Other important jobs have gone completely undone. The apartment is probably toast and there might even be injuries or deaths that could have been avoided. The second fire will have gone better, despite having half the people. The building may or may not have been saved but the odds are much, much more favorable. And unnecessary injuries and deaths will be unlikely. And, bottom line lives are more important than property. Property can be replaced. People? Not so much.
I had a growing sense of something about my life as a Gurahl being.... off. We're pretty solitary by nature only really gathering for events. I eventually realized that it was because of the second lesson. We were doing so much, but we could be doing so much more. I am sorry to say that that revelation took far longer than it should have. And then I hesitated to follow through. I was fighting generations of gathered wisdom. And there were stories about our relationship with others not always being.... great. She's smart enough not to mention anything specific here. But it was important that I help rebuild torn relationships between the Mother's Children. So eventually, I screwed up my courage and presented myself at the caern. And within a short period of time I had personally met and spoken with multiple ranking Sept officers... and a Gurahl Matae, an Elder, right there in the caern! It seems that Prospect was already ahead of the curve on Fera relations. Fast forward just a few months, and I'm telling a story at a Gathering in front of a mixed crowd. And as nervous as I am, I'm more proud to be here... to be a part of this night.

Erin smiles at Lleu "Of course mingle" she looks around and hmms as Tabi is busy being and awesome story-teller she goes to join Paul and Robert and flops down with them after getting food don't need Mrs Matty to get mad about not enough people eating.

Branton has for himself a bottle of brilliant neon Yellow and he sips the violently citrus blend he comments to the ladies near by (minna, gwen, killigrew) "We can meet up at the Amphitheater at the caern some time if anyone wants to spar. I mostly teach self defense for other kinfolk but depending on where you're at I might have a few tricks. I haven't always been a blacksmith, or a very nice person."

Tinlin and Skully show up quietly and (fashionably?) late, not speaking out or making a commotion as so many folks talk privately while others hold court near the fire. The cyclopean giant Wendigo puts a tray of various homemade cookies down with the food and confers quietly with his companion before pouring himself a root beer and her a glass of whatever-she's-having before she takes him by the hand and leads him over to the southern side of the fire. They take their seats together there, the goliath Metis dwarfing the pretty Fianna Kinfolk beside him and making her appear all the more tiny when he puts and arm around her and cuddles her up to his side like a boulder protecting her from a chill wind. raising his cup of rootbeer to folks he recognizes like Branton, Brooke, Lleutrim, Wazi, and Erin but not making any fuss to interrupt anybody. He didn't come here to make a scene, gigantic as he may be and cute as his girl definitely is.

Tabi says, "And this leads to my secret, third lesson though this one is one I learned all on my own. She chuckles. Be flexible. Adjust. I was prepared to fight the good fight for Fera relations. And found that problem had been solved before I introduced myself. So all that energy I was prepared to spend on that fight? I'm re-purposing it. I'm putting it elsewhere specifically into trying to start my own smokejumper crew here in Prospect. If I can get it done, it's good for me. It's good for Prospect and it's good for all of us. It gives the caern one more layer of security in a pretty hostile world. She grins. Ok, Helljumper self-promotion over.

So, why should you care about how I ended up here? Well these lessons, while basic, are really pretty essential to being the best we can be. The first lesson: 'Be the change you want to see in the world' guides you to work towards a goal. But it' also guides you to actually act waiting for someone else to make the changes leads to a looooonnng wait, if everyone is also waiting for someone to make the first move. It also guides you to not just act, but to lead. Not bad for such a simple lesson.

The second lesson on cooperation and coordination is something we have already taken to heart pretty well. But we could always be better. Imagine the good we could do if our cooperation became so good that other Septs sat up and paid attention to our results. Maybe we can improve not only our world but other people's as well. Imagine if Prospect was no longer the anomaly when it came to Fera relations, but the standard. How would that shift the War in our favor?

She looks out at the crowd, taking in the faces of the Gathering. So, here's where I challenge you all of you. After you leave here tonight look at the world around you. Really look. And see what works and what doesn't. Filter out the stuff that's just personal opinion no one's going to outlaw pineapple on pizza or what have you. She chuckles. And then choose something and work to change it. To improve it. Not for you. Or for me. But for all of us. Figure out the change you want to see in the world. And then be that change."

Lleutrim has taken a seat nearish to Chip and settles himself into eating his meal with an extra beer (Guinness this time) to keep him company. Most of his attention is upon Tabi and her story. When she winds it up, Lleu sets his plate and drink aside so he may stand and cup his hands up by his mouth, "GOOD JOB!"

Brooke claps for Tabi! Very much appreciating the story being told. She cheers for her, "Excellent! Well said!"

Chip smiles widely at Tabi's story and when she's done he claps loudly and calls out a, "Right On!"

Putting down her plate and Erin stands up as she cheers and wolf-whistles for Tabi and smiles before she takes a seat again to eat. She takes a brave breath before taking a sip of her drink and looks at the bottle "this is fucking good!"

Paul always loves a good story and claps, balancing his plate on his knees.

Tabi's story is met with rapt attention from the Kiwi Skald. Stories have a way of building up to a climax and coming back down - and Taika is fully on the ride, hands kept inside the boat. As she wraps up the story in a little bow, Taika claps too. "To being the change and cooperation!". He holds up his beer.

Gwen's brilliant golden gaze snaps immediately towards Tinlin once she arrives, apparently another familiar face in a crowd of people she's mostly never met before. "Hey! Hey Tin!" she calls, grinning and waving before not so much walking as skipping her way over there, nimble on her feet. Hey, she's only just started drinking. "Long time no see!" As for the storytelling, well, she was definitely paying attention to it; not one to actually interrupt it, though, but there was definitely nod of agreement with what was being said.

A cup poured of Branton's cooler is offered to Skully, as Tinlin lifts up the cup for him to take a whiff. Her chosen flavor is a zippy lime ginger. She did manage to catch some of Tabi's story before they sat down. "Inspiring." A smile lands on a few people she knows as she lifts the cup to wave.

Dalibor gives Tabi a nod and some applause. He's not a show his emotions sort, for the most part. Unless you count rage as an emotion, of course. <h> Skully's nose wrinkles as the spicy ginger from Tinlin's drink singes his sinuses, looking away and giving a loud, "Uch-CHUGH!" into the crook of his elbow when he pulls a Dracula sneeze-guard. He is thusly distracted when Tinlin notes the inspiration of Tabi's story, grimacing a bit and replying, "It was just a sneeze. Can't say as it inspires much beyond more sneezin', lamb."

Minna gives Zoe a look at that, curious, then sad, sliding into resolute. She puts her arm back around her and gives her a half-armed bear hug, following along like the sawn-off Scrappy-Doo werewolf that she is. "Maybe," she says, of the prey animals and hummingbirds. "But then, it's kind of fun, isn't it? When something's a challenge. Arm-wrestling an elephant could be kind of fun." More and more, Tabi's tale draws her attention, and at its end, she puts two fingers to her lips and whistles approval.

Tinlin offers Gwen a seat with her and the Wendigo giant. "S'glad tae see you. Come and join?" Her free hand rubs at Skully's back to soothe after his sneezing. "Tis only ginger lime and a touch of something fizzling? Maybe?"

Scene: Competition


Bergin walks to the center of the fire pit after the Gurhal finishes with her story and has two of the Boyz(tm) with them a long coil of mooring rope. Easily a few dozen feet long and three inches thick, it looks like they're walking around with a large serpent traped over and around their bodies as the theurge speaks.

"So...who's ready to test their strength and resolve?" he asks with a broad grin on his face. "Those interested in testing your skill should line up over by the pit so we can split you into teams. Bobby and Rick have tied a green bandana on one end and a green one on the other so you know which side you're on.

The two Boyz(tm) mischeviously grin and wander over to string the rope across the muddy pit and try to hold it up until the others step into place. "I'll need you to figure out who is going to be where on your end of the rope once I call out your team. At the signal - try and drag the other group into the mud. Simple...easy. So let's get to it."

(OOC: Reference .event/contest for how this will work. Make all rolls private to Bergin so as not to spam the others. Scores will be posted to .event/results after all rolls are complete. Poses should follow once the results have been posted.

Killigrew lifts her drink in salute of Tabi, taking a drink of it. "So good. Sounds great, Branton. I'd love to get some of that, too. I'm learning about firearms at the range." She says to the other fury kin. "Alright, lets get muddy." She says, capping her bottle and setting it down, then draping her jacket over it in an out of the way spot.

Tabi flushes slightly, perhaps a tad embarassed by all of the attention. "Y'all are too kind, but thank you." She makes a quick curtsy, takes a swig of beer and sits down by the fire, glad to be slipping back into some semblance of obscurity.

Gwen moves to settle down next to Tinlin and her giant, taking another sip of her beer. "Glad there are at least a couple familiar faces here," she offers once she's made herself comfortable. "Gav couldn't make it, sadly... someone's gotta do the patrollin', I guess. Still, plenty of folk here capable of protectin' the little one, if need be." As if to clarify what she means, she lifts her loose-fitting T-shirt up a bit to expose her abdomen; there's a bit of a baby bump to it now, only just starting to show. She makes no move to join in the contest; wouldn't want to risk taking a tumble in her condition, perhaps. Or maybe she just prefers to sit and drink.

Taking a big gulp of her beer then setting it down and looking at Robert and Paul "Come on let's go kick butt" she moves to get in line and see what faith she will have.


Name Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Total Order
Robert Green 5 3 2 10 1
Dalibor Green 2 4 2 8 2
Tinlin Green 0 3 2 5 3
Minna Green 2 4 4 10 4
Taika Green 3 0 4 7 5
SubTot 12 14 14 40
Killi White 0 0 2 2 1
Paul White 5 3 2 10 2
Erin White 2 3 4 9 3
Brooke White 2 3 5 10 4
Wazi White 10 2 6 18 5
Subtot 19 11 19 49

Scene: Wrap-Up


The Get theurge once again walks up to the center of the yard as the Boyz (tm) haul the mooring rope away and help the more muddied contestant to get cleaned up. Garden hoses attached to car-washing wands serve as a quick way to spray off most of the mud for those who got hit. "That was some impressive uh...tugging. I'll admit that with strength and friendships like that our people will not go gently into that good night."

The kinfolk make sure that everyone's got something to drink around the fire before the final toast of the night as Bergin raises his bottle to wrap things up. People are already starting to mill around, fixing up containers of left-overs to take back and such as the event starts to wind down.

"Once again I want to thank everyone for coming by tonight and I hope you enjoyed what hospitality we could provide. If ya like it well enough, plan on coming back next weekend. Gaia knows we have plenty of mouths to feed, warriors to train and bonds to build if we're going to win the War." He smiles widely to the crowd and makes eye contact with a few of those gathered before finishing his thought. "But in parting, let us all raise our drinks to the Mother...and Fenris, the Wolf."

Tinlin will offer a clean hand to help her GREEN teammates up out of the mud if they require it. She dodges out of the way quickly when Taika and Minna seem to be going on in anyway. "Good sportsmanship!" She shakes her hands out a bit and moves back.

Branton chuckles and cheers as the match resolves and he goes to the cooler to get another bottle of his novelty wine coolers, this one a pale pink (peppermint candy flavored) and he raises it and gives a homid howl for the toast "Arooooooooooooo"

Ever hear the saying big things come in small packages? Oh yeah, that's Minna. As the rope snaps into tension, her heels sink into the earth and her exposed arms come alive from fingers to wrist and her face goes all hard lines and stone. Rage? No. Focus? Yes, yes, and yes. She grunts and grips and tugs, her teeth bare in a half snarl, half grin, sweat beading on her brow near the end. Even at the very end when all is lost, it seems like she might try to stubbornly hang on and haul on the rope- then she hears Taika coming up behind her. She drops the rope, turns with the speed of thought, and grabs the Fenrir by one outstretched arm. Then she twists, pivots with finesse of muscle memory, and *throws* the man like a six foot sack of potatoes with a heavy *plop*.

"I know, right?" Bryan offers Laurel a beer or whatever might be closest at hand, glancing over toward the tug of war game. He spots Skully NOT participating and motions in his direction. "See, round two should be him on one end and the rest of those guys.." He motions along the line of participants. ".. on the other."

Paul gives a huge grin to Brooke, "That was fun, Miss Brooke. Guess our team worked out pretty good together." He looks to Erin, "You did great too, Miss Erin."

Receiving her beverage from the Bryan, Laurel lifts her glass as the toast made. Looking to Bryan, she gives a little shrug, clinks her glass with his and says to him, "To your health." With that she takes a sip of the drink, and then looks back to Bryan with a smile. "If competitions were supposed to be fair, they wouldn't be competitions."

Erin gives high-fives to her team "We fucking rock! We are the champions my friends!" she giggles before looking at Kill "You ok?" she asks then giggles at all the people who are muddy mess "Aww you all need to be hose off" she backs away before anyone gets any idea and rushes off somewhere safe from muddy hands or anything of the sort. She goes to sit by Gwen and leans to whisper to her before she forgets or gets squirred again.

Skully raises his root beer cup in salute to the evening, to Gaia, and to Fenris, too. He navigates his too-tall way toward the competetors so he can scoop Tinlin up and give her back her beverage, turning his left arm into a swinging chair and declaring to her quietly, "You're still a winner in my book, darlin'. You looked right fierce out there. I'm bettin' if you got another chance you'd be draggin' the other team down, no problem.". He does NOT catch Bryan's suggestion that he face down the victors, which is probably for the best; if he doesn't hear it, maybe no one ELSE will, either.

Brooke joins in the toast with the others! "ARRRRRROOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" As she finishes congratulating all that participated, she starts to head out. "Thanks for the fun! Got to get back to work though. Anyone needs me, catch me at the tech haven!" She must fly!

And plop Taika goes. The good news is he comes out of the mud pit looking like a brown version of swamp thing, but ooooh how his smile is bright. With a hearty laugh, he calls out to Minna, "Well done! I had to try Minna, but you got me!". He gets himself up and then asks the Philodox "Hug?", but he doesn't go forcing the issue.

Dalibor wipes mud out of his eyes and shakes his head with a slight grimace. Mud has gotten into places mud does not belong. Fortunately a good Modi packs clothing that is quick and easy to clean and tends to hide dirt and stains. Boots on the other hand are a pain in the arse to clean. After 'cleaning up' he joins the final toast. "To the Mother and Fenris!"

Robert riiiises from the mud, slowly making his way toward the other team... arms wide open.. someone is getting a muddy hug!

Already covered head to toe, Killigrew scoops up a big old double handful and hucks it towards Taika, giggling. "For The Mother! For Fenris!" She adds her voice to the cry, shaking some mud off her hands before giving up on that just yet.

Tinlin was walking toward Skully right as he picks her up. She laughs and links an arm around the Wendigo giant. "Ye'ave such faith in the wee people all around you." Accepting her drink she takes a sip and happily offers up for the final toast. "Aye. Was a close call that one."

Tabi raises her beer bottle, joining the chorus. "For the Mother! For Fenris!"

Minna looks as if she might be angry for a second or two, holding a post-throw pose with her eyes mostly closed. But then she lets go her breath, calls out a toast with the rest, and walks over to Taika. Then she musters a grin, takes one of his great, muddy hands, and pulls him in for a one-armed hug. "No hard feelings," she says, giving his back big, thudding claps.

"I mean... I kinda gotta have faith in the lil' folks all 'round me, else I ain't gonna have no faith at all, right?" Skully jokes just before the mud starts flying, which is a CLEAR sign that he needs to retreat with his precious cargo. He cuddles his elf close and laughs, chugging back his root beer and making a dash for the shadows so the two of them don't get pasted. He is, after all, entirely too big a target.

For her part, Wazi slips back into the crowd and returns to her food and drink. She lifts the latter for the toast, nodding slightly, and then finishes in silence. It isn't long before she's slipping out the gate and back into the night.

Taika takes the hug without further incident - minus the mud ball thrown at his back. He turns, sticks his tongue out at Killi and then regrets it as mud falls from his face into his mouth. He begins spitting and laughs again, "I'll get you for that...you and your pretty little wolf-dog too.". With that he stares in a certain someone's direction and coughs. "Guess I'm going to go get housed off).

After the howl of a toast, some idjit yells out from the back of the crowd, "Mud Fight!" and a splatter of mud is hurled at Bergin who takes the glob square in the chest. The bearded Get turns in shock and surprise as his eyes search the crowd for who could have done this.


IC Date: October 28, 2020
IC Time: Early Evening

Killigrew Minna Robert Paul Tabi Dalibor Lleutrim Brooke Wazi Gwen Erin Taika Bergin Chip Branton Tinlin Skully

Location: United Salvage
Spheres: Garou, Gaian
Plot Threads
* Weekly Gaian Gathering
What Was Learned














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