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Revision as of 15:17, 31 October 2020

This page exists for my benefit to keep the rules for the rites Parker has in one place. I have one for Gifts also.

Type Roll Difficulty
Minor None None
Mystic Wits + Rituals 7
Accord Cha + Rituals 7
Caern Varies (max. Gnosis) 7

Level 1

Rite of Spinning

The first rite learned by the new Ananasi allows her to create her Sylie. Usually placed in a secure corner of her abode, the Sylie appears to be a large cobweb. Its style varies according to the Ananasi's personal preference. Here, the werespider comes to communicate with the two Ananasi in closest physical proximity to her. The Ananasi can send messages to their geographic partners in a manner similar to telepathy if both or all participants are currently in their Sylie. Knowledge can be given to or taken from the Great Web by tapping into its strands from the Sylie. The Mother-Queen may also communicate with her child within the Sylie, but only if she herself initiates contact; Ananasa may not be summoned. The Sylie may be located in a small room, an attic, a closet, a cave, or wherever the Ananasi feels most secure.

System: The werespider purifies herself and the chosen area for a week, removing outside objects from the site and spending her time guarding the area from outside influences. The Ananasi rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 10), though each day of fasting and meditation reduces the difficulty by 1, to a minimum of 4. After spending four Gnosis points, the Ananasi may build her Sylie, which exists in both the physical world and in the Umbra. Each success lowers the difficulty to crawl sideways in the Sylie by 1. The Ananasi must spend one hour per square foot in weaving her Sylie. If interrupted, she must start the entire ritual over from the beginning.[1]

Level 2

Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom

The Ananasi secludes herself in her Sylie and uses this ritual to gain the attention of the Mother-Queen in order to learn a new Gift. If she succeeds, Queen Ananasa turns her attention to her child and teaches her the desired Gift, which the werespider must practice until she gains the approval of her Queen.

System: The ritemaster must roll Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). The Ananasi must also bring an offering of some sort - a treasured object, even a Fylfot. When it dissapears from the Sylie, she knows she has learned the Gift to the Mother-Queen's satisfaction.[2]

  1. Rite of Spinning Source: Player's Guide to the Changing Breeds (p52) and Breedbook Ananasi (p96).
  2. Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom Rite Source: Player's Guide to the Changing Breeds (p52).