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Revision as of 22:15, 23 September 2020

Plot: Sealab 2020
Storyteller: Eden
Risk: 2
Spheres: Weaver
Type: Contained
Status: Active


After a long two weeks in space for more exercises and drills, the crew of the Integrity finally comes back to Terra Nova; nestling in the ocean at night to avoid unwanted attention. Most the crew is dead tired, resting in their berthing as the ship meanders on autopilot throughout the ocean current.

'Beep...Beep...', the ships radar detecting something but the object is just too fast. 'Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep!', as the the radar chirps and screams. Suddenly the VEC spins on its axis as if brushed aside and dragged at an angle. Something has hold of the ship as it shifts and rocks under the water. Red lights begin flashing as the crunch and crinkling of metal is heard, alarms going off as interior pressure of the ship rises.
