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Into the Hydra's Lair
Hardy invites Vic over and shows her his home
IC Date September 3rd, 2020
IC Time Early Morning
Players Hardy/Hydra and Vic
Location The Hydra's Lair
Preliminary text messaging included using my Formatting Text Messages for Wiki Log Posts method.
(Hardy) Hey Vic, you busy? We are certain you have more questions about our nature and such. We have time and would very much enjoy your company
Sure. Coming. Want me to bring anything?
(Hardy) Anything you would like really, not quite sure what you have in mind. But we are definatly open to ideas.
Snacks. Drinks. I'll bring some rootbeer and chips. You alergic to anything?
(Hardy) No we are actually very resilient
Okay, on my way then

It was extremely early but Vic was up already and had finished her shower after a workout at the gym she's currently residing at. After the text exchange is over she checks the temp on her smartphone, packs up her computer and gets dressed.

Outside the New Hope MMA, Vic waits for a few minutes and gets on a bus, paying for an all day pass. She takes the bus to Maple and F Street where she disembarks the public transportation's land boat at the 7-11 and goes inside. There, she picks up a six-pack of IBC Root-beer - already chilled iin its dark brown bottles and packaged in its brightly labeled cardboard box - and a bag of mixed 'cheesey' flavored chips (OOC Image Link).

Having acquired drinks and snacks Vic exercises the power of a day pass and picks up the next bus heading north and disembarks again in the neighborhood of Maple and G Street and then walks though the neighborhood with her shoulders hunched up 'broadcasting' the leave me along, I'm none of your business message with her body language. If anyone glances her way for more than a moment or tries to address her she adjusts her body language to subtly broadcast a I have ways of making you regret waking today message thinking of the friend she is meeting and how if she asked he'd come defend her as she's there on his invite.

When she reaches Hardy's warehouse, Vic raps strongly on the door to indicate she's there.

Hardy would open up the door for her with a broad smile "MMmmm very important question for you there Vic, are you a hugger?" tilting his head as he lets her inside "Welcome back to our abode, didn't even get to show you the apartment yet... but guess you have more curious questions then seeing mundane place of sleeping" grinning some not seeming to be at all worried. The large man never really seemed to have much care in the world, but then again considering who he really was.

Vic hesitates for a moment then nods. "I am, yes," she says regarding the question and accepts a hug from Hardy holding her arms out to the side briefly so the bags are out of the way and then thrusting the heavier one - with the sodas - towards the man... being?... that she just /knows/ has to be stronger than her.

"Yeah, the other day was a bit of a mental whirlwind but while I do have questions, lets do this right..." she pauses and then says, "Thanks for inviting me over, Hardy," in a playfully mock-cheery tone.

Hardy chuckles "You are quite welcome Vic, you are always welcome, we are starting to consider you a friend, and that means you are under our protection" taking the bags with ease not seeming to weigh anything to him. "Ask away and we will answer them best we can"

"Oh no, you wanted to show me your abode and you're my host so unless you insist please, show me around first," Vic replies, not insistantly but firmly.

Hardy chuckles and motions "You seen the pool and hot tub" walking towards the door "Here is the Forge" motioning her to follow "Though the person who owns it and owns the warehouse is no longer in town so we guess it is ours now... friend of ours uses it to smith in from time to time so. And we keep the salamanders happy and warm"

Vic follows Hardy into the forge and looks around.

Hardy smiles "Oh ehm you probably don't see them, other plane and all just forget we said anything" grinning broadly and opens up the door for her to move to the apartment

Vic says, “No, I can't see any salamandars," she adds, "I don't have access to the Spirit Sphere so can't even shift my perception that way.”

Vic then steps into the apartment though the door Hardy held for her.

Hardy motions to the room "Welcome to our place" motioning to the bedroom "There is our bed and some keepsakes we keep, and well this is where we stay, we have Netflix and most of the entertainment things... and a Playstation" nodding to himself

"Very nice setup," Vic says. "So, this was or is someone else's place but you stay here as well?" she asks as she looks around, particularly at the entertainment center and equipment.

Hardy smiles "A rich friend of ours bought it and refurbished it, in exchange to guard his forge... but really it was just an excuse to let us stay"

"Also very nice," Vic replies. "A rich acquaintance of mine has put me up at his gym," she says, quickly adding, "The apartment I stay in has its own lock and I have its key... although I cannot swear that its the only key. He likely has one for emergencies... but any landlord would have that after all." She then asks, "Do you forge or just guard the forge?"

Hardy chuckles "We yet to learn how to smith but we probably will at some point in time. We know how to tattoo though" grinning broadly to her "Even have our own gun" smiling to her

Vic looks a bit surprised. "Is that something you've learned in recent times or does that date back into your past in the Mythic Age," she asks, showing off a bit of information she's picked up since her last discussion with Hardy.

Hardy chuckles "We learned it along with our sketching and drawing" smiling to her "And not really been around a mythic age... we been around since what people call Classic Greece"

"Interesting, I wasn't aware that Bygones like yourself were still active in the world after the end of the Mythic Age," she says. "But that makes sense as you are around now, so I guess your kind were around in other ages as well."

Hardy smiles "We are about four thousand years old, we lived the entire time" looks over to her "Been wandering most of Europe and North Africa... been interesting, in the beginning we were rather angry... loosing Lerna lake and the deathgate we guarded feeling like we had not purpose in life, no longer being a guardian"

Vic's right eyebrow rises up aat the mention of deathgate and when Hardy finished his comment about being a guardian she immediately asks, "What is a deathgate?" with concern in her voice about such a thing being lost.

Hardy smiles "A gate to the underworld. We guarded it to ensure that mortals would not enter it" nodding to himself "Though the lake dried up and the gate faded thusly now we had nothing more to guard, so we started to wander"

Vic ahs softly and nods. "Okay, so less a gate that causes death like its name sounded," she says with a slight chuckle in her voice. "So you were this side's equivalent to Cerberus' in the underworld I guess?" she asks flexing her limited knowledge of Greek myth.

Hardy nods slowly "We visited Cerberus from time to time, he got a bit lonely inside there. Though he mostly dealt with those trying to get out really" nodding to himself "Though once we lost the gate, we felt rather angry and unhappy with our lot in life... went north into what is now Germany and fought against the roman legion"

Vic hrms at this and looks thoughtful. She then asks, "Were you ever mistaken for a dragon and are you in any way related to dragons?" She promised she had questions, apparently here they come.

Hardy rolls his eyes "Far to many times, if we had a penny for every time we would be having a hoard of our own" shaking his head "We never met a dragon ourself, we are -not- related in anyway. We do not have a hoard, we do not have any of the other silly ticks we heard or read about... like kidnapping damsels or what not." looking over to her "We dont even have scales as you might have seen, we have a skin.. well you probably call it hide" nodding to himself.

"Well, the difference would be in the thickness. A skin is too thin to be split into two or more pieces parallel to the outside of the leather like a hide is," Vic replies almost reflexively as her word-nerdiness is triggered. She then laughs and says, "But that's a technicality and I wouldn't want to ask if your dermis had ever been used by a tanner or not... of course, if you /want/ to volunteer that information I won't stop you either."

Hardy chuckles "Noone has ever manage to take our hide" shaking his head "We have offered it a few times, but not everyone understand our healing potential that well" smiling warmly to her "But in short we can't really die, we regenerate any and all damages, and the thing about fire... we are actually immune to it"

Vic chuckles about the fire bit and nods, "You'd told me about that lie, very awesome," and then she gets very serious and says, "I would never want to ask someone to be skinned alive because of the pain and risk of death," and then she asks it, "But if you felt it was possible and someone wanted to see what could happen would you be willing to undergo such an experience?"

Hardy tilt his head "We could offer a part of our skin if it would be needed, we have offered claws, teeth and blood to those we thought might be interested in trade but no one really picked up on it" shaking his head some "And we would not die from it, it would hurt a lot though"

Vic nods and looks thoughtful again. She next says, "Its possible that magic could be used to mitigate or completely negate the pain." Another pause and she says, "There's another mage I know who wants to meet you by the way, I talked to her about you without identifying you in order to facilitate getting information about bygones. Would you mind meeting another mage who'd like to discuss your past with you in detail in order to expand her understanding of your kind? She's completely against the hunting of bygones for the sake of hunting you."

Hardy tilts his head "Anyone we know?" watching her with a smile "We are not against meeting new people or people we know so we could definitely consider it. Not wanting to hunt us are good, but we not really worried to much about people trying"

Vic chuckles and nods. "Yeah, I can see you're not terribly worried about it, but its not my place to decide who knows about you," she says. Then she asks, "Have you ever met Bobbi? Dark hair in dreadlocks, pale skin where not covered in skin art and about my height?" She pauses and ponders then shakes her head and says, "I don't have a picture to show you so either that description helps you remember meeting her or you haven't," as she realizes she doesn't have them.

Hardy frowns abit "Bobbi?" seems to ponder it "Bobbi is not the best in keeping secrets and she been having issues with other supernaturals in town. If you can assure that she does not spread it further we could consider it"

Vic shakes her head and says, "I was unaware of that," and thinks back over the conversation. "I didn't tell her your name and I won't without your permission," she says, "I'll ask her if she can swear an oath to not... wish there was a way to make such an oath actually binding though."

Hardy nods "There are way but just having her word should be enough for us... we just do not want it spread to much, and also would hope she keeps her word... and if not well... we would have some few choice words with her." shaking his head some

Vic laughs quite openly and sincerely in response to the non-threat expressed by Hardy. "Yeah, I bet you would," she says. "I have also discussed you in the most general of terms, still no name, with my landlord and quasi-boss Raise, he calls himself a Hedge... does static magic. He's convinced I met a dragon because I used having tea with a dragon as an example of how a bygone isn't a true monster."

Hardy nods to her with a smile "We have been called a monster upon many occasion and we understand why, rather recently unfortunately" nodding to her "We know sorcerers, know quite a few of them, and a few psychics. We keep the information we learn to ourself though. We would like to meet Raise if he agrees to the same"