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== 3 ==
== Jennifer Stewart vs. Slapp w/Tick L. ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Stewart circles Slapp around the ring, rather perplexed by her style of dress and facepaint. Slapp scrunches her face up at her foe for all the glitz and glamour about her as the sequin sparkles and dazzles under the lights. Tick L. almost seems lost inside her own head as she stares into the ring from the outside, almost mesmerized by the same sparkle. Slapp, having enough of this dance just causally walks up to Stewart and shoves her.<br>
Slapp: Juggalo fam, represent, WHOOP WHOOP!<br>
A section of the crowd actually responds with a 'WHOOP WHOOP!' back much to Stewart's amusement as she can't help but crack a small smile.<br>
North: It appears we have a few of the juggalos in the house tonight.<br>
DIC: I mean.... what's with the face paint anyway? Did they get kicked out of the American Union of Industrial Convention Clown Workers Association for their taste in bad music?<br>
North: I mean... I wish I had the answer to that. Regardless Jennifer Stewart is going to need to keep eyes in the back of her head for this one; while their antics seldomly succeed there's always a chance as they say...<br>
DIC: They lack discipline; it's that simple. A headbutt that always misses, a yakuza kick that never quite strikes true all for some almost flat soda.<br>
North: They're entertainers, DIC. They're having a good time and it appears some people enjoy having a good time with them.<br>
DIC: That's a step away from calling it 'performance art'.<br>
North: This isn't Broadway now but let's not make leaps in logic. They're unique, Slapp and Tick L. You can't always judge a book by its cover; at the end of the day they want to win and win their way.<br>
Stewart then rears her fist back and clocks Slapp dead center in the face causing her to stumble back and grab her nose, checking for blood. Stewart immediately whips Slapp to the ropes and drops down as Slapp rebounds and unwittingly steps over her. As Slapp comes back on the second rebound Stewart hits a crisp looking arm drag, sending her swiftly to the mat. Slapp pops back up almost as quickly as she went down only to get hit by another in succession. Slapp pops up once more and tries to lunge and wrap her arms around Stewart but she was just too quick on her feet and sidestepped as Slapp crashed comically to the mat empty handed. Stewart seeing this begins to catch Slapp with open palms to the face as she tried again and again to no avail. Finally when it looked like Slapp finally caught her, her arms wrapped around her she unwittingly put herself in the perfect position for a counter as she tried to drive her back and Stewart was more than happy to oblige with a DDT!<br>
North: Slapp isn't having much luck early on and she's already fallen victim to a deadly DDT.<br>
DIC: I almost wonder if she greased her hands a little too much with the fried chicken from catering before the match. I mean; I'll admit it, the chicken was actually pretty good for once but if you're going to get your hands on some of that sizzling hotness in Jennifer Stewart you're going to need to do better than that!<br>
Tick L. laments this as her mind snaps back into reality; her friend was losing! Tick L. was quick to hop onto the apron and tried to grab someone; anyone's attention. The referee turned over to her first; almost not taking her seriously as he let his arms raise and fall to his sides, saying 'This again?' while Stewart turned her attention soon after her way as well. Slapp gets up and turns Stewart around and catches her with a sucker punch, doubling her over before tossing her into the turnbuckle. Slapp then immediately motions for Tick L. to procure the Faygo as she quickly obliges by pulling out what appeared to be sun-bleached bottle of the famous brand from under the ring and tossed it to her.<br>
North: They're back to their old tricks, one that they usually end up as the intended victims! This never goes well but they're still willing to take the risk for the Hail Mary.<br>
DIC: This never ends well...<br>
Slapp prepares for The Joke, intending to spray the fizzy drink into Stewart's eyes as she returns to her feet but right on cue the soda sprays directly into Slapp's eyes instead!<br>
Slapp: It burns........... soo........goood!<br>
Slapp screams in what could be assumed(?) to be agony as she's temporarily blinded, walking right into Stewart who wastes no time dropping her with The Mic Drop; her piledriver! Tick L. quickly tries to remedy the situation by giving her partner an assist as she climbs onto the apron and onto the top rope and goes for the Laugh Now, Die Later, her diving headbutt! Stewart manages to snatch Tick L. out of mid-air only to drop her with a Mic Drop as well! Stacking them on top of one another with both of their shoulders on the mat Stewart goes for the cover on both of the Juggalettes at once! The referee drops down to count.... 1......2.....3!<br>
Baxter: Here is your winner, Jennifer Stewart!<br>
North: Well there you have it, Jennifer Stewart makes quick work of both Juggalettes and notches up yet another impressive win early on in her career in LONE.<br>
DIC: I mean when you got class like her I mean how could you ever doubt greatness? That's my kind of woman!<br>
== 4 ==
== 4 ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>

Revision as of 09:44, 1 July 2020



The show starts off with the arena darkening and the titantron turning on to a black screen.

Fading into the screen is cursive font in a blood red hue reading:

Exodus 14:14

We now see Sister Catherine and Stitches on the screen with the scene covered in the same blood red hue.

Sister Catherine has the hood of her habit pulled down, and she raises her LONE Tag Team Championship in her right hand high and towards the camera.

Stitches is standing to Sister Catherine's left, holding the doll of Sister Catherine's likeness but unlike the usual, she's got the doll facing forward as she strokes the top of its head lovingly. Her tag team title is wrapped around her waist while the Sister Catherine doll also has a tiny version of the LONE Tag Team Championship wrapped around its waist.

The two begin to grin sadistically, and then Sister Catherine spits her red mist towards the screen and we fade out.

In-ring Segment: Jack E. Bux

North: HELLO EVERYONE and WELCOME to Supremacy: LONE 26 - August Assault! I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner DIC.

DIC: I can't WAIT because TONIGHT... my Queen Alison Crowne is hosting Terri Thompson's funeral, so we can finally get past that sewer rat and bury her for good!

North: *exasperated sigh* We've got a great night of action for you but first, we've got our owner and head of operations, Jack E. Bux who wants to come out and say a few words. He has some announcements to make tonight for everyone.

DIC: That fraud. Unless he's going to announce that Alison Crowne is the true Queen of LONE and he's gonna stop his cronies from harassing her, I don't want to hear it.

North: Well I'm sure our fans out there do!

Fame by David Bowie starts up over the PA and Jack E. Bux steps out.

Crowd: BUX! BUX! BUX! BUX!

Bux starts to bend forward and lower his hands down repeatedly as if he's bowing to them, as if he's not worthy. The crowd responds doing the same thing and Bux makes his way to the ring. He slaps hands with a few fans before heading up the steel steps at ringside and stepping through the ropes. He goes to the opposite side of the ring and a stage hand gives him a microphone with the LONE logo on it.

Bux: What's going on everyone?! Hope you're enjoying yourselves out there!


Bux: That's what I like to hear! Well, I hope not to take too much of your time tonight. As you all know, I've been dealing with a thorn in my side but I'm not here to talk about that. I've actually got some announcements to make for the future! And the future looks bright, let me tell you. Not just for me, but for everyone in the back too as next month.....

Bux pauses for a moment.

Bux: The Rumble is coming back!


Bux: That's right! Next month! 30 women will compete in an over the top rope Battle Royale to determine the #1 Contender for the LONE Championship! Not only that, but...

Another pause.

Bux: The Tag Team Classic is coming back too!


Bux smiles real big.

Bux: Yes, however, the winner of that will be the #1 Contender to the Tag Team Titles after The Damned and Generations have their match to determine the Champions. Now, after those announcements, two events coming back, I would also like to announce something new. Yes. We will have a tournament called Queen of the Castle. Now, what that tournament is, is a singles tournament where the Winner will be given a crown, and will be dubbed the Queen of the Castle around here. At any point, for a full year, they can come out and do something called 'Relinquish the Crown' where they give up the crown for an opportunity at the LONE Championship whenever they desire. More details on that and the Tag Team Classic will come at a later date. All in all, I hope you enjoy tonight's show and --

Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl" kicks in, but not for long as Cinnamon starts stomping out with Violent Violet at her side. She looks upset, and when she gets to ringside, she slides into the ring and starts to get into Bux's face while Violet circles ringside and snatches a mic from a stage hand before hopping up onto the apron and getting into the ring. She hands the mic to Cinnamon.

Cinnamon: You know what, Bux? Spice & Ice has been held back for too long! You want to make all of these announcements? Fine, but we're going to be a part of them! That's right! We're entering the Tag Team Classic and we're going to win it and you know what? I'm entering the Queen of the Castle and you will ALL call me Queen Cinnamon!

The crowd starts to boo and Cinnamon turns to look out at everyone.

Cinnamon: And if anyone has a problem with THAT! ... Come out here and tell me so!

Jennifer Stewart: Me me me me me me me me meeeeeee!

Jennifer Stewart shows up on the stage with a LONE microphone in her hand, dressed in a glittering red dress.

Jennifer Stewart: The Queen of the Castle will be me / as I will take the crooooooown! / Sit back and relax / and watch me take down a clooooown! / I --

Cinnamon: NO! You know what?!

Jennifer Stewart looks bewildered, surprised and upset that she's been cut off.

Cinnamon: First it was Kayoko walking around here thinking she's a pop idol and now some hoodlum, and now YOU

Cinnamon points.

Cinnamon: Come out here thinking you're some singer! You got a problem with us entering? If you didn't, you wouldn't be out here! So fine! I want you in the Queen of the Castle tournament!

Jennifer Stewart: Far be it from me to make demands, I'm not one to make commands, but if you want a fight let's go! I'll be the one to steal the shoooooow!

Cinnamon looks disgusted: Shut up already! We get it!

Bux: How about both of you pipe down! You two want each other, that's fine. I'll work something out. Queen of the Castle is still being worked out, but maybe you two can have each other before hand. Ms. Stewart, since you're already out here, your match is up next! Spice & Ice, leave the ring NOW and don't start any trouble or I'll consider the two of you disqualified from both tournaments!

Cinnamon clenches her fist and then spikes the mic down, which catches some feedback.

Jennifer Stewart: In that case....... Send in... the clooooowns! Send in the clowns,
Those daffy, laffy clowns,
Send in those soulful and doleful
Shmaltz.....-by-the-bowlful clooooooowns.
Send in...the clowns.

Cinnamon and Violent Violet eye Jennifer Stewart while they make their way backstage and Jennifer pays them no mind.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, from San Antonio, Texas, JENNIFEEEEEEEEER STEEEEEEEEEEEWAAAAAAAAAART!

Jennifer enters the ring from the stairs and takes a bow.

Baxter: And her opponent, from the Big Tent on 9th Street.

Chickin' Huntin by ICP kicks in as Slapp and Tick L. come through the curtain, trying to wave their hands in the air and hype the crowd up, and then jeer at them and wave their hands towards them in rejection.

Baxter: Accompanied by her tag team partner Tick L., she is..... SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP!

Jennifer Stewart vs. Slapp w/Tick L.


Stewart circles Slapp around the ring, rather perplexed by her style of dress and facepaint. Slapp scrunches her face up at her foe for all the glitz and glamour about her as the sequin sparkles and dazzles under the lights. Tick L. almost seems lost inside her own head as she stares into the ring from the outside, almost mesmerized by the same sparkle. Slapp, having enough of this dance just causally walks up to Stewart and shoves her.

Slapp: Juggalo fam, represent, WHOOP WHOOP!

A section of the crowd actually responds with a 'WHOOP WHOOP!' back much to Stewart's amusement as she can't help but crack a small smile.

North: It appears we have a few of the juggalos in the house tonight.

DIC: I mean.... what's with the face paint anyway? Did they get kicked out of the American Union of Industrial Convention Clown Workers Association for their taste in bad music?

North: I mean... I wish I had the answer to that. Regardless Jennifer Stewart is going to need to keep eyes in the back of her head for this one; while their antics seldomly succeed there's always a chance as they say...

DIC: They lack discipline; it's that simple. A headbutt that always misses, a yakuza kick that never quite strikes true all for some almost flat soda.

North: They're entertainers, DIC. They're having a good time and it appears some people enjoy having a good time with them.

DIC: That's a step away from calling it 'performance art'.

North: This isn't Broadway now but let's not make leaps in logic. They're unique, Slapp and Tick L. You can't always judge a book by its cover; at the end of the day they want to win and win their way.

Stewart then rears her fist back and clocks Slapp dead center in the face causing her to stumble back and grab her nose, checking for blood. Stewart immediately whips Slapp to the ropes and drops down as Slapp rebounds and unwittingly steps over her. As Slapp comes back on the second rebound Stewart hits a crisp looking arm drag, sending her swiftly to the mat. Slapp pops back up almost as quickly as she went down only to get hit by another in succession. Slapp pops up once more and tries to lunge and wrap her arms around Stewart but she was just too quick on her feet and sidestepped as Slapp crashed comically to the mat empty handed. Stewart seeing this begins to catch Slapp with open palms to the face as she tried again and again to no avail. Finally when it looked like Slapp finally caught her, her arms wrapped around her she unwittingly put herself in the perfect position for a counter as she tried to drive her back and Stewart was more than happy to oblige with a DDT!

North: Slapp isn't having much luck early on and she's already fallen victim to a deadly DDT.

DIC: I almost wonder if she greased her hands a little too much with the fried chicken from catering before the match. I mean; I'll admit it, the chicken was actually pretty good for once but if you're going to get your hands on some of that sizzling hotness in Jennifer Stewart you're going to need to do better than that!

Tick L. laments this as her mind snaps back into reality; her friend was losing! Tick L. was quick to hop onto the apron and tried to grab someone; anyone's attention. The referee turned over to her first; almost not taking her seriously as he let his arms raise and fall to his sides, saying 'This again?' while Stewart turned her attention soon after her way as well. Slapp gets up and turns Stewart around and catches her with a sucker punch, doubling her over before tossing her into the turnbuckle. Slapp then immediately motions for Tick L. to procure the Faygo as she quickly obliges by pulling out what appeared to be sun-bleached bottle of the famous brand from under the ring and tossed it to her.

North: They're back to their old tricks, one that they usually end up as the intended victims! This never goes well but they're still willing to take the risk for the Hail Mary.

DIC: This never ends well...

Slapp prepares for The Joke, intending to spray the fizzy drink into Stewart's eyes as she returns to her feet but right on cue the soda sprays directly into Slapp's eyes instead!

Slapp: It burns........... soo........goood!

Slapp screams in what could be assumed(?) to be agony as she's temporarily blinded, walking right into Stewart who wastes no time dropping her with The Mic Drop; her piledriver! Tick L. quickly tries to remedy the situation by giving her partner an assist as she climbs onto the apron and onto the top rope and goes for the Laugh Now, Die Later, her diving headbutt! Stewart manages to snatch Tick L. out of mid-air only to drop her with a Mic Drop as well! Stacking them on top of one another with both of their shoulders on the mat Stewart goes for the cover on both of the Juggalettes at once! The referee drops down to count.... 1......2.....3!

Baxter: Here is your winner, Jennifer Stewart!

North: Well there you have it, Jennifer Stewart makes quick work of both Juggalettes and notches up yet another impressive win early on in her career in LONE.

DIC: I mean when you got class like her I mean how could you ever doubt greatness? That's my kind of woman!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!