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Revision as of 09:03, 27 April 2020



  • Styx and Shadows: The Styx has always had rumors surrounding it as a 'haunted bar'. Whether it was from weird stuff moving when no one was near it, or strange words scrawled in the fogged mirror behind the bar or sudden spurts of boiling hot water in the bathrooms. No one's given it much attention but recently some Wraith have begun an investigation into the supernatural history of the bar.


Update: 05/02/20

  • Buried Bones: The group of wraiths explore the basement of the Styx and discover a possible source for why things have always been hinky there. Thanks to one of the Wraith's (possibly foolish) actions, they discovered an old flood locker locked away several feet below the floor of the old basement. Locked and sealed by both mundane and magical means, the box seems to hold human remains.

Update: 05/01/20

  • A Strange Visit: As word of the Wraith's investigation into the history and current events at the Styx and Stones continues, the bar was paid a visit by a leading member of the Hierarchy. The occasion wasn't what you'd call social as Pardoner was questioned about her activities and discoveries. Of course, the Hierarchy was filled with understanding and compassion towards the wraith and her goals; not.
  • Neutral Ground: To ensure that the Pardoner is able to do her work, the bar was declared neutral and the Hierarchy will not enforce the Dictum Mortum within its walls so long as things remain in hand.

Update: 04/29/20

  • Weirdness and Whiskey: Some odd occurrences have started to become more manifest at the Styx lately. People may have always known about the occasional 'weird' moment while either drinking or working at the pool hall, now they seem to be happening more frequently. While most reported events are generally harmless, there's no knowing where things will stop or what's caused the sudden spike.

Update: 04/26/20

  • Masks and Mayhem: The party discover an ornately fashioned door and step through to a darkened hall full of masks of the finest material; each one a different age, a different story. The hall eventually lead to another small door and down a sharply descending path to the sound of rushing water under a storm-grey sky.

Update: 04/25/20

  • Beer and Barghests: Having awoken a small pack of Barghests who were guarding a forgotten and hidden Sarcophagus, the party fought to contain the threat lest the beasts swarmed upstairs to the bar to pounce upon the unsuspecting Quick. The fighting was brutal with one holding the threat back with the light of salvation, another cutting swaths through them and the third defending his compatriot against their bites and claws. LOG

Update: 04/24/20

  • Stones and Specters: Then, a curious pair of Wraith seemed to take an interest in the bar and started to poke around. It took them into the back room with all of its strange, calligraphic writing on the walls and down to the basement with its own secrets. Their investigations revealed more than one secret buried below the bricks of the basement and caused quite a stir for the bar's owner.
  • Spirits and Lives: The bar is now host to a few wraith who wish to further their understanding of the bar and its connection to their world. (Closed-Plot)

Update: 04/23/20

  • Shadow and Flames: A curious wraith investigates an odd resonance they detect within the Styx only to discover its traumatic history.
  • Whispered Warnings: Muttered whispers echo in the Shadowlands of the basement's secrets. Words are difficult to make out but the wraith eventually discern words like "Cage" and "Slave".

Plot: Shadows and Bones
Risk: Level 2
Storyteller: Dawson
Spheres: Open Enrollment: Wraith, Medium, Shadowlands-Friendly
Timeframe: Initial
Status: Active (Contained PRP)

RP Hooks


  • Streetwise: This is mostly an issue people would know about through their connections to the street.
  • Downtown: The events are all in the downtown area.
  • Shadowlands: If you can't see it or those within it, it's going to be a quick plot for you.


  • Investigation: Are you the type that likes to follow clues, uncover evidence and piece together motives from seemingly unrelated cases?


Interested parties should @mail Dawson with the following information:

  • Interest: Why are you jumping into this plot? What's your motive. Boredom doesn't count. Why -this- plot?
  • Sphere: I will keep this confidential but I need to know what potential powers you're pulling into this plot so that I can make changes accordingly. It's no fun if I'm running a mortal-based plot and you're a Arete 5 mage that could solve this over coffee.
  • Contacts/Allies: As you investigate the plot I'll need to know what resources you can pull in to help you. If you don't have either of these that's fine, but I want to be prepared for when you whip out the city council that's you have drinks with every Tuesday.
  • Influence: Do you have some kind of influence that would get you access to information / assets that will shape this plot? I need to know in advance.


Plot:Shadows and Bones/News
