Birth Name: October Matthers
Date of Birth: October 31st, 1964
Apparent Age: 18-21
Demeanor: Rebel
Hometown: Prospect, CA
Played By: Joan Jett
Guild: Haunters
Life: Anarch Baron of Prospect from 1990-2003
Clan: Lasombra
Regret: Dying Like A Little Bitch
October "Halloween" Matthers ended up the Baron, not because she wanted the job, but because folks liked her. It was never a title she called herself, but it was something others called her. That is how a real Baron tends to happen.
A local, Halloween was a young punk enjoying club life in the early 80's when she was embraced during a shovel heading party. She stayed buried, however, as she simply took a bit longer to 'come back'. The coven in question dug her hope, figuring they could reclaim the vitae if the embrace didn't work. It was then that she awakened in frenzy. She killed her Sire and badly injured another before someone fired a flare at her, and the hunger turned to fear. She managed to escape...and one hell of an unlife began.
She fell in with one of the more active and idealistic gangs at the time, the Suicide Kings. Eventually she ended up Baron, running shit from a popular club in town called 'My House'. From there she planned and helped inspire for a number of raids against Sabbat strongholds across the Southwest. In addition, she helped plan and lead attacks that put down some of the more anti-Anarch and aggressive members of the Ivory Tower in the region.
And then, in 2003, the Sabbat attacked her club and murdered her and two dozen mortals. Several members of her gang died, while others fled. They are still active in the Southwest.
Upon being freed from her Caul, she was dragged off by a slaver hoping to sell her to the Hierarchy. Filled with rage, she devastated the bastard and escaped. He ended up in a Harrowing he didn't escape from. Eventually she ended up in LA, where she fell in with the Haunters. They redirected her old cause towards her new one, and over the years she climbed the ranks to become a dangerous member of the Guild. The continued to bother Sabbat and incredibly aggressive members of the Camarilla, but she focused a lot of her rage towards the Hierarchy, now. They represented everything she hated about the Cam as a Lick.
Now she is back in Prospect, looking to reclaim something of her old self in this hellhole.
- Anarchs: She was a big part of the Anarch Movement, and many still either praise her name, or spit on it. (The latter tends to be Sabbat and some Cam). Are you a Vampire? Did she know you? Do you know of her?
- Ghost: Halloween is one of the restless dead. That comes with all sorts of bells, whistles and regrets. Do you see the Dead? Do you want to?
- My House: The club was one of the most popular clubs in the southwest for over a decade, before a 'mass shooting' happened there in 2003 and the doors closed for good. Since then the abandoned building has changed hands a few times, but nothing has been done with it. Do you want to refurbish it? Are you into urban exploration? Do you believe the rumors that people staying the night there go insane or never come out? You should.
- Haunter: The Haunters are servants of the Wyld, and heavily tainted by it. Random Wraiths with Pandemonium are not. Unbeknownst to the Shadowlands as a whole, the Haunters want to use their powers to tear down the Shroud and reign on the other side...and to sew chaos for the Wyld in the process.
- Lonely: It's hard being dead. She married another Lick when she was still around, but her wife also died in the attack from the Sabbat. She's felt broken since, and filled the hole with hatred and madness. She is not irredeemable, though. Few are.
- Memoriam 4: October is still lauded as one of the more recent inspirational forces behind the Anarch Movement. The Lasombra Anarch helped rally Anarch forces in Prospect and the entire Southwest against both aggressive Cam, and invading Sabbat. She was Baron of Prospect before she met her death in 2003. Her name is sometimes yelled in battle, some of her old tactics are still used, and her Childer and Grandchilder still fight the good fight.
- Enemy 4: Since she joined the Haunters Guild she raised quite a bit of hell up in LA, where she was training to be a proper Wylding. It was there that she drew the attention of Legate Dominic Sway. The brutal Grim Legionnaire wants her in chains...or to -be- chains. While Prospect has little to no Hierarchy activity, he's sent some infiltrators to take her down, and possibly other Renegades in the process.
This ghost girl looks like she's barely pushing eighteen, or she was before she died. She's a slender and willowy 5'5", with tight, subtle muscle. She's cute in her own way, or probably was...before. Her skin is inhumanely pale, as if she's never once seen the sunlight. Her hair is as black as pitch, and it is short and styled like an 80's or early 90's punk. Her eyes are an almost glowing, piercing blue, and she has pointed, notable canines like a stereotypical Vampire.
The girl is dressed in a pair of very low-hanging black jeans, which barely cling to her slender hips and constantly risk dropping and flashing everything. A pair of black, battered combat boots are worn with them, and the jeans are held on with a black, studded belt. A black, tight shirt is worn with the faded and unreadable logo of some dead band. She has a Suicide King playing card tattooed on the side of her neck.
The center of her chest is carved open, several ribs cracked away, and there is a hole where her heart should be. Blood dribbles down her shirt and is spattered all over her from the incredible blow that apparently tore her heart from her chest and slew her. There are slashes here and there as well, apparently done by some heavy, sharp slashing weapon like a machete or very large sharp hacking weapon.
Finally, light patchwork appears on her skin, appearing like shifting shadow in the patterns of sunlight shining through a canopy.
- The Dead
- The Mediums
- The Others
Notable Statistics
- Appearance: (
    ) - A cute dead girl.
- Inelligence: (
    ) - She might have been super educated, but she's still a damn genius.
- Haunt: (
    ) - 'My House' was a hugely popular club for years before shutting down after a 'shooting' in 2003. It was also the main Anarch hangout in town.
- Pandemonium: (
    ) - She believes in the ideals of the Guild...which are fucking horrifying.
- Lore (Vampire): (
    ) - Halloween was a Lick.
- Memoriam: (
    ) - She has childer and grandchilder out there on the Movement. On top of that, many Anarchs see her as a hero, and one who's idealistic but brutal views should be held as a standard. On the other side, many Cam and Anarchs still curse her name.