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{{Infobox Log
|name      = Thanksgiving at St. Benedict's
|summary  = Community gathering for Thanksgiving 2019
|icdate    = 11.28.2019
|ictime    = 5:00 p.m.
|players  = [[Acacia]], [[Hannelore]], [[Cole]], [[Konstantin]], [[Jasper]], [[Rian]], [[Chayse]], [[Merek]], [[Lleutrim]], [[Sten]], [[Skully]], [[Gwydion]]
|location  = St. Benedict's Church
|spheres  = [[Kinfolk]], [[Garou]], [[Gaian]], [[Mortal+]], [[Mortal]], [[Mage]]
St. Benedict's Compound - The Yard
The compound is surrounded by a large brick and mortar wall that rises 10 feet into the air. It is colored a solid red color from the bricks used to make it, with a cement topper for sturdyness and contrast. Periodically down the wall are rises topped with ornamental concrete orbs. There is lush vine growing on it, thick and vibrant green that cushions the appearance of the imposing walls.
The wall is split where it faces D-Street, A heavy duty wrought iron fence open and facing the street is the gateway into the compound. It is usually open.
Once inside the yard, it is a large expansive estate. It the entire northern side of the street. On the right side of the compound sits the ornately designed St. Benedicts church. A small church, the outside painted a clean and fresh white. It has a clean, cozy design to it. Gorgeous stained glass windows line the main praying area of the church, and the single steeple supports a small bell that rarely sounds.
The left side of the compound is taken up by a two storey low-rise apartment building, St. Benedicts Shelter. There are dozens of people in this area at most any time, wandering around the Yard, playing a variety of simple sports, or relaxing on some of the many benches in the area. The walkways are lined with absolutely stunning flowerbeds, and there are a few community gardens tucked around the lawn where all manner of homegrown food is tended to by volunteers. In front of the shelter is even a small half-court basketball setup.
OOC Notes: +rules sniping is not in effect here. Please read the +notes, especially the one detailing the wards, to understand this. This place is guarded at all times and is treated as Risk 0. No negative effects onto the shelter or those within unless Cross or a Judge is present.
Rian dropped Turkey Day!.
This is meant to be happening on Thanksgiving, but the RL timing had to compromise a bit.
IC Info: There's a feast available, advertised amongst the less fortunate that frequent the homeless shelter. There's turkey and stuffing to spare, mashed potatoes and pie, hot cider and cocoa as well as juices, sodas, and other non alcoholic beverages. There's no shortage and second helpings aren't being turned down.
OOC Info: The owner of the space is okay with this, however the desc, +notes and other such things are old and were never changed from what the previous owner had set. To that end, we're declaring this a Risk 0 event, and respectfully ask that anyone here please keep their RP public_ok. We don't really know what's actually set here in terms of wards, so maybe just skip using your powers today and help keep stuff simple. Thank you!
Stuff's probably going well thus far! Utilizing the staff that already work/volunteer here alongside other people's amazing bank accounts and the pre-planning that went into this, yep, it's probably great. Rian is staying the hell away from people and doing dish duty! No need to aggravate anyone that might be less stable or prone to like... Fash backs from 'Nam or something, I dunno. But he's okay with that, and makes his trips back and forth, collecting up dishes and bringing replacement pots of taters or... You know, helpful stuff! So, that's what HE's doing right now, whatter YOU doing right now?
Crazy as it sounds, Kostya might just be the Face of this A Team, at least when it comes to the human world. Having one of the lower rages of the group and being fairly friendly, he is chatting people and making them at ease. He's got his iPhone plugged into a stereo-system somewhere playing generic holiday music with a bent towards the oldies and the Rat Pack years. He'll serve food in necessary but he has a way with making people feel welcome.
Like Rian, Chayse figures it's probably better for him to be doing some heavy lifting as opposed to serving as a walking trigger word. He's happy to do whatever needs to be done, but honestly he's terrible at doing dishes! You'd be better off not letting him do that. At this very moment, a kinfolk staff member has just handed him a knife and told him to cut pie and put it on plates. I mean... He can't screw /that/ up, right?
Jasper can serve food! He thinks. Like Kostya, he's got pretty low Rage, and isn't exactly intimidating-looking, and anyway, he just wants to serve food. Largely because, "I never had a Thanksgiving before!" so he's pretty keen on the idea of letting others share it with him. The little space case lets out a "Hi!" with every plate given out, along with holiday wishes.
Up by where the line is happening, some young lady with dyed blue hair and a grunge skater that needs a bath sort of style, is telling Kostya and Jasper, "Wow this is great, last place I was at in Sacrimento where they did a thanksgiving dinner like this, they're like hey, have a turkey sandwich, and I'm all wow, totes like what my mom used to make!" she says with sarcasm and a laugh. An example of a young homeless person that's still got a future out there somewhere. "WHERE'S THE PIE??" asks a voice very suddenly at Chayse, sounding like they've been gargling gravel and smokes 40 a day. This is from an older woman that lives day to day from the cart she keeps close at hand, and her best friend is her cat that died about 20 years ago. Example of the slightly more scary side of long time homelessness.
Konstantin gives the skater girl a grin and a "Don't you hate that shit? I mean, I could make you a turkey sandwich to go if you want." Instead he hands her an whole orange from a nearby bin. "Safe this for later. Stay warm."
Rian's band of merry fellows is helping to serve food in their urban community this holiday. Tables lined with your typical Thanksgiving fare are set out and those that are less fortunate are lined up to partake. Konstantin and Jasper are helping to dish our servings of food while Rian and Chayse have been put on other duties not quite so in the spotlight. If you haven't already, take a gander at the 'Turkey Day' object :)
Acacia totally signed up for that! She probably also, but maybe not, recruited some people from the Dead Mall who were slipping in their duties and needed to make up some sweat equity. That's how shit rolls at the DM. Acacia, since this is a fancy, formal event, is wearing her fancy dress (It isn't. It's a dress made of neckties) and she is more than happily helping to hand things out on her way in. Toiletries that she got from a totally legal, totally legit source for her people. Tampons, hairbrushes, baby wipes, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, condoms. That sort of thing. She makes her way up toward the others.
At first Chayse totally jumps a bit at the demand for pie. Hey, it happens when you're really focused on what you're doing! Luckily, he doesn't lop off a thumb with a slice of pumpkin. He blinks from the work at hand to the old lady and back again at the pies, "ah, sure. Sorry about that... Here ya go," he slides a decent-sized slice of delicious pumpkin pie over to the woman and, as his eyes move over her they soften considerably, "hope you have a good day."
"Calcium, nicccccce." says blue haired skater chick to Kostya on her way through the line, replaced by others that require turkey bits and Jasper's cheerful well wishes. Tables lined with your typical Thanksgiving fare are set out and those that are less fortunate are lined up to partake. Konstantin and Jasper are helping to dish our servings of food while Rian and Chayse have been put on other duties not quite so in the spotlight. Acacia's passing out needful-toiletries and stuff, and wearing a dress made of neck ties. If you haven't already, take a gander at the 'Turkey Day' object!
Jasper doesn't get the complaint, and looks quietly delighted that turkey sandwiches had been given out elsewhere. Largely because he's never had a turkey sandwich and it sounds delicious. He glances toward the back to see if there is any.
Hannelore arrives with a friend and she has brought armfuls of flowers for the tables and to pass out to people who want to take some beauty with them. Sunflowers, daisies, really anything she could find in large bulk in a 5 mile radius. She walks through the crowd of people, looking for someone she knows who can direct her where they want them.
Cole is the friend who is arriving with Hannelore. He's craning his neck to look around the space as they arrive, not straying too far from Hannelore and likely carrying some of her flowers. "I've been in more churches in the last couple weeks than I have been the other twenty some years of my life, I think." He says to Hannelore with a quiet laugh.
Rian brings by a new pot of mashed taters and gets the last of the previous pot emptied out on top, and heads in to the kitchen to replace it! On his way back, he brings drinks for his volunteer compadres, those he knows and those he's just met today. Hot ones and cold ones, this and that, just whatever people might like. "Hey guys! Don't forget to stop and get something to eat if you start gettin peckish." he reminds his broheims. When he spots the flower train pulling in to the station, he waves like an idiot and heads over towards Hannelore to say hi, offer a beverage to the pair and say, "Wow, I thought you meant like, a few for some tables and stuff." That's definitely more flowers than he expected!
Kostya head bobs to anyone that catches his eye and greets them with a warm smile, "Yo, step right up. Get some of this gobble gobble." He rubs his stomach in a bit of showmanship. "Come on now, don't be shy, I don't wanna have to eat these leftovers myself. My Pops makes me clean my plate. No leftovers, yo."
A little boy of about the age of 7 or 8 peers up at Jasper, tilting his head, curiously. His worn knit has has seen better days, "do you like mac and cheese better or Mashed taytoes?" He asks solemnly. Tables lined with your typical Thanksgiving fare are set out and those that are less fortunate are lined up to partake. Konstantin and Jasper are helping to dish out servings of food while Rian and Chayse have been put on other duties not quite so in the spotlight. Acacia's passing out needful-toiletries and stuff, and wearing a dress made of neck ties. If you haven't already, take a gander at the 'Turkey Day' object!
Hannelore finger waves at Rian, "Oh Darling, you know I'm an overachiever. People will take them. Everyone needs a little beauty to keep them warm. Come over and meet my friend." She indicates Cole with a wave of her hand, "Rian this is Cole. Cole, this is my friend and sometimes client Rian. He's gonna be an honest man soon. Speaking of which, where is Natalia? Is she off to visit her grandmother?"
Acacia hands out the stuff that she knows people need and there's the occasional chocolate bar or kitkat or whatever. She finally makes it up to the serving area with an empty bag and tucks it under one of the tables. For those who happen to be looking her way when she leans over, she's been kind enough to put on a pair of small gym shorts to make the view less offensive to God, or something, because that's a SHORT dress. But she made it better! "Evening, everyone."
"An honest man?" Cole chews on those words like he's not quite sure how they taste, but then he grins and easy smile toward Rian, extending a hand to shake. "Nice to meet you. And glad I could come over. And maybe help out? Just point me in a direction if you need a pair of hands somewhere."
Sten enters to where all the people are. The large man looking abit off for the place, wearing a pair of slightly worn jeans and a shirt. Long blond hair braided behind him. Give him an ax and a shield and the monks be running and screaming away from the raid. "Where do we unload?" he asks in a perhaps to stern sounding voice then he intended looking around for someone that seems responsible.
"Spoken like a proper socialite." Rian says to Hanne with a grin, no air smooches today though cause he's got an apron on. Just not gonna chance it. "Hi, nice to meet you!" he tells Cole with a smile, taking the hand a little awkwardly as he shifts his tray. "I... I have no idea, to be honest. There was a bloody battle with some yams and I completely lost her. Although speaking of Natalia, I need to enlist your services to take her shopping." As for help, he looks around and says, "Well, these flowers aren't going to hand themselves out, you two might connect with Acacia who is... uh... Over there, I think she'll be your best through-the-people leader for that." He waves at Chayse when 'where to unload' comes up, though.
"That's an interesting tie," Jasper comments, looking over at Acacia with luminous, round, mismatched eyes, as he makes sure plates are loaded with turkey, bread, sides.
"Of course, Darling. You know how I love to shop. Is it for the nuptials? I've been seeing a lot of wedding dress designers lately for Dr. North's upcoming wedding. I could do double duty." Hanne doesn't wait for an answer, she just waves Cole to follow her over to Acacia. "Excuse me, Acacia, was it? Oh I think I've met you before. Rian says you can help us organize the distribution of flowers."
One of the ladies in charge comes up beside Chayse and pats him on the elbow, gently, but jerks her head back to get him off doing pies for a bit. She shakes her head and gives a little chuckle as Chayse grins at her and moves on to go meet up with Sten. "Hey!" He calls out to the large man, "Glad you could make it. Put that box down right over here. He lifts another box out of Sten's way and pauses to casually look out at everyone gathered. He chuckles and gives an upnod to Acacia and a crooked smile and salute to Lleutrim. His eyes linger on Hannelore and her armful of flowers for a moment before her simply nods to her in greeting.
Merek makes his way into the place, and finds a place to settle in. He has on his dark attire, from cargo pants to the thermal shirt which he has on, settling back into a place while he looks to the others also.
Cole listens to Rian, nodding along with the words. Indeed, the flowers are going to need to be dealt with. "Nice to meet you." He adds in farewell to Rian when Hannelore leads them across the space toward Acacia, eyes moving from face to face through the crowd.
Acacia lifts a hand as she hears her name. SHe's used to being lost in a crowd, and so she makes sure that she isn't. "Over here." Ith Jasper's compliment, she smiles. "Thanks. You look spiffy too." She nods to Hannelore and Cole, giving them smiles. "Sure. Any man with a woman, hand them out, nice and sneaky, any one who looks sad or old or really young, but only the girls. I think Mrs. Maples is here. I swear I saw her. She's batshit crazy, but she loves flowers. They make her smile and be a little less crazy." THAT part is said quietly and she looks around, then points to some ancient lady over in a corner talking to herself and shaking her head.
The deep rumble of a Harley Davidson Knucklehead can be heard and felt as it pulls up and looks for parking. The beautifully restored old bike is shut off when a spot can be found and Lleu steps off, then pauses to remove his helmet which he leaves with his bike. A few moments later the scar faced former Cop is walking on up to the busy church. His icy grey eyes lift upwards to look at the architecture and stained glass windows appreciatiely ere they go to scanning who all is gathered around. He was told it was a pack thing and yet Lleu is cautious lest there be regular mortals who will get flighty at the presence of his rage. A smile then eases his beard as he sees, "Sten, what's going on here? I heard something about a charity dinner? Need a hand?" Chayse he barely knows yet Lleu catches his 'salute' and offers a nod back with a touch of smile.
"Yo! This is my jam!" Kostya hands off his dishing spoon to one of the people Acacia has put to work and goes over to crank the radio up. He proceeds to lead a sing-a-long of 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree', going from table to table, trying to get people to join in singing with him in his very distinct Brooklyn accent.
Lleutrim pages: Are there regular mortals (NPCs) around that Lleu's going to scare off by his being here? ;P
Rian takes the long way around rather than going through the main area where the down on their luck are dining, so that he can rid himself of his drinks try once all the volunteers have gotten something to keep hydrated with. That done, time to grab a tub of used dishes and take them in for cleaning. He's taking steps to stay out of people's personal bubbles, today.
Kostya's Holiday DJ style works at least for most people, and someone's helpfully singing along, "Rockin around! The christmas tree! Sommmmmethin holidays! I don't know the words! To this song! But it sounds pretty frickin great. I'm gonna eat this! Turkey boob that's right here on mah plate!"
That's when Jasper finally notices them: Flowers. Cut from their stems. He forgets to reply to Acacia, forgets the meal he's got in his hand a moment, and just asks Hannelore, "Were they sentient?"
Sten looks to Chayse "I know it is your gobbelty gook bird day thing. But I got about two deer worth of meat, and I don't know how much potato salad on the truck" pointing back from where he came and a kin was starting to unload some of it" grins and looks to Lleu "Ah Rian and Chayse pack being all kind and generous.. just dropping off some aid for them. F.... nordic generosity and hospitality and all that" giving the silly Fianna a light punch on the shoulder. "Need to have a round with your wife some time. Oh Chayse had a round with me.. fucker clocked me good... I figured I was gonna have him talk but.. nope damn fucker one hits me" grinning broadly.
Acacia was getting ready to turn away, then Jasper speaks and she turns back, looping an arm around his shoulder, if he doesn't freak out (I mean, if Acacia came at ME with an arm, I'd probably deck her). VERY quietly she says something to him, almost in his ear.
Hannelore nods to Acacia, gives a litte finger wave over to Chayse and then is totally distracted by Jasper's question. "Uhh... " She looks to Cole, having no idea how to answer that. "Well, I don't know anything about flower... sentience... darling but... if you would like to try and talk with one..." She hands one of the flowers to Jasper. "I'm sure they don't mind being spread around to make people happy. Isn't that something flowers like doing, spreading their seeds?"
Acacia shakes her head to Jasper, whisperwhispering again, sort of pulling him back juuuuuuuuuust a little so no one overhears. It isn't a forceful gesture.
Lleutrim laughs at what Sten tells him, "Sorry I missed seeing Chayse clean your clock. Too funny. Aye, Faith is eager to go a round with you. Ping her phone or come by the hangar sometime." Yep, don't drop the F-bomb here. Lleu lays a hand on Sten's shoulder briefly then goes cautiously to speak with Chayse.
"Hey, don't wish to intrude on your thing here. You have any use for an extra pair of hands to help out or better if I not stay?" Lleu keeps his baritone low, not getting too close to where people are gathered up. There's even singing going on! The Galliard perks up but doesn't join in.
Chayse steps aside when Lleutrim comes over to join he and Sten and just sort of goes wide-eyed at Sten for a moment, nervously glancing up at the church walls as if they might come crumbling down. A nice red color creeps up on his cheeks and he chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest. Swedes, man. No fear. The young man gestures to the boxes of citrus fruit and asks Sten and Lleutrim to help get it to the lines to hand out. He offers to go grab the potato salad and deer meat, "I'm sure people will be grateful. The lines are still up around the corner!"
Cole is watching the exchange and his eyes narrow at the question from Jasper, looking toward Hannelore about the same time she looks toward him. "Right. I'm sure they'll make quite a bit of joy around here. Besides, they were already cut - we're mostly in the business of finding them a good home. Like, crazy ladies who could handle being a bit less crazy for awhile."
Jasper had been whispering to Acacia, and suddenly he chirps out, loudly, "Yes!" his quiet delight at the world brightening further. Then he returns to passing out food.
Acacia nods, giving Jasper a little pat on the arm. She motions toward Rian, motions toward Jasper, points two fingers at her eyes, then from Rian to Jasper. WATCH HIM PLEASE ZOMG! And then she's running off to go check on a few of HER regulars that she takes care of in general.
Kostya makes his way around, introducing himself to people and making sure everyone has everything they need. He starts filling glasses with a pitcher and singing a Rat Pack version of "Santa Clause is coming to town" in a very thick Brooklyn accent. He doesn't have the best voice, but his enthusiasm is infectious.
Hannelore puts a hand on Cole's arm. "Jasper is... a sweet kid. Why don't we pass out these flowers? I see a few other people I know." She waves a hand over at Merek. "Happy Thanksgiving Herr Black."
Rian does background kitchen stuff! But when he gets the motion from Acacia, he glances over towards the adorably happy Jasper, but nods, and doesn't seem too horribly concerned. Mostly, he just looks glad that everything's going well and no one's shanked anyone else over the stuffing or anything. "Hey, good to see you, thanks for the help!" he says to Lleutrim, smile extending to Sten while that guy's contributions are being unloaded and kitchened. A minor metric crap ton of potato salad in a bigass bowl comes out moments later while the new meats are getting their day in grill court.
Cole takes up a daisy from the collection of flowers and swoops down to about half his height to offer it up to a young girl who is passing by, smiling and trying to offer her a bit of sunshine. He's back in step with Hannelore just a moment after that. "Can't say I see anyone I know. Maybe I need to get out more often?" Or maybe he needs to hang out in different places. He looks toward Merek when Hannelore waves to him, offering a smile.
Chayse is given a nod, "You got it." Lleutrim can go ahead and get started on moving crates of citrus once they have been pointed out to him, while Sten and others works on his own unloading. Lleu is happy to help with that too, whichever needs doing first.
Rian is given an upnod, "Good of you folk to do this. Glad to help." Lleu'll stay on the back side of things, setting the crates down where Rian indicates they need to be for handing out the citrus. "Looks like a good crowd."
The little girl can be heard just behind Cole, "Mamma, a daisy!" just before perching the pretty flower behind an ear.
Kostya finds himself in an impromptu dance with an old grandmotherly woman who is shaking her thing and kiiiiiida flirting with him. Does he flinch? Nope, just takes her in his arm and says, "Keep up Babushka. These feet only know one speed."
Gwydion is comming out of the old Church building, which has been almost exclusively off limits. He's carrying a guitar case that looks rather well loved. Worn but well maintained. He's making his way towards Rian.
Hannelore smiles to Cole as the little girl runs off. "Look at you. Who knew?" She pauses and her hand rests on the arm of the large man who came in on the Harley for just a moment as she works her way through the crowd. "Oh!" She seems suprised, "It's you. How is your wife faring? And... you have a new born now don't you... Lleu, was it?"
Rian is held up for a moment on a return trip with clean dishes for the line so he can direct someone to the bathrooms, and then moves onwards! The bin of clean plates and cups is slid into place, and as he gets away from the line again, he spots Gwydion and heads towards him with a smile. "Hi! Hey thank you again for letting us help out with the annual thing!"
Chayse is ever-vigilant, his eyes moving about those gathered protectively, though he doesn't seem too concerned about anything in particular and Jasper certainly isn't the only eccentric soul around these parts this evening. He continues to chat with Lleurtim and Sten a bit, updating them a bit as to what's been going on in the boy's lives recently. "Rian, Kostya, Jasper and I made some investments over on Boardwalk," he says. "The community there could really benefit from the kind of work we hope to do. Community development and sustainability, really. Giving the people who have lived there for so long the tools to make it a healthier, safer place to live, play and be." As Hanne and Cole approach, he dips his head to them, "Hanne," he greets.
Cole cuts a grin toward Hannelore. "Is there really anyone out there that would be happy giving out flowers? I mean, unless you had some kind of allergy - but that aside, it's a pretty sweet job." And saying that he continues to distribute a few more in the radius around where Hannelore speaks with people he doesn't know - but he's close enough to grab introductions if they arise.
Lleutrim turns his head when he feels someone's hand on his arm. The crate he is carrying is set down and Hannelore gets a warm smile, "Faith and our newborn daughter both are doing splendidly, thank you. Yes, I'm Lleu." Skip a beat and he tries to remember her name, "Hanna, wasn't it? A friend of Xenovia's, I remember. Settling in well, I hope?" Chayse gets his attention, "Really? Where abouts on Broadway?"
Jasper's brows raise. "You do this every year?" He may or may not like a job giving out flowers, but he doesn't answer the question.
Sten makes sure the truck gets unloaded. Looking at the festivities with a broad smile "I should be heading back home though. Just wanted to drop off the food to help you with your kindness" nodding to Rian and Chayse, then over to Lleu. "Was good seeing you old friend" another bump on Lleu
Kostya jams along to a Mariachi version of "Favorite Things" as it comes on the radio. Meanwhile he starts to pick up dirty dishes and deliver them off to Rian.
Sten gets a thumbs up from Lleu ere his friend can slip off. "I'll come by shortly, maybe tonight if you'll be around."
Gwydion nods at Rian and grins as he answers Jasper's question "To one degree or another. I appreciate folks coming by to help out I find things go better when the community is invested in its own repair. Everything going alright so far?"
Hannelore gives Lleu a smile and a nod. "Yes, Xenovia and I are acquaintances. I did some work for her. Did you know she is Chayse' cousin." She bats her eyes at Chayse and steps up to him to give him a kiss on each cheek. "Chayse, this is my friend Cole. He and I met in the Maple Park."
"Hang on, hang on!" Rian says, and then adds an apologetic 'hang on' at Gwydion before bolting for the kitchen real fast. He's gotta get Sten a couple paper plates of turkey day dinner with foil on top. "Thanks again!" he tells the guy before returning to Gwydion again. "Yeah us as well, and this seemed like a really good way to start up a bit of a partnership in that regard. Hopefully we'll manage this sort of thing more often, yeah? Seems to be going down well." he says, grinning at Kostya's carrousing skills and
Jasper's future career as a flower passer outer, people serving up and getting served, friendships blooming! It's just all so great! *sniffle*
Kostya pauses near Acacia and strikes a perfect Elvis hip shake and lip sinks "Santa bring my baby back to me..."
Cole gives out another flower. It's easy work - the best kind. He's turning back to join Hannelore again, dipping his head in a nod toward Chayse. "Hey man." Then he offers his hand to shake. He gives a quick glance toward Hannelore at the mention of where they'd met, chuckling with a nod.
Haha, Hannelore didn't correct Lleu's slight misremembering of her name. He glances at Chayse, "I think someone did mention that, actually. It's good she has some family in town!" Donnachaidh goes back to lugging more crates, shifting things around and removing the empty boxes and crates as the food in them is used up. He stays well back from the serving line, mindful not to bump into folk and giving a nod or a smile to those few he knows.
Sten takes it "Thank you Rian" nodding to him "I will see you around Lleu" heading back out towards the truck and the kind kin that had given him a ride into town. Offering a wave as he heads out.
Chayse blinks and and nods, slowly as his eyebrow lofts a bit. "Maple Park," he echoes and accepts the offered hand from Cole. "Hey there, I'm Chayse Zyadrov," Chayse introduces, "it's good to meet you. Thank you for taking time out of your holiday to come help out. The community can certainly benefit from the attention!" Chayse pauses to wave his farewells to Sten and call out a final word of 'Thanks!' for his generosity, as well.
When the huge-ass van pulls up out back it seems like it's just gonna be another caravan of hungry folks hoping for a meal, which would be fine; that's the point, right? But instead it's OH MY GOD A FUCKING GIANT but damn, oh, he's carrying BIG TRAYS OF FOOD. Skully exits the van and loads up the two Kinfolk he came with, letting them carry in two huge Tupperware tubs of mashed potatoes and two buckets of pepper gravy, while he himself wrangles two big-ass trays of stuffing and what appears to be three entire carved turkeys. They haul all of this into the kitchen staging area, where he theatrically rumbles, "How, paleface; my people send you their friendship an' a whole lotta food," then sends the two Kinfolk back to haul in the sweet potatoes with marshmallows and the two casseroles he cooked up. "Ain't run outta hungry mouths to feed yet, I hope?" he says with a dopey grin, clapping Lleutrim on the shoulder. "I'd hate to think I's cookin' all day to feed /you/."
Kostya gathers a group of kids together to do 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' complete with all call and response parts. There may also be some complicated handshake teaching going on.
The ever perceptive Hannelore spots Jasper looking their way and says, "Jasper, would you like to help pass out flowers for awhile?" She squeezes Chayse's arm once more before moving on in her social carousing.
Gwydion was going to say something else to Rian but got distracted by the arrival of an enormous Cyclopse with even more food "There's always more folks that could use somethin to eat and we can send a bus over to the Hayes Foundation across town and run over some more guests if we need em though Miss Eloise is a good friend of mine and likely hosting her own gathering."
Rian gives Gwydion's shoulder a pat and says, "Don't you go hungry either, just cause you own the place." And just then a crap ton more food arrives as if to prove the point! Doubtless there's some people here game to hop in line again to get some sweet potatoes and other stuff that wasn't around a few minutes ago. Already there are people doing the Al Bundy, releasing a few buttons and settling in as triptophan kicks in. One guy, who might be Santa Claus if he did some mine work on the side, appears to be completely asleep in his chair, and his beard has been utterly tangled with flowers. He's gonna be so confused later. Rian scoots off to go help in the kitchen!
"Whoa, the gormet is here!" Lleu gives Skully a smile and sets his crates down. "They thought they had tastey food before, they are about to be surprised. Good of you to bring more, Skully." Maybe the others don't know about Skully's amazing cooking yet! Lleu chuckles, "I haven't eaten. Figured I came to help out." Yep, he's making an effort not to scare off their hungry guests by staying well back.
Cole gives a brief dip of his head toward Chayse. "I've been on the side holding the plate plenty of times. It's nice to get out and help a little when I can. But, it was really Hannelore that pulled me along - though I didn't kick and scream about it too much." He smiles, making to join Hannelore in her circuit and returning to offering up flowers to those they pass. He breaks one of Acacia's instructions though: men get flowers too.
Chayse falls into a spell of silence as Skully draws nearer. Finally, it occurs to him that Lleutrim's asked a question and he swivels his head over to him, "Ah, yeah... Sorry about that," he chuckles. "We're over by Broadway and Beach. Still haven't fully decided on a name for our 501c3, but we're thinking maybe the Broadway Knights or something." Before she can away, Chayse lays his hand atop Hanne and turns to look at her, "come by later? We should talk."
"I don't have enough information to answer that," Jasper tells Hannelore, but if he's made to, he'll hand them out anyway. If he isn't, he still decides to take a break from meal giving, and goes to -dance-! He doesn't really know how, but he also doesn't care.
Hannelore pats Chayse's hand. "Of course Darling, Rian asked me to take Natalia shopping so I'll make a point of catching up with you. I have some things to talk over with you and Rian as well." She gives him a wink as she catches up with Cole. She doesn't force flowers on Jasper, but does loft a brow back at Chayse when she sees the pale young man go off to make a fool of himself with the Brooklyn boy.
After they've unloaded a few home-baked loaves of bread, a big mixing bowl of cranberry sauce, and about six pies, the two Kinfolk wave good-bye to Skully and head off with their van, leaving the cyclops to sort through the food and help it get prepped to be served by folks who maybe won't strike fear into the hearts of the needy. "I had to test out this idea I had," he says to Lleutrim, shrugging his huge shoulders. "My new place has a big ol' oven on account I wanted one, but I's brinin' the turkey an' wondered if'n I couldn't use some'a my other cookin' gear hooked up to the forge like to get a whole army'a dishes goin'. So I got more turkeys an' over-prepped like I do an' spatchcocked the birds to cook faster'n deep-set the casserole dishes an'... well, the experiment worked fine, but then I had two weeks'a Thanksgivin' all in one day an' jus' Tiana to share it with 'til I heard this was goin' on, an' I thought... y'know, good thing. Turkey's good an' all, but it ain't /that/ good."
The big brute pulls a bit of dark meat off the tray to chew on, opening up another Tupperware tub to reveal.... "Also I honey-baked a ham. Well... a pig. Whole thing's here, jus' cut proper. Bacon an' fatback're on the tray under the sweet potatoes." The Goliath Gourmet just sticks to serving out trays of the food he brought, letting other folks figure out how to push them forward and trying not to scare anyone by being seven-and-a-half feet of chef.
"Go JC! Go JC!" Kostya starts a chant as Jasper comes to join in the dancing and singing. It is an entirely sincere chant of excitement, meant to pump his bro.
Cole distributes another flower, moving back in beside Hannelore when she catches up. "Thanks for dragging me out. It is nice to get out and do something and my Thanksgiving plans of watching the Food Network weren't really tying me down too much. And always nice to meet some new people."
Lleutrim gives Chayse a nod, "You should meet my wife, Faith. She's a Sergeant with the Prospect Police Department. She could get you a little information on the sort of people in the area you may run into some trouble with and want to watch out for, hassling your people." If it looks like Skully and his crew could use a hand with unloading, Lleu can assist with that or move things to make room.
Skully gets a laugh out of Lleu, "So you saw that 34 cents a pound special on Turkey's at Ingles too, did you? We also stocked up our freezer. Faith'll be sick of turkey by Christmas but it can also be good in chili, or make a chorizo spicy sausage using it." The ham and other pork is eyed, "That smells fantastic." Lleu doesn't stop to get any food for himself yet though, not while there's still food to be moved around and set up for the serving lines.
Acacia is making her rounds, mostly tending to emotional, rather than physical needs. Acacia knows these people. She deals with them every single day. A hug here, a short talk there, and no one seems to care that she's dressed like a ho. It just works for her. EVentually, her rounds brings her back up toward the main party, but she's gained a baby. About a year old, dressed in a cute little frilly dress that's seen better days, chewing on an entire turkey drumstick and making messes all over the place.
Rian takes a break from dish runs so that he can help a couple people change out trash bags before any of the cans can go getting too full. He's shaking out a bag when he spots Jasper getting all caught up in Kostya's funnery, and shouts encouragingly, "Yeah! Show 'em how it's done, mate!" and then more to himself, "Wild and free, like an unmaned fire hose."
Chayse settles back in a moment and takes a step back to really get a good view of everything that's going on. Acacia's batshit-crazy cat lady has several flowers in dampened napkins in her hand and is smiling and rocking back and forth to the music. There's a gaggle of kids now around Jasper and Konstantin all trying to hop and dance and sing along about Rudolph. There's an old Veteran, whose skin is as dark as the coffee he drinks sharing his gratitude with Gwydion and Acacia. Chayse's mouth turns up in a crooked smile and he leans over to gently nudge Rian with an elbow. Jutting his chin out towards those gathered, and especially Jasper and Konstantin, he says, 'this is it, you know? Our purpose."
Hannelore rubs Cole's back appreciatively, "Of course Darling, thank you for coming! Honestly this isn't really my kind of thing but Rian and Chayse are hard to say no to." She leans in conspiratorially, "Honestly the flowers were a way to avoid having to work the food line. Can you really imagine me in an apron?"
Gwydion chuckles and nods at the spread Skully's brought to be distributed "That's excellent. Thank you so much." And he calls to Rian "Don't forget to eat something." Acacia and her passenger get a squeak of reaction to the cute, then Gwydion's nodding to the old soldier "Thank you sir." this gets a good humored grumble about working for a living.
"Awww, man, I did that math in my head an' ain't stopped to consider how many turkeys you can fit in a deep freeze," Skully admits to Lleutrim with a groan, rubbing his temple and shaking his huge head. He sighs, and quietly rumbles, "I got like... three more back home. Tiana made me write up a list'a things I intend to do with 'em an' I gotta check off at least 2 a week 'til there's room in the freezer.". Yep, Lleu's got the big palooka pegged, all right.
Skully sets to slicing up pies, keeping pieces slim but not stingy so that there's plenty to go 'round for those who want some. Pumpkin, apple, winter peach, and pecan; each is set and ready to serve, with the jolly grin giant just moving on to more dishes. He starts quietly humming to himself, occasionally singing a few audible if atonal lines like, "uh-huh, uh-huh, I liiiike it, uh-huh, uh-huh", or "it doesn't matter who's wrong or right, jus' beat it beat it beat it" while he works. Let the mellow types gladhand the public; he's more comfortable dealing with consumables.
Cole laughs. "If you were wearing an apron, Hannelore, I don't doubt it would still be impressive. They'd be talking about the apron up and down the streets." He deposits another flower into a small hand, grinning. "Flowers /were/ a good idea though. Just a little something that they might not have every day." He glances back toward the two men that Hannelore mentioned, nodding. "They both seem lovely. If I can say that after only speaking to them a moment."
Kostya breaks into an impromptu beat boxing competition with some of the kids and teenagers, trying to set 'Santa Clause is coming to town to a beat boxing beat." He playfully does a very... questionable robot routine.
Rian takes the nudge and has a look around as well, smiling like a dork and just looking super pleased. "Spasiba, comrade." he tells Chayse, and gives the guy a one armed hug. His pinko commie heart is filled with joy! He does take the reminder from Gwydion seriously though and says, "I'm gonna go dish us all up some plates so we can have a break. There's plenty of people to take over for a bit." he says, and starts off with his trash bags to go put them in an appropriate place.
Hannelore laughs, "Well, I'm sure it would be a very fashionable apron, but that would mean I would stay even further away from food preparation for fear of getting it messy." She glances back to where Rian is doing Rian things. "Rian is infectious. You have to be careful following him otherwise you never know what you're going to be walked into. Before you know it, he has you in a Haunted House with killer teddy bears and you're peeing yourself." Then regarding Chayse she says, "Chayse is the protective type. He doesn't like the mischief I seem to get into."
"Following people into trouble is something I enjoy." Cole admits, looking in the direction of Rian when Hannelore speaks of him. Then he's turning his eyes to Chayse and letting a small smile push onto his lips. "You can't really help it if mischief seeks you out, though. Maybe it would be better for you to seek out your own trouble so you know exactly what you're getting into."
Jasper is really good at the robot! Even if he doesn't seem to know the words to the song, and fortunately, he doesn't try to just make them up, either.
"Three's not bad. Space them out over the course of a year. I picked up five of'm myself. Faith may complain." Lleutrim chuckles but hey, cheap protein that helps put you to sleep after your meal! Lleu moves a few more things around and then dusts his hands off. Well, looks like they are all set to feed a small army and doing so just fine. Kind of reminds me of my DFAC days in the Marine Corps." After a final look around, Lleu adds, "Guess I should be head'n home myself." He lifts a hand to give Chayse a 'See ye later' wave and then pulls out his motorcycle keys to head on out.
Hannelore sighs at Cole, "Well, maybe sometime I'm the one seeking out mischief. What can I say?" She looks at her watch, "Speaking of, I need to get armed up soon, Black Friday sales will be starting."
"Well... I cooked five of 'em," Skully admits with a defensive shrug, snagging a bread knife and cutting up a loaf of sourdough. "Wasn't thinkin'. Eight total an' two entire pigs, though them I got from Miz Libby. I ain't do grocery store red meat no more. I also may have ordered another freezer. Anyhow, drive safe, lil' brother." Well, that's Skully for you.
"You have a set of very fashionable body armour?" Cole asks, a mostly real look of horror on his face about the idea of braving Black Friday sales in the coming hours. "I'm going to give out the rest of these flowers and then maybe get a bite to eat and call it tonight. I'll check in tomorrow and see how you made out among the masses. You're in my prayers." The last is said with an expression that makes it clear that his prayers don't hold a lot of weight. Then he's off to do as he said, giving out more flowers.
Rian rounds up people that have already eaten to take over people's places when he returns and calls out, "Hey come get some dinner!" He and a couple other people have trays of plates that are already helpfully loaded up. Not TOO much though, cant have anyone going into a tryptophan coma or something while they're working, but he wasn't stingy when he did this either, and made sure that everyone got some of everything. These all head over to a picnic table that's been cleared of Extra Stuff, out of the way where rage is gonna be not right next to the human types.
Gwydion nods and grins at Rian as he gets a worker table set up and he plops himself down to join in with actual eating "I get busy with a lot of stuff so I don't get involved in the day to day as much as I'd like but I try to make the harvest feast a priority."
Hannelore makes one final rounds of good-byes before heading off to prepare for Black Friday battles. "Rian, congratulations on your event. So successful!" She moves to Chayse and gives his cheek another kiss. "Tomorrow I'll be recovering from my midnight assault but I promise we'll have our conversation soon." She gives a wave to Jasper and the Brooklyn before sashaying off into the night to do battle.

Latest revision as of 15:57, 17 February 2020