Difference between revisions of "Casper Cartwright/Stats"

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Revision as of 13:43, 26 January 2020

Balance: Seaglassdot-filled.pngSeaglassdot-filled.png
Necromancy: Seaglassdot-filled.png
Merits & Backgrounds
Fascinating Gaze
Perdy eyes. -2 to difficulty on social rolls where eye contact his held throughout.
4. He remembers a lot of his First Life as a warrior and leader. While this gives him access to a lot of useful skills, the sheer amount of violence he lived through in his first life has scarred his soul somewhat (see Flaws).
Financial Influence
3. While Ashuki Corp. is a large corporation, it is held back in the financial arena by it's high morals. As an executive (but not the CEO) of this company, Casper has some financial weight to throw around.
He has PTSD from his First Life. He's averse to danger and violence even for a Kher-minu. Mass violence, combats involving multiple participants and being struck by bladed weapons can trigger these memories.
Touch of Death
His tem-akh (mummy-spirit) is so sullied with death that this manifests physically in Casper's body and presence. His body is room-temperature, insects and plants die from his touch, and people in his presence recover from wounds and disease much slower. Even healing magics have trouble operating in his presence.