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Latest revision as of 16:54, 4 January 2019

The snow has let up some from the death of the Snow Troll given flesh by stealing the body of a kinfolk to act as host. Funeral rites and even a wedding have happaned since then but there is still a lingering lack of finality. The Wyld spirit driven mad and now wounded was defeated but escaped to the Umbra. It could do the same thing...

Sigryd wakes early, well before dawn a couple days after the wedding. She smiles at Theron, still sleeping, the expression tender. She gets out of bed silently after a moment's regard. There's unfinished business. She takes clothes into the bathroom and dresses. She regards teh full length mirror on the back of the door there, and steps sideways through it into teh Umbra. She has a tainted spirit to dispatch.

Immeadiatly she is caught by the coldness of the umbra. Here at the bawn the spirits she may see are friendly but they too are cold by the unusual drop in temperature. A similar reaction from before.

It takes a bit of time, longer than would be prefferred but eventually you come across the spirit signs clear as can be of the trolls passing. The forested reflection of the umbra, dark and icy almost treacherous for movement.

Sigryd shifts into the form of the direwolf, and continues to follow the spirit trail, trotting slowly so as not to miss any signs.

The path continues, she notices immeadiately the growth is getting thicker, morenout of control as the frost underbrush wildly has expanded its growth. The path becoming easier to see however, the footprints of the spirit fighting through without care.

As she continues to follow the footprints to where they end she csn feel the wyld energies flaring up around her, causing the unusual growth and probably the reason the troll is present at all. Finally there ahead she sees it, A rip in a tree and wyld energies flow from it as if a tear in the umbra itself, the tree mutating and being distorted by the life altering power. There near the tree is the Troll, the very same one as it is using that Wyld energy to reconstitute itself. Sigryd resumes the stalk...creeping silently up on the spirit troll as it heals from the energies unleashed and ungoverned. The same tactics flash through her mind but this time it's more complicated. She has to cut the flow of Wyld off from wehre it pours through the tree.

Sigryd thinks back, reaching within and the memories of her ancestors passed down through unbroken lines of family, and the lore she learned as a child, then a garou cub of the Wyld and spirits like this.

Sweet whispers from the ancestors. Some have seen such things before. The tear between realms will have to be closed, but it will take a powerful Sept theurge to do so, but at least she discovered it.

So now its a matter of dealing with the Troll. Yes. The tactics from before will work. Fight it. Kill it. Disperse the spirit. But beware, get too close to those wyld energies and she could be changed.

Sigryd manuevers around so that she can rush the troll, and push it away from the tree and the wyld energies. Separate it from its power...she stalks slowly up to it, silent as she can.

Close enough....Dapplegrim rushes in silent, teeth tearing at the troll's leg to hamstring the thing. Blood runs, but the wound isn't deep. Painful, it will slow the beast but it's not crippled.

Dapplegrim goes for the troll's throat and gets a chunk of its side. she bites and tears... But the troll is cunning, it lets the wolf latch on, and then rips at the easy target with its claws, gouging deep into Dapplegrim's sides, and spraying the snow red with her blood.

The Troll howls in anger and pain after her attack. Sigryd can feel the wyld power tugging at her spirit but she manages to resist. The Trolls counter is devestating, for the second time it almost kills the Get of Fenris Galliard with a single blow.

Dapplegrim uses the rage to carry her into the attack again, rpping, ripping with her jaws, good attacks that never quite latch on. Nip nip nip...

Dapplegrim lets the rage carry her through another attack, this time her jaws latching onto a leg and tearing, openign the great artery there and bleeding the thing out She's not quite in a frenzy but definitely in the grip of the rage and continues to savage the troll, Biting, growling, tearing with tooth and claw until its not just dead, but spread across the grove

The troll spirit is ripped apart, torn asunder by the Get of Fenrus and her brutal and savage attack. She can feel that wyld pull, the influence of its sweet power but again her spirit resists as her oreynis defeated.

Dapplegrim regains control. She sneezes at the remnants of the troll...marks the spot of the break in the umbra in her mind, and starts back to the caern. slowly at first, then faster as she heals. Finally loping through the umbra as a wolf runs through the woods. At the ubral caern, she steps sideways again, emerging near the fire to look around for Erik. Not seeing him, she howls, long and low, a request.

Her uncle arrives rather swiftly, the large modern Viking rumbles forward, "Sigryd? What is it girl? What has you waking the entirety of the Sept?" he wonders as he levels his eyes on her.

Sigryd chnged back while waiting for him. "Sory uncle....I wasn't aware of the time...it seemed like hours." she pushes her hair out of her face. "The troll spirit's dead," she says. "And I found a wound in the umbra, the wyld, unrestrained, came through and warped that spirit. But I don't know how to close the breech."

He looks at her with just a hint of annoyance. "You went after it in the umbra alone? We have packs for a reason...I will get the gatekeeper, then you can show us the breach and we will close the door." he adds. His nostrils flare, "I can smell the wyld on you...You are grounded until it wears off...I dont need you to frenzy because another garou looked at your kin wrong." he grumps.

Sigryd starts to flare, but this IS her Uncle, and the Elder. She chokes back what she was going to say. "Yes Uncle," is what comes out. Actually, grounded. She smiles, and licks her lips a little...she's married now. grounded has some attraction.

The Gatekeeper arrives shortly, called by Erik over the pack totem they share in silent communication. The powerful theurge doesnt even need a mirror, he focuses his will and opens a path through the gauntlet and crosses over to go and close the breach.