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<br>[[Image:Bruanti.png|120px|left]][[Image:Bruanti.png|120px|right]]<center><br><font style="font-size: 25pt; text-shadow: 5px 5px 8px darkgrey;"><b>Cheree Crowley</b></font><br><br><font style="font-size: 12pt; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px darkgrey;">
#REDIRECT [[Cheree]]
|<font color="red">'''It'''</font> is a level of psychic pain wholly incompatible with human life as we know it. <font color="red">'''It'''</font> is a sense of radical and thoroughgoing evil not just as a feature but as the essence of conscious existence. <font color="red">'''It'''</font> is a sense of poisoning that pervades the self at the self's most elementary levels. <font color="red">'''It'''</font> is a nausea of the cells and soul. <font color="red">'''It'''</font> is an unnumb intuition in which the world is fully rich and animate and un-map-like and also thoroughly painful and malignant and antagonistic to the self, which depressed self <font color="red">'''It'''</font> billows on and coagulates around and wraps in <font color="red">'''Its'''</font> black folds and absorbs into <font color="red">'''Itself'''</font>, so that an almost mystical unity is achieved with a world every constituent of which means painful harm to the self. <font color="red">'''Its'''</font> emotional character, the feeling Gompert describes <font color="red">'''It'''</font> as, is probably mostly indescribable except as a sort of double bind in which any/all of the alternatives we associate with human agency—sitting or standing, doing or resting, speaking or keeping silent, living or dying—are not just unpleasant but literally horrible.
—David Foster Wallace, ''Infinite Jest''

Latest revision as of 13:39, 8 November 2019

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