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Nightmare Masquerade Ball
Masquerade Ball that was themed for the Nightmare Before Christmas held on Halloween
IC Date October 31, 2018
IC Time Night
Players Amelie ST, Aubrey, Caerus, Devin, Eric, Heathen, Jolene, Madeline, Martha, Mikael, Oleksiy, Raul, Silvana, Skellington, SmallChild, Undersea Gal, Vasile
Location Carlton Pines Elysium Ballroom
Spheres Vampire Camarilla Independent
Theme Song Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack [1]

Nightmare Masquerade Ball
"‘Twas the nightmare before Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was peaceful—not even a mouse.
The stockings, all hung by the chimney with care,
When opened that morning would cause such a scare.
The children, nestled all snug in their beds,
Would have nightmares of monsters and skeleton heads."

WELCOME one and all to our evening of song, dance, and celebration of all things creepy, spooky, and nightmares. Not all is what it seems, and surprise lurk around the corner!

The only lights remaining in here are provided by electric candlelight, and black lights setup strategically to add to the ambience and reflect off decorations. There is fog covering the dance floor, with 6 ft tall Candelabras marking the edges of it. The iron staircases have glowing spider webs on the railings, with a strategically placed black cat toward the top with glowing green eyes. The bar has chains draped around it, with tombstones in front. The walls are draped in black heavy stage curtains.

Staff will be providing refreshments throughout the evening. Thank you for all who have assisted with putting on this event.

Lock, Stock, and Barrel

Inside a bathtub sits the mischievous Lock, Stock, and Barrel! Are they moving? Um, watch them for awhile and see. Maybe they are just decoration? Behind them stands a large 15ft tall Halloween themed Christmas Tree, with orange lights, pumpkins, black lace ribbons, cobwebs, and little Jack Skellington heads. Under the tree are wrapped presents...wait, did one of them just move?!?!


Raul stops at the security vestibule for a few minutes. After some brief small talk with security, he makes his way into the ballroom while putting a black mask over his face and stretching the thin elastic string over his head. Once inside, he looks around the room curiously.

Tonight as Lucy enters she is dressed in an Light Blue and Gold gown with matching cape and a gold masquerade mask appearing as if she stepped right out of the movie set of Chronicles of Narnia.

Madeline floats into the ballroom, sapphire eyes gleaming behind her mask

Raul is still standing not too far from the entrance, slowly walking forward. As Madeline enters, he turns to see who came in not far behind him. He smiles and dips his head respectfully to her. "Looks great in here, huh?", he says with childlike wonder.

Madeline smiles and inclines her head slightly to Raul "Primogen" and turns her glorious eyes across more faces, smiling in delight

As you enter, eerie haunting music floats in the background... is that the wind? Where is the organ? Wait what did I hear? [3]

After greeting Madeline, Raul makes his way over to the leather couch, nodding toward anyone to acknowledge him as he goes. Raul takes a seat at a leather couch.

Undersea Gal has decided to slip into the party early tonight. And while waiting for more guests to arrive she's carefully settled down on the end of a sofa, putting her legs partway up on it to try for the lounging mermaid look.

Oleksiy is , at the moment assisting Amelie with making sure the last few things are ready. Though he looks over as people start to arrive, and he smiles to them, an odd look for him in this costume.

Lucy/Jolene smiles as she sees the beautiful lady enter behind resplendent in that gorgeous red and black gown and offers a smile and a curtsey to the Countess. "Good Evening Countess!"

Amelie appears in front of those that have arrived. How did she get there? "Bon Soir Ladies and Gentlemen. Please come inside and enjoy the festivities tonight."

Raul makes a point to share the same compliment to Amelie that he did to Madeline, adding "You did a great job!"

Unsettling laughter can be heard coming from the corner of the room.

Aubrey enters quietly and moves for Amelie as soon as she spies her. "Good evening Keeper, I came a little early to see if you needed any assistance."

Madeline steps over and offers her hand to Lucy/Jolene "My dear you look utterly stunning" and kisses the young woman's cheek before she nods to Arianna "is that mermaid whom I think she is?" she asks smiling

Amelie bows her head to Raul in thanks, "Merci, Primogen." As Aubrey enters she approaches her with a smile. It is rather exaggerated with the makeup scars on her face. "Bon Soir Dona Giovanni. If you could, arrange with your guests the dance floor is open whenever they may wish to join us. I appreciate the addition you have offered for our night."

Raul perches on the very edge of the leather couch, people-watching with raw amusement as people begin to arrive.

Madeline smiles and lifts a hand in greeting to Amelie, knowing she's quite busy

As people approach tables, The seats will, of their own volition move out from the table, and offer, in respectful female voices "Please do sit and be comfortable." Any that lean against the wall will hear a different , male voice, speak in a deep and sonorous voice "Please do make avail of the seating. The couches are most exquisite this evening." And as the festivities start up, a dozen skeletons come walking out of the wings, each one has a bowtie around its third vertebra, and a white towel over one arm, a tray perched in the other hand with a decanter and several goblets on the tray. They stay along the walls, and appear to be preparing to serve the room.

Jolene smiles as she leans over to give Amelie a hug and a careful kiss to her forehead. "You have done brilliantly tonight Keeper, you have really outdone yourself this evening." Stepping away though she smiles at Oleksiy too shaking her head before she heads over to step by Raul and sit beside him. She is completely impressed by the attention to detail the Keeper has put into the evening.

Amelie returns the hug, careful not to get any makeup onto Jolene's beautiful gown. "Merci. It is a passion." She lifts her hand to Madeline, "Bon Soir, mon ami. Only you could pull off such an amazing design. Just stunning."

Madeline smiles at the.. addition to the staff and steps over to Amelie, brushing a kiss to her cheek carefully from behind her elaborate mask "lovely dear keeper" she says then laughs and inclines her head "merci cher"

Oleksiy smiles a bit and moves over, giving a bow to Jolene, and Madeline, "Good evening ladies" he offers ins his distinctive voice, that even if you couldn't tell who was in the costume, would give him away "How are you this evening?"

Raul eases further onto the seat as Jolene arrives at the leather couch. He nods politely to her but his attention is distracted by the skeletal wait staff. He stares at them a moment, mouth agape, before twisting his torso to look over toward Aubrey. Satisfied by the explanation he's come up with, he turns back around to look at Jolene and grants her a more courteous, "Good evening!

Aubrey dips her head to Amelie and moves on to the dance floor. She lightly taps her staff on the floor and says softly. "Dance." For a moment there is nothing then faint images begin to wink into existence. The images grow more stable and three couples begin to move across the floor dancing to music only they seem to hear. Complete in Victorian evening dress and masks.

A bell tolls in the background and the organ music starts up louder. It drifts around the room in stereo surround sound: https://youtu.be/RDJPzvC6H8w

The Skeletal waiters begin to move through the room, at a stately pace, each will speak if spoken to, primarily to address what the refreshments are, or to retrieve those refreshments requested. Chairs and tables continue to move politely for people to sit more easily, and occasionally their female voices will offer respectful responses to those sitting in them.

Undersea Gal watches the room start to fill with guests from her spot lounging on a sofa. And then with some fascination watching the skeletons and the ghostly dancers appearing. It's handy having a mask to cover much of one's expression.

Aubrey moves off the dance floor leaving the phantoms to their task, her steps once again taking her to Amelie. "They like all good spirits this night will leave when the bell as they say strikes the witching hour. She bows her head again moving off to greet those she knows. Eventually as always the walk ends at the bar where the liquor lives. Aubrey walks up to the bar.

Devin arrives, Monday's golden curved horns leading the way, and long emerald cloak following behind.

Eric comes in, dressed like a masculine Feline and moving in the same gracious calculated manner. He peers around.. Paying his respects to The Keeper, "Good evening Keeper." Bowing to her before moving further into the area. A grin is given to Raul. "A good evening Raul." A bow to the man and then to Madeline. "And a wonderful evening to you as well, Madeline." Kissing her hand if offered. He then looks around for a moment before heading to Jolene. "Jolene. A pleasure to see you as well." Giving her a bow as well. Then another nod to both Oleksiy and Aubrey. "And a good evening to both of you as well." A look to the mermaid dressed woman, followed by yet another nod. Aaaah! All should be greeted by now.. Eric does not often come out to a party like this. A nod to Devin as the man appears.

Madeline's brow cannot be seen behind her mask but one can be certain it is arched to its apex as she watches. Then, accepting the magic of the evening, she drifts across the floor to Undersea Gal. Smiling she leans down and speaks softly to her "my dear you look amazing"

Devin smiles towards Eric and gives a little regal semi bow. Other greetings are offered to those who desire as he makes his way into the nicely arranged room.

Undersea Gal sits up a bit as Madeline approaches her and hesitates briefly before replying, "Um, thank you." Another slight pause and then she adds, "You do the black and red quite wonderfully, of course. Feathers are pretty much always great." For the new arrivals, she's lounging on a sofa.

Amelie bows her head, the really red hair she wears tonight, falling over her shoulder which she sweeps back after. "Bon Soir, Monsieur Matthews." She looks over to see the specters on the dance floor and smiles very pleased. "Merci, Dona Giovanni!" The ghosts dance and turn, just adding that special touch she was seeking.

Raul nods politely to Eric as he's greeted. "Glad to see you made it. Join us?", he offers, gesturing to a space on the leather couch.

Jolene smiles at Amelie but as more guest have come in she has taken that moment to sit down by Raul and watch as the others enter, when Oleksiy offers his greeting she smiles at him too. "Good Evening Whip Druzyna." She giggles at him and shakes her head. "What a great costume!" She is temporarily stunned watching Aubrey and the crew dance on the dance floor. There is also a warm smile given to Devin as he enters and she nods approvingly. When Eric gives her a bow she winks at him, and stands up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "It is wonderful to see you here this evening Eric!" She is just shaking her head as she looks at the Undersea Gal wondering who... Jolene takes a seat at a leather couch.

Madeline smiles warmly at the Undersea Gal and inclines her head, "merci, please do excuse me" she turns from the Undersea Gal to see Eric's arrival and steps over to give him her hand as requested "Very good to see you Eric, I am pleased you could join us tonight"

Undersea Gal takes a seat at a large plush sofa.

As the spirits dance on the ballroom floor, the music blends into something more... cheerful? Seasonal? It certainly works for dancing ghosts... [4]

Eric smiles at Madeline and returns the kiss Jolene gives him, placing one on her own cheek as well. "I am happy to have made it." He says to those showing appreciation to his coming. Then a nod to Raul. "Of course!" And with that, he takes a seat. Eric takes a seat at a leather couch.

Aubrey has settled comfortably at the end of the bar closest to the wall. Her drink is being sipped as she watches the party unfold around her. She waves to a few people but remains where she is.

Oleksiy smiles to Jolene "thank you." he then continues to move along the room, mostly just paying attention to the room as a whole.

Devin walks up to the bar.

Madeline smiles at Eric's mask then turns to survey the gathering and the marvelous costumes

Devin smiles and turns towards the Giovanni with a smile.

Heathen went the cheap route, burlap! The glowy paint is almost visible in the subdued lighting, and little plastic spiders bounce on their strings as he walks.

More jazzy music starts playing, as if a band is somewhere around... no, who is singing? Sounds like it is coming from.. Lock, Stock and Barrel? Maybe? [5]

Skellington ducks in through security and then straightens up to tower over the room, looking about for a moment with exaggerated slowness as he sidles out of the way.

Raul's smile melts to a slight frown as Skellington enters the ballroom. He stares for a moment then turns his head to look at the others on the leather couch for their reactions.

Silvana slowly makes her way being careful that her train doesn't get stuck behind her as she walks in looking slowly around.

Madeline drifts across the floor as if she never touches it, silk whispering as she moves over to Raul and nods

The skeletal servers continue to move through the room, serving anyone that wishes it, respectful and attentive.

Martha comes in made up like a sugar skull woman with a loud and well garish head piece.

Eric cocks his head to the side at the sight of Skellington. He nods at it, intrigued. Then to Raul he grins.

Only slightly distracted by the inhuman Skellington, Raul forces a polite smile and nod returned to Madeline.

Silvana politely bows her head to a few people as she slowly makes her way over to Aubrey.

Madeline smiles beneath her stunning mask at Eric and Raul "and how fares Gangrel this night?"

Eric returns the smile, it looks a bit mischievous with that mask on. "I think.." He looks to Raul and back. "We are doing rather fine. Especially after clearing out that Cult the other day." He nods at that.

Jolene is simply enjoying the evening and smiles to both Raul and Eric. "You have to love the magic of the evening. This is wonderfully done and truly amazing. What a better night to let the magic of the evening be seen for what it truly is." She tilts her head at Raul though at his reaction to something.

Silvana walks up to the bar.

Madeline nods to Jolene "Oui, the Keeper has truly outdone herself" she smiles

Aubrey offers Devin a smile as she shakes her head at the god of Mischief. "Shouldn't you be mingling and plotting to rule the world?"

Devin smiles and replies at the bar to the Giovanni

Aubrey turns her head and looks at Silvana, "I see you made it. Have any treats for me yet on those things you're doing?"

Skellington is standing there quietly watching the party for now, nodding to those that look over at him and giving a creepy smile back.

Martha heads to Jolene first as it has been a bit since she seen her, "Jolene so nice to see you." arms out to well maybe hug and do the cheek cheek kissy thing too, careful of her make up like some skull candy or Mexican art work.

Oleksiy gives a smile and a nod to Aubrey, and he glances at Skellington, and Silvana, then a smile is offered to Martha as well.

Heathen bounces and bops his way toward the bar, making the spiders bounce this way and that. Heathen walks up to the bar.

Madeline smiles warmly at Martha as she steps over to Jolene "bon soir mademoiselle"

Silvana takes something out of her bouquet and hands it to Aubrey.

Eric tries to get one of the Skeleton waiters over to their place, trying to see what there's to be had. He gives a nod to Silvana as he does so.

Raul continually looks back and forth from Eric and Jolene to Skellington. Finally, curiosity gets the best of him and he waves Skellington toward the leather couch.

A hand waves at Heathen as Aubrey leans in to talk to Loki with a wicked little grin on her face. She plucks a flask from Silvana's hand with a delightful chuckle.

Chairs still move of their own volition, for those that sit on them. And now Trolleys of what look like tarts start rolling out of the wings, to offer their treats to those that they pass. All while the Skeletons continue to move through the tables, serving those that need it.

Devin smirks at the bar.

Mikael slips into the room not long after Heath. He had to park the car after all. Tonight he is dressed in the Day of the Dead face paint for Senor Bones, and in a black and white skeleton suit complete with a large sombrero. [6]

As people keep mingling, the lights flicker and then the screen on the stage begins to play a video. It sounds as though it is being sung live with different objects singing here, there, in the corner, from the ceiling, switching around and sometimes all at once. [7]

Jolene accepts the warm hug from Martha as she is approached by her friend, "Good Evening Martha." She is careful of Martha's Make up too and smiles at her and giggles a little at Raul and shakes her head, "You are welcome to join us on the couch if you like Martha. Unless you have plans with another tonight?" She offers softly.

Martha says, “Ohh hi Primogen." with a smile to Madeline Between greeting others including Jolene. "You look great, both of you." then "I will get to all sometime but it might be lovely to sit for a bit been running all evening...nice special effects."”

Madeline laughs gently and inclines her head gently "merci, well sit if you wish, the furniture seems to be animated this evening"

Raul nods in agreement with Jolene and, looking to Martha, gestures toward a seat on the leather couch.

Heathen makes the spiders dance, like puppets on their springy strings.

Madeline smiles at Heathen and laughs softly, looking for Mikael also. She takes quiet leave of Jolene, Martha and the Gangrel, gliding across the floor to the two men

Amelie waits not far from the entrance so as to greet those entering. She looks quite.. dead in her costume tonight.

It might be odd that a young child toddles on in past the security. But they have dutifully confirmed it is appropriate for a child to be Trick or Treating a vampire party. The small child looks around before wandering over to Amelie and looking up at her. "Merry Christmas. Must I do something special to enter into the costume contest?" the small child inquires as he shakes his Christmas Present listening to the content.

Perhaps he's dressed as a berserker? A savage? Regardless, Vasile looks like he stepped out of the Witcher. Crimson woad is painted over his face, old designs from a bygone era. The big man ducks a bit as he steps in, peering about the Elysium. Something drew him out tonight - what it is, is uncertain.

Martha spots the new ones, and well the child? She has to look twice and well looks a bit well puzzled to be honest at the pair of them. There is a look to the others about her, then back to the two newcomers. at the bar Devin nods in seeming agreement or appreciation.

Mikael walks up to the bar.

Skellington stares at the small child and watches it super closely. Then he blinks three times and turns back to look over the rest of the room. He spots someone almost as tall as he is in Vasile and stares again from his spot by the wall.

Silvana leans against the bar careful not to get any paint on it as she listens to the conversation going on at the bar.

Raul also spends a moment staring at the small child, slightly frowning.

Amelie crouches down to speak with the SmallChild. She peers into his eyes, searching to see if she can tell who or what he is. If he made it in here, then he does belong. "Merry Christmas to you as well. Just coming is enough to enter the costume contest. Please, join us. Find a seat, and enjoy." She pats his back a little, as if he was a real boy and all. Standing back up she notices Vasile. "Bon Soir, Monsieur. I do not believe we have met yet, but you are welcome in my Elysium and for this soiree." She gestures for him to enter.

Aubrey smiles at the sombrero-wearing skeleton. "And who might that handsome man be, his bone structure is excellent. Is said of course to Mikael as he makes it to the bar.

Silvana makes sure to move her train out of the way as others join the bar.

Heathen steps away from the bar for a moment, bounces his spiders, and does his best to give Madeline a big burlap hug

Madeline laughs beneath her elaborate mask and returns the embrace "Monsieur, you are not setting a trend for fashion I hope you realize" she teases

Mikael's hair is hidden underneath the hat, and he holds the edge of it as he gives a deep bow to first Amelie, and then to the others in the room with a flourishing arm. After moving to the bar, he gives a nod to Aubrey, but is silent as death and for the moment simply stands there by Heathen.

Jolene turns her head a moment to watch the young child as she is speaking quietly with Raul on the couch. She is wondering who did the costume, because if she were judging a costume contest. the child would win easily.

Carts roll themselves through the room with treats on them, and Skeleton waiters move about the room, serving those that wish served. The tables and chairs are both moving to accommodate people, and occasionally speaking to them politely.

Madeline smiles and accepts a glass from one of the skeleton waiters with a nod of thanks to the thing more dead than she herself

Vasile looks over Amelie, eyes going up and down, taking in her posture as well as her costume. "I am Vasile, of Clan Gangrel. I come from Idyllwild." His accent is certainly lessened, but there is quite a bit of Eastern Europe in it. "This is a costume party, yes? I felt the need to get out, to see other Kindred." A slight nod.

The child smiles before turning carrying it's large present towards the bar. Setting the present on the bar he clambers up onto one of the bar stools and sits, feet kicking, before waving at the servant behind the bar. "I would like.. A thing. Something to drink. Something sweet." before looking around at the others at the bar. SmallChild walks up to the bar.

Skellington gets a champagne flute of blood with a straw and makes his way over to Amelie as he sees the other giant approach her. He waits his turn behind Vasile with that creepy smile on his face.

Amelie curtsies to Vasile, "Aah, it is wonderful to meet you, Monsieur Vasile. You are most welcome here, as is all from the Court of Idyllwild. It is indeed a costume party. Enjoy, mingle, and meet the other Kindred of Prospect." She notes Skellington coming up since well, he is hard to miss. "Bon Soir, Monsieur Skellington. You look magnificent."

Heathen shakes his floppy hat. "I am at the height of a new burlap era!

Eric cocks his head to the one just introducing himself as a Gangrel. A look to Raul. "Intriguing."

Mikael turns his head slowly to look at the small child. He is still deathly quiet. He raises a hand and wiggles his boney fingers at him.

Madeline laughs warmly "Did burlap have an era?"

Martha takes a seat at a leather couch.

Devin greets those joining them at the bar.

Skellington bends stiffly at the waist to bow stylishly, using his empty hand to give a flourish "My ghoul insisted we watch the movie when I told him about the theme and I was inspired." he says, sounding at least reasonably like the movie character he looks like.

Jolene smiles at the question Madeline asks, "For Sack Races it did." She looks back to Raul and nods and smiles at Eric's interest too. "I should suspect you both would be interested. You are both probably the two most perfect people to help me with this project."

Vasile gives a bow to the Keeper, stepping to the side to allow others to speak with her. He stands among the sea of activity, watching over the different goings-on. Clever and observant Kindred might notice he's trying to adjust, to acclimate to being around others.

Madeline smiles at Jolene, all that can be seen behind the stunning mask are her lovely lips and sapphire eyes, snapping with humor. "Oui indeed"

Martha looks over to the ones she is not sure who they are, then back to those she is with chatting softly here and there with them.

Heathen gives the spiders a happy little bounce. "Yes, as failed gamblers have found for centuries."

Madeline laughs and smiles "Heathen, what have burlap and failed gamblers to do, one with the other?'

Martha says, “Hi Eric, and Raul.”

The child looks at Mikael nodding in his direction while waiting for whatever the tender brings. The present makes scratching noises and the lid starts to lift up but the child puts his hand on it to keep it closed and shhhhs at it. "Wait for later.". The box quiets down and the child amuses himself with spinning on the barstool.

Oleksiy finally settles into a seat, that moves out for him, just watching the room with an abstracted expression on his face.

Silvana leans to whisper to Aubrey with a bit of a smile.

At the leather couch, Raul greets Martha with a smile. "Hello. Glad to see you having a seat to relax a moment. I was just selling Eric on Jolene's program.", he explains with a nod toward Eric.

The heads of one, often are found in the depths of the other? " Devin offers deadpan from the bar.

Aubrey blinks and looks at Silvana, her expression falls and she lets out a sigh, "Wonderful..."

Silvana looks at Aubrey and nods "Indeed" she looks towards the child a moment then to the bartender to put in a drink order.

After some consideration, the large Gangrel moves towards the bar. Vasile offers a nod to those present, carefully claiming a seat for himself - back pressed to the rail so that he might people-watch.

The child doesn't seem to have to spin herself.. the barstool wont spin faster, unless its told to, but it just keeps going, until stopped, or asked to stop.

Vasile walks up to the bar.

Madeline sips her drink as she watches the party go on

Senor Bones finally leans over and says quietly, "I hope everyone is having a fun even-ing." He speaks slow and measured.

Skellington carefully makes his way over to Oleksiy, sucking on his straw as he goes. When he gets there he says "Good evening cousin."

Aubrey offers a smile to the new arrival as she pushes back further in to her corner the party spirit seems to have been lost for the moment.

Amelie steps aside from greeting and heads toward the stage.

Martha looks about then to the others, "Well one hell of a night and the costumes are great."

Oleksiy rise and makes his way over to where Amelie is and softly speaks to her.

Raul is talking at the leather couch and points to Skellington before returning to his conversation.

Aubrey tilts her head out a bit and tips the mask up offering Vasile a smile. "Hello Stranger."

The child does indeed stop spinning to peer at Vasile. "Who's childer are you? Raisa or her sibling?" the young boy inquires while he takes the drink he got. He sips it and makes a few faces at the glass. "So sweet. Did someone murder a Dutch Sugar caravan and dump them and their goods in the glass?" but the boy sips it again anyway.

The Trolley carts, and Skeleton's make one more trip through the floor, then in an orderly manner, they move off to the sides, to stand evenly spaced along the walls, ready to serve, but out of the way now.

Silvana looks to Vasile and smiles "Well hello" She grins at the child "You don't like sugar?"

Martha watches the child and his box more than anyone else here. "Does anyone else wonder what the child is up too?" with a look about the place then to the others near her.

Vasile pauses, standing as Aubrey arrives - manners and all. Recognition shows across his features, the man nodding to Aubrey as her face is revealed. "It has been some time, miss." He chuckles. "A witch. There is some humor in that, yes?" The giant glances down at the small child. "I come from Raisa's line."

Oleksiy nods to Amelie, and turns moving back along to the bar, and turns his attention to the stage.

Madeline sets her empty glass upon a passing tray and looks about at the milling guests and the furniture as it moves out of the way

Amelie steps onto the stage, and smiles out to everyone. "Bon Soir, Good Evening to everyone. I am so glad that so many of you have come tonight. From new arrivals to experienced members, I welcome you all. We have some special performances tonight to go along with our special treats. Merci to Dona Giovanni for her friends that grace our dance floor," she gestures to the ghosts twirling around in a waltz "as well as to Whip Druzyna for animating so many objects here for even more added ambience. Now if you will indulge me, I will start off the performances tonight with a special song from the Nightmare musical." The lights go dark around her.

Aubrey waggles her fingers at Vasile as she pulls her mask back down in to place. Her eyes move to watch Amelie move to start the musical performances. She lifts her new drink absently to sip at.

Undersea Gal twists a bit in her lounging on the sofa to turn her attention toward the stage when the Keeper starts speaking. And her attention remains there, propping up on an elbow, as Amelie promises a performance.

Skellington makes his way back to the spot he was in by the wall to watch the Keeper's performance.

Oleksiy pauses and realizes that Skellington was talking to him , He speaks softly so as not to interrupt the performance "Pardon me. Good evening.. An excellent costume."

Martha eyes are more on the various people here then the performance, and quite often she is tracking the child with the box.

Madeline gives her attention to the Keeper and applauds softly as the lights go down

Walking forward on the stage, a spotlight goes onto Amelie. She looks down with a solemn face, holding a microphone in her hand. Visibly taking in a breath, she begins to sing acapella with her enchanting soothing voice, although sorrowful tonight, before a piano joins her:

I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just around the bend
And does he no--tice... my feelings fo--r him?
And will he see... how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be


Vasile turns to the stage as well. Art is important, especially in Elysium. The old Gangrel knows that.

Madeline has clearly never heard the song before and listens carefully as the Keeper sings

Senor Bones turns his head to the stage, listening to Amelie as he simply stands quiet as death. When she starts to sing his eyes half close at the song of her beautiful voice, and he listens intently to the song.

Devin whispers quietly to the Giovanni at the bar

Silvana turns to look towards the stage.

Taking her time with each word, giving it so much emotion behind it all, Amelie pours her heart into the song as she sings:

What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud

Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever... end up together? Oh, oh, oh...

Aubrey makes a pouty face at Devin then nods giving him a wave before turning back to the stage

Silvana looks to Devin and awws before lightly patting his arm before she looks to the stage.

Devin rises from his seat and quietly makes his way out of the Elysium grounds.

Caerus steps into the room, his right hand shaking just a little. He holds his left hand over his right as if to calm it. His eyes get wide as he looks about and he says in almost a fearful voice, "Oh my!" He turns as if trying to exit.

Having asked his question the young child nods to Vasile and turns his attention to Amelie and her song. Sipping the overly sugary drink and kicking his feet with the beat.

Oleksiy turns his attention fully to the stage, listening quietly.

Silvana watches Devin go before she spots the new arrival and gives a little wave towards him.

As she sings that previous line, guitars and drums join in. As the bridge of the song plays, Amelie sings along just with vowels, adding emphasis with her voice. Her eyes closed, and one hand open and moving a bit in front of her as she crescendos and decrescendos. When it meets the climax and backs down to just the piano, she continues slowly with a purpose. Her eyes looking out to those gathered but without purpose:

And will we ever... end up together?
No, I think not
It's never to become
For I.. am... not...
the one

Amelie lowers the microphone her head down. Once the music is completed she steps back silently out of the spotlight... disappearing for now.

Eric looks and listens at the play.. Smiling as he does so.

Madeline turns her feathered head a moment, a hand reaching up beneath it.. something in her eye. then she applauds

Undersea Gal indulges in listening to the excellent singer through the song, from her spot lounging on a sofa. When done she lifts her hands to clap warmly for a bit. Then she smiles to herself and twists to sit upright followed by gracefully rising to her feet. Undersea Gal stands up from a large plush sofa.

Skellington turns to Caerus and salutes with his glass of blood "Merry Christmas." before going back to watching the performance quietly.

Caerus stops as soon as Amelie starts to sing, frozen as if in some trance. He slowly turns and like a hypnotized person wonders slowly through the crowds of people, not hearing them speak to him, not seeing them nod to him, but right up to the edge of the stage and stares. When Amelie steps back into the darkness he says, "Oh wow!" He turns to look at everyone, "Diddidid youu hear that! Like oh wow!"

Aubrey applauds when Amelie is don't performing. A smile curve her red lips and she nods in appreciation of the fine voice.

Raul applauds with everyone else while he continues to watch toward the stage. After a moment, he turns his attention back to the others at the couch.

Silvana joins in the applauding for Amelie having to put her bouquet down.

Vasile offers up applause as well, the stoic man nodding in appreciation of the performance as he does so. A glance to Aubrey. "A newer song."

There is clapping from inside the Christmas present. The small child looks over at it curiously as if to see if something else happens before taking its lead and begins as he applauds the performance. "Her voice is pretty."

Senor Bones hands come together and he applauds Amelie's performance. His 'dead' composure slips as he says, "Excellente!"

Martha claps with a look about to all, then a smile at the reactions to Amelie's performance.

Caerus wanders through the tables nodding, forcing a quick nervous smile, "Excuse me, excuse me, pardon, oh, excuse me", as he makes his way to the bar. He bends down and picks up the bouquet of dead flowers and offers them back to Silvana, "You-u-u draapped this." He lets out a SCHEW! He smiles nervously, "Some party you invited me too." In a loud, but hushed whisper like one would do when really nervous, "There are some scary people here!" He nods quickly, "I think I need a drink."

Raul turns and looks at Caerus curiously.

Madeline smiles warmly at Amelie's performance then laughs softly with Caerus being quite a character.

Martha smiles at Caerus' antics, then looks to Raul, "The game is on."

Silvana takes the bouquet and smiles at Caerus "Oh you will enjoy it" she pats a spot next to her "It's to die for" she grins.

Raul says something to Martha at the Leather Couch then looks back toward Caerus grinning.

Caerus' right hand trembles as he passes it through his hair like a nervous tick. It takes him three tries but he finally manages to perch on the stool without fidgeting too much that would force him off the seat. He swallows hard and stays to the bartender, "I'll'l'l tatatake a wiwiwiwisomething to drink."

Madeline drifts across the floor and finds another glass of wine, moving to be in a better spot to watch the stage from behind her feathered gaze

Heathen steps away from the bar. Heathen gives Madeline another big burlap hug as he steps aside to... mingle

Silvana gestures to the bartender for what she is drinking before she looks at Caerus lightly drumming her fingers on the tabletop.

Senor Bones gives a little bow to those at the bar, and then silently walks off, slipping behind the stage.

Madeline laughs and tugs fondly on the burlap in jest as Heathen moves aside

The lights flicker back on around the stage, and the screen lights up as it starts up another song with the clip from the movie. [9]

After the video clip the lights go dim, and a small scuffle is heard somewhere in the dark. The next lights that are seen are Christmas lights, wrapped tightly around 'Santa' in the middle of the room, before the house lights come back up. Then the next struggle begins, as the burlap twists and wiggles and finally riiiiips, and a man in a fine tailored suit steps out with a manic grin. He might be handsome if not for the slightly insane looking grin on his face. Senor Bones is now beside the stage, with a guitar in his hand, and seeming to ignore the plight of poor Santa.
"Well, well, well, what have we here...
Sandy Claws, huh
Oh, I'm really scared
So you're the one everybody's talkin' about, ha, ha, ha.....
You're jokin', you're jokin', I can't believe my eyes, You're jokin' me, you gotta be, This can't be the right guy
He's ancient, he's ugly, I don't know which is worse, I might just split a seam now, If I don't die laughing first!

When Mr. Oogie Boogie says
There's trouble close at hand
You'd better pay attention now
'Cause I'm the Boogie Man
And if you aren't shakin'
There's something very wrong
'Cause this may be the last time
You hear the boogie song, oh

Oh (Oh) Oh (Oh) Oh (Oh)!
Oh..... he's the Oogie Boogie Man!

Undersea Gal cocks her head at the new song starting up and then goes sashaying over toward the dance floor. As the song is getting going she slips in amongst the ghostly dancers to amuse herself with twirling and swaying to the music. Undersea Gal walks out onto the dance floor.

Madeline watches curiously, clearly having no idea what is going on but she smiles and it is possible beneath her skirts, her foot is tapping to the beat

Martha moves to head to the bar now. Martha stands up from a leather couch. Martha walks up to the bar.

Oogie Boogie laughs manically as he finishes the song, "Well if I'm feelin' antsy
And there's nothin' much to do
I might just cook a special batch
Of snake and spider stew
And don't ya know the one thing
That would make it work so nice
A roly-poly Sandy Claws to add a little spice

Oh (Oh) Oh (Oh) Oh (Oh)!
(Yeah) I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!

(SANTA) "Release me now
Or you must face the dire consequences
The children are expecting me
So please, come to your senses"

"You're jokin', you're jokin'
I can't believe my ears
Would someone shut this fella up
I'm drownin' in my tears
It's funny, I'm laughing
You really are too much
And now, with your permission
I'm going to do my stuff"

Caerus looks at Silvana and says, "oh!Oh!OH! You-u-u look very beau-beau-beau-pretty." He turns to look at the stage and says, "I'm shakin! I'm shakin!" He turns to grab up a fork off the bar top and holds it up defensively.

Martha snorts and rolls her eyes at Caerus' antics, and looks at the child. "Evening." of all the people to pick up a conversation with there. Then looks back to the stage with a grin over the performance.

Silvana reaches out to take Caerus hand "You will be alright, I'll protect you"

Heathen finishes up the song, still with the manic grin, stepping off the stage to rejoin the crowd as a pair of 'Santa Elves' run out to 'rescue' him and carry him off the stage. "Tha-tha-tha-thankyou."

Madeline applauds brightly and laughs, still not quite sure what that was, perhaps vaudeville "Bravo" she calls

In the corner, by the Halloween Tree, the 'statues' of Lock, Stock, and Barrel suddenly move! The bathtub they are in begins walking toward the stage and the sounds of cackling can be heard from the mischievous urchin

The boy child claps for the performance before looking at Martha who has approached him. "Hello. Are you curious as to what I got for Christmas? Or just about the quality of my costume?" there is some vague amusement there as the child drinks their sugary drink.

Caerus applauds madly like a very nervous person would do, "Oh yay!" He says sheepishly to Silvana, "It's o-o-over...right?" With a nod he applauds again, "Oh! Yay! Encore! Na-na-no that's ok. It was beau-beau-beau-lovely done."

Martha claps for Heathen and Mikael, then looks at the moving bathtub with a tilt of her head, "Nice touch."

Silvana claps along with the others then nods "Yes it looks like it's over" she looks towards Heathen and gives a thumbs up.

Raul watches Martha get up and walk over to the bar with a half-smile then stands up from the couch. He considers following her over to the bar but then glances over toward the lone dancer on the dance floor and the ethereal Victorians around twirling around here and walks over to join between songs. Raul stands up from a leather couch. Raul walks out onto the dance floor.

Martha looks at the Child, "A little of both really, quality of costume, and what you got for Christmas." with a slow nod, "And you also are drinking so all the more curious as to who you might be, or not be...I am not sure what to think other then you are the most disturbing and maybe scary thing here."

Caerus walks up to the bar.

Silvana looks towards Raul as he goes to dance and can't help but smile. She looks to Caerus a moment.

Madeline drifts across the floor to congratulate heathen and Mikael

As people take to the floor, Vasile looks to Aubrey. "A dance?" He asks, perhaps offering at the same time. "It seems the proper thing to do?"

Amelie reappears again, this time she is clapping from next to one of the couches. "Bravissimo!"

Aubrey lifts a shoulder, "When in Rome, sack and pillage but hey dancing is good too." She offers Vasile a hand as she gets up. Aubrey steps away from the bar.

Caerus smiles all around and then almost grimaces as he looks at Silvana who is looking at him. Expecting something of him. It is one of those looks that women get on their face. One of those things that says if you don't figure this out you are doomed! He looks about nervously and then sees the dancers on the floor. He suddenly seems relieved, and yet MORE nervous, maybe that is the wrong thing. He asks Silvana, "Wou-woul-would you li-li-like to dance?"

The small child spins the stool around to get the box off the bar. He looks at Martha before giving the box a little shake with his ear to the box much like any child might on Christmas morning. Then he takes the lid off and reaches into the darkness within to pull out a severed head, quite fresh, but with mouth and eyes sewed closed to look like the mummified head from the movie. Now having opened the present for all to see the child smiles widely at Martha. "I wanted to go for as authentic as possible. But it takes some time to mummify a head."

Vasile steps away from the bar.

Silvana looks at Aubrey and grins at her. She blinks at Caerus request "I'd love too" she takes his hand before she stands up and smiles letting him lead the way.

Undersea Gal sways and twirls around on the dance floor until Raul heading onto the floor catches her attention. When he speaks she smiles and glides in closer, reaching to take his hand with one of hers to start a slow dance with him.

Martha hmms and looks at the head with some care, "That is quite amazing, so who's head is it.?", looking a bit well curious, and creeped out all at once, but studying the head carefully. "That is a very interesting present."

Senor Bones abandons his attempt to be 'dead', and gives Madeline a bright smile, "If you'll excuse me, I have a short number to do." He slips away from her and Heathen, and goes backstage.

Vasile takes Aubrey's offered hand, moving out towards the dance floor with her. "I am a bit unused to the cadence of this song." He admits, standing opposite of her, formal dance pose with hands extended. Vasile walks out onto the dance floor.

Raul smiles and takes Undersea Gal's hand to being twirling her Gal around on the dance floor emulating the style of the Victorian ghosts sharing the floor with them.

Silvana steps away from the bar.

Heathen keeps one eye on the head as he throws an arm around Madeline. "Well, some are cutting heads, others are cutting rugs. Do you have a preference?"

Caerus gets off the stool to take Silvana's hand and lead her to the dance floor. After 5 excuse mes, 2 pardon mes, and running into 2 chairs, he makes it to the dance floor alive. He holds his hands rigidly at 11 and 5 and will start a very slow waltz with Silvana. Caerus steps away from the bar. Caerus walks out onto the dance floor.

Mikael steps away from the bar.

Madeline takes a seat at the rose-covered lounger.

Aubrey walks out onto the dance floor. A hand is placed on Vasile's shoulder and Aubrey puts her other in his. "Tempo be damned you know the steps I am sure after all dancing should be about the moment. It is your lead Sir."

The little boy looks at Martha questioningly "Well it's my head obviously. I'm the one that got it in a Christmas present." the child puts the head back into the box "I would call him Bob.. But I haven't tested him in water. Heads are quite dense." nothing like a prepubescent child making corpse jokes as he resets the lid and straightens the big bow. "It's not like he was using it before he became a prop."

Silvana smiles at Caerus as she dances with him as she tries not to tease him too much. She does lean to whisper something to him.

Martha nods, "Good point the dead have to be useful for something, so how long would it take you to mummify that head?" with a move to look over those heading for the dances.

Oleksiy doesn't seem inclined to dance just now, but he is quite happy to watch the others enjoying their dancing.

Vasile nods, brows furrowed. His feet find the rhythm, stepping off into a waltz in time with the music. "The moment. It is still... different, despite the moment." He gives a rumbling chuckle.

Heathen takes a seat at the rose-covered lounger.

Madeline settles her full skirts and cloak as she sits to watch with a soft smile, looking up to welcome Heathen beside her

Caerus smiles nervously as he starts into the dance. And then something magical happens. All the nervous, bumbling, fumbling, awkwardness flows away and now he is like some graceful Danseur performing a living piece of art.

Senor Bones peeks out from backstage, watching the dancing with a smile. Might be a bit more warmth if the face paint wasn't so alarming looking, but his eyes are bright. He is definitely enjoying this party!

Raul twirls Undersea Gal around the dance floor in his arms, nodding and smiling to the other dancers as they pass, corporeal and non-corporeal alike.

While they have been dancing currently, the ballroom music has been playing: [11]

Silvana smiles at Caerus as he stops fumbling and they dance rather graceful even though her train is pretty long.

Aubrey lets Vasile set the dance just being careful to keep her feet from under his as he remembers the steps. She is smiling again maybe she has found the holiday spirit again.

Undersea Gal glides slowly around the dance floor with Raul, swaying with the music for an exaggerated sashay with a pleasantly amused look under the mask. The occasional twirl sends the lower part of her skirt swishing about. Definitely having some fun playing with a dance partner.

The child hmms pondering for a moment "You'd have to remove the brain and pack it in salt for at least a month. It really depends on what sort of mummification you were wanting. The Celts would dip theirs in bog pools coating it until it was a sphere which they would then hurl at family members of the head as a curse." Curses 101. "Salt mummification, desert mummification, bog mummies, or ice mummies. The variety of dead preservation is interesting academic way." the child sips his drink watching Martha "Though if you are interested in corpses and their dispensation you might wish to talk to the Giovanni more than I."

It certainly takes a few steps, but Vasile does manage to find the steps. Not graceful, by any means, but he's able to dance the simple waltz. Aubrey's grin is infectious. "All Hallows Eve. Samhain." He mutters.

Aubrey laughs softly, "The one night of the year when the veil between living and dead is at its most thin."

The lights around the stage dim noticeably, but nothing to stop the dancers from enjoying themselves.

Caerus says, his voice having a nervousness to it, "Hear-r that? Your veil is thin between us.

That earns more of a grin. "Something that you enjoy, I am sure." A nod to the Giovanni that Vasile is dancing with. "Something that terrified my people back in the day. Ghosts were never a good thing."

Caerus offers, probably to himself, "You just don't know what you are terrified of until you get married. Then. Then you know."

Madeline smiles beneath her fabulous mask as she chats quietly with heathen

Silvana smiles at Caerus "Are you afraid to get married? " she smiles "What is there to be afraid off?" She glances to the other dancers as shy keeps dancing.

The lights around flicker more as the music lowers. The black cat poised at the top of the stairs to the second floor makes its way down the stairs. Where is it going?

Martha blinks and pulls back, "The fuck?" with a longer look at the child, then well a look away as she cannot to believe what she is seeing from the look on her face. There is a moment or two as she stills, only the stillness the dead can do. Then after several moments she looks back to the child, "You know that is one hell of a costume M."

Aubrey at the talk of marriage and romance moves towards the edge of the floor ending the dance. She does smile up at Vasile then leans up to whisper pointing to one of the couches.

The lights come up on the stage. Senor Bones has changed into the black and white pinstripe suit of Jack and he gives a sinister sounding laugh as he steps up to the microphone. He shows his skill with mimicry and vocal octaves as he sings the song, altering that incredible voice for the various different characters. His Day of the Dead face painted expressions are animated and entertaining. He gives the dancers on the floor a bit of a faster tune.

"Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween...!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween..."

I am the one hiding under your bed...Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red...I am the one hiding under your stairs...Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting no to pounce, and how you'll
Scream! This is Halloween
Red 'n' black, and slimy green

Aren't you scared?"

Caerus says, "Your de-dea-dea-dead my dear." He slows to a stop and as he does so the gracefulness ends, "I need another d-d-drink"

Vasile's brow quirks, looking to Raul then nodding to Aubrey. "Your advice is very much appreciated. Thank you, miss, for the dance." He offers, giving a bow of sorts to her. That said, he heads towards one of the leather couches - looking to take a seat. Vasile leaves the dance floor. Vasile takes a seat at a leather couch.

Silvana lets go of Caerus and nods "Then you should get a drink"

Aubrey leaves the dance floor. Aubrey walks up to the bar.

Amelie grins from her position as she watches the performance.

Oleksiy smiles on as well, watching the performance as well without words.

The young child looks down at himself then smiles brightly at Martha. "I do not know but I was quite surprised how hard it was to find a child with footy pajamas. There are more adults with them now. But it was well worth it." the boy sets down his drink. "How to figure out the little boys room." using the distracting of the beginning music to take his present and slip off for a moment.

Raul stops dancing to bow to Undersea Gal. He says something to her with a smile while holding her hand in front of himself.

Undersea Gal comes to a stop also, followed by a shallow curtsy to Raul as they finish the dance.

Raul leaves the dance floor. Raul takes a seat at a leather couch.

Martha nods slowly at those words, and moves to get up for now and well, no just a no not going ask look, want but no. Martha steps away from the bar.

Vasile gets to his feet as Raul approaches, speaking quietly to him before resuming his comfortable spot.

"Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night
Everybody scream, everybody scream
In our town of Halloween!
I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace
I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"
I am the wind blowing through your hair
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween
Halloween! Halloween!
Tender lumplings everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare
That's our job, but we're not mean
In our town of Halloween!"
He continues to sing the rest of the song, and then ends it out with
"Everyone hail to the pumpkin song!

La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)
La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)"

Mikael takes a bow and says, "Happy Halloween to everyone." And the stage goes dark.

Caerus leaves the dance floor. Caerus walks up to the bar.

Silvana walks up to the bar.

Martha walks up to the bar.

Raul stops speaking at the leather couch to applaud for the performance.

Madeline rises with a rustle of silk and feathers, applauding for Mikael "Bravo mon ami! Bravo"

Aubrey claps her hands and smiles at the performance.

Undersea Gal turns after seeing Raul off to pay attention to the rest of the song on stage, slowly swaying and dancing to the rest of it on her own. And when it ends she starts clapping as the stage goes dark.

Vasile offers applause as well, as the performance completes and Mikael takes his bow.

Caerus applauds again, still nervously then over bravely, "oh, oh! I like that. He was almost na-na-nice. Right?"

Martha claps for Mikael.

Silvana claps when Mikael is done and even gives a wolf whistle. She nods to Caerus "yes he was nice" she smiles.

Amelie cheers and claps for Mikael! "Excellent! Good job! Bravo!"

Madeline stands up and leaves the rose-covered lounger. Madeline steps over to where Amelie stands and when the Keeper has a moment, she touches her hand, kisses her cheek and thanks her for a wonderful evening

Silvana gets another drink and brings it to her lips taking a long sip.

Amelie returns Madeline's kiss to her cheek and smiles in thanks. "Merci for coming tonight."

Madeline nods to Amelie "Oui, whenever you like. The evening was a great success" then she turns and bids farewell to several before drifting out as gently as she came in

Caerus takes up a shot glass that seems to quiver and shake all of its own accord as he has to use his other hand to step it from shaking. He takes it to his lips and takes a sip of it nodding.

Mikael comes out from backstage, still wearing the face paint and dressed in the pinstriped suit, but his long blonde hair is now down loose. He gives another little bow to the ones who applauded and moves over towards Amelie and Madeline. He pauses to murmur a goodnight to Madeline.

Aubrey picks up her things and make her exit, stopping only to assure Amelie the spirits would still pop out at midnight. Aubrey steps away from the bar.

Madeline kisses Mikael's cheek on her way out

Silvana stands up and smiles "I think it's time to head home" she bows to those at the bar and over to the Keeper before she makes her way to the door. Silvana steps away from the bar.

SmallChild steps away from the bar. The small boy wanders back in "Well that was an adventure." carrying his Christmas present box. He glances around the room with a yawn. "Hmm, it's getting late for everyone. They're all running off."

Martha says, “It is more people also have things to do tonight, time is what it is, thought I am sure you can find some more fun if you look for it."” Martha steps away from the bar.

Amelie hmms, "Maybe people need to go make sure their havens did not get egged tonight. Or worse - spray painted with graffiti."

Martha says, “I am thinking more they works up and appetite and want to hunt for dinner while in a good mood.”

Vasile stands after speaking with Raul, as the other Gangrel stands. A hand is offered out. "A pleasure to meet you, Primogen. I will keep you informed of any further visits." A nod.

Raul steps forward and grips Vasile's hand. "Enjoy the rest of your evening and welcome to Prospect.", he says.

Undersea Gal dances a while longer as the not-live music plays. But after a song or two she seems to lose interest and sashays off the dance floor as a song ends. And she slowly meanders back around the seating to see what's going on. It doesn't take long to take a detour over by the leather couch. Even though Vasile is just standing she picks up a bemused grin and remarks teasingly, "Oh my, a trio of loners all gathered together. Really working the reputation for not being good at scheming?"

Amelie walks over to Vasile again as he speaks with Raul. "Due let Prince Katharina know that I would love to let others know here if she has any events in her Praxis. As Idyllwild is always welcome to come here as well."

The young child smiles at Martha and pats his pajama tummy. "Luckily. I brought my own." before looking back and smiles at Amelie "It was a delightful evening."

Amelie smiles to the SmallChild. "Bon Soir. Merci for coming."