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Revision as of 16:17, 27 March 2018

It's later in the afternoon, getting on to evening, and Ivan is standing at the door to Yuri's house to welcome the gathering help. Catherine's car has been moved to the house, whre it sits parked in its usual spot, though a bit worse for wear for being run off the road. Olga has laid out refreshments in the den lest the gathering wolves look for snacks on their own.

Journey comes walking along from behind something he couldn't have possibly been behind and approaches the house, carrying a dufflebag over his shoulder, looking around since he doesn't come here, like ever. Twice perhaps. He nods to Ivan and walks past into the house, looking around for electrical scorch marks and shattered glassware. Finding none, he walks over to stand by the snacks, looking at them briefly before just waiting, bag over one shoulder.

Faith looks up from where she stands by the fireplace, nodding her head to Journey as he arrives. She carries a tension in her posture, lips still pressed in the thin line as she continues to make her 'constipated cop' face., despite being out of uniform.

        The call had been taken and quickly brought Sasha out to Yuri's house, The man arriving with a woman looking to be about his age though far smaller in size. The woman slipping from the sedan to round it moving into the driver seat, a few words spoken in Russian between the two before she drives off leaving Sasha there. The large Russian moments later making his way towards the house giving a dip of his head to Ivan as he heads inside to join the others.

It isn't long before Jake and Halle appear too. Like...out of nowhere. Jake is also carrying a duffel bag although it looks like it's not very full. He's talking quietly to Halle as they approach the house and nods to Ivan. "Good to see you again, Ivan." He leads Halle inside then nods to everyone else gathered, expression quite serious, and waits to see what's currently happening.

Branton hasn't been here either but is here because he was helping Journey with this right along. He does leave the silver sword locked in the truck though.

Halle has a small bag with her. She reaches in and pulls out a pair of mirrors, each small enough she can pocket them away in different pockets of her clothing. Halle gives a quiet nod of her head to those present, and eyes going to Yuri with a soft expression of sympathy.

Yuri walks down stairs wearing a pair of black jeans, a dark shirt and black coat over that. He looks angry, but in control. He takes a breath, "Thank you all for coming. Thank you Journey for quickly locating Catherine, what all do we know about where she's being held?"

The mention of Catherine being located has Sasha's brow raising slightly, The man giving a low growl briefly before his head shakes as he looks to Yuri. The man speaking briefly in Russian to the elder Shadow Lord, <<Who ever took her will certainly pay Lord Markov, If you wish I can call my sister back.. She might be of use, help.>> Sasha's eyes watchful of Yuri for a few moments before he is looking over the others, the sudden appearance of Jake and Halle has the man blinking before he gives a nod to the pair only to turn his gaze moments later dipping his head respectfully to Journey and a smaller dip in greeting to Branton. The man remaining largely silent just watching and listening beyond those initial words in Russian.

Journey unslings the duffel bag, unzipping it and pulling out a sleek black laptop. Opening it he taps in a code, and the Screen comes to life displaying a Google Satellite image of the property. "It's a warehouse. Does brisk business during the day, people coming and going. despite that they have security, armed, mostly pistols and one semi-automatic weapon.. That's what's visible and normal."

He takes a breath, "Catherine is being held there, under a magical cloak. Something designed to prevent her from being detected, and it functions against the Preysense. I tracked her to the area, and Branton found an anomaly in the magical landscape of Chinatown, locating something dark in a warehouse. THAT I managed to punch through with my Preysense, but only briefly before the interference thickened and I lost it, confirming she's under that magical energy, in there. They're HIDING her there. So we know two things. She's alive, and she's not going to be moved. They were erecting the cloaks as I was tracking them, so by now I doubt we'll have any luck finding another lock on her. But she's there, those kinds of magics aren't exactly mobile. If she were immediately completely cloaked I'd have doubts."

He taps the screen, "That's it."

Faith remains standing by the fire place crosses her arms as she watches and listens to Journey's accounting. She looks at each of the faces in the room before she tilts her head to the left to crack her neck. Expression not wavering much from that chronically irate look. She doesn't add anything for the moment, listening to the others.

Branton nods in confirmation when Journey mentions his part but remains silent.

Yuri nods to Sasha, "If you think she can help us. What can she do?" He looks to Jake, "What advice do you have on the assault, since you are the ranking full moon here."

Sasha looks to Journey listening to the elder's words closely giving a small nod before he is looking to Yuri answering the man, "She went on many rescues back home, Does not mind getting into the thick of it. And well she is a violent little shit when it comes to people messing with kin especially those mated to members of our tribe. She..would have made a good Ahroun." The man bringing his cellphone out to send out a quick text to the woman in question. His gaze moments later turning towards Jake waiting to hear the man's take on things and approach.

Jake keeps a tight grip on his duffel bag as Yuri addresses him and thinks for a moment. "Well, Journey already laid out a good offense and I agree with his plan. Basically it's a two team approach, that we use the Kin outside on the street, using their powers to make sure things are quiet and are ready to care for Catherine when we extract her. Then a strike force of Garou go in and start killing people until we find Catherine, and we get her out of their hands, kill the guards or have someone assault them mentally as they come inside off the street, where we are, and then bring the second team in, load up and leave, possibly incinerating the place as we leave." He looks from face to face. "Once we're actually outside the structure we can assess the situation better. See what kind of security they have and fine tune then. I was also thinking of sending a storm crow in to do some spy work for us, get a count of how many people we're up against and possibly locate Catherine's exact coordinates."

Journey nods, listening to Jake, "General framework, several options left to choose from, but yeah."

Fred arrives in the midst of people gathering. Keeping quiet for the most part, his usual cheerful expression a bit more sombre at this time. Being only vaguely familiar with most here, he carries himself with a respectful, quiet caution.

Halle listens quietly, nodding her head here or there. She says to Jake quietly, "I can view the inside remotely as well, for scouting purposes. And, should we be able to spot her, to be able to tell if they try to move her."

Faith glances over the crowd toward Fred as he arrives, nodding her head in his direction. Glancing at Halle, then back at Jake, the woman continues to stand quietly by herself, accompanied only by her tension.

Yuri nods, "When we get close, I will see if I can contact her... We may be a bit out of range at this time. See what information she has of her captors. Send the crow in to add to those details." He pauses, "We need to make sure we leave at least one alive so we can question them."

Sasha offers up as he tucks his cellphone away, "If you want Katya can come in with us, She knows well enough to stick back and can escort Catherine out to the others once we get to her." The man looking to Jake before he falls silent giving a small nod to the words of Journey before he looks to Halle. His brow lifting hearing her mention of being able to remotely see into the place.

Fred glances towards Halle and his lips quirk faintly. "I can do the same thing. I know Catherine well enough to be able to find her... at least if the magic there doesn't stop it." he murmurs in his deep rumble of a voice, but then he goes quiet again. Having nothing to offer on the matter of tactics or strategy.

Journey looks at Yuri, nodding, "You want a prisoner?" Pause, considering, as he nods, "Okay. Try to find a good one." He looks over to the farseers as they pipe up. Nodding he looks to Yuri, shrugging.

Jake nods to Journey. "Yes, definitely. We'll be fine tuning as we go. Will just depend on what we run up against...and of course we will want to move fast and hard once inside to insure Catherine's safety." He then glances at Halle. "That's perfect. Viewing the building remotely would be very helpful indeed. If you could give us exact numbers of people inside, what kind of weapons they have and if any of them have silver ammo, or anything else of importance you could discover. Excellent." He glances to Faith. "You can certainly help to keep any local police away, if possible. Or if they show up try to act as a buffer for us. We certainly don't want innocent bystanders killed, if possible." He smiles at Yuri's suggestion and nods. It's not a nice smile either. Actually it's rather off putting. "Oh, yes. We will definitely question them. Not a fomor though. If we run into any fomor they are to be killed on sight." Sounds like he's really looking forward to that part.

Jake adds, looking around. "Can anyone here fuck up a security system?"

Branton shakes his head at Jake "Only in the sense that all the allarms start going off when the whole building is on fire."

Faith raises a brow at Fred's statement, and her lips touch in a faint smile for the first time of the evening. Then she says to Jake, "I'll slide back into Uniform on the way over. Her patrol route had me at the docks all day, so making my up to Chinatown shouldn't raise any department suspicions and can put me in a position to redirect any attention."

Yuri nods to Jake, "Prisoners are secondary. Destroy any threats, but if there is a chance to take someone long enough to question we'll extract the information we can, then deal with them."

Halle rests a hand on Jake's shoulder as everyone discusses things. She lets her eyes go half-lidded and seems to be focusing on something else. A few moments pass, the muscles of her face tightening a little like she's straining. Finally she gives a slight grunt and shakes her head, letting go of the shoulder she held for support to move her hand to her forehead. "Tried to get a glimpse of the future, but wasn't able to see anything. Don't know if the magic they have hiding her might have impacted it. I'll wait until we get there to try looking inside," Halle says.

It doesn't take long for Katya to return with Sasha's car, the woman parking outside moving to the trunk to pull out a duffel that looks rather empty before she heads for the door to head into the house she had left her twin at. When she comes in Sasha gives the woman a small smile dipping his head to her before he looks back to the others to just listen for now.

Journey nods, "Billys weapon is made for it. The Power Blade. Otherwise I could take control of a security system, scrub recordings, cut outside feeds." He shrugs. "Need to find a box."

Jake nods to Branton. "I'm always concerned about cameras and video security. We can't afford any kind of Veil breach. We have to make sure that--" Journey's statement gets a nod then. "Great. Perfect. Thanks, Journey." He looks at Halle and nods. "Okay."

Fred furrows his brows as he stands there, quiet for the moment. His head tips as he focuses, but then he shakes his head. "I can't see anything. Just a sense of blood... I'm not good enough to get past whatever magic they've got, apparently." he quirks a wry half smile for just a second, then his expression goes solemn once more. Nothing much else he can say or do.

"Can I make a ..suggestion?" Faith speaks quietly as she lets her hands fall to her sides, "Probably something you've already thought of, but you know - just in case you haven't." She'll wait till she gets a positive acknowledgement, then offers, "You might want to have the kin outside pair off. A whole gaggle will stand out terribly. Alone makes a target."

Jake nods to Fred. "Sense of blood? That doesn't sound good." He looks from face to face. "Okay, we can't have a bunch of vehicles show up at the building. Just one. Kinfolk will go in the car and the rest of us will go through the Umbra." He nods to Faith. "Yes, everyone will be paired off. No one will be alone."

Halle looks over to Fred and nods. "I'll wait until we get closer to try, just to be safe." She looks over to the three Elders. "Do you want me in the fighting group, or stay with the kin?" she asks. Because, you know, she looks so scary and all. Rah.

Journey nods to Fred, "Yep, that's the interferance, alright." He nods to Jake. "It's nasty." He looks in the dufflebag then around.

Fred might look scary, or at least intimidatingly large, but he makes no attempt to get drawn into the combat teams. Big wuss. To Jake, he rolls his shoulders in a slight shrug as he looks at the other man. "Somebody said something about blood magic guarding the place? It tasted bad. I ain't got the juice to get through it."

Jake regards Halle thoughtfully. "You will be fighting alongside us. We need your...expertise." Whatever THAT means. obviously it means something to Jake. He nods to Journey and Fred. "Again, good to know. I'll admit that I have no experience with Blood Magic so please offer any advice on that subject that you can."

Yuri nods, "Get me within a few miles and then I'll reach out to her. I might be able to break through since it's a different form of magic." He looks around a bit, eyes resting on Jake, "Just let me know when we're ready. Ivan can drive some of the Kin over."

Chinatown's warehouses are busy. People everywhere, working, selling, buying, cooking, loading trucks, unloading trucks. The warehouse district here isn't abandoned echoing dilapidated buildings. Here they're dilapidated but full of wares and movement and people. At night the torrent of people dwindles to a trickle but there are still people about, and garish lights over some doors, discrete lights over others where might be found an opium den or a casino. Or other entertainments yet.

Journey picks up his duffelbag, and moves to Yuri, pointing down a hall, "Bathroom? Down there?"

Sasha motions Katya over towards Halle when he hears the woman mention the fighting group. The smaller Russian woman moving over to stand not far off from the woman as Sasha turns his focus between the elders. The man nodding hearing mention of the plan to get there, His steps guiding him closer towards Jake and the other Garou.

Faith says, "I need to go get the patrol car and check in on duty. Any objection to my leaving now and texting Fred when I get on scene?"

Branton adds a comment "I've got some extra party favors to hand out gear wise. when we're ready to roll out, I may have over prepared."

"No objection," Jake tells Faith. "We will see you there then." He looks back to Yuri and the others. "Okay, let's rock and roll everyone. Check your gear and we will move out." He nods to Branton.

Yuri nods to Journey, "Yeah, first door on the right..." He nods to Branton and moves his jacket to the side, a gun is visible on one side, the other has a dagger.

Faith slides out with a nod to Jake, Yuri, and the others more generally.

Journey goes into the bathroom where directed and comes back out wearing an entire black outfit, form fitting, holding the mask in his hand, Blade of Worlds in a sheathe on his chest, utility belt in place, steps silent, carrying the duffelbag.

Fred quirks a wry grin, "I don't have any gear to check." he mutters, "But I'm not really good at using things either so.." he shrugs a little. Woefuly unprepared. But at least he showed up, that's worth a penny.

Halle looks over at Jake and gives a nod of her head as if at something. She looks over to the Garou present. "Jake wants me to set up a telepathic link within the fighting team. For those new to this... each connection is just to me. But I can relay messages to everyone like a dispatcher. This is purely consensual. I'll only pick up the thoughts you choose to send me. Ok?" She'll give a moment for questions or comments and if there are none, will start making the connections, starting with the Elders who have done it before.

Brooke got a call from George, and was sent over to help. She enters and heads for Journey first, knowing he is the go to person in charge here. "Shaderunner'rhya, Mocks-the-Dark'rhya sent me to help. Let me know what you need me to do. I can handle any tech needs, or just be back up to fight as well."

Branton reaches into the small of his back and takes out one of those collapsing beat stick police batons and flicks it open before offering it handle first to Fred "A stick to smack someone with just in case. Easy peasy."

Branton adds "I have a knife that can burst into flame up next."

Katya reaches into her duffel unzipping it briefly, The small woman seeming to be checking something inside of the bag before giving a satisfied nod to move and follow after Halle clearly intent on pairing up with the woman seeming to be going in with the combat team. The words from Fred have the young woman stopping long enough to pull out a pistol from beneath her jacket offering it to the man. "Don't shoot yourself or anyone else, Da? And give it back after." Sasha just chuckles seeing the interaction giving a small shake of his head before he moves to join with the others heading off after Journey in search of the bathroom and a nice shiny surface.

Fred takes the offered stick from Branton and flashes a grin, "Thanks." he says. Examining the stick for a moment before collapsing it and tucking it into his back pocket. Looking to Katya, he furrows his brows slightly and takes the gun. That is tucked away as well, with the cautious air of someone who's not entirely familiar with that sort of weapon and is being overly careful.

Journey looks over to Brooke and, yeah the stealth suit or whatever he's wearing freaking Spider-Journey walks over to Brooke, dropping the duffel bag, "Umbral assault, we're going to a warehouse and extracting Catherine who’s being held there, Everyone who’s not Catherine dies, except one, and we'll choose the one. There will be a Kin unit outside who will come in and collect Catherine when we're ready, otherwise they're staying cool down the block. We go in Umbral, and we go out umbral." He nods to Brooke, "Might be called on to ID security system, scrub cameras, Veil keeping."

Halle will finish getting the telepathic connections set up to everyone and give those not familiar with it a chance to exchange a few thoughts. Then she says, "Be right back, going to change up my appearance." She steps into the bathroom for a few seconds. The door opens back up and a different woman steps back out. She's Asian, a little taller than Halle, and looks in hear late 30s. She's wearing different clothing than Halle was, simple jeans and a dark blouse, with soft-soled shoes. "Still me," the Asian woman says in Halle's voice.

Branton adds to Fred "Its enhanced and I'll need it back after but its better than a kick in the teeth."

Brooke shows her back pack on her shoulder, "Good thing I brought my go bad for just such occasions. I'm ready to go and will follow your lead, 'rhya."

Jake glances at the Garou group and states, matter of factly. "Okay, as far as pairing up goes, Journey and Brooke, Yuri and Sasha, Halle and me. Never get out of sight of your partner and watch their back."

Fred nods his head and smiles at Branton, "I'll make sure you get it back." he says before stepping back a bit. He's one of the kin crew, so just listens for now.

Jake looks back at the Kin. "You all keep close with Branton. While we are out of sight he's your Alpha. Do whatever he says." Obviously Jake trusts Branton completely with this task.

Journey nods to Jake and turns to Brooke, "Okay Brooke we're killing people and most likely looking for a security system and making sure there's no outside feeds or recordings happening." He nods to her, "Feel free to get ready to party."

Yuri nods, "Let's get close and I'll reach out to Catherine. If we're all ready, let's get moving, we don't know what they're doing." He lets his jacket drop closed so the weapons are covered.

Brooke grins, "Sounds like fun. Two of my favorite things. I'm ready to party."

Asian-Halle moves over to Jake's side, nodding to the instructions. She flashes Brooke a grin at the other woman's attitude. "Yep, let's do this," Halle says. She sends out a quick telepathic, <<Everyone have your reflective surfaces I hope. I have one extra if needed.>>

Sasha nods looking back to the others before heading into the bathroom to use the mirror's surface to step over into that other world. The Shadow Lord looking around before letting his claws begin to grow out showing that he wasn't truly in his homid form at least not true homid. The large Russian looking to Journey giving a dip of his head to the elder. When he hears the link from Halle he replies <<No, I could use it once you get over to this side.>> The man's sister meanwhile moves to head for the cars with the kin group, The woman murmuring lowly to herself in Russian as she moves to get into a vehicle with the others.

Brooke pulls a mirror out from her back pack - always ready.

Once everyone is ready and has their reflective surfaces Jake looks at the Kin group. "Okay, we will meet you there in a few minutes." He turns to the Garou. "It's Gauntlet time. See you on the other side."

Halle gives Katya a small smile. "Will see you out there," Halle tells her. The Asian-looking version of Halle Steps Sideways then, passing a small metal mirror, just large enough to be useful, over to Sasha then.

Looking around at the others still there in the kin group, Fred says, "Faith's parked a few blocks away now." The same message is relayed through the link towards Halle. Just in case.

Katya gives a small smile and nod to Halle hearing the woman's words, A small smile offered to the woman before she slips out to join the other kin in heading for the meeting spot outside the warehouse. When Halle steps over and offers up the bit of Mirror Sasha quickly takes it from her giving a dip of his head as he says aloud, "Thanks."

Yuri looks at a reflective bracelet he wears on his wrist and then steps.

Journey slips across the Gauntlet, pulling his mask on, just there on the other side, settling the mask over his face.

Fred goes along with the other Kin when they depart. He keeps quiet, as he's the new guy and probably the least experienced in such activities. He'll follow the lead of the others.

Jake slips over as well, large black wings unfurling from his back as soon as he's through and soon the group are across the street from the warehouse. Jake looks at Yuri. "Any luck with communicating with Catherine?" He then waits for Halle to do her thing as well. "Any spirits we should be aware of here, Journey?"

Brooke has slipped through across the Gauntlet, following Journey.

The large Russian looks around in that spirit world as they draw closer and finally arrive to be in that meeting position within the umbra. The man looking over the others before he turns his focus between Yuri and Halle as Jake asks his questions.

Journey slides across, "Nothing worth noting." He says, "Normal umbral Wyrm scavengers, nothing obvious."

Long distance to Halle: Catherine nods. She's in a room in the basement, you get a clear image of her. Somewhat red tinged from the shield magic. She's hanging from her bound wrists from an overhead beam. There's no one in the room, which is very small, janitor's closet from the slop sink ini t. You get a sense of someone outside though.

You paged Yuri with 'she's semi-conscious. You get a brief flash of fairly intense pain and a 'Whaaa? Yuri?"'

Yuri pages: How many people are in there with you? Can you see anyone?

Yuri speaks to the link, "Contact established. Trying to gather intel now." He looks to Jake, and the others, waiting for more information.

The Asian-appearing version of Halle seems to study the warehouse quietly for a few seconds. "There she is," Halle says softly. "She's in the basement. There's a red tinge to her appearance. The shielding magic I guess? Her wrists are bound to a beam above her head. She's alone in the room, though beneath the door I've seen a bit of shadow moving. Someone is outside of the room. It's a small room she's in, with a sink. Like a janitor's closet maybe."

You paged Yuri with 'No, no one here. They left me a while ago'

Branton has a big ole pick up with enough room in the cab for his whole team "Since there's only three of us I don't think we should split up. Faith being in uniform can't really have one of us with her but we'll keep an eye on her and the warehouse. If they call for extraction I can teleport Catherine and myself away fairly quickly but someone'll need to drive my truck out. Any other thoughts?"

Officer Donahue is patrolling the area on foot, keeping at least one block out from the warehouse and on an indirect course. She pings her location to Fred's phone every 45 to 90 seconds, pausing to check out a double-parked delivery vehicle, and give the driver some expected white-girl-cop shit about moving it or getting ticketed.

Yuri pages: Just old tight, we're coming...

You paged Yuri with 'Be careful. Lots of guns. They're free with magic. They’re planning some rite later. Midnight I think.'

Fred shrugs as he takes up nearly two peoples room in the cab of the truck. There's never enough leg room. "I can drive." he says, "And I ain't much good in a fight so I can move the truck." he says, since that will leave the more combat capable Katya to do whatever might need doing. Keeping Branton updated on Faith's movements as needed.

After the intel is gathered Jake nods to the others. "Okay, good. We know where Catherine is then. Halle, any idea of how many guards would be between us and that basement?" He pauses. "We should shift and activate any gifts here then move into the warehouse through the Umbra and pop back over once inside. Better hit them fast and hard as soon as we get through."

Yuri nods to Halle, "Yes, that's what she is telling be as well. No one is in the room with her now. She says there are lots of guns and possible magic. Planning some rite at midnight from what she has gathered."

When the kin arrive at the meeting area Katya remains in the car a moment longer, The woman checking the weapon concealed within the large otherwise empty duffel. IN the umbra Sasha pulls free his bit of mirror Halle had given him listening to the words from those within the umbra as he waits and listens for the moment. When Jake mentions shifting and moving in via the Umbra Sasha just grins like a kid in a candy store with a day to grab all he wants. "Sounds like a good plan Jake-Rhya.."

Halle keeps open the view of Catherine's location, but shifts her focus back here for a moment to look over to the Elders. "I can try to locate one outside and try to read his mind for information on what we face. If it were a mage or someone sensitive enough to magic there's a chance it could get noticed though," Halle says, laying out the options and letting them decide. Halle tells Jake, "With the magic there, I might be pushing it to give the place a thorough look as each new area requires effort. It might be worth a look at the main warehouse. And I could shift and fly over and look around the outside normally?"

Fred tips his head and then sends silent communication to Halle after a moments thought. "She's bound to a beam... What's she bound with?"

Journey sighs under the mask, "Rite at midnight. OF course it is.." He listens to the conversation carefully.

Brooke nods to what is being said, collecting the information.

Halle communicates back to Fred, and everyone else, <<She's bound with ropes it looks like. Feet dangling just off the ground.>>

Jake nods to Halle. "Okay, do a quick fly by while we're shifting up then get back here." He looks to the others again. "Once we're inside Journey and Brooke will disable any security while Yuri, Sasha, Halle and me attack head on. And if anyone can sense silver, do it and let us know what you find out."

Fred thinks again for a moment, then says both aloud to those in the truck and mentally for Halle to relay. "If it's just ropes... if I can get through the blood, I might be able to do something about that. Maybe."

Halle replies to Jake, "Will do. I'll try to get a look at the warehouse inside quick since that would just take one look." She pauses, perceptions going back across the distance to Catherine. "Her shirt is gone. There's markings all over her. Chinese characters and multi-colored symbols that look like occult or arcane in nature." Halle frowns and then lets the image go. "Ok, quick look inside the warehouse."

Jake relays back to Fred, "Yes, do attempt that but only after we're inside and fighting."

The large Russian begins to shift in a sickening sound of bones reforming and flesh forced to accept the new form and grow as he takes to his Crinos form. The Cliath Ahroun of the shadow lords giving a low growl in Lupus <<We still taking a prisoner or just dealing with those who had a hand in it..>> The question asked as he looks between the others beginning to work his claws against one another to start to sharpen them.

Shaderunner explodes upward into a massive Egyptian horror. (Delirium effect +rules The Delirium)

Halle concentrates for a few more moments before shaking her head and shuddering. "Ok, I officially hate magic shields," she says. "Wasn't able to see the main warehouse area. I'll go scout quick, Jake," she says. And then the Asian-Halle body begins to shapeshift. It isn't like a Garou shapeshifting, with bones moving about, poking at the skin from beneath and looking, frankly, quite gross. No, Halle's shapeshifting is more like the Terminator from T2. She just flows from one form to another, in this case her body shrinks down, down, down. Until all that's left is a cute little song sparrow. Halle gives her wings a good shake and stretch. As stretching arms isn't quite as satisfying as stretching your wings and working the feathers along their edges. "Alright, be back shortly. If it goes wrong I will call for help." She pauses, taking a moment to activate Resist Pain, just to be safe, before launching into flight, the sparrow winging it at normal bird speeds in a winding arc around the warehouse.

Fred furrows his brows and then lets his eyes close for a moment. "I can see her..." he mutters, "But that's a hard place to look into... I'll see if I can do something about the ropes once the fighting starts." relayed through the mental links. "Small chance, but a chance."

Branton comments to Fred as they wait in the truck "If its sorcery I've got a thing for that. Probably."

A swirl of dust and fur flies, a cry breaks out that turns into a howl, and the creature before you grows larger until suddenly you see a monster!

Yuri growls and shifts up to Crinos form. After shifting, he glances around the umbra at the rest of the group.

Jake watches Halle shift then nods to her and touches his forehead. Immediately he starts to shift, moving slowly through the different forms until he standing in Crinos.

Fred replies to Branton, but it's obvious from the way he speaks he's only half there. His focus elsewhere. "What I can do isn't... but what's there... more magic than mental, at least? Not my area."

Defiant-Storm transforms into a twelve-foot-tall furry death machine. DELIRIUM IN EFFECT. (+rules The Delirium)

Halle thinks to Fred, <<Fred, might want to see if there is anything sharp in the room with Catherine, that you could use to cut the rope.>>

Across the street and about half a block from Branton, Fred, and Sasha's sister, Faith continues to walk down the street on a standard foot patrol. She reaches up to the radio on her shoulder and reports a standard all-clear back to central dispatch.

Fred quirks his lips. << No such luck. So the hard way, which MIGHT work, but unlikely. I'll do what I can.>>

Branton is pondering the building from the truck across the way and all of a sudden smiles "Hey Fred, let them know I have an idea that might take out the wards on the building. But if I do it there's no way they won't notice. Magically speaking."

The sparrow sends her thoughts back to everyone via Silent Speech. <<Looking in the skylights, the inside is pretty cluttered. Lots of pallets and crates so lots of places to hide. There's at least 5 on the floor level but could be more, another 3-4 on the upper floor in the offices. Can't see the basement at all. I'll take a look around the outside area now.>>

Fred will, of course, if needed relay Branton’s message across said link.

More thoughts coming back through the link from Halle. <<There's a half dozen guards outside. I see pistols on all of them, and one with a submachine gun. Looking around for cameras quick. Jake, do you want me to try to read one of their minds, or just come back then?>>

Branton adds for clarification >>It won't be obvious from the street level but its a pretty big spell. Anyone inside the matrix I'm disrupting that's at all magically sensitive will feel the shockwave.<<

<<Try to read one of their minds>> Defiant Storm replies. <<Try to see if the thought pattern is a human, fomor or BSD, if possible, then get back here>> He concentrates, activating gifts, his entire body turning to what appears to be liquid silver.

Fred stays quiet for now then, just keeping an eye on the central focus of the whole operation while waiting for things to set in motion.

Halle sends back to everyone, <<Branton, judging by the runes drawn on her, there's probably some that would notice. Would it impact us as well if we are in the radius?>> Then after a pause, the sparrow sends, <<Ok, going to try the mind reading. If they seem to notice I'll let you know as quickly as I can. And get my feathered butt out of here.>>

Yuri concentrates for a moment. Suddenly his body becomes as bright as the sun, Kind of odd for a SHADOW Lord, but hey he does follow Hyperion.

Branton shakes his head even though Halle can't see him >>Nope. I'm going to change the resonance of the mana they've gathered to power their wards. I've never worked it on this sort of scale before but the theory's sound. I'm going to try and shift it all the way to Gaian but it might not get there.<<

Howls-to-the-Blood-Rain begins to pace within the umbra, The young Ahroun of the shadow lords clearly ready to head in though for now he bides his time waiting and listening to the words shared via that telepathic link with Halle. His gaze drifting to the silver, the bright and the steely garou in turn watching as the others ready themselves for the fight ahead.

Officer Donahue passes the building and makes a u-turn at the end of the block, as she gets to a paper stand she thinks out to the others through Halle. >>I can pick out some of the guards with guns down here on the street that Halle saw. I have my vest on, but we need to keep them from pulling arms in public if we can.<<

Jake's thoughts bounce from person to person. <<Okay, a half dozen guards outside. With pistols and one machine gun. We can bypass them and go straight inside. We'll get as close to Catherine as we can, jump out, grab her. Once we start mopping up the outside guards should come back inside so we have to be ready for that.>>

Branton ponders >>If I release my spell to bring the wards down for when you jump out and start fighting they may think its something you did to break in. That timing suit you?<<

>>Sounds good, Branton.<< Defiant-Storm replies. >>And be on the lookout for Catherine in case one of us pull her out early. If things get too dicey in there we will get her out quick. She might even need some healing. Also, if you see the guards suddenly heading inside, see if you can disable one or two before they do. Only if you can do it without putting yourself in danger and calling attention to yourself.<<

Halle is silent for a little bit, and then her thoughts come back. "Alright, I'm on my way back. Read the mind of one guard outside. The six guards outside are human as far as he knows. 3 submachine guns between them. He thinks of those inside as 'witches'. Both men and women who do blood magic. About 10 of them, plus another half dozen guards. The guards inside are magicked somehow, but he didn't know how exactly. There is an alarm, it's just a bell, not a monitored service, plus there are cameras. The path down to Catherine is down some stairs, down a hall at the bottom, last door on the left. There are two doors on the right, and a bathroom on the left before Catherine's room.>>

Halle wings it back to the rest then, at normal bird speed to avoid drawing attention. Once back, she steps back sideways again and shifts into the Asian woman appearance again. Though this time her fingers end in sharp talons. "Ok, ready," she says.

Shaderunner looks at the building, pointing out to Hushed Blaze the offices corner of the building, <<That's where we'd expect the cameras to lead to.>>

Halle adds over the link, <<Also, there are about 10 people just working as laborers. He thinks of them as coolie labor. It is a functioning business.>>

Officer Donahue begins walking back down the street toward the general vicinity of the warehouse, still on her 'foot patrol' as she listens to the others in her head.

The guards on that side start paying attention to Faith as she starts walking bac that way. They're casual about it, a little alert with a cop in the area but clearly everything's pretty routine.

Katya in that vehicle with Fred and Branton slowly pulls from her duffel her M4, The woman checking it one last time before positioning it to be within easy reach should it be needed. Within the umbra Howls with the blood rain moves with Jake, not straying too far from the elder Ahroun and Shadow Lord.

Fred remains in the truck. His eyes half closed as his focus is inside, watching over Catherine silently as things begin to happen.

Hushed Blaze looks where Shaderunner points for her. <>

Branton nods to himself when Jake approves the plan and Branton closes his eyes and starts chanting softly in ancient greek. This sort of spell takes a few moments to build but he's ready in short order.

>>Okay, everyone ready?>> Defiant-Storm looks from face to face. >>We will move to the basement area then step out. Yuri, tell Catherine to remain calm but don't let her know we're coming through yet. Just in case someone there might be reading her mind.<< Then, unless there's no other thoughts...let's go!<<

You paged Branton with 'Obviously yes, the shields crash down. To mundane eyes there's no change. To those who can see....it's like someone poured a solvent over a dome of red paint...blood red haze jsut rolls down from the top and when it gets about half way down what's left starts to just vanish. There's a feel of magic surging...and there's instantly the snap of magical attention toward the area where Branton is'

Halle moves along, staying close beside Defiant-Storm, eyes swiveling about watching for dangers. <<If we can make it all the way to her unopposed, we might be able to just pull her into the Umbra and get her out,>> Halle suggests.

Shaderunner looks to Jake and nods, ready to move, <<Ready>>

Yuri nods to Jake, "On it..." He pulls his dagger out, a dark smile on his face.

Howls with the blood rain just nods moving along with Defiant-Storm following in the elder Garou's wake, The cliath ahroun growling out in Lupus <<Ready when you all are>> The words from Halle in that mental link has the Ahroun giving a small growl almost as if the thought of not killing one of those responsible in and of itself would be some crime.

Halle wasn't reading Jake's unshared thoughts. Really. She just knows him well. She pats him gently. <<If so, we still can deal with the threat of them, just she'd be away safe.>>

Officer Donahue stops a half building shy of the warehouse, not between the building at the truck. She reaches up to her radio as if calling in a code, watching the building in a reflection across the street as the 'Let's Go' order drops.

Hushed Blaze looks to Defiant-Storm as well. <<Will follow your lead. I am ready to rock.>>

Defiant-Storm leads the group across the street, into the building and into the basement area where it's clear that Catherine is indeed there, as advertised, to those who can see through the Gauntlet. He looks at Journey. <<Okay, we found her.>> He nods to Halle. >>Yes, we can certainly get her out and back to Branton and the others if there's any danger.<< He looks at the others. >>Okay, on three and Halle, you cut Catherine down and stay with her while the rest of us spread out. One...TWO...-THREE-!>> He then steps back into the physical world...

The guard comes out of hte bathroom just as Jake steps sideways into the world. Nose to muzzle. He freezes, eyes going wide breath drawing in in preparation to scream or shout.

Branton awaits Jake's word and when it comes his eyes snap open and are glowing very slightly red orange and he snaps out in almost a snarl "Me to hecate na spasei" As he clenches a fist. In the physical realm there's no really obvious reaction except a bellow of rage from somewhere inside. Those that can sense magic can see the dome of red light start melting from the top down until it reaches about half way and shatters completely. Branton blinks and shakes his head >>We've been made, if you're going to get their attention a diversion would be good about now.<<

Shaderunner slips across, ready to start killing people as soon as he solidifies....

Yuri follows through the gauntlet behind Jake, the room filling with the light of the sun.

Hushed Blaze follows Shaderunner across the gauntlet, ready to whatever she faces once she is there.

Moments after Defiant steps through the younger Shadowlord Ahroun follows suit, Howls with the blood rain stepping back into the real world the male garou's claws sharpened to those razor like edges ready to rend the flesh. The Cliath growling out low as he readies to move out through the basement as directed.

Halle relays the order to start the fun. She moves to a corner of the room that Catherine is in and then Steps Sideways as Jake does. <<The magic shield is down,>> she'll confirm as she sees the red haze is indeed done. <<Well done, Branton.>> Halle moves to Catherine, saying, "We're here now, we're getting you out." Halle reaches up and snaps the multiple wrappings of rope almost effortlessly, an arm going around Catherine as she lowers the woman's feet to the ground and waits to see if she can stand on her own.

A shame the poor guard freezes because Defiant-Storm is already moving at full force, which is pretty fucking fast, and attempts to sink his fangs into the man's throat to stop any scream or shout.

the guard screams and reaches for his gun, staring at Defiant's storm.....

Catherine is unconscious when Halle speaks to her. Then Halle releases the bonds and her arms fall. That wakes her up and she screams in pain as the joints move and circulation returns.

Those who are magically sensitive can feel magic building. It stinks of blood and death.

Defiant-Storm's jaws *snap* down on the guard's neck with a /sickening/ *CRUNCH* and the man's eyes go wider as his head is immediately separated from his body. EWWWWW. The head bounces to the floor and blood shoots from the neck, painting a Jackson Pollock original on the wall behind him which, when dry, is going to look like a tribal symbol for the Great Owl Spirit. The body slums to the floor and Defiant-Storm looks back at the others, blood dripping from his muzzle. <<How is Catherine?>>

Shaderunner starts moving quietly, dropping down and sniffing as he starts checking for incoming trouble, looking around for cameras.

Outside , when the shouts happen, the guards all look up to the upstairs warehouse offices, then start looking around outside. STill no guns showing but they're much more alert now

Hushed Blaze looks to all the usual places for cameras, her eyes trained for subtle changes.

When Defiant chomps down on his guard Howls moves for the stairway and the door leading into the basement. The large Ahroun using his form to block that passage into the basement ready to begin tearing into any attempting to come down the stairs to attempt to stop the rescue.

Shaderunner looks around, and blinks. <<Seriously?>> He looks about, <<Could get Catherine out Umbrally right now.>> He looks to Jake, and Yuri. <<Got the breathing room>>

Halle sends, <<I've got Catherine free, I'm taking her out through the Umbra and then will come back if you need more help in the fight, Jake. Fred, Branton, Katya, can one of you heal? If not I can heal her when I get her there, but if you can I'll save my energy for fighting.>> Halle scoops up Catherine in her arms upon seeing her state right after the bonds are released. She steps back across the Gauntlet, using Hand from Beyond to take Catherine with her.

Look, Catherine. The Umbra!

Officer Donahue turns to look up at the warehouse with the shouts and sounds, because, well, patrol officer. She reaches up and brushes a piece of hair from her eyes. She doesn't approach, yet, looking more like she's just passively interested in the noise. She thinks to Halle >>Take Catherine to Robert and Paul East one half a block.<<

Upstairs there's more sounds of running, and outside about 8 or 9 people leave teh warehouse at a run....following which the doors slam closed, roll up doors for teh loading docks closing in a rattle as they're let go. Regular steel doors slammming shut.

Defiant-Storm nods to Halle. >>Yeah, get her out then come back to help mop up.<< Then he's looking at the other warriors. >>Time to take out the trash. Let's go up.<< He then barrels through the door and up the stairs...

Shaderunners ears flick as he listens, listens to them closing all the shutters and locking all the doors. <<Make it nice and secure..>> He follows Defiant Storm in the initial charge.

With that charge up the stairs Howls is quick to follow after Defiant and Shaderunner, The Shadow Lord Cliath moving to follow springing forward and into action as he moves to take the stairs with the others.

Yuri nods and follows up the stairs behind the ahroun, checking for a targget as soonas he makes it up the stairs.

Hushed Blaze sees the cameras in the room. She looks at them intently, focusing, and suddenly there is a little whiff of smoke coming from each. They are fried and non-functional now. <<Cameras are dead in here.>>

Upstairs there are armed guards and they've had time to get ready...they're covering the stair well and bullets start pouring down the stairs when the nightmare that's the werewolf charges up.

Branton has been running sorcerer overwatch from the outside, watching for a reaction to his spell. Then he mutters an obscenity out loud >>The Sorcerer's going for a spoil sport final strike. He's going to kill everyone in the building, you are officially on the clock. My only counter stroke would be almost as bad.<<

The bullets hit...and do nothing. The guards are at this point too terrified to do antyhing but keep firing, emptying magazines into Defiant Storm.

Branton adds real quick >>There's five of them working together.<<

Writing reality out to disk. Please wait...

Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

>>Branton - Explosion?<< Faith's only question as she starts reaching for something on her duty belt. The uniformed officer is still standing on the sidewalk about half a block from the building on the busy street, looking at the six outside guards still armed, but now locked out there with the rest of the civilians and kinfolk.

Outside, the sound of shots fired is muted...little fire crackers. But it makes the guys outside pull pistols and back up. The ones near Faith are careful to keep them out of her sight but they still come out and they guys back up to take advantage of any cover available

Halle is running Catherine out of the building through the Umbra. The woman's weight doesn't seem to be an issue, Halle carrying her as easily as an adult carries a child. And once they hit a straightaway, it's like watching Speedy Gonzalez in a cartoon. Even with carrying Catherine, they are moving more than twice as fast as Usain Bolt sprints in the Olympics. The Umbral representation of the warehouse gets left behind quickly as Halle takes Catherine to where Robert and Paul are waiting.

Halle thinks to Branton, <<Any idea where this mage is at? Can you guide me in to him as I go back in?>>

Catherine just hangs on to Halle as best she can, which honestly isnt' real well right now. she's concious but still not any strength or real coordination yet and still in a great deal of pain.

Shaderunner listens to the ping ping ping of bullets off Jakes Silver ass and snorts, then his ears flick and he sends <<What kind of time are we talking here?>>

Defiant-Storm heads for the three guards shooting at him, which doesn't seem to phase him at all and a growl thunders from the Ahroun, actually more of a ROAR. The walls nearly shake with the force and his gore drenched lips pulls back as he's about to rip into them.

Branton shakes his head >>Scrying in general isn't my jam, maybe Fred now that the shield's down? Its a death spell confined to the building. Time table....its not going very fast but it is going. Can't tell when it will finish though, its not my kind of spell exactly.<<

Guard 1 pisses himself and runs, screaming, out into the warehouse, throwing down the gun. THe other two are of sterner stuff, and keep shooting even in the face of the blood dripping muzzle roaring at them.

Robert calmly waits by the jeep, just a pair of guys waiting on a delivery in the warehouse district, oblivious to the death so closeby. <<Y teacher pointed out that someone can't chant without a tongue, can't use a hydrospanner without hands, can't dance without feet. Can you fry their tools?>>

Fred tip shis head and blinks a little as he tries to keep up with the chaotic messages of what's going on. It's all happening in seconds after all, and he's not one who's used to managing that many threads of information at once. p halle=Is checking. But gonna come down to sheer luck if I look at the right place or not.

You paged Fred with 'The sorcerers doing the spell, there's 5 of them, are in an office in the upper floor, one up from where the garou are. They've killed a woman who was probably a secretary, her blood splashed liberally over the floor, adn are continuing to carve at her while they chant. As if that wasn't bad enough it looks like the blood is just starting to lift off the floor and float'

Fred blinks slowly. "Top floor. Office." he says, echoing the words mentally across the link.

Whereas the last guard's blood resembled a Pollock, the gore spraying on the wall behind this guard is more like a Willem de Kooning. The man is dead before he even hits the ground and Defiant-Storm turns again to check on the others, flesh hanging from his fangs.

The one guard's retreat and the second’s death opens the way for others in the warehouse to fire....and they do, cutting loose with automatic weapons in the classic spray and pray at the first level of the warehouse offices, shooting through the sheetrock walls.

Paul's comment is directed at Branton, <>

Yuri will charge at the group of baddies, rip whichever one I get to to bits

Branton replies to paul >>they're in doors, if you can find any thing inside to use. cockroaches or rats or something. The roof's in the way for birds. With a location I could teleport to them but by big offensive punch would involve setting the whole room on fire.<<

You paged Branton with 'you can feel the spell they are casting is starting to gel. Still not there yet but it's getting closer'

One minute Robert and Paul are waiting by the empty jeep. The next moment there are a pair of women inside of it. One of them naked from the waist up is Catherine, with all sorts of arcane writings on her in various colors. The other woman being the Asian-looking visage that Halle emerged as back at Yuri's house. <<Catherine's out, with Paul and Robert, could use healing,>> Halle sends telepathically. <<Heading back in, will go straight for the mage before I cross back. Branton, can you teleport to me there and then nuke the room with fire, assuming the Garou aren't to us yet?>>

Fred's head jerks back and he lets out a grunt. A trickle of blood dripping down from his left nostril. His body jerks hard enough that the truck he occupies rocks slightly on it's shocks. "Fuck!" a hand covers his face. "That hurt... Couldn't move the sacrifice... one of them kicked me out when I tried to knock them around..." More directly across the mental link <<Office has windows facing into the warehouse. Might be a quick way in if you can get up there.>>

As Robert receives Catherine from Halle, Fred gives out the sorcerer's location, and Branton Converses with Paul about how to handle the situation - and of course the rage and blood inside, Faith has started to run for the side of the building. "MOVE!" she barks in her best intimidating cop snarl at someone standing in her way, because fire plus gas main equals all bad.

Yuri charges one of the guards, jabbing the fang dagger straight into the top of his head. The crunching sound is rather disgusting followes by a bit of a squish sound as it is removed.

The guards try to fire but only one or two bullets emerge and the guns jam. All of them. One of the more trained guards tries tap rack bang but nothing works...the gun is jammed. THe others just work frantically at the bolts and pull the triggers to no effect.

As the spray and pray bullets start ripping through the walls, Shaderunner ducks and snaps out his hand, fingers snapping loudly, and stilling the chatter chatter of the weapons as the others charge in, they don't charge into gunfire as for fifty feet in every direction tech more advanced than a gun seizes up for almost twenty whole seconds. That's the rest of most of their lives.

Robert gives Catherine a quick check, looking for obvious injuries, and weather the writing needs to be cleaned off quickly, or carefully. Of course, he's in a hurry, in a jeep, and much more nervous than he lets on (And all the hungry Garou seem to be eating all the good rolls.) "Paul, turn your phone to airplane mode and snap pictures of this writing, we'll figure it out later."

Paul does as Robert asks, but he is ready to concentration on calling rats, just waiting for the signal. He has a slight bit of trouble with finding the mode to turn off but manages it, and hastily takes the pictures, doing a video sweep of her as well for good measure.

Halle ducks down in the jeep, looking in her mirror and she shimmers and vanishes from sight. Anyone like Journey who can see into the spirit world at present might see her dashing back the way she came out, moving at supernatural speeds to the warehouse and heading for the upstairs.

Shaderunner storms forward, Quills rustling as he sweeps up, a guy standing there, trying to pull the actipon on his gun, pauses and looks up as the Crinos, who is looking down at the man.eSCKLICHT! The Crinos arm whips out, catching the man under the ribcage, lifting him up, slicing lung tissue before anything more than a 'Uhhhh..' sound comes out and the Crinos takes a step, lifting the twitching human on his forearm, reaching with his free hand to grab the humans head and pull the corpse off his weapon, snapping the neck and dropping carcass as his hand drips gore, and he looks around, following Halles passing, then around for more prey.


While the others are slicing and dicing, Defiant-Storm reaches down to grab a cowering, sniveling guard by the collar and lifts him into the air, just inches from his gore drenched face. The man blanches and a wet spot suddenly appears on the crotch of his uniform. The Ahroun snarls deeply. *iF yOU lIe i wILl eAT yOUr fACe. wHY dID yOU kIDnAP cAThErINe? wHAt wERE yOu pLAnNinG tO dO wItH hEr and WHO iS bEHiNd tHIs?* It's also fair to point out that Defiant-Storm's breath is absolutely -rancid-.

Hushed Blaze takes her turn to whack at the next guy. She takes a powerful swipe at him, and slices him up badly..but does not take him out completely. Serves him right to suffer.

The guard that Hushed Blaze attacked falls to the ground bleeding tremendously from the wound she gave him...he starts trying to crawl away babbling something in chinese that sounds like begging for mercy in between cries of fear.

Yuri charges the target and stabs at him. It looks to hit but it seems to deflect off of a buckle or something. Yuri looks like he's getting rather annoyed at this point.

Officer Donahue is disappearing down the side of the warehouse and likely out of sight of one, if not both vehicles. Her only goal is to shut off the gas main unless someone's gonna be a dumbass with their guns. Being shot in the line of duty = Way too much paperwork. Discharging a firearm is even more paperwork.

Halle's Asian-looking body body shimmers into existence in the upstairs room. The sorcerer that she appears behind never knew that she was there. And presumably still does, for her talons slice through the man and tear him nearly in half. A flap of belly skin and fat keeps the upper and lower halves of his torso connected as his upper half topples over backwards, splashing through the floating blood.

Shaderunner ducks, pouncing to the side as another guy wrestling with his gun dances to the side as the blade of worlds slices out catching the side of the man, cleaving through his ribcage, popping through the bone and turning in a downward stroke cutting the man nearly in half as he keeps moving, killing, moving, killing. This is extermination.

Hushed Blaze swipes at another guy, working through them each, lands one, but does not do much damage.

Yuri has the dagger lower than before and stabs the man in the chest, the popping of the ribcage is a bit disturbing as the light goes out in the guard's eyes.

The guard who Hushed Blaze injured drops his gun...the wound freeing him from his fixation on the weapon, and runs.

The guards, except for the one Defiant has and the one trying to run are dead. Upstairs, the one witch is messily dead, and the otehrs are looking up, stunned as the magic is released prematurely...then one screams as a knife of blood carves into him.

Robertpops some icepacks for her shoulders and wrists, cleans (or at least smudges) the writing once Paul has the video. <>

THere's also the sound, coming up from bneath, of squeaking. Rats, Many many rats are converging on the warehouse

Officer Donahue walks, and does not run, back up to the front of the building.. because screams can't set shit on fire, and that's all she's hearing from the muffled building now. Except.. rats? EW! Faith makes a face as she tries to make sure she's not going to step on any of them that are outside near the warehouse, while trying to spot the previously armed guards. Since you know, they might get cranky.

Halle sends out a thought, <<The spell is released but out of control and attacking the mages. Give it a moment to harm them and then I'll end it. Be prepared to flee though if necessary.>>

Halle loses one Willpower

Defiant-Storm keeps his attention on the guard, not at all worried about the others battling right now. He knows they're all excellent warriors and can take care of themselves. He pulls the wiggling guard a little closer and continues to growl. *i wON't asK aGAin. aNSwER mE!*

Screaming starts from the upstairs. Loud and despairing....one of the witches dives out the window, bleeding from cuts like from many knives. Rats are starting to come up out of the drains as well, running upstairs and past the garou

The guard Defiant Storm has passes out....just faints completely away, unconscious. Maybe it was the breath?

Halle turns into mist, physical objects passing through her as she watches the blood daggers begin to cut into the sorcerers. <<One dove out the window,>> Halle... or maybe she's Misty now?... sends telepathically. The mist flows through the room, noticing the sound of the approaching rats.

Catherine is starting to come around with the icepacks Robert provided. "Thanks," she mutters. "Oh good grief that hurts." She's shivering a bit with reaction and shock

From afar, to (Catherine, Paul): Robert asks as she does come around. "Any details you think we need to know before everyone bugs out?"

Shaderunner looks up, <<Let us know what happens>> He moves over to where Jake just made that guy pass out.

After a few moments, Halle again. <<It's not shutting down fully. Time to get out now, for your lives.>> And she listens to her own advice, flowing out of the place in misty form still.

Paul going to help with checking Catherine out, and then checking on Faith and Fred.

Yuri looks to the others, "Ok, everyone to the Umbra." He looks at his wrist again and steps.

Shaderunner pulls the guy up and nods as he turns, <<Got this guy> He then slips across with the man.

Faith thinks to Halle, >>Gas Main is closed, if the building burns there's no explosion. outside guards scattered. Will meet back after shift for cleansing.<<

Halle flows out and rejoins the others, finding somewhere she can return back to a human form without anyone noticing, then rejoins the others.

Jake moves back into the Umbra with the others...

The warehouse is empty, now, save for blood pooling on the floors and dripping down the walls where the blood knives flayed the witches that released them not fully controlled. The umbra is eerily quiet, perhaps reflecting the deathly silence left behind.