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[[image:Wandatheme.jpg|200px|Left]] [[image:WandaIntro.jpg|250px|Right]]
Known to some as Wanda Sabine Rutger, she no longer acknowledges this name. She is simply, Wanda.
To the Garou Nation-
Her past is no longer her burden, no longer her sin. For she was of the Hrodgari, an old Germanic line of Get. One who's history brought shame to the line back in the second world war, for they had fallen to the influence of the Wyrm. Years her family resisted, and yet some still remained true to the cause, effectively turning the last remaining Get of her immediate family line.. All Save One, Wanda.
After seeing to the death of her Uncle, Father and Brothers, Wanda, in a show of respect to the Abilgaard Get, who once offered them a second chance with mercy from Jarl Blood-On-The-Tusk, came before Lars in contrition for the sins of her family. Offering her blood, as was demanded of her family's broken promise to the Abligaard's, the Kin was shown an act of mercy, as was once offered her family before. And so, all sins of the Hrodgari, were erased with the 'Death' of Wanda Sabine Rutger, last of the Twice Betrayers.
With the abandonment of her past. No longer can she recognize the name she had. The former UN intern, the mediation secretary.. All that she had been, no longer able to return to. Keeping herself hidden
Now, what will this kin do?  The only thing she can, move forward and start anew.

Latest revision as of 12:45, 20 June 2014


Known to some as Wanda Sabine Rutger, she no longer acknowledges this name. She is simply, Wanda.

To the Garou Nation-

Her past is no longer her burden, no longer her sin. For she was of the Hrodgari, an old Germanic line of Get. One who's history brought shame to the line back in the second world war, for they had fallen to the influence of the Wyrm. Years her family resisted, and yet some still remained true to the cause, effectively turning the last remaining Get of her immediate family line.. All Save One, Wanda.

After seeing to the death of her Uncle, Father and Brothers, Wanda, in a show of respect to the Abilgaard Get, who once offered them a second chance with mercy from Jarl Blood-On-The-Tusk, came before Lars in contrition for the sins of her family. Offering her blood, as was demanded of her family's broken promise to the Abligaard's, the Kin was shown an act of mercy, as was once offered her family before. And so, all sins of the Hrodgari, were erased with the 'Death' of Wanda Sabine Rutger, last of the Twice Betrayers.

With the abandonment of her past. No longer can she recognize the name she had. The former UN intern, the mediation secretary.. All that she had been, no longer able to return to. Keeping herself hidden

Now, what will this kin do? The only thing she can, move forward and start anew.