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Revision as of 02:55, 12 December 2012

Aoibh follows the Via Sanguinus, a much older version of the Path of Blood that her Clan currently follows. She was taught the Road by her Sire. Refusing to convert to the more 'orthodox' modern Road, plus being a white female, led to her fleeing the Clan and joining the Camarilla. Details on the Road follow:

The blood of Caine must be earned. The state of vampirism is not a right, nor a curse. It is a privilege that not everyone deserves. The followers of the Road of Blood understand this distinction and see themselves as its enforcers. They value purity of action and purpose. This is not a trivial road to follow by any stretch of the imagination. It is all too easy to pervert the Road of Blood, using it to justify wanton diablerie. Because of this, the Road is characterized by a rigid code of ethics, a strict emphasis on self-control, and the utmost devotion and discipline. Its followers watch eachother at least as closely as they watch outsiders. They see the triumph of the Beast as a weakness, and the Beast must be denied control at all costs. The Road encourages fervency to the point of fanaticism – without this devotion, these Cainites would likely succumb to their base temptations and abuse their purpose.


• The blood of Haqim and Caine is a gift that must be earned. • The Beast is a sign of weakness, and must be kept tightly controlled. • Purity, honor and discipline are the virtues of the warrior. • Regulate your own behavior even more carefully than that of your neighbor. • Do not act rashly – consider each action before you take it.

Aoibh’s Current list of Sins:

• 5: Allowing the unworthy to go unpunished. – We are the judges of the unloving. • 4: Showing weakness before the unworthy. – We represent Haqim in all things. • 3: Failing to honor an oath. – Our honor is what sets us apart. • 2: Submitting to the will of an unworthy prince or elder. – Nothing in this world must sway us from our sacred purpose. • 1: Becoming oathbound to a Cainite. – We serve Haqim and no other!