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<br><font style="color: #779aa7; font-family: Garamond; font-size: 46pt; text-shadow: #574a4f 4px 2px 2px">Bishop</font><br><br>
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Revision as of 20:14, 7 November 2017



"What you should know about the Gangrel? Never turn your back on one. Don't look them straight in the eye, either. In fact, it's probably safest if you don't go near one at all."


anner is the kind of guy that makes friends real easy. But in his head there are friends and then there are /friends/. Some friends help you out and sometimes you help them out. It's all just a simple exchange that doesn't seem all that complicated but people seem to get all bent out of shape about these things. So sometimes he'll help people out of their dark and lonely places and then they help him out with some food, cash or even some new clothes or baubles. In the end everyone's generally happy with how things turn out. Then again, he's never been one to follow the conservative ideas of his parents.

On the Street

  • Roughing It: He blew into town in the back of a VW bus and barely had enough money to put food in his mouth after he got here. He's low on cash and doesn't have much of a clue as to where he should go, where he /shouldn't/ go and who he'll find.
  • Artist: Among his many talents, Tanner likes to draw or paint or whatever he can to just get the art out of his system. He's tried keeping sketchbooks but once they fill up he's got no where to really keep them because his only piece of real gear is an old satchel someone gave him after he /helped/ them out. But still, he'll draw on the back of a grocery bag with a small hunk of dirt if the mood smacks him in the face (as it often does).
  • Performer: Though art may be a day-time activity of his, sort of the idle doodlings one might scratch out over a burger and fries (mmm...burgers), it's rare to not see him at some club demonstrating just how uninhibited he is; how -else- would he expect to meet new friends?

In the Dream

  • Unsteady Feet: After last summer and meeting that /really/ friendly counselor guy, he's not had much familiarity with the Dream and his travels haven't given him lots of options for how to learn more about it. So this is something that he's got forefront in his mind.
  • Crafter: It was something that the counselor pointed out to him - that he had an curiously familiar touch with crafting things within the Dream. He could whip up a quiver full of arrows from thorny branches in a night, or fashion bows, spears and whatever he wanted with some impressive skill. However, his one limitation - at least that was uncovered at the camp - was that he was mostly skilled in leather and wood. Not like that there was much metal around for him to experiment with at the time but he's kept to more natural materials so far.

Full Name: Christian Daniels
Aliases: Tanner
Embraced: rumoured 1700's
Height/Weight: 6 ft. / 200-ish lbs.
Sect: Camarilla
Race: Vampire
Clan: Gangrel
Status Acknowledged
Risk Level 2


Not much is known about Tanner's embrace, though it's likely some among his clan would know the truth behind it. What is known is that he came into Kindred politics around the 1700's in America and has been here and there ever since.

The Departure

When the Gangrel clan left the Camarilla en-masse, Tanner was one of the ones to stay behind. Since then Tanner has paid the price as most Prince's feel the clan has no honour remaining and use those who remain within the cities as scape goats and targets. Still he holds no ill will to his brethren that have departed and will easily meet with them should the need arise.


He has come to the city of Hope in order to find some, seeing a chance to rebuild the reputation of his clan he seeks to ensure that the Outlanders once again are known as the loyal members of the Camarilla they once were. He's currently setting up permanent residence within the Domain and has no plans to leave in the near future.