Difference between revisions of "Samantha Kelley/Hooks"

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|style="width:5%; text-align:right;text-shadow: #009DFF 1px 1px 1px;"|'''Shakes'''  
|style="width:5%; text-align:right;text-shadow: #009DFF 1px 1px 1px;"|'''Shakes'''  
|style="width:1%; text-align:center; color: #006c8a;text-shadow: #009DFF 2px 2px 2px;"|●  
|style="width:1%; text-align:center; color: #006c8a;text-shadow: #009DFF 2px 2px 2px;"|●  
|style="width: 79%; text-align:left;"|She looks awful clean and pretty to be a junkie, but those shakes are hard to miss.
|style="width: 79%; text-align:left;"|Those who knew her when she had them may notice that they are just. GONE. Absolutely. Completely. GONE.
|style="width:5%; text-align:right;text-shadow: #009DFF 1px 1px 1px;"|'''Kid'''  
|style="width:5%; text-align:right;text-shadow: #009DFF 1px 1px 1px;"|'''Kid'''  

Revision as of 15:13, 26 December 2013

Shakes Those who knew her when she had them may notice that they are just. GONE. Absolutely. Completely. GONE.
Kid Often times she can be seen carrying a two year old along with her.
Unemployed She's looking for work. You got any job openings?