
From City of Hope MUSH
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  • A Walk To Remember- Take a stroll through lava and live to tell the tale.
  • A Jump To Remember- Take a leap of faith into an active volcano and live to tell the tale.
  • Above Your Paygrade- Be told this cliched insult for an intelligence gap, when you are the one giving an intel briefing and should rightly know.
  • Blind Leading The Blind- As a probationary sect member, welcome and escort new arrivals into the fold of the Sabbat.
  • Blood Is Thicker Than Water- Collect the remains of a fallen sect and clan member after witnessing your first monomacy.
  • Bullet In The Brain Pan, Squish...- When asked how resilient vampires are to bullets, shoot yourself point blank in the head and soak all the damage.
  • Burying The Hatchet- In a sparring match to make amends, take 7 health levels of damage in a single blow and forgive your opponent.
  • But Then I Got High- Have your activities derailed due to drug usage.
  • Dear Abbot- Become the Abbot of the Argent communal haven.
  • Drank The Kool Aid- Officially join the Sabbat and finish your creation rites.
  • Et Tu, Brute?- Be staked by a 'trusted' sect member from behind.
  • Game Within A Game- Bought and played a board game.
  • Hot Lips- Lock lips with five supernatural types: Demon, Fae, Kuei-Jin, Mummy and Vampire.
  • Like A G6- Partied like a rockstar on a Gulfstream G650.
  • Lone Wolf, No Longer- Join a Sabbat Pack.
  • I Know What You Are, But What Am I- Botch your Auspex roll on a supernatural only to have them botch theirs in response.
  • Interview With A Vampire- Introduce a mortal to the affairs of the supernatural.
  • Mail Order Bride - Meet a former master you were contactually ordered to date.
  • No Good Deed... - Volunteer for charity's sake and be emotionally hurt due to your unlikely and charitable actions.
  • Passing The Buck- Give your rights and responsibility of embrace and siring to another.
  • Pied Piper - Deliver a group of children from one horrible demise to another.
  • Second Life- Joined a new career under a different name and face.
  • Sleeping Beauty- As clan Tzimisce, get staked outside your native soil until your dice pool is halved to one, then awaken without frenzying to tell the tale.
  • So You Think You Can Dance- Roll five or more successes on your dance roll, only to have fellow dancers roll a zero and a botch on their following turns.
  • Spit On Your Grave- Unwittingly draw the attention of a ghost.
  • Till Death Do Us Part- Joined the Sabbat.
  • The Edge - There is no way to actually explain it, for the only ones who know, are the ones who have already gone over. Eat a Dark Fungus mushroom from the Mycological Majesty, and roll Stamina difficulty (10-the ingestor’s Gnosis) and succeed.
  • The Force Is Strong With This One- When switching your path of enlightenment, succeed on your very first attempt at a base difficulty class of 10.
  • Twisted Firestarter- Used Way of Fire in a public scene at least three times and get away unnoticed.
  • We Have Ways Of Making You Talk- Used torture to successfully retrieve information.
  • Wrong Side Of The Bed- Forget to bring your ancestral soil to a sleep over.