2014.06.18: PWN - LEGACY - The Emerald Choice

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Earlier this week, I called Drew Stevenson the Undisputed World Champion of talking out of both sides of his mouth. I want you to take note of that, then go back and watch his latest promo. Go ahead, I'll wait.






I know, right?

But let's get serious here for a second. Drew Stevenson has stepped in front of a camera, and although he seemed to be responding to things I said earlier in the week, it becomes readily apparent that he never actually watched the promo that I cut. Oh, I'm sure he had one of his lackeys summarize it for him, but his failure to address any of the substantive issues that I raised while insisting on attributing things to me that the record will clearly show that I never said demonstrates flawlessly the Drew himself never saw it.  I, on the other hand, hung on every word of his. So in the very same way that earlier illustrated that Drew Stevenson lies, now I'll demonstrate how his enormous ego, the very ego that leads him to underestimate everyone around him, has left him totally unprepared and babbling like a fool when faced against any sort of actual facts.

Right out of the gate, Drew starts spouting fallacies. Truth is, Drew, I didn't say a goddamn thing about equality, nor did I in any way compare you to Bulldozer Brixton. Had you actually watched my promo, you'd know that. You should likely fire whatever staff you had watch it for you though, because they've made you look like a bigger idiot that you already are. No, I don't know where you got the equality idea other than the fact that you must have assumed that I'd come out here waving the equality flag after your first promo. Clearly, that's the debate that you wanted to have, but had you actually watched my response, you'd have realized that I didn't take the bait. No, I'm not here to argue the merit of women athletes, which was clearly the fight you wanted to have. Frankly, I don't need to. My record speaks for itself, as I pointed out. I've beaten men, bigger men than me, and yes, bigger men than you. That's all I said on the subject... no feminism, no flag-waving. I don't care about what anyone else does in this sport, Drew. I'm no role model, no standard barer for anyone.  I'm here foe me and me alone.

And as for Brixton... I didn't compare you to him, not at all. Something else you would have known had you watched my video offering instead of having some intern recap it for you. No, there was no comparison, just a flat out warning, one that I'll repeat right now... If you're really convinced that the bigger wrestler is always the better wrestler, not only are you an idiot, but you might want to watch out because the biggest wrestler I've ever seen is stalking these woods, and he ain't you.

How anyone who'd actually listened to what I said could call that warning a 'comparison' I'll never know, but hey... I'm not the one screening your staff, clearly.

From there, you went on to step directly into the trap that I had so deftly set for you by waving the 'ALYSSA ONLY KNOW HARDCORE' flag. Like I haven't heard that one before. See Drew, as I pointed out earlier this week, it's true... in Force One wrestling I was given carte blanche to indulge every one of my base instincts, to indulge my darkest urges. It was fun, and, as it was a fairly large stage, it colored Force One Wrestling's fan's perceptions of who and what I am... an image I embraced and helped to propagate, to be sure. But the problem is, Drew, is that it's only one side of the coin. All those years training at The Fear Factory, the time I spent at the other legacy, Legacy Pro in Toronto... anyone paying attention knows about my solid technical base, Drew. Anyone paying attention knows that there's more to what I can do than just the bite.

But as we're clearly demonstrating, you're NOT paying attention.

It was at that point you started claiming that I'd proven you right and that there was no way for me to backtrack from what I'd said. You didn't say what I'd apparently proven you right on, or what I should be backtracking from. Franky, this is the point where you most clearly demonstrate that you have no idea about anything I actually said, no idea what you're talking about, and that you did not, without the shadow of any doubt, actually watch my recorded statements. So, yeah. 

Now, when you did manage to find anything resembling a cohesive thought again, it would appear that you suddenly wanted to talk about Force One, and again you misquoted me. So, to be clear, I never said that you left Force One because you were afraid to face Empress Espanola or whatever that bitch's name was... I simply pointed out that it was the prevailing theory on the internet. And no, I don't believe that it's true. Truth is, you and I likely left Force One for the same reason, the mismanagement of the promotion, and I never said anything to the contrary. Again, a fact you'd have caught yourself had you been paying attention.  But hey... I'm not really offended that you didn't pay attention to me, Drew. It's clear that you live in a bubble. It's clear that you're so delusional that aside from the narrative you've got going on in your head, you're fucking oblivious to EVERYTHING going on in the real world. How do I know this? Because at the very moment when you were feeling so proud of yourself, where you were convinced that you'd pushed me to anger with your total gibberish and non-nonsensical rantings, you said the stupidest thing I've ever heard another human being say.

See Drew, it was in that moment that you declared that this isn't Force One, this is Legacy. You stated that the past doesn't matter at all, that the ONLY thing that matters is the present. And you were right. But in the very next sentence to fall out of your idiot mouth, you called yourself a dynasty, and compared yourself to the Los Angeles Lakers.

Really? The Lakers, Drew?

Cause here's the thing... here in the PRESENT, the only thing that you just said matters? The Lakers finished in last place in the West, Drew.

Give yourself a shake, Stevenson. Idiot.

Now, point of fact, none of this matters. Sure, I've demonstrated that you're a liar. Sure, I've demonstrated that your an egoist who underestimates everyone around him to the point of living in a delusional bubble that makes him oblivious to the real world around him. And yes, I've demonstrated that you're just not very smart. But none of this takes away from what you're capable of doing in the ring, which is formidable. None of this takes away from your skill and natural talent as a professional wrestler, which is clearly evident to anyone who's ever watched you do what you do, which I have. All it shows is that only one of us is coming to this match prepared, with their eyes open. All it shows is that only one of us has done their homework Drew, and it isn't you.  But that's not even the end of it. Because despite what you think Drew, I was capable of beating you face-to-face before any of this. I was capable of beating you, straight-up, the moment this match was booked. You could have tipped things in your favor had you taken me seriously for even a moment, but you haven't. All you've shown is that you don't know a goddamn thing about me, and that you have no idea what's going to happen next.

...or maybe you do.

Because, Drew, your final words were not lost on me. I see that you saved the one true, honest thing that you had to say right until the very end. And I accept your offer, Drew. Because like I said a week ago, even though I'm sure you actually believe all of your hype, I also know that deep down, you're scared. You're scared of losing to me and what that will mean, no pun intended, to your Legacy. Maybe you can't even put your finger on it, Drew, but I can see it, smell it. I know that the fear is there, in you.  So I believe you when you say that this match isn't going to happen, Stevenson, and I accept your terms. Despite the fact that I'd love nothing more than that moment when I'm standing over you, my boot on your chest, I realize that there's one way you have in your power to make sure that it doesn't happen, and that you're prepared to use it. So I accept, Drew.

Don't show up.

I mean, that's it, right? That's what you're hinting at. You can mask it as chivalry if you want to, I don't care, I know fear when I see it. And if you can live with yourself and with making that decision, then by all means, Drew, don't show up. I'll win by default, and at the end of the day the result is still the same as it will be if you do show: I take one step closer to the Legacy Championship while you flounder somewhere beneath me where you belong.

Either way, same result.

The choice is up to you, Emerald.