2014.06.23: PWN - LEGACY - Kingpen

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(Backstage at the Carson Community Center, the cocky and young stud known as Aiden Marx can be seen standing with the WASTE World Heavyweight Championship belt propped firmly over his shoulder; and a grinning Angelica Night by his side. The pair of them casually stare up at the wall before them, admiring many framed photographs of past “legendary” figures in the sport of professional wrestling. Including, but not limited too; Rocco “The Bull” Lozio, King Treborn, “The Maharajah” Malik Khalid and Gregory “Megastar” Mitchell.)

“You see these men, Kevin?”

(Tilting his head to the side so he can glance over his shoulder, Aiden stares intently at the camera; while Angelica points toward the photographs, as if she were presenting them.)

“These are the men that fought tooth and nail with each other to solidify their legacy right here in the rinky-dink state of California. Legacies that their children carry on to this very day.”

<Turning around, both Aiden and Angelica sport confident smirks as they face the lens of the camera. Angelica gently resting her arm against the shoulder of her man.)

“Do you know what both these men and their children have in common, Kevin?”

(Aiden glances at Angelica, and flashes her a quick little wink; which she returns with a seductive smile.)

“They weren't superior to everybody. The proof is in the name, Kevin. WASTE: We Are Superior To Everyone. That's not just a cute gimmick, it's not just a cheap catchphrase; it's our way of life. And at Independence Day, I'm going to prove once and for all, to you and everybody else in this business; why I am and always will be, the tired and true, now and forever WASTE World Heavyweight Champion.”

(Licking her tongue across her teeth in a flirtatious manner, Angelica sexually glides her hands over the plate of the title on Aiden's shoulder.)

“I like to consider myself as a pretty intelligent man, Kevin. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say I was one of the smartest men in all of professional wrestling today, maybe of all time. I'm so clever, that I'm the only man to figure out the true identity of The Enigma himself, Kill Switch.”

(Giving a wink to Angelica once again, Aiden smiles like the natural antagonist he is; and adjusts his championship belt on his shoulder accordingly.)

“You? You proved beyond a single solitary shadow of a doubt last week that you're not a very intelligent man, when you stuck your nose where it didn't belong by rattling Peter Bauer's cage.”

(Aiden and Angelica share a stare again, as they both roll their eyes at the prospect of battling The Brass on your debut night with the company.)

“Don't get me wrong, Bauer and I aren't going to be exchanging Christmas gifts anytime soon; but if he wants to use WASTE as a tool to take out his anger on his enemies, then so be it. We'll gladly be his henchmen, and I'll gladly secure a victory over you in the process.”

(Popping the belt up and off of his shoulder, Aiden hands it to Angelica; who proudly displays it like it was the be all and end all of the business. Whilst Aiden outstretches his arms and reveals his WASTE tee, with all the members faces printed on it.)

“Get a good look at greatness, Kevin. Get a good, long, hard look at these four faces. Because you maybe booked to wrestle Aiden Marx at Independence Day, but in reality you're taking on WASTE. We ride together, and we fight together. We're not just a stable, we're not just a band of misfits as that spoiled brat Prince Treborn would have you believe; we're a family. When you take on one of us, you take on every one of us. So my suggestion to you, would be to make sure that you have eyes in the back of your head. Because not only will our Angel be at ringside, but you never know when Matt or Cam will pop up to clobber you over the head and aid me in victory.”

(Taking the title belt back off of Angelica, Aiden smiles at her and rubs his palm across her cheek in affection; before draping the championship back over his shoulder.)

“Kevin, the bottom line is this. I could stand here right now, and go on and on about everything I'm going to do to you when we face off at Independence Day. But that would be a waste of my precious time and energy, pun intended. So let me put it in layman terms that even someone as lowly as yourself can understand. On July 4th? Your hairline isn't going to be the only thing that's receding, your popularity, relevance and career will be as well. Courtesy of yours truly. The Kingpin of WASTE.”

(Turning their backs to the camera, Angelica suddenly whips out a can of spray paint from the jacket pocket of her gear; and hands it over to Aiden. After shaking it up, Aiden proceeds to spray the word “W A S T E” across the pictures upon the wall. Laughing right along with Angelica as they both look on as paint drips down the faces of the former stars of a bygone era.)